Pon is blinking on the router. Why is the red indicator light on the router. Rostelecom and PON technology in Vologda video

PON - what is it?

PON is, in fact, a technology of subscriber multiple access over one fiber using time division multiplexing (TDM) and frequency division of the transmit / receive paths (WDM). PON- from abbr. Passive Optical Network, which translates as passive optical network.

How does a PON network work?

All network subscribers PON connected to the provider's equipment via the 1st fiber. Transmission and reception occur at different wavelengths. In order to prevent subscriber signals from mixing in the fiber, each individual subscriber unit is always allocated a certain time slice during which it can transmit a signal.

What are the advantages of PON over FTTx?

PON technology has the following advantages:

  • Active equipment is minimally used;
  • Cable infrastructure is minimized;
  • Maintenance cost is considered low;
  • There is a possibility of integration with cable TV;
  • Excellent scalability;
  • Subscriber ports are of high density.

What is the rate of information transfer supported by PON technology?

The proposed GEPON technology actually operates at 1.25G, but at the same time, 0.25G is redundant data used to encode the channel. It turns out that the real speed will be 1G.

What kind of equipment is needed to create a PON network?

OLT(from abbr. Optical Line Terminal) - L2 switch equipped with Uplink ports (to connect to the L3 switch), then Downlink ports (to create a network PON). For instance, OLT BDCOM P3310 has 2 optical, 2 copper and 2 combo 1G Uplink ports and finally 4 optical 1G Downlink ports.

ONU(from abbr. Optical Network Unit) is an excellent VLAN switch of compact size. Standard ONU equipped with 1 optical 1G port (Uplink) and one 1G, or 4 0.1G copper ports (Downlink). There are models ONU with 8, 16 and 24 ports and a model with a CATV receiver.

Splitter (Splitter) is a device that operates in a branching mode in the "provider-client" direction and in a mixing mode in the opposite direction.

SFP OLT Module- is a special transceiver for PON networks. An important difference from standard SFP modules is the high power and channel coding.

How is the PON network created?

PON network, usually represents a tree topology, or a "bus" topology. End ONU subscriber devices connect to port OLT-and through splitters(to the 1st port OLT-and it is possible to connect no more than 64 ONU). Hence it follows that to create a basic network PON for 64 subscribers 1 OLT, then 1 module SFP OLT, 64 ONU and finally a few splitters(the number of the latter depends on the type of topology).

What distance does the PON network support?

SFP OLT modules support work at a distance of 120 km (point-to-point network type), but since, traditionally, the network PON has a tree structure (point-to-many-points), the maximum distance of operation PON, due to the branching on the fiber splitters, will be about 20 km.

How many subscribers can be connected to the PON network?

When building a network PON- it is good practice to use one ONU- one subscriber. In this case, the number of subscribers will be 256 per one OLT... If you want to ONU it is possible to connect the Switch. Then the number of subscribers is limited only by the size of the MAC address table itself. OLT, a plus - ONU... The following are the sizes of MAC tables for OLT and individual ONU: OLT P3310- 8192, ONU P1004B- 1024, ONU P1501B - 64, ONU P1504B- 2048.

What is the difference between AC, 2-AC, DC and 2-DC OLTs?

The letters DC mean that for work OLT- a power supply source of 36-72V constant voltage is required. Similar OLT- they are necessary when a problem arises in the organization of electrical power supply at 220 V. As an alternative, a remote power supply is used through low-current communication lines.

The letters AC mean that OLT it is powered from a traditional 220 V electrical network. The number 2 indicates the number of power sources: this OLT-a there is a backup power supply, which turns on instantly after the first failure.

What types of splitters are there?

Sami splitters can be conditionally divided by the number of conclusions and by the manufacturing technology. As for the number of output streams, there are splitters: x2, x3, x4, x6, x8, x12, x16, x24, x32, x64, x128. With regard to manufacturing technology, the splitters are divided into welded and planar. More splitters are divided by connector type: ordinary (SC / UPC) and special for CATV (SC / APC).

What is the difference between welded and planar splitters?

Splitters, which we called welded - are not equal-armed, namely: the signal is not evenly divided between the outputs (for example, 5/95, 10/90 ... 45/55, 50/50). Splitters planar - there will always be equal arms and have more predictable attenuation at each output, because they have an effective manufacturing technology. In addition, planar splitters- broadband, and welded ones - have only 3 transparency windows (1310, 1490 and 1550 nm.).

