What lives 1 day. Why living one moment is a bad recommendation? Each of us has responsibilities

Live one day

In the spring of 1871, one young man met a phrase in the book, a total of 21 words, which had a tremendous impact on his entire subsequent life.

A medical student at a Montreal hospital was preoccupied with upcoming final exams, as well as with what lay ahead, how to live on. The 21 words he read in 1871 helped him become a famous generation physician.

He founded the world famous Medical Institute. John Hopkins. He became a professor and headed the department at Oxford, established by the English king, that is, he was awarded the greatest honor that a person engaged in medicine in England could deserve. When he died, a book consisting of two thick volumes with stories about his life was released. His name is Sir William Osler.

Here are 21 words that he met in the spring of 1871, 21 words from Thomas Carmel: “Our main business is not to look at what lies in the foggy haze at a distance, but to do what lies directly at hand.”

42 years later, on a warm spring evening, Sir W. Osler talked with students at Yale University. And then he told them that people are mistaken when they think that he, a professor at four universities and an author of books, has “brains of special quality”. He said that close friends know that he has the most ordinary abilities.

What is the secret of his success?

It is due to the fact that he tries to live within one day. What did Sir Osler mean? A few months before his speech, he crossed the Atlantic on a large ocean liner, on which the captain, standing on the bridge, could press the button to block the liner with waterproof partitions.

“Each of you,” said Sir Osler, “has a higher organization than this airliner and is designed for a longer voyage. I want to convince you to learn how to live within one day in order to ensure greater safety of swimming. Climb onto the bridge, press the button and listen to how the iron doors slam the dead yesterday. Press another button and slam the future with the iron curtain - still unborn tomorrow.

Then you are safe - safe today.

Slam the past! Let the past bury yourself. Keep yourself safe from tomorrow, which made it easier for many to die. The burden of tomorrow’s worries, combined with yesterday’s and that which needs to be carried today, crushes the strongest. Close the future as tightly as the past.

The future is today. No tomorrow. The day of salvation is today. Depression and preoccupation follow a person who is worried about the future. Rebuild “stern and nose”, develop the habit of living within one day. ”

Did Sir Osler say that we should not try to prepare for tomorrow? Not at all. In his address, he says that the best way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate all the intellect, all the enthusiasm on the best fulfillment of the present day, its deeds.

During the war, our military leaders made plans for the future, but they could not afford to show concern. “I provided the very best people with the very best military equipment at our disposal,” said Admiral Ernest J. King, commander of the United States Navy, “and set them the most reasonable task. That’s all I can do. ”

“If the ship is sunk,” Admiral King continued, “I cannot lift it.” If it is sunk, I cannot prevent it. I’d better use my time to solve tomorrow’s problems than to regret what happened yesterday. In addition, if I allow myself to worry about such things, I will not be enough for a long time. ”

In wartime and peacetime, the difference between the correct and incorrect way of thinking is as follows: the correct way of thinking is based on an analysis of causes and effects, it leads to logical constructive planning; the wrong way of thinking often leads to tension and nervous breakdowns.

During World War II, a young man in uniform — somewhere in Europe — learned a useful lesson. His name was Ted Bengermino. This man brought himself to mental trauma in a combat environment.

“In April 1945,” writes Ted Bengermino, “I was so worried that I was struck by a disease that doctors call“ slimy colitis. ” This disease caused me unbearable pain. If the war didn’t end at that time, I’m sure that I would finally undermine my health.

I was completely exhausted. I served as a non-commissioned officer of the funeral team of the 94th Infantry Division. My job was to help fill out the registration cards of all those killed in the battle, missing and hospitalized. I also had to dig out the bodies of soldiers, both allies and enemies, who were killed and hastily buried in shallow graves in the midst of battle. My responsibilities also included collecting personal belongings of the dead and ensuring that they were sent to their parents or immediate family, for whom they would be very dear. I was constantly haunted by the fear that we could make serious mistakes. I was worried about how I could handle it all. I was depressed by the thought of whether I would live to see the moment when I could hold my only child in the arms - my son was sixteen months old, but I had never seen him. I was so upset and exhausted that I lost thirty-four pounds in weight. I was on the verge of madness. I looked at my hands. They resembled the hands of a skeleton. I was horrified at the thought that I was destined to return home disabled. I was driven to complete despair and cried like a child. I was so shocked that every time I was alone, tears streamed down my cheeks. After the battle of the Ardennes, there came a period when I cried so often that I almost lost all hope of becoming a normal person again.

