How to write with respect at the end of a letter. Respect without commas. Correct email signature - what it should be

In the practice of business communication, a special place is given to the observance of the norms and rules of speech etiquette in letters of various contents. The speech etiquette of a business letter is a manifestation of the addressee's culture.

The opening address and the final form of politeness are generally accepted standard formulas.

Introductory address is a way to attract the attention of the addressee, to establish contact with him.

In the practice of domestic correspondence, until recently, the address was traditionally used in letters of a semi-official nature; in letters of invitation addressed to specific persons (honored workers of science, art, culture, deputies, persons occupying a high social position, etc.) or a group of persons related to the nature of their activities; in commercial correspondence. In modern service letters, the role of the appeal has increased; it is used in cases where the situation requires a direct appeal to an official or persons.

The appeal is placed in a separate line in the center. The exclamation mark gives the letter an emotional character, indicates the special importance attached by the author to the content of the question posed.

When addressing the addressee, one should take into account his official position, field of activity, the nature of the relationship between the parties, the purpose of the letter, etc.

If a letter is sent to the address of an institution, organization, enterprise, company, or addressed to an official whose name, surname and gender are not known, then the following are generally accepted addresses:

- Ladies and gentlemen!

- Gentlemen!

When contacting persons of the same professional circle, it is possible to contact:

- Dear Colleagues!

- Dear Colleagues!

For Russian speech etiquette, gender leveling is a characteristic feature, since until 1917 there were practically no women in the civil service, and during the Soviet period the asexual address “comrade” was widespread (Comrade Ivanova NS). In recent years, when addressing a letter to a female official, a masculine noun has been used (investigator, general director, manager, etc.).

If the recipient of the letter is a particularly important person: a high official (governor, mayor), an honored worker of science and culture, a well-known public figure, president (chairman) of a society, campaign, firm, etc., then the following addresses are used:

- Dear Alexey Petrovich!

- Dear Pavel Anatolyevich!

It is possible to apply with an indication of the position and without a last name:

- Dear Mr. Minister!

- Dear Mr. Governor!

- Dear Mr. Deputy!

- Dear Sir Publisher!

- Dear Mr. Chairman!

When contacting a person with a title, you can use the following option:

- Dear Doctor!

- Dear Professor!

Authors of letters should keep in mind that today, more than ever, personal appeal is important, which arouses the addressee's increased interest in the letter, testifies to the attention and respect of the sender to the business partner.

The inclusion of the addressee's surname in the appeal formula makes the text of the document polite and formal. If the name and patronymic are indicated in the appeal, but the surname is not called, then it becomes somewhat personal. Address by name and patronymic is allowed in an invitation letter, a message letter, a letter of gratitude and some others. These differences are due to the traditions of Russian speech culture:

- Dear Mr. Petrov!

- Dear Mrs. Petrova!

- Dear Mr. Smirnov!

- Dear Mrs. Demina!

- Dear Mr. Gorsky!

- Dear Mrs. Pronina!

- Mr. Martynov.

- Dear Dmitry Ivanovich!

- Dear Ksenia Petrovna!

-Igor Konstantinovich,...

Final form of courtesy completes the main text, is placed on the right side on the same vertical with the date at the top, and is separated from the text of the letter by two or three intervals. A comma is usually placed at the end of the final courtesy formula, but its absence is acceptable. The requisite "Signature" (name of the position of the person who signed the document, personal signature and its decoding) is affixed below the final courtesy formula in accordance with GOST R 6.30-97. In letters drawn up on official letterheads (as well as in some letters of a private nature), the title of the position and the decoding of the signature are not put.

In business correspondence, there are several options for the final courtesy formula. If the letter begins with the phrase: Dear Sir ..., then it must end with the phrase: Respectfully,...

The following language formulas are used in letters of congratulation and thanks, in letters of a personal nature:

- Sincerely yours); ...

- Sincerely yours,...

- FROM at the best wishes, ...

- Best wishes and greetings, ...

- With heartfelt greetings, ...

- With heartfelt greetings and wishes, ...

-With thanks. Your...

- FROM friendly greetings,...

- With friendly greetings, ...

- Our best wishes to Mr. (name).

In a real situation, the sender should be guided not only by the standard, but also by the rules of good taste.

In letters to unfamiliar people or a business partner, use the official wording:

- Respectfully,...

- With gratitude and respect, ...

- With deep respect, ..


As a rule, such letters are addressed personally.

Words of gratitude are appropriate both at the beginning and at the end of the letter. A letter of thanks may vary in content, for example: a request letter, a confirmation letter, an invitation letter, an invitation letter, a cover letter, a request letter, etc. When choosing one or another wording for expressing gratitude the nature of the business and personal relationship between the sender and the recipient of the letter should be taken into account.

At the beginning of the letter, you can testify your respect, respectful attitude towards the addressee, recognition of his merits, a positive assessment of the mind of a business partner, etc., or express gratitude for the correspondence received:

-It's very kind of you ...

- I appreciate your kindness ...

- Recognizing and appreciating your contribution to ...

- We were happy to receive ...

- This letter - expression of deep gratitude (appreciation) ...

- We acknowledge with gratitude the receipt of your order for ...

- Thank you very much for the fax from ...

- Thank you for the catalog we received ...

- Thank you for your letter from ...

- Please accept my sincere (deep) gratitude for ...

-I want to express my deep gratitude for ...

-I am (sincerely) grateful for your ...

- Let me express my gratitude for your participation in ...

- Let me thank you for ...

- Let me express my gratitude (appreciation) to you

- We are grateful to you that ...

- We express our gratitude on behalf of ...

- Thank you for your participation ...

