Where to find brass for delivery. Where to collect scrap metal. Requirements for surrendered copper

Many have met the ads “ Buy scrap copper"Or" We accept copper dearly "on message boards, on the Internet, or heard from friends. The company "RussLom" accepts non-ferrous scrap from individuals who want to earn money from the delivery of scrap, metal waste or the sale of copper products, as well as manufacturing and trading enterprises. Many people have the question of where to get non-ferrous metal waste in order to get a good profit?

There are many options for how and where you can collect scrap metal and bring it to the point where it is carried out. scrap copper reception :

  • If you still have old household appliances... Only one old TV can collect up to 1.5 kg of copper in separate parts! Also, non-ferrous metal is present in washing machines, radios, electric stoves, refrigerators. The latest household appliances are especially interesting with old designs. In the engine, the weight of copper can reach 3 kg. Where to look? Disassemble the wire connection, choke, transformer. In addition to scrap metal, such products contain components that are valuable for repair shops, for example, capacitors, resistors, etc.
  • If there is old equipment in the garage, shed or closed production area... Decommissioned units, installations, machine tools, equipment consist of transformers, which are made with copper winding. In addition to this part, the devices also contain relays, starters - this way, in a small amount, you can increase the total weight of scrap ready for delivery. In a copper cable, a copper conductor also constitutes the base.
  • If you bought an old house or summer cottage... Old fittings, including plumbing fittings, were made of copper in the last century, therefore, during the reconstruction and demolition of old structures, there is a high probability of enrichment due to the delivery of metal.
  • If your ancestors stored various things as household items... These include figurines, old coins, jewelry, and utensils.

If you want to seriously start making money by renting out scrap, you need to learn how to properly organize a "business". This will require:

  1. To learn how to collect scrap - to organize a search or open a point for the reception of old equipment.
  2. Attract transport for transportation of products to the place of disassembly.
  3. Find a place to store and disassemble equipment, instruments and other sources of copper - for example, it can be a garage.
  4. Transportation of copper scrap to the collection point, where the maximum price will be given for it - this responsibility can be assumed by the company "RussLom". We will arrive at the indicated address and make a very advantageous offer.

How to get the best price for copper scrap?

Found copper scrap can be handed over to RussLom collection points in Moscow. We offer the highest scrap rates, so if your goal is the maximum profit from the sale, then you need to carry it out with us.

Prices for copper scrap may differ, which is influenced not only by the course for nonferrous metals, but also by the quality composition of the products delivered. The quality depends on the percentage of Cu in the alloy. Pure copper (grade M00k, M00b) has the highest cost.

What if the scrap of non-ferrous metal turns out to be not copper?

Copper has features similar in color to bronze and brass, therefore, RussLom clients often confuse metal and expect more income from its delivery. If you want to scrap copper, you can request an examination at any point of reception closest to you in order to know in advance how much profit to expect. Even if the copper turns out to be not a pure Cu alloy, you can carry out the delivery of the color break. We have the best prices for bronze and brass alloys, so you will win in any case.

Scrap copper will gladly accept your many scrap metal collection points. exceeds the cost of ferrous metals, so you can make good money on the delivery of unnecessary copper products, parts and other equipment containing copper and its alloys - brass or bronze.

What old technique can contain copper?

An old tube TV can carry about 1.5 kilograms of copper. All copper in this case falls on the transformer, choke and installation wires. Aluminum is practically absent in old TVs.

A semiconductor CRT TV does not have a large amount of copper (no more than 400-500 grams). But it contains expensive resistors and capacitors that an experienced assembler can assemble.

A true find for professional scrap metal collectors is an old Soviet refrigerator. In recent years, they are often thrown away due to the inability to carry out repairs and the lack of spare parts for it. A refrigerator motor alone can contain up to three kilograms of pure copper. Refrigerator cooling tubes are often also made of copper or other expensive alloys. Freezing chambers of two-chamber Soviet refrigerators will bring scrap metal collectors a kilogram of pure aluminum or even more stainless steel

Copper for scrap metal can also be found:

  • in transformers;
  • starters;
  • relay;
  • magnetic starters;
  • fittings of fluorescent lamps.

The cost of copper depends on its purity and the percentage of copper in the product - the higher the amount of copper contained in its alloy, the higher the price will be. Since impurities reduce the electrical conductivity of copper (most of all, arsenic and antimony reduces the electrical and thermal conductivity of copper), the purest specialized grades of copper are usually used in the production of current conductors: "M00k" - cathode copper, "M00b" - oxygen-free copper, it contains no more 0.001% impurities. This type of copper is used for the manufacture of transformers, refrigerators, office equipment, cables with high flow rates.

How to Collect Copper Correctly?

To optimize the collection of scrap metal, it is necessary to develop an algorithm for the collection of devices containing copper, organize their delivery to the place of analysis, arrange the analysis itself and deliver the copper to the scrap metal collection point. Copper scrap can often be found at construction sites, landfills, abandoned transformer booths. Copper can be disassembled and stored in the garage. Although it is possible to get copper at the location of a certain equipment or object, for this you will need to constantly have the necessary tools with you, therefore this option is appropriate for people with vehicles.

