Priorbank entrance for legal entities. Priorbank internet banking username. Priorbank Internet banking: entrance to the personal account for individuals. How to pay for the services of the mobile operator velcom. Conditions for connecting to the Internet Bank

June 15, 2015 16559

It is easy to understand those who prefer to pay utility bills and other services without leaving their homes. In such wonderful weather, it is better to spend your time walking in the fresh air, rather than standing in line to pay for electricity or mobile operator services.

The site continues to test Internet banking from various financial and credit institutions within the framework of the project. Today we will explore the possibilities of the service provided by Priorbank.

In order to start using the Internet Bank system from Priorbank, it is not at all necessary to contact the branch, registration can also be done on the website.

In order to register, you will have to enter a lot of your personal data, such as your full name, phone number, passport number, personal number, the last four digits of the card and some others.

We had already registered in the Priorbank system, so we were incredibly glad that we could avoid all this mess with data entry. However, the joy was premature. We registered a long time ago, and the login and password completely flew out of our heads.

Therefore, we turned to the Priorbank Contact Center for help. It turned out that you can restore access from the bank's website. For this, in the section "Internet bankPriorOnline» choose "Restoring access to the Internet Bank". And just like with the initial registration, you need to enter a lot of your personal data.

After the registration is over, the system asks you to go to the section "Setting secret parameters for the Internet Bank". Here you need to enter a personal number from the passport, which will become a new login to enter. After entering, an SMS code comes to the mobile number indicated earlier. We type it and go to the page on which you need to generate a password to enter and an authorization code.

This is, to put it mildly, a multi-stage and uncomfortable procedure we had to go through. After that, we have all the necessary login information.

We go to the main page of the Internet bank, and find sections for making transactions, a chat with a contact center operator, phone numbers for contacting bank specialists, as well as exchange rates.

Now let's see what the sections presented on the main page contain.

Chapter "Payments" consists of subsections:

  • Own one button
  • New
  • Arbitrary
  • Setting up auto payments
  • Setting up your own
  • Payment receipts

I would like to note one inconvenient feature of this Internet banking system. In order to move from section to section, we will need to constantly enter the authorization code, which is rather annoying :(

"Own payments with one button» allow you to pay for several services from the list at once. If you want to add a payment to the list of your own, you need to check the box next to "Into Your Own" when you make payment.

In subsection "New" you can pay for various services. If you have difficulty finding a service, you can use the filter.

Subsection « Arbitrary» allows you to create a payment for arbitrary details. Recall that for this you need to know the UNP and the recipient's account, his account number and the code of the bank in which he is serviced. The commission for such a transfer will be 0.5% (minimum 5 thousand Belarusian rubles).

In the subsection " Setting up auto payments» You can set up a schedule for payments that you want to make regularly.

"Customizing your own» is a service in which you can assign a name to a payment, create a group of payments, and delete from your own.

« Payment receipts» - an analogue of the history of operations in other banks. Each of the checks can be opened to view additional information and saved to your computer. If you need to find a specific operation, you can use the filter.

Behind the section "Payments" follows a section "Translations". It allows you to transfer funds between your cards and other people's cards. In the case when both cards belong to the same person, you will not have to pay a commission. If different, the commission will be 5 thousand rubles. The minimum transfer amount is 5 thousand rubles.

By the way, you can make a transfer from a ruble card to a currency card, but in this case both cards must belong to you. If the cards belong to different owners, it will not work to transfer from a ruble to a currency card.

Next section "My products» consists of subsections:

  • Payment cards
  • Treaties
  • Electronic deposits
  • Visibility setting

In the subsection " Payment cards» the cards you have are displayed. Using the subsection, you can perform many operations with cards: generate a statement, manage limits, block a card, give it a name, and much more.

In subsection "Contracts" you will find information about your deposits and savings cards, if available, of course. With the help of this service, you can generate an extract, replenish the deposit, give it a name.

In the subsection " Electronic deposits» contains information about the products you have opened. We don't have those. Note that using this subsection you can open an electronic deposit "» .

By default, you see all your accounts and products. But if desired, in the subsection "Visibility setting" You can set to display only those accounts and products for which you want to see information.

