Scenario tales Snow Maiden for 5 minutes. The script of the New Year's matinee for the older group based on the Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden". Children go out of the hall

  Evgenia Kobzeva
  A staging of the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden" with a continuation of how the goat hut decided to build

Fairy tale.

Sounds fairy tune.

Snow  fell asleep all the paths

Snowflakes are falling quietly

Look how beautiful!

Snow fall on aspens,

Decorates a quiet courtyard.

Snowflakes have a dispute:

Whose dress is whiter

Whose dress is smart?

Let's play snowflakes? Snowflake girls, go out dancing (snowflake dance)

Snowflake, tell me, where did you come from?

1snowflake (Aylina)

From a snowstorm, fluttering everywhere.

Where did you get your beautiful outfit?

2snowflake (Dasha)

Snowstorms give snowflakes outfits

Snowstorms are not more important to you in the world?

3snow (Nastya)

Snowstorm is our mother, and we are her children.

Music blizzards, snowflakes swirled and left (music "Winter storm")

A blizzard came to visit you

To visit

To talk

It starts quietly and then stronger

It will whine only with the wind, let it conquer with the wolf

But the blizzard subsides

The wind trails off

No snowstorm,

No one in the world.

Now the blizzard has become soft, quiet, affectionate. Snowflakes tired of flying and spinning, crouched on a clearing. A blizzard will tell you a winter story.

Music, (during music, grandfather and woman come out, sit down at the table).

Once upon a time there lived an old man with an old woman. They lived alright, together. Everything would be fine, but one grief - they had no children.

Old man:

Old woman, let's make a daughter for ourselves snow. I so want that we had children, there was a cheerful children's laugh in the house!

Old woman:

Why not? I agree with you. Let's make a daughter out snow.

He put on the old man's hat, the old woman dressed too. they went to the garden

And began a daughter from sculpt snow.

Exit snow maiden.

Look - and u Snow Maiden lips turned pink, eyes opened; she looks at the old people and smiles. Then she nodded her head, moved her arms, legs, shook herself snow  - and a living girl came out of the snowdrift.

Going out to music, grandfather and woman stand aside.

Old woman:

That's how our beautiful daughter turned out!

Old man:

Yes, Grandma, you and I are famous have tried! Everything turned out as we wanted. Let's take her to our house, Grandma!

Old woman:

Come on! Let's go home together!

Sounds music. An old man, an old woman and their daughter are sent to the house, holding hands.

So they began to live together. The old woman is being cleaned by the housework, The old man is repairing what is necessary. The old people are not overjoyed by their daughter. The daughter grows up and smart, and smart, and funny. With all affectionate, affable.

So spring has come. It will be very warm soon.

What happened to you, daughter. You have always been so cheerful, sang loudly and laughed. What happened? I see you're completely sad? Maybe you got sick? Maybe something hurts you?

Snow Maiden:

Don’t worry, dad and mom! All is well. I am healthy, I feel good.

So the summer has come. Now it will be warm and good.

Girls come to the house - girlfriends Snow Maiden.


- Snow Maiden, come with us for a walk on the street.

There the weather is nice, it’s so warm. We will dance, sing, play fun together.

Snow Maiden:

Oh, girls, I don’t want to go for a walk with you.

Old woman:

Why are you, daughter, sitting at home all the time? Go take a walk in the fresh air. So your girlfriends are calling you for a walk.

Snow Maiden:

Well, well, I'll go for a walk with you.

Girls came from Snow Maiden in the forest. They began to collect flowers, weave wreaths, sing songs, dance round dances. And how it got light, they picked up firewood, laid a fire and let's all jump over the fire after friend. Behind everyone and Snow Maiden got up. She ran in her turn for her friends. She jumped over the fire and suddenly melted, turned into a white cloud. A cloud rose high and disappeared in the sky. They turned around - and No Snow Maiden.

Theatricalization based on the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden".

Goal: Introduction of children to theatrical activities through the use of classical and folk music.


Continue to enrich the musical impressions of children, cause a vivid emotional response to the works of classical and folk music.

Arouse interest and desire in children to convey artistic images by means of expressiveness.

To cultivate theater culture skills.