In the end, I ended up in the hospital. One military doctor gave me advice that completely transformed my life. After a thorough examination, he came to the conclusion that the basis of my diseases was a mental disorder. “Ted,” he said, “I want you to look at your life like an hourglass.” You know that thousands of grains of sand are at the top of the hourglass; and they all slowly and regularly pass through the narrow jumper in the middle. If you or I make more than one grain of sand pass through this hole at a certain time, the watch will go bad. You, me and all other people are like this hourglass. When we get up in the morning, hundreds of things arise that we must complete on this day. And if we don’t do these things one at a time (as a single grain of sand goes through a narrow hole), and we strive to do everything at once, we will undermine our physical or mental strength. "

I have put this philosophy into practice since the unforgettable day when the military doctor gave me advice: “One grain of sand - per unit of time ... One thing - at a certain period of time." This advice saved me physically and mentally during the war; he also helped me now in peacetime. I work as a clerk for a Commercial Credit Company in Baltimore. In my work, I faced the same problems that arose before me during the war — I had to do a lot of things at once, but I had too little time to deal with them. Our stocks have fallen in price. We had to introduce new forms into our activities. At that time, new joint-stock companies were organized, which opened and closed, changed addresses, etc. Instead of being annoyed and nervous, I remembered what the doctor told me: “One grain of sand per unit of time, one thing to a certain time interval". Repeating these words to myself again and again, I performed my duties in the most rational way. “While doing my work, I no longer felt confused and confused, which almost crippled me in combat conditions.”

One of the most terrifying comments on our lifestyle is that almost half of the beds in our hospitals are occupied by patients suffering from nervous and mental disorders, patients who were broke by the exorbitant burden of accumulated yesterday and terrifying tomorrow. Indeed, the vast majority of these people could calmly enjoy life and be happy and benefit others if they followed the advice of Jesus Christ: “Do not worry about tomorrow,” or the advice of William Osler: “Live in the today’s compartment.”

You and I, for the present moment, are at the intersection of two eternities: the vast past, which lasted forever, and the future, which is directed forward to the last moment of the reckoning. In all likelihood, we cannot simultaneously live in one and the other eternity - no, not even a fraction of a second. Trying to achieve this, we can undermine our physical health and mental strength. Therefore, let us be content to live in a single period of time in which we can probably live, from the present moment to going to bed. “Everyone can carry his burden, no matter how heavy, until nightfall,” wrote Robert Louis Stevenson. “Each of us is able to carry out our work, even the most difficult, in one day. Any of us can live with tenderness in our souls, with patience, with love for those around us, virtuously before sunset. And this is precisely the true meaning of life. ”

In fact, life requires us only this. However, Mrs. E.K. Shields was desperate and even on the verge of suicide - before she learned to live from dawn to dusk. “In 1937, I lost my husband,” said Mrs. Shields, telling me her life story. “I was deeply saddened.” I had almost no livelihood. I wrote a letter to my former employer, Mr. Leon Roach, the owner of Roach-Fowler in Kansas City, and was hired again. In the past, I made a living selling books to rural and urban schools. Two years before, I sold my car when my husband got sick. However, I managed to scrape together enough money to buy by installments, making a down payment, a used car, and I started selling books again.

I thought that once again on the road, I could overcome depression. But driving alone and eating alone turned out to be beyond my power. In some places, I could not make enough money. It turned out to be difficult for me to pay even car fees, although they were small.

In the spring of 1938, I worked near Versailles, Missouri. Schools were poor, roads were bad. I was so alone and disappointed in life that at one time I even thought about suicide. It seemed to me that success was impossible. Life has lost its meaning for me. I was afraid of everything in the world. I was overcome by fears that I could not pay car dues and room fees, that I would have nothing to eat. I was afraid to get sick, because I did not have money to pay a doctor. The only thing that kept me from suicide was the thought that my sister would be deeply upset and that I didn’t have enough money to pay the cost of the funeral.

