Close-up photographs of the moon. The most incredible photos of the moon, from which are breathtaking. Why did we stop flying to the moon

On February 3, 1966, the Soviet automatic interplanetary station (AMS) Luna-9 was the first in the world to make a soft landing on the surface of the Earth's satellite.

The station conducted seven communication sessions with a total duration of more than eight hours, during which the AMS transmitted a panoramic image of the lunar surface near the landing site in the Ocean of Storms.

Remembering this event, "RG" selected the five most unusual photographs of the lunar surface, taken in different years.

Rolling boulders

In different places of the moon, traces were left, apparently, rolling boulders. The first such pictures appeared in the early 1970s, their collection is replenished to this day.

These traces cause researchers a lot of questions. Somewhere in the end there really is a huge boulder, but somewhere they cannot be found (what then left a mark?). A trajectory is also curious - boulders move not only up, but also down. Some, judging by the tracks, rolled into the crater, and then rolled out of it.

In this case, it is completely incomprehensible what force could make huge stones move along such strange trajectories? Scientists have put forward a version of the volcanic effect, but its unequivocal confirmation is not yet available. Moreover, while experts cannot even determine when these traces were formed and how long it took to form them.

It is believed that the first furrows on the moon were discovered about 200 years ago using telescopes. And the first photos of this unusual phenomenon were taken by the Apollo 10 crew in 1969 - then a US manned ship flew just 14 kilometers above the lunar surface.

Three types of furrows are now distinguished: arched (form smooth arches), sinuous, consisting of several curves, and rectilinear. The latter can reach a length of 250 kilometers, and at the moment are the most poorly studied in terms of cause. So far, scientists have put forward a more or less plausible version regarding the appearance of winding beards: most likely, these are traces of ancient lava flows.

Alien Base

On January 16, a video of a user with the nickname WowForReeel appeared on YouTube, who studied the moon using the Google Moon service. On the back of the satellite near the Sea of \u200b\u200bMoscow, with a strong approximation, you can see a strange "object" - seven points located at right angles. "To verify the authenticity of my find, just enter the coordinates 22042" 38 0.46 N and 142034 "44 0.52 E on Google Moon," WowForReeel wrote.

As the user noted in his video, the object is completely atypical for this part of the moon - there is nothing similar in the area. Based on the shape and size of the triangle, WowForReeel suggested that it could be an alien base, or the wreckage of their spaceship.

The sensation was immediately picked up by the British newspaper Mirror, but a little later on the web appeared images of this section of the moon taken by the NASA LRO lunar probe, whose cameras have a higher resolution. No triangle is visible on them, and the mysterious “object” is a hill and a shadow cast by it.

Brown moon

The Chinese lunar rover Yutu (Jade Hare), which landed on the moon last December, made a sudden sensation. In the images of the lunar surface transmitted to them, it is clearly visible that the soil of the Earth's satellite is brownish, while most NASA images show the Moon as gray.

Proponents of conspiracy theory cite as an argument a photograph taken during the landing of the Apollo 17 mission. On it, an astronaut photographs himself against the backdrop of a gray moonlit landscape, while brown soil is reflected in his spacesuit!

Opponents of conspiracy theory give their arguments. Firstly, the lunar surface can have different shades depending on the time of day, the predominance of a particular substance on a particular site of soil, etc. Secondly, much depends on the removal equipment, the filters used, as well as the methods of further processing. Some colors can really be removed.

Someone believes that thereby NASA hides the truth about the moon from ordinary mortals, and someone vice versa that as a result of processing images become more distinct. By the way, on the same NASA website you can find photographs of the moon in different shades, not just cement gray.

Footprints of life

For many years, disputes about whether the Americans were on the moon after all, or whether their landing on Earth’s satellite was just a Hollywood trick, have not ceased. It seems that these conversations got so bad for NASA that at the first opportunity it tried to send its new vehicles to the location of the Apollo landing site.

In the summer of 2012, the American LRO probe was able to take high-resolution images of the Apollo 12 landing site. The photo shows the things left by the astronauts, as well as the remains of the Surveyor 3 device. He arrived on the moon two years before the astronauts landed, and one of the tasks was to work out a safe moon landing.

True, recently NASA again added fuel to the fire of the dispute of those who believe and do not believe in the landing of astronauts. The agency, concerned about the plans of other countries to study the moon, demanded to observe the 75-meter quarantine zone not only around the remnants of American vehicles, but even the traces left by them.