At the end of the letter you can also use words of gratitude again, express hope for an early response, for continued cooperation, for possible prospects for business relations, etc.:

FROM gratitude for your interest in this matter, I remain, ...

- Thank you in advance for your assistance, I remain, your ...

- I will (we will) be very grateful (grateful) for a quick (urgent) response.

- We would be very grateful (grateful) if wouldYou answered as soon as possible.

- Thank you very much for your (kind) assistance.

- Your assistance in this matter will be highly appreciated.

- With heartfelt greetings and gratitude for your action (patience) in this matter.

- I sincerely appreciate your patience and continuing. interest.

- Looking forward to your kind reply.

With best wishes and confidence in the development of mutually beneficial cooperation ...


A letter of congratulation is proof of the sender's good disposition to the addressee

Congratulations and wishes are most often the main aspect of a letter, postcard, telegram, but I can also represent a part of a multidimensional letter. In this case, the words of congratulations and wishes are usually located after the address and greeting.

For letters that are written and sent long before the significant date, it is possible to place a congratulation at the end of the letter.

In official congratulatory letters, the most common formulas are:

let me congratulate you;

let me congratulate you;

please accept my (our) congratulations.


with a new appointment.

happy New Year and Merry Christmas.

happy anniversary.

We greet you

on the occasion of a national holiday.

on the occasion of your anniversary.

in connection with the opening of the international conference.

On the occasion of

electing you to the post ...

let me (let me) congratulate….


successful defense of your dissertation

accept my (our) congratulations ...



to wish

Great success to you, health, well-being, happiness ...

Success for you in the implementation of your plans

Please accept our (sincere, warm, cordial, etc.) wishes

new successes.

great achievements.

health, fulfillment of hopes (desires)


The letter of invitation can be addressed both to a specific person or several persons, and to institutions. An invitation to a specific person should be drawn up taking into account the status of the addressee, the nature of the relationship between the parties, as well as the degree of formality of the event being held.

The most common expressions in business correspondence are expressions with the words: let me invite; let me invite.

Expressions that are neutral in style emphasize the interest of the inviting party. Such expressions are also in the nature of a discussion, that is, a unilateral invitation without the consent of the other party. In the event that the other party agrees, an official invitation is sent.

- We would be glad to see you at...

- We will be very grateful for your participation in ...

-We would be grateful if you could accept our invitation to...

In the event that the initiator of the invitation protrudes the second side (We would like to take part in your owl zhania), in the response letter-invitation, the following expressions are appropriate:

- We will (with great) pleasure receive (meet) your representatives (your delegation).

- We are glad to invite you...

- We agree to host your delegation ...

- We can accept your representatives.

- We do not object to your participation in the meeting.

- For our part, we are (gladly) ready to receive (invite, meet) your representatives.

If the first party is especially interested in consent, then after the actual invitation phrases, the following expressions are used:

- We hope that you will accept our invitation.

- We would like to hope for your agreement.

- We express the hope that you will accept our invitation (offer).


Common formulas for expressing regret are as follows:


- To our great regret, ...

- To my great regret ...

- Regretfully...

- We are very sorry ...

- We are extremely sorry ...

- I am very sorry that...

- I learned with regret from your letter that ...

- I'm sorry ...

Expressing regret about the failed transaction, late payment, delay in delivery of the ordered goods, etc. is not enough for both parties to maintain good relations and the possibility of further successful cooperation, therefore, the rules of business etiquette are recommended to apologize for the inconvenience caused. Apologies in emails may accompany requests (Sorry to ask you), refusals (Sorry, but, unfortunately, we cannot fulfill your request) etc.

Typical and commonly used formulas for an apology are as follows:


A covering letter is drawn up when sending any material values \u200b\u200bto the addressee; document that does not have an addressing part; documents requiring additional clarification. Cover letters are also required in cases where the documents to be sent include several sheets. The cover letters indicate the name of the accompanying document and the purpose of sending it, the deadline for execution, the reason for the delay is explained, etc.

- In response to your letter from ...

(at your request, at your request)

Referring to your (our) letter from ... (to your request, to our agreement, to our

telephone conversation), ...

According to your request

According to our agreement

In accordance with the additional protocol for ... a year (with our agreement, with your request)

Based on an additional protocol for ... a year (your request, our agreement)

In connection with your request (our agreement)

In support of our agreement (our telephone conversation)


we send



    We direct

    We send

    We send

    We forward

    We return

in the application...

with this letter ...

separate package ...

registered parcel post ...

by today's mail ...

postal parcel ...

by separate postal parcel ...

With pleasure

we send we send we send we forward

We are glad

In the application



At the same time





we send


are sent




- (We) attach ...

- We send an application for ...

- We send (to you) cash on delivery ...

- Submitting for approval ...

- We send (you) for consideration ...

- According to the attached list ...

- We are sending you samples with this letter ...

    In response to

Your letter from

Your request

Your request


we send



    Referring to

Your request

our agreement

our telephone conversation

    According to

Your request

our agreement

    In accordance with

additional protocol

by our agreement

Your request

    In connection with

Your request

by our agreement

    In confirmation

our agreement

our telephone conversation

Nice communication is built on little things, courtesy and respectful gestures, such as greeting, letter content and signature. If you are sensitive to how your interlocutors perceive you in correspondence, this article will be useful to you. Today we want to tell you how to come up with a good signature, and of course we'll show you some bad examples. Where without them.

The signature is not quite a conclusion to the letter. It expresses your attitude towards the interlocutor, wishes for work, early reading and solving an important issue. Therefore, what you write at the end of the letter is the key to a pleasant and productive communication in the future.

Alternative "Sincerely"

Some people have already forgotten about the existence of such pleasant words as "Best wishes", "All the best", "Take care of yourself" "Good luck", "Sincerely yours." And this is not a complete list.

