Business modeling systems. Analysis of modern tools for modeling business processes. Tools for extending the functionality of the server and client applications

Selection of modeling tools and methods

One of the first and main stages of the project for describing the company's business processes is the choice of methods and tools for modeling.

Currently on the market software there are a large number of products designed to model the activities of an enterprise, each of them is based on a certain methodology.

In general, there are two approaches to modeling.

Structural-algorithmic- the main building blocks of the model when using this approach are functions (procedures). The model is a built-in sequence of functions, while there is a possibility of their decomposition into their component parts; some data are received at the input of each function, at the output there are certain results of its execution, the resource environment of the function is shown - people, information systems, regulations.

This block includes the IDEF methodology; the tool that implements this methodology is BPWin.

Object orientedthe approach involves the use of objects - entities with identity, state and behavior. The model in this case is a comprehensive description of the object of research - in addition to the description of the business process itself, it contains a description of: the organizational structure of the enterprise, the structure of information systems, operational and regulatory documents. When modeling in accordance with the object-oriented approach, a single database of model objects is created, thanks to which it becomes possible to track the relationships between objects and the non-redundancy of the constructed model.

Methodologies supporting object-oriented principle: Aris methodology (IDS Sheer product group "Aris") and UML methodology (Rational Rose product). UML methodology is mainly focused on software development, Aris is used to describe the business processes of an enterprise.

Aris also provides the ability to evaluate processes according to specified parameters, for example, in terms of time and cost of their execution.

When modeling the activities of an organization, if the need is justified, it is possible to integrate several systems, in which case they should include the appropriate export / import mechanisms.

In Russia, the following modeling tools are widely used for modeling and analyzing business processes: Rational Rose, Oracle Designer, AllFusion Process Modeler (BPWin)and AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler (ERWin), ARIS, Power Designer.Abroad, in addition to those mentioned, are actively used such means as System Architect, Ithink Analyst, ReThinkand others. Table. 5 provides a list of the tools involved in the review. The information provided includes:

? the name of the tool;

? information about the supplier and representative in Russia;

? a brief description of the tool.

Let us single out the main criteria that make it possible to select from the presented modeling tools those whose application in Russia would be more likely to justify itself. These criteria are:

? stable position of the product on the market(lifetime, product development program, problem reporting system, application pool, etc.);

? product prevalence(number of licenses sold, availability, size and level of activity of the user group);

? availability of supplier support.Such services may include telephone " hotline», Technical and consulting support through the supplier's representative in Russia;

? availability of training.Training can be conducted on the premises of the supplier's representative in Russia, the user or elsewhere;

? availability of product materials.These may include computer-based teaching materials, tutorials, books, articles, information on the Internet, demos.

For a more detailed analysis, from the list of tools given in the table, let us single out those software products that meet the specified criteria. In this case, BPWIn / ERWin, Oracle Designer, Rational Rose, Power Designer, ARIS fall within the scope of our further consideration, for which a more detailed description is presented below.

BPWin and ERWin of the ComptrSchvrAssociates.Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA) ranks among the top five software vendors offering simulation, backup, enterprise infrastructure management (networks, servers, etc.), information security, business intelligence, etc. The BPWin package is based on the IDEF methodology and is intended for functional modeling and analysis of enterprise activities. The IDEF methodology, which is the official US federal standard, is a set of methods, rules and procedures designed to build a functional model of an object of any subject area. The functional model IDEF0 displays the functional structure of an object, that is, the actions it performs and the connections between these actions.

BPwin features:

? supports three standard notations at once - IDEF0 (functional modeling), DFD (data flow modeling) and IDEF3 (work flow modeling). These three main views allow you to describe the subject area in the most comprehensive way;

? allows you to optimize the procedures in the company;

? fully supports costing by volume methods economic activity (functional and cost analysis, ABC);

? allows to facilitate certification for compliance with ISO9000 quality standards;

? integrated with ERwin (for database modeling), Paradigm Plus (for software component modeling), etc.;

? integrated with the Arena simulation tool;

? contains its own report generator;

? allows you to effectively manipulate models - merge and split them;

? has a wide range of tools for documenting models, projects.

The ERWin package is a conceptual database modeling tool. It is used when modeling and creating databases of arbitrary complexity based on entity-relationship diagrams. ERWin is currently the most popular data modeling package due to its support for a wide range of different database classes. ERWin features:

? supports the SADT structural modeling methodology and the following notations: IDEFlx standard notation for ER diagrams of data models, IE notation and a special notation for data warehouse design - Dimensional;

? supports forward (creating a database based on a model) and reverse (generating a model from an existing database) design for 20 types of DBMS: desktop, relational and specialized DBMS designed to create data warehouses;

? integrated with the Computer Associates product line to support all stages of IS development, CASE-tools Oracle Designer, Rational Rose, development tools, etc .;

? allows you to reuse the components of previously created models, as well as use the developments of other developers;

? collaboration of a group of designers with the same models is possible (using AllFusion Model Manager);

? allows you to transfer the database structure (not the data itself!) from one type of DBMS to another;

? allows you to document the structure of the database.

Oracle Designer by Oracle.The Oracle Designer Toolkit provides an integrated solution for developing enterprise-grade Web and client / server applications. Oracle Designer is involved in every phase of the software development lifecycle, from business process modeling to implementation. The use of a single repository makes it possible to use any of its components for the rapid development of scalable, cross-platform distributed applications. Oracle Designer is tasked with collecting user needs data and automating the building of flexible graphical applications. Oracle Designer is used not only to create applications, but also to keep track of the changes that inevitably occur during system operation. The graphical design definition models integrated with the multi-user repository make Oracle Designer much easier to use. The tools are based on generally accepted methodologies that cover the entire life cycle development and allowing users to build models in a way that is familiar to their organization. This provides a flexible and open approach to software development by using only those parts of the product that are required for a given task. As part of the development process, support for RAD, JAD, information design, waterfall method (waterfall), iterative method, etc. Using these principles, you can achieve a successful balance of organizational needs and technological capabilities and even effectively manage the risk associated with frequent inevitable and important changes in one or another area. Oracle Designer concept modeling tools include:

? ER-diagrams (diagrams of the information structure of the subject area, represented in the form of objects and their relationships);

? functional hierarchy diagrams describing the functions that the system performs;

? diagrams of data flows circulating in the enterprise.

