The increase from May 1 to state employees. Legislative regulation of the minimum wage

For a long time we did not dare to tackle this topic - it is not customary for us to write to a recruiter after an interview. In the West, this is a common practice and, it seems to us, not in vain. Follow-up letters are a good opportunity to prove yourself once again and thank the recruiter for the time spent. A good word is nice for a cat :)

3 reasons to write to a recruiter:

  1. The letter will remind you again. If HR talked to a dozen candidates, and the letter came only from you, this will be an additional point in your favor.
  2. This is a chance to get rid of understatement, to joke or say about what you forgot about.
  3. Politeness is nice. It is easy to thank a person for a pleasant conversation, for a chance. Or maybe you want to get the opposite reaction - what was wrong, why and what it was worth working on.

Keep a few templates to get you started.

// Template # 1.

Good afternoon / evening, [name],

it was nice to talk with you today, despite my excitement. Thank you for your time, questions and attentiveness.

If you still have questions for me, I will be happy to answer them!

I attach to the letter [portfolio], which you asked to send.

Thank you again for the opportunity [to visit the company’s office and get to know the employees, learn more about the values \u200b\u200bof the team].



+ contacts

// Template # 2:

Good afternoon / evening, [name]!

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the possibilities of working in the company [name] at the position [name].

I hope that my skills, professional experience and personal qualities will help me become a part of the team and prove myself.

Thank you for your time - it was nice to look into the company’s office and get to know more about its work.

If you have any questions, I’m always in touch and will be ready (a) to answer them.



+ contacts

// Template # 3:

Good afternoon / evening, [name],

Thank you for the interview and the opportunity to look at the work of the company [name].

After everything I saw, I even wanted to become part of the team. I have one question left regarding [subject + question].

I will wait for an answer!



+ contacts

What mistakes you can make when writing a letter:

- excessive politeness

Try to limit yourself to a couple of words of thanks and no more. There is a danger of giving the impression of a sneak.

- flattery

Sincerely write about what you liked at the interview or what company values \u200b\u200bare close to you. Be honest, lie and exaggerate is not worth it.

- excessive emotionality

A whole series of exclamation marks, emoticons with hearts, enthusiastic odes about the company - stop.

- A pity

In no case do not press on the person on the other side of the screen - do not say that this is your last chance or you do not have enough money.

- Confidence that they will take you

Confidence and self-confidence are two different things. Give the recruiter time to think, no need to push and make the next appointment.

Communication after the interview is important, but this part of the job search process is often overlooked. It allows you to thank the employer for the time allotted, to remind you again of your interest in the work and your potential, which will help you make a positive contribution to the development of the company. At the same time, communication after the interview is a delicate process, and the wrong approach to this issue can really reduce your chances. This article will discuss the most appropriate ways to remind yourself after an interview to help you stand out from other job applicants.


At the end of the interview

Do not avoid sending a reminder letter or a phone call. Some people mistakenly think that they should just wait for a decision and not disturb the interviewer. This is the wrong tactic. Many companies deliberately wait to see who, after the interview, will prove himself to be at a high professional level, and who really wants to get this position. As long as you follow the “three-stroke rule”, a reminder letter is a positive strategic step that can play important role in providing you a position in the company.

As soon as we go outside the office, where the interview for an interesting job has just ended, questions immediately begin to arise: “What should I do next?”, “Will they call me back?”, “Or maybe you should call or write a letter yourself?” And the most painful question is How long to wait for an answer after the interview.
But do not sit back waiting for the good news. Right actions after an interview on your part, not only will “ease the painfulness” of expectations help, but also influence the choice of the employer.
Experts offer you the following relevant and useful actions after the interview!
Place all the dots over i during the interview
If you were not immediately offered a job offer (or were not refused employment) at the interview, the employer must inform you when and when you will find out about his decision. If nothing was said about this - you need to ask yourself, and also clarify whether you can call / write a recruiter yourself and find out the results (do not forget to ask for a business card with contact details). The recruiter’s favorite phrase “We will call you” should not suit you, be sure to check the date of the call.
Send thank you note to the employer
Immediately after the interview (preferably within 24 hours, until you have forgotten) send a thank you note to the interlocutor, in which you thank him for the interview and confirm your interest in the work. This step will be pleasant for any employer - so why not do it.
In this letter, you can also ask about the timing of the decision on your candidacy, if you suddenly forgot to clarify this at the interview.
Should I call after the interview
By the indicated deadline for making a decision - definitely not! As well as writing. This will characterize you as a forgetful or annoying candidate.
Why do not call back after the interview
The decision date has already arrived, and the employer has not contacted you. What's happening? Perhaps your candidacy simply did not interest them. Many recruiters are reluctant to waste their time informing candidates about a refusal.
But there is a possibility that the employer can not decide on his choice and your call or letter with a reminder of yourself will be very helpful.
Therefore, take the initiative into your own hands and call the recruiter.

