“A flexible form of business”: Head of SME Braverman Corporation - on the contribution of small and medium enterprises to the Russian economy. Guaranteed well-being Alexander Braverman Braverman Small and Medium Business Development Fund

Anatoly Braverman holds the post of First Deputy General Director of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF).

Born on August 5, 1985 in Moscow. Father, Alexander Arnoldovich, General Director of the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (in the past, the Federal Fund for the Promotion of Housing Development), mother - Inna Y. Shvidko, was a consultant to Ekonomika Publishing House, CoMarkt Ltd. LLP.


In 2006, he externally graduated from The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) with a degree in economics and management, and in 2007 he graduated from the Higher School of Economics in Moscow.

In 2009, he attended individual 72-hour professional courses at the Russian State University (RSU) of oil and gas named after I.M. Gubkin.

Labor activity

From October 2006 to February 2010, he worked at LUKOIL, started as an analyst, then became a leading and, finally, senior analyst.

In 2010, he moved to Gazprom Neft, where he worked until September 2011. First, he served as head of the investment analysis department, then as deputy head of the department for development and acquisition of assets.

In the fall of 2011, he joined the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) as vice president and joined the board. He later became a director, at the moment he is the first deputy general director of the fund.

Exactly a year ago, the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) was created. This structure operates with billions of rubles, which should go to the development of the private sector of the economy. CEO of the corporation ALEXANDER BRAVERMAN in an interview with Kommersant told how it is planned to distribute these funds, who will guarantee the return of loans by small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and whether they will be able to participate in the procurement of state-owned companies.

- Why do we need a separate structure for the development of small and medium enterprises, when there are other mechanisms to support this sector?

- The need to create a single platform to coordinate support for SMEs is long overdue. Numerous actions of the state in the segment of development of small and medium-sized enterprises were multidirectional in nature. As a result, it was not possible to achieve the stated goals to the end - for example, in terms of expanding the share of small and medium-sized businesses in the procurement of state-owned companies or creating conditions for providing affordable financing to entrepreneurs. Therefore, by decree of President Vladimir Putin in June last year, our corporation was created. The role of the corporation as a single support center is also mentioned in the recently approved by the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the development strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises until 2030.

- Did federal officials finally understand: oil is not a constant value for the budget?

- It is obvious that the development model based on hydrocarbon production is exhausting itself. Current situation (in the economy .— "B") showed that diversification is the main issue on the economic agenda, and this, as international experience shows, is possible primarily due to the development and support of small and medium-sized enterprises. But we must deal with this purposefully and as technologically as possible.

- On the one hand, the federal authorities declare support for small and medium-sized enterprises, on the other hand, regional officials sometimes demonstrate the exact opposite. Take, for example, the scandal in Moscow with the demolition of stalls whose owners paid taxes to the same city budget ...

- The Moscow authorities and personally Mayor Sergei Sobyanin contribute to the creation of legal jobs through the systematic development of small and medium-sized enterprises. The capital is far ahead of other cities in the number of technology parks and business incubators. Having become residents of technology parks, the same medium and small companies engaged, for example, in the production of high-tech products, reduce their costs for infrastructure and the creation of production sites, and security. If you look at the statistics, in Moscow the number of registered enterprises, jobs and tax revenues to the budget only increases every year.

- Will the corporation promote the adoption of federal laws that make life easier for small and medium-sized businesses?

- We have the right to make proposals regarding the improvement of legislation. So, for example, the corporation, together with the Ministry of Economic Development and the State Duma deputies, made a proposal regarding the streamlining of the work of regional guarantee organizations (RGO), which today, to put it mildly, has not been settled. Now this bill is being prepared for a second reading in the State Duma.

- What is the essence of your proposals?