But one day I read an article that helped me overcome despair and gave me courage to continue living. All my life I will be grateful to the author of the article for one phrase that inspired me to deal with difficulties. Here is this phrase: “A new life is opened for a wise person every day.” I reprinted this phrase and stuck it to the windshield of my car. Thus, while driving, I saw these words every minute. It turned out that it is not so difficult to take care of how to live only one day. I learned to forget about the old days and not worry about tomorrow. Every morning I said to myself: “Today a new life is opening before me.”

I managed to overcome the fear of loneliness and the fear of need. I am happy and generally succeed, and now I am full of enthusiasm and love of life.

Now I know that I will never be afraid, no matter what awaits me in life. I got rid of the fear of the future. Now I know that I should think only about today, and that “a new life is opened for a wise person every day”. ”

Who do you think wrote the verses below?

Between hopes, worries, between fears of a circle and unrest

Think about you every day, that he shines for you last;

Joy will descend that hour, which you will not seek.

These words seem modern, right? However, they were written thirty years BC by the Roman poet Horace.

One of the most tragic properties of human nature, as far as I know, is our tendency to postpone the realization of our aspirations for the future. We all dream of some kind of magical garden full of roses that can be seen somewhere beyond the horizon - instead of enjoying the roses that grow under our window today.

Why are we such fools - such terrifying fools?

“How weird we spend that little stretch of time called our lives,” wrote Stephen Leacock. - The child says: “When I become a youth”. But what does this mean? The young man says: “When I become an adult.” And finally, becoming an adult, he says: “When I get married.” Finally, he marries, but little changes from that. He begins to think: “When can I retire.” And then, when he reaches retirement age, he looks back at his life path; as if a cold wind were blowing in his face, and the cruel truth was revealed before him about how much he had lost in life, how everything had irretrievably gone. Too late we realize that the meaning of life lies in life itself, in the rhythm of every day and hour. ”

The late Edward S. Evans from Detroit at one time almost killed himself with eternal anxiety before he realized that "the meaning of life lies in life itself, in the rhythm of every day and hour." A native of a poor family, Edwards Evans began to earn his living by selling newspapers; then he worked as a clerk in a grocery store. Subsequently, he got the job of assistant librarian. He had to support seven people. Although his salary was small, he was afraid to leave work. Eight years passed before he found the courage to start all over again. He opened an enterprise in which fifty-five dollars were borrowed, and received an income of twenty thousand dollars a year. Then a killing blow hit him. He took a bill of exchange from his friend for a large sum, and a friend suddenly went broke. Soon another blow followed: the bank in which Evans had all the money went bankrupt. He not only lost all his fortune to a single cent, but also owed sixteen thousand dollars. His nerves could not stand this shock. “I could neither sleep nor eat,” he told me. - I got an incomprehensible disease. Anxiety, and only anxiety caused this disease. Once I walked down the street and fainted. I could no longer move. I was bedridden and my body was covered with boils. Boils were not only outside, but also inside. Even while lying in bed, I experienced inhuman pain. Every day I became weaker. Finally, the doctor said that I had two weeks left to live. I was amazed, I made a will, and then went back to bed, waiting for the end. There was no point in either fighting or worrying. I reconciled, relaxed and fell asleep. For weeks I slept no more than two hours in a row, but now, since my earthly problems were ending, I fell asleep with a baby’s sleep. Fatigue gradually passed. I have an appetite. I began to gain weight.

After a few weeks, I could walk on crutches. Six weeks later, I started working. In the past, I earned twenty thousand dollars a year, and now I was content with work that brought me only thirty dollars a week. I started selling brake pads, which secured the wheels of cars during their transportation. Finally, I comprehended my life experience. The main thing for me is to get rid of anxiety, not to regret what happened in the past, and not to fear the future. I devoted all my time, strength and energy to mastering a new profession. ”

Edward S. Evans began to rapidly advance through the ranks. A few years later he became president of the company. His company, Evans Product, has been listed for many years on the New York Stock Exchange. When Edward S. Evans died in 1945, he was considered one of the most progressive business people in the United States. If you ever fly over Greenland, you may land at Evans Field - at the airport named after him.

The essence of this story is as follows: Edward S. Evans would never have achieved such impressive successes in life if he had not realized the absurdity of anxiety in the "compartment" of today.