Such models represent information needs in a convenient and visual form for perception, which makes them a good means of communication between designers and users in the process of specifying tasks. Any developer is interested that the description of the conceptual model was used to create specifications that describe the structure and main components of the future system. In Oracle Designer, all system design specifications are developed from conceptual models to ensure that all requirements and constraints contained therein are met. The resulting system components can be converted into real database objects, screens and reports. The final part of the project development - automatic generation of server components - is possible not only for the Oracle database server, but also for the Microsoft SQL Server, DB / 2, Sybase and a number of others. Any changes to business processes can be made to the models, and a modified application based on new business patterns will be generated immediately. In this case, everything developed earlier will be saved and will be included in the new project. Ogask Designer automatically creates reports that contain all information about the project and can be used as a set of documents reflecting the current state of the project.

Rational Rose from IBM.IBM Rational Rose is part of the IBM Rational Suite and is designed to model software systems using a wide range of tools and platforms. Rational Rose is one of the leading visual modeling tools in the software industry with full UML support and multilingual team development support. The tool fully supports the component-oriented IS creation process. Anyone in the project - analysts, modelers, developers, and others - can use the models built in Rational Rose to make the final product more efficient. For business analysts, Rational Rose provides the ability to detail and analyze business processes in a given domain. System analysts using specified descriptions, will be able to develop the necessary IS functionality that will maximally satisfy the customer's requests. Architects can use Rational Rose to help them create a powerful and flexible system architecture. For analysts specializing in database development, Rational Rose will provide the ability to visually design and generate databases of any size. Thus, you can create Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, SQL Anywhere, IBM DB2, and any other databases that support the ability to run ANSI SQL scripts. Any models created with this tool are interrelated: business model, functional model, analysis model, design model, database model, component model, and physical system deployment model. It is possible to create templates for architectural solutions, allowing you to use the experience gained in previous projects. There are Rational Rose extensions that allow you to perform round-trip development of ISs created on the basis of C / C + +, Java, Smalltalk, Ada, Object Pascal (Borland Delphi), etc. Thus, you can generate a framework of program code on any of the specified languages, or reverse engineering to build a model from existing code. It is possible to publish the model on the Internet, which serves as a basis for uniting the work of remote development teams. Integration of Rational Rose with Rational RequisitePro allows you to develop a complete set of requirements based on a visual model that must be implemented when creating the final product. The integration of Rational Rose with Rational TestManager enables you to create test scripts based on a visual model. Integration of Rational Rose with Rational ClearCase allows you to version control a model in whole or in parts. Integration of Rational Rose with Rational SoDA allows you to automate the process of creating documents and reports from a visual model.

PowerDesigner from Sybase.Since its inception, Sybase has traditionally been a leading provider of information technology to the global financial institutions market: Sybase technologies are used by 90% of the world's securities market companies, 60% of the world's banks and 68% of Wall Street companies. Since 1996, when the office was opened in Moscow, Sybase has been actively working in Russia and other CIS countries. In April 2002, the company's offices were opened in St. Petersburg and Kiev. Sybase offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev provide comprehensive work with clients, including the supply of technologies, equipment, development of complete solutions, user training, full-featured technical support and consulting services. PowerDesigner is a comprehensive application and business process modeling and development solution for organizations that need to quickly, consistently, and cost-effectively create or re-engineer business applications. PowerDesigner removes the following barriers to effective design: Differences in vocational training project participants, heterogeneous platforms, and an abundance of development languages \u200b\u200bare common in most modern companies. This allows you to focus on the business needs of building applications throughout the entire development process - from systems analysis and design right through to the direct generation of code for the application. The latest version of the product, PowerDesigner, has new capabilities for business process modeling, UML-based object modeling, and supports both traditional and emerging modeling technologies within one advanced graphical environment. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost and time of the project, which must operate on different platforms and tool environments. One of the main strengths of PowerDesigner is also the use of an enterprise-wide repository to store and manage all information related to modeling and application design at all levels of business in the company. This makes it possible to properly organize the workflow and dramatically increase the developer's efficiency. Key features PowerDesigner:

? business process modeling: PowerDesigner allows non-technical professionals of the company to design and model business processes, focusing on business problems and relying on terms that they know, using a simple and intuitive graphical non-technical model;

? data Modeling: PowerDesigner allows you to design and generate a database schema through two-tier (conceptual and physical) relational database modeling that supports classic database design techniques. Also has built-in data warehouse modeling tools;

? object Modeling: PowerDesigner offers a complete technology for analyzing and designing systems using the UML standard (business process diagrams, flow diagrams, classes and components). Based on a class diagram, PowerDesigner automatically generates and reengines code for popular tooling environments such as JavaTM (including EJB 2.0), XML, Web Servicies, C ++, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, and more through a custom generator;

? enterprise-class repository: The Enterprise edition of PowerDesigner contains enterprise-class repository functionality. The repository allows everyone on your team to easily view and share models and other information. The repository is highly scalable and supports role-based security, version control, search, and reporting capabilities.

ARIS by IDS Scheer AG.Currently, there is a tendency to integrate various methods of modeling and analysis of systems, which manifests itself in the form of creating integrated modeling tools. One of these tools is a product called ARIS, developed by the German company IDS Scheer. IDS Sheer AG was founded in 1984 with a focus on software and consulting. The company currently serves 4,000 customers in 50 countries around the world through its network of representative offices and partners. The quality of IDS Scheer's solutions was confirmed in June 2005 by the Gold Medal of the Poznań International Fair, where only the best products are awarded. And also in July 2005, when ARIS 7 software products with completely new Web-products were presented to the world market; they all have one thing in common - an intuitive and expressive interface. The ARIS system is a complex of tools for analyzing and modeling enterprise activities. Its methodological basis is a combination of different methods modeling, reflecting different views on the system under study. The same model can be developed using several methods, which makes it possible to use ARIS for specialists with different theoretical knowledge and configure it to work with systems that have their own specifics. The ARIS modeling technique is based on the theory of integrated IS construction, developed by Professor August Sher, which defines the principles of visual display of all aspects of the functioning of the analyzed companies. ARIS supports four types of models reflecting different aspects of the system under study:

? organizational models that represent the structure of the system - the hierarchy of organizational units, positions and specific individuals, connections between them, as well as the territorial linking of structural units;

? functional models containing a hierarchy of goals facing the management apparatus, with a set of trees of functions necessary to achieve the goals;

? information models that reflect the structure of information required to implement the entire set of system functions;

? management models that represent an integrated view of the implementation of business processes within the system.