Getting copper for scrapping is still half the battle. It is also important to sell it profitably. Please note that prices for non-ferrous scrap fluctuate greatly throughout the year. Copper prices generally fall in summer, so it is best to store the mined copper until winter and wait for its value to rise.

Please note that even with the current level of development of scientific and technological progress, there is no worthy replacement for copper, and in the future its price will only grow. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the reserves of copper ore in the world are decreasing, which means that the cost of copper scrap will rise.

There are also many other completely legal ways and places to get scrap metal. For example, the development of metallurgy in Soviet times produced many tons of waste or defective metal, both ferrous and non-ferrous. Non-ferrous metal, by the way, has a price from 30,000 to 220,000 rubles per ton... And all such wastes were taken to specialized landfills for temporary storage, where they arrive, sow the day.

In order to find out where to look for scrap metal from metallurgical waste materials, you just need to find an abandoned landfill. But in this case, you need to make sure that metal mining will be legal and local authorities have nothing against cleaning the land from pollutants.

Abandoned shooting ranges

In more rare cases, scrap metal search it will also not be difficult in abandoned military training grounds where exercises and shooting ranges were held. Such places are abundantly strewn:

  • metal targets;
  • dummy copies of tanks;
  • casings of large-caliber guns made of non-ferrous metal.

Collecting scrap in such places, for example, only in the case of the disbandment of the military unit, which controlled the landfill. Or in the case of its transfer to the city authorities.

But, as in the previous case, the development of such places may be prohibited, in which case they should be abandoned.


Finding scrap metal can be simplified in any area by having metal detector... Such a device will save you from searching at random, so it allows you to determine not only the location of the scrap, but also the depth and size or weight of the product. Despite the fact that such a device has a rather high cost, its use will increase the income from the delivery of scrap for processing two to three times. It is very useful for people who are interested.

Also, a magnet is an integral tool for metal digging, it allows you to distinguish between ferrous scrap and stainless steel or non-ferrous metal.

Naturally, you need to know not only where to get scrap metal, but also how to transport it, say, from a forest or field, if the total mass of the find is close to one ton or is simply very oversized and does not fit into the trunk of a car. In such cases, it is better to get an SUV with a trailer or an all-wheel drive flatbed truck.

If the find is too large, and alone it will not work out to load it on a trailer or body, it is also very useful to have a small, portable power station and a cutting power tool with you.

With all of this, scrap collection can be a pretty good profit.

Be sure to find out: how to make a DIY search magnet

The collection of scrap metal is gaining more and more popularity. This activity fascinates, engages, becomes an original hobby for people, and also helps to cleanse the natural environment from pollution and brings a good income. But for this you need to know where to collect scrap metal and what is needed for this.

Scrap metal collection points

Many who have heard of such an event as collecting metal know that special items are accepted for recyclable materials, and you can earn money on this. Finding scrap metal may seem like a frivolous undertaking. But many turn this hobby into a good source of income. The main places where metal is collected are:

  • fields and dumps;
  • abandoned factories;
  • former military training grounds;
  • repair bases.

Sowing fields

Finding scrap in sowing fields gives excellent results. Here you can find spare parts from heavy agricultural machinery. During the sowing season or when harvesting, the repair of tractors and combines is carried out directly at the workplace. Broken knots are left right here. Such parts are of considerable weight. And if you're lucky, you can count on collecting 100-200 kg in one day.

City dumps

And the city dumps, besides ferrous metal, are full of old household appliances: refrigerators, washing machines, televisions. It is these items that are the source of non-ferrous metals (copper, aluminum, zinc), which are valued much more profitably during the purchase. With all the accompanying troubles (the presence of unsanitary conditions and an unpleasant odor), non-ferrous metal collectors from landfills claim that more than 50, or even 100 kg of valuable recyclable materials can be collected per day.

Outdated large household appliances, small kitchen utensils made of stainless steel and steel, electrical appliances containing non-ferrous metals can be found on the outskirts of settlements. Most often, such impromptu dumps of scrap metal are arranged on the outskirts of villages and rural settlements, where there is no regular service for removing garbage containers. It is around them that the population leaves everything that is no longer needed in the house.

Old repair bases

Abandoned enterprises, former repair bases, store decent deposits of metal in their "bowels". Here you can find whole machines, as well as spare parts:

  • motors;
  • cylinders;
  • pistons.


It is not recommended to bypass abandoned shooting ranges, which are full of casings, and even from large-caliber guns. Port cities are very profitable for finding scrap metal. You can also try your luck on the beaches. The collection here consists of the following elements:

  • details of ships;
  • chains;
  • locks;
  • anchors;
  • aluminum cans.

