Work related to traveling around the world in demand. Professions related to travel. Pilots and stewardesses

Colin Farrell in the movie "Bottom of Bruges" said that only a farmer or a pensioner can love Bruges, for him this city was a hell. And for me, Bruges is a very beautiful city, but also very boring. It is better to go here with someone, and not alone. But I went alone, I had other plans.

I wanted to stay somewhere in a quiet and beautiful place to work properly. In a few weeks of hanging out with people and living in noisy cities, I got a little tired, and I had to write a blog, answer a bunch of emails, finish a couple of orders and many more important and annoying little things. Bruges seemed to me the best option - medieval architecture, romantic walks along the canal, almost like in Venice. There will be an opportunity - go there necessarily.

Well, our conversation today will not be about this city, but about working on travels.

Now is the time when many would like to find work related to traveling around the world. After all, it’s so great; traveling, relaxing, working 2-3 hours a day - beauty! And around there are still envious examples, guys from the program “Eagle and Reshka”, numerous instagram users, who send greetings from another warm country who earn clearly more than you do in your office. Their life seems like honey and paradise. I'd like too.

You can learn this - I'm a living example. But fortunately, I am not a participant in the program “Eagle and Reshka”, and I also do not sell courses with remote earnings methods in shorts and slaps, and therefore I can honestly tell you about some of the pitfalls of this lifestyle.

In any barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment, this does not mean that you need to perceive it as some kind of muck and abandon the whole barrel for such a trifle. Think of it as a spice that gives your honey a distinctive flavor. If you think that traveling is the best job for you, then fine, look for ways and opportunities to make your dream come true, and I'll talk about the features of such a life.

The most important thing you need to learn is self-discipline and the ability to keep a balance between work and leisure. Keep in mind, you have to work anyway. Stories about 2-3 hours a day are partly true, but be prepared that this will not happen every day, most often you will have to work for 6 hours, sometimes more, depending on what you will be busy with.

Even blogging on the go is not so easy. Good internet is not everywhere, and sometimes you have to spend several hours in an Internet cafe to write another article and upload photos to the hosting. But this is not the biggest difficulty regarding work on travel. The hardest thing with yourself.

The atmosphere during travel is as relaxing as possible, it seems to the brain that you have come to rest, but you need to work. Laziness attacks terrible. Then the main battle begins - the battle for your time and for the balance between rest and work.

I can’t say that I can do it perfectly. I think that any freelancer will understand me well. Sometimes there are times when you don’t want to do anything at all, and if at work in the saddle you are kept by the stern look of your boss, then on free bread all responsibility is only on you. And then there's a relaxing travel atmosphere, noisy cities with vibrant nightlife, the general state of the holiday, a hangover ... It seems that everything has come to an agreement to distract you from work. And believe me, looking at the paradise beach on the monitor and at the same beach outside the window - things are radically different. In the second case, it’s much easier to quit.

I think that you already understood that a barrel of honey with new countries contains a fly in the ointment from the daily struggle with yourself. Here are some tips that I use myself and highly recommend you in case you decide to become a freelancer or combine work and travel:

  • Work on trains, planes and buses, especially if the journey is not long, why waste so much time. Even if you don’t have a laptop at hand, do that part of the work where you can get by with a pen and notebook. In the case of writing articles, this advice is very helpful. At the same time, revise your creation when you reprint and you can improve it.
  • Full time work. Allocate a few days per week that will be devoted only to work, so you can cover lazy days and not get out of the schedule.
  • Set time limits. Agree in advance with yourself that the next 2 hours you are concentrated only on work, and do not bother to check your mail or social networks. So you will do the job many times faster and maybe 2 hours is just enough for you.
  • Write task lists. This is a must-have item for any freelancer or entrepreneur. Otherwise, everything will go downhill, you will be attracted to a sofa or bar, you will lose focus and efficiency. A to-do list will save you from this trouble. I always write tasks for a month, these are the main milestones and guidelines, based on them I plan a week, and then every day of the week.
  • Understand your rhythms. I always work in the morning, at which time I am most productive. Find your peak time and plot your day with the highest productivity.
  • Get up early. Getting up at 8 in the morning will help you to free yourself by lunch time and spend the rest of the day at your discretion.

These tips helped me arrange my own working time and find a balance, I hope that will help you too.