Let's go to the section " Filling out applications". Applications you have already filled out to the bank will be displayed here. Also, using this service, you can fill out applications:

  • for issuing/reissuing a card
  • loan and/or credit card
  • to connect / disconnect SMS - informing

Chapter "Service Manager» allows:

  • Connect USSD and SMS-Bank services
  • Change login and password
  • Change authorization code
  • Close/block access to Internet, USSD and SMS-Bank services
  • Change the phone number to which codes for payment confirmation will be sent

Chapter " Appointment to visit the bank» helps to plan and reserve the time of visiting the bank in advance. To do this, you must indicate a convenient time for you and the address of the bank branch.

In the next section " My Information» contains current and archived messages of the bank, as well as information about you: your full name, phone number, e-mail address, your number in the customer register.

Chapter " Exchange rates» — information about the cash/non-cash rates for buying, selling and converting foreign currency, as well as about the rates of the National Bank of Belarus.

We have compiled a list of transactions (if any) that will be considered when testing the Internet Banking service:

  • Mobile payment
  • Internet payment
  • Payment of utility bills
  • Transfer from card to card
  • Applying for a loan
  • Opening a deposit
  • Feedback from the bank

Mobile payment

To pay for the services of a mobile operator, you need to refer to the "tree" of ERIP payments, which is located in the section "Payments". The chain of action is as follows:

"Payments""New""System "Calculation""Mobile connection"— select an operator, for example, velcom — “velcom by phone number”

Unlike other operations, when paying for the services of a mobile operator, you do not need to enter a mobile code.
Operation completed.

Internet payment

To pay for the services of an Internet provider, we also need the Settlement System (ERIP):

"Payments""New""System "Calculation""Internet, Television"- then select a provider, for example, ACS AtlantTelecom - Internet

If you are a BYFLY internet user, the algorithm is as follows:

"Payments» — "New""System "Calculation""BELTELECOM"- then - city and region, for example, "Minsk""Internet (BYFLY, ZALA, Maxiphone)"

Enter your account number...

A small digression. If you plan to make this payment regularly, check the box next to " In "Own payments". This will save you time on your next payment.

To confirm the payment, the Internet provider needs to enter a mobile code.

Operation completed.

Payment of utility bills

Algorithm for paying utility bills:

"Payments""New""System "Calculation"- then select the city of residence, for example, "Minsk""Communal payments» — "Sq. Fee, Water, Other Room Services"

Enter your account number...

After that, we confirm our intentions by entering a mobile code. Operation completed.

Transfer from card to card

As we said earlier, transfer from card to card can be done using the section "Translations". To do this, it is enough to know the card number.

Enter the amount...

The cards belong to different owners, so the transfer fee will be 5 thousand rubles.

To confirm the operation, enter the mobile code.

Applying for a loan and opening a deposit

As already noted, through the Internet bank you can leave an application for a loan or credit card, as well as open a deposit.

Feedback from the bank

In addition, you can ask a question to the bank's specialists through the website.

I would like to note the high-quality work of Priorbank specialists. Through all of these channels, we were answered all our questions. It didn't take long for answers.

General impression

In general, the impression is positive. However, some nuances left an unpleasant aftertaste.

For example, the need to enter an authorization code. Recall that when you enter the system, you enter your login, password and symbols from the picture (captcha). Then, to move from section to section, an authorization code is used. But to confirm the payment, you need a mobile code that comes via SMS messages.

Of course, such a security system was created in order to protect your personal account in the Internet bank from extraneous encroachments. But after you enter all these codes dozens of times, the feeling that it was done for your benefit disappears somewhere :) Another disadvantage from our point of view is the too “confused” system for restoring access to the Internet bank.

