An evening of relaxation for young people. The script for the entertainment program at the disco (contests) is “The Star of Disco”. Scenario competitively - game program for Youth Day “We are the pride of Russia!”

Sounds relaxing relaxing music.

Leading.   I hasten to tell you - hello!
  To wish good health.
  I hasten to tell you - goodness!
  To wish you a new happiness.
  I hasten to tell you - Joy!
  Good luck, success and luck!
  To wish everyone in the hall
  Great mood.
  Let songs, dances, games, jokes
  Come to us in an instant here.
  So friends, I begin -
  Good evening gentlemen!
Music changes in the mood for a fun and rhythmic.

Leading.   I am glad to welcome everyone who came to this room today! I am also very glad to welcome those who really wanted to come, but did not come. In turn, to all those present and even absent, I want to wish happiness, kindness and love!

Auction "Smiling Auction".
Leading. Answer me without error - friendship begins with ...

Party members: "Smiles!".

Leading.   And in most cases, it is acquaintance that begins with a smile.
  A smile - it does not cost anything, but it is very expensive. It lasts a moment, and in memory, at times, remains forever.
  Shakespeare believed that a smile can be achieved more than a sword. Want to make friends? - smile!
  Look around you, what smiles just do not surround us! And by the way, what kind of smiles are there? ... The last one who picks up the epithet for the word "smile" wins ... But the one who comes up with the most original epithet will also win.

(A competition is held according to the rules of the game auction: participants name their options - charming, friendly, affable, seductive, charming, etc. The authors of the last and original answers are awarded).

Comments: It is estimated that in the works of Leo Tolstoy, ninety-seven shades of a smile are mentioned. Who knows, and your players can make the auction endless. Remember: do not delay, know how to stop in time, control the situation.

Impromptu - the game "Blitz - Acquaintance".
Leading. (Approaches one of the viewers.)  Good evening! My name is (will call his name)What do you call-dignify?

Viewer. (eg.)  Natalya!

Leading. (To the hall.)  Is there still Natalia in the hall? Please stand up ... Thank you!

Leading.   Good evening! I was born under the constellation Cancer, under what zodiac sign were you born?

Viewer. (For instance.)I'm Aries!

Leading. (To the hall.) Are there those in the hall who were born under the constellation Aries? .. Show yourself, please. ... Thank you!
The facilitator approaches the next participant.

Leading.   According to the eastern calendar, I belong to the year of the Goat. And you?

Viewer. (For instance.)  I was born in the year of the Tiger!

Leading. (To the hall.)  Are there more tigers here? Sorry, those born in the year of the Tiger? ... Thank you!
The facilitator approaches another participant.

Leading.   I work in the field of culture. Who are you by profession?

Viewer. (For instance.)  I am an educator!

Leading. (To the hall.)  Are there any educators among you? Seem ... Thank you!
Approaches another participant.

Leading.   As Pushkin wrote in his time, “Love is submissive to all ages!”, Here I am still dreaming of big and bright love. What do you dream about? ...

Viewer. (For example.) You know, I also dream of love!

Leading. Friends, who else dreams of her, that is, love? ... Thank you!
The host returns to the center of the hall.

Leading.   My dears, I have a question for you: do you have a good memory? ... Great!
  Then tell me, how many in the hall are those whose name is Natalya? ... (Response from the audience.)
  How many are those born under the constellation Aries? ... (Response from the audience.)
  How many of those present belong to the year of the Tiger? ...   (Response from the audience.)
  How many teachers are with us? ...   (Response from the audience.)
  How many those who dream of big and bright love? ...   (Response from the audience.)
  What is the first question I asked you all? ... (Response from the audience.)
  Still, the first question was: do you have a good memory?

Catch Hello game.
Leading . Remember how it was with the poet: "I came to you with greetings ...! I also came to you with greetings ...
  True, my "hello" must be caught. And catching him is not easy, but very simple. Do you hear the music? ...
Fun rhythmic music starts to sound loud.

Leading.   Applaud to the beat of sounding music ...
All present begin to clap their hands to the music.

Leading.   Now I will approach each of you, and you, without ceasing to clap your hands, try to catch my "hello".
Program participants (parties), either sitting or standing, clap to the beat of the music. The facilitator approaches each participant in turn and provokes them to catch him “hello”: at the moment when the appliance’s palms are disconnected, the facilitator extends his palm, as if greeting his hand, but then removes it, when the player’s palms are connected. The effect is created, as if the players catch the "hello" of the host.
  The player who manages to grab the lead’s palm, that is, catch him “hello,” is invited to the center of the playground (hall). Thus, the presenter "picks up" three participants.

The game "Choose me."
Leading.   And now, our dear participants, we will play "elections". (Addresses three participants.)You need to choose a mate. Whom? ... Yes, whom do you think is necessary. Or who is most attractive to you in this room. Look carefully at the hall ... Determine the purpose ... Have you chosen? ... And now we close our eyes.
The presenter puts on “blind” masks on the participants so that they can not see anything.

Leading. (Appeals to the audience.)  Dear friends, I ask you to stand up and change your places of deployment.
Spectators are transplanted to other places.

Leading. (Appeals to the players.)  And now you go to the masses, and choose a pair for yourself. You can’t communicate, you can’t feel the chosen ones either. And who will fall for your bait, you will see a little later. So, make your choice, gentlemen!
Song sounds "Choose me", players make their choice.

Leading.   We remove the masks ... Are you surprised or pleasantly surprised? ... But the choice is the choice. We continue.
  As they say, in our regiment arrived . (To the players.)  We leave you alone with each other. No, you don’t need to leave, you just talk a little, learn about each other as much as possible. And in two or three minutes we will return to you ...

Impromptu - the game "Be healthy!".
Leading. (Appeals to the audience)  Dear friends, there was a belief in the old days: if someone sneezed during the holiday fun, he was considered a happy person. So I suggest everyone sneeze together ...
The host divides all those present into three groups: the first shouts the word "Box", the second - "Cartilage", the third - "Matches"; At the signal of the host, all three groups shout out each of their words at the same time and it turns out to be friendly: "Apchi!"

