LEAN. A practical guide. Archive LEAN. Lean. Practical guide Methodological guide for the implementation of lean manufacturing

Dennis P. Hobbs. Implementation of lean manufacturing. A practical guide to business optimization. Minsk, Grevtsov Publisher, 2007.

“The air is filled with despair. The components are borrowed from a staggered production order and transferred to another with a higher priority. Components are removed from finished goods inventory to continue production. "Urgent" becomes the motto of the day. Each employee turns into a “firefighter”. " Probably, many production workers are familiar with this situation, which is described by Dennis Paul Hobbs, the American Lean expert, in his bestseller “ Implementing Lean Manufacturing: A Practical Guide to Business Optimization". But this book is replete with not only good humor, but also recipes for how to turn production into lean.

Lean manufacturing helps everyone who believes in it: Dennis P. Hobbs has helped companies such as General Electric, Nissan, Industrial Dynamics, Stanley Tools to save tens and hundreds of millions of dollars on the implementation of lean methods in almost 15 years of consulting. The author very succinctly describes the content and purpose of his book: "to provide a step-by-step methodology that can be used to systematically convert manufacturing facilities from a traditional batch-based automated system to a balanced lean production system in a one-piece flow." But right there, Hobbs, doing self-promotion, writes that these results can be achieved without the help of consultants!

The book is best read with a familiarity with the concept of lean manufacturing and Toyota's production system, since the author does not give a long excursion into history and theory. He discusses controversial situations and details the Lean implementation process. The book can become a handbook for business leaders, production managers and technologists. It is very useful for students studying production systems.

What recipes does the author suggest for implementing lean manufacturing? Examples include building flow, dealing with system constraints, implementing a kanban system, and dealing with waste. The production cycle of the product should take exactly the time that is needed for this.

D. Hobbs not only lists the tools of lean manufacturing, he also gives step-by-step instructions on how to implement it: in each recipe you can feel the author's great experience as a production consultant. Therefore, he does not give categorical advice, in each case he describes its pros and cons, imposed restrictions.

D. Hobbs' humor complements the "general" production theme well: describing a typical engineering design, he writes - "the developers throw the project over the wall, and the production workers puzzle how to do it." The author describes the love of workers to equip nests when the implementation of Lean begins. “This is a common habit and is indicative of a reluctance to respond to kanban signals. Don't wait for a lot of personal belongings to accumulate in the workplace. " About “thrifty” workers who like to hide additional materials and spare parts, he writes: “Always ready for the worst, such an employee collects his own stock of components. To justify the accumulated pile, you can usually hear a story about a lack of detail that happened several years ago. But on the lean line, the operators do the assembly and the warehouse workers provide them with parts! "

D. Hobbs describes in great detail the Kanban flow mapping system - a technique used to pull products and materials into an in-line production process. Depending on the application, Kanban can have several options: non-replenishing, starting the previous process, single-card and multi-card. He, according to the author, is good for reducing inventory in the warehouse and in work in progress. In an ideal situation, the supplier of the goods becomes the point of replenishment of orders - then there is no need to keep stock at all for this product. With Kanban, manufacturing can quickly respond to demand and change the quantity of products produced every day: "Lean manufacturers can make a daily decision to change the output of the line in accordance with the volume of customer demand." The author describes in detail in what situation it is better to use a certain type of kanban, how to plan the number of cards, signals, how to organize and maintain this method in production. "Kanban does not address the causes of shortages, but it provides a solution to the problem for the most appropriate organizational unit, the purchasing department." What is not there is Petrovich, who went to Gemba. So I advise you to look first

Five LEAN implementation algorithms from leading practitioners, building a Lean Six Sigma roadmap, twelve checklists of various formats and levels of complexity, the use of popular LEAN tools: 5S, SMED, TPM, VSM and others - on the pages of the new Practical Guide.

Publisher: Portal "Production Management"
Number of pages 110
Released 2014
Report language Russian
Method of submission Electronic
Study format PDF

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Step-by-step LEAN implementation algorithm

"LEAN. Lean. A Practical Guide "is a unique collection of algorithms and roadmaps for the implementation of Lean manufacturing.

We will consider in detail the five stages of LEAN implementation - planning, implementation, deployment, integration and improvement - and answer the questions how long each stage takes and what steps it consists of, paying attention to individual tools that are organically integrated into the LEAN concept: 5S. SMED, TPM and preventive equipment maintenance.

12 checklists of various levels of complexity and scale of application
- 5 LEAN implementation algorithms from leading theorists and practitioners
- building a roadmap for the LEAN Six Sigma implementation project
- adapted for a Russian-speaking producer in terms of terminology and material presentation

Maximum focus on practical use
The strength of the guide is its maximum focus on practical use.
In our Practical Guide there is no theory already known to you, we do not tell what LEAN is and how important its implementation is for the future of the company. We offer clear algorithms with step-by-step deployment of the LEAN system, which have been tested by hundreds of enterprises. For each stage, several checklists are provided so that you can evaluate your progress, see the shortcomings and adjust the plan and implementation of Lean Manufacturing.

More about checklists
In order for you to assess your readiness to move from one stage to another, we have prepared 12 checklists - from basic ones, assessing the general readiness of an enterprise for LEAN in the main areas of production management, to more complex ones that deeply penetrate the processes occurring in the organization. They will help you to assess your own level and, if necessary, immediately make the required adjustments to the implementation program, improve the aspects overlooked, preventing problems from moving to the next level.
Each checklist is universal and maximally adapted to the needs of a wide range of enterprises. You can easily adjust the presented checklists to suit your specifics, job hierarchy, requirements for organizing workplaces or holding special events.
Who is this guide for?