- The budget of the Russian Geographical Society, which provides guarantees for loans to small and medium-sized businesses, is 80% generated from the federal budget, the rest is from the regions. Moreover, the state does not actually manage these organizations, although it sends funds there in the form of subsidies. That is, the money was transferred regardless of whether this or that RGO works well or poorly, it gives guarantees to banks on loans for small and medium-sized businesses or not. The suggestions are that those regional guarantee organizations that work poorly and do not interact with entrepreneurs and banks lending to projects of small and medium-sized enterprises, be deprived of a federal subsidy. Now we have built a three-level model of guarantee support for small and medium-sized enterprises.

“What is she like?”

- The first level is the SME Corporation, which provides guarantees of medium and large sizes. As a rule, we are talking about guarantees for loans, the amount of which exceeds 100 million rubles. Applications for guarantees for such loans are considered from three to ten days. Plus, we provide guarantees under the "6.5% Program", which encourages banks to lend to projects of small and medium-sized businesses. By the beginning of June, such guarantees and sureties have already been issued for about 10 billion rubles, and by the end of this year we plan on 30 billion rubles. The size of the guarantee portfolio from 14.5 billion rubles. for six months the work of the corporation grew to 27 billion rubles. Now there are applications in the amount of up to 69 billion rubles.

The second level is SME Bank, where the corporation has been the sole shareholder since the end of April 2016. The Bank provides guarantees for projects, the cost of which varies from 15 million to 50 million rubles. Since the beginning of this year, SME Bank issued guarantees for 1 billion rubles, while at the end of 2016 there should be 12 billion rubles. The third level is 81 regional guarantee organizations. They issue guarantees of up to 25 million rubles. Of the total guarantees planned for this year, 23 billion rubles. all RGOs cumulatively allocated 9.6 billion rubles.

In total, it is planned to allocate guarantees in the total amount of 65 billion rubles in three areas by the end of 2016. The analysis shows that with this amount of guarantee support, the volume of lending to small and medium-sized businesses will be at least 130 billion rubles.

“You mentioned the 6.5% Program.” With such a percentage, can small and medium-sized businesses get loans from banks?

“Within the framework of this program, the Central Bank provides loans to authorized banks under the guarantee of our corporation at a rate of 6.5% per annum. In turn, banks issue loans to end borrowers at a rate of 11% for small businesses and 10% for medium. The amount of loans varies from 50 million to 1 billion rubles. These funds should be used to purchase fixed assets, modernize and reconstruct production, launch new projects, as well as to replenish working capital. In relation to one borrower, the total loan amount under the program cannot exceed 4 billion rubles.

- Is this program entitled to use by all SMEs without exception?

- So far, only those who work in priority sectors of the economy. For example, this is agribusiness, food production, transport, communications, high technology, construction, domestic tourism. Now 22 major Russian banks are participating in the program, including Sberbank, VTB, Russian Agricultural Bank, Promsvyazbank. In March of this year, more than 90% of the limit set by the Bank of Russia in the amount of 50 billion rubles was used. Then the board of directors of the Central Bank decided to increase to 75 billion rubles. limit on the provision of credit organizations under the "Program 6.5%."

- Is it easy now for SMEs producing import-substituting products to get loans, given that there are other institutions besides the corporation, for example, the Industrial Development Fund (FRP)?

- Now we are working on a system of financing for SMEs that produce import-substituting products and those that are export-oriented. For example, the FRP grants loans for five years up to 300 million rubles. for one transaction at 5% per annum. Undoubtedly, excellent conditions. But the main requirement is that the fund provides 50% of the required funding. At least 15% must be paid by the shareholder. The remaining 35% will have to be taken at the market rate. It is difficult to take such a loan in the high-tech sphere. In this case, representatives of SMEs can receive the remaining amount in our corporation under the same “6.5% Program”. In addition, the Russian Direct Investment Fund may be included in the capital of medium-sized companies engaged in the non-primary sector, whose revenue is 0.5-2 billion rubles. The fund is included in the capital of such companies (up to 50%) and comes out in five to seven years. The same export-oriented entrepreneurs are credited by the Russian Export Center. Under the same program, we work closely with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. So, SMEs now have a fairly wide selection of instruments for financing investment projects. Moreover, the aforementioned development institutes adopted a regulation of interaction, and consideration of the application should not exceed 46 days.