In what situations are welded splitters used?

In a situation where, for example, it is necessary to split the signal in 2 directions, where, for example, the distance to one end point is 2 km, and to the other - 8 km. In this case, it is quite possible to use a welded splitter 20/80. Splitters welded ones are also used to create a bus topology.

Which would be best: to weld splitters or maybe to use SC connectors?

In such a situation, we get a double-edged sword. One side - welding gives attenuation 10 times less (0.05 dB) than SC connection (0.5 dB). The other side - SC connectors will provide an opportunity to quickly search for breakdowns in the network by connecting measuring devices. You can find such a compromise: weld Uplink on splitters, and connect Downlink with SC connectors. Here let everyone decide for himself.

Optical budget - what is it?

This phrase is understood as the difference between the laser power on OLT-e and receiving sensitivity on ONU.

Is it possible to branch the PON network to 128 ONUs? (when the optical budget allows it).

No. Even though the signal strength allows the network to be re-branched, OLT still has a limit on the number of connected ONU at the physical level. Connect more than 64 ONU you can, but OLT will still register only 64 of them.

How to transfer over PON - CATV network?

On the side OLT-a need to install a CATV transmitter and then a CATV amplifier, which operate at a wavelength of 1550nm. On the side OLT- it is necessary to use a 1550nm CWDM flask. to inject a CATV signal into the fiber. All others splitters must be with SC / APC connectors. On the subscriber side can be installed ONU with CATV receiver, or separate CATV receiver.

Is it possible to use SFP CWDM 1490nm. module instead of SFP PON?

Impossible. Even though the CWDM itself is 1490nm, the module uses the same wavelength as SFP PON, these modules have different channel coding algorithms.

Using PON technology, what Internet speed can be provided to subscribers?

If subscribers PON tree (64 subscribers) will simultaneously download a large amount of information from the Internet, then each subscriber will have a 16 Mbit / s channel. And if we also take into account that not all Internet subscribers use the Internet at the same time, and those that use it do not consume the channel resource to the maximum, then the subscriber may even have up to 50 Mbit / s, sometimes even higher.

Why is it not acceptable for ONU signal to be less than -26 dBm?

The thing is, if one / several ONU- the signal level will be very weak (< -26 дБм), то появляется большая вероятность возникновения ошибок в пакетной передаче с таких ONU... In the given case OLT wastes time slices to give ONU the ability to send the package again. These repeated requests decrease the efficiency of the network bandwidth.

What should be considered when calculating the PON tree?

To build correctly PON wood, you need to take into account the optical loss arising from the passive equipment. In theory, PON will cover an area with a radius of 20 km. Almost everything depends on the loss budget for a particular branch of the tree. For correct calculation, it is better to be guided by the most unprofitable indicators of attenuation, power and radiation sensitivity of transmitters.

Copper ports in ONU burn out?

PON the tree is created on an optical fiber and, accordingly, is not affected by thunderstorms, pickups. The problem arises only when one ONU- several users are connected with copper, and itself ONU placed on the pillar. Such problems are solved by turning on a buffer switch, which in cases of pickup. thunderstorm takes a hit.

How can the optical performance of a line be determined?

To determine the attenuation in the line, you can use special OTDRs for PON(they are significantly more expensive than conventional ones), or optical testers. When the network is already built, the simplest solution for checking signal levels is to use special commands from the command interface. OLT-a.

2 ONUs can communicate directly with each other?

Can not. Each operation to exchange information between ONU going through OLT.

Other brand ONUs will work with OLT BDCOM P3310?

No. ONU With OLT- this is something a single whole and is a switching system. It is recommended to use equipment from one manufacturer in the work (in some cases, cross-brand interoperability is of course possible).

Does OLT BDCOM P3310B support - DHCP snooping (Option 82)?

Certainly. But for efficient operation Option 82 ONU of course must support this feature. Option 82 currently only supports ONU P1504B model.

Is the PON network protected from flooding?

The technologies used TDM and TDMA are a guarantee of network protection against flooding and broadcasting.

How can the PON network be taken out of service?

Apart from the obvious methods (cutting the cable), wood PON may stop functioning when constant radiation at 1310nm appears in it. This, extremely rarely, occurs due to a breakdown. ONU or through the fault of malefactors connecting a 1310nm media converter to the splitter.

Can a VLAN be assigned to each of the ONU ports separately?

