Why do salespeople burn out? (From the trainer's notebook) - Andrew72 - LiveJournal. The seller from God: myth and reality The seller from God aggressive sales

It's no secret that the trading industry now occupies a leading position in business, and the profession of “sales manager” is widespread in this area. Watching the work of a professional sales manager, sometimes you hear in his address: “Well, thisseller from god! ”, Or“ His tongue is so hung up that he can sell snow to a polar bear! ”Etc. And no one, except who has already walked the path of this manager, knows how many mistakes and failures had to be overcome, how many to fill cones so that they talk about you.

God help me increase sales!

In any profession, the main difference between a potential professional and a loser is his ability to learn. And the whole "mythology" that prevails in society about sales processes is debunked if there is a proper training system built into the life of the manager himself.

Myth 1. A good "salesman" is born, not become.

- It’s not true, large teams of professionals of large companies are created by first-class training programs. They attract young people, for the most part lacking experience or sales skills. A good salesperson is always a combination of learning ability, diligence, and the desire to "do business."

Myth 2. A good seller will sell anything to anyone.

Nothing like this! Selling is not a gamble where the seller offers something unnecessary to an uninterested buyer. The beginning of success in sales is to find someone who, having the need for our offer, or create the conditions for the formation of this need. The main thing is to offer the right product to the right company, and combine all your talents with special knowledge, skills and attitude to work.

Myth 3. It is difficult to make an offer to customers, because they do not want to buy.

Not true! People want to have new cars, new houses, a new wardrobe, feel protected today and tomorrow, provide a good education for children and a decent old age. People will be happy if a professional salesperson explains how his offer can serve them well.

Myth 4. A good seller needs a suspended language.

Quite the contrary: good sellers are masters of listening. A regular customer always has information, which is the main argument for starting a dialogue. All the seller has to learn is to ask the right questions and listen carefully to the answers.

Myth 5. Success in sales is a matter of mastering special tricks and tricks.

Alas, there are no magic sales tricks. The methods that work in some are not at all effective in others. Success in sales is not only the possession of techniques and techniques (which is mandatory in any profession), but also knowledge of the advantages and features of your offer, attitude to your work, and the presence of professional ambitions. So - stand out among the rest!

So, sellers are not born, and it is possible to become a sales master only through targeted actions,. By the way, the ability to sell, namely, to recognize the needs and problems of the buyer and offer him solutions to these problems on the most favorable conditions for him, is important not only for professionals in their field, but also for people who are far from trading. This skill is useful in any business. You will succeed in any, as you can sell yourself at a higher price: both when applying for a new job, and building your career or partnership in your own business.

Recently, I carried out certification of sellers in one large automobile company and noticed an important feature in sales, it seemed to me very relevant today, given that it allows to increase the seller’s personal effectiveness and save on his training.

To begin with, in my opinion there are two types of sellers:

1. Trainees(training on six points of sale, identifying customer needs, working with objections, closing a deal, etc.). There is still a huge number of scripts according to which sellers are required to enter telephone conversations, and they, as a rule, strictly adhere to them.

Professional sellers are very "stand out" among their total mass, because the whole process of selling from them looks rather unnatural, as if according to the scenario, despite the professionalism. But the fact is that with such an interaction, true contact with the client is missed, since the head is busy choosing the right technique or script instead of relaxing and allowing intuition to look for a natural approach to the client.

2. Sellers "from God" - Unfortunately, there are very few such guys left, because they are also forced to undergo training in the sales process and their talent to sell well by nature, is lost behind the techniques and scripts and the sales process. Moreover, it is they who most often rebel against training and the use of sales techniques, which often leads to conflict with management. Unfortunately, managers do not understand that such sellers do not have a work process, as such, that it is built intuitively. Often they themselves do not understand how to identify the needs of the client, utilize their objections, close the deal and sell him what he needs, while remaining his friend.

I want to mention the technique right away DISC, which allows you to identify sellers "from God." As a rule, such people have a high rate I  (the ability to influence others and to convince, to use optimism and creativity, the ability to “light” and act positively) and it is better to not force them to undergo training. Their scores are still high S  (they show tact and cordiality in communication, feel good about the interlocutor, enter the position of the client, are ready to provide support and assistance throughout the process).

I recall my experience. Once 15 years ago I myself was a seller. Then there were no trainings on sales techniques, and sellers interacted with the client intuitively.

What was the main thing in sales then?

At first, fall in love with your product, that’s straight to fall in love with it. When you love a product, you cannot talk about it without enthusiasm and, just, perfectly present the qualities of the product for which you yourself would love to buy it.

