The power of suggestion to health. Suggestion of feelings and thoughts to another person. Unique knowledge! In which diseases is self-hypnosis most effective

How to impress yourself. Self-hypnosis techniques.

Suggestion is a presentation of information, perceived without a critical assessment and exerting influence on the course of neuropsychic processes. Self-suggestion is a process of suggestion addressed to oneself. Through self-hypnosis, sensations, perceptions, emotional states and volitional impulses can be invoked, as well as exert an effect on the vegetative functions of the body.

The essence of the methods of self-hypnosis is to form positive impulses by constantly repeating specially selected phrases until they turn into a working tool of your subconscious mind and it begins to act according to this impulse of thought, transforming it into a physical equivalent. The repetition of attitudes for the subconscious is the basis of self-hypnosis.

Words and phrases of self-hypnosis should be mentally pronounced in the first person in an imperative tone and always in an affirmative form. The negative particle “not” in verbal formulas is excluded. You can not say "I do not smoke." You need to say "I quit smoking" or "I stopped smoking." Do not also say long monologues. Phrases should be short, they must be pronounced slowly with full attention to the subject of suggestion. During the pronunciation of each phrase of self-hypnosis, it is desirable to clearly represent what is being suggested.

The most effective methods of self-hypnosis are when active thoughts in the form of target formulas (thoughts that carry a clear meaningful installation of the subconscious) proceed against the background of a state of relaxation of the body. The more relaxed the body, the more pliable the subconscious becomes for target settings. The power of auto-suggestion is directly dependent on the degree of desire to achieve a specific goal, on the degree of concentration on the settings for the subconscious.

There are a fairly large number of methods of self-hypnosis - these are affirmations, psychological attitudes, various meditative techniques, visualization, mantras, prayers and many other psychotechnics.


Affirmations are a method of self-hypnosis when you repeat formulas aloud or to yourself. The meaning of this psychotechnology is that you build a proposal in which you report that you have reached a certain goal. For example, “I have good health,” “I am confident in myself,” “I have a good job,” “I am married to my loved one.” What exactly to repeat depends on your goal. Thanks to affirmations, positive thoughts will begin to replace negative ones and will gradually completely replace them. And then all that you repeat will come true in your life.

Gratitude is a form of affirmation, but a much more powerful psychotechnique. Gratitude is the second most powerful emotion after love. Because when we thank, at the same time strong emotions arise, and this is a powerful effect on the psyche and consciousness. You need to be thankful for everything that you have and say: “Thank you, Lord, for good health,” “Thank you for my new home,” even if you don’t have one. Thank sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, as if you already have this house. And over time, self-hypnosis will do its job and what you repeat will appear.

For this psychotechnology, the most ordinary state of a person in which he usually lives every day is suitable. The effectiveness of affirmations will depend on how much a practitioner can make spoken words the essence, content of his whole day. That is, you can do anything you want: work, relax, play sports, sunbathe if only on the surface of the memory while the necessary affirmation continued to live.

Affirmations are the simplest method of auto-suggestion and, accordingly, this is the easiest way to influence the subconscious, they are less powerful than visualization and need to be repeated more often. But they are also effective and easy to use.


Visualization is a mental representation and experience of imaginary events. The essence of this psychotechnology is to simply imagine the desired situation and live in it. Visualization is so effective because our mind does not distinguish between real and imagined events. When you imagine yourself something, the mind believes that this is actually happening. It is very important to perceive everything with your own eyes. Not from above, not from the side, but with my own eyes. If you fancy a car, you have to imagine that you are driving this car and you are looking at the road. Your goal is to buy a house. Imagine how you first insert the keys into the keyhole and open the door, how you enter the house, how you examine it. Your visualization should only be positive and carry an exclusively positive charge.

You need to visualize in a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere, so choose a time and place when no one will distract you, and take a comfortable position. Relax. Imagine that your muscles, starting from your toes and ending with your head, relax in turn. The tension leaves you. The mental image that is embedded in the subconscious must be very clear and vivid - then the subconscious can give command to the corresponding organs and tissues.