In order to draw the attention of the interlocutor to the content of the letter and even to hurry, use such polite phrases as "I hope for a speedy solution of the issue", "Thanks in advance for a quick response" and similar expressions.

Basic rules for creating a good signature

  • Don't write everything on one line. For each type of information, highlight a different line. For example:

Mai.Ru Mail team

  • For different formal and informal correspondence, use different signatures.

In an informal letter, you may not subscribe at all - you are already well known and there is no need to link to your Linkedin profile. In addition, if you adapt the signature in advance for different purposes, you will reduce your time and effort in the future and establish yourself as a "person who adequately evaluates the situation." There is a separate garden in paradise for such people.

  • Don't put a full stop at the end of your signature.

Yes, strange, I want to put it, because there is the end of the sentence and the end of the letter. But signature in business letters is an unfinished sentence.

  • Do not include more than three contacts.

Especially in business correspondence. Provide a phone number and, for example, a page on a social network. It would be enough.

Setting up a signature in Mail.Ru Mail

  1. Go to your mailbox settings.
  2. Select the "Name and Signature" section
  3. Enter the signature text according to the rules listed above. 😉

In Mail, you can create several signatures and select the one you need when writing a letter in the web version. If you have created multiple signatures, mark the default one that you intend to use most often. The rest can be selected if necessary by clicking on the "Signature" button on the toolbar when writing a letter.

Setting up a signature in the Mail app for iOS and Android

Mail.Ru Mail applications have a default signature “Sent from Mail.Ru application on iOS / Android”. Here's how to change and add your signature.

  1. Open the settings (Swipe to the right and click on the gear icon);
  2. In the "Accounts" section, select the "Signature" item;
  3. Select the account you need from those connected in the application and edit the signature.

You can also change the signature for all mailboxes that are connected in the Mail.Ru Mail application: Gmail, Yandex, Yahoo or on your personal domain - it doesn't matter! The procedure is the same.

And finally, a few examples of how not to do it.

What can the compilers of the dictionary of the "great and mighty" Russian language, who perfectly know the rules of spelling and punctuation, advise? Let's consider different aspects from all sides. Some, when answering the question of whether a comma is needed after "with respect", believe that yes, it is, since the phrase "with respect" is an introductory construction.

But is it? It's another matter if, when solving the question: "Is a comma needed in the phrase" with respect, Ivan Ivanovich "? the name Ivan Ivanovich would not belong to the sender, but to the recipient. In this case, the separation of the proper name with a comma would look quite reasonable. What to write after the comma? It already depends on the sender's desire.

Did you know about this? There is no need to put a full stop in a business letter or document after the signature. Here the signature is a required element - a props, it does not act as a complete sentence.

Personal letters are an exception.

Signature in English letter

Always sincerely yours, etc.

In addition, the following forms are used in correspondence: Yours truly / Yours very truly - Sincerely / Loyal to you (formally and officially) Truly yours / Very truly yours - Sincerely / Loyal to you (somewhat less formally, but also officially) Faithfully yours - Regards Cordially yours - Sincerely yours Best Regards - Regards / Best wishes (if the addressee is a colleague (close, not quite formal acquaintance) or friend) Best Wishes - Best wishes - subordinates usually turn to their superiors: Respectfully yours - C respect - informal style (for example, in letters to relatives or well-known people): Very cordially yours - Yours sincerely / Yours (always) faithfully - Always loyal to you Yours as always - Always yours / Your Lovingly yours - Loving you / you Yours truly - Loyal to you / You Your very sincere friend - Your / Your sincere friend - in a letter to close friends and relatives: Yours with love - Your lovi who loves you ng son / daughter - Your loving son / daughter Your devoted niece - Your devoted niece After the final courtesy formula, put a comma, on the next line write your first or last name (Please note that in English, the first name is always written first, then the last name) : Between Yours Sincerely and Yours Faithfully, the difference should be remembered. If at the beginning of a business letter you address the addressee by name, then you should use Yours Sincerely at the end.

If in the beginning you use Sir / Madam or some other form of courtesy, then Yours Faithfully is used.

Examples of signatures in emails: design rules, requirements and recommendations

However, it is also important for you or your business to demonstrate your positive qualities: openness, friendliness, reliability.

In an official e-mail, the “autograph” usually looks like this: What does the correct signature look like in an e-mail?

Examples are presented below. 1).

Looking forward to mutually beneficial cooperation, 2). Awaiting your soon visit, Bellena Salon Lead Stylist.

Address: 400111, Kuznetsovsk, st.

Tulaykova, 4 VKontakte group: Hairstyles (link). 3). Best wishes, your personal business consultant. I invite you to a free video conference "Personal and corporate finance management" on July 25, 2019 15-00 (link). Here is a sample e-mail with the signature: “Vladimir Ivanovich, good afternoon. Thank you for your letter dated June 20, 2019.

Wishes in a business letter

Examples of signatures in e-mails: design rules, requirements and recommendations As always categorically, Marina Koroleva said that after the expression (not the phrase!) "Sincerely" at the end of the letter, a comma is supposedly always put before the signature.

She could not explain this “as if theoretically”, but refers to the fact that it is “just accepted”. If you put such a comma and "accepted", then far from everyone and, I'm afraid, not from those from whom one should take an example. However, I must admit that the problem is complex.

The opinion of M. Koroleva is shared by the site "": In this reference, it is quite rightly noted that this comma has been thoughtlessly transferred by our businessmen from the rules for writing letters in English. And in order to finally dispel doubts, it is best to turn to authoritative sources. Such in this case will be letters from undoubtedly educated people.

