SMS informing and customer notification services. Text for SMS mailing. Examples and writing tips Sample SMS reminders for customers about picking up an order

Information about new promotions, sales, product updates, gifts and discounts - all this can be contained in the selling letter. It helps to attract more new customers, strengthen relationships with old customers and increase sales.

A regular customer can be immediately informed about loyalty programs, discounts and new products - he will forgive, understand and follow the link. But unlike him, the new subscriber is not yet a client. And he may never become one if immediately after the subscription obsessive advertising sprinkles on him.

Your task is not to frighten and anger the subscriber, but to earn his trust and arouse interest in the newsletter. To do this, start with a welcome message and content chain:

  • with interesting information;
  • useful hints;
  • games and tests in exchange for a gift or discount.

The blog of TexTerra online agency has a case of the Aromatic World chain of wine supermarkets. The entire base was conditionally cold, but the result was successful: the Open Rate was 28.4%, and the number of unsubscriptions was only 0.5%.

Welcome letter from the Aromatny Mir chain of stores

If the mailing began with an offer to buy a box of wine, there would be more unsubscribes. At the initial stage, try to start a confidential conversation with the subscriber: talk about why you are doing the newsletter, what will be in it. And let the reader decide for himself whether he needs it or not. So you get an active and responsive base.

Continue to send out interesting information, life hacks and other useful content until you see interest from the subscriber. It is expressed in clicks on links and directory views. We noticed such activity - make a commercial offer, season it with a special price, a time limit and hit directly at the target.

Maxim Ilyakhov, a well-known journalist, editor and creator of the Glavred service in an article on the Medium blog platform:
- The best and first segmentation is segmentation by engagement. If a person responds to your posts, give him 100% marketing. If not responding - 30%.

Key elements of a sales letter for a cold base

Before writing a sales letter for the newsletter, work through each element: subject, headline, text, call to action. Miss something, and the subscriber will not open the letter, and if he does, he will not go to the site.

Subject and preheader (pre-title)

SendPulse email newsletter conducted a survey among 120 online store subscribers. Result: the majority of recipients (62%) open and read email only if it has an interesting topic.

Preheader, he is also a pre-title, complements the topic. These are the few words that you see in the mail client to the right of the message subject. Often, without a preheader, the topic looks incomprehensible and needs to be continued.


The "header is required" rule does not apply to email newsletters. Often it is replaced by a topic, and the letter begins with the name of the reader and a greeting. Email with a name better places the subscriber and sets up a dialogue.

If you use only the name: make sure it is spelled correctly and in the correct declension.

If using a header: compose it using the 4U method. It should be useful, unique, ultra-specific (contain numbers) and urgent (with a time limit).

4U Header Example:

Slender waist for 2 months according to the program of Ekaterina Usmanova. When registering before December 10, the sports menu is free.

If the title goes too long, the last parameter (urgency) can be removed.


The selling text for the cold base, which I want to read to the end, looks like this:

  • it is informative and not loaded with unnecessary details;
  • relevant to the topic;
  • easy to read;
  • well structured (there are subheadings, lists, highlighted blocks);
  • does not contain obscure abbreviations and terms;
  • not overloaded with images - just one picture is enough.

It is necessary for the reader to understand from the first seconds what exactly you are offering him, why he needs it, and how he can get it. If he is distracted by vivid pictures, slogans and abstract language, he will close the letter, and next time he will have to try hard to arouse interest in the newsletter.

Take the sample of a selling letter for sending an email from Internet accounting "My business":

  1. They talked about WHAT they offer: a series of webinars;
  2. they told WHY watch a webinar: there is a program;
  3. showed HOW to register - posted a clear CTA button.

At the bottom of the letter is additional information, links to social networks, contacts, an unsubscribe button.

Call to action button

This is the main element of a sales letter. A bright theme, headline, text, cool design - all this is to make the user interested and go to the site / place an order / register.

The call to action button should be clear, contrasting, with a short and motivating phrase.


  • “Pick up a free coupon”;
  • "Choose stockings by stock";
  • “Buy grape seedlings with a 20% discount”;
  • “Acquire 14 demo lessons”;
  • "Download the book in one click."

For the reader to immediately see the button, place it at the top of the page. If the email is long, there may be 2-3 such buttons, but do not overdo it.