The duration of this psychotechnology does not really matter. The main criterion is your pleasure. Visualize yourself as long as you like it. This can last an entire hour and five minutes. The main thing is that the process should be fun. The more often you present the desired image, the sooner the update process will begin. And the result can just amaze you!


When performing this psychotechnology, a person takes a comfortable pose while sitting or lying down, closes his eyes, relaxes and whispers, without any tension several times (at least 20) monotonously pronounces the same self-hypnosis formula. The formula should be simple, consisting of several words, a maximum of 3-4 phrases and always carry positive content. For example, “I am healthy.” In no case should it contain a “not” particle, since the negation of any action or phenomenon is not recognized by the subconscious and can be taken for the opposite statement. The session of this method of auto-suggestion lasts 3-4 minutes, is repeated 2-3 times a day for 6-8 weeks. E. Cue recommended using for conducting sessions of psychotechnics the sleeping conditions in the morning when waking up or in the evening when falling asleep.


Autogenous training is a method of self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation (lower stage) or hypnotic trance (higher stage). The creator of the autogenic training method is Johans Heinrich Schulz, and he also owns the term “autogenic training”. The basis of this psychotechnology is the finds of the ancient Indian system of yogis, the experience of studying the sensations of people immersed in hypnosis, the practice of using the self-hypnosis method of E. Kue and others.

By practicing this method of self-hypnosis, it is necessary to achieve relaxation, which comes on the verge of reality and sleep. It is recommended that you lie or sit in the "coachman" position. Having achieved relaxation, it is necessary:
   - activate memories associated with pleasant sensations experienced in the past,
   - cause, if necessary, not only sedation, but also an increase in psychoemotional tone,
   - accompany self-hypnosis formulas with figurative representations.

The effectiveness of the application of this psychotechnology will depend on the degree of concentration, so other matters are excluded. The self-hypnosis method requires daily exercise, at least twice a day. Skipping at least one extremely bad effect on the achievement of the effect.

A kind of autogenic training is imago - training. The author of this method of auto-suggestion is Valery Avdeev. He claims that with the help of imago-training, each person without any training is able to step far (under the direct supervision of an imago-training specialist) beyond his usual abilities and reveal his creative abilities.


Meditation is intense, deeply penetrating contemplation, immersion of consciousness in the essence of the subject, ideas, which is achieved by focusing on one and eliminating from the mind all interfering factors, both external and internal.

A necessary condition for meditation is the cessation of internal dialogue, a conversation that we constantly conduct with ourselves. Stopping it is a snap. For this, it is usually enough to focus on something in oneself. For example, on both hands at once.

Meditation is a psychotechnology that allows you to repeatedly increase your physical, intellectual and mental capabilities, reaction speed and much, much more, in principle, is very simple. It can be divided into four parts, four components:
   - definition of installation;
   - entering into a state of emptiness and a real feeling in yourself of a given setting;
   - exit from the void state to its normal state with an installation already embedded in the subconscious mind;
- if it is necessary to complete the installation, spontaneous entry into a state of thoughtlessness and its implementation.

Installations should be extremely concise, capacious and at the same time bright.


Self-hypnosis is one of the most powerful psychotechnics. The first step is to relax. Then you need to calm down and enter a state of peace. Then say the phrase "I'm deeply sleeping ...". Next, you should mentally calculate from five to zero, imagining how you are further tearing yourself away from the familiar world, sinking deeper into the darkness of hypnotic oblivion. After the “zero” count, say the key phrase “I am deeply sleeping ...” again and look around mentally. You are inside your subconscious. Now it's time to say a formula that will help you achieve this state faster in the future. It sounds like this: "Every time I pronounce the words" I sleep deeply ... ", I increasingly enter a state of self-programming."