- But what about small and medium-sized enterprises selling products domestically, especially now when demand is squeezed?

- Infrastructure monopolies, JSC with a state share of 50% plus 1 share demand for products is quite high.

- Are state companies ready to buy from small and medium-sized businesses?

- Ready. But they have their own requirements for the adequacy of the quality and price of products plus delivery times. The government determined a list of 35 specific customers who are required to purchase products from representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. With 22 major customers, including Rosneft, Rostec, Russian Railways, Rosatom, Rostelecom, Rosseti, Uralvagonzavod, our corporation has signed cooperation agreements, active work on cooperation with large customers continues.

- Can you give some figures to assess the capacity of the market for the purchase of products by companies with state participation from SMEs?

- Now the largest customers are purchasing over 98 thousand commodity items from SMEs, the volume of purchases for which competitions are held is about 520 billion rubles. By the end of this year, according to our forecasts, this amount will be approximately 1 trillion rubles. The total amount of contracts that the largest customers concluded with small and medium-sized entrepreneurs from January to April of this year amounted to 348.3 billion rubles. Now the average share of such suppliers in the procurement structure of large state-owned companies exceeds 26%, which is 2.6 times higher than the quota set by the government. Procurement of products from SMEs is seriously monitored by the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Prosecutor General.

- Does the presence of the Prosecutor General's Office between two business entities — state-owned companies and small and medium-sized entrepreneurs — seem strange to you?

- It does not seem. To provide the largest customers with the necessary products, SMEs need equipment. It is usually bought on credit or leased. For such borrowers, in some cases, loans are short-term, say up to three months. Imagine now: the customer has delayed payment for a long time. In this case, for the entrepreneur, the cost of borrowed funds automatically increases, which sometimes can lead to the ruin of the company. Monitoring the implementation of legislation in the field of procurement is a direct function of the Prosecutor General.

- For many SMEs, it is difficult to get certified ...

- Obligatory certification of products manufactured for major customers is certainly needed, but now obtaining the necessary certificate requires serious costs, which is not always affordable for SMEs. The high cost of the procedure sometimes cuts off small and medium-sized businesses from participating in tenders of the largest companies. In our opinion, this is (product certification. - "B") non-core business for the largest companies, and despite the fact that it is necessary, in terms of price parameters it should be regulated.

- There is another problem - the lack of accurate information on the number of small and medium enterprises actually working in the country ...

- Gradually, this problem is being solved. There was a presidential instruction to create a unified register of SMEs. In addition to the parameters of the number of employees and the volume of revenue in a declarative manner, it will also include a range of products manufactured by small and medium enterprises in a format that maximally matches the requirements of major customers. The execution of this order is monitored by First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. The Federal Tax Service implements this task. The State Duma Budget and Tax Committee, headed by Andrei Makarov, also helps us in this.

- Recent opinion polls show that 60% of Russians believe that small and medium enterprises, which are trusted more than large businesses, are important for the country's economy. But at the same time, most of the respondents are not ready to do business. Do you think this is due to the fears of citizens that the state can change its attitude towards SMEs at any time?

“I don’t think so.” Many of our fellow citizens are uninformed. Do you know, for example, which businesses you need to develop in the areas of Moscow where you live? To find the answer to this question, we launch the SME business navigator. This resource gives entrepreneurs an understanding of where and what type of business can be developed. You choose a city, district, street and on the interactive map you see the potential location of the business with estimates of the possible flow of customers, approximate monthly revenue.

Plus, there you can find information about the competitive environment. Moreover, the navigator will show the following information: is there a room in a particular area that is in federal, regional or municipal ownership (this allows you to rent such areas at a reduced cost), is it possible to get a loan to open your own business, and what kind of guarantee support is there from our corporation, MSP-bank or regional guarantee organization. An important issue is the cost of connecting to the infrastructure (electricity, gas, water, heat). In the creation of this part of the business navigator, we are supported by presidential aide Andrei Belousov and head of the president’s expert department Vladimir Simonenko.