Feedback after the interview

Ekaterina P. Head of Corporate Clients Department:
“In my department, I was looking for a customer service manager. I really liked the two girls, and I could not make a choice between them. As a result, she took the one that called me back. ”
An example of a telephone conversation may be as follows:
Good afternoon, Hope. My name is Ivan Ivanov. July 22, I was interviewed for the position of head of sales. I’m very interested in working at your company, so I called to inquire about your decision regarding my candidacy. ”
If you do not want to call the employer, you can write email.
It should be brief and polite, carry only positive emotions. No need to blame anyone for anything - just remind the employer about your meeting at the interview, show interest in this position and clarify the decision on your candidacy.
Letter after the interview, example:
Good afternoon, Hope. 07/22/2013, we met with you at the interview about the vacancy, the head of the sales department. I would like to take an interest in the results of considering my candidacy for this position, since working in your company is very interesting to me, and I believe that I can make a worthy contribution to its development. Thank you in advance for your reply. Sincerely, Ivan Ivanov. "
It may turn out that the employer has not yet had time to make a decision. In this case, during the conversation (or in the letter) you need to set a new term. But if in the next specified period, the decision will not be made, you should think - is it worth it this work such an expectation in the absence of any guarantees.
Keep in touch
While waiting for the decision of the employer, be always in touch, do not plan trips to where you will be “not available”. Check more often email, including the Spam folder, as recruiters, in case of refusal, most often report this in a letter.
Do not stop looking for work
Even if you are sure that the position in your pocket, continue to search for work. There is no guarantee that the employer will not meet the candidate better than you, or will not change plans regarding new vacancy. Go for a couple more interviews, at least to have plenty to choose from.
If you show interest and reminders about yourself after the interview, the main thing is not to “overdo it”! Do not scare the employer away with your obsession and impatience. Behave like a real professional, knowing his own worth, able to value time and money.

It is planned for January 2019 to increase the minimum wage to the cost of living, which would entail an increase in the salary of state employees, it was decided to implement in 2018. Starting May 1, 2018, minimum salaries will immediately increase by 17.6% and will amount to 11,163 rubles.

To adjust the time frame for putting into force the provisions of the Federal Law of December 28, 2017 No. 421-FZ, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed at the beginning of 2018.

“Since May 1 of this year we have the opportunity to equalize the minimum wage and the cost of living, we will do it,” he said.

After discussing the issue, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to accelerate the increase in the minimum wage and equalize it with the cost of living as early as May 1. Labor Code The RF provides for the procedure and defines the terms for a smooth increase in the minimum wage to the cost of living (article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) Such increases are established by federal law. Changes to the law on minimum wages are approved by the Federal Law of March 7, 2018 No. 41-FZ. The document contains amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-ФЗ “On the Minimum Wage” and comes into force on May 1, 2018.

According to the law, the minimum wage must be at least the cost of living for the 2nd quarter of the previous year. In 2017, the minimum for the able-bodied population in the designated quarter was approved in the amount of 11,163 rubles (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 2017 No. 1119). Accordingly, the minimum wage in Russia from May 1, 2018 will amount to 11,163 rubles.

