Musician Andrei Makarevich: “Of course, there are a lot of idiots who spoil life, but when were there few of them? “I can’t stand introspection Makarevich interview

On March 10, the Time Machine group will celebrate its 48th birthday with a big concert at Moscow's Crocus City Hall. On the eve of the performance, I talked with the team leader about musical longevity, a busy life, and where you can go from the Time Machine.

"": In 48 years of life, were there such periods when the "Machine" could disintegrate, cease to exist?

Makarevich: There were, yes. In 1979, there was a moment when we broke up with Serezha Kavagoe and Margulis left with him. It was completely unexpected, and I was actually left alone. But just a month later, we had already connected with Kutikov, Efremov and Podgorodetsky, and as a result, all this gave an unexpected impetus to later life.

And in subsequent years, in the era, so to speak, of the classic "Time Machine", were there serious conflict situations in the group?

No, but what could be the reasons. Why would?

Well, The Rolling Stones in the 1980s took and fled.

Well, they don't go anywhere. And we didn't run away. We have enough freedom in the group. Everyone is still doing some kind of musical business - everyone has their own outlets. What about conflicts? Well, I understand, at the age of 20 - young idiots quarreled: who is better: the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. Now what is there to complain about? I can hardly imagine the reason why this could happen.

Well, for example, a person says: “I am being clamped down, I will go to another group”?

First, which group? ( Laughs.) Which group from "Machine" will you go to, I wonder?

Margulis, for example, left again.

Well, he did something stupid too, I think. But he likes it, I guess.

Photo: Kristina Kormilitsyna / Kommersant

Today, this question will be incomprehensible to someone, but in the late 1960s it was rather unusual to sing rock in Russian. How did you make such a decision? Maybe someone inspired?

Yes, "Buffoons" Gradsky.

Dylan, who recently received the Nobel Prize, is one of the pillars for, say, Grebenshchikov. What does he mean to you?

St. Petersburg rock differed from Moscow rock, first of all, in that the St. Petersburg people - both Borka and Mike, I don't know about Tsoi - studied the texts very carefully. We didn't do it. We sucked something out of our heads. I really liked Dylan, because he came up with a wonderful hooligan performance technique for himself - and I sang his songs very similarly. My voice is just as harsh. It is a pleasure to imitate him.

When such opposition of Moscow and St. Petersburg rock still existed, "Time Machine" was always the first group from Moscow. How have you preserved the patriotism of a Muscovite?

The word “patriotism” makes me want to throw up, you understand? But yes, I feel like a 100% Muscovite, I was born here and never left here. I now live outside the city, but still every day in Moscow. A sense of belonging to the city? I don't think about it, to be honest. Moscow has changed a lot, there is little left of my favorite places. But on the other hand, I went to the Gogol Center, looked around the corner: some amazing territory like Winzavod, but not Winzavod. And some galleries, and a bunch of some cafes, and everything is very stylish, clean, young guys work everywhere - well, it's just nice.

Speaking of galleries. Are you an artist, what are your favorite artists?

To begin with, all the small Dutch, I will not list by name. Botticelli, Modigliani, of course. El Greco, de Latour. From today - Sasha Brodsky, Vova Tsesler. Something like that.

What about non-graphic art: installations and so on?

I hate. Although you understand what a thing ... When a talented person, such as Brodsky, does it, it's still good. I don’t even think about what genre he hit there. But talent rarely shines in these wilds.

Recently, with me, a drunken man on the bus after "Oh, frost" sang "For those who are at sea." At what point did you realize that you composed a folk song?

Do I look like a man with an inflated ego? I don't follow this, I swear. It surprises me every time: the song "Puppets" was written in 1974. In general, songs don't live that long, it's unnatural. But we can only be glad that it happened. When people sing my songs, these are questions for them, not for me. It was necessary to approach that man and ask what place this song occupies in his life.

Time Machine - Once Upon a Time (Official Video)

And the tribute to "Machine", when, for example, "Casta" did a rap version of your song?

Well, firstly, it's nice when a large number of different musicians spend their energy, and time, and their talent to somehow sing your song in their own way. Something there was more successful, something less successful.

Do you have a detached attitude towards your songs?

It appears right after you write it down. Everything, she already lives her own life.

Are there songs that suddenly remind you of yourself?