Leading.   Be healthy! Or, as the people say: "Be healthy for all one hundred years!". I see that happy and cheerful people have gathered here.
  And there is another sign among the people: what if you sneeze on an empty stomach:
  on Monday to the guests
  on tuesday to the news,
  Wednesday - for a delicious treat,
  on Thursday - to the welcome congratulations,
  Friday - for a love date,
  on Saturday - to a new friend,
  Sunday - for fun-filled fun.
  So, good people, sneeze on your health and live richly!

Game "Reading Thoughts".
Leading. (To the players.)  So, you had plenty of time to find out some information about each other. I will now ask you questions that, without consulting, will need to be answered.
  What we are saying is text. And what we are thinking about is subtext. I don’t remember where I read this bold statement, but we will test it on our respected players.
First I ask a question, then you answer it. Then I put "magic antennas" on your head and they will reproduce your thoughts. And we will find out how your words coincide with your thoughts.

The "magic antennas" are foam rubber rabbit ears on a plastic rim.
The success of this impromptu depends on its good preliminary preparation and the coordination of the work of the host and DJ. It is necessary in advance to “cut” phrases from different songs, think through questions for “chopped” phrases, and a DJ should include the necessary tracks for the question asked. The following is an example of such communication and reading of thoughts.

Communication with the first couple.

Leading. (Turns to the participant in the first pair.)  What is the name of your chosen one (chosen one)? ... Your first impression of her (him)? ... Now listen to your thoughts ...
The presenter dresses the participant with the “antenna”, in the phonogram the phrase from the song sounds: “Ah, what woman, what woman, I would like that ...” if the participant is a man. Or "And he is as cold as an iceberg in the ocean ..." if the participant is a woman.

Leading. (Turns to another member of the first pair.)And your impressions of him (her)? ... And now your thoughts on this matter ...
The presenter dresses the other participant of the “antenna”, in the phonogram the phrase from the song sounds: “Girls can be different ...” if the participant is a man. Or "Call me with you ..." if the participant is a woman.

Communication with the second pair.

Leading. (Turns to the participant in the second pair.)  Are you glad that the choice fell on you? ... We would like to continue our acquaintance? ... And what are you really thinking about, we will hear now ...
The presenter dresses the participant with the “antenna”, the phrase from the song sounds in the phonogram: “I looked back to see if she looked back ...” if the participant is a man. Or "You say, you say what they need, what they need ..." if the participant is a woman.

Leading . (Turns to another member of the second pair.)  How do you assess the current situation, in relation to you your chosen one (chosen ones)? ... But let's listen to your thoughts ...
The presenter dresses the “antenna” participant, in the phonogram the phrase from the song sounds: “I'm afraid of your love, then cold, then hot ...” if the participant is a man. Or "And I don’t want, I don’t want by calculation ..." if the participant is a woman.

Communication with the third pair.

Leading.   (Turns to the participant in the third pair.)  What did you like most about your chosen one? (chosen one)? ... But what will your thoughts sing to us ...
The presenter dresses the “antenna” participant, in the phonogram the phrase from the song sounds: “These eyes are opposite the kaleidoscope of lights ...” if the participant is a man. Or "Your cherry nine ..." if the participant is a woman.
Leading. (Turns to another member of the third pair.)  And what captivated you most in the person opposite? ... And to be honest ...
The presenter dresses the participant with the “antenna”, the phrase from the song sounds in the phonogram: “We honestly want to tell you, we don’t look at the girls anymore ...” if the participant is a man. Or "And I love the military, beautiful, hefty ..." if the participant is a woman.

Leading.   Thank you for your sincerity and excuse us for some exposure of your thoughts. Take in memory our souvenirs that have already become yours. Believe me, from the bottom of my heart ...
Impromptu participants are presented with souvenirs.

Impromptu "Song Changeling".
Leading.   To the end of our meeting, remember the songs. Or rather, we will not remember, but guess. I will call you a line from the song "turning" the words to the opposite in meaning. And you guess what song is in question. For example: "The clips were thrown and lay down all in a row." In the original words are: "The beads hung, stood in a round dance." Now it's your turn.

"" Above the floor of his hut ... ". ("Under the roof of my house ...".)
  "" The painter that paints snow ... ". ("An artist that draws rain ...".)
  "" Not a fashionable green stocking ... ".   ("Stylish orange tie ...".)
  "" A bug has stuck on a tree ... ". ("In the grass Grasshopper sat…".)
  "" Last night, the defeat of bullets does not smell ... ". ("This Victory Day smelled of gunpowder ...".)
  "Tango of the black crow ...". ("Samba of a white moth ...".)
  "" Goodbye, the boy is a major ... " ("Hello, second-hand girl ...".)
If there is karaoke, it is appropriate to conduct a blitz contest on karaoke singing.

Leading.   I thank you for the game communication. Yes, our life is a game, and it is important not how long it will continue, but how it will be played. I wish you a successful game!