First, I will give two examples: Well, if these quotes did not convince someone, I reproduce a scan of the published letter of Professor D.E. Rosenthal, whose authority, I hope, Marina Koroleva does not question.

As we can see, our recognized stylist DOES NOT PUT any comma after the words "Sincerely".

How to write with respect at the end of a letter

A special panel conveniently displays information about the sender, including his position, and mobile phone, and ICQ number.

What can be done in the pursuit of excellence? Minimize noise by leaving only the name and site in the auto-signature, where you can find other contact information. And do not forget to correct the signature in cases where it is appropriate.

Ilya Birman, Sample cover letter for resume No. 1 Hello, Alexander Evgenievich.

My name is Alexey Lukyanov. I propose to consider my resume for the vacancy - Head of Sales, which your company has posted on the website Your need for an effective sales manager is a great opportunity for me to prove my three-year experience and increase the sales of your company. I have experience in managing a team - 20 people.

Please tell me in a business letter in signature Yours faithfully CEO

If you are looking at the text of a crude treaty (also called a "fish treaty"), then in it the "General Director", as a representative of one of the Parties, will be with a capital letter - in the absence of names.

If we are talking about the most ordinary business letter, then in the body of the letter “CEO” will appear with a small letter. BUT!! ! The signature is a very important element of a business letter, as well as its so-called. "cap". It cannot be written with a small letter, because it is always written with a new line.

That is, first, words of respect or wishes are written ("Sincerely" / "With best wishes"), followed by a comma, and everything else is written from a new line: General Director of KLMN CIS LLC, General Director of LLC.

"__________________ Killer V.

Kind regards - Same as best regards, but a little less formal.

10. With friendly greetings - Never seen this, but heard about it. I just want to say that they called from the 70s and asked to return their signature. 11. See you soon - In case you have made an appointment in the near future and emphasize that you remember about it.

12. Good luck in your hard work! - Such a signature can be used when you tried to help someone (or could not do it), and try to somehow cheer up the interlocutor. 13. Sent from Iphone - It is possible to somehow explain why there may be typos in the letter, but it may seem that you are showing off your phone model.

14. Sent from a smartphone - Safer than “sent from an Iphone”: the interlocutor understands that you wrote from your phone and the auto-corrector could make typos, without showing off your phone. 15.

Business letters


FORMULA OF COURTENESS Best wishes and hope for cooperation.

We are always glad to provide you with a service. Hope for further good and mutually beneficial relations. We are looking forward to your new offers.

We are sure that the misunderstanding will be settled in the near future, etc. The wish can be expressed directly, or it can be veiled, given in subtext: We hope that you will appreciate the benefits of our project and take part in.

In some cases, the final part of the letter has a neutral form "Sincerely yours (signature)" or "Sincerely (signature)". The words with respect are capitalized and aligned to the left.

When using these (and similar) short forms in the text of the letter, graphic highlighting is often used: words with respect are written on one line, the position, surname and signature of the addressee are placed under them on the next line.

If at the beginning of the letter the form "Dear.

"Then complete the letter with the form" Regards. " do not do it. Such double "respect", you see, sounds ridiculous. And here it is better to use any other acceptable form from those discussed above.

The culture of oral and written speech of a business person: A Handbook. Workshop. - 4th ed. - M .: Flinta: Science, 2000 Basakov M.I. Order and business letter (Requirements for registration and samples of documents according to GOST R 6.30-2003).

M .: "Phoenix", 2004 Demin Yu.N.

3 options for creating a signature in a letter

And as it was already mentioned above there are 3 ways, but the first 2 will be shown on the sample Gmail mailbox. If you still do not have your account in this mega-popular service, then hurry up to do it using the example of the article: how to create a mail. But the third one is suitable for every email. box. It is worth noting in any "mailer" there is an opportunity to create your own simple signature.

Option number 1

How to make a signature through the Gmail client settings

1. In the upper corner on the right side, press the Gear.
2. In the window that opens, select the Settings item.
3. Scroll the page until the signature is configured.
4. In a small text editor, create a simple signature, not forgetting to press the button at the end of the screen: Save changes.

To save the result, do not forget about the OK button.

Option number 2

How to create an email signature in Google Docs

1. Create a new document for this, go to your Google Drive using the link

2. Now we need a table, but before we start building it, we need to think carefully about how the signature will look in order to know how many columns and cells are required. To do this, I will give some visual examples as an example.

Letter signature examples

Do not try to make your digital signature complex, minimalism will always look more elegant and beneficial. Just include your name, possibly job title, phone number, address and website and that should be enough.

You can also add color effects for greater visualization, but you should not get carried away with 1-2 tones, but nothing more, otherwise you will get a vinaigrette.

It is a good idea to add a personal photo to add visual interest and memorability.

Your company's logo will also give the effect of interest and memorability, but you need to choose one thing based on your personal situation, but the combination is not always possible here, you need to experiment.

Another example is using a company logo using a separator and a bold, colored uppercase font in the name, which undoubtedly attracts attention.

Use social networks, this will definitely become additional traffic for you, it is worth considering more than 3-5 social icons. networks do not need to be set remember about minimalism.

Add a call-to-action to your signature, keeping in mind the prostate and the urgency of the slogan. You can promise discounts on your products, just encourage registration, and more. The main thing is not to forget to periodically change the appeal as it is relevant to the present at the moment.

How not to do:

1. Never make a whole article from a signature, consisting of a list of phone addresses and other information that will be larger in content than the letter itself.
2. If you have accounts in all existing social networks, this does not mean that they all need to be crammed into your signature - it's just silly 3-5 of the most popular ones will give you a hundred times more effect.
3. Do not indicate your email, why sign the box from which you are sending the letter, and it will be clear that it is you.
4. Do not use animated pictures, they will only load your letter, and are unlikely to be displayed correctly.