The practical guide is intended for:
- top management (general, executive director);
- production managers (production director, technical director);
- heads of departments (implementation of LEAN, Lean manufacturing, corporate production system);
- specialists and key managers for project management in production and in workshops.
Practical guidance using checklists will make it possible to monitor the progress of LEAN implementation at all levels from the workplace, department, shop floor to the management of the entire enterprise, and will also allow you to implement LEAN implementation yourself and carry out its regular assessment, without paying for expensive consultants each time.

Top questions this guide answers

Can I initiate and implement a LEAN implementation project with guidance?
Yes! A practical guide will help you choose a LEAN implementation strategy, form a roadmap and draw up a project implementation plan with a foreseeable time frame.

Is the guide right for my type of business? For my department?
Yes! The manual is universal and maximally adapted for a wide range of enterprises. You can also always adjust the presented checklists for your specifics.

Is it possible to print checklists and distribute them to responsible employees?
Yes! The manual is fully prepared for printing. You can print the entire manual or its individual elements: algorithms, checklists, forms, etc.

Lean production is already being introduced at our enterprise. Will this guide be useful to us?
Yes! Due to the presence of a large number of checklists, the guide will help you both to correct the course of LEAN implementation, and to audit the system already implemented at the enterprise. You will be able to conduct a general and in-depth assessment, and the points system will help you determine how well LEAN is functioning, where additional work is needed and how close your indicators are to world standards. With the help of checklists, you will be able to track personnel engagement, production indicators, integration with suppliers and many other elements of the Production System.

Lean Manufacturing: How to Get Rid of Waste and Make Your Company Thrive

  • Lean manufacturing is, without exaggeration, the main thing to learn from the Japanese in the field of management.
  • This method should be known to every leader, regardless of the industry, because its foundation is to combat losses.
  • This book has become an international bestseller, has gone through many reprints.

The book is written in detail, clearly and contains not only a description of the theory, but also many examples from the experience of leading companies in the USA, Germany and Japan.

Study of the Toyota production system from the point of view of the organization of production

If a company is just beginning to explore the possibilities of applying the methods and tools of the Toyota Production System, then this book should be read by executives.

If the company has decided to implement lean manufacturing tools in its company or is already on the way, then this book should be read and used in daily practice by every employee.
This book will be useful to everyone involved in manufacturing processes. And not only at the factory, but also in the office.

Toyota's Tao: 14 Management Principles of the World's Leading Company

Why the book is worth reading

  • Toyota's example inspires and propels you on the path to personal achievement;
  • The publication is based on 20 years of experience of observing and studying the philosophy of the company, thus including the "improved" and most effective formula for success;
  • Debunking myths about the impossibility of using foreign experience in the Russian market;
  • Secrets of long-term success, based not on the newfangled trends of management, but on the timeless classics of management.

Who is this book for?

For managers and entrepreneurs, as well as students and teachers of economic universities.

Why the book is worth reading

  • Timeless classics of efficient production, relevant at all times.
  • Labor-saving techniques are not a myth, but a reality;
  • Free time at work: how it is better to do nothing than to do something unnecessary;
  • What is the risk of the absence of a production leveling system?
  • The synthesis of Japanese and American management styles - how effective is it?

Who is this book for?

Designed for executives looking to reduce waste in production and improve the production system of their company; for managers of all levels and students, whose specialty lies in the field of production and services.

Learn to See Business Processes: The Practice of Value Stream Mapping

To improve the processes, first of all, it is necessary to ensure their visualization and transparency, that is, to clearly see and understand how the process works, where added value is created, where losses occur. Value stream maps allow you to describe any kind of processes, both production and service. This book is the first edition in Russia that describes in detail the methodology for constructing value stream maps - one of the most important tools for lean manufacturing. The proposed methodology was developed by Michael Rother and John Shook based on their personal experiences with Toyota. The book is aimed at practicing managers, as well as specialists in any field of activity who are interested in improving the efficiency of business processes. It can be used as a teaching aid for students of higher and secondary technical educational institutions.

Value stream map from the presentation for the seminar "Lean Manufacturing: Tools and Practice"

Why the book is worth reading

  • Involuntary comparisons with the theory of lean production are an excellent reason for identifying the common features and differences of Japanese management and their integration into Russian business;
  • Japanese terms fit so well into the entire presented management system that they do not irritate and do not seem foreign;
  • Identification of all the problems associated with the introduction of Gemba kaizen in Western markets;
  • The psychological and material benefits of kaizen identified through numerous examples
  • Gemba kaizen as a concept, a management system, and not a separate management tool.

Who is this book for?

For managers of all levels interested in finding ways to maintain and develop the long-term competitiveness of their companies. It will be of interest not only to students and graduate students involved in management, marketing, quality, logistics and other relevant approaches to doing business, but also to everyone interested in the development of modern economic thought.

Why the book is worth reading

  • Goldratt's method of reasoning has gained enormous popularity because it allows you to successfully resolve many contradictions: between timing and quality, cost and cost, required performance and available resources;
  • Until recently, information about the basic tools of Goldratt's method of reasoning was presented in a very incomplete and scattered form, and this book is the first systematic, designed for professional use by the manual.
  • With this book, you will be able to determine what needs to be changed in your organization, how to use logic trees to identify overt and hidden problems, and how to fix them.

Who is this book for?

For entrepreneurs and executives of all levels who want to dramatically increase business performance with disruptive solutions.

Why the book is worth reading

  • Lean Manufacturing VS Lean Support;
  • Product Value Stream: How to Eliminate Non-Value Stages?
  • Zero-loss net value is a reality, not a myth!
  • Differences and similarities between the stages of consumption and production against the background of the evolution of the production process;
  • The transition from isolated consumption of individual products to integrated solutions is the ultimate goal of lean consumption.