Five hundred years before our era, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus told his disciples that "everything changes, except the law of change." He also said: "You cannot enter twice in the same river." The river changes every second, the same thing happens with the person who entered it. Life is a continuous change. The only certainty is today. Why spoil the beauty of today by trying to solve the problems of the future, full of endless changes and ambiguities - a future that, apparently, no one can foresee.

The ancient Romans had a corresponding word for this. In fact, two words: Carpe diem "Use today." Or: "Seize the moment." Yes, seize the moment and try to find satisfaction in it.

John Ruskin put a simple stone on his desk, on which one word was engraved: "Today." Although there is no stone on my desk, a sheet of paper with verses that Sir William Osler always kept on his desk will stick to my mirror. These verses are written by the famous Indian playwright Kalidasa:

Greetings to the Dawn

Take a look at this day!

After all, it contains life, the very essence of life.

In his short run

All the truths and essences of our existence lie:

Bliss of growth

Magnificence of action

Greatness of achievement.

Cause yesterday is just a dream

And tomorrow is only an obscure vision.

If today is a good day,

Yesterday seems like a happy dream

And every tomorrow is a vision of hope.

I urge you to live today!

This is the greeting of the dawn.

So, if you want to exclude anxiety from your life, do what Sir Osler has done: fence yourself off from the past and the future. Live the affairs of today.

Try asking yourself and writing down the answers to the following questions:

1. Do I have frequent worries about the future, do I dream of a magical rose garden somewhere in the distance, beyond the horizon?

2. Do I sometimes poison the present with a place in the past, long accomplished, to which there is no return?

3. Do I get up in the morning with the intention of “grabbing the day,” to do the maximum possible in these 24 hours?

4. Is it possible to feel better by living the affairs of one day?

5. When will I start to comply with this rule? Starting next week? Tomorrow? - 1Today? - 0

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Hello. My name is Nastya, I still live in Kiev and do what I do.
A year ago, I wrote a post "" and now I will almost repeat it.
Apparently, I was not a good or even evil girl, because the universe kicked in the ass and
i am sitting at home with a broken leg. I think about my behavior. Three more weeks to think.
So, I will show you the day about me and my broken leg February 27, 2015 in 55 photographs.

The morning began with the fact that I did well and slept. I really wanted to write "and I ran," but
for a week now, as I do, I am moving extremely strangely. And I crawled. Time is 07:07.
Of course, I didn’t take it off. Who cares about the morning hours?

Another thing is an invariable cup of morning coffee. She is much more interesting.
There will be many photographs of a similar angle, since, my foot and I are a little, limited.
While the drink cools, I crawl jellyfish around the apartment. First a bath, but I won’t show it.
Then, check whether Tarapunka is getting dressed.

The Tarapunkins plans did not include a trip to the garden. But I was adamant. Almost a rock.
Moreover, the day promised to be rich in adventure.
Speaking of rock:

This I enjoy life. I did not work out with self-portraits, so there will be no more of them.
But the hours that I have long wanted to paint will be many.

Meanwhile, in the city, as if someone spilled milk

Fog over the Yangtze.
Females require food.
Seals, when they demand food, make very sad faces. I’m thinking about whether to do
a series of photo-emotions and go (although the word "go" is not very suitable) to feed them.

and the child at the same time. The husband leads him to the garden. But there is no such joyful event in the photo.
And the photo of the joyful husband, too, no.

After eating, the child has time to get dressed quickly and go to the garden with the parent.
Since he dresses with fireworks, my leg and I didn’t have time to shoot this.
Only an intermediate process.

I am sitting, which is logical, at home, but I will work remotely that day. Until the working day has begun,
i put music.

Time 8:10, suddenly who did not see.
On average, I spend 25 seconds to get from the kitchen to the room. And since I was told to walk very little,
i try to do the maximum of things in one territory. I have a bath along the way, so it’s worth loading the wash.
But having made 15 photographs of the display and not a single one with straight lines and no horizon, I decided
that there is nothing interesting in the washing machine.

Therefore fotochki earrings. Earrings are always more interesting than a display with a washing mode.

As a good housewife, and a responsible girl, I put dry things in a closet.
But, the cabinet does not fit into the lens, and I do not need a matchbox in order to reach the handle.
But the rest - it seems.

I prepared everything for work for myself. Pay attention to shaggy. If you beat him, he emits different cries.
There is no better toy for people with suppressed aggression.