The hall is decorated under a Russian hut: a table with a samovar and cups; the bench on which the grandfather lies; a chest with a short fur coat lying on it; a woman sits on another bench, next to a basket with balls

Sounds music A.N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Vesnyanka". The Storyteller enters.

Storyteller. Soon the fairy tale affects, but not soon the thing is done.

Every business in the world is happening, everything is said in a fairy tale.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman (shows a hand at the grandfather lying on the bench, the woman puts the samovar on the table, inflates it, sits on a bench to knit near the stove).

They lived alright, together. In total they had plenty: a cow, a sheep, and a cat on the stove, but there were no children.

Here comes the snowy winter ...

Winter comes in, dances.

Storyteller.   Snow fell white knee-deep.

The music continues to sound.

Snowflake girls run in, dance with Winter.

Storyteller. There were drifts to the waist.

Snowflake Girls and Winter are leaving.

Storyteller.   The neighboring children poured out onto the street, ride on a sled, throw snowballs, and make a snow woman.

Children run out with snowballs in their hands, rush into each other.

Children perform a game with the song "Snowballs".

Two pairs of children from different sides roll snowballs. While singing and playing children, aside, they put on a snowman costume for the child. Snowman rises in the center of the circle.

Children perform a round dance "Snow Woman".

Children run away laughing.

Storyteller. The old man and the old woman look at the children, they think about their grief.

Grandfather . Why do you think about your wife thinking about your grief? Do you look at other people? Let’s go and we take a walk on old age, we blind and we are a snow woman.

Woman. Well, let's go grandfather, just what we sculpt a woman, let's fashion a daughter - Snow Maiden.

Storyteller. Grandfather and grandmother began to pack up and dress warmer. And the snow is spinning, laying on the ground with flakes.

Snowflakes run in.

Sounds music by P. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Snow Flakes" from the ballet The Nutcracker.

"Dance of Snowflakes."

At the end of the dance, the snowflakes bring the Snow Maiden, cover her with a light white cloth and run away.

Sounds music N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov's “Swan” (scene of transformation) from the opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”.

Storyteller. Grandfather and woman went to the garden, chose the largest snowdrift and let's sculpt a snow daughter. No sooner said than done.

The maiden gradually rises.

Storyteller. Blocks were blinded, legs were fixed, two blue beads were inserted instead of eyes, a nose and a mouth were fashioned. Look, - and Snegurochka’s lips turned pink, her eyes opened. She looks at the old people and smiles, moved her arms and legs, got out of the snowdrift and let's dance.

"Dance of the Snow Maiden" ( with a scarf).

At the end of the dance, the Snow Maiden goes to the house of the elderly. Grandfather and woman are surprised to watch aside.

Woman. Grandfather, this is our living daughter, Snow Maiden, dear.

Grandfather. We run after her rather to the hut.

Storyteller. The Snow Maiden is growing by leaps and bounds. Whatever the day, everything becomes more beautiful, but the Snow Maiden is like a white snowflake, eyes that are blue beads. The Snow Maiden is good, with all affectionate, affable. And the Snow Maiden’s work is arguing, but she’ll sing a song, you’ll hear it.

"Song of the Snow Maiden."

Sounds music A.Vivaldi "Spring" from the cycle "Seasons".

Storyteller.   Winter passed, the spring sun began to warm. The grass turned green on the thawed places, the birds began to sing.

"Dance of the birds."

Storyteller. Over spring and summer, red has come. Flowers have faded in the gardens, bread is ripening in the fields. More than ever, the Snow Maiden frowns, everything hides from the sun. All would be in her shadow and in the cold, and even better under the rain.

Grandfather and Baba approach the Snow Maiden.

Woman. Are you healthy daughter Snegurochka?

Snow Maiden . Great grandmother.

Grandfather. Does your daughter hurt your little head?

Snow Maiden.   Grandpa doesn't hurt.

Storyteller. Once the girls gathered in the forest for berries, began to call the Snow Maiden with them.

Run in girls dressed in Russian sarafans, satin ribbon on his head.

1 girl. Come with us to the Snow Maiden forest.