Pretty rare. Still, usually some kind of inner life in the song ends. Time is changing, it becomes uninteresting to play it, we ourselves are not in a high. Sometimes you think: can you play that song, the old one? You try, and something does not roll. Well, she went to FIG.

And why did you re-record "Where the day is bright" for the last album?

I wanted to. It seemed to me that she was completely forgotten. And most importantly, it became possible to record it in a completely different sound and quality.

Kutikov is obsessed with sound quality and all sorts of technical elements. How close are you? Is it interesting to understand different types of compressors?

No. I am much less technically savvy. But I know what I want, and I can explain to the sound engineer with words what I would like. And there are people who understand me and embody everything.

Do young talents send you their recordings?

More often young mediocrity.

Many? How to listen to all this?

Yes many. I listen to a piece, it immediately becomes clear. I try not to judge anyone and not answer these things. But then one middle-aged man sent. Suddenly he is convinced that his vocation is to write songs. What he writes is terrible. And I realized that I can not explain it to him. He says: “Why is it bad? It raises important questions, it's very moral, against the backdrop of all this cynical nonsense that is being sung. It's about being yourself." I say: yes, about it, but it's not enough to make a good song. And it's impossible to explain.

There is also such a strange argument: “but this is written sincerely”!

That's right, "it's fair."

Are the recordings sent to you in the style of "Machine" or are there unexpected genres?

More often than not, it's machine-like. I know for sure that the more talented a person is, the less likely he is to send anything at all. He won't do it.

Is there anything from modern, new music that impresses you?


But this is, so to speak, not entirely new.

Well, if they are “so”, then we are already dead. They are still young people for me.

When you were doing travel shows, you had a chance to talk with Thor Heyerdahl. How do you like this man-cob?

Wonderful. He is absolutely no lump. Lively, with a good sense of humor. Completely without any fanabery, and I did not notice anything bronze in it.

Doesn't it upset you that 10 years ago you were present in the media in various ways: as a musician, and a culinary specialist, and a diver, a traveler - and now everyone expects from you only some kind of political or near-political statement?

No. I don't feel the need to flash my face somewhere. I'm here (in the "Jam-club" - approx. "") go out and play every other day and I really like it. I am writing some stories for the Russian Pioneer, and a book with these stories will be published soon. I'm preparing some exhibitions, I'm doing a lot of things.

What exhibitions are planned?

Will be in Vilnius in November. They are very detailed people, they demand that we select the works right now.

You had such a streak: a song appears, you record it and immediately upload it to YouTube. And then it ended.

Yes, I'm tired. There was just such a period, it ended.

Over the years, new material does not appear as often as before. It is clear that when there are already 20 albums in the discography, a person does not need to rush to prove something to someone. Have you written songs before for self-affirmation?

I can't stand introspection. I don't know why I write songs. They just appear, I write them down. Of course, when you have an album ready in your head, then I get impatient. This must be done immediately. When the songs are ready, they need to be released into the wild. And Kutikov begins to say that it is better to release the album in the fall. I think what nonsense! This is the only time I get impatient.

Are you comfortable with the flow of time?

Of course, the older you are, the faster time goes by. This is absolutely correct. What can you do about it? That's the way things are. There are things you can't get rid of, and it's useless to fuss around.

"Big" loves to listen to Andrei Makarevich, not only when he sings with a guitar. In response to journalistic questions, the famous musician with Belarusian roots is no less charismatic, provocative and just as bold as in his work. And taking into account the fact that recently it has become less in the information space (both objective reasons and Andrey Vadimovich's personal position are involved here), every word he says adds value.

- In May, "Time Machine" celebrated its 48th anniversary. Can you remember the three most important events in the band's history?

This is probably the first trip to Tallinn (then with one “n”) in 1976, when we first left the narrow circle of the same people at concerts and played for an unfamiliar audience, and in addition, we met Borey Grebenshchikov, with whom we have been friends all our lives . Another transition to the Rosconcert in 1980, after which we drove around the country. And the release of the first big record in 1987 - then we believed that something was changing in the country.

What is an ultramarine-colored bird of happiness for the current generation of Russians, which they cannot catch by the tail?

I generally do not like to generalize and talk about generations. The eggs in the incubator are all the same, but even the chickens hatch from them are different, what can we say about people! People in any generation are different from each other, and everyone has a different idea of ​​​​happiness - both a thousand years ago and now. And it is useless to catch a bird by the tail, and any - you will be left with a pair of feathers in your hand, and this is at best.