To build the listed types of models, both ARIS proprietary modeling methods and various well-known modeling methods and languages, in particular ER and UML, are used. In the process of modeling, each aspect of the enterprise is first considered separately, and after a detailed study of all aspects, an integrated model is built that reflects all the connections between the various aspects. ARIS does not impose restrictions on the sequence of building the above types of models. The modeling process can start with any of them, depending on the specific conditions and goals pursued by the developers. Models in ARIS are diagrams, the elements of which are various objects - "function", "event", " structural subdivision"," Document ", etc. Various connections are established between objects. Each object corresponds to a certain set of attributes that allow you to enter additional information about a specific object. Attribute values \u200b\u200bcan be used in simulation or value analysis. Thus, based on the results of this stage, a set of interrelated models appears, which are the source material for further analysis. It is worth noting several features of the ARIS system. First, the ARIS family of software products is focused on process description. The main business model of ARIS is eEPC (extended Event-driven Process Chain - an extended model of the chain of event-driven processes). Essentially, the eEPC model extends the capabilities of IDEF0, IDEF3, and DFD with all their strengths and weaknesses. The second feature is that the ARIS system has an internal database that allows you to check the model for consistency, integrity, and verify the model. This is absent in other products. The third feature: ARIS is the only system focused on the description of a business, where there are different views on the business system, which we can evaluate and consider from different angles, which is not in other software products. For the past five years, ARIS has been a strong leader in modeling tools.

Let us indicate the main purpose of each product under consideration from its many applications:

? erwin, Power Designer and Rational Rose are more suitable for database modeling;

? oracle Designer, Power Designer and Rational Rose are more suitable for modeling the components of developed applications;

? bPwin, ARIS and Rational Rose are more suitable for business process modeling.

Table 6 provides a comparison of the functional capabilities and properties of tool environments designed for modeling business processes.

The general requirements for the modeling environment are as follows. It must be assumed that the developed models will be subject to frequent changes. This is due to a number of objective circumstances:

1) the emergence of new internal regulations for interaction, changes external environment - customer requirements for the products and services provided, competitors' activity, etc .;

2) modernization and the emergence of new automated procedures due to the development of IP;

3) stage-by-stage detailing of individual sub-processes due to the initial insufficient algorithmization of individual procedures of the organization's activities;

4) optimization of models, including within the composition of calculated indicators and criteria for their assessment.

For this reason, the architecture of the basic components of the model designed on the modeling tool should be such that it painlessly (or with minimal losses) ensures the addition of new subprocesses, the expansion of the composition of attributes, the possibility of building metamodels and complex models in conditions of a significant difference in the levels of detail of the description of the models included in general population.

Key characteristics that can be used when comparing the capabilities of modeling tools include:

? availability and ease of implementation of the hierarchical approach;

? support for various levels of abstraction;

? formal language and notation system;

? integration opportunities;

? analysis tools;

? methodological base;

? availability of prototypes of formalized business processes in relation to various subject areas.

When making the choice of the instrumental environment, you can use the well-known magic quadrants of Gartner. Although the main purpose of this view is not to compare technologies or products, but mainly their suppliers, they nevertheless provide useful information for a subsequent platform decision.

Kind of magic the Gartner quadrant for modeling tools is shown in Fig. 6. Within this view, the position of each vendor is displayed in the coordinates "functionality" - "completeness of presentation". Functionality is assessed on a unit scale, taking into account factors such as the availability of a strategic product development plan, compliance with general trends in the development of this technology, adequacy to analysis and compliance with market demand. The completeness of the presentation is assessed on the basis of the financial potential of the manufacturing company as a whole, the organization of research and development, the availability of a marketing and sales strategy and system, and the ability to support and participate in alliances.

Within the framework of the used view, four quadrants are distinguished, which determine the following categorization of solution providers: niche players, dreamers, contenders, leaders.

The category of "niche players" includes companies whose product solutions are implemented in specialized areas, or have significant lag behind competitors in terms of the availability of innovations and the ability to implement them.

The category “applicants” includes companies that have a high potential for the implementation of their product solutions, but lack a clear vision of the prospects for the development of technologies and products.

The category "leaders" includes companies that have the greatest influence on the development of the market in the analyzed area in terms of both understanding the prospects and the possibilities for their implementation. Leaders not only have advantages over their competitors at the moment, but also have a high chance of maintaining their positions in the future in the considered technology area.

The main point is the complexity of the estimates implemented in the quadrant. The positioning of the company is carried out not by the characteristics of individual products or their versions, but by the general potential of the company, taking into account the implemented business model in a particular area, the organization of support, the functionality of the product or service, as well as the technology used. For this reason, comparisons of quadrants for the same area that were built at different times (usually Gartner releases versions every six months) can have significant differences.

It should be noted that the choice of modeling tools should be accompanied or occur in the context of the choice of methods for modeling the business architecture of an enterprise.

Based on this, the choice of the instrumental environment generally involves the following activities (including the appropriate documentation of the results):

1) substantiation of the composition of modeling methods, taking into account the composition and characteristics of the backbone elements of business processes;

2) definition of general requirements for tools for developing process models;

3) conducting a comparative analysis of the modern market for modeling tools and choosing the best option.

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business process modeling tools

In Russia, the following modeling tools are widely used for modeling and analyzing business processes: Rational Rose, Oracle Designer, AllFusion Process Modeler (BPWin) and AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler (ERWin), ARIS, Power Designer... Abroad, in addition to those mentioned, such tools as System Architect, Ithink Analyst, ReThink, etc. are actively used. Table 1 presents a list of tools involved in the review. The information provided includes:

  • the name of the tool;
  • information about the supplier and representative in Russia;
  • brief description of the tool.
Table 1. List of tools
Name Provider Main representative in Russia a brief description of
1 BPWin and ERWin Computer Associates (formerly Platinum)
Interface Ltd
BPWin is a visual business process modeling tool.
ERWin is a tool used in modeling and creating databases of arbitrary complexity based on entity-relationship diagrams.
2 Oracle Designer Oracle
Oracle Representative Office in Russia
A functional tool for describing a subject area. It is part of the Oracle9i Developer Suite toolkit for designing software systems and databases that implement CASE technology and Oracle's own CDM IS development methodology, which allows the development team to carry out a project, from analyzing business processes through modeling to generating code and obtaining prototype, and later on the final product. This tool makes sense to use when targeting the entire line of Oracle products used to design, develop and implement a complex software system.
Member of the Russian market. Localized. Sales, support, training in Russia.
3 Rational Rose IBM (formerly Rational Software, now a division of IBM)
IBM representative office in Russia
A tool for modeling object-oriented information systems. It allows you to solve almost any problem in the design of information systems: from the analysis of business processes to code generation in a specific programming language. Allows you to develop both high-level and low-level models, thereby performing either abstract design or logical design.
One of the leaders of the Russian market. Localized. Sales, support, training in Russia.
4 ARIS IDS Scheer AG
Company Business Logic
An integrated business process modeling tool that combines a variety of modeling and system analysis techniques. First of all, it is a tool for describing, analyzing, optimizing and documenting business processes than a software design tool.
Leader in the global market. Localized. Sales, support, training in Russia.
5 System Architect Telelogic (formerly Popkin Software, now a Telelogic division)
Telelogic company in Russia
System Architect is a versatile CASE tool that allows you to perform not only data design, but also structural modeling. The data design and ER diagramming tool is one of the building blocks of this product.
One of the world leaders, not yet represented on russian market... Localized by July 2006. Sales and support so far from the Netherlands.
6 Power Designer Sybase
PowerDesigner is a business process modeling, database design, and object modeling tool.
Participant of the Russian market, pursuer of leaders in the world market. There is support, sales, training in Russia. There is no information on the number of licenses sold, the number of users, so it is rather difficult to assess the prevalence in Russia.
7 Re-Think Gensym company
A graphical object-oriented environment for creating and maintaining intelligent applications for monitoring, diagnostics and control of complex dynamic systems in real and simulated situations.
One of the pursuers of world leaders.
8 Ithink Analyst High Performance Systems Company
Tora-center company
Situational modeling package. Allows you to build visual and accurate models of the most complex political and economic situations, using a library of basic models and methods of system dynamics. Also used in the analysis of investment projects and reengineering.
One of the participants in the world market. The package is not available on the Russian market. There is no Russian interface. Sales, support and training in Russia is carried out by only one company. There are teaching materials in Russian.
9 Workflow Modeler (formerly Design / IDEF) Meta Software
No information was found on Russian companies representing this product. A package for functional and information modeling, analysis and design of business processes. It is used as an integral part in some well-known packages such as CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) and CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) and is adopted as the standard for projects funded by American and European sponsors.
One of the participants in the world market.

Let us single out the main criteria that make it possible to select from the presented modeling tools those whose application in Russia would be more likely to justify itself. These criteria are:

  • stable position of the product on the market (lifetime, product development program, problem reporting system, application pool, etc.);
  • product prevalence (number of licenses sold, availability, size and level of activity of the user group);
  • availability of supplier support... Such services may include a telephone hotline, technical and consulting support through the supplier's representative in Russia;
  • availability of training... Training can be conducted on the premises of the supplier's representative in Russia, the user or elsewhere;
  • availability of product materials... These may include computer-based teaching materials, tutorials, books, articles, information on the Internet, demos.

For a more detailed analysis, from the list of tools given in the table, let us single out those software products that meet the specified criteria. In this case, BPWIn / ERWin, Oracle Designer, Rational Rose, Power Designer, ARIS fall within the scope of our further consideration, for which a more detailed description is presented below.

BPWin and ERWin by Computer Associates... Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA) is one of the top five software vendors offering modeling, backup, enterprise infrastructure management (networks, servers, etc.), information security, business intelligence, and more. The BPWin package is based on the IDEF methodology and is intended for functional modeling and analysis of enterprise activities. The IDEF methodology, which is the official US federal standard, is a set of methods, rules and procedures designed to build a functional model of an object of any subject area. The functional IDEF model reflects the functional structure of an object, i.e. the actions he performs and the connections between these actions.

BPwin features:

  • supports three standard notations at once - IDEF0 (functional modeling), DFD (data flow modeling) and IDEF3 (workflow modeling). These three main views allow you to describe the subject area in the most comprehensive way;
  • allows you to optimize the procedures in the company;
  • fully supports methods of calculating the cost by volume of economic activity (functional and cost analysis, ABC);
  • allows to facilitate certification for compliance with ISO9000 quality standards;
  • integrated with ERwin (for database modeling), Paradigm Plus (for software component modeling), etc.;
  • integrated with the Arena simulation tool;
  • contains its own report generator;
  • allows you to effectively manipulate models - merge and split them;
  • has a wide range of tools for documenting models, projects.

The ERWin package is a conceptual database modeling tool. It is used for modeling and creating databases of arbitrary complexity based on entity-relationship diagrams. ERWin is currently the most popular data modeling package due to its support for a wide range of different database classes. ERWin features:

  • supports the SADT structural modeling methodology and the following notations: IDEF1x standard notation for ER diagrams of data models, IE notation and a special notation for data warehouse design - Dimensional;
  • supports forward (creating a database based on a model) and reverse (generating a model from an existing database) design for 20 types of DBMS: desktop, relational and specialized DBMS designed to create data warehouses;
  • integrated with the Computer Associates product line to support all stages of IS development, CASE-tools Oracle Designer, Rational Rose, development tools, etc .;
  • allows you to reuse the components of previously created models, as well as use the developments of other developers;
  • collaboration of a group of designers with the same models is possible (using AllFusion Model Manager);
  • allows you to transfer the database structure (not the data itself!) from a DBMS of one type of DBMS to another;
  • allows you to document the structure of the database.

Oracle Designer by Oracle... The Oracle Designer Toolkit provides an integrated solution for developing enterprise-grade Web and client / server applications. Oracle Designer is involved in every phase of the software development lifecycle, from business process modeling to implementation. The use of a single repository makes it possible to use any of its components for the rapid development of scalable, cross-platform distributed applications. Oracle Designer aims to capture user needs data and automate the building of flexible graphical applications. Oracle Designer is used not only to create applications, but also to keep track of the changes that inevitably occur during system operation. Graphical models of project definitions integrated with the multi-user repository make working with Oracle Designer a lot easier. The tools are built on industry-standard practices that span the entire development lifecycle and allow users to work in a way that is familiar to their organization. This provides a flexible and open approach to software development by using only those parts of the product that are required for a given task. As part of the development process, support is provided for RAD, JAD, information design, waterfall, iterative, and others. Using these principles, you can achieve a successful balance of organizational needs and technological capabilities, and even effectively manage the risk associated with frequent inevitable and important changes in both one area and another. Oracle Designer concept modeling tools include:

  • ER-diagrams (diagrams of the information structure of the subject area, represented in the form of objects and their relationships);
  • functional hierarchy diagrams describing the functions that the system performs;
  • diagrams of data flows circulating in the enterprise.