Cosmos has always interested man, and the Moon, as the closest object, has become the subject of close attention. On June 30, 1964, as part of the NASA Ranger program, the first images of the moon from close range were obtained and information was collected to prepare for the human flight to the moon. Since then, the number of photographs has grown steadily, and with them the number of lunar riddles has also grown. What professionals and amateurs did not find in the pictures of our neighbor ...

A strange object over the horizon of the moon, shot by Lunokhod-2.

Traces left, presumably by rolling boulders, were taken at different places on Earth's satellite.

The first photos of such phenomena appeared in the early 1970s, their collection is replenished to this day.

The smaller object in this image, the one that made the longer track, somehow climbed out of the crater before continuing down the slope.

This picture was taken using Google Moon: on the back of the satellite near the Sea of \u200b\u200bMoscow with a strong approximation, you can see a strange object - seven points located at right angles.

This image was shot by the HIRES camera of the Clementine Space Station. The structure affected by erosion has a clearly rectangular anatomy.

And this is a crater, shot on the far side of the moon, which is more like a hole in the surface. This type of crater was called the “crater crater”, and ufologists suspect that it is nothing more than the remains of underground lunar structures.

The crater in this photo has a rectangular shape, which contradicts the laws of nature.

These are Messier and Messier A. Craters. Also a strange shape, similar to the fact that they are connected by a tunnel.

Nimble made by the American probe "Lunar Orbiter" on the far side of the moon. In the Sea of \u200b\u200bCrisis, near the Picard Crater stands an amazing "tower" resembling an artificial structure.

Skeptics believe that this “moon tower” is just a defect in film processing, but judging by the enlarged fragment of the image, the object seems quite real.

The second find, Lunar Orbiter, is even more controversial: a strange structure almost two km high is visible in image LO3-84M.

The shadow of the object and its unevenness in the reflected light are clearly distinguishable, as if it were made of glass.

An anomaly in the form of an unusual rectangle in the lunar crater was found by modern virtual archaeologists in one of the Apollo 10 mission’s photos, which are in the public domain.

Mystery lovers believe that the entrance to a certain dungeon got into the lens.

And this is a picture of a relief reminiscent of the ruins on Earth.

On October 30, 2007, NASA’s former lunar laboratory photo director Ken Johnston and writer Richard Hoagland hosted a news conference in Washington that was immediately reported on all world news channels.

They said that at one time, American astronauts discovered on the moon the ruins of ancient cities and artifacts, talking about the existence in it in the distant past of a kind of highly developed civilization.

And this is a pyramidal elevation on the dark side of the moon.

The Chinese lunar satellite Chang'e-2, launched on October 1, 2010, discovered such objects.

The pictures were published by Alex Collier, who is known for retelling messages from space from aliens.

Here are more pictures of the surface of the moon, on which structures of an interesting shape are captured.

Some kind of design.

The relief is of unusual shape.

In the picture you can clearly distinguish the outlines of buildings.

Another object that seems artificial.

Similar radiance on the dark side of the moon has been seen repeatedly.

And this strange-shaped stone very much resembles a skull.

Unidentified object on the surface of the moon.

A sensational article appeared in the American New York Times: "A human skeleton has been discovered on the moon." The publication refers to astrophysicist from China Mao Kang, who presented this photo at a conference in Beijing.

NASA released these footage taken by cameras that were installed on the twin satellites Ebb and Flow, one of which flew over the rectangular object.

Once again, the lunar "buildings".

Not so long ago, ufologists from the Secure Team 10 team discovered a “tank” in one of NASA's images.

And the popular American ufologist under the nickname Streetcap1 found the “alien base” in the photographs of the back of the moon taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter probe.

This is a picture of the surface of the moon, published by a former NASA employee Ken Johnson: in its center you can see the Apollo mission module, but in its left part there are several mysterious points.

Most of the points are located in even parallel rows, which is extremely rare for natural formations.

New NASA studies have shown that there are mysterious swirling patterns of light and dark spots on the moon. They are found in more than a hundred different places on the entire surface.

On November 25, 2015, an amateur astronomer named Dennis Simmons captured the International Space Station in his telescope image, which should be located at an altitude of about 400 km from the Earth’s surface, but for some reason it’s located right next to the Moon in the photo.

There, the station was captured by another Australian Tom Haradine, filming on November 21, 2015.

It turns out that either the ISS flew to the moon, or astronomers took a photo of an unknown object, similar to an earth station.

A lot of noise on the Web was made by shots that clearly show that an “alien” roams on the surface of the moon.

On September 15, 2012, one of the amateur astronomers posted a video on the Web where you can see how a whole flock of small luminous objects comes off the surface of one of the craters.

UFOs over the lunar surface were also found on frames taken by the Apollo 10 mission.