Secondly, I objectively looked at the product and saw all its flaws. It’s better not to hide the flaws, but to tell the client honestly about them. This causes even more confidence on his part.

Thirdly, it is important to win over a person, find contact with him. Adjust to it in tone of voice, values \u200b\u200band even words. I also tried to take the place of the client and understand in advance what problems he had, what worries him and predict, offer the most optimal solution for him. That's when we had great sales, and customers became regular!

What is my conclusion based on the above? Although, of course, many will say that it is necessary to teach everyone the process and standards of sales! I think that today sellers are very much memorized and tortured, their work process is too standardized, they are driven into the framework of techniques. When a person has a standard, he is not able to think creatively and manifest his “I”. Now it has become very clear that the seller, when interacting with the client, uses a certain technique - he puts questions to the client, not thinking about the naturalness of the process, not thinking about that very conversation with “interest”, when the client feels and understands that he is interested and that he it is really not indifferent to the fact that he is facing a person who wants and is able to solve his problem or task. On the contrary, the conversation turns into an interrogation according to a certain scenario, the seller acts strictly according to the template, like a robot.

Therefore, if your company has a seller “from God”, I think you don’t need to send him for training and force him to sell using “fashionable” techniques. Even without them, he does an excellent job, maybe sometimes not quantitatively, but then you will be sure that with his help you will gain a regular customer. People come back to such sellers again and again, and isn’t this the customer focus and the key to success in the future? It is better to have one old friend than two new ones. New ones can often go to other friends, and a trusted one will cherish you.

If sellers came to the company “from the world”, then, nevertheless, they should be trained in sales and keep in mind that then their sales process will look rather unnatural, of course, there is a chance that with great experience their sales will become look like a natural, unobtrusive process. It is much better for a business to look for people with a natural talent and a penchant for sales, then they will not need to be “memorized” if they are supported by a minimum set of sales tools, and the results will not be long in coming. You will receive loyal happy sellers and satisfied customers, as well as fans of your brand and your brand. Indeed, if you sincerely love something and find a like-minded person, then this is already team love, once and for the rest of your life.

Artyom Shinkaruk

This material has an ambiguous approach to sales and business, and is especially dangerous for materialists who have never walked along these roads. And also it seems nonsense to ossified sellers who "everyone knows." To a greater extent, this knowledge is for those who want to develop three-dimensionally, and not just read books and forums.

If you want to go your own way and achieve your goals in business, sales and life, pay attention to this article. But I warn you that this approach is not for everyone.

Reason: different thinking and perception of the world. In any case, there will be those who catch the grain and over time it will grow into a full-fledged perception of business and life in general. I’ll say about myself that I’m not a “seller from God,” and I had no talent for commerce. But constant work on myself, and in particular practice, analysis and a certain way of thinking, allow me to easily and simply engage in sales.

Why do sales techniques and technologies NOT work for everyone?

Very often it happens that after a sales training, not all participants get high results in practice. Moreover, their colleagues, who received identical sales techniques, show high results. What is the reason?

The fact is that the success of a sales manager determines 2 factors (we do not take into account the economic situation, since we cannot influence it):

  • Knowledge and skills (sales technique)
  • Personal qualities of an employee

Sales technique  - This is the knowledge gained about the process of negotiating with clients along a certain path before the conclusion of a transaction. This also includes methods / approaches / training, sales scripts, sales tools (sales funnel). As well as practical skills honed in practice for using information in combat conditions. This is what most training programs consist of: theory + practice.

Personal qualities  - character, level of intelligence, charisma. People with high personal qualities quickly become "stars of sales." But they cannot clearly explain what they are specifically doing in order to be so successful. They just do and get the result. And then what should other people do who want to work in commerce, but they don’t really succeed? Acquire these qualities. But how is another question.

What determines the success of most sales managers?

In my opinion, 80% are personal qualities, and 20% are sales techniques. For success in business and sales, in addition to these two factors, there are 3 more factors that determine the key success of the actions of the manager / businessman, sales department, and even the whole company. The so-called Invisible Element of Success ... this is metaphysics!

What is metaphysics in business and sales?

A small digression into history. In ancient times, no battle began without metaphysics. Mages, priests, psychologists gathered, call it whatever you like and fought on a different level - psychological (not material). That is, they built and implemented a battle of minds.

