The procedure for performing research work. The procedure for performing and accepting the stages of nir and nir as a whole Procedure for conducting nir

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After the completion of the research stage, its results and the developed ONTD should be considered at the scientific and technical (scientific) council (hereinafter - STC) of the organization executing the research work or at the STC section with the participation of the customer, the head research institute by type of technology or other interested organizations by the decision of the research worker and the customer.

The results of the consideration of the research stage are drawn up in a protocol.

Acceptance of the research stage consists in reviewing and evaluating the results of the work performed, the quality of the submitted ONTD and other materials for the stage in accordance with the requirements of the TOR and the contract, as well as confirming the research results by testing the models, if this is specified in the TOR or the contract.

The following is presented for acceptance of the stage: the approved ONTD of the completed stage, the draft of the stage acceptance program (if it was developed), the protocol on the consideration of the R&D stage at the NTS (sections of the NTS), as well as other technical materials provided for by the TOR and the contract.

The research stage is accepted by the commission.

The results of acceptance are formalized by the acceptance certificate of the research stage, approved by the management of the research worker. The approved act is the basis for considering the R&D stage completed.

The basis for the acceptance of research work as a whole is the order (instruction) of the management of the performer of research and (or) the customer on the acceptance of research work.

The order indicates the name of the research work, the composition of the commission, the goals and objectives of the commission, the place and timing of work on the acceptance of research.

For R&D acceptance, R&D contractor submits:

· Approved TK;

· Approved acts of acceptance of completed stages of research and development;

· Approved scientific and technical report on research and other ONTD on research, stipulated by the TOR and the contract;

· Mock-ups, programs and test methods for mock-ups, if provided for by the TOR and the contract;

· Other materials on the proposals of the authorities that approved the TOR or the program for the acceptance of research.

Acceptance of research work consists in reviewing and checking the results of the work performed for compliance with the technical specification, analyzing the quality of the adopted technical solutions, and, if necessary, in confirming the research results by testing the models.

When accepting research work, the scientific and technical level of research, the validity of the proposed solutions and recommendations for the implementation and use of research results to create competitive products and services are assessed.

Based on the results of R&D acceptance, the commission draws up an R&D acceptance certificate signed by the chairman and all members of the commission and approved by the management of the R&D executor or the customer.

The date of the end of research work is the date of approval of the act of acceptance of research work.

The results of the completed R&D are implemented in accordance with the recommendations set out in the R&D acceptance certificate.

Terms of reference for research and development for the development of products for industrial and technical purposes. Composition and content of the document.

TK for R&D should consist of sections:

1. basis for work , where indicate the full name of the documents on the basis of which the work is carried out; start and end dates of work;

2. purpose and initial data for work , where the purpose of the research work, the problems to be solved, are indicated, whether this work is being carried out for the first time or is a continuation of the work performed, a list of research work, discoveries, inventions or other works on the basis of which this work is performed, as well as information about the technical characteristics of the analogue;

3. stages of research - indicate the stages, the timing of their implementation by the performers, and how the stage ends,

4. basic requirements for the implementation of research , where they establish the main technical requirements that must be observed during the research, in general, indicate the requirements for the nomenclature of parameters, numerical values, the accuracy of reproducing external conditions, methods of modeling the objects of research, special safety requirements during work, requirements for metrological support;

5. method of implementing research results where the intended ways of using the results of research and development work are indicated, including for product development, creation of methods, calculations, tests;

6. list of technical documentation presented at the end of the work , where indicate the documents presented for the consideration and acceptance of research, and the organization to which the reporting documentation is sent;

7. procedure for consideration and acceptance of research work , where they indicate the need for peer review, acceptance of research by the commission, preparation of interim reports;

8. feasibility study where the expected advantages of new products over existing domestic and foreign counterparts are given, the approximate economic efficiency from the introduction of these products;

9. annexes , where diagrams, tables, lists of reference and information patent materials necessary for carrying out research and development work are given.

General requirements for the organization and the procedure for performing experimental design work for the development of products for industrial and technical purposes. Terms of reference for experimental design work for the development of products for industrial and technical purposes. Composition and content of the document.

General requirements for the organization and the procedure for the implementation of R&D for the development of products for industrial and technical purposes.

OCD - a set of works on the development of design and technical documentation for a prototype, manufacturing and testing of a prototype of a prototype batch, produced for the creation or modernization of products.

R&D is carried out on the basis of the results of previously performed research and development using the development and operation of products similar in purpose or principle of operation, as well as on the basis of an analysis of advanced achievements and the technical level of domestic and foreign technology.