And this huge elongated “alien ship” “buried” its nose into the lunar soil, apparently with an unsuccessful landing.

This object with a “tail” of light was discovered by ufologists on the frames of the Apollo 11 mission.

UFO resembles a shell or a flying ship.

This group of lights separated from the surface of the Earth’s satellite.

A photo of an unusual object above the lunar horizon was taken by a pilot from the Apollo 17 mission, Harrison Schmidt.

“Straight wall” - this is the name for a perfectly flat formation of almost 75 km in length.

This seems like a fiction of a tabloid newspaper, but actually Bill Casing, a former employee of Rocketdyne, who built engines for the Apollo lunar program, released the conspiracy theory. This is similar to the made in KGB counter-propaganda, but any doubts about the reality of American flights to the moon have been repeatedly rejected by astronauts and Soviet rocket specialists. The arguments of the engineers here are powerless, we are talking about psychology. Despite comprehensive documentation of the landing, including specialists from the USSR space department competing with NASA - radar data, observations through telescopes, received signals from the board, recording conversations of astronauts, a television picture - for almost 50 years, the theory of the lunar conspiracy has not lost popularity.

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According to various estimates, from 6 to 20% of Americans believe that flights to the moon did not take place, and published photos and videos were shot in pavilions on Earth. Conspiracy therapists outside the United States are even more active. On October 1, 2015, fundraising began on the Boomstarter Russian crowdfunding platform to create a microsatellite capable of heading for the moon to capture high-resolution footprints of NASA astronauts or deny their presence. Although the authors of the project expected to raise 800,000 rubles in a month, more than a million came to their account within three days.

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The paradox, but it is precisely a large array of documentary materials left by the Apollo program, fuels the opinion that it was not implemented. In particular, at least half of the dozens of arguments of the deniers of the moon landing are based on the analysis of photographs taken there. The recent discussion on Flickr in the resolution of 1,800 dpi will certainly give a new force to the discussion. Bird In Flight chose some of them to illustrate the pros and cons of the conspiracy thesis.

Photo quality

Statement. Photos from the moon are too high quality, as if taken in a studio, but they were filmed by lay people in a hostile environment.

Explanation. Astronauts carried the best medium format camera of the time - the Hasselblad 500EL with Zeiss Planar f / 2.8 80 mm and Zeiss Sonnar f / 5.6 250 mm lenses, as well as the latest Hasselblad 500EL Data Camera with the Zeiss Biogon f / 5.6 60 mm lens specially developed for NASA . Each camera was carefully calibrated, and the Apollo crews took an intensive course in photographing in thick gloves of a spacesuit and without using a viewfinder, which was interfered with by a helmet.

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Film safety

Statement. The film was supposed to melt from the high daytime temperature on the moon.

Explanation. Indeed, the Sun heats the surface of the Moon to 120 ° C, but the film used by astronauts on a special heat-resistant base could begin to melt only at 260 ° C. At the same time, the camera body protected it from direct sunlight, and the vacuum created excellent thermal insulation.

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Statement. If there is a single light source - the Sun, shadows from astronauts and equipment should fall in one direction. In the photo, they fall in different ways, as if the scene was lit by several spotlights.

Explanation. To avoid high temperatures, astronauts always landed on the moon when the sun was low above its horizon, and the rays fell hollow. Therefore, hills and craters greatly changed the direction and length of the shadows. They were also influenced by the laws of perspective, when shadows seem to tend to converge at one point on the horizon.


Statement. The stars are not visible in the photographs. At that time, it was difficult to calculate what the starry sky would look like from the surface of the moon, and NASA decided to remove them from the images altogether.

Explanation. Firstly, for cameras of that time to shoot on the surface of the moon flooded with bright sunlight, it was necessary to set the fastest shutter speed, which did not allow working out specks of stars in an absolutely black sky. On the other hand, a long exposure, on the contrary, could fix the stars, but at the same time, objects that were really important for that shooting would go into the overexposure area: astronauts, landscape elements, a descent vehicle. Secondly, the stars are still visible - on the part of the photo taken from a dimly lit cabin during the flight.

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Statement. In the airless space of the moon, the flag cannot flutter as shown in the photo.

Explanation. The flag crumpled during the flight, and when it was set up by the first expedition, it was not possible to push the horizontal bar of the L-shaped structure to which it was attached. The astronauts liked the random flutter in the wind effect, and in the future they didn’t specifically deploy the structure completely.

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Module tracks

Statement. It is impossible that the supports of the 17-ton Lunar module and its rocket engines did not leave on the surface of the craters, and the footprints of the astronauts were clearly visible.