The correct signature in the letter looks like this:

1. The signature in the letter should begin with the words with respect ... (purely personal opinion).
2. Add colors and bold type, but the main thing is not to overdo it, avoid too bright and faded; perhaps apply the same tone that is used in your logo.
3. Photo and logo can add personality and memorability.
4. Social networks will not only help to draw attention, but will also add more traffic to your site.
5. Separators (vertical bars) are also suitable to add imagery to add meaning and sharpen attention.

Now that we have decided which one we want to see the signature in the email, we proceed to create the table. I will show the principle of creation by my example, and you will be able to create a "masterpiece" to your taste using this guide.

Thanks to the table, the structuring of the elements will not be disturbed in the way that the mail client can only recognize table values. Otherwise, chaos will result, the transfer of text and images will not look the way you originally planned.

1. So, go along the path Insert ⇒Table in my case it will be 5X4 where five is one photo and 4 icons of social networks, and four are lines under the text.

You should have a table like this.

2. Select all the cells in the left column and right-click on it. In the context menu that appears, select the Merge Cells item.

1. As a result of the performed actions, the left column will be cleared of lines, now it's time to insert a photo.
2. If the picture is too large and because of it the bottom row of the table has moved, it is normal to right-click on the picture, the possibility of resizing will appear, which will be signaled by blue squares along the entire perimeter. We put the cursor on the square of the lower corner diagonally, it will take the form of a double-sided arrow, press the RMB and drag to the upper left corner of the photo, thereby compressing it in size.
3. The cells are aligned, but you need to center the image, for this we will also shrink the column to the required view.
4. The result is good, so we proceed to further actions. If you need to undo an action, use the hotkeys Ctrl + Z. By the way, this cancellation method works in many programs.

3. Select the top row, click on it, select the Merge cells item and do this with the next two, do not touch the last one.

4. Fill in the fields, font size from 8-10 no more. Let's insert social logos in the bottom four columns (I will give a link to the archive of ready-made icons at the end of the article).

5. After inserting, you see again everything went, no big deal, we do the same as with the photo, first it was squeezed, then the cells were adjusted.

6. Here's what I did, but that's not all.

7. Select the table - select the Properties item.

8. Table borders: set the value to 0 pt;
Cell margins: usually from 0.05 to 0.09 in this example, I set the smallest;
The minimum line height is 0.5.

This is how my real signature looks now. You can check if you subscribe to updates to my blog. It remains to add links and everything will be ready.

9. To make the link to the blog workable, select it, in the editor's toolbar, click on the "chain link" icon and you don't need to do anything else. The url will be working, which will become clear by the changed color to classic blue.

With social networks it will be longer, first go to your profile, for example, facebook in the address bar of the browser, copy the url to your page.

Go to the Google editor, click on the corresponding network, then on the "chain link" and paste the copied URL into the field that appears, then click the Apply button.

10. Well, now, we finally approached the final stage to insert the signature into the letter:

Select your creation Ctrl + A;
copy Ctrl + C;
open the Settings of your Gmail mailbox as we did at the beginning of the article, insert our signature, having previously deleted the old one if it was. Save your changes.

If you suddenly get crooked, feel free to save the changes, reload the page after which everything should be smooth. Send a test letter to your second mailbox and see the result.

Option number 3

Online signature generator

An alternative to the above methods is the Hubspot Signature Generator service, which is free, unlike its own kind, and does a good job with its duties, and is also easy to use.

See for yourself, my signature in Yandex letters looks almost like in the picture provided.

Among the disadvantages are:

There is no russification of the site, but it's easy to fix it with the Google Translate extension if you don't know English at all;
There are no Russian-speaking social networks either.

Another important point after inserting the created signature into the mail account is the ability to edit it, replace English letters with Russian ones, change the text and color.

Takeaway: Email signature is an undeniably profitable tool that shouldn't be neglected, especially if you're a business person.

Valery Semenov,

How to end a business letter with respect for the addressee?

There are no casual phrases in official correspondence. Stylistics requires laconicism and careful choice of words from the author. Closing phrases reinforce positive emotions and express confidence and appreciation at the same time. A well-formed signature helps to maintain business communication and helps to achieve the goal. Respect the other person and write the text in a way that is pleasant to read. Politeness combined with professionalism speaks for the competence of a specialist.

As you write your letter, remember that you are speaking on behalf of the entire company. The secretary must be correct as he represents his manager. Compliance with generally accepted rules of business correspondence forms a positive image of the company in the eyes of partners and customers.

Official correspondence always has specific goals. The purpose determines the structure of the text. In general, the text is divided into several semantic parts: introduction, problem statement, argumentation and conclusion. Each part performs specific tasks. An introduction, for example, prepares you to grasp the main points. Conclusion - expresses requests and hopes, assures of further partnership.

Note! There are generally accepted formulas for each of the tasks. By finishing the letter politely, you show that you respect your partner, set him up for positive emotions and leave a pleasant impression.

How do you spell "respectfully" at the end of a letter?

Unified rules of business correspondence and bringing it to common standards are typical for large companies. The design of letterheads, the form of "autographs" at the end of the message become part of the corporate culture, an element of style. Whether it's paper or email, compliance with a single standard is an indicator of attention to detail and essential subtleties.

There are several types of closing phrases in business correspondence. Their choice depends on how well you know the addressee. For example, the signature "with respect" in an official letter is neutral. If you want to focus your partner's attention on something or once again remind him of the request, use restrained phrases:

  • Yours sincerely…
  • Sincerely…
  • Regards…

When choosing the final formula for politeness, try to avoid familiarity. Remember how familiar you are with the person you are writing to. If the acquaintance is formal, stick to the formal style.