2 girl.   Let's go for berries, for blueberries, red strawberries.

Together. Come, let's go Snow Maiden.

3 girl.   We will play games, sing and dance.

Snow Maiden.   Reluctance girlfriends go into the woods.

Grandfather.   Go, go Snow Maiden.

Woman. Go, go baby, have fun with your girlfriends.

Snow Maiden. Now girlfriends, take a box.

Storyteller. Girlfriends walk through the woods, dance around.

"Round dance with scarves."

Girls pick berries, talking. Snow Maiden goes to the brook.

Storyteller.   And the Snow Maiden sat by the icy water, looks into the water, soaks her fingers in fast water, plays with drops like pearls.

So the evening has come.

Run in children in black, tight-fitting suits, easily run randomly.

Storyteller.   The girls decided to put brushwood and make a fire.

Children in black suits pull out red ribbons.

Gymnastic sketch "Fire".

An attribute imitating a fire is placed in the center, inside it is a backlight.Storyteller.   The girls began to take turns over the bonfire and to call the Snow Maiden.

1 girl.   Go, go Snow Maiden, jump over the fire.

Snow Maiden. Reluctance for my girlfriends to jump over the fire, scary.

All. Jump, jump Snow Maiden. One two Three...

Sounds music by P. Tchaikovsky "Swan".

The Snow Maiden jumps over the fire, throws up a light, transparent scarf and runs away.

Girlfriends   Where is the Snow Maiden? Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden!

Storyteller.   As the Snow Maiden jumped over the fire, made a noise over the fire, moaned plaintively. And the Snow Maiden was gone. White steam stretched over the fire, curled into a cloud. A cloud flew high in the sky. The Snow Maiden has melted.

Girlfriends The Snow Maiden has melted.

Sounds "Russian folk tune."

Storyteller.   Every business in the world is happening, a fairy tale is said about every business. That's the whole story. The tale is over, and I have a birch casket.

  Svetlana Kovalenko

The first action.

Dance "Kolyada"

Scene one:

Wall: Winter Village

B. Petrushka: Oh, frost, frost, frost!

Pinch your cheeks, pinch your nose!

Come on guys

Look at me!

I am the Parsley balagan!

I'm a wooden man!

And for ten kisses

I’ll tell you a fairy tale!

Girl: Who will it be, brethren,

Kissing in the cold?

Girl: You are better for us make friends:

Show a fairy tale for free!

B. Petrushka: Would you like butter and kukish?

Let the audience ask me!

Massovka: Let's shout without fear:

Let a fairy tale come to visit!

It turns out the storyteller with a harp in his hands.

(words by A. Schneider)

“On the right is the river, on the left is the forest,

Pines, ate to heaven

And along the banks of the river

Build huts men.

And in one such hut

Grandfather and grandmother once lived.

There was only one sadness:

There were no children, but a pity.

Grieving year after year

They dreamed about a baby

Even god didn’t help them,

I did not want or could not.

So we lived together

Warming an old house.

In the sky the clouds hide the sun

The third day a snowstorm sweeps,

The wind rides through the snowdrifts

It will conquer, it will sing.

The wind died down, the clouds disappeared

In those places the usual case.

Snow  it sparkles in the sun

That - that will light up. ”

Then my story ends.

Well, a fairy tale .... begins!

Scene two:

The curtain is closing. A grandmother and grandfather appear in front of the curtain. They carry baskets in their hands with all sorts of food, bagels hang on the grandfather’s neck ...

Grandfather: Glorious nonche was the bazaar!

We bought the goods ...

Che, grandma, are you all sighing?

What did you spend - you think?

Grandmother: The head of your gray hair ...

Yes in the head - nonsense (tapping him on the dark)

Short winter days

We will be alone again!

Neither our children, nor grandchildren ...

No, it’s not pain, but flour ...

Grandfather: Look at the children there is no urine! (suitable for one of the first row children)

Snub nose, clear eyes ...

Grandmother: Babu sculpts guys (taps his forehead)

I have an idea!

Come on in the evening

In the yard we secretly

Blind girl out snow,-

To us for joy and joy?

Grandfather: Well, you, grandmother, head-ah ...

Only eat first.

