Notification 2 weeks before the start of the vacation. Notification of the start of employee leave. How to give a vacation schedule notice

The company is obliged to notify the employee on receipt of the start time of the vacation no later than 2 weeks in advance. We give a sample vacation notice and recall what should be in the document.

The vacation schedule is mandatory for both the employer and the employee. Even in the absence of an application for the provision of annual paid leave, its employee must comply.

Moreover, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation vacation notice  - you should notify the employee on receipt of the time the vacation begins no later than two weeks before it begins (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If this is neglected, the labor inspector will receive a reason to charge a fine for the violation.

Vacation Notification Form

The standard form of the document does not exist. It can be considered a notice of leave for the employee signed a fact sheet to the vacation schedule. But then the vacation period should be indicated there quite specifically - from such a date to so many calendar days. If so, then individual notifications can be neglected. However, to remind the employee about the vacation, it makes sense also because if everyone got acquainted with the vacation schedule at the end of last year, many simply forgot when they were going on vacation. And, perhaps, it turns out that the schedule needs to be amended.

The employee’s signature in the order on granting him annual paid leave can be considered a notice of vacation. However, then this order must be drawn up no later than two weeks before the start of the vacation. If the order in the organization is drawn up shortly before the employee leaves for vacation, then you can notify employees of the upcoming vacation on a special form. There is no unified form, therefore, such a notification is compiled in an arbitrary form.

It may, of course, happen that the employee himself will not write the vacation application on schedule, and not two weeks before the start of the vacation, and later - one or two days before the vacation. And the employer will agree to this. Then it will be impossible to comply with the notification procedure, but it is unlikely that the company will face anything for it.

What must be in the vacation notice

The document must necessarily indicate the start date of the next paid vacation. Also, the employee must sign in the document and put the date when he read the notice. This will confirm that the company has not violated the procedure. In addition, the notification usually refers to the fact that the basis for the start date of the vacation is the vacation schedule approved for the current calendar year.

Every employee who has worked in the company for at least 6 months is entitled to receive rest time. To determine the order of vacation for all employees of the company, a special document is being developed - a vacation schedule. The administration needs to make a vacation notice 2 weeks before it arrives.

Employees in the process of fulfilling their labor duties may have different periods of rest:

  •   - it includes student, maternity, due to work in harmful conditions and others;
  • Other types of leave, the provision of which is specified in the laws or internal acts of the organization.

A notice of leave should inform the employee that the period of rest planned for. The TC establishes that the administration is obliged to inform about this no later than 2 weeks before this time.

If the employee is not at his workplace on the planned day, and therefore cannot get acquainted and sign the notification, then the document must be sent to him at the address of residence by registered mail with a notification of receipt. In this case, the date when the employee was informed about the vacation will be the date of the actual transfer of the letter (at the mark on the notification).

When the notification was not provided, the employee has the right to postpone the vacation time to any month convenient for him. To do this, he needs to fill out a statement, where to indicate the new vacation period, and provide it to the management. On the basis of it, the personnel department should prepare an order to change the information in the vacation schedule.


In addition, for failure to notify the company and officials face administrative liability. If an audit is carried out that reveals this fact, then all the perpetrators will be fined in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses.

There is a loophole for those who are not satisfied with the period of rest established for them in the need to timely notify the employee about the vacation. If the employee was not warned in writing, then he has every right not to go at the allotted time for him, but to choose a new one that will completely suit him.

Do I need to apply for a vacation if a notification is received?

The execution of the application plays the role of a request to provide the employee with rest time. When leave is granted according to a pre-arranged and agreed schedule, no application is necessary.

Like many other similar documents in labor relations, a vacation notice is mandatory. This is a direct requirement of Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: the employee must be informed about the start time of the vacation at least 2 weeks before it begins.

But the fact of familiarization can be organized at the enterprise in various ways. Typically, the employee himself contacts the employer with or about. According to the vacation schedule. The employer issues an order and the employee’s signature is affixed to it.

But in order for the organization of personnel affairs at the enterprise to be conducted flawlessly, the preparation of such a document is necessary. Moreover, this is a simple procedure.

Vacation Notification Example

AstaSvet Limited Liability Company

OGRN 496876464684 TIN 6569988989

legal Address: 238563, Russia, Kirov Region, Nolinsk,

kommunarov Ave., 307a

Sinitsina Irina Fedorovna

lead specialist

In accordance with article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, we inform you that in accordance with the 2017 vacation schedule (order of the General Director No. 108 of 12/10/2016), the start time of your annual paid vacation is December 10, 2017. End time Holidays - January 15, 2018 (including holidays).

General Director Dolgorukov A.R.

Familiarized with the notice of vacation.

November 20, 2017 Sinitsina I.F.

How to create a vacation notice

The personnel officer must familiarize the employee with the start date of the vacation. Not less than 2 weeks. In practice, it is desirable to include in the text of the document also the end date of the legal rest time. Indeed, in commercial organizations, division of vacation into parts is often found.

Similarly, a document is drawn up when an employee is sent on additional leave within the framework of guarantees and compensations to certain categories of employees.

Sometimes, due to economic conditions, the employer notifies employees of the leave without pay. Of course, this is not legal. There is a concept of downtime. You can try to file,. After weighing the desire to work in an organization or achieve justice.

When to give a vacation notice

Suppose a situation where the employer did not have time to notify the employee of the start of the vacation. In such cases, it all depends on the agreement of the parties. The employee has the right to file, which the boss must consider positively.

In addition to notifications, the following are also allowed:

  • issuing a copy of the order
  • order reading list
  • statement of familiarization with the schedule (indicating a specific start date for the next vacation)
  • other ways to record the fact of familiarization of the employee.