  I breathe - and that means I love!
  I love - and that means I live!
  Love for all ages. Her impulses are beneficial ...
  Millions of words have been said about love and mountains of books have been written. There is a formula of love, scientific definitions, philosophical treatises. And yet, for every new generation that comes into life, the philosophy of love is a mystery with seven seals, a fortress that must be conquered by itself, having gone through the difficult path of gain and loss. And past experience is the very landmark that will help to overcome doubts and experience the great mystery of this eternal world and an equally mysterious word - love!
  Love is an unusually capacious and diverse concept. They love their work, their comrades, friends. They love loved ones, family, children. Love for nature and for humanity in general. But the minds of people are mostly occupied with the feeling of love between a woman and a man.
  (Appeals to the audience)
Tell me, do you believe in love at first sight?
  And you?
  Do you think people need love?
  And for what?
  Let's have a little competition. I will ask you questions, and each of you will try to answer them.
  The answer to the first question must be in the letter "P". How do they live in love?
  (Answer to the letter “D”) What creates love?
  (on “O”) How do lovers flatter each other?
  (on “B”) What gives love to lovers?
  (on “B”) What has love made you in life?
The most interesting answers are awarded with prizes.
Vedas: What is love?
  Love is when she does not notice his protruding ears and crooked legs. And he definitely remembers her birthday and does not remember how old she is.
  Love is when it allows him to smoke anywhere, even dump the ashes in the saucer of his beloved cat Barsik. And he is ready for hours to listen to her endless chatter.
  Love is when she regularly and with pleasure prepares him the first breakfast, the second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
  And for some reason, he passionately and wholeheartedly respects his mother-in-law. In general, no one knows what love is except for our hearts and except for the participants in our program.
  So, friends, today in our program we are announcing a creative contest on the topic: What is love?
  During the evening we receive from you theatrical performances, poems, songs on the topic:
  Is this love? ... Our costume rental will help you in preparation for the competition. In the meantime, we continue.
   Since ancient times, lovers have sung their love in songs. So today we can not do without songs. Let's try to recall the lines from the songs in which the word occurs: LOVE ...
Leading.  And now, I will retell the contents of well-known songs in somewhat confusing text, and you try to guess which song is in question. But the correct answer will be counted to the one who not only correctly guesses, but also sings this song.
Song 1.  “The bitter berry bush was covered with flowers on the territory sown with agricultural crops, near the running water. I felt prolonged craving for a man who recently lives on the earth ...”
Answer:  "Oh blooms viburnum in a field by the stream.
  I fell in love with a young guy ... "
Song 2.  For some reason, the county was quiet until the time when the sky lights up in the east. The rusted bushing of the door canopy does not squeal on the axis and light emission visible to the eye does not appear. Only ears catch that an apparatus abandoned by everyone is moving outside the house to extract various sounds ... "
Answer:  "Something froze until dawn, the door will not creak, the fire will not break out.
Only heard on the street somewhere Lonely wandering accordion ... "

Sings for you
  And now another contest. I will read you the lines from the songs that sounded in the movies. And you should name this movie and the performer of the song in the film.
  1. Palka, taverns, skirmishes, swords, horses.
  And a wild feast from battle to chase.
  And the world of love, and a moment of holy ardor.
  The hand caressed, and the soul loved ...
  (“D, Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” by Mikhail Bayarsky.)
  2. In matters of love, as if peaceful,
  The path of lovers is
  What is the Russian contribution for the happiness of darling-
  Not a wallet, but a head.
  But the swords are whistling, and the howls of buckshot
  And the darkness of watchful silence
  For a long look a short meeting-
  Ah, that's right, not the price ...
  (“Midshipmen, Forward,” Dmitry Kharatyan.)
  3. Do not cry, heart wound,
  Brush the tears from your eyes.
  I say goodbye to you
  I say goodbye to you
  Parting is not for us.
  The Straw Hat, Andrei Mironov.

And again in our program a love song.
  Leading. I don’t know if you will agree with me, but, in my opinion, it is easier for a woman to fall in love, and for a man to declare love. Since we have already talked about men and women, let's continue this topic. And for a start a few questions. Please treat them with humor. Comic quiz.
  "What is the place of the possible transformation of a woman into a woman?
  "What kind of collar does a woman wear voluntarily?
  (Necklaces, necklaces, beads.)
  "What ammunition do you like for both men and women?
  (Arrows of Cupid.)
  "What do beloved woman and corn have in common?
  (Every one you remember at every step.)
  "What does a man need to be happy?
  "And what does a man need for complete happiness?
  (Fat woman.)
  "What unites a married man and a single?
  (Both envy each other.)
  "What is the difference between a married man and a single?
  (Idler does everything on his own, but his wife makes him married.)
  In his youth, probably, many of those present in the hall were fond of writing poetry. Which of you dear ones can read us something about love. You can copyright, you can other authors.
Leading.  Love is a great art
  Here every mortal is a sorcerer.
  Well, how to translate my feeling
  In the barking language of people?
  I will not break your silence
  Not out of pride, not at all:
  You cannot tell the soul with words
  Only music ... And then a little bit ...
  Earth time is like a path.
  But experience a love trance -
  And soon it will open with a nesting doll -
  Oh, how many other spaces are in it!
  Your space is a subtle wind
  The world of feelings, desires and passions.
  Wake up! - and you will see the network,
  That swaddled all people.
  Leading. I invite everyone to try their hand in writing. There is such secular fun that was popular in the time of Pushkin. And this fun is called burime.
  We offer you predefined rhymes, on which you need to compose what your imagination, feelings or sense of humor will inspire. The authors of the most successful creations are waiting for our pleasant presentations.

  Love is blood
  Creator - Palace
  Hand is flour
  Horror - a little bit.
   What can’t imagine a man in love without? Of course without a bouquet of flowers. Do you all know the meanings of colors? Only men participate in this competition. Try to choose the right answer from the proposed ones.
  1. Which of the following colors means talkativeness?
  Bell +
  2. Which of the following colors indicates shyness?
  Mimosa +
  Red Rose.
  3. Which of the following colors means silence?
  White rose +

I invite a married couple to the stage. Please introduce yourself. How old are you together? How did you meet.
  Now we will show the audience the history of the development of the relationship between a man and a woman.

Once upon a time - the story goes -
  There was only one Adam on earth.
  But inflicted a fate on his visit
  Lovely and nimble Madame.
  Since then, all men cannot -
  And everyone understands perfectly -
  Living without a beautiful half
  Although sometimes men deny it.
  Here we spread the veil, we cover-
  We’ll make the path to history.
  How everything would be, and how everything has become -
  We are here to portray.
  Once upon a time a man appeared,
  Blessed the appearance of the heights,
  And someone that Adamchik was born,
  Where are you, Adamchik? Come on!

He would forever remain a baby
  When not for female attentive hands.
  Without Eve, a man would hardly have developed,
  Probably long since it would dry out from boredom ...

Ah, these women’s hands are just amazing!
  We continue the development of heat.
  Well, who else with such love in the morning
  He served coffee to the man.

Well, when did you drink this coffee,
  When did you chew your sandwich
  From caries who is your salvation
  Was that instantly served?

And if the hunger for you, men, comes,
  When an elephant were eaten per second,
  Tell me who treats you to borsch
  Who will give you the broth from a spoon?

It happens that life flutters you for no reason,
  Problems all "chatter" incessantly.
  Tell us, open to us, men.
  With love, who will correct your bangs?