Such models represent information needs in a convenient and visual form for perception, which makes them a good means of communication between designers and users in the process of specifying tasks. Any developer is interested that the description of the conceptual model was used to create specifications that describe the structure and main components of the future system. In Oracle Designer, all system design specifications are developed from conceptual models to ensure that all requirements and constraints contained therein are met. The resulting system components can be converted into real database objects, displays and reports. The final part of the project development - automatic generation of server components - is possible not only for the Oracle database server, but also for Microsoft SQL Server, DB / 2, Sybase and a number of others. Any changes to business processes can be made to the model and a modified application based on new business schemes can be immediately generated. In this case, everything developed earlier will be saved and will be included in the new project. Ogacle Designer automatically creates reports that contain all information about the project and can be used as a set of documents reflecting the current state of the project.

Rational Rose by IBM ... IBM Rational Rose is part of the IBM Rational Suite and is designed for modeling software systems using a wide range of tools and platforms. Rational Rose is one of the leading visual modeling tools in the software industry, thanks to its full UML support and multilingual team development support. The tool fully supports the component-oriented process of creating an IS. Anyone in the project — analysts, modelers, developers, and others — can use the models built in Rational Rose to create the final product more efficiently. For business analysts, Rational Rose provides the ability to detail and analyze business processes in a given domain. System analysts, using the above descriptions, will be able to develop the necessary IS functionality that will satisfy the customer's needs as much as possible. Architects can use Rational Rose to help them create a powerful and flexible system architecture. For analysts specializing in database development, Rational Rose will provide the ability to visually design and generate databases of any size. Thus, you can create Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, SQL Anywhere, IBM DB2, and any other databases that support the ability to run ANSI SQL scripts. Any models created with this tool are interrelated: business model, functional model, analysis model, design model, database model, component model, and physical system deployment model. It is possible to create templates for architectural solutions, allowing you to use the experience gained in previous projects. There are Rational Rose extensions that allow you to perform round-trip development of ISs created on the basis of C / C ++, Java, Smalltalk, Ada, Object Pascal (Borland Delphi), etc. Thus, you can generate a code framework on any from the specified languages \u200b\u200bor perform a reverse engineering procedure, which allows you to generate a model based on existing code. It is possible to publish the model on the Internet, which serves as a basis for uniting the work of remote development teams. Integration of Rational Rose with Rational RequisitePro allows you to develop a complete set of requirements based on a visual model that must be implemented when creating the final product. The integration of Rational Rose with Rational TestManager allows you to create test scripts based on a visual model. Integration of Rational Rose with Rational ClearCase allows you to version control a model in whole or in parts. Integration of Rational Rose with Rational SoDA allows you to automate the process of creating documents and reports from a visual model.

PowerDesigner by Sybase... Since its inception, Sybase has traditionally been a leading provider of information technology to the global financial institutions market: Sybase technologies are used by 90% of the world's securities market companies, 60% of the world's banks and 68% of Wall Street companies. Since 1996, when the office was opened in Moscow, Sybase has been actively working in Russia and other CIS countries. In April 2002, the company's offices were opened in St. Petersburg and Kiev. Sybase offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev provide comprehensive work with clients, including the supply of technologies, equipment, development of complete solutions, user training, full-featured technical support and consulting services. PowerDesigner is a comprehensive application and business process modeling and development solution for organizations that need to quickly, consistently, and cost-effectively create or re-engineer business applications. PowerDesigner removes the following barriers to effective project development: varied skills among project participants, heterogeneous platforms, and an abundance of development languages \u200b\u200bthat are common in most companies today. This allows you to focus on the business needs of building applications throughout the entire development process - from systems analysis and design to the direct generation of code for the application. The latest version of the product, PowerDesigner, has new capabilities for business process modeling, UML-based object modeling, and supports both traditional and emerging modeling technologies within one advanced graphical environment. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost and time of the project, which must operate on different platforms and tool environments. One of the main strengths of PowerDesigner is also the use of an enterprise-wide repository to store and manage all information related to modeling and application design at all levels of business in the company. This allows you to properly organize the workflow and dramatically increase the developer's efficiency. Key Features of PowerDesigner:

  • Business Process Modeling: PowerDesigner enables non-technical professionals in the company to design and model business processes based on business objectives and terms they know, using a simple and intuitive graphical non-technical model.
  • Data Modeling: PowerDesigner allows you to design and generate your database schema through two-tier (conceptual and physical) relational database modeling that supports classic database design techniques. Also has built-in data warehouse modeling tools.
  • Object Modeling: PowerDesigner offers a complete technology for analyzing and designing systems using the UML standard (business process diagrams, sequence of execution, classes and components). Based on the class diagram, PowerDesigner automatically generates and reengines code for popular tooling environments such as JavaTM (including EJB 2.0), XML, Web Servicies, C ++, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, and more through a custom generator.
  • Enterprise Repository: The Enterprise edition of PowerDesigner contains enterprise class repository functionality. The repository allows everyone on your team to easily view and share models and other information. The repository is highly scalable and supports role-based security, version control, search, and reporting capabilities.

ARIS by IDS Scheer AG... Currently, there is a tendency to integrate various methods of modeling and analysis of systems, which manifests itself in the form of creating integrated modeling tools. One of these tools is a product called ARIS, developed by the German company IDS Scheer. IDS Sheer AG was founded in 1984 with a focus on software and consulting. The company currently serves 4,000 customers in 50 countries around the world through its network of representative offices and partners. The quality of IDS Scheer solutions was confirmed in June 2005 by the Gold Medal of the Poznań International Fair, where only the best products are awarded. And also in July 2005, when ARIS 7 software products with completely new web products were presented to the world market - they all have one thing in common - an intuitive and expressive interface. The ARIS system is a complex of tools for analyzing and modeling enterprise activities. Its methodological basis is a set of various modeling methods that reflect different views on the system under study. The same model can be developed using several methods, which allows specialists with different theoretical knowledge to use ARIS and customize it to work with systems that have their own specifics. The ARIS modeling technique is based on the theory of integrated IS construction developed by Professor August Sher, which defines the principles of visual display of all aspects of the functioning of the analyzed companies. ARIS supports four types of models reflecting different aspects of the system under study:

  • organizational models that represent the structure of the system - the hierarchy of organizational units, positions and specific individuals, connections between them, as well as the territorial linking of structural units;
  • functional models containing a hierarchy of goals facing the management apparatus, with a set of trees of functions necessary to achieve the goals;
  • information models that reflect the structure of information required to implement the entire set of system functions;
  • management models that represent an integrated view of the implementation of business processes within the system.