Who is this book for?

The book is addressed to top and middle managers, entrepreneurs, specialists of consulting companies, as well as students and teachers of economic universities.

The book provides a step-by-step plan for implementing a 5S system with form templates, checklists and other necessary materials. The knowledge gleaned from this book can be successfully used in banks, insurance, consulting and other service companies, government, social and educational institutions.

The suggested tips for organizing an effective workplace are so versatile that the book can be recommended to a wide range of readers.

The book describes the principles of the revolutionary 5S system - the system of organizing the workplace. The book is aimed at employees of factories. But at the same time, it will benefit everyone who wants to make their workplace more efficient (whether it is a workplace in a shop or a bank office, a director's office or an accountant's office).

You will learn how to properly organize your workspace, how to keep it clean and tidy, how to avoid the accumulation of unnecessary things, and, as a result, make your workplace exemplary.

This audiobook explains in a convenient and accessible way the essence of such methods of lean manufacturing as, for example, the "5S system" or "kanban". With the help of a detailed guide, you can easily track unnecessary staff movements, identify waste from excess inventory, organize a breakthrough storm in the workplace, and most importantly, improve the quality of productivity. Quote “Some simple tools are overlooked because of the desire to implement the latest and greatest systems. Make no mistake! The old tools are still in use today and can help organizations streamline manufacturing processes and reduce production costs. ” Michael Vader What the audiobook is about About the intricacies of the LIN concept, thanks to which it is possible to reduce production costs, overproduction, a long wait for finished products and many other hidden losses. Why an audiobook is worth listening to Universal edition: suitable both as a lecture guide in the classroom and for use directly in the production process. There are 12 key questions that need to be answered when implementing a LIN-strategy. Lean manufacturing systems (JIT, 5C, etc.): differences in implementation efficiency. For whom this audiobook will be of interest to everyone who is interested in quality improvement methods, as well as to heads of manufacturing companies and managers of sales departments. Who the author is Michael Vader - President of Lean Plus, Director of the Lean Manufacturing System Implementation Group, USA. He has more than 25 years of practical experience in teaching, consulting and mentoring in nine countries of the world (USA, India, Indonesia, Russia, etc.). She is a Certified Quality Manager and Certified Quality Auditor of the American Society for Quality.

On our site you can download the book "Lean Manufacturing Tools. Mini-Guide to Implementing Lean Manufacturing Techniques" by Vader Michael for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy a book in the online store.

