Secret of success. "center of additional education". The secret to graduate success is to be prepared

The first year of Donald Trump's presidency had a good impact on the American economic industry, writes CNN Money.

“The world has witnessed the resurgence of a strong and prosperous America,” Trump said at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Consumers, small business owners and executives of large corporations believe that the improvement in the economy is partly due to Trump's policies. He and the congressmen held a series of events that cut taxes and promised bonuses to some companies.

But in addition to the actions of the presidential administration, the general revival of the world economy also affects the strong American economy. The global economy grew 3.7% last year, the fastest growing since 2010, according to new IMF estimates.

Economic growth was outlined in Europe, China, Japan, Latin American countries, except Venezuela, also emerged from the recession. Many American companies sell their products in these markets. Therefore, the improved state of the global economy has increased the profits of American companies. Stronger sales and higher profits helped boost the performance of the US equity markets.

The growth of the global economy is of particular importance for the industry that Donald Trump wants to scale up. US exports grew 5.5% last year, a strong figure amid a significant decline in exports in 2016. The state of American manufacturing is heavily dependent on the sale of planes, automobiles, medical equipment, and other goods overseas.

Thanks to export growth, American companies added nearly 200,000 jobs last year. In 2016, companies, on the contrary, cut the number of jobs.

Key to the success of manufacturing companies is the value of the US dollar. The weaker the dollar, the more affordable American goods are to foreign buyers. Last year, the dollar lost about 10% of its value. Conversely, other world currencies gained in value after central banks abandoned stimulus methods and the economy became healthier.

The IMF expects that the new US tax reform and cuts in corporate taxes will lead to an increase in investment in the country. However, the fund warns that the effect of the tax reform will be short-term. By 2019-2010, economic growth will be slightly above 2%. This IMF forecast made the dollar cheaper.

Earlier, Trump said that the dollar will become "stronger and stronger." Since the beginning of the year, the value of the American currency has decreased by 3.3% - this is the lowest level in three years.

Note that the IMF also predicts that in 2018 the US economy will grow by 2.7%, while the global economy will grow at 3.9%.

Justice Minister Urmas Reinsalu said that Estonia will not abandon its attempts to recover compensation from Russia for damage from the "Soviet occupation". This is a kind of "obsession" of this politician. And he has been carrying it since December 2015, when, without having received any authority to do so, Reinsalu signed on behalf of the Republic of Estonia the so-called memorandum of the three Baltic countries on the resumption of the activities of the commission for calculating the "damage from the occupation" of their territories by the Soviet Union.

I don't love you anymore - give me money! Dull Baltic miseryThree Baltic beauties assure that they did not marry for love in their youth. Therefore, they divorced when they found, as it seemed, richer suitors. It is strange that the ladies are only talking about the money that would be good to get from their "ex".

The Estonian government then reacted unequivocally: Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas publicly disavowed the initiative of the Minister of Justice. This act of the prime minister was not in vain. A year later, Urmas Reinsalu was one of those who removed Rõivas from power, but remained in power himself. And again he took up the old - he demanded compensation for the demographic, economic and environmental losses incurred, in his opinion, by Estonia during the "Soviet occupation". This was done again without the approval of the cabinet of ministers, but it is worth noting that the current prime minister for some reason kept silent. He is probably worried about the possibility of repeating the fate of his predecessor.

There is one more interesting detail that I would like to draw your attention to. Namely, that Mr. Reinsalu never even stuttered about compensation from Germany for the period when during the Second World War its troops were on the territory of Estonia. One of the episodes of his biography can shed light on the reason for such a strange forgetfulness. One day Urmas Reinsalu let it slip publicly. It happened on July 14, 2012, when at the rally of the "Union of Freedom Fighters" - as the veterans of the 20th Estonian SS Division are called in Estonia - Reinsalu expressed his gratitude and stated that their "contribution, which was based on the principle of legal succession, had a decisive significance for the Republic of Estonia and at the same time saved the honor of our people. " End of a quote to which there is nothing to add.