Letter from the trainer in English - Alena Privedentseva

Marketing Mailing Lists: Email Examples for New Subscribers

We picked up 3 examples of sales letters for the cold base, which are sent after the content chain and announcement:

A sales email with an offer to sign up and pay for training on food freezing. Initially, the messages were informative: ready-made menu options, recipes and useful tips for the hostesses.

Newsletter of online cosmetics store M A C

M A C offers free shipping on a promotional code. Valid 1 day - a great motivation to quickly make a purchase. There was no content distribution, immediately sent interesting, vibrant letters, introduced to the assortment. If the store is well known, it can do without an information chain of letters.

New subscribers and those to whom you have not written for a long time is a minefield. Walk on it carefully: send welcome letters, then content letters, and only after that - advertising letters. And when you receive orders from the site, you can fix them in: the program itself will appoint a responsible manager, will set him the task of contacting the client and will give tips at each stage of the sales funnel.

If your goal is to achieve business efficiency, increase sales and build a large customer base, then SMSint is what you need. We suggest you use the new method of mobile marketing, which reached its peak in 2012, the service of advertising SMS mailing. This is an easy and affordable way to advertise your company. Becoming our client, you get the opportunity to use the cloud-based SMS messaging program via the Internet for free, come up with a message text or use examples on our website, provide a subscriber base, and we take care of the rest.

SMS notification system helps many businessmen to communicate with their customers and attract new ones. Thanks to this newsletter, people will find out about your company and will definitely come for a product or service. The service of SMS informing customers will allow you to timely inform about new promotions, discounts and offers. It has become much easier to do business with us.

SMSint company offers you its SMS services. We have favorable conditions for cooperation, which allows you to use alerts and notifications via SMS (sms) for a long time.

Using the advantages of SMS-informing, inform your customers directly about all interesting events and activities. The SMSint SMSint service offers you turnkey solutions for business areas.

    • New Arrivals;
    • Expansion of the assortment;
    • Seasonal change of collections;
    • Sales and special offers;
    • Discounts and special promotions;
    • Prize draws, lotteries for customers;
    • Opening of new stores, company departments;
    • Personalized greetings and appeals.
    • Seasonal discounts on services and certain types of work;
    • Discounts and promotions for additional equipment and spare parts;
    • Presentations of new models in dealerships;
    • Attracting customers to test drive new products;
    • Informing about the emergence of new services in service centers;
    • Messages about the need for scheduled maintenance;
    • Service Record Reminders;
    • Notifications of delivery of a car or previously ordered spare parts;
    • Information on the completion of repairs / maintenance;
    • Opening of new branches and service centers.
    • Announcements of thematic events, parties;
    • Seasonal change of the menu;
    • Performances of famous musicians, DJs;
    • Special offers, discounts, promotions;
    • New items from the chef, festivals of national cuisines;
    • Information about business lunches, additional services.
    • The emergence of new services or the opening of new centers;
    • Reminders about making an appointment, lesson, or procedure;
    • Discounted mobile coupons or special offers;
    • Personalized customer greetings on holidays and birthdays;
    • Announcement of master classes and other thematic events;
    • A reminder of the passage of preventive examinations.
    • Informing about new services, special offers and promotions;
    • Individual reminders on the terms of payments on loans, when paying for insurance by installments;
    • Reminder of the expiration of the contract of insurance, storage, etc .;
    • Personalized customer greetings on holidays and birthdays;
    • Informing about the time of receiving clients on holidays and pre-holidays.
    • Information on expanding the range of goods and services;
    • Notifications of receipt of the order and stages of its implementation;
    • Informing about the availability of discounts or special offers;
    • Announcement of technical work on the site, an indication of the mode of its operation;
    • Notifications (confirmations) about changes in the registration data of site users;
    • Personalized customer greetings on holidays and birthdays;

Whatever your main activity, thanks to the SMS-informing service, you can always launch any campaign to solve the urgent tasks of your business and constantly maintain the interest and activity of your customers.

Many entrepreneurs intuitively or quite consciously understand the prospects that the mass SMS distribution opens for them. True, the lack of experience or the necessary staff in the state can play a cruel joke, but we already wrote about how not to get burned on trifles. You can familiarize yourself with the main factors that can cause a negative response from customers, and therefore, avoid them.