Should I use splitters for CWDM, DWDM systems?

Certainly. Similar construction schemes are possible. Planar splitters should be used here because they are broadband.

If you are a user of high-speed Internet using GPON technology, then your router has LOS and PON indicators (depending on the device model, there may only be PON). They show the status of the Internet connection and signal problems on the line. We will tell you how to decode the signals they give in this article.

LOS and PON values ​​on the router

First, let's briefly talk about what GPON is. This is a high-speed connection via fiber optic cable, in addition to the Internet, allowing you to use telephony and digital television services. An optical cable is brought directly into the user's apartment or office, where a special ONT modem is installed, in fact, which is a Wi-Fi router connected to a fiber optic line. Through fiber, it connects directly to the provider's equipment (OLT).

In addition to the main indicators, the same as on conventional routers, the ONT modem has LOS and PON indicators that display the status of connection to the OLT.

Description of indication

During normal operation, the PON indicator should be solid and the LOS indicator should be off. The LOS light is responsible for the connection, while the PON light for the registration in the provider's network.

Consider the possible indication options:

  • The LOS and PON indicators are off - there is no connection to the OLT, the optical cable is not connected to the connector, or there is no signal in the cable.
  • PON blinks quickly, LOS is off - the router is trying to establish a connection with the provider's equipment.
  • PON is on continuously, LOS is off - the connection with the provider is established.
  • Both indicators are blinking frequently - it was not possible to pass identification on the OLT, incorrect binding of the router using GPON technology. To solve the problem, you should contact your provider.
  • PON blinks quickly, LOS blinks slowly - insufficient signal strength in the cable.
  • Both LEDs flash slowly - hardware failure.

Problems and solutions

A problem with the connection is indicated by a red indicator light. The LOS indicator is responsible for connecting to the provider. If the red LOS light on the router is on or flashing red, then there is a problem with the Internet. The Internet and telephony do not work at the same time.

On some models of routers, the LOS indicator is not provided and its function is performed by PON.

If the PON is flashing red, it means the same - no internet connection.

You can try to solve this problem as follows:

  1. First you need to check the integrity of the optical cable leading from the router to the outlet. It can break if you bent it unsuccessfully or move furniture and crush it. Also, the cable can be damaged by pets.
  2. If everything is in order with the cable, check if the plug is firmly seated in the router connector. He must hold tight, not dangle. Disconnect and reconnect the cable.
  3. If after these manipulations the problem persists, dust may have got on the plug. This can happen if you have moved the device from place to place and the cable has been left unplugged for a while. Pull the plug out of the router and wipe it off first with a dry cloth. If it is not possible to remove the contamination, then with an alcohol wipe. After that, reconnect the cable and check if the internet is working.

Laser radiation, even if not visible to the eye, can damage the retina! Therefore, all manipulations for cleaning the fiber-optic cable should be carried out with the laser radiation sources turned off on both sides and in special protective glasses.

If the indicator continues to flash red, then there is a problem on the line or on the equipment of the provider.

In this regard, when working with fiber optic cables, pay attention to the following:

  • Avoid damaging or kinking the cables. Don't press it down.
  • When you pulled out the plug, cover it with the special protective cap. These caps must be kept in an airtight container to keep out dust.

Thus, the LOS and PON indicators allow the user to find out what is happening with the ONT router at the moment and identify connection problems. The user can independently try to fix these problems if the connection failed due to problems on his side. If a problem occurs on the provider's side, to solve it, you will need to contact the technical support service.

Not so long ago it was used for high-speed data transmission. Previously, not every user could afford to install a separate terminal in his apartment, which worked only for him.

In this regard, Internet providers "launched" an optical cable into an apartment building and connected it to a network module, and copper wires or twisted pairs, transmitting the information flow, left it to the apartments. At the same time, the data transfer rate dropped significantly. But with the introduction of FTTB connectors, the situation has changed dramatically.

for optical cable

Now every resident of the city can afford a separate fiber optic router. But at the same time, another question arose: how to transmit the Internet signal via Wi-Fi, for example, to connect a tablet, smartphone or laptop? To solve this problem, you need to buy a router with a built-in Wi-Fi module. But the wide range of products on the market can shock even an experienced user.