If you are tormented by the question “Who can I work to travel the world ", Read the article about working on organically farmed WWOOF farms. This method will allow you to travel almost for free, spending only on tickets and documents.

If the idea of \u200b\u200bstaying in the four walls of a dusty office that will surround you 5 days a week leads to a panic attack, and maybe this is your usual mode of life and you begin to think that it is worth changing something, then you don’t think that becoming Walter Mitty is never too late. Change measured life for daily incidents; meetings with colleagues, whose problems you know better than the back of your hand, change to meet new interesting personalities, and the view from your office window on a daily change of landscapes - decide, because those who do not risk will never win.

These professions are somehow related to travel, they allow and even oblige you to visit other countries.

1. Journalist / correspondent.

Every day, thousands of events take place around the world that require coverage. Work in leading media always involves business trips, that is, the opportunity to be in the very center of events and transmit information live or by writing an article. As experience shows, to become a journalist it is not necessary to have a specialized education, practice and your communication skills will help you go up the career ladder to a journalist who will work in different parts of the world.

2. Sailor sailing.

It is echoed in us by the feeling of romance that is associated with the books of Jules Verne and exciting sea adventures. In fact, everything is much more complicated, and the profession is only for real men. Such flights can last more than a year, and therefore you need to be prepared physically and psychologically that you will not see your relatives at this time, and such a significant period of stay on the ship, often struggling with the elements, solving complex issues and regular physical work can dramatically change person. Nautical educational institutions and even courses will help you become a sailor first, and there you look, and a naval officer.

3. The pilot.

Another romantic male profession, which in reality is dangerous and very responsible. I immediately remember a joke: “My teacher said that looking out the window, I would not earn money. I became a pilot. " To work as a pilot, you need a flight license, the same driver’s license, only for controlling an airplane. To do this, you can finish not only a special educational institution, but also flying clubs, while good health and the absence of disturbances in the vestibular apparatus are a prerequisite - a medical examination is carried out regularly both during training and during work.

4. The stewardess.

Many girls dreamed of becoming a stewardess in childhood, but not everyone decides to really connect their lives with heaven. The romance of the profession is again scattered in reality, which involves painstaking work on oneself and psychological endurance. However, the ability to travel constantly is an integral part of the profession. Yes, and men consider her one of the sexiest.

5. Programmer / web designer.

Everyone knows about the level of salaries of programmers, which is why more and more people tend to work in this area. And in combination with the ability to program from anywhere in the world where there is the Internet, this is an ideal opportunity to combine work and familiarity with many cultures on any continent. In addition, to receive this profession, you will have enough courses, and then, of course, many years of improving the basic knowledge gained on them. Since the IT sector is one of the most dynamic in our time - do not lag behind.

6. Archaeologist / Geologist.

Interest in history, a desire to touch the past and solve at least one of the many puzzles hidden underground will lead you to master the profession of an archaeologist. For this you need to have a higher academic education, but this is not all the requirements: good health, endurance, good physical fitness and such personal qualities as patience, attentiveness and poise due to the nature of the work should be inherent in you.

7. International humanitarian worker.

International humanitarian workers travel to countries that have been destroyed by natural disasters, suffered the effects of war or famine. Humanitarian workers can work in any useful social sphere - to be teachers, engineers, psychologists, doctors, agronomists, etc. Their task is to make efforts to overcome the material and moral consequences of negative events.

8. Guide / guide.

If you, as people say, have a language suspended, you can interestingly present even such boring historical events sometimes, then the profession of a guide or guide will be an excellent choice. By the way, these concepts of "guide" and "guide" are related as part and whole, although they are increasingly being identified. A guide is a person who shows and talks about a particular object, such as a museum or gallery. The guide leads a group of tourists along a certain route, noting all the cultural and historical objects that are found on it. Often guides accompany bus tours, and therefore have the opportunity to travel.

9. TV presenter.

This is not only about the TV presenters of programs such as "Eagle and Tails" or "The World Inside Out", which occupy a thematic niche among other television shows. They have their own specifics, which provides for the study and visit of what is written in the script. We are talking about any TV presenter who conducts entertaining, news or documentary TV shows and has the opportunity in his spare time to compile his list of attractions that he will visit.

10. Translator.

To work as a translator, you must be fluent in several languages. Even if you work with tests, work usually does not require a permanent stay in one place, but because you can hold your suitcases and a laptop in your hands, it is quite possible to combine this work with travel. However, a more successful combination is interpretation and travel.