There is a hunt - there is no power! Well, cook dinner soon!

(hiding behind the curtain. Music is playing. The curtain opens)

Grandfather and grandmother sing a song. Around them is the Murka cat.

Grandfather and grandmother embracing go into the house.

Murka cat (bypasses Snow Maiden from all sides) .On the the scene is getting dark:

What found on old people?

Forgetting about borsch and pilaf,

They mold a snow maiden ...

How can one not be surprised?


Brownie: Murka, I was looking for you.

Checked all the pantries.

The mouse crept to the old people

And you - neither here nor there!

(sees Snow Maiden)

What a miracle, where are you from?

Murka: I will not lie to you, Kuzma.

Grandma and grandfather decided so:

Granddaughter was blinded to herself ...

Brownie: Yes, she is inanimate.

Murka: I know it without you!

With inanimate - what a demand ...

How to help them is the question.

Brownie: Well, then I’m Brownie,

To keep them calm.

Come on, Murka, get away ...

Do not twist underfoot!

Murka meow runs into the house. Brownie conjures.

Brownie (begins to conjure):

To surprise grandfather

And please the old woman

I will revive the girl now with an old conspiracy!

Let her live, beauty,

It amuses the poor old people.

Just hear, beware

The sun, stoves and bonfires!

The curtain is closing.

Music sounds, rooster cries are heard, morning comes.

Grandfather and grandmother go out into the yard. See live Snow Maiden. (She still stands with her back to the hall).

Grandfather: Grandma, is this a dream?

The girl became alive!

Grandmother: Pens, legs, blue eyes ...

No, it’s not a dream, but ... a fairy tale!

Snow Maiden(slowly turns to the audience)

Oh, how long I slept ...

How is your health? How are you?

Grandmother: You look like educated ...

Grandfather: Though a little unfulfilled ...

Together: What is your name - we don’t know ...

Snow Maiden: All Snow Maiden is called.

Grandfather: Come rather into the house,

Three of us will live now!

Everyone leaves for the house. The curtain is closing. It turns out the cat Murka.

Murka: In the house, holiday day after day -

The house is clean and tidy now

There is someone to bring water ... .-

All Snow Maiden works!

Meanwhile, spring

Replaced the fierce winter

The sun shone brightly!

All freckles covered!

On a hill a shepherd

Played in a carved horn!

The song “Pipe” sounds, Vanya comes out as a shepherd. Behind him are girlfriends.

Vania: Ranym- early in the morning I walk through the yard.

Curly-haired man, what a guy, right ...

Girlfriend: Ah, Vanyusha is so good!

He looks like a knight!

Girlfriend: No, he looks like a king!

And with him the queen - I!

Girlfriend: Where do you compare with me ...

I’ll be with Vanya!

Girlfriend: I will!

Girlfriend: No, me!

Vania: Wait! Soon you are not capturing me!

Of course, well done,

But it’s too early for me!

So you can go now.

I have to graze the cows.

Diverge in different directions. The curtain opens.

The second action.

Scene1. Snow Maiden wanders among the Christmas trees. Spring comes out.

Spring: Hello, my daughter!

Did you recognize me?

I come in my time

And my name is Spring.

Snow Maiden: How good you are, mom!

Why does the soul hurt?

Sunny days are scary ...

It’s good for me only in the shade!

Spring: Because of your misfortune,

What a heart of ice.

To know your fate is such:

In the hot summer you melt ...

Snow Maiden: Help me, mother- Spring!

I must not melt!

How wonderful to live in the world!

Do you agree with me children? (Yes)

Spring: Here my power is powerless ...

It is necessary to get into the winter again.

May she let you go

And then it will not become sad! (Leaves)

Vanya, a shepherd, comes out, sees Snow Maiden.

Vania: Ah, what a beauty!

Where are you from, who is she?

Snow Maiden: Me The name is Snow Maiden,

But they are waiting for me at home ...

Vania: Well done heart beats.

Snow Maiden: And mine, alas, is silent .... (Vanya sadly leaves)

Girlfriends appear.

Girlfriend: What, Snow Maidenare you bored

Girlfriend: What you do not know what to do with yourself?