"I ask you to blame the Kremlin for everything": the suicidal thrust of the Estonian economyApparently, the Estonian economy is slowly but surely moving towards suicide. We are not told, but the suicide note is probably already ready. Say, if anything, I ask you to blame the Kremlin. It's because of him that I ... and so on.

This man considers the SS men to be heroes and, in fact, on their behalf demands compensation from the victorious country for the defeat of the Nazis in the military confrontation. However, this is not the only motive behind his idea. As a politician to the core, Reinsalu is well aware of the practical futility of these demands. And they are directed not so much to the outside world as to the inside of Estonia, to its potential voters. Several political forces are currently fighting for the votes of nationalist-minded citizens: the Free Party and the Conservative Party, as well as the Fatherland - Republic, of which Reinsalu was only recently. Unable to formulate a constructive agenda, they suggest that the citizens of the country search for those responsible for the fact that now, after 26 years of independence, their life is hard. It is in this dubious field that Urmas Reinsalu wants to be the first. Expecting that he will be able to stay in power and keep a secure and pleasant life for himself in all respects. It is about himself that he is busy, raising the issue of compensation. Behind the loud phrases, there is a simple and vulgar calculation to live long and well at the expense of the people, about whom he cares in words.

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The secret to graduate success is to be prepared

Vadim Platonov: It is necessary to raise engineers from school

PLATONOV Vadim Nikolaevich

Director of MBOU Secondary school №112.

Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation.

Expert in International Education, Qingdao University, China.

The address:Novosibirsk, st. Krasnoufimskaya, 8.

Vadim Nikolaevich Platonov is known as the initiator andthe leader of engineering education for schoolchildren in the Novosibirsk region, who created №112 resource center of the federal level. Under the leadership and with the direct participation of Vadim Nikolaevich on the basis of school No. 112, a children's technopark and a center for the formation of engineering competencies of high school students are effectively operating. Repeated winner of regional, Russian and international competitions, author of innovative educational projects, holder of honorary titles "Director of the Year - 2016", "Best Leader of the Year - 2017". To match the director, the teaching staff, working creatively and involved in the competition movement, won the gold medal "100 best schools in Russia", and in 2017 won the All-Russian competition "The best school in Russia".

Platonov is also known by foreign colleagues - as an innovative teacher and as a member of the Eurasian Association of Chinese Language Teachers. He has repeatedly participated in international conferences in Guangzhou, Dalian, Beijing, Urumqi, Qingdao (People's Republic of China); Oldenburg, Berlin (Germany); Nice, Paris (France). Over the past three years, more than 150 of his articles have been published in pedagogical publications in Russia, Germany and China.

Today Vadim Nikolaevich Platonov is our interlocutor.

Vadim Nikolaevich, sometimes G They say that we have many people with higher education, that is, with a diploma, but few with secondary education. Is this opinion substantiated, in your opinion?

- This irony is based on the prejudice that the school provides little necessary and useful knowledge, many subjects are studied superficially. Graduates of many secondary schools, as a rule, do not have vocational guidance and technical knowledge, they need to be taught a profession from scratch. In 1993, when I became the headmaster of the school, it was difficult for the school to survive, to think about creativity; at the same time, my colleagues and I have developed those positive aspects that have been formed over the years, in particular, the successful experience of working in mathematics and physics and mathematics classes. The school staff thought about how to raise the level of education so that our graduates become comprehensively developed, needed and prepared for skilled labor, for obtaining modern professions necessary for high-tech production. So we came to the conclusion - the school should give students the initial foundations of engineering education. Then our graduates will be able to study further and become competent and in-demand specialists. We have been working in this direction for many years.