The basis for the implementation of the ROC is the technical specification, approved by the customer, and the agreement (contract) with him.

The order of implementation of the ROC includes:

1) development of technical documentation (design (CD) and technological (TD)),

2) production of prototypes,

3) testing of prototypes,

4) acceptance of R&D results;

The ROC stage is followed by the production stage, which includes:

1) preparation of production,

2) development of production:

Manufacturing of the installation series,

· Qualification tests.

Scientific research work (R&D) these are scientific developments related to the search, research, experiments in order to obtain new knowledge, test hypotheses, establish patterns, scientific justification of projects.

R&D performance is regulated by the following normative documents: GOST 15.101-98 "Procedure for performing research", GOST 7.32-2001 "Making a report on research", STB-1080-2011 "Procedure for performing research, development and experimental technological work to create scientific and technical products ”, etc. (Appendix 10).

Distinguish fundamental, search and applied R&D.

As a rule, fundamental and prospecting works are not included in the product life cycle, however, on their basis, ideas are generated that can be transformed into applied research projects.

Basic research can be divided into "clean" (free) and targeted.

"Pure" basic research- this is research, the main purpose of which is the disclosure and knowledge of unknown laws and regularities of nature and society, the causes of phenomena and the disclosure of connections between them, as well as increasing the volume of scientific knowledge. In "pure" research, there is freedom to choose the field of research and methods of scientific work.

Targeted basic research are aimed at solving specific problems using strictly scientific methods based on the available data. They are limited to a certain area of ​​science, and their purpose is not only to understand the laws of nature and society, but also to explain phenomena and processes, in a more complete understanding of the object under study, and expanding human knowledge.

This fundamental research can be called goal-oriented. They retain the freedom to choose the methods of work, but unlike "pure" fundamental research, there is no freedom to choose the objects of research, the area and purpose of the research are tentatively set (for example, the development of a controlled thermonuclear reaction).

Basic research conducted by academic research institutes and universities. The results of fundamental research - theories, discoveries, new principles of action. The probability of their use is 5 - 10%.

Exploratory research cover works aimed at studying the ways and methods of practical application of the results of fundamental research. Their implementation presupposes the possibility of alternative directions for solving an applied problem and the choice of the most promising direction for its solution. They are based on the known results of fundamental research, although as a result of the search, their main provisions may be revised.

The main purpose of exploratory research- the use of the results of fundamental research for practical application in various fields in the near future (for example, the search and identification of the possibilities of using a laser in practice).

Exploratory research can include work on the creation of fundamentally new materials, metal processing technologies, the study and development of scientific foundations for optimizing technological processes, the search for new drugs, the analysis of the biological effect of new chemical compounds on the body, etc.

Exploratory research is of a variety: exploratory research of a wide profile without a special application to a particular production and of a narrowly focused nature for solving problems of specific industries.

Search work is carried out in universities, academic and industry research institutes. In some branch institutes of industry and other branches of the national economy, the proportion of prospecting work reaches 10%.

The probability of practical use of exploratory research is about 30%.

Applied Research (R&D) are one of the stages of the life cycle of creating new types of products. These include research that is carried out with the aim of the practical use of the results of fundamental and exploratory research in relation to specific problems.

The purpose of applied research is to answer the question “is it possible to create a new type of product, materials or technological processes based on the results of fundamental and exploratory research, and with what characteristics”.

Applied research is carried out mainly in industry research institutes. The results of applied research - patentable schemes, scientific recommendations proving the technical feasibility of creating innovations (machine tools, devices, technologies). At this stage, a market target can be set with a high degree of probability. The probability of practical use of applied research is 75 - 85%.

Research and development work consists of stages (stages), which are understood as a logically substantiated set of works that have independent significance and are an object of planning and financing.

The specific composition of the stages and the nature of the work performed within their framework are determined by the specifics of the research work.

According to GOST 15.101-98 "Procedure for performing research", the main stages of research are:

1. Development of technical specifications (TOR)- selection and study of scientific and technical literature, patent information and other materials on the topic, discussion of the data obtained, on the basis of which an analytical review is made, hypotheses and forecasts are put forward, customer requirements are taken into account. Based on the results of the analysis, research directions and ways of implementing the requirements that the product must satisfy are selected. Reporting scientific and technical documentation for the stage is drawn up, the necessary performers are determined, the terms of reference are prepared and issued.

At the stage of development of technical specifications for research, the following types of information are used:

· object of study;

· A description of the requirements for the research object;

· A list of functions of the object of research of a general technical nature;

· A list of physical and other effects, patterns and theories that can be the basis of the principle of operation of a new product;

· Technical solutions (in predictive research);

· Information about the scientific and technical potential of the performer of research work;

· Information about the production and material resources of the R&D contractor;

· marketing research;

· Data on the expected economic effect.