The salary of state employees from May 1 will exceed 11 thousand rubles

Implementation of the Federal Law on the minimum wage is mandatory in all regions of Russia, so many employers will need to increase employee salaries by 1674 rubles. The salary may be lower than the minimum wage, but in conjunction with incentive allowances, the percentage of sales must exceed the federal minimum wage.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires that employees receive at least a minimum wage per month. The salary of an employee who has fulfilled a labor standard per month or worked out a working time norm should be no less than the minimum wage (article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, the law does not prohibit paying people less than the established minimum if they are not arranged full-time. Perhaps employers will do so: formally transfer employees to a reduced work week in order not to really raise salaries.

The salary of employees who are involved in areas of the Far North and equivalent territories, areas with special climatic conditions, increase by district coefficients.

May 1, 2018 separate categories Russians expect an increase in minimum wages to a level not lower than the subsistence minimum established for the able-bodied population. But to whom exactly will they be raised? It is primarily about state employees and those who received unfairly low pay for their work. This positive trend is associated with an increase in the minimum wage level, to which the wages of these segments of the population were tied.

First of all, it should be noted that under Russian law there are 2 categories of state employees, the remuneration of which is carried out at the expense of the state budget of the country:

  • civil servants (employees government agencies and organizations);
  • public sector employees (doctors, educators and teachers, etc.).

Since for civil servants and officials the size of salaries and allowances are regulated by separate “rules”, then we are talking primarily about the rest of the public sector employees:

  • teachers of kindergartens and general education;
  • teachers of secondary and primary education;
  • university professors;
  • doctors;
  • middle and junior medical staff;
  • cultural and social workers;
  • research associates;
  • teachers of medical, educational and other organizations that provide services to orphans.

Thus, the increase will affect those state employees whose salaries were tied to the minimum wage, and the income level is still below the subsistence level. In many organizations of the public sector, the salary of a 1st category employee is tied to the minimum wage level, so they will receive a significant increase in salaries. Wherein special attention will be given to those employees who belong to the category of “low-paid specialist”. For example, in education, the number of such employees is about 18% of the total.

The legislative framework

The increase in wages to employees of the public sector is due to an increase in the minimum wage (minimum wage) to the cost of living, which is approved by law No. 41-FZ, which President V. Putin signed on March 7, 2018.

On a note! Earlier, the minimum wage was set at 85% of the subsistence level.

From May 1, 2018, these indicators will amount to 11,163 rubles. This is exactly the minimum amount a full-time employee can receive. But it should be borne in mind that the amount received "on hand" may be less after the deduction of personal income tax and other payments (for example, alimony).

Moreover, the salary itself may also be less than the specified amount of 11,163 rubles, since wages are formed from (Article 29 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • salary as remuneration for labor (can be set below the minimum wage, provided that the total wage for the full month will be at or above the minimum wage);
  • compensation payments, including allowances and surcharges;
  • incentive payments (bonuses and bonuses).

Important! Territorial coefficients and percentage premiums (for example, for regions of the Far North) are not included in the minimum wage. The minimum salary should not be lower than the established level before they are accrued.

The new law will affect the salary of about 4 million citizens, of which about 1.6 million are public sector employees. The final percentage increase in salaries will be determined in different organizations individually, but most importantly - the amount will not be lower than the "minimum". According to preliminary estimates of the Bank of Russia, on average state employees' salaries will increase by 14% in 2018, which is more than 3 times higher than the forecast inflation rate. Such significant wage growth rates are planned only for 2018, an increase of 4% is expected in 2019, and by 4.3% in 2020.

To fulfill the obligations, 39.3 billion rubles will be allocated from the budget: 31.8 billion will be allocated to increase the salaries of employees of municipal and state institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the remaining 7.5 billion rubles. - for employees of federal state institutions.

Inequality of salary increase

Due to the specifics of federal legislation, which provides for differences in the minimum wage level for individual regions, the level of salary increase will also differ. It should be borne in mind that if the size of the regional “minimum wage” is higher than the size of the federal minimum wage, then wages in this region cannot be lower than this regional indicator.

Regions with an increased size of the minimum wage are presented in the table:

Thus, the most significant increase in the level of wages awaits state employees of the capital, St. Petersburg, the Tula region and the Far Eastern region. In other regions, the minimum wage is equal to the federal indicator and will amount to 11,163 rubles from May 1, 2018, less than which wages cannot be.


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