What you need to open your cafe. How to open your cafe from scratch is a successful implementation of a business idea with step-by-step instructions. Regular expenses are considered

What you need to open a cafe in Russia: choosing a cafe format + tips on choosing a room + equipment costs + personnel in a cafe + monthly expenses + approximate payback calculation.

Where in the summer you can quickly take a break from the heat and smell of hot asphalt? Where to warm in the winter, and in the spring and autumn to hide from the rain?

Of course, in a cozy cafe where you can not only warm / cool the body, but also eat and drink during a conversation with friends. There you can mark the end of the work week or the child’s birthday.

It turns out that the cafe is a universal thing, which is in demand at any time of the year. Therefore, if there is demand, then there will be a business that can make good money in this niche.

What you need to open a cafe or a small restaurant  - in our article.

Where to start the launch of your cafe or mini-restaurant?

To open a cafe you need to remember a simple step-by-step plan:

  1. Site analysis (the area where the cafe will be located).
  2. Analysis of the target audience (who will be your main client).
  3. Selection of the cafe format (for the needs of this same audience).
  4. Registration.
  5. Staff recruitment.
  6. Purchase of equipment.
  7. Advertising campaign.

1) The place you need to open a cafe.

The first three points of our plan can be briefly called "market analysis". What you need to open a cafe or restaurant in the first place is a demand analysis.

Since this business is stationary, special attention should be paid to the selection of places for your institution. As well as the room.

The first and most important indicator for traditional cafes is organic traffic: how many people will pass by the institution.

Depending on the average level of prosperity in your region, from 5,000 to 20,000 people per institution.

For this reason, where traffic is high, cafes and restaurants are literally on top of each other and do not burn out, generating a good income.

If this is the city center, around which there are metro stations, business centers, various shopping centers, etc., then this is an extremely advantageous location. But the competition there is extremely high - most likely, the best places have already been rented by someone.

In the Moscow dormitory area, 5-6 thousand inhabitants may be enough for the payback of one cafe, but outside the European part of Russia even 20,000 people may not justify the investment.

But much still depends on the format of the cafe / mini-restaurant and on what kind of audience you are counting on.

2) The format of the institution.

Here are 3 examples of a variety of cafe formats for different audiences:

  1. Summer cafe.
  2. Youth cafe.
  3. Cafe - a full-fledged restaurant.

Summer microcafe   a couple of tables near a small retail outlet can pay off in a week - the costs are minimal, you do not need special permissions (you will not cook there), the staff is also not especially needed (only the seller).

They don’t cook anything there, but serve only bottled soft drinks and cold snacks such as chips or stockfish. Well, maybe some simple sandwiches. This is the easiest and cheapest option for your business.

However, the summer cafe has its serious drawbacks.

Firstly, in essence it is a temporary income. If you have a stall with chips, ice cream and beer, then setting up tables with tents will not be difficult. But here's how to run an independent business is not worth it.

Yes, in warm countries this is one of the most popular options for simple money, but our winters do not contribute to a comfortable rest in the fresh air.

A summer cafe can cost 20,000 - 40,000 rubles. per month, and its profitability will be very different. For example, in crowded places (on the highway or in the same market) - the same amount, but per week. However, on the periphery, where there is no human traffic, it is unlikely to be super-profitable.

In addition, you need to get approval from local residents, because cheap alcohol does not attract the most presentable contingent.

Youth cafe   self-service or “anticafe” is often an order of magnitude cheaper than the classic one with waiters, bartenders, etc.

Since this option is very flexible, it is impossible to indicate the exact amount of expenses.

Classic Cafe / Mini-Restaurant   it will require three or four tables to open, a couple of waiters, an average menu and the absence of additional entertainment: only food and nothing more. This can be quite beneficial if there are other places nearby where people work or have fun.

Nevertheless, with a favorable location, a youth cafe-restaurant can be a very profitable business. However, not only the place determines its success, but also something else.

What do you need to open a cafe - the standard one, without any special innovations? Right - delicious food at reasonable prices.

3) Average check: the path to the heart of the client lies through the stomach.

For example, there are two cafes / restaurants, in one the average bill is 200 rubles, and in the other 900: where is the service better? Obviously the more expensive.

Here is an example of an average check for Russia in the middle band:

But you need to understand that the "average check" is like "the average temperature in the ward."

At a traditional cafe / restaurant, the day is divided into peculiar segments of activity and downtime. So, if in the morning, immediately after opening, the average bill may be in the region of 200 rubles. (coffee, bun and salad, for example), then by lunch the amount can run in the amount of 300 - 350 rubles. per person.

You need to prepare more thoroughly for the night, as then the average bill reaches 1000 or more. Especially if it's Friday night.

If you cannot decide which cafe / restaurant to open and what prices to set, then hire an agent for economic intelligence. This work is not constant and is paid accordingly - approximately 10,000 rubles.

The task of a scout is to go to all the establishments in your favorite region, look at their arrangement, read the menu, try the "signature" dishes and tell you how to do better, cheaper, etc.

Registration and preparation of premises

If you know where and for whom you will open a cafe / restaurant, then it's time to officially register.

For simplicity of calculations, we take the most popular cafe / restaurant format in Russia:

  1. The average bill is 400 rubles.
  2. Seating capacity - 50.
  3. The place is near a business center, the district is central, but not historical (without tourist traffic).
  4. Target audience - office employees.

This institution belongs to the middle category, therefore its registration will require status.

The fact is that he simply won’t be able to get some IP licenses; there will be particular difficulties in registering the sale of alcohol.

However, there is nothing too heavy here. Here is what you need to open a cafe / restaurant as an LLC:

In parallel with registration, you need to deal with the design of the room. The fact is that you need to get some permissions before you rent a room to open a cafe / restaurant, and others - after that, when the room is ready to receive visitors.

So, when everything is ready, inspections from Sanstantion or the fire department may come to you, but the Federal Tax Service checks your documents at the stage of business registration.

1. Premises for opening a cafe.

So, the space for our format of a classic cafe / mini-restaurant with 50 seats needs to be rented with an area of \u200b\u200b150-160 sq.m.

If we accept that the cost per square meter will be 500 rubles, then in total it will be necessary to lay out about 80,000 rubles. per month .

As you know, in the very center of the city, rent will cost an order of magnitude higher, especially in Moscow, but it can also be cheaper to find in a residential area.

