The older a person is, the happier he is. The older, the harder the night is to sleep

40 amazing quotes by Haruki Murakami,
that will touch you to the core ...

It is often difficult for a person to find words to describe their experiences and feelings. Japanese writer Haruki Murakami is one of those who do it well. He seems to know exactly what is happening in a person's soul, and talks about it accurately and accurately. His works are like the music of the soul. He draws his inspiration from music - Haruki listens to jazz for 10 hours a day and is known for his huge collection of records. We know little about how the inhabitants of the land of the rising sun actually live. Haruki Murakami is the first person who opened this curtain and allowed us to touch the souls and hearts of ordinary Japanese people.

The older the person, the more in his
life of something that can no longer be fixed.

Any void is necessarily filled with something.

Errors are punctuation marks of life, without which,
as in the text, there will be no meaning.

There are no erroneous opinions in the world. There are opinions
which do not coincide with ours, that's all.

A thing that carries a certain imperfection
attracts precisely by its imperfection.

The most important thing is not as big as you thought of.
others, but that little thing that you yourself came to.

When you are in the forest, you become part of the forest. All, without a trace. If you are caught in the rain, you are part of the rain. Morning comes - part of the morning. You sit with me - you become a part of me

Life in cities teaches you to look only to yourself
under your feet. The fact that there is heaven in the world, no one will remember.

You need to spill your feelings out. Worse if you stop doing it. Otherwise, they will accumulate and harden inside. And then - to die.

When you have one thought in your head to get as much money as possible, it is exhausting. And you will not notice how you will waste yourself trying to make money.

Minutes, years go by. What is already behind grows, and what is ahead becomes shorter. And there is already little opportunity to accomplish anything, and it is bitter because you do not have time.

Nobody likes being alone. But by force I am nobody
I do not force you to be friends with me. It only makes it worse.

Pay no attention to anyone and if you think that you can become happy, do not miss this chance and be happy. As I can judge from my experience, in life such chances happen once, twice - and you have missed them, and having missed them, you regret all your life later.

Nothing drains a person like
pointless and futile effort.

Still, Time, wherever you look, weaves all things and events into one continuous canvas, don't you think? We are accustomed to shredding this fabric, adjusting individual pieces to our personal sizes - and therefore we often see Time only as scattered scraps of our own illusions; in fact, the connection of things in the fabric of Time is really continuous.

I don't like being alone. I just don’t add extra
acquaintances, so as not to be disappointed in people once again.

It's great when someone loves someone, and if
this love from the heart, then no one rushes through the labyrinths.

For some people, love begins with something very inconsequential or ridiculous. But if not with him, then it does not start at all.

In this world, it is impossible to be completely alone.
There is always something that connects a person with others.

The Time of the Year opens the door and goes out, and another Time of the Year enters through the other door. Someone jumps up, runs to the door: hey, where are you going, I forgot to tell you something! But there is no one there. And in the room there is already another Time of the Year - he sat in a chair, strikes a match, lights a cigarette. You forgot to say something, it says. - Well, tell me, since such is the case, I will pass it on later. - No, no, nothing special ... And the wind is howling around. Nothing special. Another season of the year has just died ...

In adolescence, many people worry about trifles, thinking that they will affect their adult happiness. The list of priorities has changed over the years. If you put your hand on your heart and answer the question, what other things from the same list are important, most will say that everything is secondary.

There is a well-known saying: "The time is young - the time is golden." Boys and girls who have just graduated from school can choose any specialty and dare ... In fact, not all of them take the right steps towards their happiness. They have no life experience and clear thinking so as not to make mistakes. Therefore, they have no reason to consider themselves happy.

A recent study was surprised to find that the happy are adults over 50. 61% of the respondents said that in their youth they did not have the resources for life, but now they have everything and they are happy. What does the feeling of happiness look like through the eyes of an adult? He travels, learns foreign languages, learns to play the guitar or balalaika. All roads are still open before him ... You just have to dare ...

What are the things that make adults happy?


And in their youth, young ladies sit for hours at the mirror, emphasizing their cheekbones or taking out their eyelashes. Over the years, little has changed in their lives: appearance is still paramount. Now they visit the gym, the pool, and do SPA procedures. They make an appointment with a beautician to remove skin imperfections. If there are financial resources to keep herself in perfect shape, a woman feels happy. Some shortcomings must be able to pass through themselves, not pay attention to them. What it is? Wrinkle? Not a reason to worry.


When does a grown woman decide what to wear to a dinner party? Two hours before leaving the house? Should I take into account the latest fashion trends? Over the years, the realization comes that they do not show off at parties, but try to be themselves. And it is comfortable only in those clothes that are not tight and do not press. No one has given up on the desire to look beautiful. It's just that beauty has become a loose concept. Do not discuss the younger generation or neighbors for what they wear. You can be happy in your pajamas at a restaurant or in an elegant winter coat by the dumpster. After 50 years, they stop believing in the power of ... matter ...

Night to sleep

Young people consider partying in the club until the morning a happy pastime. Adults - sitting by the fireplace with their beloved husband in an embrace with an album for photographs. Silent night - healthy sleep - no health problems.

Less friends

It is a common truth that the social circle changes over the years. Numerous “best friends” are disappearing, because of which always headaches and insomnia. After 50 years, only the most faithful remain by the side, and the feeling that natural selection has succeeded makes you happy.

How to make your life even happier in adulthood?

  • Stop thinking about numbers. Age, weight, bank account are secondary, and real life is primary;
  • Be yourself. It's time not to be ashamed of your sexual orientation. It's time to show your true character. It's time to forget about the limits of decency;
  • Choose new friends wisely. True friends will come in handy in both sorrow and joy;
  • Laugh more;
  • Make time for your health. If it disappoints, the feeling of happiness will be incomplete;
  • Succeed even by going roundabout ways;
  • Don't control or change other people. You just have to work on yourself;
  • Ask someone you know forgiveness or confess to friends. Why hide what is haunted;
  • Be easy on failure. After a fall, there will definitely be a takeoff;
  • Appreciate loved ones and every moment spent with them;
  • Surround yourself with love and give love to those around you;
  • Make your life better every day without relying on other people to help;
  • Don't live in the future, live in the present;
  • Remember, happiness is a state of mind, not a state surrounded by material wealth.


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