Explanation. After deducting fuel consumed during the flight with an oxidizing agent and taking into account weak lunar gravity, the module weighed about 1,220 kilograms after landing. Moreover, the area of \u200b\u200bits supports was significantly larger than that of the soles of astronauts, which reduced pressure on the surface.

The rocket engine during the last phase of the lunar development developed traction several times less than the maximum, only compensating for the weight of the landing module so that it would not fall. According to calculations, the pressure on the surface at this moment was less than 1/10 of the atmosphere, which is completely insufficient for the formation of a crater.

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Statement. The footprints of astronauts are so clear, as if left on wet sand, but there is no water on the moon.

Explanation. Astronauts moved in leaps, leaving deep dents in the mass of moon dust, which is never blown away by the wind. The clarity of the traces is also explained by the lack of atmosphere - unprocessed sand and water grains have sharp edges that adhere them to each other.

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Jumping height

Statement. Gravity on the Moon is 6 times less than Earth, respectively, and you can jump there 6 times higher. However, the captured jumps are for some reason too low.

Explanation. Proportionally, by 6 times, the force of adhesion of the legs of the astronauts to the surface decreased, and yet their mass and inertia, taking into account the weight of the spacesuit, became even larger than on Earth. Under such conditions, astronauts avoided high jumps, so that when they fall, they do not damage the life support systems in the suit's pack.

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In September 2002, Buzz Aldrin, a member of the Apollo 11 crew and a second man on the moon, arrived at one of the Los Angeles hotels, as he thought, for an interview for a Japanese educational television program. However, at the entrance he was met by the well-known conspiracy theorist Bart Sibrel, who in an ultimatum form demanded to swear on the Bible that Aldrin really stepped on the lunar surface. After a brief skirmish, in which the astronaut was called a thief, a coward and a liar, taking money for tales of unfulfilled feats, 72-year-old Aldrin charged Sibrel with his fist in the jaw. Although the victim appealed to the police and the court, his actions were considered provocative and no charges were brought against Aldrin.

“Our return to the moon now will not be an achievement. This will be a hell of a waste of resources, and most likely the Chinese will meet us there. Sounds good: “Let's go back. This time to stay! "But I don’t understand why you would suddenly want to stay on the moon."
Buzz Aldrin

In my articles regarding the study of images of the surface of the moon, I have repeatedly drawn the reader's attention to the fact that the quality of images provided by NASA to the public is extremely low. And this despite the fact that in the orbit of the moon are satellites of NASA LRO.

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO, Lunar Orbiting Probe) - NASA's automatic interplanetary station, an artificial moon satellite. The launch with the Atlas V launch vehicle took place on June 19, 2009 at 01:32 (Moscow time), which is almost an hour and a half later than the planned time. The delay occurred due to adverse weather conditions. June 23, 2009 the probe entered the lunar orbit.

LRO, along with another Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), is the vanguard of NASA's Lunar Precursor Robotic Program to return to the moon.

Images transmitted by these satellites are laid out for free access.

According to NASA, the satellite has the following survey equipment:

LROC (The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera) main optical camera for taking photos of the surface of the moon with a resolution of up to half a meterwith the help of which they will look for suitable places for landing manned expeditions. LROC consists of three cameras: a low-resolution camera (WAC) and two high-resolution cameras (NAC), the first of which is used to obtain general terrain plans, and the other two are for high-resolution photographs. It is planned to take photographs of approximately 8% of the lunar surface, including:

1) all places associated with human activities: landing sites of the Apollo manned spacecraft, American and Soviet automatic stations, as well as craters formed during the fall of artificial satellites of the Moon and other devices

2) 50 “areas of increased interest” selected by scientists

3) the circumpolar regions, which are now considered the most promising for the organization of a habitable base.

You can evaluate the quality of images transmitted to the ground by visiting the above site, but there is no question of any permissions “up to half a meter”. Black and white pictures are of disgusting quality, just shameful for modern civilization.

Photo posted on Moon Views website

NASA Comment: LRO photographed a site in the landing area of \u200b\u200bthe Apollo 14 ship. In the picture with spatial 0.8 resolution meter distinctly noticeable chains of traces of astronauts and somei am the structure in the place where the lunar module of the ship remained.

Looking at the image, you are surprised at NASA’s imagination, which saw “distinct traces” in this disgusting quality image and involuntarily wonders if NASA has Chinese “soap dishes” on satellites?

Well, let’s leave for a while NASA’s lunar satellites with Chinese consumer goods instead of cameras, but excuse me, are telescopes from scientists all over the world also made in China?