- Does the navigator provide information only for large cities?

- The first stage, which starts in the coming days, covers 76 cities with a population of more than 250 thousand people. The second stage, the planned implementation period is the end of the current year, covering 169 cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people. Further financial support and improvement of the business navigator in these cities, and about 60% of SMEs are concentrated in them in terms of number, which account for 80% of revenues, will be provided by the corporation. In parallel to the regions, a standard will be transferred that they can replicate at the municipal level.

Interview taken by Khalil Aminov

SME Corporation


The Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (JSC "SME Corporation") was established on the basis of the Credit Guarantee Agency in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On Measures for the Further Development of Small and Medium Enterprises" dated June 5, 2015. The sole founder and shareholder is the Federal Property Management Agency. The authorized capital of the corporation is 50 billion rubles. Among the main goals are providing support to small and medium-sized businesses, raising funds for this, expanding access to procurement for some customers for such enterprises, and supporting investment projects. The priority areas for guarantee support are agriculture, construction, manufacturing, transport and communications, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, as well as import-substituting products. Now there are applications in the amount of up to 69 billion rubles. Until the end of 2016, it is planned to allocate guarantees in the amount of 65 billion rubles. Since April 2016, the corporation has owned 100% of MSP-Bank JSC (it provides guarantees for projects worth up to 50 million rubles).

Braverman Alexander Arnoldovich

Private bussiness

Born May 1, 1954 in Kharkov (Ukraine). In 1981 he graduated from the Kharkov Engineering and Economics Institute, then graduate school at the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology (MITT). He worked at the Moscow Cable Plant, taught at the Moscow Institute of Art and Technology. In 1995-1997 - President of the Russian Marketing Association, Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the State Property Committee. Since 1996 - Member of the Board of the State Property Committee, member of the Board of the Russian Federal Property Fund. In 1997-1999 - First Deputy Head of the State Property Committee, then the Ministry of State Property. In January - March 1999, he served as Minister. Since 2000 - First Deputy Minister of Property Relations, State Secretary. In 2004, he became adviser to the Minister of Economic Development and Trade German Gref. In 2006, he headed the commission for the development of the affordable housing market under the Presidential Council for the implementation of priority national projects. In August 2008, he was appointed General Director of the RHD Foundation. Since October 2015 - Head of the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises.

Small business rescuers have five times the average salary in the financial sector

The average salary of employees of the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (JSC “SME Corporation”; until July it was called the “Agency of Credit Guarantees”) amounted to 288 thousand rubles. This follows from the report. Accounts Chamber  on the interim results of the agency for the first half of 2015. The average salary of companies in the field of financial activity in 2014 amounted to 68.6 thousand rubles, that is, almost five times less than in the state-owned company.

Credit Guarantee Agency (ACG) established by order prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev  in May 2014 to support small and medium-sized businesses through the issuance of state guarantees for bank loans. 50 billion rubles were invested in the agency’s capital. Galina Izotova, who at that time was the deputy plenipotentiary of the president in the Volga Federal District, Mikhail Babich, was appointed the head of the created company. Prior to this, Izotova was  First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Regional Policy. October 2, 2015 Alexander was appointed head of the company Braverman  - Former CEO of the Federal Housing Development Fund (since August 2008).

According to the report of the Accounts Chamber, which was reviewed by the media, the cost of maintaining the agency in the first half of 2015 amounted to 237.4 million rubles. The largest amount of funds used - 121.1 million rubles, or 51% of the total amount of current expenses - accounted for labor costs. The materials of the auditors noted that the actual number of staff as of July 1, 2015 reached 70 people. Thus, the average salary of company employees by July amounted to 288 thousand rubles per month.

Another 29.4 million rubles was allocated to pay insurance premiums for company employees to state extra-budgetary funds - the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of Russia, and mandatory health insurance funds. In addition to this, the agency provided voluntary medical insurance for employees and life insurance - the expenses for these purposes in the first half of the year amounted to 650 thousand rubles. 77.5 million rubles were allocated for administrative expenses, which include, inter alia, the maintenance of office equipment, mobile communications, premises and official vehicles, expenses for official travel and business trips, etc.