And only after that, regular troops came into action. But the probability of victory in most cases was already a foregone conclusion. That is, processes were launched that influenced the course of hostilities and the battle itself. To our times - it came in the form of prayers and blessings from priests. Not really, but a splinter of truth is present.

Incredible, right? In order not to be unfounded, I will give one example of the history of our state from the time of Kievan Rus. I like her very much. Especially what kind of strength of mind a person can possess (you can find other examples yourself if you wish).

In the 13th century, Khan Batu with his numerous army attacked Ryazan. The prince and his squad defended the city against the thousands of Mongol troops of the Golden Horde. The Mongols laughed when they saw a small handful of warriors and rushed into battle, but the attack was repelled and Batu’s troops were thrown back. So they fought day after day.

Mongol hordes lost hundreds and thousands of soldiers, and the warriors stood, taking up strong defense. Seeing this heroic resistance, Batu was imbued with respect for the enemy, who dared to challenge the Golden Horde and invited him to negotiate.

The Mongolian commander offered the prince money and glory in the ranks of the Mongolian army if he lay down his arms and switched to his side. But the prince refused. Then the commander asked "what do you want?" And the prince answered: "I want to die here."

Struck by this answer, Batu was frightened and sent out siege weapons that surrounded the prince's squad. The battle was over, and Ryazan was burned. But this served as an impetus for the unification of all the principalities of Kievan Rus into an army that could repulse the enemy.

This historical event shows that a cold calculation may sooner or later encounter an inexplicable at first glance concept, like mental preparation and the desire (will) to go to the end, which our soldiers showed.

Let's draw an analogy with business and sales

You noticed that sometimes with the best offer, the client chose a less profitable supplier in many respects (I'm not talking about rollbacks now). And it happened when you started to think in negotiations that the transaction was lost, the client sharply changed his mind and agreed to your terms?

And why some sellers have a crowd of customers at the office, ready to take it and only from him. And new customers easily appear ... this is all there is in life. It is not always possible to correctly explain such behavior of people in a logical way. Yes, you can find hundreds of versions and reasons, but as a result, they all come down to one reason - the person’s personality and way of thinking (seller or negotiator).

The personal component in sales is 80% success.  To understand how to cultivate a strong and attractive personality in yourself, let's take it apart. According to observations and experience, I can say that there are 3 main whales on which personal power is based:

  • Attitude towards oneself, namely perceiving oneself is worthy / not worthy. This refers to the scale of thinking and the scope of what is permitted. At what permission is asked to achieve something specifically at home.
  • Attitude to sales, business and their processes. That is, if the seller believes that cold calls do not work or this is not solid - he is already immersing himself in a future loss in most situations, and in practice the events are such that he (the unbelieving seller) does not have cold calls. And then he declares with the clear conscience of the prophet: "I said that this does not work." But his colleague with more flexible thinking, everything turns out. And cold calls go with a bang!
  • Attitude to the client on a subconscious level. Your interlocutor will act out what you think about him (or you will see it that way). As a mirror, reflect all negative attitudes, such as: all customers are freaks, do not pay, fools, do not understand profitable opportunities, etc.

Life is a game (s)

So, it does not matter how many sales technicians and technologies a sales manager knows, and how many years he has been working in sales. If his settings are not correct, he will step on the same rake over and over again. And to fall into the same unpleasant (losing) situation for him and non-profitable companies. Accordingly, income will not increase significantly.

Returning to staff training

Working not only in the area of \u200b\u200bdeveloping skills for sales department employees, but also with the personal qualities of employees, I noticed that this practice laid a strong foundation for future years. Western management has long included this tool in staff training. This approach has proven effective in practice. Employees really began to grow professionally and personally.

In addition to high results in work, people began to improve relations at home, with friends, relatives. They changed their thinking to a more progressive one and made a powerful leap forward. If you read Western authors on business and sales, for example, Brian Tracy, you might have noticed that to a greater extent from the height of his experience and the many transactions he completed, he devotes his time in training to developing personal qualities rather than sales techniques.

Personal qualities are the foundation  on which the house should be built. And whether it will be a skyscraper or Khrushchev, depends only on the person himself.

About how to properly develop the personal qualities of salespeople and managers, you will not learn from open sources. All you find is just a surface. And if the topic of personality psychology is touched, then it is very along the edges in the "bird language" and rarely leads to the desired results. The reason is that psychotechnics, which are given at 95% of trainings, including NLP, are games in the sandbox compared to the complex transformation of a person as a person and a professional.