Practice question

What techniques will help you prepare a quality text for a business letter?

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors of the electronic journal "Secretary's Guide".

Maria BELDOVA answers,
from. n. from. VNIIDAD, expert in the field of management documentation

What are we waiting for when we send an email to a partner or client? So that our information, even negative, will make a favorable impression on the addressee and cause a response or decision. This can be achieved if you followed the rules of etiquette of correspondence, correctly formatted the letter and prepared the text of high quality. Your text should be of moderate length; contain the necessary arguments and clear language and have a structure that best conveys information.

Technique 1. Separate the main from the secondary

The text of a business letter must have a volume sufficient to ...

The full version of the answer is available after free registration

"Best regards" at the end of the letter: with or without comma

The final form of politeness is given at the end of the text. It is placed on the same vertical as the date, on the right side. The phrase is separated from the main text by two or three intervals. Slightly below the "Signature" property is located, including the name of the position of the compiler, his personal signature and decoding. This arrangement complies with the standards of GOST 6.30-97, which determines the requirements for paperwork. If the message is issued on an official letterhead or is of a private nature, the title of the position and the decoding of the signature are not put.

The question of how to write “with respect” at the end of a letter, with or without a comma, does not have a clear answer. Both options are valid. The absence of a sign can be perceived as negligence and even illiteracy. On the other hand, according to punctuation rules, this comma should not be used. From the point of view of Russian grammar, the sign is redundant. The words "with respect" are not an introductory phrase, and the signature is not an appeal. This phrase implies that "This letter was written with respect to you by N.N." As in it, in the shortened version, the comma is not put according to the rules.

Why is it so common in practice? This sign is required in the rules of correspondence in English, German and other European languages. The phrase "with respect" at the end of the letter in English is separated not only graphically, but also punctually. Over time, although it is grammatically wrong, the rule became part of the norms of the Russian language.

Conclusion of the letter: a sample of writing the phrase "with respect"

How to write "respectfully" in a business letter in English?

The rules of business communication in English are in many ways similar to those adopted in Russia. At the end, the addressee is thanked for their time and intends to continue the correspondence. Common phrases are also used: "with respect", "with appreciation", "with best wishes." After, on a new line, indicate the surname and name of the compiler, as well as his position. Let's take an example: how to sign a letter in English "with respect ..."

Table 1. Final formulas of politeness in English

Yours faithfully

Used if the ticket contains the recipient's name. The most common option.

Obsolete, found in British English. Written in the absence of the addressee's name in circulation: Dear Sir or Dear Madam

American counterpart for British Yours faithfully.

A less formal version, acceptable for correspondence with a familiar person. Variations: Kind regards, Warm regards, Regards, Kindest regards

Yours sincerely,

Aleksandr Klimov

Marketing Director

Yours faithfully,

Aleksandr Klimov

Marketing Director

Aleksandr Klimov

Marketing Director

Aleksandr Klimov

Marketing Director

The ability to tactfully and correctly use standard cliché phrases is an indicator of the level of professionalism and knowledge of the language. In English writing, the phrase "with respect" can be expressed in different ways. When composing a text for a foreign partner, take into account all the factors and choose the most suitable translation.

How to sign a letter correctly: "with respect" and other formulas of politeness

When composing a message, the sender should be guided not only by generally accepted standards, but also by the rules of good manners. If you are writing to a stranger and the address is strictly formal, use established expressions. The style of business speech strictly limits the choice of phrases.

If it comes to email correspondence or communication with well-known people, you can step back from the rigid canons, while remaining polite and correct. Let's look at a few examples of closing phrases that are acceptable in less formal communication.

Table 2. Use of alternative final expressions

Specifying a name without a courtesy formula

Valid if there is an active exchange of messages.

Have a good day

Suitable for a closing message if you do not plan to continue the correspondence today.

See you

If you have made an appointment soon and want to emphasize that you have not forgotten about it.

Good luck in your hard work

It is acceptable when trying to cheer the recipient if he asked for advice or help.

Thanks for your attention

Used at the end of commercial offers

A business letter is an official document, each part of which performs specific tasks. It is believed that the last sentence is always better remembered. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the closing phrases. Knowing when and how to write “respectfully” at the end of a letter is one of the elements that underscore your professionalism. A competent secretary will always choose the right words or limit himself to a neutral expression of politeness. At the same time, he will not lower the prestige of the company and will convey the information to the recipient correctly and respectfully.

How to beautifully finish a letter to a private person

This type of correspondence does not require special attention from the originator. However, in the process of writing, a person should still not forget about literacy. In this regard, it is much easier to write emails as the errors found are easy to fix. In the case of handwritten text, you will have to rewrite the finished text.

Before starting the process, it is necessary to decide on the main content and reaction of the recipient. If it is important for the sender to receive a response as soon as possible, then it is better to make appropriate notes in the final part. The ending should be a logical conclusion to everything written above, otherwise you can put the recipient in an awkward position and make him think about what the sender wanted to say.

The most common phrases used at the end of a letter are:

  • Your friend, Peter.
  • See you!
  • Waiting for an answer.
  • Kisses, Maria.
  • Come as soon as possible.
  • All the best, your friend Peter.

The sender can create the ending of the letter himself. In this case, it will have a unique character and the recipient will definitely like it.

When answering the question of how you can finish your congratulation letter, you need to pay attention to its appearance. If the sender and recipient are officials, the final phrases should be neutral. In other cases, a certain liberty is allowed.