The costs of supporting the activities of ACG (the functioning of the payment, operating, information and analytical systems, etc.) amounted to 8.7 million rubles. From the moment of its founding until July 1, 2015, out of 50 billion rubles allocated by ACG, 1,644 guarantees were issued to small and medium-sized businesses in the amount of 8 billion rubles (of which   Agriculture  guarantees issued in the amount of 2 billion rubles). Of these, 6.6 billion rubles accounted for the first half of the year, this is only 10.5% of the final planned indicator (63 billion rubles; the indicator is set in the Development Strategy of the National Guarantee System for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises for the period until 2020 - approved Ministry of Economic Development) The performance of the agency, the auditors rated as "low." ACG revenues from providing guarantees to business in January-June amounted to 63.9 million rubles.

As of July 1, 2015, the amount of equity capital of ACG amounted to 54.6 billion rubles - the agency’s temporarily available funds were placed in bank deposits (as of July 1, 2015 it was 41.4 billion rubles) and invested in federal loan bonds (12.8 billion rubles) ) Yield on deposits by July 1 amounted to 3 billion rubles, coupon yield on bonds - 546.8 million rubles, and the maximum yield, in particular, on bonds amounted to around 9% per annum, and the annual inflation rate in June 2015 amounted to 15.3 %, the report says auditors. Thus, they note, "the conservative policy of forming the OFZ portfolio does not allow the agency to respond quickly to changes in the financial and stock markets, which creates risks of inflationary depreciation of invested funds."

Meanwhile, over the past month alone, with the advent of Alexander Braverman, SME Corporation has placed seven tenders: among others, an order for 15.9 million rubles involves the purchase of ten sedan cars for the company's needs. According to the procurement documentation, in one of these cars the seats should be with fabric upholstery, while in the other nine - with leather upholstery and wood trim with interior trim. Another tender for 13 million rubles involves the supply of electronic computers, another 3 million rubles will be spent on the organization’s website.

Ekaterina Ovchinnik, HR Director of the outsourcing company Interkom, cited data from Rosstat for which the average monthly nominal salary of employees in the Russian economy as a whole in the first quarter of 2015 amounted to 31.6 thousand rubles, in the second quarter - 34.7 thousand, in the third quarter - 33 thousand rubles.

“At the same time, in September 2015,” Ovchinnik recalled, “Russia for the first time in terms of the average salary of citizens let China pass ahead. Thus, Russia was overtaken by this indicator in a country whose economic success is based on extremely cheap labor. The average salary of companies in the financial sector is higher than in the whole country - in 2014, the figure was 68.6 thousand rubles.

Pavel Sigal, First Vice President of Opora Rossii, emphasized that SME Corporation is “a very compact structure by the standards of state-owned companies, which is why it has a high percentage of managerial personnel.”

“At the same time, we are talking mainly about financial market specialists, whose compensation in the market is one of the highest,” Seagal says. - But, of course, there are opportunities for optimization, taking into account the difficult situation in the economy. In addition, the work of the corporation can hardly be called successful. Small and medium-sized businesses are in great need of support, and the amount of funds for support has been used by less than 10%. At the same time, the effectiveness of managing surplus funds also raises a lot of questions. Therefore, more active work with the business is needed, and an increase in the efficiency of investments of available funds in order to protect them from depreciation.

The press service of the “Corporation of SMEs” could not promptly answer questions from Izvestia. A source in the organization emphasized that the organization is extremely zealous about its resources.

- The internal rules of the corporation are based on austerity. In particular, all employees of the corporation, when they are sent on business trips, regardless of their position, fly only in the economy class, ”the source said.

The issues of implementing programs to promote the development of small business, in particular, programs to support small businesses for older people, people with disabilities, and women’s small businesses were discussed.