Additionally, the following information is used:

· Methods for solving individual problems;

· General technical requirements (standards, environmental and other restrictions, requirements for reliability, maintainability, ergonomics, and so on);

· Projected terms of product renewal;

· Proposals of licenses and "know-how" on the object of research.

2. Choosing a direction of research- collection and study of scientific and technical information, preparation of an analytical review, patent research, formulation of possible directions for solving the tasks set in the TK of research and development, and their comparative assessment, selection and justification of the accepted direction of research and methods for solving problems, comparison of the expected indicators of new products after implementation of research results with existing indicators of analogue products, assessment of the approximate economic efficiency of new products, development of a general research methodology. Drawing up an interim report.

3. Conducting theoretical, experimental research- development of working hypotheses, construction of models of the object of research, justification of assumptions, scientific and technical ideas are tested, research methods are developed, the choice of various types of schemes is justified, calculation and research methods are selected, the need for experimental work is identified, and methods for their implementation are developed.

If the need for experimental work is determined, the design and manufacture of models and an experimental sample are carried out.

Bench and field experimental tests of the sample are carried out according to the developed programs and methods, the test results are analyzed, the degree of correspondence of the data obtained on the experimental sample to the calculated and theoretical conclusions is determined.

If there are deviations from the technical specification, then the experimental sample is being finalized, additional tests are carried out, if necessary, changes are made to the developed schemes, calculations, technical documentation.

4. Registration of research results- preparation of reporting documentation on the results of research, including materials on the novelty and expediency of using the results of research, on economic efficiency. If positive results are obtained, then scientific and technical documentation and a draft technical assignment for experimental design work are developed. The compiled and executed set of scientific and technical documentation is presented to the customer for acceptance. If private technical solutions are new, then they are drawn up through the patent service, regardless of the completion of the preparation of all technical documentation. The head of the topic, before presenting the research work to the commission, draws up a notice of its readiness for acceptance.

5. Subject acceptance- discussion and approval of the research results (scientific and technical report) and the signing of the customer's act of acceptance of the work. If positive results are obtained and an acceptance certificate is signed, then the developer transfers to the customer:

An experimental sample of a new product accepted by the commission;

Acceptance test reports and acts of acceptance of the prototype (model) of the product;

Calculations of the economic efficiency of using the development results;

The necessary design and technological documentation for the manufacture of an experimental sample.

The developer takes part in the design and development of a new product and, along with the customer, is responsible for the achievement of the guaranteed performance of the product.

Comprehensive research and development work according to a specific target program allows not only to solve a scientific and technical problem, but also to create a sufficient reserve for more efficient and high-quality development work, design and technological preparation of production, as well as significantly reduce the amount of improvements and the time for creating and mastering a new technology.

Experimental and design developments (R&D). The continuation of applied research is technical developments: experimental design (ROC), design and technological (PTR) and design (PR) developments. At this stage, new technological processes are developed, samples of new products, machines and devices, etc. are created.

R&D is regulated by:

STB 1218-2000. Development and launch of products for production. Terms and Definitions.

STB-1080-2011. "The procedure for the implementation of research, development and experimental technological work to create scientific and technical products."

TKP 424-2012 (02260). The procedure for the development and launch of products for production. Technical Code. The provisions of the technical code apply to work on the creation of new or improved products (services, technologies), including the creation of innovative products.

· GOST R 15.201-2000, System of product development and launching into production. Products for industrial and technical purposes. The procedure for the development and launch of products for production.

· And others (see Appendix 10).

The purpose of the development work is the development of a set of working design documentation in the volume and quality of development, sufficient for the production of a certain type of product (GOST R 15.201-2000).

The experimental design work for its purposes is a consistent implementation of the results of previously carried out applied research.

Development work is mainly carried out by design and engineering organizations. The tangible result of this stage is drawings, projects, standards, instructions, prototypes. The probability of practical use of the results is 90 - 95%.

Main types of work that are included in the ROC:

1) preliminary design (development of fundamental technical solutions of the product, giving a general idea of ​​the principle of operation and (or) the device of the product);

2) technical design (development of final technical solutions that give a complete picture of the product design);

3) design (design implementation of technical solutions);

4) modeling, pilot production of product samples;

5) confirmation of technical solutions and their design implementation by testing models and prototypes.

Typical stages OCD are:

1. Technical task - the original document, on the basis of which all work is carried out to create a new product, developed by the manufacturer of the product and agreed with the customer (main consumer). Approved by the leading ministry (whose profile the product under development belongs to).

