How to learn to enjoy life after. How to learn to enjoy life - the advice of a psychologist. Give thanks for everything

Life consists not only of snow-white stripes, but also of darker ones. But how to learn to enjoy life, if for a long time everything does not add up? Special talents are not needed here.

Find reasons for joy

The author’s grandmother grew up in the post-war years: terrible poverty, soup with a swan, mother at work for days. Nevertheless, the grandmother recalls her childhood as a very happy time: the world around, bright colors, friendly class, theatrical circle. Indeed, children can enjoy every day and every day they enjoy. Believe me, you also have many reasons to enjoy life. Just remember them and the question of how to overcome depression and enjoy every day will become easier:
  • Just existence. Sometimes it’s enough to understand that you exist, and this is enough to feel happy. You are just a part of a beautiful world where there is fresh water, bright sunlight, fire, air and many other pleasures.
  • Love. Remember that you have loving parents, beloved children who need you, pet pets who do not look for flaws in you, but love what they are. Not everyone has such happiness, by the way;
  • Travels. And do not say that traveling requires too much money. To go on a wonderful tour of the city, hiking in its surroundings or a trip to the magical places of the region does not require any special investments. So do not be a bird in a cage, release your soul and body to freedom!
  • Work. You can also get pleasure from it. In addition, this is not a school or university, which are difficult to change, therefore there is a chance to find “your” work;
  • Nature. What pleases the whole year, regardless of whether it is a bright spring, a crackling winter or a cozy autumn: everywhere there are bright colors and delicious smells, and they need to be happy!
  • Food. No, do not laugh, because it is the same pleasure: different tastes and textures. If there is not enough money for new restaurants, then you can master the cuisine of the peoples of the world at home. It will also reveal your creativity;

Set yourself new goals

You will always be happy if you have something to want and you overcome obstacles. Just remember what you dreamed of in adolescence or childhood and try to fulfill old dreams. Today, there are many opportunities for this: there is ballet for adults, and parachute courses, after which you can jump with a parachute, and theaters ... If you want, you can even go into space, but only if there is enough money. So why not make a dream? It is entirely possible to set new goals. Most important is the belief in oneself. Do not go to the goal over the heads, but do not forget about the dream.

Change your attitude

Do not even think about yourself thinking badly. Well, how can a person who considers himself unworthy of happiness enjoy life? Praise your loved ones for every success, write in your diary the best successes of the day and soon you will realize how much you can. So you will believe in yourself for sure and will strive for new victories.

Give happiness to others

Perhaps this is a manifestation of our egoism, and maybe altruism, as it is, but if you know how to give, you can enjoy life. Nevertheless, you cannot but rejoice at the positive emotions of your mother or sister, whom you just gave perfumes or flowers for no reason, you cannot but share the joy of your dog when you bring her a treat and take a walk, you can’t but rejoice with a stranger who you returned the wallet dropped by him recently ... Rejoice others!

Live today

In fact, there is no future, as well as the past, so you need to rejoice here and now. It's just that if you are a depressed and irritable person, the world around you will be the same: he is just a mirror of us and nothing else. How to learn to live today?

At the end of the day, try to remember what you did today to be better tomorrow. Also remember the heels of the most enjoyable moments of the day. Think about how you could thank your loved ones today, and not only loved ones. And finally, look for what you would praise yourself today. There are many reasons for this.

Develop your body and eat right

Do you know that an incredible amount of endorphins is produced in the body during an hour of training? In addition, they can be obtained from proper nutrition. So, cheese and nuts stimulate the production of joy hormones. Plus, your body will be harmonious and healthy, and this is also the key to a stable good mood.

Hello dear readers. Today we have a guest post. I want to continue the topic I started on the blog “Positive Psychology”, I like this topic, I want to develop it helping people. This article presents 6 tips for enjoying life. But I, supplemented these tips, adding 4 more tips, from myself, at the end. I think you will like these tips, but if they help someone, then my joy will not be limited! The topic is quite interesting. Each of you will find something new and interesting for yourself. We all live, grow, develop, rejoice and be sad. But how to truly enjoy life, how to learn to see the good in everything?

“How to learn to enjoy life?” Is such a simple and, at the same time, incredibly difficult question. And its complexity, first of all, lies in its rhetoric. Indeed, for everyone, the concept of the joy of life is his own.

There is no strict clear recipe, observing which could become a guaranteed happy person. But, nevertheless, there are universal recommendations, following which you can get as close as possible to this condition.