From the transcripts:

D.Medvedev:Alexander Arnoldovich, you head our main company, which promotes the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the country. The company has been on the market for quite some time. Nevertheless, I would like you to report on what new programs to support small and medium-sized enterprises have been launched recently.

A. Braverman: One of the main new programs is aimed at older people. It implies compulsory retraining, primarily related to the products that the corporation has, the business navigator, which two years ago, is a digital resource that makes it possible to open or develop your business as soon as possible. The second one. A line of special products has been prepared both for companies where more than 50% of older people will work, and for individuals who want to open or grow their business in various fields, service or high-tech. The third. We are currently developing measures to simplify the access of such companies to procurement in this program and a whole series of measures. In addition, financial support in a special way will also be aimed at this segment.

There are programs that continue in a certain way. This is a program of women's entrepreneurship, a program for people with disabilities - as a special program. The agricultural cooperation program, where 2.2 million personal subsidiary farms and peasant farms produce marketable products, which can be brought through the specially created networks to the final consumer. This must be done through agricultural cooperatives, whose access to loans and leasing is also a special subject of our work. Four regional leasing companies - we are very grateful to the Government that it established them and allocated funds. These are special programs. We will continue them.

Procurement program: this year we will reach 3 trillion. This does not apply to the special program, but it is the most important market. By 2024, this program should contain a volume of 4.2 trillion rubles.

The business navigator, which is now used by more than 600 thousand entrepreneurs, 52% of which showed an increase in revenue or number, is for us also the most important online resource that we are going to develop in the future. We hope that it will become the basis for the digital platform as a whole - not only the development of small and medium-sized businesses, but also an integration platform.

D.Medvedev:Alexander Arnoldovich, you know that supporting small business is one of the key tasks in our country and is always mentioned in all program documents - and in Presidential Decree No. 204, which was adopted on May 7 this year, and in other documents. Why? Because we proceed from the fact that the volume of production of small business in our country, the number of people involved in small business, still remain insufficient. The control figures are known: in our country 20% of the population is engaged in small business with a small one. In most developed economies, this figure is somewhere around 50%. Therefore, support programs we will need to continue. This also applies to general programs related to supporting small business as a whole, the possibility of obtaining loans by small entrepreneurs at reasonable rates. This also applies to individual target audiences.

Indeed, we need to work in the direction related to the support of various groups of the population. And to do this, naturally, reasonably, with an understanding of the specifics of life and the needs of one or another category of citizens of our country. In this context, programs to support small entrepreneurship for people of mature age, female small businesses, I hope, will find their audience. So I ask you to continue to deal with these programs and give them due attention.

Small business rescuers have five times the average salary in the financial sector

The average salary of employees of the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (JSC “SME Corporation”; until July it was called the “Agency of Credit Guarantees”) amounted to 288 thousand rubles. This follows from the report. Accounts Chamber  on the interim results of the agency for the first half of 2015. The average salary of companies in the field of financial activity in 2014 amounted to 68.6 thousand rubles, that is, almost five times less than in the state-owned company.

Credit Guarantee Agency (ACG) established by order prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev  in May 2014 to support small and medium-sized businesses through the issuance of state guarantees for bank loans. 50 billion rubles were invested in the agency’s capital. Galina Izotova, who at that time was the deputy plenipotentiary of the president in the Volga Federal District, Mikhail Babich, was appointed the head of the created company. Prior to this, Izotova was  First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Regional Policy. October 2, 2015 Alexander was appointed head of the company Braverman  - Former CEO of the Federal Housing Development Fund (since August 2008).

According to the report of the Accounts Chamber, which was reviewed by the media, the cost of maintaining the agency in the first half of 2015 amounted to 237.4 million rubles. The largest amount of funds used - 121.1 million rubles, or 51% of the total amount of current expenses - accounted for labor costs. The materials of the auditors noted that the actual number of staff as of July 1, 2015 reached 70 people. Thus, the average salary of company employees by July amounted to 288 thousand rubles per month.

