Intermediary services without investments. How to organize an intermediary business: services, examples. How to earn mediation

No matter what business people do! What kind of goods and services do not sell in order to earn.

Once I took a step in the direction called "work for myself" and for about 10 years I have been engaged in mediation. Difficult? I won’t lie - yes, it’s difficult. But only at first. Profitable? In general, yes! I did not become a millionaire, but I have enough for everything.

It all started about 10 years ago, quite by accident. At that time I read a lot of different literature about success, money, their attraction.

Having a permanent job, he was embroiled in Oriflame. I went to the meeting every weekend for several months, where various trainings were held.

I sold cosmetics a little, but at the trainings they put my brains in place. It was there that I realized for myself many different life principles, rules, thanks to which you can increase your income.

I have been involved in intermediary services for many years and still believe that I still have a lot to learn. A lot of people get an annual salary for middle managers for a deal.

I have not reached this level yet. Satisfied with what I have, but not going to stop. It all started with wooden pallets.

Mediation on wooden pallets

It all started when I worked as a storekeeper in a large company. She was stationed outside the city, in the so-called modern logopark.

These are huge class A warehouses. It is in such places that the goods of network companies are deployed: Pyaterochka, Coin, Sport - master, and so on.

I worked as a storekeeper. After trainings and books, my worldview and attitude to work changed, which allowed me to take the place of shift supervisor soon. When the warehouse manager went on a long-awaited vacation, he gave all shift managers various tasks that had to be completed before he returned.

I needed to get rid of the whole mountain, which had become unusable pallets. They were located in the corner of the warehouse and seriously complicated the work, taking up too much space.

Every week a car drove up to the warehouse, where the accumulated garbage was thrown. They also tried to drop broken pallets a little, but they did not become smaller.

On the contrary, the heap was growing, absorbing the free space of our warehouse. To get rid of her, I climbed onto the Internet, hoping to find there at least some company that would take them out for free.

After all, there are companies that take out old cast-iron bathtubs, washing machines and refrigerators for free. So I was hoping to find an organization that needed wood.

My expectations were met on the first page of the Yandex search engine. The container company was not only engaged in the export of broken pallets, but also bought them. 30 rubles for one broken pallet. I called and the next day they arrived and loaded a whole truck.

The loading process took about three hours, and I did not waste time in vain: I talked with the procurement manager. In such a short time I managed to learn the principles of the work of packaging companies.

They buy broken or whole pallets, repair them at their base and polish them. In other words, they bring to a decent appearance and sell at a higher price to their regular customers, which include confectionery factories, factories and various enterprises.

For example, one Russian pallet costs 150 rubles, and the euro pallet is even more.

Wooden pallets are only a small part of the work of packaging companies. There are many other packaging products from plastic, iron, cardboard, which they sell.

They are not limited to buying exclusively broken pallets. On the contrary, they try to buy whole or slightly damaged ones. So, at that time, the prices of the container company I contacted looked:

  • Pallet "Euro" 90 rubles
  • Pallet "Russian" 70 rubles
  • Broken pallet 30 rubles

This is what Euro pallets look like:

They did not take the whole pile, which I need to get rid of, because a broken pallet is a pallet broken in three places, no more, everything else is considered to be garbage and they are ready to pick it up for free.

Also, the absence of some elements of the product is considered a failure.

In a pile of scrap they managed to track down 15 whole pallets, for which I received according to the tariff. The manager made the calculation with me immediately after the truck was loaded.

  • Broken pallets 260 pieces 7800 rubles
  • Whole pallets "Russian" 15 pieces 1050 rubles
  • Total: 275 pieces 8850 rubles

8850 thousand rubles in three hours! Pretty bad !?

After such a pleasant deal, I seriously thought about how you can start making money on wooden pallets.

A solution has been found. I went to bypass all the warehouses that are in our logopark. In several warehouses, I agreed on the purchase of 200 pallets.

True, they were all Russian. All negotiations had to be conducted exclusively with the heads of the warehouses, and many did not make contact, looked with suspicion, remained silent. Only a few admitted that they are steadily getting rid of excess material by selling them to container companies.

To get the benefit, I designated the price: 40 and 60 rubles for the Russian pallet and for the Euro pallet, respectively. That is, the profit should have been: 30 rubles per product.

