Letter with a diploma from Santa Claus. Letter to Santa Claus - templates. The text of the letter of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden "Magic ball"

Caring parents strive to develop their children from an early age. The variety of forms of such development is enormous. Children will receive a lot of joy, emotions and other positive impressions when they receive a letter from Santa Claus. Especially if it is a response to a letter to Santa Claus from a baby.

The option of contacting the post office of Russia has a number of disadvantages, this is the fact that you need to contact in advance, you need to pay money, congratulations are standard and cannot contain information known only to the child and parents. It is this kind of information that can make a lasting impression on the baby.

We bring to your attention templates of letters from Santa Claus, which can be edited. Since not everyone has experience with Photoshop, we offer colorful letter templates from Santa Claus in Word format. If your computer does not have the fonts used in the document, you can always use the ones that you have installed.

Template # 3 for those who are familiar with the Photoshop template in PSD format, Gif - a regular picture, Word - for those who are more comfortable using a text editor.

Sometimes, when typing in Word, background pictures are not displayed; they can be turned on in the settings of your text editor.

Examples of texts of a letter from Santa Claus:

I'm flying to you from a fairy tale
To give gifts
Wish you goodness and happiness
And, of course, to praise:
For a whole year you are smart, glorious,
I was a good girl
I helped mom and dad
Well behaved!
You deserve gifts
Get them in the new year!
The sweetest and most beautiful
And grow up cheerful!

New Year and Christmas are coming soon. All children write letters to Santa Claus and then look forward to gifts. Together with the gift comes a letter from Santa Claus.

Here are examples of letters of congratulations from the very residence of Santa Claus! With wishes of a good holiday from the bottom of my heart.

Letter to Santa Claus - texts and templates

Hello Emil.

I received your letter and I am sending you a gift. I also found out that you will go to school next year. I wish you excellent and good grades, good friends. Now all the kids play a lot with the phone. I advise you to walk more in nature. Go sledding, ice skating, skiing. I will try to have a lot of snow and ice. I wish you and your parents good health and success in all your endeavors. Happy New Year. Your Santa Claus.

Hello my most obedient boy! On this magical night, when all dreams come true, I wish you a Happy New Year. Be always obedient and joyful. Smart and handsome. Help mom and dad. Grow big and strong. Be sure to obey your elders. Don't hurt the little ones. Be an example in everything and always. And then, every year on New Year's Eve, I will definitely come to you with gifts. I travel the land in my sleigh. I give gifts to all obedient children of the world. Happy New Year to you and your family. With new happiness! Smiles, happiness and a merry holiday.

Hello my dear kids. Grandfather Frost is writing to you!
I want to wish you well and happiness. Congratulations to our youngest friends. Our lovely and obedient kids. Every year, I sit on a sleigh and fly around the globe. To congratulate all the guys. I give out gifts that await you under the New Year tree. Be happy and healthy. And may you behave as well this New Year. I wish you a happy and happy New Year. Congratulations, your Santa Claus!

With wishes of goodness and happiness from Santa Claus.
My dear guys! Happy New Year. I watched you closely. You made me feel good and happy. My granddaughter and I prepared toys and gifts. I sent everyone the gifts that are under the tree. And on this New Year's Eve, I wish everyone good and happiness. Congratulations and I wish you success. Grow big and strong. Be healthy and obedient. My gifts for those who have behaved well this year. I know you were all great! And I wish each of you happiness and health. Happy New Year.

Letter from Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden from the North Pole.
Hello Alena! I hasten to wish you a Happy New Year! I've been watching you all year. I was glad for all your successes. You were very obedient. She behaved well. I ate porridge, listened to mom and dad. I helped my grandparents around the house. I know that you expected gifts from me. I sent you gifts by mail. You probably already found them under the tree. I, as always, will look after you. I know that you will definitely be good next year. Help your elders. Be a good girl. I wish you a happy new year.