And so - and well-fed and sleek-
  A strong masculine class goes through life ...
  But if you men were so praised
When would you not be with us?
  Both you and we cannot be without each other.
  We glorify nimble madame -
  After all, Eve became both a help and a friend
  And without her Adam would not have survived!

Thanks to our members.
And again a love song.

  What awaits darlings in a hut? (paradise)
  What do husbands usually eat? (pears)
  Who is more than one family without? (no freak)
  What geometric shape does love have? (triangle)
  When can a husband count only a quarter of his wife? (when the wife is a treasure)
  The desire to marry appears when the desire disappears ...? (to study)

  Truly loving husbands and wives all know about each other. Let's check out our auditorium. Men will answer first. You have to name everything that a woman in the kitchen does not do without while cooking.

And now a contest for women. You have to name the tools that every economic man in the house should have.

  (The one who last named the word wins the auction.)

2008 was declared the year of the family. Today we have made friends and you probably have become one big family at heart. Let's play the game "Big Family"
  Repeat the text and movements after me:
  We are one family:
  You, we, you, me.
  Touch the neighbor’s nose on the right,
  Touch the neighbor’s nose on the left.
  We're friends!

You and I are one family:
  You, we, you, me.
  Hug the neighbor on the left
  Hug the neighbor on the right
  We're friends!

We are one family:
  You, we, you, me.
  Pinch the neighbor on the right
  Pinch the neighbor on the left
  We're friends.

You and I are one family:
  You, we, you, me.
  Kiss the neighbor on the right
  Kiss the neighbor on the left.
  We're friends!

Let everyone have their own home,
  To let him know in a moment of bad weather -
  Waiting for him in the house
  Fidelity, joy and happiness.
  If the house is comfortable,
  So, there will be children and grandchildren in it,
  Because cosiness is created
  Grateful female hands.
  A man gets tired of the roads
  And so again and again
  He comes to the sweet threshold
  My dear father at home.


  "Love is the feeling you feel when you feel a feeling that you have never felt before!"
  - In order not to bother a man, a woman changes dresses, and so as not to bother a woman, a man changes women.

It is impossible for a woman to give too many flowers, and for a child too many toys.

Love is the only game that does not stop due to darkness.

It is clear why a man and a woman cannot understand each other - because they want completely different things. A man wants a woman, and a woman wants a man.

Marriage is the only war during which you sleep with the enemy.

Talk about love to loved ones, talk more often, every day!
  Not surrendering to petty insults,
  Tearing off the brave deeds!
  Speak, hear, men
  Sincerely, sublimely, funny.
  Speak over your son’s bed, whispering in dance and in the movies.
  In your strom, in your new home,
  At the hour of farewell, hands on shoulders
  On the platform, at the airport -
  Jet drone to shout down ...
  Talk to each other about love as the poet Ilya Fonyakov advises, do not be silent, and who knows, maybe a little word will save your family from big storms and upheavals.

We end our evening, and I want to say goodbye to you a well-known saying: live life - do not go field! May your days and nights be full of joy, warmth and understanding.

Love is strong as a deity
  And the deity is equal
  I praise her because
  What life gives it.
  Thank you, friends, for the meeting,
  For this warm good evening.

How to have a youth party at home

From the word "party" it blows with coziness, intimacy, comfort. The party can be held in a small room: room, living room, lounge, cafe; but not in huge halls.

A party  - it is always a circle of familiar people (friends, relatives, classmates, colleagues). Under the party also understand the pleasure of spending time with friends and girlfriends.

For any party master (however, as for a good specialist in any field) it is clear that in order for the party to be successful, it is necessary to learn some nuances.

Everyone will eat and drink at the party, but the party is not only a banal dinner, even if perfectly prepared. Here they talk, argue, discuss, but the party can not be considered a discussion club or a reader conference. At the party everyone plays games, participates in contests. Do not equate it to sports or to a gambling establishment. Although they are dancing at the party, it’s not only dancing.

Here you can show an entertainment number, but this does not mean that this is a concert. It also means rest, designed for a group of people, which takes place in a comfortable room and includes food, communication, songs, dances and games. There must be dances at this holiday, because a New Year's party without dancing is equivalent to soup without salt. Dancing is a separate, independent part of the evening or can be arranged along the way.

Party Scenario (for youth)

The party for the youth according to the script is conducted by two leaders: a young man and a girl, made up for grandfather and grandmother.

Grandma, stepping on stage: Look, grandfather! How many people gathered here! What’s going on? What kind of party?

Grandma: Ah, it's like you and me. Drink a tea and sleep.

Grandfather: Almost like that, grandma. They only drank a seagull, now they hang out, they will remember to bed with music.

Grandma: Well, you and I, grandfather, will go to bed before going to bed, listen to songs with young people and go to bed. Get a gramophone, put our darling.

Grandfather: Which one?

Grandmother: Yes, where Serebryannikov and Tolkunova sing ... "September shakes the wires outside the window ...".

Grandfather: What are you, grandmother. Yes, they fall asleep to this song. Clockwork is needed, naughty.

Grandma: Well, start back soon, otherwise we say a lot, but they are silent, they are bored.

Grandfather puts a disc on the player. From the speakers sounds the song "Fashionable Dance" Disco Crash.

Grandfather and grandmother: Everybody dance!

Grandfather: That's it, tired. Let's have a rest grandmother.

Grandma: What a rest. Just got everyone. That's all right, we started, but something is missing.

Grandfather: I want a queen!

Grandma: Oh, you don’t want to get a stick!

Grandfather: Yes, you wait! The queen of the ball needs to choose, and even better, the princess.

Grandma: And how to choose them? The most cute, or what?

Grandfather: This is corny. After all, we have an unusual evening. Come on, let the tallest lady be the queen, and the tiniest - the princess.

Grandma: We ask our ladies, applicants, to go on stage. Grandfather take a ruler, mer.

Choose a queen and a ball princess.

Grandfather: That's it, decided! Here they are, our beauties!

Symbolic crowns are erected on the heads of the girls.

Sounds A. Barykin’s song “The Queen of the Ball”.