To build the listed types of models, both ARIS proprietary modeling methods and various well-known modeling methods and languages, in particular ER and UML, are used. In the process of modeling, each aspect of the enterprise is first considered separately, and after a detailed study of all aspects, an integrated model is built that reflects all the connections between the various aspects. ARIS does not impose restrictions on the sequence of construction of the above types of models. The modeling process can start with any of them, depending on the specific conditions and goals pursued by the developers. Models in ARIS are diagrams, the elements of which are various objects - "function", "event", "structural unit", "document", etc. Various connections are established between objects. Each object corresponds to a certain set of attributes that allow you to enter additional information about a specific object. Attribute values \u200b\u200bcan be used in simulation or value analysis. Thus, based on the results of this stage, a set of interrelated models appears, which are the source material for further analysis. It is worth noting several features of the ARIS system. First, the ARIS family of software products is focused on process description. The main business model of ARIS is eEPC (extended Event-driven Process Chain - an extended model of a chain of event-driven processes). Essentially, the eEPC model extends the capabilities of IDEF0, IDEF3, and DFD with all their strengths and weaknesses. The second feature is that the ARIS system has an internal database that allows you to check the model for consistency, integrity, and verify the model. This is absent in other products. The third feature: ARIS is the only system focused on the description of a business, where there are different views on the business system, which we can evaluate and consider from different angles, which is not in other software products. Over the past five years, ARIS has been a strong leader in modeling tools.

Let us indicate the main purpose of each product under consideration from its many applications:

  • erwin, Power Designer and Rational Rose are more suitable for database modeling;
  • oracle Designer, Power Designer and Rational Rose are more suitable for modeling the components of developed applications;
  • bPwin, ARIS and Rational Rose are more suitable for business process modeling.

Table 2 below provides a comparison of the functionality and properties of tooling environments designed for modeling business processes.

Table 2. Comparative analysis by basic functions

Comparative functional analysis
Functionality, environment ARIS BPWin Rational Rose
1 Supported standard eEPS (IDEF3 extension), ERD, UML, own methods in a different notation, in which the main meaning of the IDEF, DFD methods is implemented IDEF0, IDEF3, DFD UML
2 Availability of expressive means of graphic display of models The representativeness of the models is high The representativeness of the models is low
3 Modeling charts of various types + +/- +/-
4 Functional and cost analysis + + +/-
5 Simulation modeling + +/- -
6 Object decomposition capability + + +
7 Registration of project documentation: generation of technological and work instructions + +/- +
8 Storage of business models + +/- +/-
9 Monitoring and ensuring the integrity of design data + +/- +
10 Maintaining a library of typical business models + +/- +/-
11 Group work opportunity + + +
12 Easy to learn product Complicated Simply Complicated
"+" - yes
"+/-" is a partial implementation that needs to be improved by other instrumentation
"-" - no
  • Obtaining a holistic picture of the life of an organization, agreeing different points of view on a constantly developing and changing business.
  • Ensuring mutual understanding at all levels of the organization, bridging the gap between the managing and performing parties.
  • Ensuring the reduction of production costs and an increase in the level of quality and service.

In the process of business modeling, there is a transition from the concept of "what" should be done to the concept of "how" should be done. The result of the simulation should be a document that gives the development team a clear understanding of the project boundaries, as well as the client's software and hardware. The data obtained is reflected in the project specification, which may include the following sections:

  • description of the main entities of the application data;
  • formal description of the application specification;
  • business logic and business rules;
  • functional requirements;
  • non-functional requirements;
  • application form / page templates;
  • a vote or a list of abbreviations;
  • auxiliary diagrams.

Business modeling tools and their evolution

To create business models, information systems design tools and corresponding description languages \u200b\u200bare used (the most famous among them is the UML - Unified Modeling Language). Using such languages, graphical models and diagrams are built that demonstrate the structure of the organization's business processes, the organization of interaction between people and the necessary changes to improve the performance of the organization as a whole. Business modeling tools are constantly evolving. Initially, with the help of such tools, it was possible to describe only the business functions (work) of the company and the movement of data in the process of their execution. At the same time, if the same business function was used when performing different types of work, it was difficult to understand whether it meant the same business function or a different one. The inability to explicitly define the hierarchy of business processes (for example, “value chain”, “business process”, “sub-process”, “work”, “function”) created problems when using such descriptions. The descriptions themselves were just a collection of pictures. Later, tools began to appear that allow you to describe the organization not only from the side of business functions, but also from other sides. So, it became possible to create separate diagrams that reflect organizational structure companies, data flows in an organization, the sequence of execution of business functions that make up a single business process, with the ability to use logic symbols, etc. Due to the continuously increasing requirements for business modeling tools, more and more diagrams began to appear to describe various aspects of activities organizations, which made the creation of the model more and more difficult. In this regard, the next important stage in the development of business modeling tools is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200busing a single repository (storage) of objects and the idea of \u200b\u200bpossible reuse of objects in different diagrams. Whichever tool is chosen, it is required to ensure the interaction of local information systems with each other. Today, the most modern and at the same time generally accepted standard for organizing business process management is BPEL (Business Process Execution Language). Based on this product, you can create a single integration platform for all applications used. After modeling the processes, one of the modeling tools uses special translators to bring the model to BPEL.