This formula must be repeated at each of the first classes several times and only after that pronounce the formula for self-hypnosis.


Rekaping is an effective psychotechnology that gives you the opportunity to re-concentrate on the past situation in a virtual space, but relive it in a new way. Re-experiencing is the discretion in the old situation of new opportunities - and not for then, but for new opportunities now. We are talking about situations that are still significant. Only therefore it makes sense to experience them, only therefore can they be experienced. Really experiencing a situation anew means seeing new opportunities in it.

The main provisions of this psychotechnology are as follows:
   1. The situation must be relived (real experience), and not only restored in memory.
   2. The situation must be experienced in its significant components, which only make it this existential situation. The reality of the significant components of the situation is determined by the fact that they can be deployed, they have something that can be re-seen, rethought, etc.
   3. To restore, reproduce in a situation, you need what happened for you personally. A situation is always your personal, individual, existential situation. And what was around there was a gradually dissolving, disappearing background.


For this method of auto-suggestion, an active state is important when the person’s consciousness reaches the maximum degree of collectedness. Therefore, during the execution of the mood it is necessary to behave as actively as possible: it is best to walk or move energetically, but not to lie. However, it is not recommended to be distracted by any other activity.

Moods are words addressed by a man to himself, an attempt to wake up the forces dormant in the depths of each of us. From the fact that the words are pronounced by the person himself, their influence will not weaken. On the contrary, a conscious and clearly expressed word coming from the inside, in which the speaker himself believes it, will have a much more pronounced effect than that heard from another.


Visualize a deflated balloon above your head. Take a deep breath and as you exhale imagine how all your problems and anxieties, fears, worries and various troubles fill this ball. You are completely free from these worries, filling them with a balloon. Then, taking another deep breath, as you exhale, visualize how the balloon floats up and disappears, taking with it all your worries and problems that you put into it. This is an excellent psycho technique, which is best done before bedtime, especially if problems interfere with your sleep.


This psychotechnology was developed by Gennady Andreyevich Shichko. He experimentally established that the word that a person writes with his hand before going to bed, by the force of influence on the subconscious, is one hundred times greater than the word he saw, said or heard.

Psychotechnics is as follows. Before going to bed, write a formula for suggestion on a piece of paper with a pen (you can write it several times). Read it several times. Then go to bed and, pronouncing the formula of suggestion, fall asleep.

How to use your potential for success in life? Suggesting thoughts to another - are you able to do this? With this technique you can master super skills!

Everyone has supernormal abilities!

Everyone on earth has the psychic abilitiesными that sleep in him. Figuratively speaking, in many situations people achieve their goals, working day and night like a miner, wading through the ground wherever you can simply and easily fly to the right place.

Also in society: a person has the ability to do everything surprisingly effectively, achieve high results, build grandiose projects, but instead he is forced to spend time on completely unnecessary resistance.

This is especially true of interpersonal relationships, when one person stops the whole thing because of a bad mood or laziness!

This article provides an effective technique, using which you can inspire thoughts in people so that they can act in the way you need. In this case, the person will consider that the inspired thought is his own.

This will allow you to achieve incredible success in all areas: both personal life and in working moments.


Before describing this technique, it must be said that it really affects people!

A person who has assumed the right to act in this way, together with power, receives additional responsibility! Higher powers will closely monitor how and what you will use this ability for.

Remember one thing: the law of karma² is inevitable, all thoughts and suggestions go back to the addressee. It is highly recommended that you use this technique for the benefit of yourself and other people!

Suggestion to another person: technique of influence!

Before practice, it is advisable to stay in hot water for a short time or take a contrast shower.

1. The practitioner lies on the floor: you can lay a special rug and make sure there are no drafts; no pillow needed.

3. Gradually, this will immerse the person in. Feeling a light trance, he focuses on his breathing, the feeling of inhaling and exhaling.

4. After some time, the practitioner will be in a deep trance. The sensation of the body may disappear - this is completely normal. Without being distracted, he imagines that he is in a vacuum.