Finding a room already prepared for a cafe / restaurant is a great success, therefore you need to be prepared for large-scale repairs. Do not forget about the prices for building materials, the cost of finishing the premises, paying workers, etc.

It is believed that a sufficiently high-quality finish will cost about 300 rubles / sq.m, and the same amount - the services of craftsmen.

That is 160 sq. Meters * for 600 rubles. \u003d 96,000 rub.

However, not everything is so simple ... 160 square meters is the base area, but you need to finish not the floor (or rather, not only the floor), but the ceiling and walls. It turns out that 96,000 rubles. you need to multiply by three to get 288,000.

Taking into account inflation, you can safely round up to 300,000 rubles. initial investment in the conversion of the premises.

Of course, you can do cosmetic repairs, then it will be an order of magnitude cheaper, but you do not need it for a closed workshop that no one will see, you need it to open a cafe, which means that the interior should be cozy and attractive to customers.

2. Preparation of the hall and kitchen for the opening of the cafe.

But repair is far from all the work that needs to be done to open a cafe. You need to connect all communications, exhaust hoods, purchase equipment, etc.

Start with power supply, without which you can’t work.

You can calculate your costs quite simply: one socket with wiring and connecting to a network costs about 600 rubles. How many outlets you need are such expenses. If they are already on the premises, the expense item is removed from the agenda.

Next come water supply and sewerage. Since you have a cafe in the form of a mini-restaurant, both of these points are extremely important for both staff and customers. In the same vein, it is worth considering ventilation and exhaust system  on the kitchen.

For convenience, all these communications data should be summarized in one table:

CategoryDetailsCost, rub.
Total85 500 rubles.
Electric power20 outlets for the kitchen, hall, storage rooms.18 000 (600 * 20)
Water supply17 500 (50 m * 350 rubles per 1 running meter)
SewerageLaying pipes of different diameters - up to 50 m35 000 (50 m * 700 rubles per 1 running meter)
Expendable materialsMounts, connectors, etc.10 000
VentilationVentilation passages, exhaust hoods, etc. - up to 50 m25 000 (50 m * 500 rubles per 1 running meter)

Equipment you need to open a cafe

This section begins with what we stopped at earlier - with ventilation. Yes, we made ventilation passages, but for all this to work, we need built-in fans. Especially for the kitchen, where it will be impossible to work without ventilation in the summer.

For the hall, kitchen, warehouse and bathroom, you may need 4 - 7 fans, the cost of which can reach 40 - 45 000 rubles.

Note that without good ventilation and exhaust hoods in the kitchen, the regulatory authorities will not give you permission, so you need to carefully consider this section to open a cafe.

Next, you need to consider the equipment separately for the hall and kitchen, as well as for storage facilities. In the first case, the task is to beautifully serve food and drinks to guests of the institution, as well as entertain them, and in the second, to prepare food, preserve food so that they do not deteriorate, etc.

With the hall, everything is relatively simple. It will require tables and chairs for 50 people (plus spare), as well as auxiliary equipment and equipment for entertainment.

Here is a rough estimate of what is needed to open a cafe in relation to the arrangement of the hall:

Furniture and equipment for the hallnumberCost, rub.
Total422 500 rubles
13 pcs19 500
55 pcs.33 000
Bar counter
1 PC.150 000
Customer Self-Service Line
1 PC.100 000
1 PC.20 000
Special effects system (“color music”, spotlights)
1 PC.10 000
Speakers and microphones (audio system)
30 000
Refrigerated display case
1 PC.30 000
Fridge for drinks in the hall (with a transparent door).
1 PC30 000

Furniture and equipment for storage and industrial premises, which are needed to open a cafe, are as follows:

Furniture and equipment for workroomsnumberCost, rub.
Total269 \u200b\u200b000 rubles
Production table
4 things.16 000
2 pcs.6 000
Shelving for fruits and vegetables
2 pcs.8 000
Electric stove
1 PC.50 000
2 pcs.100 000
2 pcs.40 000
4 things.28 000
Deep frying equipment
1 PC.15 000
Food Scales
2 pcs.6 000

To all this, you need to purchase dishes for opening a cafe.

Since this is an average institution for 50 people, this list will be huge:

  • digesters
  • plates for first and second courses,
  • cups with saucers and without,
  • glasses (separately for dry and red wine, for champagne and cocktails),
  • salad bowls
  • pans
  • pans of different diameters,
  • glasses
  • cutlery for customers and kitchen workers.

The total cost of this will be from 50,000 to 100,000 r, depending on the manufacturer, size, material from which they are created, etc.

Thus, the costs of registration, registration of premises and the purchase of all necessary equipment will cost you approximately 1 275 000 - 2 000 000 rub.

Is this a lot? Certainly not a little, but if the place is chosen correctly, then the initial ones will be able to pay off in half a year or a year.

However, this is not all: we are waiting for expenses for daily activities, such as the purchase of products, supplies, as well as payment to employees.

What will be the costs after the opening of the cafe?

The hall for the cafe was prepared, equipment was purchased at the institution. It's time to take care of staff and supplies.

The staff we need is the following: 2 cooks, 2 bartenders and 2 or 4 waitresses. In addition, two service employees are needed: a cleaning lady and a loader / plumber (“narrow specialist in a wide profile”).

Since this is not a full-fledged large restaurant, you do not need super-experienced cooks, respectively, and their salary will be more modest. On average, they get 20 - 25 000 rubles.

For other employees, the salary will be in the range of 15,000 - 18,000 rubles. (average for the Russian Federation according to Rosstat).

Cleaning and maintenance of the restaurant's premises can be done by one person: if the equipment is new, then there will be not a lot of trouble with it.

PositionnumberApproximate salary of 1 employee, rub.
1 Director (owner)1 Percentage of profit
2 Accountant1 Part-time 8,000 or outsourcing - 3 - 4000
3 Cook2 25 000
4 Bartender2 18 000
5 Waiter2-4 12-18 000 + tips
6 Cleaner (cleaner)1 12-15 000
7 Maintenance worker (loader, plumber)1 12-15 000

At a minimum, you will have to hire 7 people in an institution, and the cost of their salary will be approximately 125,000 rubles.

Why so much? Is there so much to open a cafe?