Examples of business modeling and its results

  • Reducing costs. The business model will provide insight into where unnecessary costs can be avoided and how to optimize the use of resources. Based on the business model, a functional-cost analysis is carried out to calculate the cost of a product or service, and a budget management system is built that allows you to control the costs of an enterprise.
  • Increased efficiency. The ability to reduce the cost of adaptation and staff training. Regulatory documentation based on the prepared business model corresponds to the current state of affairs of the organization, distributes responsibilities, builds a hierarchical system of career growth.
  • Expansion of the sphere of influence, expansion of the network, organization of branches. The presence of a business model will reduce costs and make it possible to describe the structure of the arrangement of new branches of the enterprise.
  • Investment adequacy. With the help of business modeling, it is possible with a sufficient degree of accuracy to determine the amount of capital investment, reduce risks and financial losses at the start-up stage of a new project.
  • EDMS implementation. The business model of the enterprise standardizes the composition of the documents of the enterprise and establishes the routes of movement of documents.
  • Automation and implementation of ERP, SCM, CRM or other software systems. Based on the business model, it is possible to formulate higher quality requirements for the system and select a solution that is optimal in terms of cost and functionality.
  • Quality management system certification. Development business models enterprise allows you to significantly reduce the time and costs for the development, implementation and certification of the quality management system and receive a set required documents for successful certification, reduce the cost of maintaining a quality management system.

Features of business modeling

Creation, implementation and support of a business model is an expensive investment project. And like any project, the creation of a business model should be preceded by an analysis of the feasibility and feasibility of its implementation. Large projects require powerful business modeling tools with well-developed functionality: with the ability to store information in a single repository, teamwork on a modeling project and check the created model for integrity, semi-automatic generation of diagrams, integration with other software, analysis and documentation of the model - while on small projects, for cost reasons, it would be wiser to use less powerful tools. For the analysis of the activity, the development of the existing structure, an adequate business model should first be built. That is, initially a theory, and only after - its implementation.


Today there are a large number of software products that are designed to describe the architecture of an organization. According to the reports of the analytical company Gartner, the following companies can be attributed to the leaders of this segment.

Digital technologies are rapidly breaking into all spheres of society, forcing us to be more flexible and quickly adapt to changes. The digital transformation has not spared business either: its survival in modern conditions depends, first of all, on the readiness to quickly and radically change the methods of enterprise management, the objects of which have become part of a single information space. An additional impetus in the form of mandatory automation was received by the management of business processes, linking information and human resources into a single model.

It is obvious to every leader of a successful organization today that any management innovations and measures to improve business efficiency are based on competent and skillful transformation of business processes. And paper regulations, like the automation of imperfect and unstructured processes, are long gone.

Managing a company, regardless of size and industry, is like driving a car, where the speed at which information arrives and how quickly you react to it is all about As in a car, where, in addition to the steering wheel and gearbox, there must be various devices that reflect in real time both the indicators of the vehicle itself and environment, the control system must have tools for direct impact and means for information processing. Paper regulations can give a general picture of the structure of a business, but they are not a management tool. Such processes are not interactive and do not provide accurate measurements of the operations performed.

Business Process Modeling and Management Tool - BPM systems that allow you to quickly create, launch, monitor, and modify processes through tight integration of design, development and runtime environments. As a rule, BPM systems are based on one of the most progressive world modeling standards - BPMN 2.0 notation.

What is BPMN Notation

BPMN is the most flexible and simple methodology for modeling, analyzing and reorganizing business processes. Flexibility is provided by a set of elements and notation rules, and clarity is achieved through visual process diagrams and flowcharts. The main goal of BPMN is to provide an accessible notation for describing business processes for all users: analysts who create models of processes, developers who implement technologies for their execution, ordinary business users and leaders who manage and monitor their implementation.

BPMN is intended to serve as a link between the design stage of a business process and its implementation stage. To this end, BPMN notation uses a basic set of intuitive elements to define complex semantic constructs. The BPMN standard emerged from the need for a simple mechanism to design and read both simple and complex business process models. Modeling in BPMN notation is carried out using diagrams with few graphic elements. This allows users to quickly understand and understand the logic of the processes.

5 BPM systems based on BPMN notation


bpm "online is a platform for managing business processes from Terrasoft. The system is based on the most progressive standard for modeling business processes BPMN. The system allows not only to carry out modeling and diagrams of a business process and change it with the help of a convenient designer, but also to run only that created a process without involving a developer.

There are two tools available for modeling business processes in BPMN notation in bpm'online:

    Business Process Wizard - for creating simple business processes using standard elegance manually initiated by the user.

    Business Process Designer - for modeling complex branched processes containing many different elements, including those performed automatically by the system.

The choice of a tool for modeling in bpm'online depends on the complexity, purpose and method of starting the process.

BizAgi Suite

Free (up to 20 employees) tool for graphical description of processes in BPMN notation. The system supports collaboration, simulation, export of created models to text editors and other formats. The system consists of two modules: BizAgi Modeler, which is used to describe and model business processes, and BizAgi Studio, which allows you to turn created models into executable applications. The system also allows you to monitor the progress of processes in real time.

Business Studio

The system supports several modeling notations: IDEF, eEPC, BPMN and a few others. Business Studio has the ability to simulate, conduct functional cost analysis, and automatically generate documents. The disadvantage of the system is that the execution and monitoring of process models is done through integration with other systems. The program also allows you to set goals for the company on a balanced scorecard.


The system uses BPMN notation to model business processes. The system also allows real-time execution and monitoring of simulated processes. In addition to building models, the system also allows you to assign roles of business processes to responsible employees, organize work with document flow, and integrate the system with 1C.

Visual paradigm

The system supports a large number of notations and block diagrams of models, including BPMN. The models created in the system can be linked to each other, which makes it easy to create a model of the entire business. In addition, it is possible to conduct simulation and check process diagrams.

Visual Paradigm provides the ability to manage element attributes and automatically generate process descriptions. The system was initially focused on developers, so each element can be set the conditions for behavior in the system, business rules.

Business process modeling is one of the methods to improve the quality and efficiency of the organization. This method is based on the description of the process through various elements (actions, data, events, materials, etc.) inherent in the process. Typically, business process modeling describes the logical relationship of all elements of the process from its beginning to completion within the organization. In more complex situations, modeling may involve processes or systems external to the organization.

Business process modeling allows you to understand the work and analyze the organization. This is achieved due to the fact that models can be drawn up for different aspects and levels of management. In large organizations, business process modeling is performed in more detail and multifaceted than in small ones, which is associated with a large number of cross-functional relationships.

Typically, various computer tools and software are used to model business processes. This makes it easier to manage models, track changes in them, and reduce analysis time.

Business process modeling goals

The ultimate goal of business process modeling is to achieve performance improvement. To this end, the analysis focuses on increasing the value of the process results and reducing the cost and time of actions.