As for the broken pallets, I assumed 15 rubles apiece for them, however in the future I managed to find companies that gave them for free.

The first transaction brought me 6300 rubles - Russian pallets and 450 rubles - broken pallets.

Since then, I have long connected myself with these wooden products. My customer base has been expanded. In the city and beyond, a huge number of warehouses. Everywhere there is a need to get rid of unnecessary material, especially if it is broken.

In many ways, my work was facilitated by a personal car, because many warehouses are located in places where it is difficult to get by public transport, and it is not profitable to drive a taxi.

Perhaps someone will be able to earn a lot of money on this business, but personally, wooden pallets do not bring me much profit, which is why while I was engaged in wooden pallets, I did not give up my main job.

But, the story of earnings, the story of earnings - is different. So that everyone can evaluate their capabilities, I propose to compare the advantages and disadvantages of such earnings.


  • It does not take much time, only at the beginning. It is enough to build up a client base and all activity will take place on the phone and only a deal is left.
  • No need to have a commercial streak, education, and especially communication skills.
  • Good extra income, which for many can become the main one.
  • Mediation on wooden pallets, as well as mediation in general, can be safely combined with the main work.
  • A large number of companies that want to get rid of warehouse trash. Among them, most of them are broken pallets. In several of them, they gave them to me for free. Among the trash is also: stretch film and cardboard. I know that there are organizations that are engaged in the export of cardboard and stretch film for free with further sale.
  • Large selection of customers. Even in single-industry towns there are many warehouses, production facilities, factories, factories. The main thing is to find a container campaign that will pick up pallets at your price.
  • Wood, in any of its manifestations, will always be in demand.


  • Problems at the psychological level, in terms of communication and offering their services. But, at that moment I was young and knew little about such things as selling services and goods. To come to the warehouse and offer your services to the boss is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, but I had no problems, because I used to sell cosmetics. Not much sold, but shy and gone.
  • Difficult in docking time. I did not invest my money for the purpose of further reselling pi export, as it is simply unprofitable. The task of the intermediary is to agree on the participants in the parties, complete the transaction and receive their commission.

Few packaging companies come to pick up the number of pallets, less than fit into the body. Therefore, you have to wait until their number increases. It is not always possible to dock loading times in several warehouses at once in order to fully load the machine.

That is why in the future I began to cooperate with container companies that had cars with a smaller body volume.

  • Some purchasing managers were interested in what role I play in this whole situation, because I sold them pallets from different warehouses. Of course, they guessed that I was an intermediary, so soon I began to work with companies where the driver was the manager.
  • Few people want to sell whole pallets, but everyone wants to get rid of scrap and as quickly as possible. Nevertheless, in the process of work, it is possible to find wicked bosses who sell whole pallets and put the money from the sale in their pocket.

The easiest way is to buy pallets in small warehouses and negotiate directly with directors, but in smaller warehouses and fewer pallets. Nevertheless, you can also make good money on scrap, especially if you can find warehouses where they are given away for free.

My income from the purchase and resale of pallets is 6,000 - 12,000 thousand rubles per month.

The principle of operation is simple:

Step one. We find a large warehouse and agree on the purchase of whole or broken pallets.

Step Two We call the container company and agree on the sale. We agree on the time, price.

Step Three   We arrive at the appointed time to the warehouse that sells the pallet, and make a deal.

Step Four   We get money from the sale from the container company and pay off the warehouse.

Finishing mediation

Once, I decided to change the tiles in the bathroom. I used the services of my friend, or to be more precise, a classmate.

I was pleased with his work that I even decided to change the tiles and the toilet. It was then that the idea came to me to do mediation services in finishing works.

I received the information about the construction, decoration and the whole business about this business from Vasya. While he was working, I was in the apartment and bombarded him with questions.

Repair is money. Repair is needed by everyone and always. Even the high competition in this market does not interfere with earning money to those who just come here. But there are also dead seasons - winter.

Vasya, the master in tiling. Puts any tile. Both in the house and on the street. It happens that he sits without work. Works with a partner. He has been doing this for many years, but is very weak in matters of advertising and marketing. I took it seriously and, as practice shows, for a long time. I’m not going to stop.

All I did was set up ads in the courtyards, on the ends of the houses and trees. Such advertisements are usually used by "movers on moving."