Yes, it’s so much because The cafe operates in two shifts - morning and evening. Therefore, all personnel of one shift must be multiplied by two. Hence two cooks, two bartenders, etc.

Do not forget about the administrative staff in your institution - an accountant and director. If you are a director, you will take your share from profit, therefore we will not take you into account, but we will, but you can take it part-time or outsource.

Total personnel costs will be approximately 150,000 rubles. per month .

a) Products and supplies.

  To open a cafe and its subsequent uninterrupted work, it is necessary to establish logistic ties with suppliers of products of your category (acceptable in price and quality).

The average cost indicators for the purchase of meat, vegetables / fruits, drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), etc., are approximately 85,000 - 100,000 rubles. per month.

Much depends on whether a local product is manufactured or imported from abroad, so this process needs to be controlled.

In addition to products, you must pre-allocate money for such seemingly unobvious expense items as stationery, garbage bags, all kinds of rags and washcloths.
  This usually takes about 3,000 rubles per month, if the cafe has high client traffic.

In the future, it will also be necessary to pay attention to the depreciation of equipment - plates and cups tend to beat, chairs break (especially cheap), and clothes get dirty.

However, this is not included in the initial cost plan, which in the business plan covers the first 6 months of operation. Everything that happens in the second half of the year and later should be covered directly from the cafe’s proceeds.

b) Other regular payments.

Regular payments, in addition to salaries and expenses for the purchase of products, include utility bills, rental premises and taxes.

All of them are also best represented in a table:

In general, I’m ready - we figured out the expendable part. It's time to take stock and determine profitability.

Learn best from someone else's experience, agree?

Roman Nikitin will tell you about the start of his business in this video:

Results of a business plan for opening a cafe

  First, we determine the starting capital that is needed to open a cafe.

As we have already said, it includes both one-time expenses (repair, purchase of equipment, etc.), and regular (RFP, communal).

In reality, under the opening of an institution in a cafe format, you need to have about 2 million rubles. , since there are always unforeseen expenses, plus we must not forget about inflation.

The average check for our institution, we took the most critical crisis - 400 rubles. per client (for comparison, Moscow institutions take 900 rubles into account).

You will have about 80 clients a day, if you really opened near a business center.

Sample restaurant calculations:

80 pax * 400 p. \u003d 32 000 rub. In a month, 20 working days: 32,000 * 20 \u003d 640,000 rubles.

We add corporate events and other holidays to this - such an institution is adapted to them.

There, the average check will be approximately 800 rubles. per person, and per week usually carry out no more than two events for 4 to 8 people.

That is, on average, one institution goes:

  (4 people * 800 rub.) * 6 events per month \u003d 19,200 rub.

If you round, then our institution will generate monthly income of approximately 660,000 rubles. :

660,000 * 3 \u003d 1,980,000 p. - This means that in theory your business will pay off in three months.

However, in practice, this will not be quite so. The fact is that initially your institution will be unknown to anyone, and the first three to four months should not count on peak attendance rates.

The real payback will come in about 6 months of the cafe.

So we've covered everything what you need to open a cafe. The business plan came out pretty detailed, so now the business is left to the entrepreneurs ...

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A cozy cafe can become a favorite meeting place for many people. Despite the abundance of such institutions in megacities, not everyone finds their regular customers and many are forced to cease to exist. Obviously, their owners made serious mistakes at the planning stage. When developing a business plan for opening a cafe from scratch, it is important to consider as much as possible all the nuances and think through several solutions for each contentious issue. Of course, a cafe does not require the fulfillment of as many requirements as a restaurant, but as a catering establishment, it must comply with sanitary standards. Experts recommend developing a project taking into account sanitary standards, and not try to fit a half-finished institution under them.

Drawing up a detailed business plan

To start a business plan should be a search for a non-standard format of the institution, because a profitable cafe is not easy 3 tables and a counter with ice cream. The cost of rent depends on the chosen concept, the need to order the services of a designer, furniture and equipment. For example, if the cafeteria is located in the office center or school building, it should have a sufficient number of seats and a wide selection of snacks suitable for potential customers, but the design of such an institution can be discreet and even modest. And the opening of a thematic institution, for example, a cafe for book lovers, will require much more investment related to the design of the premises.

Before you open a roadside cafe from scratch, you will have to conduct a large-scale analytical work and identify a good location, a set of dishes and drinks that will be in demand among travelers who decide to visit a snack bar by the road.

In order to figure out how to open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to have information about current trends in the children's world of entertainment, as well as be aware of what superheroes are now held in high esteem in order to properly arrange the hall. In addition, increased demands are placed on the children's menu, and the main set of dishes and drinks should be expanded taking into account the fact that children usually rest accompanied by adults. Before you open a family cafe from scratch, you should choose a room near places where families spend time en masse and make sure that lovers of strong alcoholic drinks and noisy pastime do not bother tourists in the cafe.

Drawing up a detailed business plan is an obligatory point of step-by-step instructions on how to open a cafe from scratch. The following should be included in the business plan:

  • Detailed descriptions of the format of the institution, its location, premises under the cafe, organizational structure, work schedule;
  • Analysis of the market and nearest competitors;
  • Marketing plan;
  • Pricing policy of the institution;
  • Equipment;
  • Suppliers
  • Financial expenses;
  • Profit calculation and risk assessment.

Where to start the opening of a cafe? - With a clear understanding of exactly what it will be. The basis of the business plan will be a detailed description of the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe institution, based on which, they will be selected: location, design of the room and the necessary equipment. The format of the institution will also determine the number of employees, their requirements and the appropriate work schedule.

It is necessary to analyze the market in order to better understand current trends and evaluate the competitiveness of the future cafe. Familiarization with the activities of the nearest competitors will help to make the establishment unique and build the right pricing policy. The marketing plan is designed to promote the promotion of cafes everywhere and should be drawn up for the long term. The choice of equipment in the business plan is prescribed taking into account the format of the institution, but in the future, some positions may be changed. It is better to take care of product suppliers in advance, not forgetting to prescribe backup options in case of force majeure. Financial investments, estimated profits and possible risks will provide an opportunity to imagine how the institution will look from a financial point of view even at the planning stage. Therefore, "Make a business plan" is the first paragraph of a comprehensive answer to the question: "I want to open a cafe, what is needed for this?"