Have many already come to terms with your position on acute political issues, or are voices still heard that Makarevich should be deprived of the title of People's Artist of Russia?

I am not interested in following this, and it is difficult to evaluate it. The circle of my acquaintances, people whose opinion is dear to me, has not thinned over the past three years. Concerts - where they are not canceled - are held with full houses. And on the Internet it is always difficult to determine whether the real interlocutor attacks you or is it just a page without a person behind it. And yes, you don't have to waste your time. And the titles have always been indifferent to me.

Now, in the era of YouTube, it's easier to get noticed. Are you not afraid of the tastes of today's youth, who choose as idols those who 10 years ago no one would have paid attention to?

Not easier, but more difficult. It was just in the late eighties: they showed you once in "Vzglyad" - and that's it, went to the stadiums! YouTube has made it a lot easier to bring the results of their work to the public - and only; there are no more talents on the planet from this. Less, perhaps, too. But the ripples on the water went such that something good go and see. I have a solo record "Chronicle of Current Events", which can be called a YouTube album, because that's how it was done: a song came to mind, I recorded it with a guitar on my mobile phone, uploaded it to my YouTube channel, she typed some then my hundreds of thousands of views (there weren’t millions then), and when they accumulated on the album, I went to the studio with the same guitar, re-recorded them in a couple of days and published them. Then it became uninteresting to me.

Are there young talented rock performers in Russia who have a chance to break through the dense row of "Mushrooms", Max Korzh, Yegor Creed? Or is rock and roll no longer needed by today's youth?

Firstly, rock youth, if it exists, has absolutely no reason to break through this particular series - the styles are different. Secondly, once again: what kind of “modern youth”, how much can you generalize? I have a jazz club in Moscow that works seven days a week - and half of the youth are there, both on stage and in the hall! What cannot be taken away from today's young people is the ability to access any music ever recorded on planet Earth. Well, they use this opportunity, do not worry about them! Another thing is that music has long ceased to be that clearing that everyone aspires to. And I don’t particularly follow the very young scene, but I know that there are a lot of festivals in Moscow, and not only in Moscow, so there is someone to play. And it's rock or not rock - it's the tenth thing.

You maintain a page on Facebook: why do you need this site, because the society is familiar with your position on many issues?

This is where it's familiar. Now any smart guy can register an account in my name on the social network and weave who knows what, I once had to delete three or four impostors a day on the same Twitter. I gave interviews and try to give a little, and those who are still interested in my point of view on a particular issue can go to my FB and read, knowing that this is not a fake. In addition, a lot of people have gathered in this social network who are interesting and attractive to me even in real life, but in real life it’s not always possible to meet - you can talk there.

Don't call opportunists those who don't think like me. Many of them do it quite sincerely.

Nobel laureate Svetlana Aleksievich clearly writes out the image of a red man. Who is a Soviet person for you? Has he returned, do you think?

I did not like Soviet power and do not like it. And I always tried to surround myself with people who are pleasant to me. People unpleasant to me did not return to my environment - they did not exist. And with his own, I think, everyone will figure it out for himself. You like such people - the flag in your hands. I do not like.

Despite the fact that Maxim Gorky embellished the actions of the Soviet government, deliberately distorting the picture in some of his articles, for many he remained a great writer. Is there a chance for the same Zakhar Prilepin to be remembered in 100 years for his literary works?

Baby, Gorky was 49 years old at the time of the revolution, he was the most famous writer in Russia and had world fame! And when he turned 50, his newspaper Novaya Zhizn was closed for criticizing the Bolsheviks. After that, he left for Capri and returned from there only at 60! This is not my favorite writer, but he is a great writer, as a public figure he did a lot of good and saved a lot of people. As for Zakhar, I liked The Abode, and I wrote to him about it. His editor invited us to the REN TV musical program "Sol", and I accepted this invitation for the entire "Time Machine"; the duel promised to be entertaining, but until it went further than the invitation, something was going on there all the way, and something quite understandable. And about what will happen in a hundred years, let's talk in two hundred.

Why have Russians always been sensitive to criticism? If anything - a psychiatric hospital, Solovki, Gulag. Why such intolerance?