Girlfriend: Today at the big mountain

The guys will make bonfires.

Girlfriend: Who will jump over them,

Tom will get the groom!

Snow Maiden: I do not care!

Girlfriends (in chorus): go home!

It's no good going to the forest alone!


The curtain is closing. Cat Murka and Brownie appears.

Murka: here’s a cross for you, with my own eyes I saw

how Snow Maiden  met with Spring ...

Like, heart, ice ...

Like, the soul is dumb ...

Brownie: Oh, what have I done!

I forgot about the heart!

Well, have to fix it ...

I have to run to Winter!

Murka: So Spring succeeded her!

Brownie: I’ll ask you to come back!

Going in different directions.

Sounds musical composition Sviridov Snowstorm.Dance of snowflakes and winter.

Brownie appears.

Brownie: I am with you, Winter, with a petition!

Give your permission

Snegurochka how people live,

Melt her heart!

Winter: Snow Maiden I wish you happiness,

In your own name and power

I will give her heart!

May he live among the people!

And now I'm sorry, Kuzma!

Winter is leaving you!

The curtain opens. Sounds Russian round dance music. Girlfriends and extras drive a round dance. Grandfather and grandmother are sitting on the rubble. At their feet Murka. Cowgirl Vanya is playing the pipe.

Girlfriend: Hey girlfriends! Agreement:

Jump to everyone over the fire!

Girlfriend: Hotter, flame, flare up!

Who is afraid - scatter!

Snow Maiden: I can’t get on fire!

Trouble can happen!

Girl: Jump, jump, be bold!

Immediately become more fun!

Snow Maiden  jumping over the fire. The music freezes.

Snow Maiden: What is the matter with me? What happened?

Everything around has suddenly changed!

In the heart the sun is beating, -

How can I not have fun!

Grandmother: Thank God, nothing happened!

Brownie: Thank God, succeeded!

Spring: May spring good people,

how Snow Maiden is lucky!

And the one who really wants

Happiness let him find soon!

Winter: Do not be sad, do not be sad

And hope for success!

After all, Mother Nature

Enough kindness at all!

Parsley: Well, we have to say goodbye

The tale came to an end.

Who watched - thank you

And who listened - well done!

All actors bow, music sounds. A curtain.

The script of the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden" in a new way, for large and small.

As a wonderful idea for the delivery of the play, you can offer to choose the well-known fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”. Such a substitution would be appropriate for the New Year holidays. Initially, you need to choose the children who will play the role. In the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden", several characters are Grandfather, Grandma and the Snow Maiden herself, as well as her friends. Outfits are selected for each hero. In preparing the production, it is necessary to make scenery. Actions will take place in the house and on the street.

The first action begins in the houses where the Old Man and the Old Woman live. Outside, winter, a blizzard howls, it snows. Grandfather and Grandmother are sitting at the table, talking. Outside the window, you can hear the children playing snowballs, touching on a sled, having fun.

Old man:
  - An old woman, and let's make a daughter for ourselves out of the snow. I so want that we had children, there was a cheerful children's laugh in the house!

Old woman:
  - Why not? I agree with you. Let's make a daughter out of the snow.
  The old man and the old woman get dressed and go out of their house. Music sounds and the main characters sculpt a daughter out of the snow. On stage, snow can be in the form of cotton wool. The old man and the old woman fashioned a daughter. After that, there is another character - the Snow Maiden.

Old woman:
  - That's how our daughter turned out beautiful!

Old man:
  “Yes, Grandma, you and I have done our best!” Everything turned out as we wanted.

Old woman:
  - Look, Grandfather, our daughter's cheeks turned pink and her lips too! What a miracle!
  The girl smiles at Grandfather and Grandma. Then he begins to move his arms and legs. To the music, the girl comes out of the snowdrift.

Old man:
  - That's a miracle! This is a living girl! This is happiness! Let's take her to our house, Grandma!

Old woman:
  - Come on! Let's go home together!

Sounds music. Old man, Old woman and their daughter go to the house, hold hands. In the house they sing a song and dance. Then a phonogram with the sounds of spring sounds - songs of birds, the murmur of streams.