5. Having caught this moment, a person begins to breathe deeply, imagining how during the inhalation the energy of vacuum enters into it; it flows through all the pores in the body. During exhalation, he imagines how all the negativity leaves these pores, dissolving in a vacuum.

The practitioner continues to breathe until he feels that he is full of a sense of strength. Usually it occurs 10 minutes after such breathing.

6. He stops abruptly, plunging into inner sensations. In this state, the practitioner chooses his goal: the person who needs to be inspired.

7. Having clearly imagined the person’s face, the practitioner looks into his eyes and mentally loudly pronounces the text of the suggestion. After this, you need to imagine how this person begins to respond with his voice.

For instance:

- Olya, you love me very much and every day you understand this more and more!

- Yes, I love you and every day I understand it more and more!

8. The practitioner continues to suggest this until he has a strong belief that the work is done perfectly and that the target person wants to do as intended.

Influencing an object in your imagination, you influence it in reality: this is the law, and you need to remember it!

9. After completing the work, the practitioner thanks the higher forces and the person to whom he was inspired, gradually leaves the trance in his usual state.

The best time to practice is night (when the subject is sleeping). To successfully suggest thoughts or feelings, perform this procedure regularly 1-2 times a day at the same time. You need to work patiently until the result.

Now you have a powerful instrument of influence in your hands! You have an opportunity to realize your dreams and unfulfilled plans in love, business, business, etc.

You only need to remember your responsibility: the Mirror is always in front of you! As soon as you take responsibility, the Universe itself will go to meet you!

The author of this technique, describing his experience, used this technique to instill a feeling of love for a girl who had another young man. Believing infinitely in the power of the subconscious, he achieved a result after 2 weeks. After 3-4 weeks, this girl confessed his love to him!

Anton Andreev

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material.

¹ Extrasensory perception is a term used for many supposedly existing paranormal forms of perception or human abilities (

Surely many of you have heard of auto-suggestion of the disease. And here's how it goes auto-suggestion of the disease, and moreover, not many people know how to get rid of it. And if so, then let's take a close look at the issue auto-suggestion of the disease. So…

The well-being of a person largely depends on his thoughts and mood. If a person maintains a sense of health, strength, then he manifests them in life. If a person succumbs to despondency, painful thoughts, is constantly afraid of getting sick with something, then this affects his state of health, and usually results in some kind of illness. This mental phenomenon is called auto-suggestion of the disease.

Medicine knows the facts when auto-suggestion of the disease  made people disabled, prematurely led to the grave. But it also saved from death and many sufferings. Amazing how little people know about auto-suggestion. But the ability to it is peculiar to man. Also use auto-suggestion  very easy if you thoroughly master the technique.

But first, let's see how it goes. auto-suggestion of the disease. Let's imagine the situation: a man woke up, went to the bathroom and saw himself in the mirror pale and exhausted. The night slept poorly, under his eyes, as it seemed to him, black circles. Nevertheless, this man overwhelmed the feeling of discomfort by force of will. He did morning exercises, mentally telling himself: “Now I’ll go out into the fresh air and will definitely feel good. I’m not like to sour and succumb to a bad mood. " Straightening his back and raising his head, he went with a confident walk to work.

The above situation is an example of correct behavior. She demonstrates a positive attitude towards life, fortitude and self-control. It can be called an example of the right auto-suggestion.

But let's look at another example: a person saw himself in the mirror, as it seemed to him, unhealthy and immediately lost heart. Indeed, he slept very badly today. The thought immediately arose in my head: “Could this be the beginning of some disease?” And then, as luck would have it, it pricked in my side and my head was spinning and my eyes darkened. Sometimes in such cases they even go to the doctor. And this is not the worst option, it happens that they don’t go to the doctor (once or scary), but they constantly think about the disease, about the symptoms, in general about the negative.