The Russians treated and still treat criticism, in general, in much the same way as all other peoples. In general, dividing peoples into good and bad is the last thing, and if there is a desire to criticize someone's people, then you should always start with your own. If you have further prepared a block of questions about how bad the Russian people are, then you can safely scroll through it.

Is there ideological terror in Russian art and the threat of impending censorship of the 1937 model, which Konstantin Raikin spoke about in his famous speech at the congress of the Union of Theater Workers? If it exists, how does it manifest itself?

Baby, learn history again! The time now is not the most pleasant, but compared with the thirty-seventh year - the absolute bottom. Journalists, writers, artists are not brought to Lubyanka at night, their kidneys are not beaten off during interrogations, they are not shot in basements and their families are not exiled to camps. And, of course, there are many idiots who spoil life, but when were there few of them? And where?

Are there more opportunists in contemporary Russian art or are there individuals who, like you, are not afraid to openly express their position?

Don't call opportunists those who don't think like me. Many of them do it quite sincerely. It is rather reminiscent of Conan Doyle's "Poisoned Belt" when the planet entered the "bad ether" band. By the way, how did he guess with the word “ether”, because there was no television then, and the radio was not called that - and yet he accurately predicted the picture! True, in his story the Earth came to its senses in three days, but it also seems to be slowly starting here. And for some, this poison did not immediately work, and there were still more of them than it seems now.

I don't like to generalize and talk about generations. The eggs in the incubator are all the same, but even the chickens hatch from them are different, what can we say about people!

When you began to speak openly about many things tabooed by the Kremlin propaganda, did you lose something significant, except for invitations to the KVN jury to the biased Maslyakov?

He talked about it a hundred times. There were simultaneous cancellations of all concerts on a call even before tickets went on sale. But where they did take place, there were full halls, and now Russian concert venues have gradually begun to appear in our schedule. And in KVN everything became not so funny, but this is understandable - a bird in captivity does not sing.

On Russian television, they like to talk about the war in Donbass, the situation in Syria, the problems of the United States - news releases say little about life in Russia. What kind of notion is this - to evacuate Russians from their own country?

I try not to watch TV, once this year I spent several hours at the “box” during the tour (it happened) - and I was purely physically ill. Ask the people who make it.

Speaking about patriotism, you said that you do not believe people who yell about their love for the motherland. Is it possible to convey your feelings in a whisper correctly?

Almost the entire French chanson was sung quietly, the American blues in the pre-electric era was also not the loudest thing ... You can do it in any way, in short.

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He is both an artist and a poet. And also - a diver, culinary specialist, musician, writer. One in many faces.

Interviewed by Dmitry Tulchinsky

To ask Andrei Makarevich about everything, a week is not enough. Yes, and there is no special meaning - everything he wanted, he had already said in his numerous books. Recently, a book about music arrived, “In the beginning was sound” is called. And yet we took the risk of embracing the immensity and asked Makarevich questions to which he does not have prepared answers.


What sounds annoy you?
- With a fork on glass. And in the kindergarten, the teacher Zhanna Andreevna tied a scarf under my hat and scraped the silk with long nails. Still have goosebumps on my back.

How many musical instruments do you have?
— I think that I have about twenty guitars, and I use all of them. And there are other tools that I collect. I really love ethnic percussion instruments, so I have a large collection of tambourines, drums from all over the world. Well, and some strings - from Cambodia, China ...

What kind of music can you listen to for hours on end?
- Good jazz. Calm, positive - I admire, I can listen to him as much as I like. I can listen to Brazilian music for hours on end, Indian music. Because she is very serene, does not load. I love symphonic music, but I can't listen to it in the background... Although I can stage Chopin and draw under it.

Have you ever experienced unconscious plagiarism?
— Several songs are written every second in the world. And there are still only seven notes. Therefore, with a strong desire for any song written in recent years, you can find some analogues. And this does not mean that someone deliberately “whistled” someone. I can even give an example. Let's say the song "Barrier" ("You walked like a bull through a red light") was written a few years before the song You Are In the Army Now ...

- It turns out that "Status Quo" "whistle" your song?
- No one, no one - it just happened.

- Was there a song that you regretted that you were not the author of?
- I am arranged in such a way that the subjunctive mood is not mine at all. What would happen, if only - my head does not work in this sense. I only rejoice if I hear good music.

- Did pop artists order songs for you?
— No, they know that I work for myself. I was ordered songs for performances, for films - this is a little different.