Activity Registration

Before you begin the process of registering activities, you must determine the legal form of the business. To open a mini cafe from scratch, it is more profitable to register as an individual entrepreneur, but in this case the sale of alcohol in the institution will be impossible. IP is suitable for small eateries, mini coffee houses located in educational institutions or office centers.

The legal form of LLC is selected if it is planned to open a cafe where alcoholic beverages will be sold.

Before registering:

  • The authorized capital is paid;
  • Organized legal address;
  • Notarized signatures in the application for registration;
  • State duty paid;
  • Printing is being made;
  • A bank account is opened;
  • The OKVED code is selected (56.10);
  • The charter is being prepared;
  • An application is filled out in the form of P11001.

After the registration of the LLC, it is necessary to obtain permits for the premises, a license for trading activities in a cafe, licenses for the sale of alcohol and tobacco products, and for employees - the results of a medical examination.

The list of permits for the premises includes the following items:

  • Lease contract;
  • SES permit;
  • Conclusion of the fire safety authority;
  • Contracts for garbage collection and sanitation.

The implementation of the following points for opening a cafe should be started only with all the permits and licenses. In addition, you must first register with the tax authority at the place of business.

Choosing a tax system

  Tax registration of an enterprise is carried out at the stage of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, at the same time a system is selected by which taxes will be deducted. For cafes in cases where UTII (single tax on imputed income) cannot be applied (it depends on the region), choose STS (simplified tax system) with a rate of 15% (income minus expenses).

The right location is half the battle.

The selection of the place where the opened institution will be located is an important item in the list of what is needed to open a cafe. The place must have a large cross, otherwise the institution will be idle without customers. In many ways, his choice depends on the format of the institution and the intended categories of visitors. For example, a detached building in the center of a large sleeping area or in a large park near a housing estate is exactly what you need to open a cafe bar. During the day, sales of coffee and confectionery for mothers with children will flourish in such an institution, and in the evenings, visitors will be residents of nearby houses who want to relax after a hard day.

The area of \u200b\u200b250-270 square meters. m. - this is what you need to open a cafe from scratch with 50 seats. Based on these parameters, as well as the requirements of the sanitary-epidemiological service, it is necessary to select a room in a place where the traffic of people is quite high. If at first your cafe will serve up to 50 people per day, which is considered a fairly low workload, and the average bill for each visitor will be 200 rubles, the profit will be 200,000 rubles. per month., and this is a pretty good indicator.

Arrangement and search for design solutions for the premises

It is unlikely that the repair phase of the premises will be avoided before opening a fast food cafe from scratch. But before calling on a brigade of workers, it is also necessary to consider what the interior of the future institution will be and find appropriate design solutions. To do this, you can order the services of professional designers, or you can sketch out a preliminary plan yourself and set specific tasks for the masters, and they will tell you how to put them into practice correctly.

For example, for small cafes, a calm atmosphere is important, the illusion of privacy, student eateries do not require exquisite furniture, but they should attract young people with some unusual, catchy and memorable interior details. It is more complicated with thematic institutions; their arrangement will require more skill and considerable financial investments, which are likely to pay off precisely due to the unusualness of the cafe. The cost of opening a cafe from scratch will largely depend on the orientation of the institution. Experienced restaurateurs are advised to definitely place a bar in establishments where alcohol is sold.

Cafe Equipment

The list of standard equipment that you need to open a cafe from scratch consists of the following items:

  • Plate;
  • Grill;
  • Frying and hob;
  • Refrigerators;
  • Production tables;
  • Sinks;
  • Tableware;
  • Sets of furniture for visitors.

Purchase of equipment is a significant part of the cost of opening a small cafe from scratch. The approximate amount of expenses is 600,000 rubles. The equipment is usually purchased in Russia, and the dishes are imported. Hall furniture can be made to order, if there are no ready-made sets on sale that are suitable for the interior of your cafe.

Place advertisement

At the stage of thinking over the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to open your own cafe and where to start, you should take care of the memorable and self-promoting name for the future institution. Before the opening, a beautiful and bright signboard takes over the advertising campaign, which attracts attention and causes interest. This is what you need to know to open your cafe. In the future, the sign should be a guideline by which the institution will be recognizable. Therefore, do not spare money on the development of design and manufacturing the latest technology of high-quality signs.

The marketing plan should be drawn up for the long term and include a list of regular promotional events and promotions that draw attention to the institution. The answer to the question: “How much money do you need to open a cafe?” Must take into account the costs associated with advertising.

Happy hours, discounts on the banquet menu, corporate cards - any methods of attracting visitors are good in the fight for regular customers for those who want to open a cafe.

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Counting financial investments

When deciding to go about his business, an entrepreneur must figure out how much money is needed to open a cafe. Costs may vary depending on the region and the size of the community where you plan to start a business. The cost of opening a cafe from scratch can be calculated by the main cost items at the initial stage: registration of activities (10,000 rubles), rental of premises (300,000 rubles), repair and arrangement, purchase of equipment (600,000 rubles) and products (200,000 rubles), advertising (60,000 rubles). Monthly expenses will include: rent, utility bills, tax deductions, employee salaries, food purchases, advertising costs. Thus, the answer to the question of how much it costs to open a cafe from scratch will be an estimated amount of 1,200,000 rubles.

Profitability and payback

Having calculated how much it costs to open a cafe, an entrepreneur can estimate the profitability of such a business and its payback period. If you follow the business plan, choose the right place for the establishment, then the cafe, even by the most conservative estimates, will pay off in a year. A well-chosen and well-implemented concept is what you need to open a cafe, the profitability of which will be 20-25%.

Advantages and disadvantages of a business

The question "?" Is very relevant and many are looking for an answer to it. Opening your own cafe is a good answer to the question of enterprising citizens. This time is called good for entering the business. The advantages of starting your own business now are still low rents, a lot of empty rooms in busy places and the gradual exit of people from the austerity regime. However, before you open a cafe, you should familiarize yourself with the nuances of running a restaurant business in order to avoid annoying mistakes. For example, you need to be prepared to stop the theft of food and alcohol by unscrupulous employees, and also make sure that your cafe keeps the brand and does not turn into a regular eatery. For those who want to open a cafe and are considering where to start, it’s with their willingness to daily check the work of their institution and personally monitor all processes.