Seasoned businessmen and sellers say - experience is EVERYTHING! I agree. An experienced businessman has the necessary personal qualities to one degree or another. But! Gaining experience takes time, and not everyone reaches the finish line. Not everyone has the will, perseverance and stress resistance.

Many who retire would have a chance if there was a desire to grow and develop. It’s not easy to step on the same rake every day, and then say, “I’m a practitioner. I have 25 years of experience,” but now there’s a crisis and therefore sales have been weak for 20 years and I’m selling business in general. Of course, it’s weak, because only 5 years has been development, and then the transition to the category of guru with a sign - “I know everything”.

This article does not claim to be a management role. I wanted to open and show, but just remind someone that there is another side to business and sales.I am sure that everyone has an opinion on this.Leave your comments of any kind.

A salesman? Need talent, or can a person independently develop the necessary qualities in himself? Anyone can become a good manager. Just some people will get the necessary skill without difficulty, while others will have to make a lot of effort. But in the end, both will sell equally well.

What does a salesperson do?

What is the essence of the manager’s work? The seller must offer the buyer several categories of goods, talk about the benefits of certain items or services. The main goal of the manager is to sell his product to a large number of people. How to do it and how to become a good salesperson? More than one generation of managers has been struggling with these issues. Many books have been written, a huge number of videos have been shot about how, to whom and what exactly needs to be sold. Using the tips extracted from specialized literature, and daily practicing them in practice, a person can quickly become a good seller. What will the instruction look like that must be followed by any individual counting on building a successful career?

Set a goal

A person who is considering how to become a good salesperson should constantly set goals. What can they be? You can develop in different areas, and do it at the same time. And in each of the areas the goals will be different. For example, a manager can set himself two tasks for a day: talk with 20 customers and sell at least 5 goods or services. Is the goal fulfilled? So you can go to a new level. Talk more and sell more. Gradually improving in these two areas, you can become an excellent communicator and a wonderful seller.

Goals should be set not only in work, but also in training. A salesperson must constantly improve his competency. Therefore, in a week he should read at least one book on sales methods, on methods of persuasion, on the imperceptible imposition of goods, etc.

Love for his work

You met sellers in stores who didn’t care what you buy or if you buy at all. Such managers are no good, and they certainly should not wait for a raise. Want to know how to become a good salesperson? You need to love your job. If you do not burn sales, then nothing will come of you. A person who is afraid to approach a client and start a casual conversation will not be able to sell anything. The manager should be well versed in psychology and have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is interesting for each particular category of citizens. A person should receive this sacred knowledge independently, observing customers and drawing conclusions from their behavior and responses. A person should be well versed in the product and love to communicate with people. To climb the career ladder, you need to love your job and burn it.

All comes with experience

You work a month and do not see big results? Do not be surprised. Everything will come with time. How to become a good sales manager? You need to work every day for a year to see the proper results. A person who is waiting for easy victories will be disappointed. It is impossible to get them in management. Learning to convince people that they bought something, as well as skillfully selling related products, is difficult. You need to train a lot. Every person who wants to become a manager must learn many approaches to people. there are different: hard, soft, aggressive and restrained. Depending on the client, his level of income, character and goods that the person intends to buy, the manager must choose the approach. Work all the time according to the standard scheme does not make sense. Such a style of work will not bring great results.

Listening skills

People like to talk. But few are able to listen. Wondering how to become a good sales manager? You can give this advice: learn to listen to people. The person who comes to the store is a potential buyer. If he came, then something is missing in his life. The seller’s task is to find a weak spot and convince a person to purchase some product or service. A person who arbitrarily went into the store will definitely buy something if the seller is courteous and enterprising. Listen to the client, try to understand him. Offer what the client asks for from you, and be sure to give the person an alternative thing, which, in your opinion, can also suit the client. Use in your speech the same jargon that the client used. If the buyer told a story, you should remember it and tell how the object will help a person in everyday life. Be mindful of the details. They will help you make contact with any individual.

Ability to speak

Do you follow your speech? Only a person who speaks well and competently can become a good sales specialist. A person whose vocabulary is not enough words to express their feelings, emotions and to describe a situation, has no chance to make a career in management. A person should speak well and readily, be well-read and educated. It is with such a person that customers will be pleased to have a dialogue. Naturally, if necessary, the manager must switch to a more mundane syllable. After all, not all customers are the same. With each individual, the salesperson must speak his language. Then the buyer will perceive the manager as his boyfriend, and trust in such personalities is always higher. Learn to adapt to people, learn to recognize what kind of social type a person is, observing his actions. This will bring you a huge "exhaust" in the form of grateful customers.

