Application for transfer to the post of director. Application for transfer to another job. If the initiator is an employee

A sample application for transfer to another position is the will of the employee to work in another structural unit. Download is free.

Labor relations are as multifaceted as other legal relations. Transfer to another position is an ordinary situation for many companies. If the transfer to another position is carried out at the initiative of the employee, an appropriate statement should be issued from him. Sample application for transfer to another position  - a message, the will of the employee about the desire to work in another structural unit. You can download the example absolutely free, without restrictions, by direct link.

This appeal can be written in free form. The legislator does not limit office work to any mandatory template. The reasons for the transfer to another position can be completely different: the most suitable vacancy, marital status. The reasons should be indicated in the text of the appeal. It is extremely important for a specialist to indicate an interest in a career in this enterprise, and the need only to change the conditions of activity. The employer must make a decision on this message and notify the author about it.

Mandatory clauses of the application for transfer to another position

  • The name of the addressee and his own data are written at the top right;
  • The title is fixed in the middle of the sheet;
  • Content must begin with a request;
  • The following should specify the reasons for the transfer;
  • Structural unit, planned date, mark on familiarization with the conditions;
  • Date, signature, transcript.
   The paper is written in one copy and transferred to the office department, office or reception. An employee accepting an application for transfer to another position is required to register it in the proper manner. Changes in the conditions of professional activity in connection with the transfer to another position are directly reflected in the contract, personal file and all related sheets. New conditions are filed in a private file and stored in the archive of the personnel department of the institution.

A statement is written when an employee is transferred from one position to another within the same enterprise. At the same time, his labor duties, working conditions and powers change. You can download a sample application for a transfer within the organization in the article below.

The transfer is carried out for various reasons: in connection with the reorganization of the structural unit, the emergence of a new workplace that is more profitable for the employee, and the increase or decrease of the employee at work.

When a new job appears, reorganization of the company or other circumstances, the employee can be transferred to another position in another company. Such a transfer is carried out by filling out a letter of resignation.

An application for transferring an employee to another position is filled out in any form or on a form developed by the organization. It is written by the employee by hand or on a computer.

How to write an application for transfer to another position correctly

Let us consider in more detail the paper design procedure:

  • In the upper right corner of the sheet the word "Director" is written. Below is the last name, first name and patronymic of the head, and the name of the company.
  • The next line is written from whom the application is sent and the position, last name, first name and patronymic of the employee are recorded.
  • Then in the middle of the sheet should write “Statement”.
  • Under it, the employee writes the phrase "Please transfer me to work in." Next, the name of the structural unit or department is fixed, the name of the company is entered.
  • After the name of the company, the name of the new position that the employee wants to get is fixed.
  • Be sure to record the type of transfer. It can be permanent or temporary. At the same time, if the employee is temporarily transferred to a less paid position, the difference between the employer must be compensated.
  • After this, the beginning of the period from which the employee can start a new position is written. The day, month, and year are recorded.
  • Further, the application fixes the reason for the transfer. The reason must be documented. For example, if a transfer to a new position is carried out, then the relevant documents from the personnel department must be attached.
  • The phrase “I have read and agree to the working conditions” must be written below.
  • A personal signature is put a little lower on the left side. On the right side, the name, patronymic, last name of the employee is recorded and the date of registration of the paper is set.

The employer endorses the consent to the transfer of the employee on the application form. The transfer application is filled out in duplicate. One of them - should be transferred to the employer. This copy is numbered and registered in the journal for accounting of internal documents.

The second copy is sent for sight and then given to the employee in his arms.

In addition to the application, the employer may attach a statement on the employee and a memo requesting a transfer. Documents on education, a medical book, a certificate can also be attached to the application.

Be sure to include all attached documents in the application form.

The new boss also expresses his consent to the transfer on the application form.

After the documents are completed and the employee received a positive answer, the company issues an order to enroll the employee in a new position -

Transfer to another position

A transfer to another position is the introduction of transformations into the labor duties of an employee on an ongoing or temporary basis.

The basis for the transfer is the statement of the employee.

There is no statutory mandatory standard template, so it is compiled in any form.

Distinguish what happens inside one enterprise, and external transfer - the transition to a new employer.

In addition, the transfer of an employee may be carried out on his own initiative or by decision of the employer with the consent of the employee or without agreement with him.

The procedure for documenting this procedure depends on the reason and type of translation and can be implemented only with the written consent of the person, with the exception of several cases.

An application for a job transfer is drawn up in the name of the head in an arbitrary form, since the legislator does not put forward special requirements for writing it. However, there is a generally accepted practice of compiling documents of this type, which must be followed.