It is unlikely that the business in the field of catering can be attributed to simple ways of generating income. To succeed here, there is not enough impressive start-up capital and an ardent desire to become a restaurateur: in addition, at least an understanding of the characteristics of the enterprise, the ability to work with people, iron nerves and full personal commitment are required.

Entrepreneurs considering how to open their cafe from scratch usually take into account only the prestige and profitability of such a business, forgetting the “pitfalls” in the form of numerous bureaucratic procedures, the difficulty of finding decent and responsible staff, and a high level of competition. Therefore, the decision to open your own institution should be preceded by a comprehensive study of the issue, careful planning and a certain moral preparation.

Business features

A distinctive feature of any cafe is its concept, target audience and pricing policy. The idea of \u200b\u200ba business should include the development of a unique selling proposition that sets the institution apart from its competitors: as such, you can use exclusive dishes, live music, a special interior design or a non-standard way of service.

  In the absence of experience in the field of catering, an entrepreneur will inevitably have a question - where to start the opening of a cafe. This cannot be done without looking for answers to the following questions:
  • How successful is the business with competitors?
  • Where will the institution be opened? In a shopping center, on a city street, in a residential area or in the closed territory of an enterprise?
  • How many potential customers will have access to the cafe located here?
  •   of the year? Are there any free directions on the market? Can I create my own unique format of the institution?
  • What are the sanitary requirements for the cafe of the selected type?

The smallest details should be considered. Of course, not all the mistakes of a novice restaurateur are critical, but an overly optimistic view of problems such as regular checks, theft of staff, complaints from residents about noise or the wrong choice of a market niche can cause a rather painful failure.

Choosing the format of the institution

It is hardly possible to name any other type of business that provides the same opportunities for creative manifestations: the number of different formats of catering establishments is so great that they can only be classified approximately. Therefore, in a first approximation, the cafe share:

  1. By assortment - specialized (barbecue, pizza, pancake, grill bars) and non-specialized (including with national cuisine);
  2. By target audience (children’s, sports, students, art cafes);
  3. According to the form of service (with waiters or with a distribution line);
  4. By territorial location (in shopping centers, on the streets, in recreation areas);
  5. By seasonality (summer and working all year).

The most common cafe formats are:

  • Fast food. It is popular for its affordability and reasonable pricing. Among other things, the range of establishments should include burgers, hot dogs, chicken rolls, french fries, chicken wings, coffee, beer and carbonated drinks. How to open a fast food cafe from scratch: most often entrepreneurs buy one of the franchises, the number of which is now measured in dozens;
  • Cafe Bar. The most common format that can accommodate 25-50 people. The institution is characterized by the presence of a full-fledged kitchen, allowing the visitor to order cold and hot dishes for alcoholic, hot or cold drinks;
  • Family cafe. In institutions of this type, it is planned to organize joint leisure for adults and children, there is a play area and a hall for parents. How to open a family cafe from scratch: the project should include a place for a children's room, and include an animator in the staff of the enterprise;
  • Children's Cafe. The target audience of such an institution is exclusively children, therefore, the assortment includes reduced portions of light snacks, milkshakes, juices, chocolate, and confectionery. How to open a children's cafe from scratch: the emphasis should be on the colorful interior design, order children's furniture, develop the original design of dishes and provide a place for a play area;
  • Roadside cafe. This type of establishment is recommended to be opened only on your own plot of land, located near a busy highway. The menu focuses on instant dishes, as visitors are usually in a hurry. How to open a roadside cafe from scratch: you can build a prefabricated structure, but you will have to take care of water supply, heating and connection to electric networks;
  • Internet cafe. Of course, almost everyone has access to the network from mobile devices, so when developing the concept of a cafe, the emphasis should not be on computers, but on a bar offering coffee and snacks. : the list of required equipment should include modern PCs, routers, and also provide for a connection to a high-speed leased line.

Advantages and disadvantages of a business

Today, many busy people can no longer afford to spend time cooking, preferring to use the services of catering establishments. Amid growing demand, many entrepreneurs are interested in how to open their own cafe, where to start such a business: the process should include a study of all the advantages and disadvantages of such activities.

The positive factors include:

  • High profitability and an acceptable payback period for the business;
  • The ability to highlight your target audience;
  • The growing demand for catering establishments;
  • The list of what is needed to open a cafe from scratch does not include special knowledge and training requirements.

The disadvantages of this type of business are slightly larger, and the main among them is the inability to accurately forecast demand. The calculations of attendance and the average check amount are reliable only in a statistical sample: in fact, the income of two neighboring cafes can differ significantly. Other negative factors include:

  • High level of competition;
  • The difficulty of finding a suitable room;
  • The amount of capital needed to open a small cafe from scratch - the cost of premises and equipment can reach several million rubles;
  • The difficulty of working with perishable food;
  • Dependence of business on the human factor (quality of work of cooks, honesty of waiters and bartenders, adequacy of visitors).

Activity Registration

  Legalization of the activities of a future catering establishment is a prerequisite on how to open a cafe from scratch: step-by-step instructions include registration of the enterprise, registration of permits for premises and approval of the range in Rospotrebnadzor.

When choosing a legal form it is necessary to take into account that the status of an individual entrepreneur does not allow organizing trade in alcoholic beverages. Therefore, the cafe owners open two enterprises: IP for the sale of food products and LLC for the sale of hard liquors. Calculating how much it will cost to open a cafe, we can proceed from the fact that the registration fee for an LLC is 4000 rubles, while an IP will cost only 800 rubles.

As a tax system, UTII or STS is used. The first option is used for a large cash flow for cafes whose hall area does not exceed 150 m². The main disadvantage of the second is the limitation of annual profit at the level of 60 million rubles.

Before that, you will have to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor to place a new catering establishment, which indicates the type of facility and its duration.

Among other things, the staff of the supervisor is interested in:

  • The presence of contracts for garbage collection, processing of clothing, disinsection, deratization of premises and water supply;
  • The presence of contracts for the supply of raw materials, veterinary certificates for meat and fish, sanitary books for staff;
  • Arrangement of a consumer corner;
  • The presence of the required set of equipment, compliance with the rules for the separate storage of meat and other products.