There is auto-suggestion of the disease. This person would be critical (or with irony) of his feelings, and everything would be different. It’s not a fact that these are symptoms of a terrible disease. Perhaps yesterday he ate something not very fresh, that is, his health is poor. So no, he will think about the worst case scenario, and thereby worsen his condition. And then the situation develops on an increasing basis: every day it gets worse and worse, new symptoms of the disease appear (to be more precise, the person is looking for them himself), his health worsens, and then it’s just a stone's throw away.

And the worst thing is that people of this kind of character (mind) inspire disease not only to themselves, but also to others. It’s only worth mentioning with them that your head hurts - they will immediately tell you that you have pressure, and you definitely need to take care of your health.

Do you still think that auto-suggestion  in general and auto-suggestion of the disease in particular - is this nonsense? How do you like that? It is a known fact that a person accidentally locked in a refrigerator car froze, although in fact the refrigerator was not turned on. One psychic experience led to death. This would not have happened if a man, once in a refrigerator, convinced himself: “I have the strength to keep warm. Everything will be fine. I will be warm if I work with muscles. I will be able to let people know about myself ... "

Also known is the fact of the life of the Indians. It was like this, a crime was committed in the village. To identify the criminal, they called the local sorcerer. According to the ideas of the villagers, the sorcerer should know everything. And the sorcerer at the same time understands that if he does not identify the culprit of the crime, people will cease to believe in his witchcraft, he will lose authority and influence on his fellow tribesmen. He watered all the suspects with a "witchcraft" potion - a fairly poisonous, but not lethal, composition. Everyone drank boldly, being absolutely sure that if someone is not to blame, poison will not work on him. But the perpetrator of the crime fell into despair. He had already convinced himself that he had come to an end. In his body, there were sharp changes in the form of a violation of vegetative functions and he was soon found dead. Both the guilty and the innocent were affected by force auto-suggestion.

But let's go directly to the topic auto-suggestion of the disease. From the foregoing, it follows that in 90 cases out of 100, we are sick by the diseases that we ourselves have inspired. English doctors offer several ways to deal with auto-suggestion of the disease. The easiest way, in their opinion, is to repeat to yourself that you are healthy. Another successful means of fighting for their health, British doctors consider daytime sleep. In this case, before falling asleep, it is highly recommended inspire oneselfthat you are lying on the beach in the warm sand and thinking only about something pleasant. These ideas should contribute to sound sleep and the release of the brain from excessive stress.

And Vernon Coleman, dealing with issues auto-suggestion  in the fight against “non-invented” (real) diseases, he recommends that during the period of the disease try to imagine the infection as brightly as possible, as frail, frail, homeless and frightened vagabond. This presentation will help you easily overcome the disease.

No matter how skeptical we are about the existence of the subconscious, it often hinders us from fulfilling our goals, remaining confident and even healthy. Why not direct it to your advantage? And self-hypnosis will help in this.

Admit how often you catch yourself on the fact that you are not able to stop the flow of negative thoughts, blowing into the abyss of negative emotions. Feelings of fear, resentment, hatred, dissatisfaction with ourselves completely capture us and make us helpless in life circumstances.

Psychologists say that it cannot be otherwise if the subconscious mind is constantly tuned to negative and tells us that there is no way out ... Especially often, bad thoughts are associated with health, which will only aggravate the situation. How to deal with this?

Medicine knows many cases when a disease is cured by suggestion or self-hypnosis. If every day we convince ourselves that we are healthy and happy, then our subconscious, in the end, will “believe” in it.

As an example, let us cite the story of the American archaeologist Henry Servin. In 1970, he participated in the search for antique relics in Mexico. In one of the caves, he found words knocked out on the wall, which, in his opinion, were the key to eternal youth used by the ancient Aztecs. Then Servin, fearing the ridicule of his colleagues, did not publish the secret of the spell. However, for myself, I decided to repeat it for 15 minutes daily. Surprisingly, more than thirty years have passed, and Henry has not aged!