Learn Sales Theory

How to become the best in sales? It is necessary not only to practice, but also to study the theory. It will help a person stay on the same wavelength with their customers. Sales techniques are changing every year. Clients are tired of obsession, and they want to see a companion in the consultant, and not a car stuffed with knowledge. The salesperson must call the customer for dialogue, must create interactive. Thanks to the inclusion of the client in the sales process, it will be easier for the manager to communicate with the person, and he certainly will not let the person out of the store empty-handed.

New techniques appear every month, but not all of them are translated into Russian. Therefore, a good specialist should read not only specialized articles in his native language, but also be interested in the experience of foreign colleagues. Do not miss the opportunity to attend seminars and trainings. When meeting interesting people, you can learn from them useful experience that you can use in practice.

Study psychology

The best sales manager is a person who is well versed in the souls of his customers. The person must see through the buyers. Thanks to the vast experience of communication, the manager can say a lot about a person even before he comes up and says hello. The seller must determine at a glance whether a person is going to buy something or whether he entered the store out of boredom. Knowing the material wealth of the client is also very important. Therefore, it should be veiled to find out how much money the client is ready to leave in the store.

The seller must be able to adapt not only to the pace of the conversation, but also copy the gestures of the client. Simple mirroring helps managers inspire unlimited trust in the customer. The salesman must understand which thin strings of the human soul can be played, and which should not be done.

Be competent

A person who wants to climb the career ladder is simply obliged to have a good understanding of the area in which he works. If the manager offers this or that product, then he must thoroughly know the features of the product, its pros and cons. How to become a good sales specialist? A manager should help people make the right choice. The customer must leave the store with the thought that he has just acquired what he had long dreamed of. If the manager can inspire a feeling of happiness to the buyer, then soon he can wait for him again. The person who received a good consultation in the store will be satisfied with the manager and will advise the seller to his friends. A similar effect of word of mouth will help the manager quickly make a good career. Therefore, all novice salespeople should know what they should follow the customer, even if in the moment they do not get any financial benefit from their help.

Learn from mistakes

How to become a great salesperson? The manager must learn from mistakes. If customers disapprovingly look in his direction and do not want a person to approach them, then you should leave people alone, and not climb into them with offers and help. The salesperson has to learn every day. If any of the recently read approaches does not work in practice, then it should not be applied. If something worked once, then you should try again. The manager needs to monitor not only his actions, but also the actions of his colleagues. By observing people, you can avoid many mistakes that non-observant person will necessarily repeat. Watch how they say, what they say and how good sales people act. Adopt their strengths and try to avoid what you do not like in the behavior of these people.

I am often asked with a question: “how to become a good salesman”? At the same time, they are waiting for me with a ready-made step-by-step template for implementing this task. If you describe all the steps, you get a multi-volume work, like "War and Peace." However, there is an area without which it is impossible to become a good salesman. This area is the ability to communicate with people.

In this article I will talk about the five main communication skills of a salesperson. And not only I will tell, but also give practical advice on how to improve and develop these skills.

Note: the list of these skills is incomplete and non-final, remember this. However, if you master the list of skills presented here at a good level, you will see for yourself that the question “how to become a good salesperson” has become much more clear.

So, here are five salesman skills:

1. The ability to easily and naturally speak, practically, with any person in any circumstances.

What is it for? A salesman, coming into contact with a customer, forms the first impression of himself literally in a few seconds. If you do not know how to make contact easily and naturally, then you will give the impression of a constrained, awkward person, or vice versa, an overly cheeky interlocutor.

All customers are different people. Each of them needs its own approach. Universal recipes do not exist here. But this skill is easily developed in practice. Just start talking with people in any situation: in a store, in a cafe, in a hairdressing salon, in a movie theater, on the street ... Use any opportunity to get in touch and build your “easy communication” skill. It is this lightness that makes it possible to make contact with a stranger natural.

This skill is especially necessary if you work in telephone sales, both in active and in incoming calls. If you need intensive development of such skills and you don’t want to spend time on independent work, you can use the training “Sales on incoming calls: how to hold,“ hook ”, interest and sell.”

2. The ability to calmly tolerate failures.

The seller’s work is best described by a line from the agent 00X’s song (the cartoon “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel):“ I am here and there, where they will send it. And they often send ... ”Failure is very unpleasant. And few people have "innate immunity" to failure. But, thank God, this quality can also be trained.