To summarize:


  1. Connecting online - 2 points
  2. Connection is carried out immediately - 2 points
  3. Minimum connection time - 3 points


  1. To enter, you need a username and password, you still have to enter characters from the picture - 1.5 points
  2. A large number of transitions is required to complete transactions - 0 points
  3. By default, there are no buttons for quick access to popular operations, but if necessary, you can add them to "Own payments", and thus get quick access to them - 1 point
  4. A session password is needed to enter the system, it comes via SMS - 2 points
  5. Convenience of working with ERIP. There were no problems. Plus there is a search for ERIP - 2 points
  6. You can change your password - 1 point


  1. You can create auto payments - 2 points
  2. There is a search in the history of payments, you can set the period for which the history will be shown - 2 points
  3. Have a function "arbitrary payment"- 1 point
  4. You can add payments to "Own", create groups of payments, assign names to them - 2 points
  5. Have a function "one button payment"- 1 point


  1. You can make transfers to cards - 1 point
  2. It is possible to transfer in another currency, but only if both cards belong to the same person - 0.5 points
  3. The card number is enough for the transfer - 3 points
  4. High translation speed - 2 points


  1. You can open a deposit "» - 1 point
  2. You can replenish deposits (except deposits in Russian rubles) - 1 point
  3. The accrued interest or part of the deposit can be transferred to the card, if it is provided for by the terms of the agreement - 1 point


  1. You can leave an online application for a loan - 1 point
  2. Online - obtaining a loan is not possible - 0 points
  3. You can repay loans - 1 point

Additional features

  1. You can make an extract - 2 points
  2. You can block the card online - 2 points
  3. You can set limits - 2 points
  4. Checks are kept. Any of them can be opened and saved to a computer - 2 points
  5. You can enable / disable SMS alerts - 1 point
  6. You can order a card online - 1 point
  7. It is not possible to connect the 3-D Secure service - 0 points
  8. There are courses, there is no information about the addresses of branches, information kiosks, ATMs - 1 point


  1. Provided 2 phone numbers of the Contact Center. In addition, you can chat with the Contact Center operator, as well as ask a question through the website (4 communication channels) - 4 points
  2. The telephone number of the cardholder support department is indicated (1 communication channel) - 1 point
  3. Minimum response time - 3 points

Personal opinion

  1. Overall user experience - 4 points

The result of testing the Internet banking system from Priorbank: 60 points out of 70 possible.

Evaluation Criteria for Internet Banking
connection ease of connection (accessibility)
1. online, offline
1. 2/1 max 7
2. immediately or after a while 2. 2/1
3. connection time (min)
How long can you use
3. up to 20 min - 3
up to 40 min - 2
up to an hour - 1
more than an hour - 0
convenience 1. authorization mechanism
(login and password are enough to enter or something else is needed)
1. 2/1 max 12
2. convenient navigation, the number of transitions to complete the operation:
- pay mobile
- pay utilities + electricity
- pay internet
2. 1 transition - 3
2 transitions - 2
3 transitions - 1
over 30
3. availability of quick access to frequently used functions 3. 2/0
4. session passwords (cards, sms) 4. sms - 2
cards - 0
5. convenience of working with ERIP (search) 5. 2/0
6. convenience of changing, password recovery 6. 1/0
Functionality payments 1. the ability to create an auto payment 1. any payment without restrictions - 2
there are restrictions - 1
no such function - 0
max 8
2. availability of payment history 2. history search + time period setting + visualization - 2
3. Availability of free payment function 3. 1/0
4. the ability to create a list of your payments, rename (templates) 4. 2/0 button payments 5. 1/0
translations 1. to your bank card 1. 1/0 max 7
2. to your bank card in other currencies 2. 1/0
3. data required for the transfer 3. card numbers and validity period - 3
card number + expiration date + full name - 2
account number, etc - 1
4. translation speed (time) 4. within hours - 2
during the day - 1
next day - 0
deposits 1. the possibility of opening a deposit 1. 1/0 max 3
2. replenishment of the existing deposit 2. 1/0
3. possibility of transfer to the card 3. 1/0
loans 1. online application 1. 1/0 max 3
2. online receipt 2. 1/0
3. loan repayment 3. 1/0
additional features 1. extract 1. for any period - 2
for a specific period - 1
no - 0
max 13
2. online card blocking 2. 2/0
3. setting and adjusting limits 3. 2/0
4. confirmation of payment (checks)
(stored + can be printed / mailed)
4. 2/0
5. enable / disable SMS alerts 5. 1/0
6. online card order 6. 1/0
7.Connection to 3-D Secure technology 7. 1/0
8. Information (courses, branches, ATMs) 8. 2/0
Feedback 1. communication with the bank (channels) 3. 1 point for each channel max 12
2. communication with the bank (response time) 2. up to 2 hours - 3
up to 5 hours - 2
up to 8 hours - 1
over - 0
3. communication with technical support (channels) 3. 1 point for each channel
4. communication with technical support (response time) 4. up to 2 hours - 3
up to 5 hours - 2
up to 8 hours - 1
over - 0
personal opinion general impression maximum 5 max 5
Maximum Points 70