In the structure of any letter, both business and personal, three parts are usually distinguished: introductory - with an appeal to the recipient, the main - containing the essence, and the final - where the author is indicated. At the end of the letter, the compiler usually writes the phrase "with respect" and leaves his full name and / or initials. This is where a reasonable question arises: "Do you need a comma after the phrase" with respect "or not?"

What do the rules of the Russian language say?

What can the compilers of the dictionary of the "great and mighty" Russian language, who perfectly know the rules of spelling and punctuation, advise? Let's consider different aspects from all sides.

Introductory constructions

Some, when answering the question of whether a comma is needed after "with respect", believe that yes, it is, since the phrase "with respect" is an introductory construction. But is it?

Introductory constructions are words and phrases that reflect the speaker's attitude to what he said. At first glance, the phrase "with respect" confirms this. And if you dig deeper? To whom does the speaker show respect? To myself? It turns out, when answering the question whether the comma "with respect, Ivanov" is needed, such people believe that it is needed, since a certain sender Ivanov loves himself. This explanation looks ridiculous and ridiculous.


Others, when they think about it and begin to decide - after "respectfully" a comma is needed or not, remember the appeals. Yes, messages are highlighted with commas in sentences, but again, who are they targeting in this case? It turns out that again on myself. This attempt at an explanation is completely untenable. In a letter, first of all, everyone seeks to show their recognition and respect to the addressee, but not to engage in self-praise.

It's another matter if, when solving the question: "Is a comma needed in the phrase" with respect, Ivan Ivanovich "? the name Ivan Ivanovich would not belong to the sender, but to the recipient. In this case, the separation of the proper name with a comma would seem quite reasonable.

Is there such a rule?

Any author, even the most detailed textbook on punctuation of the Russian language, does not regulate this situation in any way, that is, there is simply no rule that can resolve a dispute in one direction or another. Looking through all the sources and collections, you can see that there are no prescriptions that a comma is needed after "with respect". Therefore, we will try to consider this issue from a different angle, based on the semantic load of this phrase and the traditions of modern society.

How about Rosenthal?

Before going further, you need to find out what the greatest guru and the most literate native speaker of the Russian language, Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal, thinks about this, who has written so many manuals and textbooks of the Russian language in his life that if you put them in a pile, this short person will get lost behind them. If you analyze his letters, it becomes clear that he does not separate the phrase "with respect" with a comma from the surname with initials. He argues that, in accordance with historical tradition, this punctuation mark is not required in this case. So why do so many persist in using a comma at the end of a letter?

Aligning to the West

One of the reasons for the positive answer to the question: "After the phrase with" respect "is a comma needed?" is the cooperation of most modern companies with foreign firms. At first glance, the connection is not obvious, but it will be more noticeable for people learning international languages. Indeed, from letters of business correspondence with foreign enterprises, written, for example, in English, it is clear that the phrase "best regards" is separated from the proper name by a comma. This phrase can look different, for example, "with regards, John" or "with kind regards, John" or even just "regards, John". The practice of long-term partnerships with foreign companies was one of the reasons for borrowing the comma.

In English texts, a comma is always put when there is a semantic pause, in contrast to the Russian language, where the placement of punctuation marks is strictly limited by the rules. Compare the sentences: "Today, Donald Trump said that E \u003d mc 2" and "Today, Donald Trump said that E \u003d mc 2."

Intonation emphasis

Of course, you shouldn't break the rules you made up. But it is impossible to formulate all laws in all areas of life, although this is what we must strive for. All the variety of words and possibilities of the Russian language cannot be shoved into a one-sided, rigidly conditioned framework. We remember this from the school course, where some of the rules always had exceptions. Therefore, with the answer to the question: "After" with respect "is a comma needed or not?" not everything is so simple.

However, one should not forget about intonation, which greatly enriches and adorns the magnificent Russian language. Any person, while reproducing his thoughts, pauses, singles out individual words and sentences with his voice, expressively focuses the attention of listeners on significant places. In a paper text, for the correct semantic reflection of individual phrases, the author's punctuation is sometimes used. After all, it's no secret that punctuation marks serve as a way to create emphasis on places that are important for understanding.

Proponents of this theory believe that the answer to the question: “After the phrase « best regards "do you need a comma?" is a positive statement "yes". If you focus on how the written word will be read, then it is better to leave the punctuation mark in order to emphasize intonationally a grateful attitude towards the recipient of the letter. Otherwise, the phrase "with respect" will look a little damp and lose some of its significance.

Business Correspondence Design Standards

In accordance with the rules of business etiquette, in modern society you shouldn't even think about what to put after the phrase « respectfully "- whether you need a comma or not - just a space, no punctuation marks. The comma will definitely be needed, it will allow you to emphasize respect for the interlocutor.

What to write after the comma? It already depends on the sender's desire. If the addressee is close to the author of the letter, you can limit yourself only to your own name. In business correspondence, it is desirable to indicate the position, place of work, full name or surname with initials.

Did you know about this? There is no need to put a full stop in a business letter or document after the signature. Here the signature is an obligatory element - a props, it does not act as a complete sentence. Personal letters are an exception.


And yet, after the phrase "with respect" is the comma necessary or not? Let's summarize. If you are writing a formal business letter, then it is better to put a comma. By doing this you will emphasize respect for the recipient and adherence to modern traditions. In a personal letter, everyone can act according to their own understanding: if you want to emphasize your literacy and knowledge of the rules of the Russian language, you can do without punctuation marks, and if it is more important for you to emphasize intonationally a grateful attitude, you can leave the comma.

For the past twenty years, or even more, we have all been conducting business correspondence by e-mail - and now in numerous instant messengers. At the same time, most often no one taught us the rules of writing letters - they themselves developed some habits. They are analyzed by the authors of the book "New Rules of Business Correspondence", giving examples of letters - which is acceptable, which is not very good. And at the same time they teach us to take care of the addressee.