Grandma: Now you can relax. Here I have a bottle here. Pepsi Big one. Let's play it among our male kings. The contest for them to shine with their minds was surprised by the girls. Magic liquid will be received by those who present us their handkerchief.

Boys show their scarves.

Grandfather: Here are the candidates. How will we share the prize?

Grandma: And the prize will be given to the one who has a large handkerchief.

Boys unfold shawls. The party winner is awarded.

Grandfather: Warming up was successful! Now we need two teams of five for a literary contest!

The task is this: each participant must write on the sheet two lines of a recalled poem. Then all together of these lines make up a poem. The winner is determined by the hall.

Grandma: Ah, that we are all for the young! Old people in our country have honor and respect. We need to listen to something for the soul.

Grandfather: Yes, I know what suits both us and the guests of the evening. There is only one song, advanced grandmothers sing such creative ones. I forgot how to call them.

Grandma: Yes, they are from Buranov. Buranovskie grandmothers.

The song sounds: Party For Everybody performed by Buranovsky grandmothers.

Everyone is dancing.
  Grandfather: Well, you are a grandmother and give! Looks and began to pour sand from you. Not young after all already, so dance.

Grandma: Look at yourself. The beard is on its side, the mustache has fallen apart. Soon you will precipitate!

Grandfather: Nothing, grandma, you understand. This youth is returning. Energy has increased in me from communicating with youth. Eh, forty years probably dropped.

The Christmas song “Youth” sounds.

During the performance of the song, the grandfather and grandmother remove makeup and turn into young ones.

Grandma: Miracles however! Who we have become!

Young grandfather: This is nanotechnology. Young people, music and dancing will make anyone younger. Well, since, we continue the disco party. Have fun, people!

February is a favorite month, despite its uncomfortable weather, because it gives everyone an extra reason to confess their love to each other and separately to the entire male population of the country. And it is precisely in the last days of February that mass festivities of the Winter Harbor take place, along with pancake burning Pancake week and general fun. And why not, together with the fun, remind the younger generation of the traditions of the celebration and the emergence of the wonderful Russian holiday of Pancake Week? Moreover, it can be presented in a playful way, with music, dancing and tea drinking. Offered with price center of the youth party "Pancake week Disco"  Suitable for holding in schools, colleges and clubs (thanks to the author of this wonderful idea). Young people can arrange such a holiday on their own, especially since any modern dance or music competitions and concert numbers can easily fit into the storyline of the script. all with enthusiasm and love for Russian traditions and culture.



Major - skeptical young man

Old Man (He's a Guy)

Old Woman (She's a Wench)


Script "Pancake week Disco"

Leading:  Greetings, friends! We are here again, we are together again, we are dancing and having fun again! Only tonight will not be quite ordinary, it will be held under the sign of the sun. But what will be the feature of tonight, I suggest you guess.

(Answers ...)

Leading: Yes, today we are together, as for many centuries this was done at the end of February - the beginning of March by our people, we will say goodbye to winter and welcome the arrival of spring. Celebrated, you must say it is always fun, on a grand scale, as befits a wide Russian soul. And this holiday was called?


Leading:  These days, according to tradition, everyone, young and old, indulged in fun: they rolled down the hills, took snow fortresses, and participated in fist fights. It is impossible to list all the games and fun of Shrovetide, but we can recall some of our traditions. And not just remember, but also immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a wide Russian holiday! And you must admit, such a time travel involves appropriate music.

  Sounds 1. Carnival song

And not at all foreign, but our native, "from which the soul will unfold." After all, today we have a wide Razgulay - Shrovetide!

Sounds 2. composition "Shrovetide" Ivan Kupala

Leading:  Oh, Shrovetide! Gourmet, Ridicule, Fraud, yes Venture! Tricks, gatherings, booths, rides, and pancakes from the belly! There is such a sign: the more pancakes you bake in Shrovetide, the more money you earn!

TO Presenter  fits Major.

Major:  Hey damn what are you up to? Why all this?

Leading:  What is this why?

Major:  Well, this whole blizzard: Russian, folk, traditions, ammunition?

Leading:  Excuse me, dear, what ammunition?

Major:  Relax, this is so, by the way. But tell me, on what to revive something that no one remembers already? What was there? Who was riding on a sled there? And when? How do you know that was good? Maybe just some canoe?

Leading:  Well, how can you judge anything without experiencing it for yourself? And then, our ancestors were no more stupid than us. Maybe they didn’t have such gadgets like yours (we switched to you, didn’t you?), But their contact with nature was established, and our people were not offended by wisdom. And about traditions, I will answer you with the words of the great Lomonosov: "A people who do not know their past have no future."

Major:  And cho, are you and I going for a ride from the hill and immediately have a future?

Leading:  Let's not discuss it. This is not a Valdai club. We relax and rest. Rest, gentlemen! And more active!

Music and dance block

Appear Old man  and Old woman. The old man is ruffling, the grandmother is shrinking, but both are clearly uneasy ...

Old man (grumbling):  What kind of orders are these? Have you bought a ticket? Bought it! So no, they came up with a cupcake control.

Old woman:  It became completely deaf, old, not a cupcake, but a case!

Old man:  The same pants, only back with buttons! It doesn’t matter what it is called, it matters what it controls?

Old woman: Well, that’s how we are dressed in the wrong way, and have outgrown these games for a long time. Or have not grown?

Old man:  In short, they didn’t come out with a snout, but they went into circulation!

Old woman:  Well, how does life go, and you and I are no longer rosy apples, but dried fruits.

Old woman:  Don’t grumble, old, funny little eyes. Look how beautiful the girls are, and the little ones are nothing. Just something they are some twitchy. Look, everyone is shaking like witches on the coven.

Old man(addresses to the leader):  Tell me, dear, what do you have here? Insane on departure? What is it their shiver is shaking?

Leading:  This, dear, is called a disco!

Old man:  Look at the library! Previously, we had other huts, reading rooms!

Old woman:  That stump is deaf! (Turning to the Presenter):Forgive me, my friend, the old one, it’s completely hard in my ear. (To the old man, loudly):  Not a library, but a disco!

Old man:  Hour by hour is not easier! And this, what kind of beast is this?

Leading:  What really do not know?