Old woman:
  - So spring has come. It will be very warm soon!
  The old man and the old woman are looking at their daughter, and she is very sad.

  “What happened to you, daughter.” You have always been so cheerful, sang loudly and laughed. What happened? I see you're completely sad? Maybe you got sick? Maybe something hurts you? Tell me, everything is as it is with Grandma, don’t hide anything!

Snow Maiden:
  - Don’t worry, dad and mom! All is well. I am healthy, I feel good.

Grandfather and Baba are taken for their chores - they clean, cook. But the Snow Maiden still remains sad. They are sitting at home, not going anywhere and all are sad. As the sun looks into the window, the Snow Maiden is hiding.

  - So the summer has come. Now it will be warm and good.
  Girls come to the house - girlfriends of the Snow Maiden.

  - Snow Maiden, come with us for a walk on the street. There the weather is nice, it’s so warm. We will dance, sing, play fun together.

Snow Maiden:
  - Oh, girls, I do not want to go for a walk with you.

Old woman:
  “Why are you, daughter, sitting at home all the time?” Go take a walk in the fresh air. So your girlfriends are calling you for a walk.

Snow Maiden:
  - Well, well, I'll go for a walk with you.

The Snow Maiden gathers and leaves the house with her friends. They all go to the forest together. Sounds music. All the girls sing a song, dance. The snow maiden remains sad, she does not sing.
It is evening. Girls collect brushwood. The scene appears in the form of a bonfire. Girls start jumping over the fire. The most recent Snow Maiden is jumping. She jumps over the fire and disappears (hiding behind the scene). Girls see that the Snow Maiden is gone. The girlfriends name is Snegurochka, but she never appears. The final song sounds. Further, all the participants in the production bow to the applause of the audience.

- continue to develop and maintain children's interest in theatrical play;
- expand and deepen children's knowledge of the world.

  1. To play simple performances on familiar literary works using everyday plots.
  2. To form the ability to feel and understand the emotional state of the hero, to engage in role-based interaction with other characters.
  3. Continue to use the capabilities of the pedagogical theater (adults) to accumulate emotionally sensitive experience
  4. The development of dialogical speech.
  5. Develop a sense of rhythm, the dynamics of the musical image and understand the mood in the melody.
  6. To foster a culture of behavior in the theater.

Winter: Christmas trees, house, snowballs, snowflakes on a Christmas tree, on a tree, on a house, snow, synthetic winterizer, table, well.
Spring (behind the screen): a tree with leaves, Christmas trees, a carpet, flowers, a house, a table, rugs, toy dishes, a stove, a well, products (fake), a fire.
Costumes: Russian national costumes (sundresses, wreaths, shawls for girls, shirts, caps for boys).
Actors and performers:
Old Man: Mazia N.E. (parent)
Old woman: Sukholitko A.B. (parent)
Snow Maiden: Okuneva A. gr. No. 11
Narrator: O. Lazareva (parent)

Hello, dear guests.
  Welcome to sit with us
  Yes, see a fairy tale.
  Old Tale
  Not short not long
  And this, just right
  You will see now.

All day a blizzard sweeps
  Tales of the new weaves.
  Our fairy tale begins
  Our fairy tale is braided
  Not on the ocean
  Not on the island of Buyan,
  Not in a high tower
  And in a small house


Once upon a time there lived an old man with an old woman. We lived well, together. Helped each other. The old man chopped wood, carried water, and the old woman was busy near the stove, cleaned the house. One thing was bad; they had neither children nor grandchildren. They watch as children play, run, laugh, voices ring out loudly and are sad.

Old woman: Snow is sticky there to see, let's go and you and I will walk.

Old man: Let's go for a walk, see how the kids play.

Old woman: Come on, grandfather blinds himself the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden.

Old man: Come on, blind.

NARRATOR: Dressed up and went outside.

They began to roll snowballs.

Old man: Look grandmother, what a big lump I rolled up.

Old woman: And I rolled my own, come on your lump.

Old man: And from and another little lump.

Old woman: From you need to make eyes, nose, mouth, eyes from blue beads.


Grandma and grandfather sculpt granddaughter,

All of the snow is miracles.