After the first orders, I posted on the announcement on Avito and then existing Slando with photographs of the work done.

There are many calls, for the past eight years. Not every caller uses our services, but about one in five is our client.

For the first year we completed only about 50 orders. And only after that their number increased. It was finally possible to tune the desired wave of word of mouth. At this time, I continued to work as shift supervisor (I had the most convenient schedule).

I charge a percentage for finding a customer. My tilers themselves go to the facilities, make measurements, purchase material. Their work has not changed. Only orders became more.

I take 20% of the amount of each transaction. This does not hit the work team much.

Only in the second year I realized that it was necessary to sell the services of tilers to legal organizations.

Over time, our customers have become pharmacies, grocery stores, and various offices. For a long time we collaborated with a construction company that built two skyscrapers. We laid tiles in the sanitary facilities and on the staircases.

Finding such fat customers is easy enough. I sent sales letters to these companies. I went to meetings myself. Disadvantage: I had to open the IP. Without contracts, they do not cooperate with anyone.

I was fortunate that my workers also specialized in street tiles. The cost of laying tiles on the street is higher, and the volumes are much larger.

I still don’t know how some construction crews receive orders for paving slabs, most likely through the administration.

We put in the courtyards of private cottages and in front of the shops, offices, which are located on the first floors of residential buildings.

My earnings over the past five years: 25,000 - 35,000 thousand rubles.

I could earn more, but my team, before contacting me, had its own achievements. Therefore, sometimes they perform services to which I have no relationship.

At one time, I even had to hire another brigade. There were many orders and we ourselves could not manage to put the tiles on time.


  • Good earnings. Until now, the mediation services for the decoration of apartments associated with laying tiles, is for me the most profitable business.
  • High demand. Repair do everything. Despite the competition, you can always find customers. Sometimes they can become friends.
  • No need to invest heavily in advertising. Without paid advertising, I reached a good level for the year and only then parted with my main job. If you invest at least 10,000-15,000 thousand rubles a month in advertising, you can get started much earlier.


  • You need to find a good construction team. Professionals with a capital letter. Such shots on the road are not lying around, but in general, builders and finishers, a dime a dozen. There are plenty to choose from.
  • In winter, the number of orders drops. Not a season. Most orders, oddly enough, in the summer.
  • It is difficult to find serious customers (legal entities). I started looking for such clients almost from the first day, but the first such client appeared only a year later. To have such customers, you should devote more time to your searches.

And so, how much can you earn on intermediary services in the repair market. I only do tiles. But, you can try to sell the services of electricians and finishers.

To do this, you just need to find a reliable team. The principle is this:

Step one.   We find a team that will be engaged in finishing services. We discuss the terms of cooperation. It is best to have friends in this direction.

Step Two   We are looking for customers. The easiest and most popular way: putting up ads.

Step Three   When a repair or any service is provided, we get the money and pay off the workers. In my case, everything was much simpler.

The guys themselves did everything and paid with me. Throwing me was not profitable for them, because I delivered customers to them.

Cleaning roofs from snow

In winter, when there are fewer orders in the construction industry, I clean the snow from the roofs. Already the third year.

At the moment, 12 houses use my services. I don’t remember how much I earned last year, but last winter, my commissions were: 72,000 rubles.

The cost of cleaning the roof from one house is: 20,000 thousand rubles, for a house in four entrances. The most interesting thing is that there are companies that do this for 10,000, 15,000 thousand rubles. I take 30% from one roof, the rest is received by the workers.

The specifics of the work is simple. I find a roof, hire a brigade. True, I myself participate in the cleaning. I stand below, in control. The main thing is that passers-by should not suffer.

An important point! Clients can only be homeowners associations.

Management companies have their own teams. Sometimes they are formed from the employees of the management company. All issues are resolved with the chairman of the HOA.

I was looking for homes run by HOAs, house walks. At each entrance hangs a notice board. In the upper part, there is information about who runs this house, with a phone number. In 90% of cases, the chairmen themselves live in these houses.

I'll tell you a secret. Under a service agreement, in one HOA, which has 6 houses run by me, they pay me 25,000 thousand rubles, but in fact I get 20,000. Probably everyone understands where the difference goes.