In its text, the applicant must request it with the name of the structural unit or department, the name of the organization and the new position, indicating the date of such movement.

An example sample application for transfer to another position can be seen in the photo below.

Sample application for transfer to another position

In addition, you need to state the rationale or reason for the change of work. The employee must also confirm that he is familiar with the new working conditions and agrees with them. Below is the signature of the applicant, his name, initials and date.

On the form of this application, the following visas are required:

  • the head of the department from which the employee is expelled;
  • the head of the unit where the employee is credited;
  • head of Human Resources;
  • director of the enterprise.

It is worth noting that, as a rule, each company has its own sample application for transfer to another position, which you can get from the head or in the personnel department.

At the initial stage of the transfer to another position, the immediate supervisor of the employee draws up where the basis of the transfer and information about the employee (his last name, first name, middle name, position held until that moment, the name of the department or unit), work experience, skills, business characteristics are indicated.

The head of the organization puts a resolution on this statement, after which the employee is given a written proposal to move to a new position.

Is the employee’s written consent for the transfer required?

A written statement expressing the employee’s consent to the proposed job is a mandatory requirement for transferring to a new position.

Even if at the same time his working conditions improve, for example, when moving to a higher or higher paid job.

It is not necessary to coordinate with the worker the inter-duty transfer to another branch within the same enterprise, located in the same locality or to work with another unit or mechanism, unless this leads to a change in the conditions determined by the labor agreement.

Employee written consent required

Without an employee’s agreement, some of the types of temporary transfers are also possible.

For example, when transferring for a period of up to 1 year or for the period of replacement of an absent person, who retains his workplace.

In such cases, the person is not required to write a transfer application. It is enough to issue a personnel order and familiarize the employee with a signature.

It is not allowed to transfer a person to work that is contraindicated for him because of his health.

The reasons for the transfer to another position can serve various reasons, for example:

  • employee intent
  • staff reduction;
  • medical indications;
  • extraordinary circumstances;
  • new staffing;
  • opening of new branches;
  • replacing an absent employee;
  • transfer due to the transfer of the employer to another
  • due to promotion or demotion, etc.

How can an employer complete a transfer?

Documents for transferring to another position

After receiving an application from an employee with consent to transfer to another position, the following documents should be executed in the organization:

  • supplementary agreement to the employment contract;
  •   on appointment to another position;
  • entry in the work book;
  • registration of changes in the staffing table and other internal documentation of the organization.

The following points are written in: the nature of work in a new position, the level of wages, the name of the position, the name of the structural unit, and other information.

It is signed in a 2-way manner by the employer and employee.

Despite the lack of a standard application form for a transfer when changing a position, the employer needs to be very responsible when filling out his and other documents related to the transfer.

If they are drawn up incorrectly or in violation of the law, the translation may be declared illegal in court.

This situation entails unpleasant consequences for the organization: restoration of the plaintiff at the previous place of work with payment to him in the amount of the average income for the entire period from the date of transfer and reimbursement of legal costs.

Write your question in the form below

Career growth or personnel changes sometimes require the transformation of the employee’s labor duties on an ongoing or temporary basis within the same organization. The basis for the transfer of an employee may be a statement by the employee. How to write an application for transfer to another position (to another unit, to another job) within one organization?

The regulatory framework does not provide a unified form of a document by which an employee is transferred to another position. It is compiled in any form.

Sample application for transfer to another position within one organization -.

The transfer of an employee can be internal (when it occurs within one enterprise) or external (when an employee transfers to a new employer in another organization). In the second case, they draw up a dismissal in connection with the transfer. In the first case, it is enough to receive a statement from the employee and issue an order in the form T-5 (on transfer within the organization).

Change in job responsibilities may be at the initiative of the employee or by decision of the management with the consent or without agreement with the subordinate.

The procedure for filling out an application for transfer to another position

The document is drawn up in the name of the head in any form.

In the text of the statement should be displayed:

  • the employee’s request for his transfer to another place of work (the structural unit or department should be indicated, the name of the organization, as well as a new position and the date of the proposed personnel transfer);
  • reason for job change;
  • confirmation that the employee has familiarized himself with the new working conditions and agrees with them;
  • signature of the applicant, his surname, initials and date of preparation of the document.

After drawing up the application, it is endorsed by the following persons:

  • Head of the department where the employee is currently working.
  • Head of the unit where the employee will be transferred.
  • Head of Human Resources.
  • Director of the organization.

As a rule, each organization has its own rules for compiling such statements. When contacting the personnel department, the employee will provide a corporate sample of a document on transferring to another position.