Have you ever sung to a backing track?
Never at concerts. Several times on TV sets. It was extremely disgusting. Just awful.

- With which of the "legends of the past" would you like to sing a duet?
- Since I do not consider myself a vocalist, such thoughts do not visit me. Imagine if I was on the same stage with Ray Charles. Do you really think that I have enough conscience to open my mouth after him?


What condition is most often not fulfilled in your rider?
— You know, in recent years everything has been done. Thank God, we have a very good director, and all concert organizers know that he strictly ensures that everything is in order, checking everything in advance. In addition, there is nothing difficult in our rider. The hardest part is the hardware. Everything must ironically correspond to what we need - a screen, light, sound. The rest is of little concern to me.

- Can you turn around and leave if something does not suit you?
— I can say that a year ago we really wanted to go to Yerevan. They are waiting for us there, I know it. But they were forced to cancel the trip, because the organizers could not cope with the rider's equipment. And since we work exclusively live, we simply cannot perform differently, so we didn’t go.

- Was there a case in the last 20 years when you were not recognized?
- It happened a couple of times, but most often it happens to watchmen. A man with a gun must not recognize anyone.

- Did it surprise you?
- Well, in general, when everyone always finds out, - yes, it’s a little surprising already, of course.

- The most extravagant place where you put an autograph?
“We had a big drink with the American soldiers on Okinawa. There are many military bases there, and we pretended to be secret agents choosing a place for the base of Soviet troops. The Americans took it with incredible joy and enthusiasm: hurray, we will be neighbors, maybe you will finally join NATO. We got drunk with them like rabbits. And in the morning I signed on their backs. Perhaps this.

- Your standard response to a fan's request: "Andryukha, let's go for a drink?"
"Sorry, I'm busy."

- Very intelligent. Do you want to say something sharp in response?
- I want to. But why?

- What phrase can piss you off?
- When a stranger calls you Andryukha and "on you."

What kind of compliment can embarrass you?
“I can't even imagine. I know the value of all compliments, so I react accordingly.

What's the most ridiculous rumor you've heard about yourself?
I don't collect them at all. I can't remember.

The most reckless act in your life?
- In my younger years, when I periodically fell in love, I did quite a lot of rash acts. I could jump on a plane and fly to a girl in another city. Without knowing her address or phone number. The move is pretty idiotic.


When was the last time you used the subway?
- I think about 20 years ago ... No! Two years ago there was some kind of terrible traffic jam, I was late for the KVN jury, I left the car - thank God, with a driver. I went down to the subway and arrived in ten minutes. It is amazing that just in the subway, almost no one recognized me. Maybe people just didn't think of it. Except for one of my acquaintances, who approached me, as if we meet every day in the subway: “Hi. I've wanted to ask you for a long time, but I couldn't get through." That was very funny.

- Do you use foul language while driving?
- On whom? No, it's not productive. Why shout into space, into the void?

Is there a habit you would like to get rid of?
- Habit? I think no. I would like to eat less. Maybe drink less. Although one is related to the other. I would like to unlearn to freak out over trifles. But this is, apparently, innate in me, and the more insignificant the reason, the more crazy.

What do you not like about your own appearance?
“I am well aware of all my pros and cons. And I won't have another look. Of course, I can push myself and lose a couple of pounds, but this will not fundamentally change my appearance. My neck, for example, will not become longer anyway.

- So you answered the question. But you probably think about it more often in your 20s.
- Then I was very worried that my hair was curly, not smooth. Because I really wanted to be a Beatle. Time passed and they became smooth. But now I don't care at all.

Are you a superstitious person?
- Not. There were some childish signs. Very individual, therefore very secret. But that's all in the past.

Do you serve to the poor?
- Sometimes. I can't explain what it depends on. But I have a negative attitude towards professional beggars.

Do you recognize them right away?
- Almost always.

Is there an offer you can't refuse?
- Theoretically, perhaps, it is possible to come up with such a thing. But now nothing comes to my mind.

Have you been asked to join the party?
Thank God, they haven't offered it for a very long time.

- If “they haven’t offered for a long time”, then they offered. To the communist party?
- No-o-o. It didn't even cross their minds. They offered to join Chernomyrdin's Our Home is Russia. But I am an anti-party person. I can’t stand all this, since Soviet times I have allergies. For any party. And with us, no matter what party you make, the CPSU will succeed. And it makes me vomit.