Old woman:  Yes, where, dear! In the last century, we came from a village to a city when we gave our daughter in marriage. Then it was not so. But we’re not walking around the city, we are reading signs, we don’t understand anything!

Old man:  This daughter and son-in-law bother us: they asked for a kid to look after them. We went abroad ourselves, and in old age we signed up for a nanny.

Leading:  What are you looking for here? Small children are not allowed here.

Old woman:  No, he's already seventeen.

Old man:  Here I am at seventeen already ...

Old woman:  Yes, wait, grandfather, the time is different, the seventeen-year-olds are the same as we are ten-year-olds: no worries, no troubles, no responsibility. Acceleration in one word!

Old man:  And that is true: no, to meet the grandmother and grandfather, he went to kick with his feet. Well, at least I left a note.

Old woman:  So here we are. Have you not seen, my friend, our granddaughter?

Leading:  Sorry, dear, I need to work. There will be a break, I will try to help.

  Concert room with modern dance.

Old man   with Old woman  look at the dancers, exchanging "cues" and pointing to the particularly energetic dancers. When the music ends Old man  (followed by Old woman) coming back to Presenter

Old man:  No, I still don’t understand what’s going on here?

Leading:  Yes, I already explained, Grandpa, DISCO!

Old man:  I don’t speak languages, honey, can’t you translate into Russian?

Leading:  In Russian ... Well, an evening of dancing, is that clear? Party - will be right too.

Old woman:  Evening parties? You should have said so from the start!

Old man:  And I have a party in the Pskov region!

Leading:  Party, evening ... Wow! Probably, and so it is.

Old man:  Yes, even call a pot! But what kind of party is it, if there are no girls?

Leading:  How not? (Turning to the Old Woman):  Is it weak in your eyes? (To the old man):  There are girls like herring in a barrel!

Old man: That's what a herring! And themselves, like herring: tightened with jeans, gray from tobacco! Not like in our time: each, like a peach: ruddy cheeks, velvet skin, braids below the waist. Not a girl - Beauty!

Old woman:  And the guys here are plain-looking: skinny, stooped. And how are they dancing? The physiognomy, as if he had eaten a lemon: neither to you of enthusiasm, nor to remove well done. Such a matchmaker would never have been a good girl before. Nowadays, there were guys! Strong, beautiful, hardworking, and funny !!!

Leading:  Forgive me, dear ones, but it was always like this when the old people taught young people. They, they say, and the trees were higher, and the grass is greener, and the dirt is thicker!

Old man:  Maybe you are right about the dirt, son, but we used to walk better: friendlier and more fun ...

Old woman:  Dropping a dozen or two years, we would have shown how the Russian soul walks widely. Don’t look at the Old Man, he is now like a mushroom that has stood up, but he used to be such a falcon! All the girls looked at him.

Old man:  And we met on the evening, remember, old? ...

Leading:  So, I catch the word: show your rollicking soul!

Old woman:  Are you kidding me?

Leading:  And what a little old shake? So you teach us all the words, but please show, so immediately into the bushes? You just start, and there we will catch up, if all your words are not idle chatter about "earlier, but nasis". Well, do you agree?

Old woman:  Oh, agree! Show, old, young, how in the old days walked?

The old man hits the floor with his hat, straightens.

Old man:  Eh, get hurt shoulder, swing your hand!

Sounds 3. song Canary performed by Ivan Kupala

GUYS and GIRLS come into the hall, involve everyone present in the dance, pick up the Old Man and the Old Woman, who are transformed before our eyes: they are just weak and weak, they become young and provocative. It is no longer Old man with an old womanit's lovers Girl and Boyfriend.

Guy:  Where did you come from, girl? How similar to my old woman in her youth!

Girl (laughs):  What did not find out, old? However, how old you are! Well done - dodger, and more! How many years have you and I dropped!

Guy:  Yozhkin cat! What fun does a person do! Well, now we’ll show the young master class! To walk, so to walk!

Girl:  Get up the people in a round dance, pick up a Russian song, and one from which the legs themselves go to the dance!

Sounds 4. Eyebrow song performed by Ivan Kupala

All present GIRLS and GUYS are again involved in a common dance. After the dance to Girl  and To the guy  fit cheerful out of breath Leading.

Leading:  Well, old people, pah-you, young, pleased. And indeed, the soul turned around.

Major with an iPhone in his hands.

Major: Well, why are you happy? Didn’t you hear or hear folklore? Is this the wisdom of the people that you talked about in these “Eyebrows”? Great historical heritage in these round dances!

Girl:  Well, you, my dear, do not like it?

Major:  Got it already! His, dear! Then stamp your foot, slap your hand there! Tired of it!

Guy:  Well, you dear not to joy? Overseas is sweeter, think?

Girl:  Wisdom is not great on poking a finger with a button, google any answers on the Internet. Is it the weakest to guess the people's riddle? Hide your gizmo away (points to iPhone)  and tell me, you’re our literate, what is: "I went to the mountain, you went to the mountain ... Do you eat the same to your health"?

Leading: Both on! (Mocking the Major)  Well answer, know-it-all!

Girl:  Yes, where is he! The prompter is in his pocket! (Appeals to the audience)  Can you find the answer?

The answers follow ... Correct - Pancakes

Guy:  That's right, pancakes! It is not so difficult to find the answer without the help of others.

Girl:  And how can you not remember pancakes today? Shrovetide in the yard.

Major (animating):  What will the pancakes be?

Guy:  You are so fast! He didn’t stomp the floor with his feet, he criticized us, he didn’t guess the riddle, but he heard about pancakes, he immediately became docile?

Leading:  What are pancakes and folklore reconciled with?

Girl:  Oh well done! Oh, daredevil! Apparently your mother worked with a folder a lot, you didn’t read fairy tales.

Guy:  Yes, and you seem to have watched cartoons, not our relatives, but foreign ones, where they eat, drink, and count money. Otherwise, I would have known that before you eat pancakes, you need to chop wood, apply water,

Girl:  Knead the dough, bake pancakes, and invite guests, then each pancake will be better than any tiramisu!

Major:  Have you collapsed from oak? What kind of firewood, what kind of water? Yes, well, you with your pancakes!