  • Good income in a short time. Cleaning one roof takes 2-3 hours, depending on the number of workers. For a day you can clean 3-5 houses from snow, depending on the footage of the house.
  • It does not require knowledge. I found a man who learned to be an industrial climber. For work, he hired several immigrants from the East, trained in the process. All the necessary devices for insurance were available. I only had to buy shovels and lightweight crowbars.


  • Difficult to find customers. Snow removal companies offer lower prices than mine. Due to the high cost of cleaning, I have lost many potential customers. Although there are companies in which it costs more.
  • Short season. I clean my 12 houses in 3-4 days.

The work is organized as follows:

Step one.   We find a team that is able to clean the roofs from snow. We agree on the price. I work with one team.

Step Two In the middle of winter, we begin the search for houses managed by the HOA. We offer our services, increasing the cost by 25-30% of the cost of cleaning services. You can find future customers before, but an offer is best done in winter.

At the moment I am collaborating with three HOAs. But initially he negotiated with ten. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that not everyone will use your services, despite the fact that at a meeting they are happy with everything.

Step Three   When the HOA is ready for cleaning, you must be in place at the time of the appointment. Paid mainly by transfer to the current account, from the account of the HOA. Be sure to draw up a contract. Like it or not, you will have to pay taxes.

Perhaps someone is lucky and will be able to find a HOA that will pay in cash.

Personal Growth Trainings

Five years ago, I attended one businessman’s training. A person does business and conducts trainings at the same time. Standard topics: “How to succeed in life”, “How to save money properly” and so on.

After the lesson, which had only 12 people, I lingered and talked with Oleg (that’s the name of that coach), we will offer him cooperation. He agreed.

I offered my intermediary services, that is, for each customer I bring, I will receive a certain percentage. His main condition was that for his trainings he takes 3,000 rubles per person. I can sell them at a price higher.

The optimal amount for me was 1000 rubles per person, but I also put forward a condition: only I am looking for clients and only for the amount of 4000 thousand rubles.

After all, if he continues to attract participants, then people who paid different amounts will sit at one training. This will lead to someone being dissatisfied. But the main task is to help a person. Only then will he return again for motivation and knowledge.

Trainings were held 2 times a month, and I was able to attract 15-20 people for one training. I myself often attended them, but paid for a pass ticket.

The most difficult stage: two weeks before the training. To fill the hall, you have to work hard. I made reposts on social networks, attracted my friends, handed invitations to clients who used services in the field of decorating.

In order to increase customer flow, we decided to conduct trainings for sales managers. Do not count received thanks.

My earnings over the past three years have been 25,000 - 40,000 thousand rubles.

The main advantage was that Oleg had his own room of 30 sq.m. He did not have to pay a rent. If I gathered him a full hall - 22 people, then I received a bonus of 10,000 thousand rubles.


  • Good income. If I had more time, I would be able to attract more customers using other, different methods. For all the time, we did not even create a site, but soon it will certainly appear.
  • Interesting job. This is of course a matter of taste, but I like to do it. Every morning I wake up, and I face many interesting tasks.


  • Many of those who once attended the training come after a second or even third time after some time, but word of mouth in this type of activity works very poorly.

Despite the fact that Oleg comes up with many new training topics, not everyone is able to pay 4000 thousand rubles. Trainings, a very specific product.

You can’t feel it, bring it home, touch it. Many perceive this kind of meeting as completely useless. However, thanks we receive very often.

How to mediate in trainings:

Step one.   You need to find an organization, or a group of people who conduct all kinds of trainings, and offer their services for a certain percentage of the cost.

It may not necessarily be a large company, it may be possible to find a person who had experience in conducting trainings or would not mind to devote himself to this activity (possibly partially).

Thus, you can build your business by conducting trainings. But, you should consider the costs associated with renting a room. It is best to rent a room by the hour. It can be a shopping center or a business center.

Step Two   We begin an active search. The most effective search method: ringing. We find the group of your city on social networks, and on the page where contacts are indicated, we call by phone number.

It is advisable to prepare a speech in advance. According to my information, with 30-40 calls, one client appears.

Step Three   We never took a prepayment. Few people want to pay by bank transfer in advance. We take payment upon the presence, before the training. Immediately conclude a contract.

To assemble a hall of 20 people, you should get 30-40 consents. There will certainly be those who cannot or will not want to come.