At this time, I was already connected to work. I work perfectly - lying. Even remorse tortured.
A leg in the tire, so that no one would think that the evil Nastya was fooling around.

I won’t show it again. In general, I am trying in every possible way to look for pleasant moments in a fracture of the patella,
While there are no new letters, I’m going to collect my mother food for work. On the way I photograph her.

My mother is a needlewoman. When she has free time, she makes beauty.
On the way back, I go to her again. And I find a cat in a bag, a cat in a bag.

In the room where my office sofa is located, fish are painted on the walls. Just show.
My son and I drew it. Time.

Then I got tired of lying and I moved the office to the kitchen. And the plant watered.

About work or good or nothing. Good thing I have it.
But I don’t know how to talk about it.

I record tasks in detail, because I have survived until the time when memory cannot be 100% trusted.
I have access to all work resources except 1C. Those. and was to her, but in one beautiful environment he disappeared.
Girls at work helped me a lot. I work on TV. Not a journalist.

For the sake of conspiracy, I'm washing letters and correspondence. Time 10:18.
A nightmare, only 10:18! I will shorten the story.
Since I'm in the kitchen, I make tea with apples. Tea two cups. Both to yourself. Both are half a liter.
Firstly, because of laziness, so as not to do it several times, and secondly, to save electricity.
But more, of course, because of laziness. I will still find application for the remains of the apple.

Since tea is brewing, I check how my cranberry tincture is.
Shake, admire the color and put it back.

My leg and I sat up in the kitchen. The leg decided that she was tired of the stool, and decided to go on the sofa.
I completely agreed with her. At work, they often called me. Therefore I release the ferret from captivity.

Only a person with a broken lens or a swivel animal can understand how hellishly hard to focus a normal frame. I tried five times. Then five more. Then another, and in a strange way, this last one turned out.

After about 10 minutes, the prisoner returned to the crate. and I turned on the lights on the easel.
The picture was presented by good people. In October. I still did not have the opportunity to draw it.
Now it is.

Lunch, which takes place at standard lunch time - I will not show. I don’t like to show food at all.
After lunch, I feed and sing cockroach spider beetles. Next will be a few photos with cockroaches and a spider.

i feed the remains of the apple to the beetle Seine, nameless cockroaches, and 18 worms.
Senya beetle is not very photogenic. Once he was one of a dozen feed worms,
but they didn’t want to eat him, then he became Senya. Senya loves to drink and climb on cockroaches. What gender I still have not figured out. But, now I have time to do it.

Beetle Senya saddled his friend a hysterical cockroach. Probably need to make him a girlfriend.
Although, cockroaches, also had to be heterosexual. Did not work out.

I change the spider water. My spider is beautiful. I'm terribly afraid of him.
In general, I am afraid of everything that I can break or accidentally kill. I am afraid of the turtle too.

i make tea. again. But already different. Already berry.

The view is opposite.

And slowly crawl into the room for canvases of paints.
Because, until they write to me, I can draw a picture promised to my grandmother.

time. At the same time I will show our dolls with my mother. Mom makes them more often. And I made mine seven years ago.
mine, the one that is long.

he is not bald, this is his hair from ostrich feathers.
looked at Igor. Igor has grown several young leaves. it's good, otherwise I thought
that was about to dry.

Prepared materials.

Immediately I decide to get an aroma lamp. In which, suddenly, there was a varnish.

The instructions for the essential oil say that it improves mood and helps in the fight
with depression. I often believe what is written in the accompanying papers.

But, they really raise the mood.
First, I sketch (do not think, I have a laptop on the table and I’m monitoring mail)

and then I start to draw.

  The time is already about 17 hours. In an hour, the boys will come.
It’s good that I don’t show the storyboard of the paint mixing process.

They call me again from work, and I put off drawing to check the playlist.
But this I will not show. This is not very interesting. While I finish work, let go for a walk
Turtle Tilda-Matilda. She is terribly curious.

And I took an incredible amount of photos. And that too is scary. No sense of proportion.
I also suffer from mania. I paint cups with houses. Houses, like lighthouses, are my weakness.
Psychiatrists have an opinion on this and I respect him. The last time the cup was painted with whales.
I think progress.

Work finished by six. And drew windows. and I didn’t like the picture. but I will show it.