Where are the images of the lunar surface made by professional, powerful, huge resolution and digital telescopes? Science constantly feeds "ignoramuses" of disgusting quality to us and it is completely unclear whether their telescopes are from the nearest supermarket, or their hands are not growing from there, or the reason lies in another thing - the reluctance to give simple mortals clear and high-quality images of the moon's surface.

Amateur astronomers remove the surface of the moon much better than both NASA satellites in orbit of the moon and all the professional observatories of the world combined!

Below I will give pictures taken by a simple layman from France. simple person interested in space.

Moreover, Thierry Lego worked not somewhere in the equatorial desert, but on the outskirts of Paris, despite all the lights of the fifth largest city in Europe - he made excellent pictures and not only of the Moon, but also of Mercury and Uranus! Moreover, he received incredibly detailed images of both. If you look closely, you can see the details of the surface of Mercury and the cloud belt of Uranus. He took pictures with the 356 mm Celestron C14 Edge HD telescope and the Skynyx 2-2 camera.

Moretus Crater



About the quality of NASA photos showing the Sun, you can write another similar article. I’ll just give a photo taken by the same amateur, where the ISS is captured against the background of the Sun. You can appreciate the detail of the image. The full gallery of what this amateur astronomer photographed can be viewed on his website.

Often in the comments you have to read the slogans of those who defend NASA and others like them - " You rejoice that NASA generally displays these images!". And I - I’m not happy and know why? There is nothing to rejoice. You and I are being held for a herd that is denied the right to KNOW more than the shepherd permits, excuse me for being blunt and anyone who thinks otherwise is simply too naive.

Now is 2012, spy satellites in orbit of the Earth, are free to read what you write on a piece of paper or SMS that you write on your cell phone, and is science unable to photograph the moon or the Sun in the same quality?

It is hoped that there will be more and more people like Thierry Lego, and the quality of equipment available to the simple user is getting better and better. Maybe then we finally find out the truth.

The truth about the world around us ...

Admire the first photo of the surface of the moon in high resolution, extracted from space, Earth and the moon rover, with Soviet and color footage on the reverse side.

The closest neighbor to Earth is our only moon. It is not surprising that mankind has been able to complete successful missions and get excellent high resolution moon photographs. After all, if we want to explore space, you should understand what is happening literally around the corner. In the photo of the moon you can see that this is a small object with a crater surface. Gravity is below earth, therefore moon shots demonstrate how astronauts travel in high jumps. You have the opportunity to look at amazing geology and get to know this world closer. Moon photo high resolution will allow you to admire the other side, explore the craters and landing sites of the devices, as well as see the Earth from space.

High Resolution Moon Pictures

Buzz Aldrin on the Moon

Bean walks on the moon

Astronaut Alan Bean stopped near the tool carrier during the Apollo 12 mission on the lunar surface. A black and white photograph of the moon was made by Charles Conrad. His reflection can be seen on the suit.

Two ships on the moon

Earth, Moon, Hubble

During a mission in December 1999, the crew of the Discovery spacecraft managed to get a photo of the bright moon, our planet and part of the Hubble Space Telescope. On the left is the earth's horizon. The moon seems bright because it entered the Full Moon phase and is located closest to the Earth.

Earth moon

Moon framed

This image was taken in 1998 from the rear windows of the Discovery ship. The Earth is visible on the left, and the Moon in the center. The STS-95 mission flew over the Atlantic Ocean. Also in this span, Senator and project participant Mercury John Glenn returned to space.

Moon walk

James Irwin works near the lunar vehicle during the Apollo 15 mission in the Hadley Apennines. In the foreground is a shadow from the lunar module Falcon. Photo of the moon was made by commander David Scott. Apollo 15 launched July 26, 1971 from the Kennedy Space Center. The pilot was Alfred Warden.

To the moon

ISS moon survey

On November 12, 2013, a photo of the Earth’s moon satellite from the ISS was taken. Usually crew members during missions have time to consider hundreds of different types of the moon. But our neighbor continues to attract attention. A photograph from space was taken at 00:00:00 GMT.

First look at the Earth from the moon

Moon ride

Apollo 16 Landing

Apollo 12 Landing

Moon passage in front of the sun

During a solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, an Earth satellite passed in front of the Sun. Photos of the Sun and Moon were taken from Lake Ross in Northern Canada National Park. A total solar eclipse captured a narrow part of the United States from Oregon to South Carolina. A partial event could be observed from South America, Africa and Europe.

Good night moon

Astronaut Scott Kelly posted this high-quality photo of the Moon, obtained from the ISS, on social networks and signed: “Day 97. Good night, moon. ”

Shadow Surveyor-1 on the Moon

Scientist on the moon


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