Another 29.4 million rubles was allocated to pay insurance premiums for company employees to state extra-budgetary funds - the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of Russia, and mandatory health insurance funds. In addition to this, the agency provided voluntary medical insurance for employees and life insurance - the expenses for these purposes in the first half of the year amounted to 650 thousand rubles. 77.5 million rubles were allocated for administrative expenses, which include, inter alia, the maintenance of office equipment, mobile communications, premises and official vehicles, expenses for official travel and business trips, etc.

The costs of supporting the activities of ACG (the functioning of the payment, operating, information and analytical systems, etc.) amounted to 8.7 million rubles. From the moment of its founding until July 1, 2015, out of 50 billion rubles allocated by ACG, 1,644 guarantees were issued to small and medium-sized businesses in the amount of 8 billion rubles (of which   Agriculture  guarantees issued in the amount of 2 billion rubles). Of these, 6.6 billion rubles accounted for the first half of the year, this is only 10.5% of the final planned indicator (63 billion rubles; the indicator is set in the Development Strategy of the National Guarantee System for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises for the period until 2020 - approved Ministry of Economic Development) The performance of the agency, the auditors rated as "low." ACG revenues from providing guarantees to business in January-June amounted to 63.9 million rubles.

As of July 1, 2015, the amount of equity capital of ACG amounted to 54.6 billion rubles - the agency’s temporarily available funds were placed in bank deposits (as of July 1, 2015 it was 41.4 billion rubles) and invested in federal loan bonds (12.8 billion rubles) ) Yield on deposits by July 1 amounted to 3 billion rubles, coupon yield on bonds - 546.8 million rubles, and the maximum yield, in particular, on bonds amounted to around 9% per annum, and the annual inflation rate in June 2015 amounted to 15.3 %, the report says auditors. Thus, they note, "the conservative policy of forming the OFZ portfolio does not allow the agency to respond quickly to changes in the financial and stock markets, which creates risks of inflationary depreciation of invested funds."

Meanwhile, over the past month alone, with the advent of Alexander Braverman, SME Corporation has placed seven tenders: among others, an order for 15.9 million rubles involves the purchase of ten sedan cars for the company's needs. According to the procurement documentation, in one of these cars the seats should be with fabric upholstery, while in the other nine - with leather upholstery and wood trim with interior trim. Another tender for 13 million rubles involves the supply of electronic computers, another 3 million rubles will be spent on the organization’s website.

Ekaterina Ovchinnik, HR Director of the outsourcing company Interkom, cited data from Rosstat for which the average monthly nominal salary of employees in the Russian economy as a whole in the first quarter of 2015 amounted to 31.6 thousand rubles, in the second quarter - 34.7 thousand, in the third quarter - 33 thousand rubles.

“At the same time, in September 2015,” Ovchinnik recalled, “Russia for the first time in terms of the average salary of citizens let China pass ahead. Thus, Russia was overtaken by this indicator in a country whose economic success is based on extremely cheap labor. The average salary of companies in the financial sector is higher than in the whole country - in 2014, the figure was 68.6 thousand rubles.

Pavel Sigal, First Vice President of Opora Rossii, emphasized that SME Corporation is “a very compact structure by the standards of state-owned companies, which is why it has a high percentage of managerial personnel.”

“At the same time, we are talking mainly about financial market specialists, whose compensation in the market is one of the highest,” Seagal says. - But, of course, there are opportunities for optimization, taking into account the difficult situation in the economy. In addition, the work of the corporation can hardly be called successful. Small and medium-sized businesses are in great need of support, and the amount of funds for support has been used by less than 10%. At the same time, the effectiveness of managing surplus funds also raises a lot of questions. Therefore, more active work with the business is needed, and an increase in the efficiency of investments of available funds in order to protect them from depreciation.

The press service of the “Corporation of SMEs” could not promptly answer questions from Izvestia. A source in the organization emphasized that the organization is extremely zealous about its resources.

- The internal rules of the corporation are based on austerity. In particular, all employees of the corporation, when they are sent on business trips, regardless of their position, fly only in the economy class, ”the source said.


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