The boys arrive at 18:10. The son remains, the husband leaves on business. While the child undresses, I wipe the water from the floor.
Because well done. Let me remind you that the leg has not yet grown together for this long time. And I suffer from self-pity.

In the corridor live cats. On the wall. Beautiful. I can not do that.

while back and forth, while I talked with the child, there was so much time. I’ll paint the clock anyway.

Tarapunka asks for a nut. And in our bourgeois latitudes just coconuts are found.

Coconut lies in the saucer, which is on the book that I want to read. But, today it does not shine for me.
Generally does not shine.
About eight they called me from work, they said that now there will be a lot of it. And she really became a lot. Highly.
I had huge plans for the evening, I wanted to play trackers and make a cast of plaster shoes with the cub. But it did not work out. Therefore, she put an easel to him.

  My husband came, and I work. Therefore, the husband fed the child. But I didn’t see it.
After eating, the son drew a little more.

i'm working. At ten o'clock Tarapunka went to bed. I came to kiss him and turn on the bedtime story.
We usually read by ourselves, but not today. Tale: Peppy Long Stocking.

Following her son, her husband went to sleep. And I went to the kitchen. Work. And drink tea.
And look at the book I want to read.

At 23 hours. And I work. At 23:30 I finished the last letter. At the same time, mom came.
And at the end of this unusually interesting day, I looked something like this:

Hunger is the lack of nutrient intake in the body. It is widely used as a method of losing weight and healing. To understand how long a person can live on water without food, you need to understand all the nuances of this condition.

Food is the most important and indispensable source of energy for any living creature. For the normal functioning of the vital systems, the necessary amount of nutrients must enter the body.

Without proper nutrition, natural processes are disrupted - the immune defense weakens, organs stop working in the usual rhythm. The gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, skeletal system, blood vessels, heart and brain suffer. In addition to physiological disorders, psychological disorders are observed - sleep worsens, apathy, irritability arise.

In the absence of nutrition, the body gradually depletes, reserves of adipose tissue run out, bones are destroyed, anorexia develops. Without adjusting the condition, death can occur.

How much can you do without food

Our body is thought out and universal. In the absence of food, he is able to do without food for some time, to function offline.

1-4 day of hunger. A person feels some physical and psychological malaise. Enhanced nutritional arousal. There are pains in the intestines, profuse salivation.

End of the first week  (5-8 day) without food. Feeling the need for food is dulled. A whitish coating forms on the tongue, urine becomes cloudy, the smell of acetone emanates from the oral cavity. Fatigue, depression, weakness in the bones and muscles are felt.

9-12 day  without food. The peak of the restructuring of the body, which is called an acidotic crisis. The body learns to live without external power sources.

13 - 20 days  fasting. The stage of autonomous work of the body, when the body tries to get by with its own resources. Skin color improves, the psychological state normalizes. Previously acquired symptoms disappear. The heart rate, blood pressure are reduced. There is drowsiness.

21-30 day  hunger. Energy Saving Mode. A minimal amount of effort is spent. Only vital organs function fully. The body is already accustomed to lack of nutrition, lives autonomously. The practitioner is feeling much better.

1 month and more. A second attack of acidotic crisis occurs. Symptoms are less pronounced, easier to carry. This stage should be considered critical. Uncontrolled starvation in the future will lead to the shutdown of some systems, and ultimately to death.

According to experts, the duration of survival without food for people of different age categories and sex is different. First of all, teenagers will suffer, then men, then old people. Young women are more likely to survive. The amount of time indicated is based on fluid intake. Without water, a person will not live more than 7 days, after which dehydration and death occurs.

How to help the body do without food

To "help" your own body during fasting, you can take the following measures:

  1. Refuse an active lifestyle. Go on vacation, spend time in a country house, devote time to reading books or keep bed rest. The less energy is wasted, the better for the whole organism.
  2. In addition to water, drink a variety of infusions, decoctions, juices or tea. They will not violate the starvation system, but at the same time enrich the body with vitamins. The diet for treating Rudolph Brois cancer is based on this principle.
  3. Avoid stress. The human body responds to any emotional shock by a surge of adrenaline, which requires energy.
  4. More time to be in the fresh air. A weakened immune system needs to be maintained, and walking on the street has a beneficial effect on its strengthening.
  5. Spend time in companies. Outsiders will help to distract from the thought of food. A pleasant pastime will positively affect the emotional state.
  6. Devote your thoughts not to food, but to the purpose for which it was abandoned. Such psychological training will help to concentrate, show willpower and cheer up when you can’t be without food.