The terms of reference determine the purpose of the future product, carefully substantiate its technical and operational parameters and characteristics: performance, dimensions, speed, reliability, durability and other indicators due to the nature of the future product. It also contains information about the nature of production, conditions of transportation, storage and repair, recommendations on the implementation of the necessary stages of development of design documentation and its composition, feasibility study and other requirements.

The development of technical specifications is based on the completed research work, marketing research information, analysis of existing similar models and their operating conditions.

When developing TOR for R&D, information is used that is similar to that for the development of TOR for R&D (see above).

After agreement and approval, the terms of reference is the basis for the development of a draft design.

2. Preliminary design consists of a graphic part and an explanatory note. The first part contains fundamental design solutions that give an idea of ​​the product and the principle of its operation, as well as data that determine the purpose, main parameters and overall dimensions. It gives an idea of ​​the future design of the product, including general drawings, functional blocks, input and output electrical data of all nodes (blocks) that make up the general block diagram.

At this stage, documentation for the manufacture of models is developed, their manufacture and testing are carried out, after which the design documentation is corrected. The second part of the draft design contains the calculation of the main design parameters, a description of the operational features and an approximate schedule of work on the technical preparation of production.

The layout of the product allows you to achieve a successful layout of individual parts, find more correct aesthetic and ergonomic solutions, and thereby speed up the development of design documentation at subsequent stages.

The tasks of the draft design include the development of guidelines for ensuring manufacturability, reliability, standardization and unification at subsequent stages, as well as drawing up a list of specifications for materials and components for prototypes for their subsequent transfer to the logistics service.

The draft design goes through the same stages of agreement and approval as the technical task.

3. Technical project is developed on the basis of an approved draft design and provides for the implementation of the graphic and calculation parts, as well as clarification of the technical and economic indicators of the product being created. It consists of a set of design documents containing the final technical solutions that give a complete picture of the device under development and the initial data for the development of working documentation.

In the graphical part of the technical project, drawings of the general view of the designed product, assemblies in the assembly and main parts are provided. Drawings must be agreed with technologists.

The explanatory note contains a description and calculation of the parameters of the main assembly units and basic parts of the product, a description of the principles of its operation, the rationale for the choice of materials and types of protective coatings, a description of all schemes and the final technical and economic calculations. At this stage, during the development of product variants, a prototype is manufactured and tested. The technical project goes through the same stages of coordination and approval as the technical task.

4. Working draft is a further development and specification of the technical project. This stage is divided into three levels: development of working documentation for a pilot batch (prototype); development of working documentation for the installation series; development of working documentation for serial or mass production.

The result of the R&D is a set of working design documentation (CDD) for launching a new type of product into production.

Working design documentation (WDC)- a set of design documents intended for the manufacture, control, acceptance, delivery, operation and repair of the product. Along with the term "working design documentation", the terms "working technological documentation" and "working technical documentation" are used with a similar definition. Working documentation, depending on the scope of use, is subdivided into production, operational and repair design documentation.

Thus, the result of R&D, in other words, scientific and technical products (STP) is a set of RKD. Such a set of design documentation may include:

The actual design documentation,

Software documentation,

· Operational documentation.

In some cases, if it is provided for by the requirements of the technical assignment, technological documentation may also be included in the composition of the working technical documentation.

Various stages of R&D, as they are performed, should contain their characteristic results, such results are:

· Technical documentation based on the results of preliminary design;

· Mock-ups, experimental and prototypes made in the course of the development work;

Test results of prototypes: preliminary (PI), interdepartmental (MI), acceptance (PR), state (GI), etc.

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5. The procedure for the implementation and acceptance of stages of research and development and research in general

5.1 Fulfillment of the requirements of the TK, including ensuring safety for human life and health and environmental protection, compatibility and interchangeability in the manufacture and testing of models and in the implementation of research and development, is carried out:

At the stage of choosing research areas - by working out safety and environmental issues, formulating the necessary requirements and developing measures for their implementation;

At the stage of theoretical and experimental research - by clarifying and experimental verification of these requirements in the manufacture and testing of models;

At the stage of generalization and evaluation of research results - by including the specified requirements in the ONTD.

The effectiveness and sufficiency of the developed requirements and the measures taken for their implementation are assessed during the acceptance of the stages of research and development and research as a whole and are reflected in the acceptance certificates and test reports of the models.

5.2 The development and implementation of requirements for standardization and unification of created product samples is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the national standardization system and TK.