Letters are a fairly conservative form of communication, they have an established structure. When the recipient receives the letter, he expects to see:

  1. Sender name
  2. Subject of the letter
  3. Greeting
  4. The essence of the conversation
  5. Question or appeal
  6. Signature
  7. How to contact other than mail

These pieces usually go one after another in this order, so the addressee knows where to look for something important in a letter or a phone number to call the sender. If these expectations are violated, the letter will be more difficult to read: the addressee will have to spend time searching for information. Therefore, these pieces must be carefully decorated.

Sender name. By the name of the sender in the inbox, the addressee must understand whether this letter is personal or not. This helps you decide if and when to read it. An email looks personal when signed by a specific person.

The name of the company can be used to sign transactional letters - for example, order confirmation. If the letter is written by a person, the sender should contain his name.

Greeting. The greeting is written on a separate line with an exclamation mark at the end. This way it does not mix with the main body of the letter.

The British and Americans put a comma after the greeting: Dear John, is their tradition. We have an exclamation mark. We, of course, will not stand to death for this sign: if the expat interlocutor is offended by such treatment, it is better to do as he is more familiar with. After all, etiquette is needed so that another person is comfortable with us, and not to feel their own cultural superiority.

The essence of the conversation. Usually, the essence of the conversation should be outlined immediately after the greeting. Long eyeliners are not needed here:

An exception is when the topic for the reader is new and complex. Then you have to make a one-paragraph introduction.

Question or appeal. It is difficult to answer a letter without a specific question or request. It's good if they stand in a separate paragraph to quickly find them with your eyes.

Signature. It is enough to write the name and position in the signature, if the position is important in this case. The postscript "with respect" does not help, but it does not hinder either, unless it creates an additional sense of formalism. If there is no task to make the letter formal, "respectfully" you can not write.

How to contact. You can add another communication channel to the signature, for example, a telephone or Telegram. This way the reader can ask a quick question or call in the event of a fire. If we are not familiar, you can add the website address or pages in social networks.

Removing all unnecessary from letters is another way to take care of the recipient. What can usually be safely removed?

Privacy Notice - formal unsubscribe from legal entities. department. If you can remove it, remove it. If lawyers forbid - well ...

Forwarding message body kit - when forwarding a message, the addressee receives a whole block of information: "The beginning of the forwarded message. Date. Sender. Subject. Recipient". Usually this information is inconveniently presented and is not needed by the recipient. Instead, it is better to just bring it up to date: "Lesha, the client wrote this letter yesterday ..."

This message was checked for viruses by the Kus antivirus - the recipient does not care how the message is scanned for viruses. But the anti-virus company gets free advertising.

Office address in signature. If the interlocutor is going to come to our office, the address must be provided in the subject line. Additionally, it would be nice to tell you how to get there: which gate to enter, where to the right, which arch, where is the iron door. If the person is not going to visit you, the address is not needed.

Sent from my iPhone X Pro 3000 - the recipient does not care from what device he received the letter, and often the signature looks like a drawing. If this is written to justify typos and abbreviations, then it is better to apologize humanly at the beginning of the letter: "Sorry, I am writing from the phone." But usually no additional warning is needed.

Taking care of the recipient is not only providing him with the necessary information, but also not downloading unnecessary information. Therefore, it is often unnecessary to repeat exactly the formal structure of the letter. For example, saying hello in every letter is unnecessary, it is enough to say hello to a person once a day. It is not necessary to ask the question at the end every time, if in fact it is not needed. Look at an example: if you follow the rules too formally, the correspondence looks ridiculous.

If your question in a letter requires a long discussion, the history of correspondence appears - the text of all old letters is pulled into new ones. And here the question arises: is it necessary to save the history of correspondence or is it better to delete it?

If you delete the history, the letter will be neat: only important quotes from old correspondence will remain. This is normal if all participants in the correspondence are aware of the agreements: information from old letters is not needed. On the other hand, when there is a story, new people will quickly get up to speed.

Both options are fine. The main thing is to follow the principle: to make it convenient for the recipient.

In the above example, Natalia and Sergey first participate in the correspondence. Natalia gives an assignment, it contains all the details. Then they add Maria to the correspondence. If you delete the story, Mary will have to ask again.

You can also do this: delete the correspondence history and save only key quotes so that it is convenient for Mary to complete the assignment. It turns out like this:

Masha, prepare an application.
\u003e Yes, I'm ready: this Friday at 2:00 pm it's accepted.
\u003e This is the village. Infostyle, 22nd km of Kiev highway
\u003e Client: Lyudmila S., +7 903 123-45-67

General principle: every time we think what a person will need from a letter and what will be superfluous. We delete the excess, leave the important. This will require additional efforts, but it is in them that the care of the recipient manifests itself.

Another scenario is correspondence with more than two people. There are most of such letters: to take into account the comments from the client, agree on the terms of the task, check and sign the contract, work out the complaint.

Most often, new people are connected to such correspondence, for whom it is important to maintain a context. If you leave separate quotes in the letters, the new participant will not understand the essence, you will have to ask again. It will be like the support service of a large bank, when your question is solved by one or the other specialist and everyone has to tell everything anew.

In our example, a customer orders a souvenir. More and more people are connected to the correspondence. The order was accepted by Svetlana, she found out the main thing, connected the technologist Dmitry. Then the purchasing manager Sophia was brought in.

Before Sofia, they had already discussed application methods, prices and client expectations. If you delete history, you will have to repeat the details again. If you leave it entirely, it will be difficult for Sofia to find the right one among all the correspondence.

The best option is to leave only what Sophia needs to know for her task.

Next time, it's about how to write a really polite letter.


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