Do you have an unattainable, inaccessible dream?
— I would like to have more free time. But so far, every year it turns out exactly the opposite - it is less and less.

What is the most important thing you can't find time for?
- Now I understand very well that if I had devoted more time to, say, graphic work, I would probably have achieved great success. If I practiced the guitar more, I would play it more technically. If I had taken vocals with a good teacher, then I probably would have sung more professionally. There is not enough time for all this. I do all of this, but less than I should. Or, for example, I understand that I need to go to the gym. At the same time, I understand that in order to properly go to the gym, you need to do nothing else. In the morning I went to the gym, then swam, then for a massage, then to the bathhouse. And there, you see, evening.

When can you afford to turn off your cell phone?
Now I try to do it more often. A year ago, I couldn’t afford it at all, it always seemed to me that I would miss some important call. Until, finally, I realized that people were calling me who needed something from me. After all, if I need something, I can call myself. That's why I turn off my phone more often now. I just saw that in the West, normal people, when they finish their working day, turn off the phone and put it in a briefcase. And in our restaurants they sit with three mobile phones on the table. Like idiots.

- What is your favorite place at home?
I don't have a favorite place there. When I paint, it's a workshop. When I write something - an office.

- Do you watch any series?
- What are you, crazy! .. The last series I watched was "Liquidation". I enjoyed it a lot, I must say. But this is still not a typical case. Somehow it happened, coincided with some strange schedule, that we were somewhere on tour, and I managed to watch a few episodes there. And then I bought the disc, because I wanted to see the whole movie.

Is there a show you can't miss?
- Of course not. I generally do very well without a TV.

- The best way to relax?
- Spearfishing, probably, after all. Diving. Travel is interesting.

— How do you feel about the Russian folk way?
— Drink vodka? No, this is not relaxation. So, you begin to love humanity a little more for a while, that's all.

- When drunk, are you violent?
- I'm not drunk. Never ever. That is, probably, at the age of 18-19, I got drunk a couple of times and it was hard to come out of it. But I take a hit very well. I always remain sane.

“In some society, this is regarded with suspicion.
“But I absolutely don’t give a shit about this. Let them try to drink more than me.


- When you are put on a par with Galich and Okudzhava, what emotions do you experience?
- I don’t think at all that people who represent themselves should be placed in some kind of ranks. That is, people can exhibit, but it's their damn business. I believe that every outstanding person is on his own. Galich is on his own, Okudzhava is on his own, Vysotsky is on his own. I am on my own. And there is no need to substitute anyone for anyone.

But you yourself have now put yourself in this row.
- Not. I can list 20 more names: both John Lennon and Alexei Tolstoy.

Do you remember your first verse?
— I remember.

- Did you confess your love in poetry?
“I tried not to do that even in prose. I always thought that such things are felt that way. There is no need to verbalize it at all.

- Have you ever dedicated poems to wives?
- Not. I think it's pretty banal. It is the sailors who dedicate poems to their beloved.

- Do your children listen to "Time Machine"?
- Well, in moderation. They listen, but without frenzy. But everyone listens: the eldest, the youngest, the son. Do you like it? I didn't ask them that question.

How many times have you thought about disbanding the band?
I didn't think about disbanding the group. When I think about it, it will end up being disbanded.

- Why hasn't the Time Machine fallen apart yet?
“This is one of the biggest mysteries for me. Do not know. Probably, people got lucky.

But people have changed...
- Over the past 20 years, almost none. And what was “in childhood”, and it was difficult to call a group. Interest club.

- Will the band celebrate its 50th anniversary?
If you want to make the Lord laugh, tell him about your plans. Let's live. So far we are 41. We will not celebrate - a stupid figure.


Will this music last forever?
- Nothing lasts forever.

Is a poet in Russia more than just a poet?
- At some point in the life of the country, this happened. In any case, twice: at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries and in the 60s of the last century.

Is it easy to offend an artist?
- It's easy to offend people. If he's not stupid.

What to do and who is to blame?
- It's not for me. This is for Chernyshevsky and Lenin.

- Is there life on Mars?
- Science does not know. But it's interesting, by the way. Now, if there is something that really interests me madly, it is the question of whether life will be found on another planet in my lifetime.

Is a dog better than a human?
- In a way, yes. She's much more sincere...


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