Girl:  Yes, do not get excited, this is a saying, do not be offended. And we are talking about the fact that before the people at the table our people played Yarilin at Shrovetide. Guys and girls, men and women, small, yes old songs sang, round dances led, and danced so that in the frost it became hot!

Guy:  Well, so, play?


A block of folk games that lead Guy  and Girl

Folk game "Ohlopok"

Props:   "ohotok" - a piece of cotton wool.

Girl (in the middle of the circle):  Let's start with a simple one. This ancient game was popular among people of different ages and amused representatives of almost all classes. Let's organize a circle, stand closer together. I have a piece of cotton in my hands - it's a slap. Now I will toss him up. Your task is to blow it away as far as possible about yourself. If he falls on or near someone, then this person pays a fine, or forfeit.

The game "Slam" is held up to four to five drops of slam.

Sounds 5. Vysotsky’s song "Morning Gymnastics" performed by the "Fidgets" ensemble.

After the game, forfeiters are played among the “penalties”.


Possible job options:

1. Call a random number and play the person who answered.

2. For the next half hour every five minutes, inform all players: "Another five minutes has passed."

3. Check the previous player

4. Tell a joke

5. Sing a love song, as if you were very drunk

6. Turn into a fairytale hero: Kolobok. Winnie the Pooh, Ivan the Fool, Princess Nesmeyana, the Princess and the Pea, etc.

7. To stage the trainer and the animal (you are the trainer, the animal is the previous fantasy)

8. Peel and eat banana without hands

9. Cry in one corner of the room, laugh in the other, yawn in the third, and dance in the fourth.

10. To kneel down and repent of the 3 most significant sins of our own

11. To sing a children's song, holding in the teeth 3 matches

12. Go out to the center and shout: "People, I love you!"

13. To dance different dances, etc., to pre-selected slices.

Game "Pull the line"

Props:   a piece of chalk

Guy:  Now the competition will be more serious. Once, no festivities took place without fights in strength and dexterity. One of these popular contests was tug of war. I think that you are familiar with this ancient fun. But here we have not enough space, therefore we will hold a similar competition. And the rules are as follows:

Teams stand at the line opposite each other so that each has his own personal opponent. On a signal, opponents clutch their hands and try to drag the enemy over the line. Crossed the line with two legs, is considered a prisoner and is eliminated from the game. The winner can help his comrades by grabbing the waist of the player of his team with him to draw the enemy. The team that captures more prisoners wins.

Clear? Then I draw the line.

The game "Pull the line"

Sounds 6. Russian folk song "Hey, come on!"

Shrovetide game "Pot"

Props:  clay pot, gymnastic stick, blindfold (scarf)

Guy:  Now hold a personal championship. Anyone wanting to show their accuracy and dexterity? I explain the rules: now I will blindfold the subject, and after that he will have to hit the inverted pot, which I will put here in the center. It is allowed to make three attempts at a time. Not difficult? Here is the pot, here is the stick. it remains to blindfold.

After the player has been blindfolded, he is untwisted and released into "free swimming". The host of the gesture shows the audience - the fans so that they do not tell the player the direction. It is known that such a seemingly simple task, in fact, is far from always possible. If the player hits the pot, then he will get what is hidden under him - gingerbread cookies, sweets, cookies as a reward.

The game "Pot"

Sounds 7. Musical composition "Heroic strength" - background

Girl:  We played with muscles, now we’ll move the convolutions. We will guess riddles! Well, who is the most savvy here?

Held riddle contest

From window to window - golden spindle (Sunshine).

He came from heaven, left to earth (Rain).

Red rocker hanging across the river (Rainbow).

Without a language, but speaks. Without legs, but running (Stream).

The old grandfather, he was one hundred years old, paved the bridge. Came red, dispersed the whole bridge (Frost and spring).

What is not sown in spring born? (Grass).

Small, green, the whole field covered (Spring meadow)

Mother in spring - in a colored dress, mother in winter - in a white cloak (Field)

The brothers began to get out of the cradle. Fell to the ground - green steel (Germinating grain).

In summer, he walks without a road near Christmas trees and oaks, and in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from frost (Bear).

Winner gets a jar of honey

Girl:  Our winner received a jar of honey as a reward. The product is healthy and very tasty. Not without reason, in the old days they said: "With honey and viburnum - raspberries." Well, it’s time for us to stretch our legs, but to raise our mood higher!

Guy:  Well, where is our most hungry?

Girl (leads out from the crowd of the Major):Here he is, amused! He danced, even out of breath!

Guy:  Rejoice, dear, your time has come, now we will eat pancakes!

Girl:  No dear ones! A good eater first needs to knead his tongue.

Major(surprised):Is it like that? I can without a warm-up!

Guy:  Not allowed! Listen to what the girl says. They are better than us in matters of healthy eating.

Girl:  So, we start training the language.

A tongue twister competition is being held.

Among the winners of the tongue twister competition is the competition of eaters.

Sounds 8. Russian folk song "Oh pancakes, crepes, crepes"

Guy:  Here ate, so ate!

  Girl:  Broke up? Now I guess you can’t say “Kysh” either?

Guy:  What are you? On the contrary, I entered into force. Now you can start a fist fight!

Girl:  You say it too! Who is there to fight with? Himself said: skinny non man went.

Guy:  Yes, that I am a monster or something, to beat the Malts? Here we are. We’ll have another fight, cock!

Folk Fun "Cockfight"

Girl: I don’t know what you planned there, but the thought is very good, and the cock-year has begun. So tell the peasants what to do?

Guy:  Players are divided into pairs and stand opposite each other at a distance of 3-5 steps. Jumping on one leg, the players depict fighting cocks, trying to push the opponent with his shoulder or chest. The one who first lost his balance and stood on two legs, or fell, leaves the game. Before the start of the game, you need to agree on where the "cocks" will hold their hands: behind their backs, in front of their breasts, and maybe hold their bent leg.

An additional condition may be a circumscribed circle from which it is impossible to leave.

Guy:  Well, come out, who is not a timid dozen, and I will judge!

The game "Cockfight"

Sounds 9. music from the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!"