In order not to get confused in all the variety of devices, you need to determine what, in your understanding, means the best Wi-Fi router? Perhaps this is a combine that can easily provide high-speed Internet for a dozen devices? Or will it be a compact device with an optimal ratio of price, functionality and durability? To help you figure this out, let's determine what parameters a fiber optic WiFi router should have.

Ports and bandwidth

Previously, when an optical cable was first brought into an apartment building, connected to the terminal, and only then transmitted the Internet signal to the apartment owners, the FTTH port was used. Not so long ago, a new format was developed - FTTB, which allows you to connect fiber optic to a router located in your home. To connect directly to the router, two groups of ports are used - WAN and SFP.

The first group is the most common. Externally, the WAN port is a regular connector for connection. However, before making a purchase, check with your provider what kind of WAN port you need to connect. A fiber optic router equipped with an SFP connector will fit any cable as it is a standard format.

When choosing a router with a WAN port, you need to make sure that the bandwidth is not lower than the signal speed that your operator guarantees you. Otherwise, you run the risk of overpaying for the Internet. SFP connectors provide up to 1 Gb / s data reception and provide optimal bandwidth for any connection.

Wi-Fi standards

Choosing a router with high bandwidth, you need to decide on it, otherwise a situation will arise when the router can receive a high-speed signal, but distribute it to mobile devices via a Wi-Fi network.

Therefore, when purchasing a fiber optic router, make sure that the wireless interface standard conforms to one of the following:

  • IEEE 802.11b - create a Wi-Fi network with a data transfer rate of up to 11 Mbps;
  • IEEE 802.11g - a higher speed protocol that provides speeds up to 54 Mbps;
  • IEEE 802.11n - the most advanced of the existing standards, transmits a signal at speeds up to 300 Mb / s.

When choosing a router in a store, you need to make sure that the Wi-Fi speed guaranteed by the device is not lower than the Internet speed provided by the operator. Now let's look at the most popular router models among clients.

D-Link-615 router series

D-Link is one of the leading suppliers of Internet equipment to the domestic market. Its products are praised by users for the best value for money.

When choosing a fiber optic router for the first time, take a closer look at the DIR-615 model. Simple and intuitive interface simplifies setup. The radius of "distribution" of a Wi-Fi signal with a speed of up to 300 Mbit / s with two antennas will be enough to cover the entire area of ​​the apartment. There is a built-in IPTV function for watching interactive television.

Another outstanding representative of the series is D-Link DIR-615 / FB. The router is equipped with a WAN port and two antennas, which provide signal distribution over a fairly large area at a speed of up to 300 Mbps, and has a LAN connector for connecting cable Internet.

D-Link routers for high-speed internet

The D-Link DVG-N5402GF fiber-optic router is one of the best designed for high-speed data transmission. It is equipped with 4 ports providing signal reception at speeds up to 1 Gb / s, a WAN format connector. It has an 802.11n Wi-Fi interface, which provides data transfer at speeds up to 350 Mb / s. Two detachable antennas cover a large area.

The D-Link DIR-825 / ACF router uses an SFP connector to receive data, due to which the Wi-Fi upload speed reaches 1167 Mbps when up to 4 devices are simultaneously connected to the network. USB interface can be used to connect MAC address filtering capability and advanced security protocols protect your network from intrusion.

Provider routers

Some providers offer their own fiber optic router when connecting the fiber optic cable. Rostelecom, Beeline, MTS are well-known operators who supply their equipment at the time of subscription. However, the cost of connection increases significantly. In order not to overpay, you can choose your router, because there is no difference from which manufacturer to use the device.

It should be remembered that the parameters of the input signal correspond to the guaranteed data transfer rate. As the best option, you can recommend Mikrotik RB2011UAS-2HnD-IN with an impressive appearance and original design.

An alternative could be the Huawei EchoLife HG-8240. It has several slots for connecting devices over a local network, a special port for interactive television and provides data transfer rates up to 1GB per second.

Features to fiber

In some cases, when connecting to the Internet, a terminal can be installed inside the apartment. Employees of the provider's company themselves install such a device and connect the fiber to it. Which router to choose and how to connect it to the terminal, you decide for yourself.

First, you need to combine the selected router and optical terminal. This is done using a cable. If an optical network has been installed in your home, then this can be done through an optical outlet. After that, the router is connected to the computer and the Internet connection is checked:

  1. Open a command prompt as administrator.
  2. Run netstat -e -s followed by ping google.com.

After that, it remains to check the speed of the Internet signal. To do this, open the "Task Manager" and select the "Network" tab. If the connection speed matches the one guaranteed by the provider, then you have taken into account all the recommendations on how to connect the fiber to the router, and have chosen the right router.