School No. 112 actively participated in building a system of engineering and technical education and training, including design and research activities, orientation of graduates to high qualifications, to professions in demand by industrial enterprises in Novosibirsk. This task was set by the National Technological Initiative and the program of reindustrialization of the Novosibirsk region. Today our school is in demand not only because there is an opportunity to study in one shift, but after lessons go to many circles and sections in the same building (the school has a branch of the Center for Language and Culture of China of Novosibirsk State University, five gyms, including a fencing, gym and gym Greco-Roman wrestling). All this is good, but the main thing is that the school has become a center for technical training, specialized engineering classes have been opened here. On the basis of the school, a children's technopark and a center for the formation of engineering competencies of high school students, equipped with modern technological equipment, are successfully operating. The purpose of creating a technical training center for school No. 112 is a subject of network interaction of specialized engineering and technological consistent and purposeful professional orientation of schoolchildren to ensure that they do conscious choice in favor of obtaining secondary specialized and higher education of a technical orientation; development of high school students' competencies in practical and scientific activities, which will prepare specialists for high-tech sectors of the economy, large industrial enterprises and small science-intensive businesses.

Students have the opportunity to engage in technical creativity, research, project activities, robotics, participate in competitions and be a member of the school team. This attracts children and their parents.

The fundamentals of technical creativity and research, robotics, design begin with the first grade. I note that in June 2017, under the guidance of primary school teachers Gorlova S.I., Egorova N.G. Prib M.V. pupils of the elementary grades of our school won the 1st and 2nd places at the Open Championship of Baikal in construction "Quboro".

- The experience of your educational organization in the development of engineering and technological education of schoolchildren is being successfully replicated in various regions of the Russian Federation. What is the system of school engineering and technical education in your school?

Since 2013, a children's technopark and a center for the formation of engineering competencies for high school students have been effectively operating on the basis of the school, equipped with modern technological equipment: numerical control machines, 3D printers, robotics, equipment for alternative energy. In 2014, school No. 112 received the status of a regional innovation platform in the Novosibirsk region. having won the competition with the project of networking of mathematical and engineering-technological classes on the basis of our school Center for Technical Education. Our network includes 15 educational organizations of Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk region, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the People's Republic of China.

Currently, the school has eight specialized classes with in-depth study of mathematics, as well as engineering technology and engineering research classes. The work of two specialized energy classes was organized with the participation of the energy holding "RusHydro", which implements the program of advanced development of human resources "From a new school to a workplace". In May 2017, a project on alternative energy, developed by teachers and students of school No. 112 with the support of the energy holding "RusHydro", won the final of the All-Russian competition of scientific and technical creativity of youth at the site of the Moscow International Salon of Education.

In June 2017, within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, our students of energy classes were honored. Pupils of school number 112 Nikita Ermolaev, Alexander Palutin and Sergey Mendrul under the guidance of teacher Polionov I.A. won the Grand Prix of the II All-Russian Competition Program "Start Energy - 2017". The guys have created a mobile solar power station "SolarBox", which allows you to provide uninterrupted power to consumers of electricity or car devices in field conditions and emergency situations. The device is made on the basis of solar panels in synthesis with Smart Grid control technologies and methods.

I would like to express my gratitude energy holding "RusHydro" represented by the director of the branch of PJSC "RusHydro" - "Novosibirsk HPP" Svyatoslav Ivanovich Poltoranin and the head of the personnel management department Orlova Elena Valerievna for informational, methodological and financial support in the implementation of projects aimed at developing students' engineering competencies in electrical engineering, electric power industry, alternative energy.

In this direction - from school to workplace - and the education system as a whole should develop, educational institutions should ensure that the majority of students achieve a level adequate to the requirements of the labor market and social development.

- You coordinator of the international Fair of social and pedagogical innovations and educational technologies in the Novosibirsk region. What is this fair, how is it interesting for teachers?