In addition to your own mood for positive thinking, you need to feel the understanding and support of loved ones.

There are circumstances in which, in the opinion of medicine, it is contraindicated for a person not to eat. This includes:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children and youth under the age of 18;
  • diagnosed exhaustion and anorexia;
  • elderly age;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulcer;
  • heart, kidney, or liver failure;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • a previous stroke or heart attack;
  • previously performed operations;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • oncological processes in the body;
  • blood diseases;
  • gout;
  • mental illness;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis;
  • pronounced reduced blood pressure;
  • acute infectious diseases (until complete recovery).

Some contraindications are temporary limitations. Before starting a diet, you should objectively assess the condition, if necessary, postpone the event to a later time.

To protect yourself from possible complications during fasting, it is recommended to visit a doctor. According to his appointment, undergo a full diagnostic examination to get an answer about the state of the body.

The consequences of prolonged abstinence

Attempts to do without food for a long time (more than 35 days) can adversely affect the condition. There is a likelihood of irreversible consequences, including degeneration of internal organs, changes in the biochemical composition of blood, impaired functioning of the brain and nervous system.

One of the most severe conditions as a result of hunger is anorexia. In this condition, the practitioner refuses food, rapidly loses weight and becomes mentally emotionally upset. To survive in this situation, you need specialized help. In most cases, this condition leads to a starving coma with subsequent death.

A person can survive without food, in the same water. If the period of hunger is short-term and lasts for several days, this will be beneficial. Cleansing of toxins and toxins will occur. With a protracted diet, there are real threats to health and life.

Would you like to know the secret to the success of people who have achieved power, fame, status, wealth? Then this article is for you!

You can easily achieve everything if you stick to this technique. It will help you organize yourself, become the master of your destiny, manage your life yourself and make the right decisions.

We know that everything in life is relative, there are only two known quantities, two sides of the same coin - you and the world around you. A chaotic stream of information and events descends on us from the outside world. We often find ourselves in a situation where we don’t know what to grab onto, we don’t know - where is that foundation, that fulcrum with respect to which you can build your life and make decisions.

The secret to success is ...

Our whole life consists of days. Imagine that these are not different days, but only 1 day, which we live again and again. That is, every day we are given a chance to live the day again. The foothold will choose the 1 day we live today.

The secret to success is that the way we live this day, we will live the rest of our lives.

Our entire infinite life narrows to just one day, which we can live an infinite number of times.

How do successful people live 1 day?

1. For there to be day, there must be night

Simply put, you need to get enough sleep and wake up early in the morning. For those who get up early, the day seems long, a person manages to do a lot. The optimal length of the day is 16 hours, sleep - 8 hours.

The favorable time for getting up is 5 in the morning, and for going to bed - 9 in the evening. But you yourself can set the time for yourself the most suitable time, the main thing is to get enough sleep to gain strength for a new day.

2. We all want to be free!

We all want to be free, and not live like robots - on a schedule. There is a contradiction. On the one hand, the regime of the day drives us into a tight framework, on the other hand, we lose a foothold if we act chaotically every minute.

Chaos will lead to the fact that our life will be controlled by circumstances or other people, and not you and me. So let's find a compromise. Namely, we will divide our day into two parts: the first - obligatory events, the second - complete freedom. With the second part of the day, everything is clear, so we will not consider it anymore.

3. The first part of the day: obligatory events

What is its duration? It is different for everyone, everyone is free to choose how much time to leave for work, and how much for rest.

4. Each of us has a dream

Surely everyone has a dream to achieve something in life, to get what they want. To make it easier for the Universe to fulfill your dream, choose one of the most desirable, postpone the rest for later.

Take a piece of time from the first part of the day to work on the realization of a dream. It is advisable to leave this piece of time at the very beginning, immediately after the morning procedures. After all, the fulfillment of desire is the most important thing for us.

Work on the realization of a dream is a separate topic, everyone chooses the most suitable techniques¹ and outlines steps to achieve the goal. It’s important to understand one thing - if you do the same thing every day at the same time, a tremendous power develops that allows you to achieve your goal².