The constant development of technologies allows you to connect the Internet to apartments at ever higher speeds. One of the ways of such connection is the Gpon technology, which is also offered by Rostelecom.

Gpon - general job description

Passive optical technologies (Pon) have appeared not very long ago, but they are confidently replacing traditional methods of organizing Internet access using copper cables. Optical cable has huge advantages over copper cable:

The "G" prefix assumes that the connection is at gigabit speed. This technology is called passive because there is no active network equipment between the provider's node and the end user, and the optics are laid directly into the client's apartment.

No equipment is required, because the length of the optical cable without additional signal amplification is up to 20 km, and in the near future, developments are underway to increase the trunk to 60 km.

Connection can be carried out in synchronous and asynchronous modes. Usually providers prefer asynchronous mode. The maximum speed is limited to 2.5 Gb / s for receiving, and 1.25 Gb / s for transferring information.

The principle of connecting to Rostelecom

In order to connect to a future subscriber, it is necessary to contact the nearest Rostelecom office and leave a request. You can connect one or several services to choose from:

  • Internet;
  • City (landline) telephony;
  • IP television.

Any wire connection to the provider requires additional costs.

Those customers who have previously been connected to Rostelecom using ADSL technology know this from their own experience, new subscribers will be told about this when submitting an application.

The main difficulties are the installation of the cable, which, due to its specific qualities, is not desirable to bend strongly, therefore, usually all equipment is installed in the hallway. The equipment includes a special ONT router designed to work in fiber-optic networks, which can be rented directly from the provider or bought on your own. It is advisable that an electrical outlet be installed in the hallway. End devices are connected via a normal twisted-pair Ethernet cable, or via WiFi.

Gpon network diagram provided by Rostelecom provider.

After the technical issues are agreed with the client, the router is purchased, a service contract is concluded. Installation and cable laying, and router configuration are performed.

Setting up equipment for connection

If a router is purchased or leased from Rostelecom, then its initial configuration is performed during installation directly by Rostelecom employees. In cases where the subscriber is buying a router himself or he already has equipment, the configuration options may differ depending on the model and manufacturer of the network equipment, as well as on its capabilities. On the Internet, you can find enough information with step-by-step instructions by which you can configure yourself.

Rostelecom offers its customers several models of ONT devices, one of which is G PON ONT RFT620. This is a fairly successful and versatile model that allows you to connect up to 4 devices to the LAN, and an unlimited number of wireless technology, you can watch streaming TV, and connect up to 2 stationary phones.

All settings are made via the web configurator. To do this, type in the browser the address "", and enter the username and password: user / user. You do not need to drive in any Internet settings, this has already been done by the provider. You just need to configure your home network to suit your needs:

  • turn on the wireless WiFi module;
  • change security settings;
  • set static or dynamic IP addresses, etc.

Services and packages

Rostelecom offers its customers many different options and service packages, the most popular of which are the following:

  • home internet via fiber-optic line with a choice of connection speed;
  • interactive television with over 160 channels;
  • home landline telephone, with a choice of tariff for calls;
  • mobile telephony;
  • ONT router rental at a low price.

All these services can be selected separately or combined into packages. The monthly subscription fee will also depend on the choice. The company holds constant promotions and discounts, information about which can be found on their portal. Also, for each region, the price for services is different.

Pros and cons of Gpon connection

Connecting via GPON, like in any other way, has its positive and negative sides. The positive ones include the following:

  • The cable runs directly between the provider's PBX and into the user's apartment, i.e. there are no intermediate nodes, which significantly increases the speed of information transfer and the stability of the signal.
  • The signal in the fiber optic cable is transmitted not by electrical, but by light pulses. This means that there is no danger of electric shock at all.
  • Possibility to connect several services at once through one ONT device.

There are, of course, disadvantages in this connection method:

  • The optical wire is very afraid of sharp bends, which means that it will be difficult to bring it around the apartment to distant rooms. It is also not recommended to put furniture and other heavy objects on the cable.
  • Although there is nothing of value in the cable, the main lines and wiring in the entrances are constantly threatened by vandals.
  • Electricity is not transmitted through the cable, therefore, on the part of animals, there is an increased interest in it. It is advisable to hide it in boxes.


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