How to learn to enjoy life:

several fundamental principles

1. Good mood

Every day, start with a sincere smile. “As you meet, you will spend it”, - this saying can be attributed not only to the new year, but also to each new day.

Do you want to spend all day exclusively on positive emotions? No problem! The main thing - do not forget to smile, opening your eyes to a new amazing day.

So you will develop one of the most useful habits: to start the day by sending a positive impulse to the Universe. And she will answer you the same, reinforcing it many times.

There is also a physiological aspect to this. The brain responds to a positive emotion, manifested in the form of a smile, by releasing a huge number of hormones into the blood, including: the hormone of joy, the hormone of happiness, adrenaline (in quantities optimal for well-being and muscle, emotional tone).

Interesting fact! Even if you woke up with not the best state of health, mood is not a problem.

Even an arbitrary smile sends positive signals to the brain, and it responds to it accordingly, almost the same way as described above. So, smile more often and you will be happy (in the literal sense of these words)!

2. Caring for your body

Morning exercise is an integral part of the awakening process. So, you have already woken up, smiled and even managed to brush your teeth. Excellent. Start charging. After all, in fact, the process of awakening has just begun.

Prepare your body and brain for a successful new day. After all, they have not yet left the phase of rest. Charging will allow you to activate all the muscles, organs, every cell of your body, and will set the brain to optimal activity.

Thanks to charging, you will feel in great shape all day. But isn't it happiness to be healthy, alert, active? Of course - happiness!

3. Harmonious nutrition

Eat correctly, eat fully, eat rationally. In a healthy body healthy mind.

Trite? Rather - right! The chances of absolute happiness increase at times if your health pleases you.

It is no secret that a person is what he eats. The comparison is figurative, but the essence is clear.

The state of human health largely depends on nutrition, and productivity, activity, initiative and much more depends on the state of health.

Everything is interconnected. But, as a result, we come to one single conclusion: proper nutrition is a direct path to happiness and joy!

4. Favorite business

Do what you love. Sociological studies conducted several years ago in different countries around the globe shocked not only the public, but also the scientists themselves.

As it turned out, more than 80% of people of working age go to work that they do not like and often despise, just in order to feed themselves.

It turns out a paradox of modern life, which can be expressed as in a joke: “I bought a car on credit so that it would be more convenient to get to work. I go to work that I hate so that I can pay a loan for a car. ”

Do not drive yourself into such a framework. Do not look for excuses.

Saying that you were forced to go to study in a place where you did not want to study in order to get a job that you obviously didn't like was just an excuse.

Recognize this, and you will have a chance to change your life, finally beginning to enjoy every new day. Do what brings you pleasure!

5. Life is full of optimism

Always look at everything with optimism. The world owes you nothing. You should not expect that all that you can rejoice will be presented to you on a silver platter.

As a rule, those who want to rejoice are happy in any situation, and those who are used to doing the opposite will find negativity everywhere and in everything.

Want an example? Yes please! Sinking yacht. On the shore is the owner of the ship and his friend. A friend shouts, “Oh, horror. Disaster! ”And the owner:“ But now you don’t have to spend money on fuel. ”

This mini story is a reflection of everyone's daily life, only on a multiple scale. And only you decide: to rejoice in the "sinking yacht", or to be killed because of it.

6. Source of inspiration

Find a source of inspiration, and harmony will fill your body and soul. Happiness and joy can be found not only within oneself, but also outside: in relationships with other people.

Their desire to make you something good and pleasant will depend on how well you treat them.

Therefore, start with yourself. Pay special attention and care to your loved ones. Communication with children and parents - this is true happiness. This is the source of internal harmony, from which external will also come.

7. Comparison is not appropriate here.

Do not compare yourself with others. They are not like you, they have a different path and their tasks and goals, their lessons that they go through.

You should learn to sincerely rejoice in other people's victories and look closely at people, taking from everyone something good for yourself.

8. Dream and plan

Do not stop there, plan, set goals. A person who has no goals and plans does not know where he is going and what to do.

Dream, plan, set goals and achieve them!

9. The past is our blessed experience

Most often we are either in the past or in the future, forgetting about life in the present moment of time. In the past, I propose to close the door and hang the lock: “My blessed and perfect experience!” An experience that I had to go through in order to realize what this or that action leads to!

10. Thanksgiving habit

This is really a habit. We often look around, forgetting about how much beauty has been given to us. How much beauty is given to us every day, every minute and second. , I am sure of this, not nagging and asking, namely gratitude.