5.2.1 When developing proposals for unification, the possibilities of using borrowed components in the design of a product sample, a block-modular design principle, using a product sample and its component parts as basic ones for creating their modifications should be taken into account, and proposals for creating parametric and standard-size series of components, on the use of unified structural elements, components, materials and raw materials in the design of a product, on the use of standard design-technological solutions and progressive technologies.

5.2.2 Work on metrological support is carried out in accordance with the requirements of interstate standards for ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

5.3 Requirements for limiting the range of materials and components used are developed in order to prevent the use of obsolete, unpromising or non-compliant materials and components in the created sample of products.

5.4 Models are made, as a rule, according to sketch design documents. It is allowed to manufacture layouts according to working design documentation.

Tests of models are carried out according to the approved programs and methods of the R&D contractor, agreed with the customer by his decision.

The test results of the models are drawn up with a test report (act).

5.5 Patent research is carried out at all stages of research. The content and scope of patent research is established in the TK and the contract.

5.6 To provide methodological assistance in the performance of work according to 5.1-5.5, to participate in the implementation of research work in the consideration of its results or its stages, to assess the scientific and technical level of research work, review the ONTD and issue conclusions on it, to participate in the control and acceptance of research work and Its stages may, under a contract with an R&D contractor, involve leading research institutes for the type of equipment or other specialized organizations, including those for technology and materials science.

5.7 Acceptance of R&D stages

5.7.1 After the completion of the R&D stage, its results and the developed ONTD should be considered at the scientific and technical (scientific) council (hereinafter - STC) of the research organization executing or at the STC section with the participation of the customer, the head research institute by type of technology or other interested organizations for the decision of the R&D contractor and the customer.

The results of the consideration of the research stage are drawn up in a protocol.

5.7.2 ONTD at the stage of research and development before consideration at the STC can be sent for review. The need for reviewing and the reviewing organization are established in the TOR and the research contract.

5.7.3 The ONTD, adjusted based on the results of consideration at the STC (section of the STC), is approved by the management of the R&D contractor.

5.7.4 Acceptance of the R&D stage consists in reviewing and assessing the results of the work performed, the quality of the submitted ONTD and other materials for the stage in accordance with the requirements of the TOR and the contract, as well as confirming the research results by testing the models, if this is specified in the TOR or the contract.

5.7.5 For the acceptance of the stage, the following is presented: the approved ONTD of the completed stage, the draft of the stage acceptance program (if it was developed), the protocol on the consideration of the R&D stage at the STC (section of the STC), as well as other technical materials provided for by the TOR and the contract.

The R&D stage is accepted by the commission, the need for the creation of which, its composition and terms of work are established by the management of the R&D performer in agreement with the customer.

The results of acceptance are formalized by the acceptance certificate of the research stage, approved by the management of the research worker. The approved act is the basis for considering the R&D stage completed.

5.8 Acceptance of research and development work in general

5.8.1 After acceptance of the R&D stages, the R&D performer draws up ONTD and other materials on R&D in general, which must be considered at the STC (section of the STC) in accordance with the requirements of 5.7.1-5.7.3.

5.8.2 Acceptance of research work is carried out by a permanent or specially created commission.

The basis for the acceptance of research work is the order (instruction) of the management of the performer of research and (or) the customer on the acceptance of research work.

The order indicates the name of the research work, the composition of the commission, the goals and objectives of the commission, the place and timing of work on the acceptance of research.

5.8.3 If necessary, the R&D performer can develop a R&D acceptance program approved by the management of the R&D performer. The program indicates the name of the work, a specific list of technical materials and documents presented for acceptance, the volume, content and sequence of work during the acceptance of research and development.

5.8.4 For acceptance of research work, the performer of research work presents:

Approved TK;

Approved acts of acceptance of completed stages of research and development;

Approved scientific and technical report on research and other ONTD on research, stipulated by the TOR and the contract;

Models, programs and methods for testing models, if provided for by the TOR and the contract;

Other materials on the proposals of the authorities that approved the TOR or the R&D acceptance program.

5.8.5 Acceptance of research work consists in reviewing and checking the results of the work performed for compliance with the technical specifications, analyzing the quality of the adopted technical solutions, and, if necessary, in confirming the research results by testing models.

When accepting research work, the scientific and technical level of research, the validity of the proposed solutions and recommendations for the implementation and use of research results to create competitive products and services are assessed.

5.8.6 Based on the results of R&D acceptance, the commission draws up an R&D acceptance certificate signed by the chairman and all members of the commission and approved by the management of the R&D executor or the customer.

The date of the end of research work is the date of approval of the act of acceptance of research work.

5.8.7 The results of the completed R&D are implemented in accordance with the recommendations set out in the R&D acceptance certificate.