Delovoyp o rtal “W o rt g e n a l e r e n t a l e r t a l” www. u p p r o. r u 2 0 1 4 LEAN CAREFUL PRODUCTION 5а Implementation Legends LEAN 12h Clients Roadmap Construction LEAN6s igm PRACTICAL GUIDE TO IMPLEMENTATION Lean: A Practical Guide to Implementation Copyright Portal "Manufacturing Management". This Practical Guide or any part of it may not be distributed without the written permission of the Business Portal "Production Management" or replicated in any way. It is forbidden to transfer the review to third parties. Organizations that have purchased or received this report from the Business Portal "Production Management" are responsible for its non-distribution. All rights reserved. This material has been prepared by the Industrial Research Center of the Production Management Business Portal for informational purposes only. The information it contains has been obtained from sources that Manufacturing Management believes are reliable, but should not be construed, directly or indirectly, as investment advice. All opinions and evaluations contained in this material reflect the views of the authors on the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. The Business Portal "Production Management" is not responsible for any loss or damage arising from the use by any third party of the information contained in this material, including published opinions or opinions, as well as for the consequences caused by the incompleteness of the information provided. The information presented in this material was obtained from open sources or provided by the companies mentioned in the report. LLC "Portal" Production Management "Legal address: 129110, Moscow, Prospect Mira, 52, bldg. 3, pom. III. e-mail: [email protected] for letters: 117418, Moscow, PO Box 109. Site - www.up-pro.ru Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" Lean: A Practical Guide to Implementation Contents Foreword I. Preliminary stage of LEAN implementation. Preparations for the start and 6 roadmaps 1 Implementation algorithm for LEAN according to James Wumek 6 2 Algorithm for implementing LEAN according to Lonnie Wilson 8 3 Algorithm for implementing LEAN according to Karl Wright 10 4 Algorithm for implementing LEAN according to Ann Deuterich 12 5 Lean Six Sigma - building a roadmap 15 II. LEAN and Lean Manufacturing. Implementation Guide 22 1 Stage 1. Planning 23 2 Stage 2. Implementation 37 3 Stage 3. Deployment 47 4 Stage 4. Integration 51 5 Stage 5. Improvement 54 III. Checklists for LEAN Implementation in Manufacturing 57 Checklist 1 Building a Roadmap for Lean Six Sigma Implementation 58 Checklist 2 Production Assessment to Form a LEAN Implementation Strategy 61 Checklist 3 Basic Checklist for Assessing LEAN Implementation 65 Checklist 4 Visual Indicators 5S implementation 67 Checklist 5 Main sources of losses in equipment operation 68 Checklist 6 Assessment of LEAN implementation progress 69 Checklist 7 Assessment of the involvement of the production team in the implementation of LEAN 79 Checklist 8 LEAN self-assessment and internal audit 82 Checklist 9 Assessment of LEAN implementation in production (in the shop) for drawing up a work plan 89 Checklist 10 Evaluating the effectiveness of working with suppliers in the framework of LEAN implementation 104 Checklist 11 Assessing the level of LEAN penetration into enterprise management (for top management) 105 Checklist 12 Formation of LEAN-culture at the enterprise 107 Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" 4 Lean: A Practical Guide to Implementation Foreword The LEAN concept, or Lean Manufacturing, was introduced to the manufacturing community more than sixty years ago ... Over the years, it has been implemented with varying success by thousands of enterprises around the world. It would seem that everything that could be said about LEAN has already been said. But with the accumulation of new experience, with the development of production systems, the concept also undergoes certain changes that must be reckoned with. Unfortunately, as practice shows, the number of successful examples of the implementation of Lean production is much less than those that ended in failure or were not completed. In many ways, the problem is that the implementation was devoid of consistency: managers chose individual directions and tools, guided by their own preferences, the level of their complexity or the very acute problems of their enterprises, not always carrying out the necessary preparatory work or not thinking over a holistic and detailed implementation program. After evaluating the existing Russian-language publications on LEAN and Lean Manufacturing, we came to the conclusion that the manufacturing community lacks a set of concrete steps - an algorithm that should be used in the LEAN implementation process. In LEAN. Lean. A Practical Implementation Guide ”we will close these gaps and give you a simple and intuitive plan for the implementation of Lean Manufacturing. On the pages of the Guide, we will present several implementation algorithms from leading theorists and practitioners of Lean manufacturing, not bypassing the modern concept of Lean Six Sigma, through which we will demonstrate how to draw up a roadmap for an implementation project. In addition to implementation algorithms, we have selected for you checklists of different directions and different levels of complexity. They will help you assess your own level and, if necessary, immediately make the necessary adjustments to the implementation program, improve the aspects that have been overlooked, preventing problems from moving to the next level. "LEAN. Lean. Practical Implementation Guide ”was prepared on the basis of materials and documents of the world's leading industrial corporations, major consulting agencies, specialized LEAN-institutes, alliances and communities with vast experience of successful implementation and project support. For you, a group of our experts has carefully processed and adapted the materials, taking into account the specifics of the implementation of Lean Manufacturing in Russia. The LEAN concept is very broad and can be laid out in one practical guide - or even an entire book! - impossible. Therefore, we will offer you several algorithms, having considered one of them in detail, and will touch upon the implementation of individual LEAN tools and subsystems, and you can learn more about them in the framework of other materials of the Production Management Business Portal, Almanacs and Practical Guides. Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" 5 Lean: A Practical Guide to Implementation I. Preliminary stage of LEAN implementation. Preparations for the start and roadmaps During its existence, the LEAN philosophy has proved its effectiveness in many companies - from Toyota Corporation, which made the main contribution to its creation and development, to non-production organizations and institutions. Nevertheless, despite the popularity and variety of tools, among which each company can find the most suitable for it, the management of enterprises and those responsible for implementation argue and doubt where and how best to start. In this section, we will look at four algorithms for implementing Lean manufacturing and an example of building a roadmap for the modern Lean Six Sigma concept. 1. Algorithm of LEAN implementation according to James Wumek. One of the authors of the bestselling The Machine That Changed the World, James Wumek, made a significant contribution to the promotion of LEAN. He assigned the key role in the implementation of Lean Manufacturing to the leader, to the one who will serve as the conductor of the new philosophy. Implementation Algorithm: 1. Select a "change agent", a knowledgeable and respected leader who will take responsibility for James Vumeknost and will guide the implementation process. It is very important to choose a leader who is respected among the workers and has a history of implementing successful projects at the enterprise, a specialist whom employees will trust. 2. Organize training. In the second phase, the implementation team needs to undergo basic training in Lean basics and key tools. 