Now let’s talk more about SMS texting to customers. We, again, wrote about, but theoretical knowledge is one thing, and quite different is to see them in practice. Consider clearly the texts for stores, that is, for everyone who sells goods.

Just in case, we’ll make a reservation that your notice to the client should contain interesting and valuable information for him. Therefore, before you start creating SMS messages, formulate your offer clearly and clearly for yourself. If you find that it will be useful to the subscriber, proceed to compose a message.

Here is one example of an SMS mailing from a clothing and shoe store (I don’t disclose the name):

"Cold? In "ХХХ" up to -50% on clothes and shoes from 25.11.Details: 050hhhhhhhh »

  • First phrase hits directly on target (given the fact that outside the window the end of November).
  • -50% - also good. A specific figure, all the more impressive. The only thing is that without knowing the original price (or average store prices), we do not know what to count on. The price at a discount can be 1,000 UAH, or maybe 10,000. As you know, the income level of different people can differ markedly. If we indicated in the message the price from ..., we would probably have attracted the closest Central Asia to us. Consider if you intend to send messages to the latest database of subscribers.
  • S 25.11 - Dates are best used to limit the term of an offer. Otherwise, the subscriber will not rush. Either write from 25 to 30.11, or just the deadline.
  • Details - use the link to the site, or the phone number, as here, and ideally - free for the subscriber.

a few more text options for SMS mailing for (online) stores. Examples:

Total sale! Until 6.12. All coats for 2111 UAH.
Address: xxx

Sensational low -15% on everything! Tilki until 1.12. Telephone.

6.12 buy 3 any product and choose a gift to your taste. Promotion details: link to the site.

Furniture Salon "XXX" gives discounts up to 40%. Hurry up to use before 1.12. Pleasant surprises and good mood are guaranteed!

Thank you for participating in the drawing of a certificate for 1,500 rubles.! The results will be announced on Monday, May 12. Good luck

Sale announcement

Do not let the goods become dusty on the shelves! Send an SMS about the sale to customers and get the result!

The winter sale at Yuppie is almost over! 60% discount. Do not pass by!

Order an SMS newsletter to your store customers and receive income today!

Imagine that you can offer a special deal to your customers just 1 hour before people get hungry and think about what to eat for dinner? This will give an amazingly powerful effect! Especially with the right advertising. Text marketing is great for this! It is quick and easy for you. It is convenient and relevant for your customers. Here are some ideas to help you get the ball in your ad campaigns!

Mobile coupons

Encourage customers to visit your place and order dinner.

Are you planning dinner? Show this message to the waiter and get a large snack plate for free when ordering a main course. Only today!

Bring a friend discount

Do not like to eat alone? Come with a friend and get a discount!

Come to Jack's Grill today and bring 2 friends! Free dessert for everyone!

Organize a contest

SMS contest will add subscribers and amuse existing customers.

Fine! You tried to win dinner for two. The results will be announced tomorrow at 19 o’clock. Good luck

Table Reservation Reminder

Remind customers of your restaurant reservations. Do not let them stay hungry!

Evgeny! You have booked a table for two in the Birshtube restaurant for 17 hours. Waiting for you!

Staff notifications

To all employees! Mandatory meeting today at 8 am, before the opening! Do not be late!

Many schools use telephones to broadcast news and updates to their staff and parents. This is slower than bulk text messaging. This is why many school notification systems include SMS notifications. In many cases, texts completely replace telephone calls. Here are more ideas for using SMS informing for schools and other educational organizations.

Cancellation of events and activities

A phone call does not always reach the subscriber. Especially if it's a home number. But SMS will quickly receive everything.

All activities after classes are canceled due to weather. Do not forget to pick up the baby!

Event Reminder

Remind parents, students about activities at school, university.

Do not forget about the alumni meeting this Friday. The party starts at 5!

Emergency situation

Notify parents of emergency situations and safety measures taken at school, university.

Today there was a fire in the scientific wing of the school. No harm done. Wait for further notifications!

Connect SMS informing for school with Potoksms service - keep abreast of your child's school life!

Inform the customers about the accepted order, when the driver arrives, on which car with state number, the cost of the order. Report discounts.


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