A completed research work is considered implemented if, in accordance with the goals set in the research work, its results are used in the development of:

Main directions or federal (regional, interstate) target programs for the development of technology;

New (modernization of existing) product samples or their component parts;

Terms of reference, according to which new (modernize existing) product samples are developed;

Decisions on a radical change in the direction of certain research, development or experimental technological work;

Terms of reference for other research projects;

Regulatory, technical and organizational-methodological documents (standards, regulations, methods, instructions, manuals) used in the development, production, operation and repair of products;

Programs and test methods for new (modernized) product samples.

5.8.8 The rights of ownership, disposal and use of industrial and intellectual property objects created in the research work are determined by the current legislation and the contract.

5.1 Fulfillment of the requirements of the TK, including ensuring safety for human life and health and environmental protection, compatibility and interchangeability in the manufacture and testing of models and in the implementation of research and development, is carried out:

- at the stage of choosing research areas - by working out safety and environmental issues, formulating the necessary requirements and developing measures for their implementation;

- at the stage of theoretical and experimental research - by clarifying and experimental verification of these requirements in the manufacture and testing of models;

- at the stage of generalization and evaluation of research results - by including the specified requirements in the ONTD.

The effectiveness and sufficiency of the developed requirements and the measures taken for their implementation are assessed during the acceptance of the stages of research and development and research as a whole and are reflected in the acceptance certificates and test reports of the models.

5.2 The development and implementation of requirements for standardization and unification of created product samples is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the national standardization system and TK.

5.2.1 When developing proposals for unification, the possibilities of using borrowed components in the design of a product sample, a block-modular design principle, using a product sample and its component parts as basic ones for creating their modifications should be taken into account, as well as proposals for creating parametric and standard-size series of components, on the use of standardized structural elements, components, materials and raw materials in the design of a product, on the use of standard design-technological solutions and progressive technologies.

5.2.2 Work on metrological support is carried out in accordance with the requirements of interstate standards for ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

5.3 Requirements for limiting the range of materials and components used are developed in order to prevent the use of obsolete, unpromising or non-compliant materials and components in the created sample of products.

5.4 Models are made, as a rule, according to sketch design documents. It is allowed to manufacture layouts according to working design documentation.

Tests of models are carried out according to the approved programs and methods of the R&D contractor, agreed with the customer by his decision.

The test results of the models are drawn up with a test report (act).

5.5 Patent research is carried out at all stages of research. The content and scope of patent research is established in the TK and the contract.

5.6 To provide methodological assistance in the performance of work according to 5.1-5.5, to participate in the implementation of research and development work in the consideration of its results or its stages, to assess the scientific and technical level of research work, review the ONTD and issue conclusions on it, to participate in the control and acceptance of research work and Its stages may, under a contract with an R&D contractor, involve leading research institutes for the type of equipment or other specialized organizations, including those for technology and materials science.

5.7 Acceptance of R&D stages

5.7.1 After the completion of the R&D stage, its results and the developed ONTD should be considered at the scientific and technical (scientific) council (hereinafter - STC) of the research organization executing or at the STC section with the participation of the customer, the head research institute by type of technology or other interested organizations for the decision of the R&D contractor and the customer.

The results of the consideration of the research stage are drawn up in a protocol.

5.7.2 ONTD at the stage of research and development before consideration at the STC can be sent for review. The need for reviewing and the organization-reviewer are established in the TOR and the contract for the implementation of research and development.

5.7.3 The ONTD, adjusted based on the results of consideration at the STC (section of the STC), is approved by the management of the R&D contractor.

5.7.4 Acceptance of the R&D stage consists in reviewing and assessing the results of the work performed, the quality of the submitted ONTD and other materials for the stage in accordance with the requirements of the TOR and the contract, as well as confirming the research results by testing the models, if this is specified in the TOR or the contract.

5.7.5 For the acceptance of the stage, the following is presented: the approved ONTD of the completed stage, the draft stage acceptance program (if it was developed), the protocol on the consideration of the R&D stage at the STC (section of the STC), as well as other technical materials provided for by the TOR and the contract.

The R&D stage is accepted by the commission, the need for the creation of which, its composition and terms of work are established by the management of the R&D performer in agreement with the customer.

The results of acceptance are formalized by the acceptance certificate of the research stage, approved by the management of the research worker. The approved act is the basis for considering the R&D stage completed.

5.8 Acceptance of research and development work in general

5.8.1 After acceptance of the stages of R&D, the R&D performer draws up ONTD and other materials on R&D in general, which should be considered on the NTS (NTS sections) in accordance with the requirements of 5.7.1-5.7.3.