11. Work on cruise ships.

Among the vacancies that are in demand on ships are cooks, waiters, musicians, animators, photographers, and the like. That is, those who will ensure a comfortable stay of passengers on the liner. In addition to the experience in the position that you want to occupy, you need a high level of English proficiency and, again, physical and psychological readiness to stay in the open sea for a considerable period of time.

12. Spokesperson.

In other words, a media specialist, that is, a person who is behind the information that gets to the media regarding his employer - any public person: politician, head of a large corporation or official. Since their employers are authorized to visit this or that country, press secretaries accompany them, because the organization of press conferences, briefings and other business meetings, preparation of speeches, interviews and press releases is only one hundredth of the responsibilities assigned to such an employee, which sometimes require immediate response.

13. Travel blogger.

The profession is gaining more and more popularity over the past few years and is directly related to travel, because it is there that the blogger draws not only inspiration, but also material that should be updated frequently. Such a vicious circle: you need to travel in order to write, and write, in order to earn money for new trips. A profession for active and tireless travelers.

14. Tourism Manager.

Since the income of the tourism manager mainly depends on the number of tickets sold, the ability to convince a person, guess his desires and describe the bright prospects for his future vacation is not just a skill, but a talent. And in order to be able to sell something, you need to understand this, to know perfectly, in this case, visit countries to talk about them as brightly as possible.

15. Photographer.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a wedding photographer, working in the field of journalism or fashion, or maybe urbanism and landscapes work out better for you and can serve as a platform for your income - you can travel. That's just for this it is worth going to the international level, improving their professional skills.

16. The animator.

At first glance, the profession of an animator is a combination of entertainment and work, but in order to entertain others, you should be cheerful and active yourself, right? Universal acting abilities, always joyful mood, long physical activity - you should know about the pitfalls of the profession. Animators usually work in countries whose main income is based on the tourism sector, so the profession can be quite seasonal, but moving from one place to work for another, you can arrange your summer all year round without stopping doing what you love.

17. Trucker.

A case for men that requires a responsible and sustainable nature is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Transportation of goods over long distances requires attentiveness and good physical health, sometimes you have to drive a truck under different weather conditions, and accidents often happen that often end fatally, given the speed and weight of the car. If in the films and your ideas the trucker's profession is continuous romance and adventure, then in fact it is hard work, a long stay behind the wheel and a lot of force majeure.

18. The athlete.

If you have good physical characteristics and an extreme desire to become the best in a sport, you will not be afraid of lengthy exhausting training, then the profession of an athlete is for you. A sports school, college or university - here, first of all, your inner desire to become a high-level athlete is important. Sports competitions are held in different countries and for different levels of training - combine business with pleasure.

19. Volunteer.

The work of the volunteer provides for the performance of tasks for free or in exchange for housing and food. However, for those who want to travel, this is an ideal opportunity to use time to your advantage and pleasure. Firstly, you have to work only a few hours a day and no more than 5 days a week, the rest of the time you can earn money by working as a freelancer, for example. And secondly, to participate in the bulk of the programs, special education or many years of experience is not required.

20. Model.

The profession of a model is not only a beautiful appearance and an ideal figure, it is a constant work on oneself, monitoring the diet, exhausting workouts and psychological endurance. However, there are still undeniable advantages in favor of this choice - universal attention to you, high income, the ability to manage your own time and, of course, travel.

If this collection is not enough for you, then on the site you can read about 10 more professions for the traveler.

Traveling to various corners of the Earth seems to a person not only relaxation and entertainment, but also a kind of psychological treatment for any problems. After all, a change of scenery allows you to get distracted, forget the troubles, whatever they are connected with, as well as find new friends, survive unusual adventures and get new positive impressions and memories. Some just need to go on a trip during their holidays or weekends, but there is also a category of people for whom constant travel is the meaning of life. And for them, there are professions related to travel, the number of which is not so small.

Professions for those who like to travel

With travel and trips to different countries, many professions are associated. This list can be divided into several types:

  • mainly male occupations, for example, a trucker, archaeologist, sailor and others;
  • professions popular among women - conductors of railway transport, stewardesses and others;
  • professions suitable for both men and women are classes related to language translations, journalism and writing;
  • non-specific occupations - representatives of professions that, at first glance, have nothing to do with trips to different countries or regions, can travel on duty; These include doctors working on a rotational basis, athletes, sales representatives, biologists, research scientists and others;
  • professions related to travel directly, for example, tourism manager, guide and others.