About mediation in general

Mediation services are a very interesting area. This is the movement. It is interesting. But the most important thing is available to absolutely everyone. Even a student is able to provide intermediary services if you choose an interesting direction and gain the necessary knowledge.

Here is the definition of this activity gives Wikipedia:

Intermediary services - a form of entrepreneurial activity, which consists in promoting networking between producers and consumers in order to accelerate and facilitate the circulation of raw materials, materials, products, money, currency, information, consumer goods.

Such a definition is difficult to understand. For this reason, many people bypass this type of activity. In fact, everything is very simple. All that is needed to become an intermediary is to find a company that sells a product or service for a certain amount.

Throw your commissions on top, and then find a consumer who will be ready to buy this product, or use the service at the price of an intermediary.

As a seller of goods or services, both in the quality and consumer can be both a company and a person. Do not confuse intermediary services with resale.

Resale is a kind of purchase and further sale of the purchased goods. An ideal intermediary, does not invest his money. Only in exceptional cases.

Many often have a question: why is intermediary activity so developed and how do you manage to make money on it?

The fact is that there are a lot of companies, consumers too. And many simply do not know about each other's existence.

Two years ago I made a rather interesting deal. A bakery bought once a month for 14 bags of flour, at a price of 2400 per bag. Second grade. The first grade was sold for 3100. For them it is a little expensive.

To improve the quality of products, they had to be sieved. I found a company that sold first grade flour for 2800 - a bag. When ordering from 50 bags, they made a discount of 200 rubles. That is, the price fell to 2600 rubles.

I found another bakery owned by my friend and suggested that both buy flour from me for 2,900 rubles, hoping to get 300 rubles per bag.

They agreed with pleasure, but my condition was that you need to buy at least 25 bags. The deal has been completed. I received 300 rubles for each bag sold. That is, 15,000 rubles.

But in this way you can sell fertilizers, dried fruits, honey, molasses. The possibilities of intermediary services are endless.
The only nuance that stops many is non-standard salary. The mediator is the wolf that the legs feed.

It is necessary to move and think. It is for this reason that I began to do this without giving up my main job.

How to become an intermediary

  • To begin with, I recommend studying this type of activity up and down. As the saying goes: Google to help! In the vast network you can get acquainted with interesting directions, for every taste and color.
  • Read books of personal growth. This will help to recharge your batteries with energy and motivation. By the way, trainings will not be superfluous.
  • Read books related to advertising, marketing, sales, communication with people.
  • Find a niche of interest. For example, if your friend makes wooden tables and chairs, then you can sell them with your extra charge. A potential buyer, any person who has a room. Both residential and office.
  • Do not spray at first and try to direct energy in several directions. To get started, take one look, study the market, demand, competition.
  • Being engaged in mediation, try to communicate more with people and make new acquaintances. Many of those with whom you keep in touch may become your clients in the future. Perhaps customers will be people from the circle of friends of your friends.

A mediator is a separate activity, if you master it well, you can earn good money by working for yourself.

Mediation is one of the ways to make money, which we will talk about today. To begin with, we will deal with what is meant by the word "mediation." The intermediary is the link between the seller and the buyer, or when it comes to services between the customer and the contractor. This type of activity has arisen for a long time, and most likely will exist for a long time, since intermediaries facilitate the conduct of any business, because an entrepreneur or businessman does not need to spend his time searching for business partners.

The following are some of the benefits of earning mediation.

  1. As we said above, the services of intermediaries were and will always be in demand, even during the unstable economic situation in the country, their services will be in demand.
  2. Your financial situation does not really matter, in order to become an intermediary, you do not need large financial investments, you can start from scratch.
  3. Also, in order to become an intermediary, you do not need to receive several educations, even a student can cope with this type of activity. You only need to be able to use the Internet, or rather email, ICQ and Skype.

There are several types of mediation in business.and which one to choose, you decide. It should be based on their own interests and opportunities:

  1. Trading intermediation. It consists in the fact that you bring sellers to buyers, after conducting a thorough analysis of supply and demand via the Internet, in the region of interest to you.
  2. Earnings on freelancers. First you find artists, create your own website, which will describe what type of services you do (copywriting, web design, programming, etc.), and after you receive the order, send it to the freelancer. You pay for his services, and leave part of your earnings to yourself.
  3. Earnings on Webmoney. To do this, you will need to become a member of the partnership program, i.e. Become a "personalizer." You are engaged in checking passport data and can issue certificates of this payment system.