5. Each of us has responsibilities

We live in a society. And that means that we have to go to work, do something around the house, take care of ourselves, our clothes, cook food, and more. All these duties will be placed in the remainder of the first part of the day reserved for obligatory events.

6. Plan of the day

So, we have a certain plan of the day, which is equivalent to the plan of our whole life:

  • morning treatments;
  • work on the realization of a dream;
  • obligatory events;
  • complete freedom of action.

You just have to arrange the start and end time of each interval. You can also describe in more detail the list of events for some items. And that’s all! Our life is in our pocket. Now life is ruled by you, not circumstances or other people.

7. The secret to success in overcoming difficulties

In practice, a problem may arise: “How to force yourself to do what he thought up to himself day after day?” Serious motivation, strong enough to keep it from temptations that will lead away, will help to solve this problem.

The best incentive in this case may be an outside observer. You can select a close person as an outside observer. You can choose yourself, but it will require a lot of willpower and the ability to auto-suggestion³.

I congratulate everyone on the feast of St. John of Kronstadt - his birthday, the day of baptism and angel's day, as well as the first glorification of the Russian Church Abroad.

In the book of St. John of Kronstadt, “My Life in Christ,” I found a wonderful spiritual discourse on how to spend the day before the Face of God, which can be called the order of the Christian. Let's try to spend this day in memory of St. John of Kronstadt on his advice


1. In everything and at all times, please God and think about saving your soul from sins and the devil and assimilating it to God.
I got out of bed, crossed ourselves and said: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” and again: “Lord, bless us to save us this day and teach me how to do your will” [from Great Glories];

2. You meet a day, think about the non-evening, eternal, bright - more than this sunny day — the day of the Kingdom of Heaven, in which all who please God or repent to God in this temporary belly will rejoice;

3. Wash yourself at home or in the bathhouse, say: Lord, sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed, washed me, and more than snow I will whiten [Ps. 50, 9];

4. Put on your underwear, think of a purity of heart, and ask the Lord for a pure heart: build your heart purely in me, God [Ps. 50, 12];

5. I have sewed the renewal and put it on, think about the renewal of the spirit and say: The spirit is right, Lord, renew in my womb [ibid.];

6. You put off the shabby clothes with neglect, think about the postponement with great neglect of the shabby man, sinful, passionate, carnal;

7. Eat the bread of sweetness, think of the true bread that gives eternal life to souls - of the Body and Blood of Christ and hunger for this bread, that is wish to receive communion more often;

8. Drink water, or tea, or honey, sweets, or another drink, think of a true drink that quenches souls burning with passions, about the Savior's Pure and Life-giving Blood;

9. If you go where, think about the righteousness of spiritual walking before the face of God and say: send my feet according to Your word, and may all lawlessness not possess me [Ps. 118, 133];

10. Do what you do, try to do this thing with the thought of God the Creator, who has made everything infinite wisdom, His goodness, His omnipotence, and created you in His own image and likeness;

11. Whether money, whether you receive or have what kind of treasure, think that our treasure is inexhaustible, from which all the treasures of our souls and bodies, the source of all-pervading all good, are God, thank Him all-heartedly and do not enclose your treasures in yourself, but do not enter in your heart to a priceless and living Treasure - God, but devote from your state to those who require, needy, destitute brothers, who are left in this life so that you can prove your love and gratitude to God on them and be rewarded for that by God in eternity;

12. Do you see a white silver shine, i.e. silver, do not be deceived by it, but think that it should be white and shine with the virtues of Christ your soul;

13. Do you see a golden brilliance, or a golden one, don’t be seduced by it, but remember that your soul must be like gold, purified by fire, and that the Lord himself wants to enlighten you like the sun in the eternal, bright kingdom of His Father that you will see the unapproachable Sun of truth - God in three Hypostases, the Blessed Lady of the Theotokos and all the heavenly Forces and holy people, with indescribable light filled and shining with a light painting.

14. Rest during the day, think of eternal rest prepared for those who had worked here in the fight against sin, with the spirits of wickedness under heaven, with human unrighteousness, or human ignorance and rudeness;

15. Whether you go to bed at night, think about the mortal dream, which sooner or later will certainly come for all of us, and about that dark, eternal, terrible night, in which all sinners who are unrepentant will be cast down.


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