Hello dear kids! Grandfather Frost is writing to you!
I sent you gifts from my residence. All year, my granddaughter Snegurochka and I watched you. You were obedient children. You listened to your parents and grandparents. You were well behaved. Therefore, I want to wish you a Happy New Year. I want to give each of you my special gifts. Be just as obedient. Help your loved ones. Don't be naughty. My granddaughter and I will look after you just like this year. All the kids in the world who are well behaved receive my gifts. Those who listen to adults. Be healthy. Happy new year. Goodness and happiness. With best wishes, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Congratulatory letter from Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden himself!
Dear Kid, I've been watching you all year. I am very glad that you were a very smart and well-mannered boy. Every day, until next year, I prepare toys to please all the kids in the world. I hasten to wish a Happy New Year to such a wonderful child like you! Wish you to continue to be the same baby. Behave well next year as well. My granddaughter and I have already sent your gift. Our gifts for you and my granddaughter are waiting for you under the tree. I really hope that you will also please me with your behavior. Happy New Year! Joy, happiness and smiles! Congratulations to your Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Hello Angelina!
Santa Claus is writing to you! I congratulate you on the most joyful and long-awaited holiday of the year. You were the smartest, kindest and funniest girl this year. You and I will definitely meet at the holiday tree. My congratulatory letters are awaiting all over the world. I write a letter to every child every year. And I read all the letters that I receive from children. My granddaughter and I are preparing special gifts. You behaved well. This makes me very happy. Well done! Stay the same smart girl. Obey your parents. Grow big and healthy. My magical gifts are waiting for you under the decorated Christmas tree. Happy New Year! Happiness, happy holiday and fulfillment of desires! With best wishes, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

New Year is a wonderful holiday, from which many expect a miracle, fulfillment of desires, something very unexpected, but good. Especially in the New Year's fairy tale, children believe, who expect gifts not from their parents, but from Santa Claus. It is for this that they try to behave well, so that on New Year's, grandfather and his granddaughter Snegurochka do not forget about them. Why not give them a piece of this miracle in the form of a real message from Santa Claus?

Letter from Santa Claus to a girl

Greetings, Irochka! I want to congratulate you on the eve of the New Year, as well as the bright holiday of Christmas with these wonderful events! The wind with its breath brought me the news that you ask your parents every day to look in the mail, as you expect a letter from me. It is for this reason that I decided to send it to you.

I watched you for a whole year, and I want to say that I am very happy about all your successes. You were an especially good girl this year. Parents are very proud that such a little princess is growing up with them. After all, you are well done, because you are very diligent in fulfilling all your duties. You are praised not only by mom and dad, but also by all the people close to you. You make both grandmothers and grandfathers happy when you come to visit and tell new rhymes. I also really like that you are a sincere, kind and sympathetic girl, so you have many friends who love to play with you.

Now I will tell you a little about myself. Just let it be our secret with you.

And I do not live on my own, with my granddaughter Snegurochka and forest dwellers, who help me a lot to prepare everything for the upcoming holiday so quickly. In our hometown, Veliky Ustyug, the land, trees, roofs of houses are always covered with snow, but this is not a hindrance to a good mood, but rather the opposite, because you can play snowballs, make a snowman. We have fun here and we never get cold.

In the last days of December, as you know, this is the month before the New Year, we are preparing gifts for all diligent children. You, too, will get yours under the Christmas tree in your house. You've decorated it already, haven't you? My magic sleigh is already waiting for the journey, so on New Year's Eve you go to bed, and if you wake up in the morning, you will find it. It's special for you!

Next year I wish you good health, success in all your endeavors and many smiles! Always be in a good mood and please your loved ones and me.

I hug you tightly, my little girl! All the best to you!

With love, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Letter from the Snow Maiden to the boy

Greetings, dear Vanechka! Please accept my congratulations on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas! These are two wonderful holidays that allow me to write to you and thank you for your good behavior last year. During this time, you have become more mature, you turn into a real man who is always smart and strong. I learned this from the stories of birds that see you every day.

They also told me that last year you were very diligent in all your kindergarten classes, you learned a lot of rhymes. Can you tell me something too? Better to sing a song, I think it will be easy for you. Sing the birds to us and that you did not upset your parents. They were very amused when you listened to them and helped in everything. Keep doing this in the future.

This is not the first year, Vanechka, I continue to rejoice at your success and sincerely believe that this will continue in the future. After all, I always do not forget about you when I prepare gifts, choosing only the best. Despite the fact that it is always snowy here, in Veliky Ustyug, where my grandfather Frost and I live, we try in advance to find what you want. The Snow Maiden is watching you, rejoicing together in all your successes and experiencing all your experiences.

Always try to be an obedient son to your parents, a loyal friend to your friends, and just a good person! Do not offend anyone and do deeds worthy of a man, because you are the future protector of your family.

Very soon New Year's Eve, full of miracles, will come, when many wishes come true. The Christmas tree will illuminate the whole house with its lights. Are you decorating it already? After all, only under it can Grandfather and I put your gift. I tried very hard when choosing him. This New Year's Eve you will get something very interesting!

Once again, happy holidays! Be a strong and healthy boy! Become a good example for the rest of the kids. Don't forget about good deeds. Please me with your achievements, and then Santa Claus and I will continue to return gifts to you every year.

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!
Your Snow Maiden.