Today I want to consider a very interesting and popular view today - earnings through Internet mediation. As in the offline sphere, in the network you can meet just a huge number of different kinds of intermediaries, earning money from sellers and buyers of freelance goods and services, and, in many cases, you can’t even immediately determine that these are intermediaries. Who are they internet intermediarieswhat they do there and how they earn - more on that later.

So, what is a mediation on the Internet. To make it clearer, let's compare this with the provision of traditional services offline, for example, in construction. There are painters, plasterers, plumbers, electricians and other workers who are ready to provide their services to customers - in this way they work for themselves, engage in offline freelance work and earn money. But when you call on an ad, say, about performing stucco work, you find yourself ... no, not to the master who performs them, but to the mediator-brigadier. He comes to you, evaluates the front of work, you agree on a price with him, and you pay him money, and he already sends you a master who does all the work. Naturally, the foreman pays the master only part of the money received from you, and takes the rest for himself. That's exactly the same thing on the Internet.

Let's say you earn. When you take an order on the freelance exchange, it is very likely that you are not writing an article for a direct customer, but for an intermediary who then resells it to someone who really needs it, is even more expensive. Even when you work directly with a customer, it is possible that he earns money through online mediation.

Many, probably, noticed how often on the Internet they offer various types of services for SEO-promotion of sites. In the vast majority of cases, all these are also intermediaries. For example, they are engaged in the so-called link promotion - they purchase links on different sites for their customer, who already pays a large sum for them than the owners of those sites get. All the difference “settles” with the intermediary.

Well, any ones are already more powerful intermediaries whose work is systematized and automated. However, the essence is the same: earning mediation on the Internet.

The vast majority of people who sell certain goods have their own online stores - they are also intermediaries on the Internet. Moreover, in many cases, their business practically does not require investments, if they work according to the system. Some intermediaries of Chinese online stores are worth ...

How do all these people earn? Very simple: on the Internet they play the role of “team leaders”, solving all administrative and technical issues. The intermediaries themselves do not produce any goods and do not perform any work, although, in a good way, they should be well versed in their field. Their mediation is to find customers and contractors, sellers and buyers. As a rule, the Internet intermediary already has its own “work team”, its own “team” of performers - specialists in various fields who are always ready to do their job when it comes to Internet services, or their own suppliers of goods, if it comes to about e-commerce.

A mediator on the Internet should be able to negotiate, negotiate, find compromises, possess the art of persuasion - this is precisely the success of his work. Even knowledge and skills in the field of his activity, perhaps, go to the background.

Intermediaries on the Internet try to focus on large, systemic orders that require a large amount of work, have a high cost and, accordingly, allow them to earn more. In the same way as in our construction example: the foreman is more interested in taking an order for a turnkey repair of a house than in replacing one outlet (he may not even want to get involved with this).

Earnings on Internet mediation is very significant, especially when it comes to the service sector. Prices for the same services vary greatly (as an example -), so the intermediary always has the opportunity for price maneuvers. He can easily find a contractor who agrees to do the work even 2 times cheaper than the customer pays the intermediary. Thus, an intermediary on the Internet can earn up to 50% of the amount of his money turnover and even more.

Very often, freelancers who start their own independent execution of various kinds of work, gaining experience and knowledge, in the future become Internet intermediaries. This can be observed on many freelance exchanges: here a person first acts as a performer, then his rating grows, he becomes a popular and sought-after performer, and now he is a customer, the number of work performed is reduced, and the number of orders is growing. Ultimately, he is a sought after customer.

To summarize. Intermediaries on the Internet make good money themselves, as well as provide work and earnings for the performers with whom they collaborate. Their availability is disadvantageous only to customers who are forced to significantly overpay. However, many people are willing to pay “for convenience” and completed “turnkey work”, therefore, saving their time, they turn to Internet intermediaries for services. Here, as they say, to each his own.

Now you have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow intermediaries work on the Internet, and you yourself may want to join them.

But for now I have everything. Perhaps in the future I will consider some options for mediation on the Internet in more detail. Stay tuned for updates. See you soon!