Guy:  Well, that's enough, perhaps, plucking each other's feathers!

Girl:  And that's right, it's time to dance!

A music and dance block is being held.

Girl:  Do you know what they called differently?

Leading:  Yes, I kind of said at the very beginning: Obeduha and Gourmand, Deception and Zateynitsa, and also the Wide Shrovetide and Krivosheyka.

Guy:  That's right, only the Maslenitsa noblewoman had another name, very sweet!

Leading:  Honey or what?

Girl:  Oh, I didn’t guess! The pancake week was still called the Kissress.

Guy:  Even the proverb was like this: “Pancakes, but kisses don't like accounts!”

Major appears.

Major:  Come on, come on, more from here!

Guy:  Well, you and the bug! Tasty and sweet oh, oh! Now what, and traditions are not annoying?

Major:  Yes, I give up, convinced! Talk about kisses!

Girl:  There is a treasured game, I saved a ring. To whom the ring gets, he will immediately enter the circle.

Game "Ring"

Sounds 10. song Kolechko performed by the ensemble Balagan Limited

Guy, Lead and Majorfolding her palms with a boat, they work at a dance, The girl goes to the hall, where she plays with the guests in a ringlet - lowers and does not let the ringlet into outstretched folded palms. At some point, she picks herself a mate and leads him to the center of the room. There she takes out a scarf, spreads it on the floor. The girl and the happy owner of the ring kneel on the scarf and kiss three times.

Girl:  A. Now, my friend, hearty, and you pass the ring to the one that you liked, take her into a circle and kiss her gently.

The game continues. After some time (you need to agree on this with some girl who selects "Grandson" and displays in a circle. While they kiss Girl and Boyfriend  transformed again. And before us again Old man with an old woman.

Old woman:  Look, old, here he is, our granddaughter!

Old man:  Oh wretch! We are looking for him, we’re not sleeping at midnight, and here he kisses the girls! Come on, come here!

Grandson   sees Starikov and, hanging his head, goes up to them.

FROM taruha (hugging Grandson):  Okst, old, five minutes ago he walked here with his nakedness. (Turns to the Leader): We found the granddaughter, my friend, let's go home, it's time. Forgive us if you froze it!

Major:  Where to? What did you tell everyone? What holiday is over?

Old man:  Uh, honey, talking about all the fun weeks is not enough. For centuries people have accumulated experience!

Leading:  Well, maybe, finally, something the most?

Old woman:  Yes, do not be sad. The holiday does not end, and if the soul requires, then you can always repeat it.

Old man:  And you, if you want ours to be and fables to listen to, call us. Will we come?

Old woman:  We will come, of course, and you continue to have fun. Youth passes quickly, the older you get, the less time for the holidays remains. Joy to all of you, happiness, sun of bright and warmth of mind. And we will go with my peasants ...

Sounds 11. Russian folk song "Alright, Porushka, Paranya"

You can also include other games in the game program.   , arrange a photo zone in the Russian-folk style and with the corresponding props, and finisha holiday, if conditions allow, can be done by burning a scarecrow of Pancake week to the streets and a round dance around it.

Good evening teachers, guys!

We are pleased to welcome you to our dance and entertainment program "Friendship Evening"! This is a program for everyone to have fun, relax and dance. At the end of the evening we will choose the most active participants. You can approach the music director and choose your favorite song or dance.

So, we are starting!

J.P. “Why?”

For the next competition, we need the most daring and dexterous athletes from each team.

1. The contest "Droplets"
   Participants are located on the site in random order. All participants are sad droplets that were lost during a thunderstorm. Performing his commands, they will be able to find real friends. When the leader commands the droplets to connect in two, the players must find a mate, hold hands and continue to dance, not letting go of their hands - after all, they have already found each other. After this, the team should unite in three, four, five. Players create more and more circles, continuing to dance to the music. At the end there is a command: “Now all the droplets, stand in a circle!” A big round dance of guests, like an ocean of merry droplets who have found friends, dances, has fun and sings along with the music.

2. The contest "Good fellows, beautiful girls"

(table, soap bubbles, newspapers)

Two teams participate in the competition - from guys and girls, 3 people each (respectively, “good fellows” and “red girls”).

The first task for the guys: Good fellows, do you want to show us your strength? Of course you want to! But since today we are all visiting childhood, you will measure your strength accordingly.

This contest is simple. I give you “soap bubbles”, and the one who gets the biggest bubble will win! The second and third places will also be awarded!

The task is that the "girls" are given newspapers from which they must build hats for the "well done", as it happens. The one who makes it faster and more original wins. Second and third places are also determined. The rest drop out after receiving incentive prizes (sample)

And now a song will sound for you

J.P. "Dream"

Now we will check the physical training of our athletes.

3. Competition "Crossing"

(4 chairs)

Two teams are called: 4 girls and 4 guys. In both teams the guys are on one “river bank”, the girls are on the other. The "river" must be overcome with the help of two chairs, set one in front of the other: sitting on one chair, you need to rearrange the other forward and change to it, then rearrange again in the same way and thus cross from one bank to another. The team in which the male and female halves will be the first to exchange shores wins. Chairs for the game do not have to be heavy.

Dear fans! Support the participants with your applause.

4. Competition "Move the balls"

For the competition you need several balloons and a couple of spoons, pins.

For the competition you will need two teams of 5 people. Before starting, put the balloon on a spoon. Run to the finish line and come back. If the ball falls, then raise and continue running. The team that faster and with the least loss of the ball came to the finish line wins. You can use one representative from each team.

5. “Juggle your nose”

(10 balls, 2 packages)

Two teams of 5 people. At my signal, take the ball from the bag and, juggling your nose, try to transfer it to another bag, which is opposite your team. Whoever transfers the balls faster, that team and receives the ball.

6. Fast

(tape, checkmark in the middle of the tape)

Well, our girls,

Come out surprise

Show the class!

Competition for all of you!

Here is your half of the tape, and here is yours.

Two teams of girls of 5 people.

Take the balls from the bag and tie each to its half. The winner, of course, is the team that will tie more balls faster.

So our evening came to an end. We announce the winners of this evening.

J.P. “I am fire, you are water”


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