A notice of leave is handed in person (at or draw up the appropriate act), or sent by registered letter with (if the employee works remotely, on a business trip, is on sick leave, etc.).

An employee is entitled to leave each year. Moreover, long-term and paid. In many enterprises, in order to work most efficiently, a vacation schedule is introduced, according to which periodically employees are given continuous rest time.

The time has come - must notify

If the company goes on vacation on schedule, employees do not need to independently monitor when the time for rest is due.

The company’s administration imposes a certain obligation on the notification in advance of the upcoming vacation. The notice must be written and communicated to the employee against signature. The rules also establish the minimum period for which such a notice should be made - two weeks.

Notification is required only in cases where the leave of workers is regulated by the schedule. If an employee independently appealed to the manager with a request for leave by writing a written statement, no notification is needed. The manager can approve the vacation by putting a visa on the application itself.

How to write a vacation notice

The legislator does not have requirements for the writing style, the rules for processing such papers. What is important is the fact that there is written evidence of the employer's fulfillment of his duties, signed by the employee.

In the notification in the form of an appeal to the employee, it is indicated that he can go on legal leave from a certain calendar date. The number of days of continuous rest is indicated with specific dates.

If not notified

An employee who finds that his vacation time is about to fit, and he hasn’t received a notice two weeks before the start of the vacation, may well demand that the manager transfer the vacation to another time. In this case, the law is on the side of the employee.

The obligation to notify in writing is laid down by law and in the event of litigation, the court will be on the side of the employee who has not received a written reminder of the upcoming vacation.

But the presence of a written notice does not mean at all that the employee should definitely go on vacation from a certain date. Labor relations are primarily a dialogue between an employee and a manager.

By agreement, vacation can be easily transferred to a date more convenient for both parties. All of its members should be interested in maintaining normal relations in the work collective and should not, at the first, slightest violation of the rules, apply to the court.

First of all, you need to try to resolve the issue yourself. Perhaps the transfer of leave will be beneficial to the employee.

Below is a sample form and sample vacation notice, a variant of which can be downloaded for free.

Vacation notice - a documentary notification of the employee about the terms of his planned annual leave, which, according to article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must warn on time.

The notice should be made when:

  • The schedule is drawn up in advance, in the order established by the enterprise. The absence of a warning from the authorities is an administrative violation, in accordance with Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  • The organization sends the employee forcibly on unpaid leave for operational reasons.

REFERENCE! The organization sends the employee forcibly on unpaid leave for operational reasons.

If employees independently choose the time of their annual vacation, take days at their own expense or in advance, while writing a statement, then, of course, a notification from the management is not needed.


The legislation does not provide for a specific form of notification and no clear requirements for its structure and content have been established. Each organization has full legal right to develop its own template for this document.

Typically, the notification structure consists of such parts:

  • informational, including the full name of the enterprise, full name of the employee and employer, position;
  • the main, informing about the periods of rest;
  • final.

There are two options for documenting notifications.:

  1. A written or printed notification is drawn up by the accounting department in two copies, one of which the employee retains and the other, signed, gives back. This document is stored in the company’s archive for five years.
  2. For signature, a special notebook, magazine, or just an ordinary document containing all the information about the vacation periods of employees is served. In such documentation, each employee, with the consent, simply signs in front of his surname.

IMPORTANT. The notification template must be approved in the local acts of the company.

Mandatory details when filling out the notice

Most often, it is the organization’s human resources department that develops a form of warning employees about upcoming vacations and maintains related documentation.

To give legal effect to a document, the following information should be included in the content:

  • name of company;
  • the full name of the employee (in the genitive case), sent on an annual paid leave, and his position;
  • paper number and date of drawing up;
  • information on the type of vacation, the date of its beginning and end, the basis of its provision, with reference to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • signatures of the head and employee;
  • a note about the redirection of the document in the file for filing, which is placed in the lower left corner.

Corrections and typographical errors in such documentation are not allowed.

How to notify an employee?

A notice of a well-deserved rest for an employee is always prepared in writing and on paper, with the mandatory signing of it after reading the contents of the paper, which confirms the fact of full agreement with the read.

You can familiarize the employee with this paper in the following ways.:

  1. in person by regular notice;
  2. send a notice of leave by mail if the employee is absent for any reason;
  3. by order of management to provide annual paid rest;
  4. through a special column in the vacation schedule, intended for signatures of all employees who agreed with the schedule;
  5. familiarization of employees with the terms of their annual vacations, by affixing signatures in the head's labor journal;
  6. through the statement attached to the vacation schedule.

How many days before vacation?

It is necessary to notify the employee about the beginning of his paid rest from working days.. According to article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this should be done two weeks before the first day of vacation. The date of notification of the employee will be the day of receipt of the letter of notification or personal signature in the documents of the enterprise.

REFERENCE. In large companies, employee rest periods are signed by the responsible person at the end of the year for the next 365 days.

Signature Disclaimer

Sometimes employees do not agree with the terms of the leave granted  They don’t want to sign an alert. By law, you cannot leave paper without a signature; there is an administrative penalty for this.

What should an employer do in a similar situation:

If the employer has done everything according to the law, while the employee refuses to go on vacation without any reason for this, the former has every right not to pay the days worked out at the employee’s own will that fall on the vacation period.

In relations between the employer and the employee, the current legislation of the Russian Federation must be observed. Otherwise, the employer may bring to the organization unnecessary checks from higher authorities, and the employee, in case of violation of the employment contract and the company’s order, will receive disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


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