The risks associated with opening an online store are very high. First of all, this entails a large number of associated costs that threaten not to pay off.

However, the modern market offers a lot of interesting technologies that can increase the effectiveness of e-commerce. One of them is dropshipping.

Literally translated, this term means "direct delivery." In fact, dropshipping is a special type of interaction between the online store and customers with the participation of a third party - an intermediary.

Dropshipping scheme is as follows:

  1. The intermediary (he is called the dropshipper) purchases goods from the seller (online store);
  2. At the same time, the intermediary receives an advance payment for the goods from the buyer and tells the seller the delivery address;
  3. The online store sends the goods to the buyer, and the dropshipper receives the remaining amount of money from its total value.

Thus, each participant in the transaction remains, as they say, “at his own”. The online store and dropshipper get the required amount of money, and the buyer receives the goods.

The main feature of dropshipping

The main feature of this scheme is that, from a legal point of view, the intermediary will be the purchaser of the products. In fact, the product is bought by a visitor to an online store. At first glance, the activity of dropshippers resembles distribution. However, the distributor, unlike the dropshipper, takes the goods for temporary storage.

The intermediary can not be called a sales agent. The latter does not purchase goods from the seller and takes a fixed amount of money as a commission. In turn, dropshipper is not limited in the amount of the margin on the goods. Accordingly, he has the opportunity to get much more profit.

Dropshipping is a relatively new scheme of cooperation in the field of electronic commerce for the Russian market. At the moment, it is at the stage of rapid development, stimulating a high level of competition.

Dropshipper Stages

  • Search for an online store selling goods at a price that is significantly lower than retail.
  • Carrying out trial purchases and establishing contact. Dropshipper discusses with the seller a cooperation scheme and secures guarantees for the timely shipment of goods. A trial purchase is necessary to evaluate product quality.
  • Establishment of sales channels for the products of the online store on its own behalf.

Mutual benefits

When studying such a scheme of cooperation, a fair question arises: what are the benefits for both sides?

We answer in order:

  • The seller (online store) acquires an established sales channel for their own products. As a rule, large companies use dropshipping, eliminating the need to engage in retail sales on their own.
  • The intermediary gains the opportunity to receive stable earnings that do not require serious financial investments and efforts to process and deliver orders.

Pros for dropshipper:

  • Minimum investment.   Investments are not required to begin mediation. The scheme allows you to get a net profit, imposing costs on the shoulders of actual buyers of products.
  • Minimum overhead.   No need to maintain storage facilities and use courier services. The only equipment needed for dropshipping is a computer or laptop connected to the Internet.
  • There is no reference to the range.   Dropshipper does not have storage facilities, which means that at any convenient moment it can be re-profiled from the sale, for example, of electronic devices to the sale of clothes and shoes.
  • Freedom to choose partners.   Dropshipper always has the opportunity to switch to cooperation with another online store.

Along with this, it is necessary to highlight the benefits that the owners of online stores that cooperate with dropshippers get.

Pros for the supplier:

  • Expanding the target audience through the acquisition of new outlets.
  • Timely receipt of prepayment. The seller does not lend to his partner, minimizing his own financial risks.
  • Reduce marketing costs. Attracting buyers are engaged in dropshippers. This means that suppliers significantly reduce the volume of marketing activities and the number of sales units.
  • Establishing customer feedback. The task of dropshipper in the conditions of quite tough competition is to establish close contact with the end user. The activities of an intermediary in this direction automatically provide benefits to the online store.
  • Fast promotion. Since the seller / manufacturer sends goods to his customers (through an intermediary), his trademark quickly becomes recognizable.

Probable risks

The benefits of dropshipping are obvious. However, when starting cooperation with the owners of trading portals, intermediaries face, among other things, certain risks:

  • The speed of delivery of goods, their quality, including packaging, depends entirely on the final seller.
  • Possible problems with the availability of goods in stock.
  • Likely difficulties with the work of the courier service and customs. In such cases, from the point of view of the client, the responsibility lies with the intermediary.
  • Geographic restrictions on activities. This aspect is relevant specifically for domestic dropshipping. As practice shows, buyers are looking for other suppliers if the delivery time of goods stretches for more than 2 days. Thus, in the Russian context, cooperation with online stores located in other regions seems difficult.