If you own an iPhone or iPad and are a little familiar with the English language, I recommend you a special program Rejection. Using this program, you will receive a task every day, which is a question or request, with which you need to turn to a complete stranger. The probability of rejection or inadequate response is very high here. As you progress through the “refusal therapy course”, your sensitivity to refusals will drop dramatically and you will even experience sports interest.
  If you don’t have an iPhone, then make yourself a daily program consisting of tasks like the ones below:
  . Ask to exchange the thousandth bill of three strangers per day.
  . Invite a stranger you met in the street to a cafe.
  . Ask three strangers if they believe in God.

In the B2B market, where there is very high competition, the situation with customer failures is typical, and failures are tough.
  Additional assistance in working in these markets can be obtained by passing the specialized training "Active Sales of B2B: Non-Standard and Realistic."

3. The ability to manage the emotional state of the interlocutor.

A good salesperson should not only be a pleasant person, he should form a “reflex of a good mood” for the client. To develop this skill, start practicing telling jokes and fun stories. Start doing this first with acquaintances, then with unfamiliar ones and, finally, with completely unfamiliar people.

If you do this for at least a month, but every day, you will quietly begin to do it automatically and with pleasure, and customers will look forward to your visits or phone calls.

If you are interested in the topic of managing the interlocutor and the influence on his decisions, then you can learn a whole arsenal of techniques of influence and manipulation at the corresponding training "Manipulation: 100% Arsenal for Sales and Negotiations."

4. The ability to talk to the interlocutor and "bring" him to personal topics.

Russia is a country of relations. And relationships begin when people talk to each other not only about business, but also about their lives. That is why, the ability to switch to personal topics quickly, naturally and invisibly for the interlocutor is so important for the salesperson. The simplest practice will also help you here. The most important thing is to demonstrate a keen interest in the interlocutor, apply “active listening” and in no case transfer the conversation “to yourself”.
  As usual, start this practice with strangers, then move on to strangers. If you practice regularly, then you can enter the personal sphere of a stranger literally after 5-10 minutes of conversation.

5. The ability to maintain conversations on an unknown or uninteresting topic.

It is necessary to talk with clients, and on those topics that are of interest to them, and not to you. This is one of the main difficulties. Practice in this case can also help. Choose among your friends those whose interests and hobbies are radically different from yours. Start a conversation and ask for more information about these hobbies or hobbies. Show interest, ask questions and you will see how quickly and deeply your interlocutor opens.

Do you know what is most important in this article? That all of the above exercises must be done. They seem simple. But only until you start to fulfill them. Even if you are confident in your professionalism, treat the tasks as a test. Complete all five tasks and analyze the results.

If it will be difficult for you to force yourself to do the exercises, come to the training or sign up for individual coaching. Practice shows that these forms are more effective than self-study. But the choice is always yours.


The company "New technologies of business training" offers a convenient business training directory, which contains more than 100 programs.

The catalog is divided into 22 directions, including sales trainings, trainings for managers, negotiation trainings, time management, conflict management, call center trainings, service trainings, trainings on telephone sales, public speaking, objection work, business communication, as well as consulting and coaching of specialists of various levels from middle managers (group coaching) to individual coaching of company executives and business owners.

Such a structured catalog, where business training is presented on most relevant topics, is largely unique in the business training market.


Perhaps the best B2B sales book.

The publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" published a book by Mikhail Kazantsev "School B2B sales. From understanding the client’s situation to the deal ”- the first visualized guide in Russia, where they are systematically consideredsales technology   B2B. The book quickly gained readers' recognition and popularity. According to the results of the first week of sales, the book became a bestseller. The book describes 9 dimensions of transaction situations and the fundamental differences between B2B and B2C sales. The book is richly illustrated and contains 115 copyright drawings.

Coaching for managers and business owners by Mikhail Kazantsev

Coaching by Mikhail Kazantsev for business owners and managers “Prosperity. A new look "- and this an individual program of system changes, which is based on three key components: personality, interaction strategies, and situation management. This three-dimensional approach was tested by Mikhail Kazantsev during the twenty-year practice of the coach. In the form of a complete system, he is the author's know-how.

Unlike most coaches and coaches who teach goal setting and success technologies, Mikhail Kazantsev sees prosperity not as a condition, but as a situation.

"Prosperity. A new look ”is a new understanding of life success and prosperity, its key resources and mission, the harmonization of personal and professional goals, the formation of an internal core to overcome difficult life situations and crises. Finally, this is just an opportunity to feel happier.

The coaching program is addressed to owners and company executives. A number of program modules are for young careerists.


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