Priorbank offers customers to independently manage their accounts and products online. Remote service (RBS) is carried out through the Internet bank, , client-bank.

Priorbank for legal entities

Corporate clients manage company accounts through electronic services:

  • Internet banking for business + its mobile applications;
  • mobile banking Prior BusinessMobile - USSD-bank. The connection is available for users of the client-bank system.

Users of the Internet banking system have access to the Business-online accounting service, which allows you to:

  • process data on the company's income and expenses, plan payments and receipts;
  • maintain a staffing table, calculate the salary of employees with all deductions;
  • prepare and send tax returns.

In addition, the bank offers merchant and Internet acquiring services to legal entities.

Login to the Priorbank system

Individuals, having connected to the system, enter using a login and password through the Priorbank website.

After step-by-step activation in the system, the administrator gets free access to the entrance to the Internet bank.

The system administrator should read the instructions and user manual for Internet banking, its mobile counterpart and USSD service.

Payments via the Internet in the online bank of Priorbank

The minimum amount of a payment or transfer through remote banking services is 1 BYR, 0.01 EUR or 0.01 USD.

Payment rates:

  • payment for services not included in the list of the bank - 0.5% and min. 5 thousand BYR;
  • transfer of money to the card product of another client's bank - 5 thousand BYR;
  • transfer to cards of other financial institutions - 1.2% + 10 thousand. BYR.

The following payments/transfers of funds are not subject to commission:

  • included in the bank's list. For example, payment for cellular communications, utilities, etc.;
  • to repay the loan and replenish the deposit;
  • between the bank's own customer cards.

Limits on payments in the RBS system:

There are also limits on the amount of one-time transactions:

  • arbitrary payment – ​​min. 1 thousand BYR, max. 20 999 999 BYR;
  • transfer to another client's card – min. 1 thousand BYR;
  • replenishment of the electronic deposit - min. 100 thousand BYR / 10EUR / 10 USD.

How to cancel a payment in Priorbank Internet Bank

It is not possible to cancel an already made and processed payment in Internet Banking. The first thing to do immediately after making an erroneous payment is to contact the bank's call center. After identification, explain the situation to the operator. The bank employee will tell you the algorithm for further actions.

To return money, the client needs to contact the bank service center. There you need to submit an application indicating the reasons for the cancellation and a printed receipt for the payment itself. In this case, the bank does not guarantee the cancellation of the operation.

Priorbank OJSC is a multifunctional commercial bank of the Republic of Belarus with Western European capital, a wide range of financial services and products, and innovative solutions that provide access to remote services and consultations. Priorbank is part of a single and rapidly developing group of banks in Central and Eastern Europe, which is why the standards of the organization are close to international ones, as evidenced by the stability of development, the proposed conditions for deposits and loans, support for small, medium and large private businesses.

And most importantly, the bank guarantees the protection of personal data, helps to monitor the status of the account in real time and stay up to date with the latest news through notifications and newsletters.

Internet banking options

Each Priorbank client is able to remotely solve the following issues:

  • Pay for goods and services with minimal commissions. Additional benefits include setting up auto payments for housing and communal services, mobile communications, subscriptions to entertainment content or loans (the date of debiting is allowed to be selected and edited at the right time for maximum control over the available funds).
  • Make money transfers within the system, to cards of other banks and services like Unistream and Western Union. The commission level depends on the complexity of the translation, but by default it approaches 1-3%.
  • Manage deposits - open, replenish, change or interact with existing ones. If desired, the developers of the service offer to seek additional information assistance from consultants who will definitely answer your questions and help you choose the appropriate option.
  • Total control of finances - replenishment, recent expenses, commissions, exchange rate deductions. Information on the servers is stored for years, and therefore it is impossible to lose important details of the account status.
  • Working with cards remotely - ordering, blocking, choosing limits for withdrawal and replenishment, changing tariffs.
  • Sign up for a consultation with the selected bank. Registration takes place directly on the website - it is enough to indicate the address of the required department, select the time and agree on a rough list of issues with which assistance is required. After confirming the application, it remains to visit the bank, immediately bypassing the queue.
  • And the last plus is the availability of a demo personal account of Priorbank Internet banking, which helps to superficially study the listed functions and in advance, even before registration, to feel the functionality and convenience of remote service.

Access to personal account

The organizers offer various ways to become a full-fledged client of Priorbank, which has access to Internet banking - the result directly depends on the amount of free time, the type of person being registered and the documents at hand. And, since there are so many nuances, it is worth talking about each point in more detail.

Registration for individuals

There are two options to register:
Visit the nearest branch of the bank marked on the map ( (you should choose the city and region in advance), taking your passport (for additional advice, call +375 17 289-90-90). Of course, you will have to get a client card, and at the same time ask the bank’s specialists to tell you more about how the subsequent authorization takes place and where to look for the login and password to enter your personal account (by default, information is issued without requests and questions and is indicated directly in the contract, but for completeness pictures of small nuances should be clarified immediately).

Register online using a special platform for remote access.

Open the main page of Internet banking ( In the right part of the interface, find the text form "Login" and, without specifying a login or password, select the "Register" menu item.

The service will immediately prompt you to enter information about your passport and identification number.

Moreover, both a citizen of the Republic of Belarus and a foreigner are able to become a member of the system.

In the second case, you will have to enter not an identification number, but twice indicate the data from the passport.

The information is checked (or more precisely, it is written to the server) instantly, and a new text form appears on the screen, which will have to be carefully and thoroughly filled out without errors and typos.

You will have to specify the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth (you can either enter the information in numbers or specify the date through the calendar), email address and mobile phone, both of the Belarusian operator and the international one - SMS with notification and other instructions will come in any case. However, part of the functionality will not be available without a local SIM card - this is reminded in detail by a text warning.

Say, even with a bank card and that one will not be able to fully interact.

The restriction is removed in the only way - by purchasing a new SIM card and visiting a branch with a passport to make adjustments to the information transmitted during registration.

After resolving issues with the mobile operator, it remains to fill out the penultimate text form dedicated to banking products. The service will definitely ask what deposits or cards are open in Priorbank, and at the same time it will allow you to enter a password that will be used when interacting with your personal account, and an authorization code that additionally protects your account and allows you to recover lost information when contacting consultants.

Both the password and the code need to be “collected”, at least from 8 characters, where there is sure to be a place for 2 numbers and 2 letters (for additional protection, do not forget about capital letters: because of the floating register, it will be more difficult for scammers to get to confidential information) .

The final touch is to check the box next to agree to the terms and conditions and click the "Next" button. The submitted application is processed by the service within 1-2 days, after which customers will receive additional instructions by phone number or e-mail. In rare cases, you will have to visit the bank to confirm the work done.

Registration for legal entities

Remote registration for individual entrepreneurs, as for individuals, is not provided, primarily for the sake of security. The only way to access your personal account is to visit the nearest branch. Bank consultants will issue a login and password and will definitely remind you to change the information received after the first authorization to the one that is convenient or faster and easier to remember. It is really worth doing the described procedure - it is profitable to exchange currency from Internet banking, create invoices and pay for services credited to the account.

Account authorization

The service offers three different ways to enter your personal account:

Standard for individuals. Open the main page of the service (

On the right side of the interface, select "Login".

Fill in the login and password fields, check the box next to "I'm not a robot" (wait until reCAPTCHA confirms the passed check with a green checkmark), and then click on the "Login to the bank" button. If the information is entered correctly, then authorization will end in the same second and information about your personal account will appear on the screen.

Authorization through the interbank identification system. The service operates only in the Republic of Belarus and, in fact, helps owners of different bank cards, deposits and loan agreements not to register on different services and information platforms, but immediately open access to a single profile that “opens any doors”.