Do I need consent from the employee for internal translation

The transfer procedure depends on the reason for the personnel changes and occurs only with the written consent of the subordinate, with the exception of some cases:

  1. Moving an employee to another workplace or to another unit if the workplace is geographically located there.
  2. Fulfillment by the employee of his duties on the new unit / mechanism.
  3. In emergency situations, except for cases that threaten the safety and normal life of the population.
  4. Temporary transfer of an employee within the organization to another position for a period of up to a month, which is not determined by the employment contract. It is also possible to temporarily fulfill the duties of an employee instead of an absent employee. The agreement expires after the latter enters work. These temporary changes are not made in the work book.

In the above cases, it is enough to issue a personnel order to transfer to another position and receive a signature on his familiarization with it. A statement from the employee is not necessary

It is unacceptable to transfer an employee to a position that is contraindicated for health reasons.

Reasons for transfer

The reasons for the transfer to another position may be different:

  • The personal desire of the employee, in this case, he writes a statement on his own initiative;
  • Reducing the number of full-time employees;
  • Medical indications;
  • Opening new branches of the company;
  • Substitution of another employee;
  • The emergence of a new full-time position;
  • Transfer due to relocation;
  • Promotion or demotion, etc.

After receiving an application for transfer to another position from the employee, an additional agreement is issued to the employment contract with the employee. It describes the nature of work in a new position, the level of wages, the name of the structural unit and other information.

An order for appointment to another position is also issued. The basis for the preparation is the employee’s statement, as well as other documents, depending on the reason for the transfer. Employees of the personnel department put the appropriate mark in the employee’s work book and make all the necessary changes to the organization’s internal documents.

Topic "Question - Answer"

Question 1:  I am a bus driver, I was handed a notice about the need to transfer in connection with the production need for the position of driver of a car. This post has a lower salary. At the same time, I know that at that moment the company had 7 bids for the position of bus driver, of which only 5 were employed. I refused to transfer, and I was fired in connection with the refusal to change the terms of the employment contract. Is this rightful?

Answer:  When transferring due to production needs, the employer must offer both positions equal to yours and lower ones. If there were bids similar to your position, the employer should also have offered them. According to the provisions of Articles 72, 74, 77, you have the right to appeal to the court with a complaint and the requirements for reinstatement.

Question 2:  I worked as a site foreman, I was handed a notice that the staff was changing, and therefore my position was being reduced, and I was offered a choice of subordinate posts. He refused the transfer and was dismissed in connection with the refusal of the new conditions of the labor contract (Clause 7, Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Did the employer do the right thing?

Answer: If your position is being reduced, either the basis for dismissal according to Clause 2, Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with the payment of severance pay, or transfer to the proposed positions should be applied to you. If you refuse to transfer, then you must dismiss according to paragraph 2 of article 81, and not according to paragraph 7 of article 77.

Application for dismissal in the transfer order - sample   This document is not approved by the legislator, therefore it is compiled in any form and submitted to the employer for approval. What points you should pay attention to when preparing a document, we will tell in the article.

The procedure for transferring an employee to another duty station

Transfer from one company to another is carried out exclusively through dismissal. This is due to the fact that one of the parties to the employment contract is changing. The transfer procedure begins with the fact that the new employer sends a notification-invitation to the citizen.

According to Art. 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee can express his intention by affixing a conciliation letter on an invitation or writing a statement.

How to write a statement will be discussed below.

  How to make a letter of resignation in the transfer order

The legislator does not approve the form or content of the application for dismissal by transfer. However, the employer can fix a sample document in a local act and use it in personnel records management.

The application must be in writing and written in person or printed on a computer. The document is executed on the letterhead of the organization or on a blank sheet without inscriptions, drawings and other symbols.

The following information is indicated in the header of the application:

  • name of the employing organization;
  • Full name of the head;
  • information about the employee (position, structural unit, F. I. O.).

Below in the center is written the word “Statement”.

The text of the document should indicate the citizen’s intention to terminate the employment relationship with the employer, so all wording should be stated clearly. For example: “I ask you to dismiss me on 08.21.2016 in the order of transfer to Sibiryak LLC in accordance with paragraph 5 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. ”

If necessary, an invitation from the new employer to whom the transfer is planned may be attached to the application. In this case, after the main text, the word “Appendix” is written in the left corner and the name of the document to be submitted along with the application for consideration by the management is indicated.

The final stage - putting down the signature, decryption and date of writing the paper.

Next, the application is sent for the visitor to the employer. If necessary, you can draw up 2 copies of the document, one of them to be given to an authorized employee, and on the second to receive a signature on acceptance. As a rule, this option is possible if the employee is in a hurry with the transfer and is afraid that his application may be “lost” among other documents.

Do not know your rights?


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