See pages where the term continuous processes is mentioned. The frequency and continuity of the production process What is the feature of continuous processes

In the life of each recovering addict there comes a moment when the time of basic rehabilitation has successfully passed and need to get out of the center. We can say that for a person comes a period of some unknown. And what is there around the perimeter?  Are they waiting for me? Will I be able to stay clean?

Some of the graduates go home boldly, confident that day after day   will continue to recover  and do everything possible to maintain sobriety. Someone, on the contrary, is waiting for meetings with old friends (co-users), believing that he can resist the temptation and grief with the desire to boast: “Look! I'm out of the center, now I'm not a drug addict ” .

So, having passed basic rehabilitation course for drug or alcohol addiction  in the center, where the intensity of the program was saturated and stable, a person enters an unsafe and unpredictable environment for him. There real life is completely different, not like in the center, where time is scheduled literally in minutes and everything is aimed at ensuring that a person consciously changes the quality of life for the better. In the center you are surrounded by those who want to live. And even if something went wrong, they will support and help return.

The rehabilitation center is safe, they won’t offer alcohol or drugs, and if there is a craving, they will stop and help to deal with this craving. They are friendly, try to honestly talk about their feelings, try not to lie, try to be useful to you, and if you ask for help, they will certainly help. They will help not for something, but simply because you are recovering and this help is needed like air. You will not be reproached if you made a mistake and are not driven into guilt, if you stumble ... There are people like you who   sick with addiction.

Behind the perimeter of the center is not so ... It would seem that there is more freedom in decision-making, freedom of choice and more leisure opportunities, but it was not there...

The first money earned and temptation to consume. There is an opportunity to do what you want, but also recovery in this case may fade into the background. Priorities are changing. Risk? Of course!

And if also in the family, relatives have no sleep or spirit about preventive measures, then the risk is definitely growing. And like any addict, with the slightest deviation from the program, the disease begins to progress: “I don’t use drugs, why should I be afraid. I myself know what to do, and how not! ”   Here it is, pure water, the will of the dependent, which does not allow even the most modest call of conscience, the quietest voice of the soul, to continue steps on the path to recovery.

Therefore, to help yourself in this transition from basic rehabilitation to supportive therapy, you need to remember a few rules.

The first is that rehabilitation center "Ark"  gives the opportunity to continue working in therapeutic groups under the guidance of an experienced psychologist of the center, as well as the opportunity to attend individual consultations at the specialists of the center "Ark"  both for graduates of the center, and for relatives of dependent people.

The second is that there will be some changes in lifethat you need to be prepared for. For example, life and relationships in the family. Certainly everyone will be glad that your rehabilitation is over  and now you do not use drugs, but here you may encounter the interdependence of relatives and the inability to build healthy relationships with each other. Most likely because of the damage you have caused in active use by loved ones old insults will come up and you will need psychological help  in solving these problems. Are you ready to turn to a support group in time for help or go to isolation?

To keep sober, you must continue to take care of your health. Observe the daily routine, eat well, relax. In rehabilitation, these points were given much attention, since everything in the body of a dependent person is interconnected. I didn’t get enough sleep, I didn’t eat three times a day - mood changes, apathy appears, forces go away. The task of a recovering addict is to maintain his health. If there are chronic diseases, it would be nice to go to the clinic and pass the necessary tests.

Communication with the same recovering addicts - powerful support, because the experience of everyone’s recovery is valuable resource.

But the most important thing to remember is that there is always a fork: which way to go, which direction to choose the road. And even if you caught yourself thinking that life began to improve after several months of basic rehabilitation and it was time to relax, please remember what caused this improvement?

Of course, your daily efforts, your daily work on the program in the rehabilitation center gave direction to these improvements. Your tears and your joy in the first steps daily introspection, daily actions in the name of sobriety, implementation of recommendations, humility, endurance, groups. It is necessary to continue to see both powerlessness and uncontrollability, they will not go anywhere, even if the drug is gone.

Restore sanity  capable of the program, the main thing is not to lose the keys and access to it, and also remember that if you go astray, there is always the opportunity to return!