Business process modeling has several goals:

  • firstly, it is the purpose of describing processes. Through modeling, you can trace what happens in processes from start to finish. Modeling allows you to get an “outside” look at the processes and identify improvements that will increase their efficiency.
  • secondly, the regulation of processes. Business process modeling sets the rules for the execution of processes, i.e. the way in which they should be performed. By following the rules, guidelines or requirements set in the models, the desired process performance can be achieved.
  • third, the establishment of relationships in the processes. Business process modeling establishes a clear connection between the processes and the requirements that they must fulfill.

Stages of business process modeling

Modeling business processes, as a rule, includes several sequential stages. Because the ultimate goal modeling is process improvement, then it covers both the "design" part of the work, and work on the implementation of process models.

The composition of the stages that includes the modeling of business processes is as follows:

  • identification of processes and construction of the initial model "as is"... In order to improve the process, you need to understand how it works at the moment. At this stage, the boundaries of the process are determined, its key elements are identified, and data on the operation of the process is collected. As a result, an initial model of the process “as is” is created. This model does not always adequately reflect the work of the process, therefore the model of this stage can be called the "first draft" or the original model "as is".
  • revision, analysis and refinement of the original model... At this stage, contradictions and duplication of actions in the process are identified, the limitations of the process, the relationship of the process are determined, the need to change the process is established. As a result, the final version of the "as is" model is formed.
  • development of a model "as it should be"... After analyzing the existing situation, it is necessary to determine the desired state of the process. This desired state is represented in the "as it should be" model. This model shows how the process should look in the future, including any necessary improvements. During this stage of modeling business processes, such models are developed.
  • testing and applying the "as it should be" model... This stage of modeling is associated with the implementation of the developed model in the practice of the organization. The business process model is being tested and the necessary changes are made to it.
  • improvement of the "as it should be" model... Modeling business processes is not limited to creating a model of "how it should be". Each of the processes continues to change and improve along the way, so the process models should be regularly reviewed and improved. This stage of modeling is associated with continuous improvement of processes and improvement of the business process model.

Types of business process modeling

Business process modeling can have a different focus. It depends on what problems are supposed to be solved with its help. Taking into account absolutely all influences on the process can significantly complicate the model and lead to redundancy in the description of the process. To avoid this, business process modeling is divided into types. The type of simulation is selected depending on the studied characteristics of the process.

For the purposes of improving the process, the following types of modeling are used:

  • Functional modeling... This type of modeling implies the description of processes in the form of interrelated, clearly structured functions. At the same time, a strict temporal sequence of functions, as it exists in real processes, is not required.
  • Object Modeling - implies the description of processes as a set of interacting objects - i.e. production units. An object is any item that is transformed during the execution of processes.
  • Simulation modeling - this type of business process modeling implies modeling the behavior of processes in various external and internal conditions with an analysis of the dynamic characteristics of processes and an analysis of resource allocation.

The division of modeling by type is performed to simplify the work and focus on certain characteristics of the process. Moreover, for the same process, different types of modeling can be applied. This allows you to work with one type of model independently of the others.

Business process modeling principles

Business process modeling is based on a number of principles that make it possible to create adequate process models. Their observance allows describing many parameters of the state of processes in such a way that within one model the components are closely interconnected, while the individual models remain sufficiently independent from each other.

The main principles of business process modeling are as follows:

  • Decomposition principle - each process can be represented by a set of hierarchically arranged elements. In accordance with this principle, the process must be detailed into its constituent elements.
  • Focus principle - to develop a model, it is necessary to abstract from many process parameters and focus on key aspects. For each model, these aspects may be different.
  • Documentation principle - the elements included in the process must be formalized and fixed in the model. Different designations must be used for different process elements. The fixation of elements in the model depends on the type of modeling and the chosen methods.
  • Consistency principle - all the elements included in the process model should have an unambiguous interpretation and not contradict each other.
  • The principle of completeness and sufficiency - before including this or that element in the model, it is necessary to assess its impact on the process. If an element is not essential for the execution of the process, then its inclusion in the model is not advisable, since it can only complicate the business process model.

Business process modeling methods

Today there are a large number of methods for modeling business processes. These methods refer to different types simulations and allow you to focus on different aspects. They contain both graphic and textual means, due to which it is possible to visualize the main components of the process and give precise definitions of the parameters and relationships of elements.

Business process modeling is performed using the following methods:

  • Flow Chart Diagram is a graphical method of representing a process in which operations, data, process equipment, etc. are represented with special symbols. The method is used to display a logical sequence of process actions. The main advantage of the method is its flexibility. The process can be represented in many ways.
  • Data Flow Diagram A data flow diagram or DFD is used to display the transfer of information (data) from one operation of a process to another. The DFD describes the relationship between information and data transactions. This method is the basis for the structural analysis of processes, since allows you to decompose the process into logical levels. Each process can be broken down into sub-processes with a higher level of detail. The use of DFD allows you to reflect only the flow of information, but not the flow of materials. A data flow diagram shows how information enters and exits the process, what actions change the information, where the information is stored in the process, etc.
  • Role Activity Diagram It is used to model a process in terms of individual roles, role groups, and the interaction of roles in the process. A role is an abstract element of a process that performs an organizational function. The role diagram shows the degree of “responsibility” for the process and its operations, as well as the interaction of roles.
  • IDEF (Integrated Definition for Function Modeling) is a whole set of methods for describing various aspects of business processes (IDEF0, IDEF1, IDEF1X, IDEF2, IDEF3, IDEF4, IDEF5). These methods are based on the SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique) methodology. Methods IDEF0 and IDEF3 are most often used to model business processes.
  • IDEF0 - allows you to create a model of process functions. The IDEF0 diagram displays the main process functions, inputs, outputs, controls and devices associated with the main functions. The process can be decomposed to a lower level.
  • IDEF3 - This method allows you to create a "behavioral" model of the process. IDEF3 consists of two kinds of models. The first view is a description of the workflow. The second is a description of the transition states of objects.
  • Colored Petri nets - this method represents a process model in the form of a graph, where the vertices are the actions of the process, and the arcs of the event, due to which the process transitions from one state to another. Petri nets are used for dynamic modeling of process behavior.
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML) is an object-oriented process modeling method. It consists of 9 different diagrams, each of which allows you to simulate individual static or dynamic aspects of the process.

Most of these methods are implemented in software. It allows you to support business processes or analyze them. Examples of such software are the various CASE process modeling tools.


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