« I conducted a comprehensive study of Dr. Servin, -said Manuel Lopez, an aging specialist.   - And to my surprise, I must say that I have never had to deal with people with so few signs of aging. Dr. Servin is 62 years old, but he will not give him more than 30. His heart, lungs, blood pressure and reactions - everything is like a person’s half younger».

Psychologists believe that there is nothing surprising in this. Science has long guessed this effect of auto-suggestion. Although scientists acknowledge that very complex physiological and psychological processes lurk behind their simplicity. All the work of the body is subordinate to the brain, and if the brain “decided” that a certain phrase stops aging, then with the regular repetition of this phrase it will work in the right direction - replace dying cells with young ones, set up the endocrine glands to produce the necessary hormones in the right quantities, then there is to prevent decrepitation of all organs.

In this regard, it becomes doubtful that the phrase Servin found is the key to eternal youth, but it worked. Just as, probably, any other would have acted in its place if the archaeologist had believed in it.

From all that has been said, it can be concluded that to remain young, healthy and happy is a matter of one repeated phrase ... Yes, if you inspire it in yourself and believe in it.

It turns out that everything that surrounds us is the result of our mental activity, that which we represent is also the result of our thoughts about ourselves. We are ill because we think about diseases and their causes. For many years, we destroyed our lives with self-pity, resentment, depression.

Change for the better at your fingertips. Every day openly state what you want out of life, speak in the affirmative form, as if you already have this: “I feel great. I have good health. ” Our body, like everything that surrounds us, is nothing but a reflection of our beliefs. Each cell of our body reacts to each of our thoughts and to every word. Just believe in it, and expect positive changes, even if they do not come immediately.

Suggestion is a presentation of information, perceived without a critical assessment and exerting influence on the course of neuropsychic processes. Self-hypnosis is a process of suggestion addressed to oneself. Through self-hypnosis, one can evoke sensations, perceptions, emotional states and volitional impulses, as well as exert an influence on the vegetative functions of the body.

The essence of the methods of self-hypnosis is to form positive impulses by constantly repeating specially selected phrases until they turn into a working tool of your subconscious mind and it begins to act according to this impulse of thought, transforming it into a physical equivalent. The repetition of attitudes for the subconscious is the basis of self-hypnosis.

Words and phrases of auto-suggestion should be mentally pronounced in the first person in an imperative tone and always in an affirmative form. The negative particle “not” in verbal formulas is excluded. You can not say "I do not smoke." You need to say "I quit smoking" or "I stopped smoking." Long monologues are also not worth saying. Phrases should be short, they should be pronounced slowly with full attention to the subject of suggestion. During the pronunciation of each phrase of self-hypnosis, it is desirable to clearly represent what is being suggested.

The most effective methods of self-hypnosis are when active thoughts in the form of target formulas (thoughts that carry a clear meaningful installation of the subconscious) proceed against the background of a state of relaxation of the body. The more relaxed the body, the more pliable the subconscious becomes for the goals. The power of self-hypnosis is directly dependent on the degree of desire to achieve a specific goal, on the degree of concentration on the settings for the subconscious.

There are a fairly large number of methods of self-hypnosis - these are affirmations, psychological attitudes, various meditative techniques, visualization, mantras, prayers and many other psychotechnics.


Affirmations are a method of self-hypnosis when you repeat formulas aloud or to yourself. The meaning of this psychotechnology is that you build a proposal in which you report that you have reached a certain goal. For example, “I have good health,” “I am confident in myself,” “I have a good job,” “I am married to a loved one.” What exactly to repeat depends on your goal. Thanks to affirmations, positive thoughts will begin to replace negative ones and will gradually completely replace them. And then all that you repeat will come true in your life.