The result was a white face,

Miracle Girl - Beauty

The old man and the old woman turn their backs to the Snowman, and at this time change the Snowman to the Snow Maiden, magical music sounds, the old woman and the old man are surprised to see the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: Hello grandfather, hello grandmother, I am your granddaughter - Snow Maiden (bow to grandfather and grandmother).

Snow Maiden: I am in winter, I was born in winter!

I am from snow, I am made from snow!

My hair braids, from gray hair

And my eyes are made of blue ice.

Narrator:The old man and the old woman were delighted, they did not rejoice, hug the Snow Maiden, kiss, dance together.

Old man and old woman (together)

We’ll not be alone now in the world,

We affectionately call our daughter a Snow Maiden!

You grow, grow, Snow Maiden, in good time.

Narrator:They brought home. They began to live together. The snow maiden was kind, she fell in love with the old man and the old woman.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, grandmother, you have a rest, I’ll bring you some water, I’ll prepare dinner, I’ll clean the house.

Old woman: Oh, thank you, granddaughter, dear.

Old man: You are our assistant, clever girl.

Narrator:  The snow maiden was cheerful all winter, she was happy.

Girlfriends came: Grandfather, grandmother, hello, you can Snow Maiden walks with us.

Old man and old woman: Go, Snow Maiden, just dress warmer.

Narrator:  Children play a game of snowballs. "We play boldly in the snow."

(Children go through one door to the corridor and go into another door).

(The scenery changes, winter is leaving, spring is coming)

Narrator:Spring came, the snow melted, the grass turned green, the flowers bloomed, leaves appeared on the trees, birds started to sing (in the record).

Narrator:Sad Snow Maiden. Everything is hiding in the shadow, afraid to go out. Sits playing pebbles.

Old woman: Go Snow Maiden, take a walk.

Old man: Look at how bright the sun is, look at how pale you are, go out into the sun.

Snow Maiden: I don’t feel like walking, I don’t greet me, my head hurts, I'm afraid of the sun.


Girlfriends came.

Girlfriends: Come with us, Snegurochka, to the clearing, play, play dances.

The old woman and the old man: go, Snow Maiden, go.

Narrator:  The Snow Maiden did not agree for a long time, and then decided.

Snow Maiden: Goodbye, grandfather, goodbye, grandmother, I'll be back soon.

Narrator:  The Snow Maiden bowed low to the old man and the old woman and left in a place with her friends.

Narrator:Girlfriends, guys came to the clearing, began to sing songs, dance round dances, play games.

Girls in wreaths, and boys in shirts, in caps, in Russian national costumes.

Round dances: “Birch”, “I walk with a wreath”, “Flowers”.
Play games: "in the Bear", "Trickle", "Burners".

Narrator:Then they laid a fire in the evening and began to jump over the fire, in turn.

Guys: First we jump. Run up and jump after each other.

Girls: And now the girls are jumping one after another.

Narrator:It was the turn to jump over the bonfire of the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: Can I not jump, I'm scared.

Girlfriends: Don’t be afraid, Snow Maiden, not at all scary, fun, jump.

Narrator:  The Snow Maiden ran up, jumped, and the Snow Maiden died.

A white cloud rose high into the sky, they only heard all a light sigh. "Oh".

Narrator:The Snow Maiden has melted.

Everyone started running, looking for the Snow Maiden, but the Snow Maiden was gone. An old man with an old woman came, worried, cry. And everyone heard a voice from somewhere far away: “Don’t worry, don’t look for me, summer will pass, then autumn, and then winter will come and I will return to you.” Goodbye! ... (on record).

Narrator:  So our fairy tale ended, it ended sadly, sadly, our Snow Maiden melted, turned into a cloud, but we will not be sad, we will wait for the snow maiden, she will return to us, she will definitely return in the winter.

And now let's all have a round dance together.

Narrator:Actors and performers:

Old man: Mazia Natalia Efimovna (parent)

Old woman: Sukholitko Anna Borisovna (parent)

Narrator: Olga Lazareva (parent)

Boys and girls: Pupils of the middle group №11

Oleshko Tatyana Ivanovna (Teacher No. 11)


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