Templates and letterheads

Here you can choose your own text letter template, you can correct it a little if you want to write something of your own to your child. After downloading the files to your computer and printing them on a color printer, you will receive a real letter from Santa Claus. And even the most adult children will believe that it is really from Veliky Ustyug.

The joyful smile of a baby is worth giving them a piece of this miracle. A minimum of effort will assure the child that the magic of the New Year exists and is worth believing in. Perhaps adults will also be convinced of this, who for many years have perceived this holiday only as another additional one. Sincere faith in a miracle for everyone in the New Year 2019!

In the Middle Ages, engravings depicting Christian motifs were used to decorate houses; they were given to relatives and friends for Easter and Christmas. Such engravings can be considered the ancestors of Christmas cards, however, they were very expensive.

It is believed that the tradition of giving cards for Christmas originated in England at the end of the 18th century, when the English artist Dobson painted a small picture with a snow-covered winter forest and a happy family near a Christmas tree. Such pictures have become widely used for congratulations and gifts. And the first batch of printed postcards with a winter landscape was released in 1843.

In 1874, the international standard size of the postcard was established: 9x14 cm.Most states complied with this requirement
Christmas and New Year cards came to Russia in the middle of the 19th century. At first, they were only imported, English, and congratulations were written on them by calligraphers, and not by the senders of the postcard.

But soon the production of our own postcards began in our country. Often they were a real work of art and interior decoration, they were decorated like paintings, collected, pasted into albums. Pre-revolutionary postcards were decorated with dried flowers, ribbons, beads, boric acid glitter that looked like real snow, and even scented.

Postcards usually depicted angels, a decorated Christmas tree, old Russian fortune-telling and rituals, a winter forest and snow-covered peasant huts, churches, a Christmas grandfather and a Snow Maiden on a dashing troika of horses, cheerful kids playing snowballs and making a snowman. They often used the plots of paintings by famous Russian artists Lev Bakst and Alexander Benois.

The October Revolution, unfortunately, destroyed the already finally formed and beloved tradition of giving Christmas cards and decorating Christmas trees in houses. Even any mention of favorite winter holidays was forbidden.

However, during the Great Patriotic War, the tradition of New Year's cards began to revive. Thus, in December 1941, the Iskusstvo publishing house issued special postcards to be sent to the front.

New Year's cards of the war years helped the soldiers and their families to believe in victory, united people, because instead of the usual wishes they wrote the following inscriptions: “New Year's greetings to the heroic defenders of the Motherland!”, “Happy New Year, comrades, soldiers, commanders and political workers! In the name of the Motherland, forward, to the complete defeat of the enemy! " The artists worked with only two colors - red and black to speed up the printing process, and, naturally, military-themed images prevailed.

But the real heyday of the Soviet New Year card came in the 1960s. Along with the usual motives of winter landscapes, Christmas trees and "Palekh" images of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden on a sleigh pulled by a troika, modern stories began to appear on the theme of space exploration and the development of technology. For example, Santa Claus carried his gifts by plane or space rocket.

At the same time, postcards began to depict the Kremlin chimes and joyful families celebrating the New Year on Red Square.

Post offices couldn't keep up with the influx of letters and postcards ahead of the New Year. People of the older generation remember that greeting letters and postcards had to be sent no later than mid-December (or even earlier) so that congratulations could arrive before the New Year. And all of January belated congratulations "reached" ...

But even now, despite the huge libraries of New Year cards on the Internet and lightning-fast e-mail, many of us sign "real" paper cards and send them to friends, family and friends. And the signed postcard enclosed in the gift will add human warmth and delight the recipient. Postcards are needed for this - so that we remember each other.

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Found a wonderful free generator Letters from Santa Claus!

The New Year is approaching, I hope you will not forget to remind your child about the good old tradition - to send a letter to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug with your cherished desires.
Now your child will definitely receive a reply letter from Santa Claus.

This is a completely free online letter generator with which you can independently create and print a personalized letter from Santa Claus for your child.

How to generate a letter yourself?

Very easy and simple! Go to the site - pismishko.ru(Pismishko.ru)

  • Enter the child's name;
  • Select the gender of the child - boy / girl;
  • Select a text or write a wish yourself (by the way, the text offered on the site can be corrected, which is very convenient);
  • Enter your email, which will receive a ready-made letter in the format .pdf
  • Click on the " Generate "... Everything!

As a result, you will receive such a ready-made holiday letter on the New Year's letterhead. You just have to print it on a printer and secretly put it under the Christmas tree))

An example of a letter from Santa Claus

P.S. I have come across many services for generating letters from Santa Claus. I liked this one the most, because beautiful letterhead, you can edit and change the text to your liking.

Write your reviews if you have used this service.


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