3. Identify or create a crisis. The crisis can serve as a good impetus for the implementation of LEAN, as evidenced by the experience of many companies around the world. But Lean Manufacturing is also necessary for successful companies, there is no need to wait for a crisis. There are problems at any, even the most stable enterprise. If necessary, it can be presented as a "cause of the crisis" in order to encourage employees to eliminate it. 4. Start small, don't get carried away with strategic issues. It is not necessary to start the implementation of Lean Manufacturing with a global revision of the entire production process. Initially, workers can be encouraged to eliminate waste wherever they see it. Later, after the first successful experience, you can move on to more complex tasks, concentrating on the specific goals of the enterprise (order time, production cost, quality). Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" 6 Lean: A Practical Guide to Implementation 5. Mapping Value Streams. Visualize your production process as a flow map, breaking it down into separate processes if necessary. This will help you discover bottlenecks, problems, and losses. Think about how you can eliminate them and provide a map of the future flow. 6. Start of work in key areas. Having made a map of the flow and understanding its weak points, without delaying, proceed to the implementation of plans in practice. Information on the progress and results of implementation should be open to all employees. 7. Striving for quick results. Despite the fact that Lean Manufacturing is a long-term strategy, in the initial stages it is better to focus on immediate results: this explains the recommendation to start with simpler tasks. 8. Launching the kaizen system. Engaging employees in continuous improvement will help you achieve positive results faster. In essence, James Wumek proposes to move from the particular to the general: from smaller tasks to the revision of the entire production process, while simultaneously launching a process of continuous improvement and involving an increasing number of departments, workshops and personnel in it. Many consultants and trainers strictly follow these instructions, as a result of which, in most enterprises in Russia, the implementation of Lean Manufacturing begins with reference areas. The problem is that many find it difficult to move from the level of one site to the entire enterprise, and they stop there. 7 Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" Lean: A Practical Guide to Implementation Stage 1. Planning The first stage - Planning is the most important in the implementation of Lean manufacturing, because it depends on competent planning to a greater extent whether the whole program will end in success or failure. This stage includes 18 steps. Step 1.1. Assessment of the current state This is the first step in implementing LEAN, without which it is impossible to achieve success. Before you embark on a consistent implementation of Lean Manufacturing and eliminate waste and bottlenecks, you must understand what exactly needs to be corrected. To implement this step, a special mixed team is created, which includes employees from different departments and different hierarchical levels (necessarily with the inclusion of a senior management representative) who are well aware of the state of the processes in the enterprise. They are the ones who conduct a deep analysis of the enterprise in relation to 16 control elements: 1. Communication (internal and external). 2. Organization of the workplace and visual management. 3. Standard operations. 4. Flexibility of operations. 5. Continuous improvement. 6. Protection against errors (Bye-yoke). 7. Fast changeover (SMED). 8. Total Equipment Maintenance (TPM). 9. Inventory management system. 10. Leveling production. 11. Engineering. 12. Lean accounting system. 13. Quality management system 14. Work with suppliers and consumers. 15. Maintenance and repair. 16. Performance indicators. To assess the current state of the enterprise, checklists (checklists) are often used. They allow a more systematic approach to the analysis of processes and, starting from pre-thought out criteria, track the dynamics even over a long period. Some businesses develop their own checklists, others prefer to build on ready-made examples. This is a very typical and normal situation for beginners. Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" 23 Lean: A Practical Guide to Implementation As an example, we have prepared for you a checklist 2 LEAN Implementation Strategies ”(page 61) and recommend using it to identify problem areas in your enterprise. It also includes a comment box where you can describe the problem in more detail. Step 1.2. Diagnostics In the process of implementing LEAN, many companies strive to get a visible result as soon as possible and begin to implement Lean manufacturing tools, skipping an extremely important step - the formation of a global vision of flows inside and outside the company. Ultimately, they are unable to assess the sources of existing problems and weaknesses of the processes and, therefore, find adequate solutions and tools. The implementation of any tools is effective only if it is carried out in the context of the value chain, which is understood as “all operations carried out in the process of creating a product from the supply of raw materials to sale to the end consumer. Undoubtedly, the results of the internal assessment obtained during the implementation of Step 1.1 indicate the current state of affairs in the enterprise, but they are not enough - it is necessary to understand where exactly the weaknesses of the organization are hidden. A reliable diagnostic tool is value stream mapping, which provides a visual representation of the movement of materials, people and information in the enterprise. Improvement is achieved only as a result of the development of an overall strategy, since mismatched efforts rarely lead to the desired results. It is mapping that makes it possible to analyze the entire technological process, identify operations that do not create value, bottlenecks, serious problems at the organizational level, etc. The team must be able to map the current and future value stream using standard methodologies and symbols (Fig. 2). There are several techniques for mapping a flow. As an example, we will present you with one of the six-step algorithms. Value Stream Mapping Model So, as the name suggests, this model consists of six steps: 1. Determine the sequence of actions. 2.Calculate the calendar time spent on these actions. 3.Calculate the time spent directly performing the action and the time spent waiting. 4. Calculate the transition time from one action to another. 5. Find and mark any loopbacks that occur in the stream. 6. Calculate the average amount of time spent on the project. To better illustrate this model, consider an example. Step 1: Determine the sequence of actions Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" 24 Lean: A Practical Guide to Implementation Outside Production Process (not shareable) Truck Process (shareable) Ejection OK receipts Finished goods Information in electronic form Information in a different form Data Time in queue Material safety stock Application of Kaizen methods Operator Verification Supermarket Signal Retrieval Production Duration of operations Cargo Arrival in batches according to Kanban Kanban Sequence Dispatch Quantity of stocks Fig. 2. Standard symbols for value stream map. As an example, let's imagine a process consisting of the following sequence of actions: Submitting a request - Confirmation - Assessment of technical requirements - Approval - Analysis - Development - Review - Implementation planning - Testing - Commissioning. We are not challenged to evaluate this workflow model. Our task is to map it. For greater clarity, operations are located in cells (Fig. 3) Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" 25 Lean: A Practical Guide to Implementation III. Checklists for LEAN Implementation in Manufacturing No matter how carefully you prepare your preliminary LEAN implementation plan, it will inevitably undergo changes in the process - as the strategy is deployed, the processes, functions, responsibilities, participation and roles of people will change. The main thing is to maintain a vision of the ultimate goal, and you can go to it in different ways. Implementing Lean Manufacturing can take decades, and improvement will last as long as the enterprise itself exists, and it is extremely important to evaluate the result at each stage in order to understand whether you are moving in the right direction, whether the results are in line with plans, whether you can move on to the next step. ... Self-assessment checklists are a great help in this. Considering the LEAN