Gratitude is a form of affirmation, but a much more powerful psychotechnique. Gratitude is the second most powerful emotion after love. Because when we thank, at the same time strong emotions arise, and this is a powerful effect on the psyche and consciousness. You need to be grateful for everything that you have and say: “Thank you, Lord, for good health”, “Thank you for my new home,” even if you don’t have one. Thank sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, as if you already have this house. And over time, self-hypnosis will do its job and what you repeat will appear.

For this psychotechnology, the most ordinary state of a person is suitable, in which he usually lives every day. The effectiveness of affirmations will depend on how much the practitioner can make the spoken words the essence, content of his whole day. That is, you can do anything you want: work, relax, play sports, sunbathe if only on the surface of the memory while the necessary affirmation continued to live.

Affirmations are the simplest method of auto-suggestion and, accordingly, this is the easiest way to influence the subconscious, they are less powerful than visualization and need to be repeated more often. But they are also effective and easy to use.


Visualization is a mental representation and experience of imaginary events. The essence of this psychotechnology is to simply imagine the desired situation and live in it. Visualization is so effective because our mind does not distinguish between real and imagined events. When you imagine something, the mind believes that this is actually happening. It is very important to perceive everything with your own eyes. Not from above, not from the side, but with my own eyes. If you fancy a car, you have to imagine that you are driving this car and you are looking at the road. Your goal is to buy a house. Imagine how you first insert the keys into the keyhole and open the door, how you enter the house, how you examine it. Your visualization should be only positive and carry an exclusively positive charge.

You need to visualize in a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere, so choose a time and place when no one will distract you, and take a comfortable position. Relax. Imagine that your muscles, starting with your toes and ending with your head, relax in turn. The stress is leaving you. The mental image that is embedded in the subconscious must be very clear and vivid - then the subconscious can give command to the relevant organs and tissues.

The duration of this psychotechnology does not really matter. The main criterion is your pleasure. Visualize yourself as long as you like it. This can last an entire hour and five minutes. The main thing is that the process should be fun. The more often you present the desired image, the sooner the update process will begin. And the result can just amaze you!


When performing this psychotechnology, a person takes a comfortable pose while sitting or lying down, closes his eyes, relaxes and whispers, without any tension several times (at least 20) monotonously pronounces the same self-hypnosis formula. The formula should be simple, consisting of several words, a maximum of 3-4 phrases and always carry positive content. For example, “I am healthy.” In no case should it contain a “not” particle, since the negation of any action or phenomenon is not recognized by the subconscious and can be taken for the opposite statement. The session of this method of auto-suggestion lasts 3-4 minutes, is repeated 2-3 times a day for 6-8 weeks. E. Coue recommended that for conducting psychotechnical sessions, sleep conditions in the morning upon waking up or in the evening upon falling asleep.


Autogenic training is a method of self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation (lower stage) or hypnotic trance (higher stage). The creator of the method of autogenic training is Johans Heinrich Schulz, and he also owns the term “autogenic training”. The basis of this psychotechnology is the finds of the ancient Indian system of yogis, the experience of studying the sensations of people immersed in hypnosis, the practice of using the self-hypnosis method of E. Kue and others.

By practicing this method of self-hypnosis, it is necessary to achieve relaxation, which comes on the verge of waking up and sleeping. It is recommended to lie or sit in the "coachman" position. Having achieved relaxation, it is necessary:
- activate memories associated with pleasant sensations experienced in the past,
- cause, if necessary, not only sedation, but also an increase in psychoemotional tone,
- accompany self-hypnosis formulas with figurative representations.

The effectiveness of the application of this psychotechnology will depend on the degree of concentration, so other matters are excluded. The self-hypnosis method requires daily exercise, at least twice a day. Skipping at least one extremely bad effect on the achievement of the effect.

A kind of autogenic training is imago - training. The author of this method of auto-suggestion is Valery Avdeev. He claims that with the help of imago-training, each person without any training is able to step far (under the direct supervision of an imago-training specialist) beyond their usual abilities and reveal their creative abilities.