What skills and abilities are needed

Constant travel requires compliance with several qualities. Firstly, it is good health and endurance, as climate change and adverse weather conditions can badly affect well-being. Secondly, for trips abroad it is necessary to know at least one foreign language. In most cases, knowledge of English is sufficient, since almost half of the world community refers to English-speaking people. Also the most popular are Chinese, Japanese, and among European languages \u200b\u200b- French and German. Thirdly, you need to know the traditions and features of the country visited. Each nation has its own established national practices and customs, sometimes unusual and incomprehensible. And in this regard, work related to traveling around the world requires special knowledge and communication skills with people of different nationalities.

Useful Tips

Each country has its own unwritten rules of conduct, for example, gestures or signs, the meaning of which should be correctly understood. Otherwise, an incorrectly used word or just a hand movement can be misinterpreted, and you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Professions related to travel require knowledge of not only languages \u200b\u200band dialects, but also gestures and facial expressions. The following is gesture information that might be useful when traveling.


An interesting and at the same time profitable occupation sometimes becomes the meaning of life, and it would be nice to have such a job to express all your creative abilities and get a good fee for it. And for those whose duties also include trips to various regions of the world, this is double luck. Work in a specialty in the field of tourism has its own characteristics and specifics, the knowledge of which will be very useful in travel.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 7 minutes

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Everyone in childhood dreamed of a future profession. And if his dream has come true - he is lucky! After all, most citizens could not become dancers or astronauts. As numerous sociological polls show, the happiest people in the profession are people whose work is directly related to traveling. This work, bringing pleasure, in return requires a person to have good health and hardening.

Here are some travel related professions

  • English teacher This work is suitable for people who are fluent in English. You can test your own strength in the countries of South-East Asia. Increased need for teachers is noted in Japan, China, Thailand, Vietnam and South Korea. If you get a job in India, Laos or Cambodia, the work will be similar to volunteering, because you will have to teach for housing and food in shelters and schools for the poor.
  • Guide.   The need for this profession is identified in countries where English is not well known to people. The owners of travel agencies have to lure foreign citizens to work. Almost everywhere, where Russian tourists relax, guides who speak Russian are in demand. If we talk about searching for a job as a guide, a person will have to personally go through tour agencies and offer his candidacy. The key point that the employer pays attention to is your ability to communicate with people. It should also be borne in mind that there are countries in which it is impossible to get a job legally. Legally, only citizens of their country are admitted there.

  • Sailor.   This work is suitable for true connoisseurs of travel. It is advantageous to sail by sea either on your own yacht or on a cruise ship. For a sea voyage, you can get a job as a handyman, doctor, navigator, cook. You can get to work by looking for a job on the Internet. Captains on the spot are ready to train the new employee in navigation skills. The only condition that the applicant for the position of sailor should be pleasant in communication, and have good physical shape.

  • Event - manager.   Representatives of this profession work in agencies or large corporations that are engaged in the conclusion of one-time contracts. Event - managers assist in the planning and proper conduct of corporate events. They organize vacations, choose entertainment, seek discounts to save the company money. Directly with the organization - the customer, Event - managers go to the places of events and control the process of the event. The disadvantage of this work is that with any turmoil, you will immediately hear a negative stream to you.

  • Sales representative by region. Depending on the size of the company in which you get a job, the scale of the territory for the trip will directly depend. If only a few companies are among the clients, you will have to wander about cheap hotels and small towns. But if you get a sales representative in a large company, the territory covered will be significantly expanded. You will wander around the countries, engage in escorting customers in restaurants, treat them and amuse.

If you dream about traveling, but your busy schedule does not allow to realize your aspiration, it is not necessary to quit your job. Today, there are many interesting specialties that help combine both work and pleasure.

Travel related professions are diverse and multifaceted. They are perfect for both women and men, they can visit different points of our planet, get considerable financial profit and moral satisfaction.

What are they, the best professions involving trips and travels?

Flight attendant

Flight attendant is one of the most romantic professions that is directly related to traveling around the world. It is ideal for girls and young people who lead an active lifestyle and do not like to sit in one place. And although working as a flight attendant is not easy, this profession has a nice bonus - you travel to various cities and countries quickly and comfortably, while making yourself a successful career.