To access such identification, you will have to complete registration ( There are no surprises to be found here - Surname and Name in Cyrillic, passport and mobile phone numbers.

After completing the procedure and receiving the necessary instructions, it remains to return to Priorbank and select the “Login by MSI” item in the interface on the right using a password.

An alternative option is to attach an electronic digital signature.

Entrance for legal entities. Representatives of small, medium or large businesses are required to be authorized on the “neighboring” site from the main service, again, for security purposes.

The procedure is standard - enter your username and password, solve the captcha and click "Login". If desired, you can use the already familiar digital signature. And, as the developers suggest, this method will require Internet Explorer 6 version and higher.

Returning access to your account and help from specialists

If the information for entering your personal account has been lost or for some reason has become irrelevant, then the time has come to restore the user's access. And there are at least five options:

Use the text form on the main site ( and select the "Restore access" item.

To return the lost information, you will have to go through a full set of checks - again indicate your passport, full name, mobile phone number, the last digits of a bank card or data from the contract. And, if the verification is passed, the data will be returned automatically via SMS or e-mail instructions.

Visit the nearest bank branch. To find a suitable office, you should use the map (, which can even lay a route from the specified address.

When going to the bank, be sure to take your passport!

It is important to remember that when communicating even with the director of the bank, in no case should you share confidential information, in particular, transfer the numbers written on the bank card.

Call +375 17 289-92-92 and tell about the difficulties that have arisen.

Ask for help via chat (, having formed an application in advance. It is worth immediately deciding on the topic, indicating the valid data of the full name and e-mail (if the consultants cannot answer immediately, the answer will come to the specified e-mail address). To confirm your intentions, you will have to solve the captcha.

Mobile client

Internet and SMS banking from Priorbank perfectly copes with the task - it informs, helps, simplifies and saves. But each time it takes a long time to look into your personal account on a computer, and in a browser on a smartphone or tablet it is inconvenient due to unfinished optimization and strange scaling. The only way to change the situation is to download the bank's mobile clients on Android ( and iOS ( /app/priorbank/id521143601). And the point here is not only in optimization, but also in a number of other advantages:

  • Search for the nearest branch on the map in real time and depending on the current location;
  • Checking the exchange rate, obtaining information about deposits, quotes and exclusive offers of the bank;
  • A cunning authorization system using a pattern, smart code or biometric fingerprint scanners Touch ID or face - Face ID (and similar technologies available on Android);
  • Chat consultations without delay;
  • Payment without commission, transfer of funds and lightning-fast access from anywhere in the world.

Priorbank OJSC is a Belarusian bank built and developing according to Austrian standards. And the main example of this is the focus on providing the best service for customers: 5 types of authorization, a separate mobile client, personal data protection, information assistance and no problems with access.

Priorbank is a popular Belarusian commercial bank, which is a subsidiary of the well-known Raiffeisenbank. Like other modern financial institutions, the bank offers convenient ways of remote servicing: for individuals, as well as for legal entities, Priorbank has developed Internet banking systems.

Let's consider the possibilities of the Prior Online personal account, get acquainted with the instructions for connecting and using the service.

For individuals

The Prior Online personal account for individuals will help save time on a visit to a bank branch. Access to Internet banking is provided to all borrowers and depositors, as well as payroll clients of Priorbank.

Internet banking is a convenient and secure financial instrument that allows you to manage your accounts remotely.

Priorbank's personal account for individuals allows clients to carry out many operations.

  • monitor personal accounts: view transaction history, current balance, upload statements;
  • manage deposits;
  • make payments to utilities, mobile operators and thousands of other providers;
  • repay Priorbank loans;
  • connect SMS-informing and mobile banking services to the card.

Video: Opportunities of Priorbank Internet Banking.

Internet banking connection

To register in the Priorbank personal account, you should use one of several methods.

  1. Connect the service at the bank branch.
  2. Get access to the official website of the company.

Before connecting to the system via the Internet on your own, you should make sure that the client is a bank account holder with a current phone number linked to it, since a special code is sent to the mobile to activate the service.

Manage your Priorbank account remotely.