The second thing you need to open a cafe is the permission of the SES. Its receipt should be taken care of in advance by designing the layout, equipment of the premises and the direction of production flows in accordance with SanPiN

The third permit is issued by the State Fire Inspection on the basis of compliance of the engineering networks of the institution with the requirements of SNiP and fire safety rules, the presence of a fire alarm, fire extinguishers and emergency exits.

So, what documents are needed to open a cafe? The list includes:

  1. Certificate of registration of the enterprise and registration with the tax service;
  2. A letter from Rosstat indicating OKVED codes and their decoding;
  3. Documents confirming the rights to the trading object;
  4. Trade patent issued by the local administration;
  5. Permission of state supervision;
  6. SES permit;
  7. Agreement with a security organization;
  8. Contracts with utilities;
  9. Help from the BTI, including an object plan.

To open a mini cafe from scratch in accordance with the law, the following should also be placed on the trading floor:

  • Fire evacuation plan;
  • Complaint book;
  • Information on registration of an enterprise and permission to trade in alcohol;
  • Name and weight of the product (indicated in the menu and on the price tags);
  • The text of the Law on Consumer Protection.

Cafe Business Plan

“I want to open a cafe - where to start?” The answer to this question is the same for any type of entrepreneurial activity: you should start by developing a business plan. The project takes into account not only the main expenses and possible revenues, but also other factors that determine the success of the future enterprise. The most important of them is the size of the target audience, for the estimation of which the number of people of the required social status, living or working in a radius of 1-2 km from the cafe’s location is approximately calculated. The plan also includes the following sections:

  • Assortment and pricing policy of the enterprise;
  • Schedule, staff plan;
  • The list of services provided;
  • Analysis of the market situation;
  • Analysis of the activity of competitors, their advantages and disadvantages;
  • Investment plan and general project schedule;
  • Calculation of key economic indicators.

When calculating how much money you need to open a cafe, it is important to consider all possible costs. In some cases, the costs of fines, dry cleaning, a monthly purchase of napkins, or to cover a cash shortage can be an unpleasant surprise for an entrepreneur. Finally, before you open a cafe, you will have to make repairs in the room: this process has a characteristic tendency to go beyond the bounds of the budgeted estimate.

Location and Interior Requirements

On the question of how to open a small cafe from scratch, the problem of finding a suitable place requires the most responsible approach. If we are not talking about a fashionable or specialized institution, for the sake of visiting which customers will be ready to travel through the whole city, then it is more advisable to consider the possibility of renting premises in a large shopping center or in a first-line building. When calculating how much money is needed to open a cafe, one should take into account that the tariffs here are quite high, but the prospect of a restaurant with high attendance in the end justifies the costs - provided that the object meets the following criteria:

  • The object is located near the places where potential customers gather - in a residential area, in a business center or in a recreation area;
  • The format and price category of the institution are optimal for attracting the appropriate target audience;
  • It is not recommended to open a cafe on the site of predecessors who closed the institution for unknown reasons;
  • The selected building is not subject to reconstruction or demolition in the near future;
  • The surrounding area includes convenient parking and access roads for transport providers.


In order to open a cafe bar from scratch, you need to order the development of a project for experienced architects. When determining the size and layout of the hall in accordance with sanitary standards, each seat requires at least 2 m² of area. Thus, taking into account the aisles between tables in a room of 100 m², 35–40 visitors can be accommodated; another 10 m² will have to be allocated for the installation of a bar counter.

Other requirements for the facility are the availability of ventilation, water supply, sewage and connection to electric networks with a capacity of 45-50 kW. The cooking process on stoves and in ovens is accompanied by increased energy consumption and the operation of a powerful hood; it is possible that in the matter of whether it will be necessary to provide for the costs of laying a separate power line.


The demand for the cafe is to a certain extent determined by its style: it is unlikely that the banally painted walls and whitewashed ceilings will attract visitors. Therefore, asking himself the question: “I want to open a cafe - what is needed for this?” - it should be understood that one can’t do it alone in developing an interior design.

The design process should be preceded by a definition of the institution's concept: the designer's task is to create a style that is clear and close to the target audience. In addition, it is advisable to determine the project budget and the price category of finishing materials in advance: the preferred architectural decisions depend on this.

Room expenses

Thus, the main items of expenditures preceding the opening of the institution are associated with the premises. Considering how much it costs to open a cafe in Moscow, it should be understood that the tariffs for the work of designers and builders here are two to three times higher than in other regional centers, however, the average check amount in institutions of this type is 1400-1700 rubles.


Counting how much it costs to open a small cafe, it is recommended to provide for the purchase of only professional equipment: as practice shows, not a single household appliance in this operating mode will last longer than a month. In extreme cases, you can find used stoves, ovens and freezers, however, in order to avoid an unexpected failure at the first opportunity, it is better to replace them with new ones. Knives, cutting boards, work tables and food refrigerators are bought in double quantities, since sanitary standards provide for separate storage and processing of meat.

No less responsible should approach the choice of furniture for the hall. Some manuals on how to open a small cafe from scratch suggest the use of plastic furniture, but most often this does not correspond to either the status or the concept of the establishment. It is advisable to choose strong and aesthetic tables and chairs made of wood and metal. As for the bar - here suppliers offer a sufficient number of ready-made options, different in price and design.

Kitchen equipment

  Name   number   price, rub.   Amount, rub.
Electric stove with grill 1 30 000 30 000
Cooktop 1 12 000 12 000
Deep fryer 1 8 000 8 000
Oven 1 28 000 28 000
Ventilation system 1 4 000 4 000
Microwave oven 2 2 500 5 000
Mixer 1 2 000 2 000
Kettle 2 1 500 4 500
Beverage refrigerator 1 8 000 8 000
Coffee maker 1 4 000 4 000
Vegetable cutter 1 4 000 4 000
electronic scales 2 4 000 8 000
Washing bath 2 4 000 8 000
Work table 2 8 000 16 000
Refrigerator 2 30 000 60 000
Set of knives 3 7 000 21 000
Cookware Set 2 10 000 20 000
Total: 242 500

Hall equipment

  number   price, rub.   Amount, rub.
Cash machine 1 18 000 18 000
Set of dishes for the hall 40 1 200 48 000
Set of textiles for the hall 40 1 000 40 000
Table 10 5 000 50 000
Chair 40 2 000 80 000
Air conditioning 2 5 900 11 800
Bar counter 1 80 000 80 000
Bar chair 4 2 500 10 000
Overalls 17 1 000 17 000
A computer 1 10 500 10 500
Alarm system 2 10 000 20 000
Other expenses 1 50 000 50 000
Total: 435 300


A balanced approach to staff recruitment is what you need to open a cafe from scratch and keep visitors, since it is the attentiveness, professionalism and decency of the employees that determine whether the client will become a regular. The waiters and the bartender should not only know the composition and prices of the food and drinks offered, but also be able to serve the client, calmly resolve the conflict situation.