implementation algorithm in the framework of this guide, we recommended the use of certain checklists, carefully selected in order to most fully evaluate the results of individual activities. We have prepared 12 checklists of different difficulty levels, referring to different tools and different stages, intended for employees of different levels - from implementation teams to the CEO. However, each enterprise is free to choose those that are more consistent with its conditions, parameters and tasks, adjust and supplement them with its own evaluation criteria, or create their own on their basis. Checklist 1. Build a Lean Six Sigma roadmap This checklist has been prepared to support your Lean Six Sigma implementation. It helps you build a roadmap by looking at the milestones for implementation. Each step is accompanied by a description and listing of key steps. By assessing the completeness and completeness of the implementation of each step on a scale from 1 to 7, you can understand how ready you are for Six Sigma LEAN and how well the implementation program is developed. Checklist 2. Assessment of production for the formation of a strategy for the implementation of LEAN This checklist is intended for the formation of a strategy for the implementation of Lean manufacturing, assessment of the degree of readiness of the enterprise for the implementation of LEAN and identification of problem areas. Businesses facing a choice of where to start implementation can fill it out to figure out what to focus on and in which department and shop to launch a pilot project. The questions included in this checklist are divided into three blocks: block A is intended for a wide range of enterprises, both implementing LEAN and those who are starting to implement it for the first time. Block B concerns the first results of LEAN implementation and, accordingly, is suitable only for those who already have some experience of implementation (both successful and unsuccessful). Beginners can complete this block later. Block C "Plans for the future" is suitable for both groups of companies and is intended to highlight the production plans of the company. Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" 57 Lean: Practical guidance for implementation In addition to the standard columns "Yes" and "No", the checklist includes "Commentary", in which the person responsible for filling out the checklist can answer the questions posed in more detail, mark statistical data, point out the identified problems, which will allow them to quickly reach their resolution. In the course of filling out this column, it is important to note the difference between how it should be and how the processes are actually carried out. When assessing, take into account the opinions of several groups of employees: professionals who have worked in the enterprise for more than 10 years, outside specialists with a broad outlook, newcomers to production, who can bring a fresh perspective to problems. Ideally, all potential project team members, prospective moderators, and change guides should complete this extended comment checklist. Checklist 3. Basic checklist for assessing the implementation of LEAN This checklist allows you to assess the current state of the production site in 23 areas of study. Each of them is accompanied by a description of the required (ideal) state. If the state of the site corresponds to the required one, the person responsible for filling puts a "tick" or other symbol in the column "Yes" and gives 1 point. If the answer is negative - 0 points. With regular self-reviews, you will be able to compare the current results with the results of the past audit and thus track progress. Such a checklist is convenient for the simultaneous implementation of the project in several workshops or at several enterprises of the group, when there is a need to compare them, despite the peculiarities, according to common criteria. Within the 23 areas of production management, you can add new factors that are key to your production. This checklist allows you to quickly and in accordance with international canons and production management standards assess the effectiveness of your LEAN implementation project. Checklist 4. Visual indicators of 5S implementation Visual inspection of workplaces can be regular or episodic, but even for a basic inspection, during which an inspector, department head or consultant checks "by eye" how effective workplaces are, a systematic approach is needed - needed specific visual indicators, for compliance with which they should be checked during the inspection of the workplace. For this, this checklist is intended, which you can use in its original form or supplement with visual indicators corresponding to your workshops. Checklist 5. The main sources of losses in the equipment operation Even if the equipment does not stand idle, but constantly works at full load, this does not mean that it works efficiently. The main goal of TPM is to improve the efficiency of the equipment, and thus eliminate the waste that reduces not only the efficiency of the machines, but also the efficiency of the operators themselves. This checklist will help you identify the main sources of waste that you should focus on first. You can supplement it with sources of waste that are specific to your business. Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" progress in LEAN implementation. To fill it out, you are offered "Questions for peer review" for each of the aspects of LEAN. By answering them, you will be able to understand which of the stages of implementation you are at. For greater clarity, each stage is accompanied by a list of criteria that will help you accurately determine your own level. For each of the nine aspects of LEAN, you choose one stage that suits you best and mark it with a tick or other symbol in the column “Expert judgment of the current state”. The reasons for choosing this particular stage, the problems identified and comments, you can indicate in the column "Justification of the expert assessment". The changes that have taken place, the progress achieved, the coverage of the sites and departments of the enterprise by the LEAN system is indicated in the column "Progress for the block". The convenience of this checklist consists in highlighting and describing the stages of LEAN implementation, which makes it possible to standardize the assessment. This checklist is focused not so much on assessing changes in production, but on the level of progress on the project for the implementation of Lean production by highlighting its key manifestations. Checklist 7. Assessment of the involvement of the production team in the implementation of LEAN A successful implementation project can be ascertained by the fact of full and constant involvement of personnel in the work to improve lean production, therefore, enterprises need a regular assessment of how actively and competently they involve personnel in the development of Lean manufacturing. how realistic is the participation of personnel in decision-making, whether employees have the right to decide, the right to agree, or only the right to participate. The questions proposed in this checklist relate to nine factors affecting engagement: information policy, organization of projects and planned activities, the role of the work team and regulation opportunities, organization of the project progress, internal / external support, the impact of LEAN on the working environment, general conditions of personnel policy , powers and resources, employee participation. By answering the suggested questions “yes,” “no,” or “partially” and calculating the points, you can assess whether your employee engagement policy is effective or you are acting within the framework of familiar directives and calls. This checklist is especially relevant at the stage of LEAN implementation in the reference area and after each cycle of internal and external training. Remember to conduct a staff engagement survey after each revision of plans and after summing up the results of their implementation. Checklist 8. LEAN Self-Assessment and Internal Audit Consultants are often invited to assess the implementation of LEAN, but the difficulty lies in the fact that it is not easy for outside specialists to understand the specifics of the enterprise in a few days. This unique checklist within 50 questions allows you to independently reveal the main aspects of the implementation of Lean Manufacturing and evaluate yourself according to the standard methodology that has been worked out in hundreds of enterprises around the world. Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" 59 Lean: A Practical Guide to Implementation medium and low level of compliance with the required state. Thus, even without extensive experience in implementing LEAN, specialists at your enterprise can assess and develop an effective plan for further implementation. It is advisable that the evaluation of the results and filling out the checklist is carried out by specialists who have received sufficient training in various Lean manufacturing methods, trained at more experienced enterprises or visited them during training excursions. This checklist is filled out after the implementation of the first trial runs of Lean Manufacturing. Checklist 9. Assessment of LEAN implementation in production (in the shop) for drawing up a work plan This checklist offers the possibility of a comprehensive assessment of the current state of production areas for drawing up a work plan based on 95 questions. For each of them, the person responsible for filling out can make his own assessment, point out the problems identified, propose measures to eliminate them, appoint a responsible person and preliminary deadlines for completing the task. It is the most detailed and complete checklist for assessing changes in production during the implementation of LEAN, revealing all aspects of project implementation. Due to its details, this checklist will become an indispensable assistant in the process of implementing Lean Manufacturing. The main condition for its effective use is the availability of a highly qualified specialist who will be able to conduct a qualitative assessment on a large number of factors, therefore, he is mainly suitable for internal consultants and project managers for the implementation of Lean manufacturing. Checklist 10. Evaluating the effectiveness of working with suppliers in the framework of LEAN implementation Development of relationships with suppliers is an important tool in the work of any enterprise, and introducing Lean Manufacturing, it is necessary to transfer the system to suppliers, otherwise the potential of "lean" will not be fully realized. The difficulty is that this stage includes a number of prerequisites, goals and criteria that you must meet. This checklist will help you to check how ready you are to migrate your system to suppliers and to what extent your suppliers are included in your lean system. It is primarily intended for managers in the logistics or purchasing department. When filling out, it is necessary to clearly separate the declarative plans for working with suppliers and the real everyday facts of mutual integration of interests. Checklist 11. Assessment of the level of LEAN penetration into enterprise management (for top management) The implementation of Lean Manufacturing is not limited to the improvement of individual production indicators. Implementation should aim to form a new production culture and influence all processes and results of the enterprise. Tasks of the head and a look at the functioning of the enterprise as a whole Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" 60 Lean: Practical guidance for implementation differs from the tasks of the shop manager or production director, so we have prepared a separate check- a list for top managers, which, according to more than forty fairly strict criteria, allows you to track how fully Lean Manufacturing has been implemented. On the basis of such a checklist, it is possible to develop a corporate assessment system for Production systems. Checklist 12. Formation of LEAN culture at the enterprise This checklist helps to assess the level of formation of LEAN culture at the enterprise by eight parameters. Each of them, in turn, consists of a number of criteria, according to which two options for answers "Yes" and "No" are offered. In addition, you can state the identified inconsistencies in the "Comment" column and propose measures to eliminate them. This checklist is most often used at the level of middle (functional) and shop floor management to assess non-production indicators after the implementation of Lean manufacturing. 61 Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" Checklist 3: Basic checklist for assessing the implementation of LEAN (1/2) This checklist allows you to evaluate the current state of the production site in 23 areas of study. Each of them is accompanied by a description of the required (ideal) state. If the state of the site corresponds to the required one, the person responsible for filling puts a "tick" or other symbol in the column "Yes" and gives 1 point. If the answer is negative - 0 points. With regular self-reviews, you will be able to compare the current results with the results of the past audit and thus track progress. Such a checklist is convenient for the simultaneous implementation of the project in several workshops or at several enterprises of the group, when there is a need to compare them, despite the peculiarities, according to common criteria. Within the 23 areas of production management, you can add new factors that are key to your production. This checklist allows you to quickly and in accordance with international canons and production management standards assess the effectiveness of your LEAN implementation project. 0-7 points - low level 8-15 points - average level 16-23 points - high level Enterprise / Shop / Department: Points: Completed: Past result: No. Production management area Required state 1 Process standardization The production process is documented and constantly improved. Compliance with standards is of paramount importance 2 In-line production The flow of single items is organized, the buffer stocks between technological operations are minimal 3 Employee involvement Expands the competence of employees and the ability to participate in the decision-making process on important issues 4 Safe processes For each process, a risk factor for the occurrence of manufacturing defects is calculated, as well as the implications of such defects for subsequent operations 5 Continuous improvement The enterprise has a GMP, kaizen, or other continuous process improvement methodology and strong management support 6 Flexibility Manufacturing is able to accommodate orders with different volumes and lead times, to expand or change the range of products 7 Monitoring Modern technical means are used to prepare reports and collect production indicators regarding the quality of equipment operation, customer satisfaction a, evaluating the effectiveness of suppliers, etc. 8 Transparency Work is underway to improve the transparency of processes, each workplace contains information about the status of the order and the degree of achievement of the goal Yes (= 1 point) Date: No (= 0 points) Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" Checklist 3: Basic checklist for assessing the implementation of LEAN (2/2) No. Production management area Required state 9 Consistency of implementation Each stage of implementation is supported by directives and regulations of the management, agreed with the general strategy, adherence to the general strategy is obligatory 10 products A product in the process of processing passes directly from one stage to the next, both on the conveyor and in the production cell 12 Kanban To implement the principle of "just in time", the kanban system is used, replenishment of materials at the workplace occurs strictly as needed 13 Qualifications All employees and the managers passed the appropriate cooking 14 Bye-yoke A system for preventing errors with simple technical innovations is in place 15 Material flow Material flow reorganized to create a pull production system 16 In-line production Production processes are divided into work steps with a predetermined cycle The workshop space is converted according to the sequence of operations 17 Work separation Production department work from activities that are not directly aimed at the production process 18 Visual management To visualize the processes occurring in the enterprise, graphs, tables, inscriptions and pointers are used that demonstrate the difference between the current state and the planned, that is, they serve as a guide for the improvement process and motivate employees 19 Relationships with suppliers Due to the changes that have occurred, contracts have been revised, the ordering procedure and methods of communication with suppliers, work is underway to extend LEAN to suppliers 20 Customer focus Work is underway to improve relations with customers: the ability to promptly inform about the preferences, dissatisfaction and wishes of the client 21 Reduction of transport routes Revised routes and methods of transportation of materials and products (possibly involving logistics operators) 22 Optimization of internal movements Revised routes of movement of workers and transportation of materials and products ( redevelopment of the workshop space) 23 Rationing of time for performing operations The method of planning and evaluating production processes based on measuring the duration of work is applied Yes (= 1 point) Demo version. Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company "________________________________ __" No (= 0 points) 15,000 rubles. Continuous improvement system: the Bundeswehr experience. A practical guide. Order and solidity are the main characteristics of the German army! And this procedure is reflected in this Practical Guide in everything: in forms, instructions, algorithms for evaluating proposals, resolving controversial issues, principles of remuneration and evaluating the effect of implementing proposals. This manual is a charter, but not a duty, but a charter for a system of continuous improvement (CPI), which, like this charter, leaves no room for doubts or double interpretations, which has been worked out for years and is easy to study and implement, describes all aspects and decisions necessary for the quality passage of the process. Its main advantage and distinctive feature is that this is not a book or an article, not general recommendations on how to live better, not a description of philosophy - this is a rigid standard, a set of rules, instructions and algorithms that 100% ensure the efficiency and quality of the NPL process. .... Several employees have submitted similar proposals ... The proposal includes a development that may be subject to copyright and patent protection ... The submitted idea is within the immediate responsibility of the employee ... What to do in these cases? ... What if the proposal carries the grain of innovation, but is presented in a general form and lacks specificity? And if it comes to partial implementation? What are the grounds for refusing to implement the proposal? ... The implementation of the system begins, and the questions continue to multiply, discouraging any desire to continue and prompting such a frequent thought "kaizen / NPU / innovation does not suit us", which enterprises of various profiles are consistently expressing. Understanding the difficulties faced by domestic enterprises, the Business Portal "Manufacturing Management" has prepared for you a practical guide on the formation of a system of continuous improvement, taking as an example the Continuous Improvement Program in the Bundeswehr. What will such a system bring you? First, it will significantly simplify the processing of rationalization proposals and will not allow you to get confused in a difficult situation. Despite the fact that the Program refers to the army structures, the principles of organizing a system of continuous improvement set forth in it are suitable for an enterprise of any industry. The presentation of these principles in the format of the charter gives an accurate and detailed description of the NHRI system in German, with attention to every detail - from the division of powers to the determination of the amount of the award for the author of the idea. In addition, the Charter contains clear instructions in case of disputable situations, which are not uncommon in the process of work. Secondly, it will help to distribute responsibilities between employees of different levels. By transferring the functions of the departments of the Bundeswehr to the hierarchical structure of your company, you can more easily navigate the areas of responsibility. And thirdly, one should not forget about such an important - and perhaps the key - factor of the success of the NHRI system as the degree of employee motivation. If you do not have a system for evaluating rationalization proposals, if in controversial situations you rely on a situation, personal experience or someone's opinion, and not on clearly defined norms, do not be surprised if you are accused of subjectivity or lack of understanding. And a person who believes that he was unjustly refused is unlikely to show zeal in the future. “The uniqueness of this manual is in the presence of a large number of provisions, instructions and forms (more than half of the handbook). The second half of the manual consists of practical algorithms for organizing the rationalization process itself. Many forms can be printed out virtually unchanged and can be used immediately in production. There are no analogs on the subject of Lean Manufacturing in Russian for this manual. " Stanislav Zinchenko, Director of the Center for Industrial Research, Business Portal "Production Management" Buy Demo version VVVTOOQNQT 5S: Practical guide to implementation 15,000 rubles. How to determine if an enterprise is 5S ready? Where to start implementation? How can a line manager, an external auditor, the employee himself assess the state of the workplace? The answers are in the new unique product “5S. A Practical Guide to Implementation ”. Clear and accessible algorithms, 15 checklists of various difficulty levels, examples, photos and much more! This Practical Guide is a detailed step-by-step algorithm for the preparation and implementation of measures for the implementation of the 5S system at the enterprise: from developing a plan and drawing up a project map to evaluating the results. For each stage of 5S (sorting, self-organization, systematic cleaning, standardization and improvement), goals and implementation time are determined, a list of necessary materials, recommendations for implementation, clarifying comments and mandatory criteria for assessing success are proposed, only if they are observed, you can proceed to the next stage. Its strong point is its maximum focus on practical use. Dozens of books have been written about the theoretical component of the 5S concept, for this reason, we based the Practical Guide on the real experience of industrial enterprises, non-production divisions, consulting agencies and the principle of "Print and use" rather than "Read and think". Therefore, we can safely say that there are no analogues in the Russian-speaking environment. Of particular interest to practitioners is the block "Checklists for the implementation of 5S", without which it is impossible to assess the achieved level. Here we have tried to cover as widely as possible the requirements of enterprises of different profiles and different levels of training. The How-to Guide provides checklists for individual self-assessment and teamwork, for a one-minute assessment and for an in-depth understanding of the 5S implementation process, for workplaces and shared spaces, for employees, auditors, line managers and department heads. As a separate block, we have presented for you checklists that will help you effectively organize and check the work of offices and non-production departments. Each checklist is universal and maximally adapted to the needs of a wide range of enterprises. Naturally, each enterprise has its own unique characteristics and requirements, but even if these differences are fundamental, you can easily adjust the presented checklists to suit your specificity, job hierarchy, requirements for organizing workplaces or holding special events. Why “5S. A Practical Guide to Implementation ": 1. A practical guide will help you to correctly start and implement a 5S implementation project at all its stages. 2. The practical guide will provide the 5S project manager at your facility with all the information he needs and help him plan the work. 3. A practical guide will save you the trouble of inventing and developing dozens of new documents for the 5S project. 4. A practical guide, thanks to more than a dozen checklists, will bring your 5S implementation project to the level of international standards. 5. Practical guidance and its correct application will ensure the implementation of 5S at all levels of the enterprise and in all departments. Buy Demo version Full version: http://www.up-pro.ru/shop/lean.html A copy of the company Demo version. "__________________________________"


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