5.8.2 Acceptance of research work is carried out by a permanent or specially created commission.

The basis for the acceptance of research work is the order (instruction) of the management of the performer of research and (or) the customer on the acceptance of research work.

The order indicates the name of the research work, the composition of the commission, the goals and objectives of the commission, the place and timing of work on the acceptance of research.

5.8.3 If necessary, the R&D performer can develop a R&D acceptance program approved by the management of the R&D performer. The program indicates the name of the work, a specific list of technical materials and documents presented for acceptance, the volume, content and sequence of work during the acceptance of research and development.

5.8.4 For acceptance of research work, the performer of research work presents:

- approved TK;

- approved acts of acceptance of completed stages of research and development;

- approved scientific and technical report on research and other ONTD on research, stipulated by the TOR and the contract;

- mock-ups, programs and test methods for mock-ups, if provided for by the TOR and the contract;

- other materials on the proposals of the authorities that approved the TK or the program for the acceptance of research and development.

5.8.5 Acceptance of research work consists in reviewing and checking the results of the work performed for compliance with the technical specifications, analyzing the quality of the adopted technical solutions, and, if necessary, in confirming the research results by testing models.

When accepting research work, the scientific and technical level of research, the validity of the proposed solutions and recommendations for the implementation and use of research results to create competitive products and services are assessed.

5.8.6 Based on the results of R&D acceptance, the commission draws up an R&D acceptance certificate signed by the chairman and all members of the commission and approved by the management of the R&D executor or the customer.

The date of the end of research work is the date of approval of the act of acceptance of research work.

5.8.7 The results of the completed R&D are implemented in accordance with the recommendations set out in the R&D acceptance certificate.

A completed research work is considered implemented if, in accordance with the goals set in the research work, its results are used in the development of:

- the main directions or federal (regional, interstate) target programs for the development of technology;

- new (modernization of existing) product samples or their components;

- technical specifications, according to which new (modernize existing) product samples are developed;

- Decisions on a radical change in the directions of individual research, development or experimental and technological work;

- technical specifications for other research projects;

- regulatory, technical and organizational-methodological documents (standards, regulations, methods, instructions, manuals) used in the development, production, operation and repair of products;

- programs and methods for testing new (modernized) product samples.

5.8.8 The rights of ownership, disposal and use of industrial and intellectual property objects created in the research work are determined by the current legislation and the contract.

* * TK is developed in accordance with the requirements of the SRPP complex of standards. The TK is approved by the customer (in cases of contractual research) or the head of the executing company (in cases of proactive research).

* * A customer can be either a government customer or any other business entity in accordance with section 1 of this standard.

* * Research report - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.32.

* *** A plan of joint work is developed when performing research on the creation of complex products with the participation of several co-executors.


7.1. Types of research and development and their main stages

Scientific research can be divided into fundamental, exploratory and applied (Table 7.1)

Table 7.1

Types of research work

Research types

Research results

Fundamental R&D

Expansion of theoretical knowledge. Obtaining new scientific data on the processes, phenomena, laws that exist in the research area; scientific foundations, methods and principles of research

Search R&D

An increase in the volume of knowledge for a deeper understanding of the subject being studied. Development of forecasts for the development of science and technology; discovery of ways to apply new phenomena and patterns

Applied research

Solving specific scientific problems to create new products. Obtaining recommendations, instructions, calculation and technical materials, methods. Determination of the possibility of conducting R&D on the subject of research

As a rule, fundamental and search work is not included in the product life cycle. However, on their basis, ideas are generated that can be transformed into R&D projects.

Applied R&D is one of the stages of the product life cycle. Their task is to answer the question: Is it possible to create a new type of product and with what characteristics? The procedure for conducting research and development is regulated by GOST 15.101-80. The specific composition of the stages and the nature of the work performed within their framework are determined by the specifics of the research work.

The following main stages of research and development are recommended:
1) development of technical specifications (TOR) for research work;
2) the choice of areas of research;
3) theoretical and experimental research;
4) generalization and evaluation of research results.

An approximate list of works at the stages of research and development is given in Table 7.2.

Table 7.2

Research stages and scope of work on them

Research stages

Scope of work

Development of technical specifications for research and development

Scientific forecasting.
Analysis of the results of fundamental and exploratory research.
Study of patent documents.
Taking into account the requirements of customers.

Choosing a direction of research

Collection and study of scientific and technical information.
Preparation of an analytical review.
Conducting patent research.
Formulation of possible directions for solving the tasks set in the TK of research, and their comparative assessment.
Selection and justification of the accepted direction of research and methods of solving problems.
Comparison of the expected indicators of new products after the implementation of the results of research and development with the existing indicators of analogue products.
Estimation of the estimated economic efficiency of new products.
Development of a general research methodology.