6 answers

A continuous process is a process that is in a system call (kernel function) and cannot be interrupted by a signal.

To understand what this means, you need to understand the concept of an interruptible system call. A classic example is read (). This is a system call, which can take a lot of time (seconds), because it can include spinning up a hard drive or moving heads. For most of this time, the process will be in sleep mode, blocking the hardware.

While the process is sleeping in a system call, it can receive an Unix asynchronous signal (say, SIGTERM), then the following happens:

  • System calls terminate prematurely and are configured to return -EINTR to user space.
  • Signal handler completed.
  • If the process is still running, it receives the return value from the system call and can repeat the same call.

Early return from a system call allows user space code to immediately change its behavior in response to a signal. For example, terminates purely in response to SIGINT or SIGTERM.

On the other hand, some system calls cannot be interrupted in this way. If for any reason the system causes a shutdown, the process can remain in this state indefinitely.

When a process is in user mode, it can be interrupted at any time (switching to kernel mode). When the kernel returns to user mode, it checks for pending signals (including those used to kill the process, such as SIGTERM and SIGKILL). This means that the process can only be killed when returning to user mode.

The reason why a process cannot be killed in kernel mode is because it can potentially damage the kernel structures used by all other processes on the same computer (just as killing a thread can potentially damage the data structures used by other threads in that same process).

When the kernel needs to do something that can take a lot of time (waiting on a pipe written by another process or waiting for the hardware to do something, for example), it sleeps, marking itself as a sleeping and calling scheduler, switch to another process ( if there is no process without sleep, it switches to the "dummy" process, which tells the processor to slow down the bit and sits in the loop).

If a signal is sent to a sleeping process, it needs to be woken up before it returns to user space and thus processes the waiting signal. Here we have the difference between the two main types of sleep:

  • TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, intermittent sleep. If a task is marked with this flag, it sleeps, but can be woken up by signals. This means that the code designating the task as sleeping is waiting for a possible signal, and after it wakes up, it will check it and return from the system call. After processing the signal, the system call can be automatically restarted (and I will not go into details about how this works).
  • TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE, uninterrupted sleep. If a task is marked with this flag, it does not expect to be awakened by anything other than what it expects, either because it cannot be restarted, or because programs expect the system call to be atomic. It can also be used for sleep, which is known to be very short.

TASK_KILLABLE (mentioned in the LWN article related to ddaa's answer) is a new option.

This answers your first question. As for your second question: you cannot avoid aimless sleep, this is a common thing (this happens, for example, every time a process reads / writes from / to disk); however, they should last only a fraction of a second. If they last much longer, this usually means a hardware problem (or a device driver problem that is similar to the kernel) when the device driver expects the hardware to do something that will never happen. It may also mean that you are using NFS and the NFS server is unavailable (it is waiting for the server to be restored, you can also use the "intr" option to avoid the problem).

Finally, the reason you cannot recover is for the same reason that the kernel waits until it returns to user mode to deliver a signal or kill a process: this would potentially damage the kernel data structures (waiting code in intermittent sleep may get an error that tells him to return to user space, where the process can be killed, the code waiting in uninterrupted sleep mode does not expect any error).

Uninterrupted processes in USUALLY wait for I / O after a page crashes.

Consider this:

  • The thread is trying to access a page that is not in the kernel (an executable file that was loaded on demand, an anonymous memory page that was unloaded, or a mmap () file that was loaded on demand, which is almost the same)
  • The kernel is now (trying) to load it into
  • The process cannot continue until the page is accessible.

The process / task cannot be interrupted in this state, since it cannot process any signals; if this happened, another page had an error and it would go back to where it was.

When I say "process", I really mean the "task", which under Linux (2.6) roughly translates into a "thread", which may or may not have a separate entry for the "thread group" in / proc

In some cases, he may wait a long time. A typical example of this is that the executable or mmap "d file is located on the network file system where the server failed. If the I / O failure is completed, the task will continue. If it ultimately fails, the task is usually will get SIGBUS or something else.