Dropshipping is the perfect way to start a business from scratch. It does not require serious investments and minimizes the risk of losing money. In addition, dropshipping serves as an effective method of promoting and developing online stores. With a competent and responsible approach, this interaction scheme can turn out to be a benefit for both interested parties.


In an era of maximum dissemination of information, intermediary services are recognized as a particularly cost-effective type of business. Therefore, many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in what this occupation represents as entrepreneurship in the service sector.

Mediation - the opportunity to become independent

Mediation services - ensuring the interaction between different stakeholders.   To become an intermediary, a future businessman needs to have a number of psychological and business qualities:

  • The ability to search for, find unique information inaccessible to a wide range of users or products with low cost. To be able to find a place where to buy cheaper and sell more, but at a lower price than competitors. This increases the chances of becoming an excellent intermediary (speculator).
  • Communication skills.
  • The ability to self-promotion and product promotion. If the intermediary is able to negotiate with the seller and the buyer on mutually beneficial conditions, then the likelihood of a successful business increases.
  • Creative approach to business.
  • Minimum initial capital and provision with consumables. Sometimes mediation does not need initial investments, but for its own development, obtaining the latest information and finding clients, minimal financial investments will be required.
  • Increased persistence and stress resistance.

If the intermediary is not persistent enough, the business will not rise soon.

An example of the advantages and disadvantages of mediation

Any mediation is positive and negative points. Pros:

  • Good earnings.
  • Ordinary mediation is a relatively simple form of earnings.
  • Such a business requires a small investment.
  • Disruption of transactions and arrangements for a variety of reasons.
  • The likelihood of cheating.

Where to start a profitable business

Creating an intermediary business is not difficult. To build a business, you need to determine the scope of activity and streamline communications. With the advent of Internet technology, mediation has been divided into several categories: online and offline. Online business ideas:

  • Affiliate platforms. To advertise new services and sought after goods is a profitable type of online business.
  • Purchase and sale of network resources. You can buy a site and sell on other sites at higher prices.
  • Advertising on Internet resources. It is worth thinking about opening your own resource, where to place advertising banners for money.
  • Work with online stores. Shopping from foreign sites has become available, but there is a risk of being left without a paid thing. The intermediary incurs possible losses, receiving a share from the agreement.
  • Speculation. You can resell goods without forming an online store. Starting to work, you should focus on specialized products.

Offline business ideas:

  • The property. The choice, exchange, purchase of an apartment, home, office - these issues are always relevant. To engage in a profitable business can official real estate offices and private representatives. To use intermediary services, a potential buyer pays an impressive percentage to the agency, but the advantageous services of a private intermediary are cheaper.
  • Repair of apartment and office premises is a good idea to start. Apartments are a profitable property because they often require repairs than offices. A great solution is to look for customers in new homes. It is possible to immediately take a few profitable orders, working with different professional teams.
  • Trade mission. Many manufacturers need representatives in other regions and countries where the product is being promoted. Advertisements and agreements with end customers are required.
  • Staff recruitment services. Various companies often do not have time to independently recruit staff. The personnel company finds suitable specialists according to the stated requirements, and selects suitable vacancies for employees.
  • Virtual mediation on the network. With the widespread dissemination of the global network, it has become easier to look for customers and manufacturers who have pages on social networks and official sites. The essence of the network does not change, you just need to bring the seller and the consumer closer.

Business planning

The key to successful mediation is the awareness of the main stages of activity formation:

  1. First of all, you should create a database of performers. In each intermediary must be 100% confident.
  2. Keep in mind - the main criterion for customers is the quality of the work performed and the deadlines.
  3. The subject needs to monitor freelance exchanges and forums. There are many performers and new orders.
  4. The reseller’s portfolio should always be up to date.

Information for a beginner

To get a decent profit from mediation, you should focus on the B2B product segment. Optimal products: production equipment, various raw materials, building materials. It is impractical to do business in the field of household products. Because the niche is occupied by distributors. The main task of a beginner is to find a permanent clientele. The intermediary is not a seller, his main tasks are search, negotiation and delivery. It is necessary to pay attention to mutually beneficial cooperation with transport companies.

Any mediation is a risky business; there is a chance of falling into an unscrupulous contractor or customer.

Therefore, you must have a flair and make informed choices.


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