Theoretical and experimental research

Development of working hypotheses, construction of models of the object of research, justification of assumptions.
Revealing the need for experiments to confirm certain provisions of theoretical studies or to obtain specific values ​​of the parameters required for calculations.
Development of experimental research methods, preparation of models (layouts, experimental samples), as well as test equipment.
Experiments, data processing.
Comparison of experimental results with theoretical studies.
Correction of theoretical models of the object.
Carrying out additional experiments if necessary.
Feasibility studies.
Drawing up an interim report.

Generalization and evaluation of research results

Generalization of the results of the previous stages of work.
Assessment of the completeness of the solution of problems.
Development of recommendations for further research and development work.
Development of the draft specification for R&D.
Leaving the final report.
Acceptance of research work by the commission

7.2. Information support for applied research

At the stage of development of technical specifications for research, the following types of information are used:
- object of study;
- a description of the requirements for the research object;
- a list of functions of the research object of a general technical nature;
- a list of physical and other effects, patterns and theories that can be the basis of the principle of operation of the product;
- technical solutions (in predictive studies);
- information about the scientific and technical potential of the research worker;
- information about production resources (in relation to the object of research);
- information about material resources;
- marketing information;
- data on the expected economic effect.

Additionally, the following information is used:
- methods for solving individual problems and processing information;
- general technical requirements (standards, restrictions on harmful effects, requirements for reliability, maintainability, ergonomics, and so on);
- projected terms of product renewal;
- Proposals of licenses and "know-how" on the object of research.

At the subsequent stages of research, the information listed above is mainly used as a base. Additionally used:
- information about new principles of action, new hypotheses, theories, research results;
- data of economic assessment, modeling of basic processes, optimization of multicriteria tasks, prototyping, standard calculations, restrictions;
- requirements for information entered into information systems, etc.

7.3. Methods for assessing the scientific and technical effectiveness of research

The result of research and development is the achievement of scientific, scientific and technical, economic and social effects. The scientific effect is characterized by the acquisition of new scientific knowledge and reflects the increase in information intended for "intrascientific" consumption. The scientific and technical effect characterizes the possibility of using the results of the research carried out in other research and development projects and provides the information necessary for the creation of new products. The economic effect characterizes the commercial effect obtained by using the results of applied research. The social effect is manifested in the improvement of working conditions, an increase in economic characteristics, the development of culture, health care, science, and education.

Scientific activity is multifaceted, its results, as a rule, can be used in many areas of the economy for a long time.

Evaluation of scientific and scientific-technical performance of research work is carried out using a system of weighted point assessments. For fundamental research, only the coefficient of scientific performance is calculated (Table 7.3), and for prospecting work, and the coefficient of scientific and technical performance (Table 7.4). Estimates of the coefficients can only be established on the basis of the experience and knowledge of scientists who are used as experts. The assessment of the scientific and technical performance of applied research work is carried out on the basis of comparing the technical parameters achieved as a result of the research work with the basic ones (which could have been implemented before the research work was performed).

Table 7.3

Characteristics of factors and signs of scientific research performance

Scientific performance factor

Coef. significance of the factor

Factor quality

Factor characteristic

Coef. achieved level

The novelty of the results

Fundamentally new results, new theory, discovery of a new pattern

Some general patterns, methods, ways to create a fundamentally new



A positive decision based on simple generalizations, analysis of relationships between factors, the extension of known principles to new objects


Description of individual factors, dissemination of previously obtained results, abstract reviews

The depth of scientific study

Performing complex theoretical calculations, checking on a large amount of experimental data

Low complexity of calculations, verification on a small amount of experimental data


The theoretical calculations are simple, the experiment was not carried out

Success rate


Table 7.4

Characteristics of factors and signs of scientific and technical effectiveness of research

Scientific and technical performance factor

Coef. significance of the factor

Factor quality

Factor characteristic

Coef. achieved level

The prospect of using the results


The results can be applied in many scientific fields.

The results will be used in the development of new technical solutions.


The results will be used in subsequent research and development.

Scale of implementation of results

National economy

Implementation time: up to 3 years,
up to 5 years old,
up to 10 years,
over 10 years


Implementation time: up to 3 years,
up to 5 years old,
up to 10 years,
over 10 years


Individual firms and enterprises

Implementation time: up to 3 years,
up to 5 years old,
up to 10 years,
over 10 years


Completeness of results

Terms of Reference for ROC


Overview, information

In this case, the coefficient of scientific and technical performance is determined by the formula




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