Is it possible that a program can be written to initiate a process that enters the TASK_UNINTERUPTIBLE state whenever the system is not in a standby state, thereby forcibly collecting data, waiting for transmission after the super user exits? This would be a golden moment for hackers to obtain information, return to the state of zombies and transmit information through the network at idle. Some may argue that this is one of the ways to create Blackdoor for the permissions it needs to be, to enter and exit any system at will. I strongly believe that this loophole can be sealed forever, eliminating the state of TASK_UNINTERUPTIBLE.

We have already talked about what and how to research and verify, but let's look at the testing problem from the other side. Namely - why single haphazard tests do not make any sense and how to conduct research in order to obtain relevant and objective information.

This topic was prompted by the performance of Oleg Levchuk at the Yandex Design School. His short but emotional talk about hygiene and empathy as the fundamental principles of testing reveals problems that many have never even thought about.

(Do not be afraid of timing: Oleg’s performance lasts only 10 minutes. Watch from 3:01:00)

Research is often perceived as an external process - an obligatory step in the design and development of a product or website that you can quickly go through, and draw a presentation based on the results, show it to the director and forget. Sometimes - to draw some thoughtful conclusions, which almost always confirm their own theories, conjectures and solutions.

It is not right! Because testing is an ongoing internal process. Software developers have long known this. Therefore, QA takes in the development process the same important part as directly writing code.

How is the testing process in software companies

At each stage of program development, engineers work with the product, the only task of which is to find bugs and shortcomings and report them to programmers.

Regardless of what stage the project is at - architecture development or final release. Regardless of who wrote the code - junior or team leader. Everything is checked and tested always and always. Each iteration and version of the product.

This process is organically integrated into the development system and is taken for granted. Software developers understand and realize that without constant testing it is simply impossible to make a working product.

As soon as stable functionality and shell appear, beta versions of the product are provided for testing to real users. Data — from technical to reviews — is collected and analyzed. As a result, improvements and changes are made to the product. And this is also a normal process.

Now fast forward to the site development industry

If we discard the coordination of design and functionality with the client - the developers before the release check whether everything is done correctly and works correctly, according to check lists. This is at best.

More often, conclusions are drawn on the basis of expert judgment by the person who is responsible for a piece of work. The manager by eye evaluates the compliance of the final result with the expectations of the client, and everyone is very unhappy when you need to finalize something or make changes. Doesn’t resemble anything?

Testing the site with the involvement of real users, if carried out, is at the final stage, when you can make cosmetic changes, but changing something large-scale is most often impossible.

Needless to say, the mistakes made at the stage of designing the information architecture or planning the user’s interaction with the site can actually bury the project before the official launch?

The process of continuous testing, which is built into the development system, in website building is still the exception rather than the rule. And that is not right.

Testing as an ongoing process

Look at the charts. This is the frequency with which users request goods and services on Yandex throughout the year.

What do you think, if you ask the same set of questions to the same audience at points 1 and 2, will the answers be different?

Even the target and potentially motivated to purchase the audience does not need air conditioning for the New Year or tours to Thailand in the summer heat. And the answers to the same questions asked with an interval of 3-6 months can be very different.

This is just one example. But even it shows how important it is to conduct testing regularly and on an ongoing basis. Even when the site is ready and up to date, ongoing testing is necessary to make timely changes and improvements in accordance with the expectations of users.

You need to understand that research results are becoming obsolete. Sometimes even while you analyze and summarize the data. Testing at different time points and for different audience sections is the only way to obtain comprehensive, relatively relevant and reliable information.

Hygiene and empathy

Oleg Levchuk (have not forgotten about the video yet?) Aptly compared testing with brushing your teeth. Only if you do it regularly, you can achieve a stable result - the absence of holes in the teeth and errors on the sites.

Hygiene provides another advantage: the more tests you carry out, the better you understand both the product and the audience. This changes thinking for the better and gives a more complete and deeper understanding of where and how to move on.

Empathy arises - a state where you feel your audience, are not afraid of it and are ready to entrust your ideas to it in order to draw objective conclusions based on research, not speculation.