The eldest in the kitchen is the chef. The efforts associated with finding a qualified specialist for this position pay off in full: high quality, interesting design of dishes and the presence of a “signature” feature in the process of their preparation or presentation will surely leave a lasting impression on visitors.

Among the things that are needed to open a cafe, it is worth mentioning the development of a personnel plan: employees critical for the functioning of the institution should be duplicated in case of illness, absenteeism and other unforeseen circumstances. Most often, work is organized in shifts according to the schedule of “two working days / two days off”.

Cafe staff

  Position   number   Rate, rub.   Expenses, rub.
Administrator 2 25 000 50 000
Accountant 1 20 000 20 000
Chef 1 40 000 40 000
Cook 4 18 000 72 000
Waiter 4 15 000 60 000
Bartender 2 25 000 50 000
Maintenance worker 2 15 000 30 000
Dishwasher 2 15 000 30 000
Cleaning lady 1 15 000 15 000
Total: 19 367 000

Financial investments

To determine how much it costs to open a cafe from scratch, you must first solve the problem of selecting a room. Depending on whether it will be rented, bought or built independently, you can judge the initial investment and the payback period of the project. Most often, entrepreneurs are limited to rent for the following reasons:

  • In shopping centers the area cannot be redeemed;
  • Rent at times reduces the required amount of start-up capital;
  • In the case of an unsuccessful choice of location, it is somewhat easier to stop activities.

In the question of how much it costs to open a cafe, they distinguish between the initial and current monthly expenses necessary for the normal functioning of the institution:

Initial expenses

Current expenses

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Unfortunately, it is difficult to take into account the costs associated with the negative factors that accompany the work of any cafe: theft of personnel and write-off of products with expired shelf life. If in the second case, costs can still be reduced by purchasing a smaller amount of raw materials, then the first is an almost uncontrolled process. Entrepreneurs install the latest accounting systems, resort to using cameras, but “experienced” waiters and bartenders always find the opportunity to put in their pocket a certain amount besides the salary.

Of course, before you open a cafe from scratch, you can draw up a business plan with a financial reserve, however, in any case, the owner of the establishment should constantly ensure that these undesirable expenses do not exceed reasonable limits.

Profit and profitability

The cafe’s profit calculation includes variables such as the amount of the average bill and the level of attendance. It is possible to estimate the number of clients empirically by making appropriate measurements near the competitors ’establishments, and the order price is an affordable statistical indicator that you need to familiarize yourself with before you open a cafe from scratch; the average check in the regional center of Russia costs 600 rubles in the daytime and 1200 rubles in the evening, while in Moscow each visitor leaves an average of 1,450-1700 rubles in a cafe.

Given current expenses of 687 thousand rubles, you can calculate the breakeven point: with a daily turnover of 22,900 rubles, the cafe will start to make a profit. Such an amount will be left at the institution by 25-30 visitors, each of whom will make an order for 700-900 rubles. With an attendance of 40–50 people a day, the cafe’s monthly turnover will be already 840–1050 thousand rubles, which means a net profit of 153–363 thousand rubles and a profitability of 22–25%.

The next thing you need to open a cafe bar is to calculate the payback period of the project. At the same time, it should be noted that not a single catering establishment begins to work at full capacity from the very first day: the process of operating time by the client's base can take two to three months. Therefore, to the indicated initial expenses of 1,406,900 rubles, the costs necessary to ensure the functioning of the cafe in this period should be added - at least 750-775 thousand rubles. Thus, the payback point will be reached no earlier than 7-14 months after the start of work.


The process of designing a new catering establishment is essentially creative. Choosing which cafe to open, you can consider dozens of different formats and varieties or develop your own unique concept. Interior design, corporate identity, menu design and the names of dishes also represent an extensive field for the manifestation of imagination and creative imagination. The main condition is that the idea should be in demand among the target audience, since it is customer loyalty that determines the viability of such a business idea.
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How much does it cost to open a cafe: the dynamics of the development of public catering establishments + tips for creating the concept of a restaurant + business plan for opening a cafe + calculation of expenses and payback.

Introduce a system of club discounts and coupons for your regular visitors.

Want to figure out how to open your cafe?

You will learn important nuances regarding this business from this video:

How much money do you need to open a small cafe with 15 tables without a bar and sofas?

Prices for a minimum set of equipment for a coffee shop will show how much it really costs to open your own institution:
NamenumberPrice for 1 piece, rub.Total price, rub.
Total:621 800 rub.
Bar table15 5500 82 500
Chairs60 1200 72 000
Sconces20 1000 20 000
Pendant lights10 2000 20 000
Showcase4 16 600 66 400
Coffee machine2 65 200 130 400
Refrigerator1 67 000 67 000
Plate1 45 000 45 000
Mixer1 5 200 5200
Dishwasher1 87 550 87 550
A cup75 110 8250
Glass40 100 4000
Plate90 150 13 500

In total, at least 622,000 rubles will be needed to purchase interior furniture, kitchen equipment and utensils.

But this cost does not provide for the arrangement of washbasins, toilet rooms, utility costs, or elements of the interior and exterior. But you will need all this if you decide to open such an institution. And all this costs money.

But nevertheless, these are trifles in comparison with the main categories of costs.