We must be prepared that in the process of searching for scrap ferrous metal will come across more often. Due to the large amount, collecting it is more profitable. But professionals in this business strive to find exactly copper waste, for a kilogram of which you can get from 300 rubles or more. And there is a lot of copper in the wires, so another source where scrap metal is mined is places near power plants.

Scrap metal search equipment

To go to collect scrap metal, you need not only comfortable uniforms, but you also need to have the appropriate equipment with you, such as a metal detector or a magnet. Finding scrap metal with these devices will be much easier.

Working with a metal detector

The choice of metal detectors on the modern market is huge. There are very expensive models, and there are also cheaper ones. The price does not play a big role here. The main thing is that the device has the following functions:

  • sensitivity level adjustment;
  • maximum detection depth;
  • the presence of different modes - "precious metals", "coins", "ferrous metal".

To search only for non-ferrous metals, it is better to purchase a metal detector with a discriminator - it does not allow the model to react to ferrous metal, or when it is detected, it emits a specific sound.

The sequence of work consists in the following actions:

  • Adjusts the depth, sensitivity, and tone of audible alarms.
  • Location of the search engine closer to the ground.
  • Movement of the search coil straight ahead and to the sides.
  • At a sound signal, pay attention to the display, which will display information about the size of the object.
  • After that, you can perform a cop.

Search magnets

A special magnet is another device that can effectively find scrap metal. Its principle of operation is based on the ability of metals to be magnetized. It is especially convenient to search for scrap with a magnet in natural reservoirs or wells.

Such magnets are popular, with the following carrying capacity:

  • unilateral- 120 kg;
  • two-sided- 120 kg;
  • two-sided- 600 kg.

It is important not only to purchase a magnet, but also to know how to use it. To begin with, a search location is selected. If any body of water is selected, then a rope is tied to a special attachment in the form of a loop. The magnet is lowered into the water and led to the sides. The device helps to find ferrous metal and other scrap metal. And after lifting it out of the water, sorting is performed. It is useful to have scissors for metal or a grinder in the set of tools, since the scrap found can be impressive in size.

In terms of world consumption and production, copper is in third place after aluminum and iron. This metal has high thermal and electrical conductivity, is easy to process and does not lose its properties after re-processing. These characteristics led to the widespread use of copper in various industries - from everyday life to heavy industry.

The main use of copper is in the electrical field. Cables and wires are made of metal, and those who have served are taken to scrap copper cable to the point LOMTSVETMET. For production, they take pure copper with a minimum content of impurities. Any minor inclusions reduce the conductivity of the final product. A wire containing 0.02% aluminum loses its ability to conduct current by 10%.

The process of obtaining electrical copper is called electrolysis: conditions are created under which foreign inclusions at the molecular level are separated from copper and deposited on one of the electrodes. The output is metal with a purity of 99.99%. The product made from electrical copper has a high price compared to other brands.

You can find copper in large quantities in old electrical appliances:

  • Tube TV. The required metal is contained in the transformer, inductor and field wires. In general - 1-1.5 kg of copper.
  • CRT TV. This device contains about 400 - 500 gr. metal (resistors, capacitors and picture tubes).
  • Soviet refrigerator. Cooling pipes, freezer and motor parts were previously made of copper. The total weight of valuable metal in one refrigerator reaches 2-3 kg.
  • Transformer. A decommissioned device contains hundreds of kilograms of metal. The more powerful the transformer, the more copper it contains.
  • Other electrical appliances. This includes electric motors, relays, lamp fittings, starters, magnetic starters, washing machine assemblies, hair dryers and microwave ovens.

Resistance to ultraviolet light, temperature extremes and the formation of corrosion made it possible to use copper for the production of elements of water and heat supply:

  • heat exchangers;
  • cooler for system units;
  • details of air conditioners;
  • heating radiators;
  • plumbing;
  • seamless pipes.

Where else can you find copper? This metal is a building material. Copper roofing can last up to 200 years in any atmospheric conditions without much maintenance.

Copper is highly environmentally friendly, effective in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. Because of this, this metal is used in the manufacture of germicidal countertops, doorknobs, window fittings, railings and medical instruments.

The elegant appearance and durability have influenced the mass production of copper home decor items:

  • sinks and bathrooms;
  • kitchen countertops;
  • blinds;
  • utensils for storing food and cutlery;
  • door leaves;
  • cooker hoods;
  • fans;
  • fronts of dishwashers and refrigerators.

Sources of copper can also be: coins, figurines, decorative items, women's jewelry. If you take a broken car, you can find up to 5 kg of copper. The metal is found in the engine, on-board computer, radiator and wiring.

Bronze, brass, cupronickel, nickel silver and manganin are copper alloys that are used in other production areas. Medals and casings are made of brass, jewelry is made of cupronickel, and medical instruments are made of nickel silver.

The cost of a product directly depends on what% of the content of pure copper it contains. In terms of value, electrical copper can be put in the first place, and waste in the form of chips with a large blockage can be put in the last place.




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