Meditation is intense, deeply penetrating contemplation, immersion of consciousness in the essence of an object, an idea, which is achieved by focusing on one and eliminating from the consciousness all interfering factors, both external and internal.

A necessary condition for meditation is the termination of the internal dialogue, the conversation that we constantly carry on with ourselves. Stopping it is a snap. For this, it is usually enough to focus on something in oneself. For example, on both hands at once.

Meditation is a psychotechnology that allows you to repeatedly increase your physical, intellectual and mental capabilities, reaction speed and much, much more, in principle, is very simple. It can be divided into four parts, four components:
- definition of installation;
- entry into a state of emptiness and a real feeling in yourself of a given setting;
- exit from the void state to its normal state with an installation already embedded in the subconscious mind;
- if it is necessary to complete the installation, spontaneous entry into a state of thoughtlessness and its implementation.

Installations should be extremely concise, capacious and at the same time bright.


Self-hypnosis is one of the most powerful psychotechnics. The first step is to relax. Then you need to calm down and enter a state of peace. Then say the phrase "I'm deeply sleeping ...". Next, you should mentally calculate from five to zero, imagining how you are further tearing yourself away from the familiar world, plunging deeper into the darkness of hypnotic oblivion. After the “zero” count, say the key phrase “I am deeply sleeping ...” again and look around mentally. You are inside your subconscious. Now it's time to say a formula that will help you achieve this state faster in the future. It sounds like this: “Every time I pronounce the words“ I sleep deeply ... ”, I get into a state of self-programming faster and faster.”

This formula must be repeated at each of the first classes several times and only after that pronounce the formula for self-hypnosis.


Rekaping is an effective psychotechnology that gives you the opportunity to re-concentrate on the past situation in virtual space, but relive it in a new way. Re-experiencing is the discretion in the old situation of new opportunities - and not for then, but for new opportunities now. We are talking about situations that are still significant. Only therefore it makes sense to experience them, only therefore can they be experienced. Really experiencing the situation anew means seeing new opportunities in it.

The main provisions of this psychotechnology are as follows:
1. The situation must be re-experienced (real experience), and not only restored in memory.
2. The situation must be experienced in its significant components, which only make it a given existential situation. The reality of the significant components of a situation is determined by the fact that they can be deployed, they have something that can be re-seen, rethought, etc.
3. To restore, reproduce in a situation, you need what happened for you personally. A situation is always your personal, individual, existential situation. And what was around there was a gradually dissolving, disappearing background.


For this method of self-hypnosis, an active state is important when the person’s consciousness reaches the maximum degree of collectedness. Therefore, during the execution of the mood it is necessary to behave as actively as possible: it is best to walk or move energetically, but not to lie. However, it is not recommended to be distracted by any other activity.

Moods are words addressed by a man to himself, an attempt to awaken the forces dormant in the depths of each of us. From the fact that the words are pronounced by the person himself, their influence will not weaken. On the contrary, a conscious and clearly expressed word coming from the inside, in which the speaker himself believes it, will have a much more pronounced effect than that heard from another.


Visualize a deflated balloon above your head. Take a deep breath and as you exhale imagine how all your problems and anxieties, fears, worries and various troubles fill this ball. You are completely free from these worries, filling them with a balloon. Then, taking another deep breath, while exhaling, visualize how the balloon floats up and disappears, taking with it all your worries and problems that you put into it. This is an excellent psycho technique, which is best done before bedtime, especially if problems interfere with your sleep.


This psychotechnology was developed by Gennady Andreyevich Shichko. He experimentally established that the word that a person writes with his hand before going to bed, by the force of influence on the subconscious mind, is one hundred times greater than the word he saw, said or heard.

Psychotechnics is performed as follows. Before going to bed, write a formula for suggestion on a piece of paper with a pen (you can write it several times). Read it several times. Then go to bed and, pronouncing the formula of suggestion, fall asleep.

Aug 3, 2016 tigress ... s


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