The work of a journalist, which also includes travel, is not as simple as it seems at first glance. It requires serious preparation and training. There are three main specializations in journalism:

  • photo correspondents;
  • print journalists;
  • media correspondents.

And although each of the specializations has its own characteristics, both photojournalists and print journalists travel the world. They make reports in different parts of our planet. And by no means always their texts, pictures and videos are related to tourism topics. It can be reviews of world events, articles about animals, military conflicts or sports achievements.


A tour guide or guide, as it is now customary to say in the field of tourism, is a person who shows and tells people about the sights of the city, whether it be a resort, a capital or a megalopolis.

Fifty years ago, this role was played by enthusiastic volunteers, but today this specialty is deservedly considered one of the most popular, interesting and highly paid. It allows you to communicate a lot with people, travel to different countries and cities, explore world famous architectural monuments, visit the best museums, galleries and exhibitions. But, despite a number of advantages, working as a guide is not always comfortable working and living conditions, a stable schedule and good earnings, which very often depends on the season (the flow of tourists decreases in autumn and winter).

Cruise ship worker

A cruise ship employee is every traveler’s real dream. This is one of the best professions that allows you to travel (or rather swim!) Around the world, enjoy the sea breeze and the beauty of the ocean. And although this specialty is associated with some risks, it has several obvious advantages.

  • Firstly, on a cruise ship, there is work for people with different backgrounds - cooks, bartenders, actors, waiters.
  • Secondly, each employee of the cruise ship gets a nice bonus - free accommodation and meals.
  • Thirdly, the trip usually involves a stop at the most picturesque places on land, which you can see during your weekend.


If you are fluent in languages, you can always try yourself as a translator. For example, the popular English language has long been considered international, so you can work in many countries, communicate with representatives of different nationalities and study their culture.

A translator is one of the most prestigious, sought after and highly paid professions. It is widely used in such fields of activity as:

  • tourism;
  • diplomacy;
  • politics;
  • journalism;
  • management.

However, on the other hand, it requires special education, knowledge and experience, high sociability and the ability to negotiate.

Air pilot

Another profession that allows you to combine travel around the world and the ability to earn good money is working on board an airplane with an air pilot. Of course, this specialty will help you visit the most interesting places and see different cities and countries, however it requires long preparation and training. In addition, each pilot must have a healthy heart and lungs, a good vestibular apparatus and normal blood pressure, because during the flight it is he who is responsible for all passengers on board the aircraft.


If you have been fond of history since childhood, like to read books and watch movies about adventures, then archeology can become your vocation. The profession provides for constant expeditions to the most mysterious places on our planet. It allows you to get acquainted with the history and culture of ancient civilizations, to study their way of life, customs and beliefs from the surviving remains of life.

Of course, not everyone will be able to work on excavations, since this profession requires special skills and academic education, however, as experienced archaeologists claim, one touch of ancient relics will allow everyone to fall in love with the mysterious and mysterious world of ancient history.

Event manager

Event manager is a specialist who professionally organizes business and entertainment events (business meetings, weddings, anniversaries, etc.). His responsibilities include planning, preparing and hosting parties. And no matter what kind of event it is - an exotic wedding in Bali or a business meeting in the best restaurant in London.

Working as an Event manager is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because this craft is only suitable for active, cheerful and liberated people who love and can solve non-standard tasks.

International humanitarian worker

Another profession associated with regular travel is working in one of the international humanitarian organizations. True, travel in this case is more a necessity than an entertainment.

Of all the listed professions that are associated with travel, this is one of the most difficult and responsible. And although people of different specialties (doctors, teachers, psychologists, engineers) can work in this area, far from every person is able to become a member of a humanitarian mission.

The work involves risky trips not to the most picturesque places, but, on the contrary, to cities destroyed by the elements, covered by epidemics and famine. It is very difficult and difficult. However, in this case, all the risks are justified by the noble goal - to help people with food products, medicines, a kind word and, possibly, make the world a little kinder.

All described professions related to travel are good in their own way. They will allow you to see the whole world, become better or bring good income. However, choosing one or another specialty, it is very important to be guided not only by financial motives, but also to listen to your own heart. It will always tell you what profession will become your real vocation. Whether it is connected with trips or not is not so important if you are busy with what you love!


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