And in conclusion, do not forget that everyone is as happy as he allows himself to be happy. So do not deny yourself this! Here are some tips on how to learn how to enjoy life!

You can’t feel the joy, you won’t smell it, you won’t put it in your pocket. Managing your condition usually comes out - not really. The propagated advice of psychologists tailored according to the pattern “one must be happy, one must not strain” does not help. It is necessary to understand how it is to receive joy, why sometimes I feel happiness, but it happens that under the same external circumstances it is very bad? That is, you need to understand how the psyche works - it contains the keys to all the internal states of a person ...

Every moment we want to be happy and enjoy life. To experience such a surge of strength when on a new day you rush about: “Go! To new ideas, achievements, victories! ”When every little thing pleases: the breeze, the sun's rays, the aroma of delicious food. When you feel alive and know exactly why you live in this world.

How many days have you had in your life? But while we are discouraged, our life just ... passes.

And find your place in it? How to live with pleasure every moment?

Why does not come out to live happily and enjoy life

You can’t feel the joy, you won’t smell it, you won’t put it in your pocket. Managing your condition usually comes out - not really. The propagated advice of psychologists tailored according to the pattern “one must be happy, one must not strain” does not help. There are good reasons for this:

Our feelings are not subject to conscious attitudes. We cannot force ourselves to enjoy life no matter what.

Maybe I would like to live happily and enjoy every day - but my heart is anxious. Or fear. Or longing. And bad thoughts come into my head, for example, about a child: “Why doesn't he call? Something happened? Got sick? Something is wrong…"  Or about her husband: “Why still not at home? Maybe he has an affair on the side? ”  Or loneliness has piled so much that tears come from the eyes.

It turns out that we completely do not control our feelings. Do they just arise? Then how can you learn to enjoy life?

It is necessary to understand how it is to receive joy, why sometimes I feel happiness, but it happens that under the same external circumstances it is very bad? That is, you need to understand how the psyche works - it contains the keys to all the internal states of a person.

How the joy generator works

We feel joy and happiness when the innermost desires of the heart are realized. This is easy to see with simple examples. You have long wanted to be promoted at work, worked hard for this and - cheers! The wish came true - you are the head of the department. And life is good, and living well! Overflows with joy, happiness, pleasure. But not for long. We always want more and more.

Happiness already achieved with time becomes habitual, natural. And there is a desire for an even larger order - for example, to become a director of a company. This is how our psyche works: every fulfilled desire gives birth to a new, even larger volume.

Desires are very different, they may not be associated with material wealth. Each of us is driven by different aspirations given by nature from birth (vector).

    Super values \u200b\u200bare family and children, respect and honor in society. ...

    Comprehends life in love and sensory experiences.

    They are not at all interested in the material world: they are attracted to metaphysical questions - the meaning of life, the causes of everything that happens.

Eight vectors - eight different perceptions of what it means to be happy.

I want - so I can

By nature, our desires are fully provided with the opportunity for their realization. For instance:

    A person with a visual vector wants love and vivid emotions and for this has a huge sensual range. Able to tune in to the state of another person, to feel that he lives. No one else is able to build such a deep sensual connection, so strongly and vividly experience love as the owner of a visual vector. ...

    The bearer of the anal vector does not just want a family and children, respect and honor - he has all the talents to achieve this. Natural thoroughness and attention to detail make him a high-class professional - such a person is always respected by colleagues at work. Caring and attention to loved ones, fidelity in marriage, golden hands in housework make him the best family man. In every vector, nature has been given everything to achieve what is desired, to enjoy every day. But in practice, far from everyone does. Why?

Faults in the perfect mechanism

There are various obstacles that prevent us from fulfilling our desires:

    False installations  which overwhelmed modern society.

For example, a common question, and calls to love yourself lead a person in the opposite direction from the ability to be happy.

We are not able to live without other people. We can realize ourselves in a pair, at work, and in the role of father and mother only among other people. Both pain and joy we receive from our interaction.

Not understanding how to build relationships with others, why they act one way or another and what to expect from them, we are very unhappy and unable to achieve goals.

Training Yuri Burlan gives a deep knowledge of all the features of the psyche of people. You will understand the other person and know exactly how to build an unmistakable relationship with him.

    Psychological anchors and injuries,  sometimes received in childhood, forgotten, driven out of memory.

For example, the emotional owner of the visual vector wants love, but it does not work. The recorded fear in childhood does not allow her sensuality to be revealed in full, to be held in love, to enjoy life.

The owner of the skin vector, consciously striving for success, cannot achieve it if he has life. And no matter how much effort he makes, he cannot achieve his ambitious goals.