- The Fair of Pedagogical Ideas, which has existed for 15 years, has gone around many different cities and regions from Rostov Veliky to Bratsk and gained wide recognition in the teaching environment of Russia, it has become one of the large-scale socio-pedagogical phenomena in the country's education system. For all the years of the Fair, the organizing committee has considered more than 25 thousand projects. The total number of participants, including regional fairs, was over 30 thousand people. This is a new form of cooperation between government, commercial and civil institutions.

The fair demonstrates the individual creativity of teachers, it shows new methods and technologies, author's projects and advanced ideas that give high-quality results in teaching and upbringing. This allows you to influence the quality of education. Fair, bright, original, able to interest, captivate, help build the professional and life trajectory of the teacher.

You work together with Russian and foreign universities - how is this expressed, in what forms?

Our strategic partners include Novosibirsk State Technical University and Novosibirsk State University, whose teachers teach special courses in specialized subjects; on the basis of our school there is a basic department of the educational field "Technology" of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

Since 2009, the school has been collaborating with the Confucius class of Novosibirsk State University and Xinjiang University (PRC). An international center for the study of the Chinese language and culture operates on the basis of the school.

Cooperation with educational institutions of the People's Republic of China is not limited only to the study of language and culture, but also develops in terms of polytechnic education. In 2014, an agreement was signed with a high school at Xinjiang University. The students of our school were trained at the Xinjiang University and Tianjin Polytechnic University. In 2014-2015, our school technology teacher completed an internship at Shenyang University, from where he taught classes using Internet technologies for students of our school's engineering classes on 3D modeling and working on CNC machines.

In July 2017, at the invitation of the Scientific and Technical Association of the XUAR of China, with the support of the International Relations Department of Novosibirsk State University and the Novosibirsk Interuniversity Center for International Education "NICE", students of the engineering classes of our school will once again take part in the VII Scientific and Technical Festival of Schoolchildren and Students in the city of Karamay, People's Republic of China.

- Graduates speak of your school with delight. Can you say with confidence about your pupils that they will meet your expectations and become classy specialists?

- There is no doubt about that. In 2015 and 2016, students of the engineering classes of school No. 112 under the guidance of teachers from the school Vilt V.N., Golovina E.D., Polionova I.A. won ten gold and two silver medals at the National Championships of the Russian Federation "JuniorSkills Hi-Tech", in the city of Yekaterinburg (competence "Turning on CNC machines", "Milling on CNC machines", "Mechatronics"), I and II National Championships of high-tech workers and engineering professions "JuniorSkills", in Moscow and Kazan (competence "Engineering Graphics", "Turning on CNC machines", "Mechatronics"); under the guidance of coach Troyak O.S. - first place in various nominations in mobile robotics competitions in Kazan, Moscow, Tomsk, Berdsk, Novosibirsk, the People's Republic of China in 2015, 2016 and 2017, including repeatedly reaching the final of Robofest in Moscow and the All-Russian stage of WRO (World Robot Olimpiad) World Robotics Olympiad in Innopolis in 2016 and 2017.

Our students were winners at scientific and practical conferences in Berlin and Potsdam (Germany).

The relay race continues. This year Novosibirsk hosted an exhibition of educational technologies "UchSib-2017", the school was awarded a small gold medal for the project "Mobile solar power plant", and a large gold medal for the implementation of the project "Strategic partnership of the center for the formation of engineering competencies of school No. 112 with the energy holding" RusHydro "In the context of the National Technological Initiative and the program of reindustrialization of the Novosibirsk region."

The staff of School No. 112, in accordance with the National Technological Initiative and the Atlas of New Professions of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, prepares students for the professions of the future in the context of the 6th and 7th technological order, including in key markets within the NTI: AutoNet, EnergyNet, FoodNet.

We are proud of our students and believe in them, in their future, which they will build themselves. The secret of their success in life is that after graduation they will be ready to acquire modern high-tech professions and will allow Russia to become a full-fledged leader in high technologies and high-tech innovative production.


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