    Testing is a constant and continuous in time internal process.

    Only repeated studies provide complete and reliable information about the interaction of the audience and the product or site.

    Regular research provides a deep understanding of the real needs of the audience.

    One-time tests can confirm or refute an idea or solution, but do not provide reliable information in the medium to long term.

Hygiene and empathy are the two principles around which effective research is built. The regularity of tests and understanding of the audience are factors without which it is impossible to create a truly sought-after website or product.

Want to add something? Welcome to the comments. Do not agree? Express your opinion - we will be happy to discuss your point of view.

Continuous processes in continuous apparatuses are characterized by non-stop loading of the apparatus with raw materials and continuous production. These processes, allowing maximum mechanization, are increasingly being introduced into the practice of large pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises. An example of a continuous process is the drying of extracts on roller or spray dryers. Continuous processes allow for the complete mechanization and automation of production, which reduces the use of manual labor to a minimum.

Continuous technological processes, as a rule, are characterized by the fact that the raw materials and the finished product are in a liquid, gaseous or bulk state. Therefore, the transportation of raw materials and products at all stages of its production is carried out continuously. The most characteristic production with a continuous technological process is a chemical plant, where natural gas is processed in special apparatuses, which moves continuously from the beginning to the end of the technological process.

Continuous technological processes are distinguished by the fact that, as a rule, raw materials and semi-finished products are supplied for processing continuously for a sufficiently long time, they often come from one redistribution to another without intermediate storage with a delay only for transportation

Continuous processes are applied in isolation for each of the operations. Since the processing methods themselves are continuous in nature, the possibility of using continuous technological processes is determined by the possibility of replacing the machined parts without interrupting the processing process. Thus, the possibility of constructing continuous technological processes depends primarily on the nature of the workpieces and the type of tool. Pipe welding machine for spiral pipe welding is a machine with a continuous technological process, since welding of seams and screw movement of the processed material from.

Continuous technological processes of chemical and petrochemical industries involve the use of air-conditioners with constant parameters for temperature and pressure of cooled or condensed flows. To ensure stable cooling parameters, control systems, humidification, combined cooling schemes, etc. are used. However, parameters such as atmospheric air temperature ti, volumetric fan capacity VB and cooling air speed uz change over different periods of operation. The change in t is due to annual, seasonal, and diurnal temperature fluctuations. The value of the uuz during long-term operation changes in the direction of decreasing as the aerodynamic resistance of the heat-exchange sections increases.

A continuous technological process is a process in which the processed materials or products are transferred in a continuous stream from one technological apparatus (machine) to another. Continuous processes, as a rule, are performed on various technological devices, and discontinuous processes are performed on technological machines.

The introduction of continuous technological processes allows us to solve a complex of problems and, first of all, to increase the level of mechanization and automation of production, and on this basis to reduce the complexity of production, to qualitatively change the social working conditions.

For a continuous technological process introduced in the textile and light industries, DC motors are often required, for example: they are installed in units of finishing production in groups of 10 to 15 pcs.

For continuous technological processes, the requirements for the volume and reliability of the alarm and protection systems are determined by the automation project.

The introduction of a continuous technological process for the production of high density polyethylene with a capacity of 80–100 thousand tons / year compared to 30–40 thousand tons / year allows us to reduce specific capital costs by 25%, the cost of the product by 35% and increase labor productivity by 1 5 times .

However, a continuous technological process is more likely to change the regime. The installation mode can be changed instantly, but for the convenience of planning, a small number (usually from two to six and, in any case, not more than ten) of the modes that are taken into account is allocated.


3. Continuous production process. The continuous production process involves the mechanization of the work flow as a whole and represents the most complex form of production technology. The continuous production process has neither a beginning nor an end; a human operator is not a part of production as such, since machines do all the work. Operators manage the process, control its parameters, repair equipment. Continuous production technology is used, for example, in chemical and oil refineries, nuclear power plants.