Additionally, you need to take into account the salaries of employees, because it also depends on how much money you need to spend on opening a cafe:

Job titleNumber of workplacesSalary, rubles / month
Total:191 700 rub.
Cook3 25,000 x 3 \u003d 75,000
Barista1 15 000
Waiter5 14 500 x 3 \u003d 43 500
Administrator1 35 000
Cleaner1 11 200
Dishwasher1 12 000

The budget for purchasing products depends on the menu. Average price of products needed to open a cafe:

Name of productprice, rub.Name of productprice, rub.
Almond flour (1 kg)1416,1 Caramel Topping (424 g)211,9
Hard Pizza Flour (5 kg)805,4 Sliced \u200b\u200bloaf (300 g)21,8 - 23,5
Wheat flour (1 kg)76,3 - 84,9 Wheat Tortilla (750 g)171,5
Sugar (1 kg)55,6 - 73 Cocoa Powder (100 g)91
Small salt (1 kg)22,7 - 61 Grain coffee (1 kg)652 - 1400
Sesame oil (250 ml)317 - 486,8 Tea bags (100 pieces)180,7 - 328
Olive oil (1 l)521 - 564,5 Cheesecake Pie (2.55 kg)1823 - 2005
Sunflower oil (0.9 L)86,2 - 93,8 Tartlets (800 g)906,2
Drinking water (5 l)31,8 Cake with strawberries (2.9 kg)1447,7
Mineral water (1 l)27,4 Baking margarine (200 g)16,4
Kvass (2 L)57,2 Cream 33% fat (1 l)175 - 224,5
Juice (1 L)70,6 - 185,9 Confectionery cream 30% (1 L)180,8
Jam (320 g)65,2 - 88,7 Ice cream (2.2 kg)686 - 724,4
Flower honey (1.4 kg)399 Butter (500 g)92,9 - 115,4

Summary table of expenses for opening a small cafe:

Name of waste categoryCost, rub.
Total:1,132,800 rubles
Business RegistrationFrom 20 500
Rental of premises (60 sq.m.)From 90,000
Room design, furniture, cutlery621 800
Design, compilation and printing of the menuFrom 6,400
Kitchen equipmentFrom 160,000
Procurement of goodsFrom 23,000
Staff salary191 700
Cafe advertisingFrom 4,000
Website creation1400-7000
Communal paymentsFrom 14,000

According to our calculations, you need to have a considerable amount of money - about 1,132,800 rubles in order to open your own small coffee shop. At the same time, the average payback of a cafe is from 7 to 14 months.

The amount of expenses that will be expected at the opening of the cafe will vary greatly in different cities. Of course, the cost of renting in Moscow or St. Petersburg will cost much more than in a small town or village. Premises on the central streets of the city will also significantly increase the initial cost of the cafe.

In this article, we examined in detail how much does it cost to open a cafe and what nuances are worth paying attention to.

Do not forget, there is no clear limit on how much money you need to open a cafe. It all depends on your wishes, the type of institution, its location and spaciousness.

Even with a minimal budget, you can make a cafe that is amazing and popular among guests by inventing a characteristic highlight for it.

Cafe is a place where people come not only for food, but also for vivid impressions, homely atmosphere and comfort. Keep this in mind when planning to open your own cafe.

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To start a business relevant in any locality, some decide to open a cafe. And this is really a fairly versatile option. Where people do not like to spend time in company or alone, while tasting their favorite treats and drinks? In not very rich countries and cities, price also plays a role, and in cafes it is lower than in restaurants.

Definitely, however, one should not expect easy money in this business. This area is not simple and requires fundraising to start activities and promotion, documents for various services, people management skills. In terms of popularity, the opening of a cafe is comparable to (by the way, it can help here). By complexity, too, although in our case, we still have to think through the features of the menu. Another option for beginners in the business sector is, however, this is also a topic for a separate discussion. Let's figure out in what sequence you need to act when opening a cafe.

What do you need to open a cafe?

The first thing to decide is the direction, the concept of the establishment. Whether to resort to buying a franchise is a separate issue. On the one hand, much has already been thought out before you, informational assistance is provided, and on the other, additional costs at the initial stage and a certain framework.

The second point is the collection of money, documents and the choice of a tax system. It is also extremely important not to miscalculate the place of your institution. Consider a step-by-step instruction for action in chronological order.

Concept and pricing policy

Do not assume that “creating some kind of cafe” is already a good idea in itself, even if there are few such establishments in your community. You still need a well-thought-out concept of the institution, which mainly reflects the orientation of the menu and the reference point for a certain segment of the population.

In short, we need a clear specialization - fast food, pizzeria, ice cream parlor, stylization for the cuisine of a country or a certain region. Need a highlight, something that will attract visitors. Accordingly, personnel, menus, furniture and equipment should be selected for this focus. Carefully consider the pricing policy of your future cafe, based on the intended category of customers and the level of competition.

Choose a place

To open a successful cafe, you need to calculate a place convenient for visitors. It is very important that it is within walking distance to the place of work or recreation areas of the target category. Ideal buildings close to the workplace or recreation areas of the target category. It is desirable that some object with high traffic, such as a shopping center, is located nearby. The building should be located on the first line of houses.

Some important criteria for the premises:

  • Size - 70-200 square meters. m
  • Ceiling height - from 3 m.
  • The presence of water supply, heating and similar amenities is also highly desirable.

To rent or buy? This is another important question, where at the moment there is no single answer. However, a more fashionable and common option is to rent with subsequent redemption.

Tip:  Do not choose rooms where the cafe used to close before. The point is not karma, but that, most likely, the place was unsuccessful, so listen to the experience of others.

Note:  Other important requirements for catering facilities are set out in SanPiN

Taxation: IP or LLC?

Opening a business from scratch inevitably leads to the question of the choice of taxation. Regarding the cafe, there is no mistake in creating a business as an individual entrepreneur or as an LLC. Of course, IP is a more convenient and profitable option, but if there is alcohol in the menu, you can’t do without LLC - IP has the right only to cider, beer, mead and similar not too strong alcoholic drinks. As an option, open an LLC for the sale of alcohol with a higher degree, and conduct the rest of the activity under the IP brand.

The best option for a tax scheme is UTII. But keep in mind that in this case the area of \u200b\u200bthe hall should not exceed 150 sq.m. Also, the area itself should be clearly demarcated from the rest of the building. Moreover, this design feature should be reflected in the inventory documents. Bookkeeping can either be outsourced or maintained independently using online services.

What documents are needed to open a cafe?

After solving tax issues, you need to start collecting documents, which we will conditionally divide into two groups. For clarity, we present them in the form of a table:

Of course, when opening a cafe, you can not do without visits to the city administration, firefighters and architects. Of course, this is not, so there will be a lot of running around around the courts. Money often needs to be paid for pieces of paper, but how much depends on local conditions.


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