What else prevents us from being happy — phobias, addictions, delayed life syndrome ... if it brings only suffering?

When we are constantly unable to fulfill our desires, they fade over time. The psyche mercifully reduces them - so as not to experience constant torment. And now apathy, lethargy is already rolling. I do not want anything, and there is no joy.

The extinct desires of the psyche are revealed, again I want to live and act. A bad experience to recruit no longer have to. When you understand the reasons why something in life did not work out, previous injuries cease to control you.

When something is missing ... the main thing

Seven out of eight vectors have understandable desires, and a person can explain what he lacks for a good mood, joy and happiness - not everything is smooth in the family, there is not enough money, pairing relationships do not add up. But there are people whose desires are beyond what can be seen or felt. It happens that a person is bad, and what exactly is missing, he can not even explain. These conditions occur only in owners of the sound vector.

The natural desire of a sound person is a desire for knowledge. I want to understand: everything that is happening around is just a series of ridiculous accidents, or is there any sense or design in this? Then where is my place and role in it? What can I do in this world meaningful, truly important? Even if in the life of a sound engineer there are all possible benefits (income, love, family, status), but there are no answers why he lives in the world, he may experience difficult conditions.

Not finding an answer to internal questions - what is the meaning of life? - the soundman pronounces the first suicidologisms: life has no meaning. There is a desire to run away from this dull, tasteless life into a dream - you just want to sleep around the clock. No strength to live, no energy. How to start enjoying life if you experience this?

When a person reveals inner desires, a huge resource of energy is released. There is a desire to create and create. And most importantly - there is an accurate understanding of how and where to apply your talents.

Yuri Burlan, for any questions on how to live and enjoy life, finds a deep inner answer. There is an ability to realize oneself as much as possible among other people, with great pleasure to live every moment of his life.

  Proofreader: Natalya Konovalova

The article is based on the training " Systemic Vector Psychology»

Good afternoon, dear readers! The quality of our life largely depends on how happy we feel. Frequent problems at work, quarrels with a spouse, poor study of the child, boorish communication of the cashier do not contribute to the emergence of positive emotions. But you can rejoice even on the grayest day. Today I will tell you how to enjoy life no matter what. Simple and practical tips that can dramatically change your approach to happiness.

Find things that are fun

It seems to us that we know ourselves well. We understand what things we like and what infuriates and infuriates us. But it's not always the case.

Try to sit alone and remember all the things that you sincerely enjoy in life.
  Don't be afraid to record even the wildest and most incredible things. Maybe you enjoy walking around the city at night? Knitting, talking with a close friend, buying new things, good coffee in the morning, massage and so on.

In addition, try to keep track of those things that bring you joy. The first time we played billiards and got a sincere pleasure? Great, put this activity on your list of enjoyable activities.

Try daily to pay attention to everything that makes you smile or feel joy.

Over time, this will help you focus on pleasant events and you will begin to notice more and more beautiful things around. Our subconscious mind likes to play games with us. And sometimes it’s the things that we often think about, on which we are fixated. Use it for your own good.

Remember that if you often eat oranges, then sooner or later they will begin to disgust. Do not overdo it in obtaining pleasure from this or that occupation.

Broaden your horizons

Learn new things every day. This will not only help you become more erudite and developed, but also expand the range of activities that can bring you joy.

Perhaps you do not even suspect that decoupage will become not only your hobby, but also a calling in life. And the pleasure that you will receive from this lesson can not be compared with anything else.

Learning new things, you train your brain, do not let it stagnate. Train your memory, develop your thinking. In addition, if you try to apply something in your life, then you will receive additional experience.

Knowing the world, you can meet interesting people who will fill your life with completely new motives. They will share their experience, open the curtain to an unknown to you earlier, show the beautiful side of something new. Do not be afraid to make new acquaintances, because you do not know for sure why fate brought you together with this or that person.

I bring to your attention a wonderful article that will help you make the first steps to change yourself much simpler: "".

Take advantage of everything

Learning to see the good even in the bad is an extremely useful and important skill that every adult, educated person should have.

Firstly, you are not so serious about mistakes and mistakes. This allows you not to get depressed from another failure.

Secondly, you know how to turn everything into the experience you need.

We are more often used to scolding our lives for everything. Poor work, loneliness, terrible traffic jams, the vile nature of his wife, naughty children and so on. Believe me, in each of these situations you can find a positive moment.