Differences in production technologies are determined by their technical complexity, or the degree of involvement of machinery and equipment in the production process in order to exclude people from it. Employees involved in sophisticated technologies are primarily engaged in monitoring the operation of the equipment.

Mass production technologies are characterized by high degrees of formalization and centralization, and low levels by continuous production processes. Unlike small-scale and continuous production, standardized mass production requires centralized decision-making and clearly defined rules and procedures. With the increasing complexity of technology, the importance of administrative management increases and the role of support staff increases. The less uniform the manufacturing process, the more thorough the control should be. The high complexity of technical equipment leads to an increase in the value of auxiliary labor; therefore, mass production is characterized by a high ratio of auxiliary and direct labor. Mass production has the highest standard of control for first-line managers. With small-scale and continuous production, one manager of the first line has a smaller number of subordinates, since they require closer monitoring. In general, firms with small-scale and continuous production have an organic structure, and companies with mass production have a mechanical structure. The relationship of structures and technologies have a direct impact on the results of the organization.

FLEXIBLE PRODUCTION. The most modern production technology, the so-called flexible production, is based on the use of computer equipment for automation and integration of workflow components (robots, machines, product development and engineering analysis). Reading bar codes of components allows the equipment to instantly switch to new installations as various parts pass along the automated conveyor assembly line. Flexible manufacturing is highly sophisticated. In the structures associated with flexible technology, there is a tendency to the emergence of new rules, decentralization and a decrease in the share of administrators in the total number of employees, personal horizontal communications and a team-oriented organic approach.

TECHNOLOGIES OF SERVICES. The value of service industry organizations is constantly growing. Service technologies have the following specifics:

1. Intangibility of release. The results of the company from the service sector are intangible. Services are non-material and, unlike material goods, are not conserved, they are either consumed at the time of provision or irretrievably lost.

2. Direct contact with consumers. The provision and receipt of services involves direct interaction between the employee of the company and the client. The provision and consumption of services occur simultaneously. In a manufacturing company, technical workers are separated from customers and do not enter into direct contacts.

Service industries include consulting companies, law firms, brokerage houses, airlines, hotels, advertising agencies, public relations firms, leisure parks, and educational organizations. Services are also provided by units of large corporations and manufacturing companies. The structure and goals of each of the departments of the company should not correspond to the technologies of machine-building production, but to the technology of providing services. Thus, service technologies are used not only in service organizations, but also in departments of production companies serving the main production.

One of the distinguishing features of service technology that directly affects the structure of the organization is the need for close interactions between the employee and the consumer. Service firms, as a rule, have an organic structure, the decision-making process in them is decentralized, working relationships are largely informal. They are distinguished by a high degree of horizontal communications, as customer service and problem solving require the common use of information and resources. Service points are dispersed, therefore, each business unit is relatively small and is located in close proximity to the main consumers. For example, large banks, hotels, fast food cafes and medical centers have their branches in various regions.

Service firms tend to be organic and decentralized, but some of them have strict rules and procedures for serving consumers. Standardization of services allows for the high efficiency of a centralized mechanistic structure.


The structure of the organization is largely determined by the interdependence of its departments, which is understood as the degree of their subordination to each other in the sense of the resources or materials necessary to fulfill the assigned tasks. Weak interdependence means that departments carry out work tasks autonomously and do not have urgent needs for coordination or exchange of materials. With strong interdependence, departments must constantly exchange information and resources. Figure 6 shows various forms of interdependence.

POTENTIAL INTERDEPENDENCE. Cartel interdependence assumes that, being part of the organization and contributing to the production of a joint product, each of the departments (divisions) has relative independence, since they perform disjoint tasks. An example is the activity of regional branches of banks, drawing financial resources from a common source, but not interacting with each other.

SEQUENTIAL INTERDEPENDENCE. With consistent interdependence, the result of the work of one department (unit) becomes the starting point for another. An example of a consistent relationship is assembly line technology in the automotive industry. This interdependence is closer than the cartel one, since the departments exchange data with each other and are substantially dependent on each other.

Addiction form

Elements of adequate coordination

1. Cartel (bank)


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