Registration and login to your personal account

Consider the connection procedure step by step.

  1. We go to the site Prior.By.
  2. Select the "Internet Banking" menu item and click the "Register" button.
  3. We fill out the form, where we indicate the passport data.
  4. We activate the service by setting a password and an authorization code.
  5. We go to your personal account using the ID number of the passport as a login (11 digits and 3 letters).

The passport number is used only when logging into the Internet bank for the first time. In the future, the user has the right to change the login using the account settings.

Registration in the Internet bank opens up wide opportunities for Priorbank customers.

To log in to your personal account, you need to go to the main page of the Internet bank and enter your username and password in a special field.

Logging into the system is possible not only from a personal computer or laptop: the Internet bank can function on a phone or tablet.

To use RBS tools from mobile devices on iOS or Android platforms, you need to download the official application in the corresponding content store.

Restoring access to Internet banking

The system provides an easy way to recover a password or an authorization code for access to the Priorbank IB for individuals. persons.

Restore access to Internet Banking and continue using its features.
  1. We go to the official website of the company.
  2. Select the menu item "Activation and access" - "Restoring access".
  3. We send a form with a request to regenerate the password and code.

Payment for services in Priorbank

We will find out how convenient the “Payment for services” function is using the example of instructions for paying off housing and communal services debts. To make a payment on utility bills, it is enough to follow a few steps.

  1. Select "Payments" - "ERIP".
  2. Looking for my city.
  3. We select the name of the service (for example, "Utility payments - payment for electricity services").
  4. Enter the subscriber's personal account number and make the payment.

Attention! Payment for utilities via the Priorbank Internet is feasible only if you have an active debit account with a positive balance!

Internet banking for legal entities

For independent access to the organization's accounts, Priorbank customers can use a convenient Internet bank for legal entities, created as an alternative to a standard client-bank.

The service opens up wide opportunities for users:

  • making payments, paying for services;
  • viewing information on accounts, drawing up statements, reporting;
  • currency exchange, filling and sending currency documentation.

Registration and login

Before registering in the RBS system for legal entities. persons, you must select an account administrator. Next, you should fill out a special form available on the official page of Internet banking for organizations.

Attention! The form can be downloaded or filled out electronically for further sending to the bank.

Legal entities can manage the organization's account with Priorbank via the Internet.

With the completed form, you should contact the nearest Priorbank branch serving legal entities. The specialist will confirm the registration and provide the client with authorization access.

Logging into the system is carried out both from a computer and from mobile platforms with a special application (downloaded in content stores). For authorization, you must enter the username and password received earlier at the bank branch.

Video: Internet banking Priorbank for mobile.


A convenient and modern Internet portal differs from similar services in advanced features. Logging in for legal entities can be done from mobile devices, and for private clients it is possible to connect the service outside the bank's office.

They have the opportunity to access the Internet banking system, which will allow you to quickly, safely, and most importantly, pay for more than 56,000 services without leaving your home. To do this, you do not even need to contact a bank branch, just go through a simple registration procedure on the website

You will need to enter passport data (namely, personal number, series and passport number), last name, first name, patronymic, email address, mobile phone and card number opened in. Then by e-mail you will receive the data necessary to enter your personal account. Detailed information requested during registration will only allow you to restore access to the system, for example, in case of password loss, and will also protect you more reliably from hacks. So, you have the opportunity to pay utility bills through Priorbank's Internet banking.

The deadline for paying utility bills does not change from month to month - this is the 25th. This will allow you to go through the entire payment procedure once, and then set up auto-payment for regular payments and forget about this obligation forever: just tick the required lines or add a new auto-payment, indicating the amount and date of payments.

However, operations in which you enter meter readings yourself will still have to be done manually.

How to pay utility bills via Priorbank Internet

Advantages of Priorbank Internet banking when paying utility bills

  1. Priorbank's Internet banking allows you to make all mandatory monthly payments in 10-20 minutes without commissions;
  2. When the operation is repeated, all the details are filled in automatically, and it is also possible to enable auto-payment;
  3. Receipts for all payments made are stored in the system, and you can always get access to them;
  4. During business hours, you can contact an online chat with a consultant who will answer your questions.


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