  • Poor work is an excellent occasion for developing yourself as a professional and switching to a new job;
  • loneliness - independence, a free schedule, full control of your life;
  • creepy traffic jams - extra time to read your favorite books, a place where you can get acquainted with your soulmate and so on.

Just do not be attracted by the ears. There are situations in which there is really nothing good. Learn to distinguish between reality, real experience, true good times and unrealistic expectations.

And of course, know how to enjoy the little things. Sometimes the smallest detail can make the whole day beautiful. A nice girl smiled in the morning on the bus - here's a great shot of your life that brought joy and positive.

I recommend to pay attention to the book Mikhail Labkovsky “I want and I will”. The author describes how you can learn to live in harmony with yourself, freeing yourself from unnecessary goals and objectives. Surely you can find useful tips in it.

What makes you smile? What is the most joyful moment in your life? What prevents to enjoy every day? How do you encourage yourself?

Smile right here and now!
  I wish you happiness.

From birth, everyone is like a blank sheet of paper. With age, we can accumulate negativity within ourselves.

We independently hang a certain load of difficulties, problems and fears. And after some time we begin to wonder: how to learn how to enjoy life every day?

Many will agree that true happiness, like good health, can depend on many factors. It is also important to consider that with age, a person’s opinions and views may change. However, according to research, there are constant components of true happiness:

  • Achieving specific goals.
  • The ability to live in the present.
  • Give more.

We will try to consider each of these factors of true happiness in more detail.

Define goals in your life

There are always enough problems in life, and in the routine of difficulties we can wonder how to enjoy life amid the ruins. However, to begin with, it is necessary to determine what exactly prevents each day from being happy.

Have you noticed that some manage to remain calm and contented with life, despite the mountains of problems? If so, then most likely it was difficult for you to understand what makes people look at life positively.

In fact, the problem is not the complexity of the situation, but in relation to it. Many tend to focus their thoughts only on the negative. And this negatively affects the decision and the subsequent attitude to the current situation in life.

Therefore, to begin with, it is worth figuring out the main goals that you want to achieve in your life. After that, make a brief outline of the small sub-items that you will take to achieve your intended goal. When a problem arises, concentrate your thinking on the fulfillment of a task predetermined before you, and not on experiences that are of no use.

Remember, our thinking creates the world around us. By setting achievable goals and focusing on a positive result, you will not have the desire and time for negative thoughts. Over time, you yourself will be able to understand how to learn to enjoy life and not fall into despair.

Learn to live in the present

Man lives by what he has now. No one can return the past, so try to treat it as an acquired experience. Also, we do not know for sure our future, therefore constant thoughts about what could be take away a lot of emotional forces.

Of course, learning to enjoy what you have is not always easy. However, this is what is in our lives and it is extremely important to learn. To do this, you need to know and adhere to some tips:

  1. At the end of the day, write at least five pleasant moments that happened today.
  2. Find up to ten reasons to praise yourself today.
  3. Analyze why you could thank your loved ones or even strangers today.
  4. What have you done today to make a difference tomorrow.

Try not to put things off tomorrow. One great man said that tomorrow does not exist. Every day you wake up and live today. Therefore, in order to enjoy every day, it is necessary to work as much as possible, how much you can do today. Only then is it possible to feel the joy of every day lived.

Notice the nice little things. Our life consists of trifles, small situations that can please us. If you drop by drop the positive emotions that you experienced during the day, then in the end you will feel inner contentment, despite all the worries and troubles.

Give more

Egoists will never be content with their lives. For them, the opportunity to learn to enjoy every day will always remain unexplored. If you learn to give, only then can you feel real emotional satisfaction.

Material things can bring joy, however temporary. Over time, we get used to a certain comfort and acquired material things. However, the feeling of contentment persists for a long time when you give or give something valuable to another.

Think about what warms your heart more, the memory of how you bought a new dress, shirt, or when you presented the same things to your loved ones. This is where the secret of true happiness lies - gift.

Be happy starting in the morning!

Tips on how to start enjoying life are quite simple. The only thing needed is to start following them today. Do not twist yourself into a routine of everyday worries, but set achievable goals.

Tune in to fulfill them and achieve success, and also begin to live in the present. Tomorrow will never be, so all we can do is today. And finally, rejoice at giving yourself, your emotional forces and material things to other people.

No wonder psychologists say that the one who can lift himself and drown himself is only ourselves. Your happiness depends on how much effort you agree to make in order to begin to enjoy every day.

Of course, the environment can unsettle us. However, whether we can return and restore life balance depends on each individually. Therefore, never give up, and your success will be obvious to others!


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