Pre-election speech Sobchak. "And we are happy!" Ksenia Sobchak announced her candidacy for the presidency and said that those who are “against everyone should vote for her. Sobchak against everyone

Journalist and presidential candidate of Russia Ksenia Sobchak, speaking in the Supreme Court demanding to remove the head of the country Vladimir Putin from participating in the next elections, said that the latter remained in power even when Dmitry Medvedev was president.

"The current president not only was in power for two consecutive terms, but also remained in power after that, through a repeatedly recognized public agreement in 2011 with Dmitry Medvedev, who was again replaced in the presidency, along the way increasing the term of office from four to six years" - said Sobchak.

“We are witnessing how two top officials of the country publicly announce that they have come up with some kind of “configuration”, in their words, to overcome the constitutional limit. In my opinion, this is an artificial, feigned political deal, and, like any deal contrary to the law , it is insignificant," she said.

According to Sobchak, "this state of affairs is an obvious failure in the democratic system of our country."

"An obvious breakdown that needs to be fixed. And who can fix it if not the Supreme Court - the most important instance of the independent branch of government?" - she said.

I would like to suggest a small but important amendment right away. The word “Art” in the above title is deeply inappropriate. The project of nominating a 35-year-old outrageous show business figure to the top leaders of the world's second nuclear power has absolutely nothing to do with art. But he has the most direct relation to high politics. And this is not about “politics” in the form of small-town games in the opposition “sandbox”, but about politics that is quite serious. Profoundly absurd at first glance, the slogan “Ksyusha for president!” fits equally perfectly into the plans of the Kremlin, and in the expectations of Xenia Anatolyevna herself.

I want to immediately reassure those overly nervous citizens who, under the influence of last year's victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election, cannot expel from the depths of their consciousness the idea that the unthinkable can happen in Russia. Can not. President Ksenia Sobchak in Russia will never and under no circumstances. This is well understood by all rationally thinking people, among whom I include Ksenia Anatolyevna herself without any discounts. Yes Yes exactly. Ksenia Sobchak is not a “painted doll” at all, as some ill-wishers think of her. Ksenia Sobchak is quite a mature, experienced and subtle political player who perfectly understands exactly what is required of her and what role she has to play.

“The main thing is not victory, but participation” - perhaps I don’t have a true sports spirit, but I always considered this famous saying of the founder of the modern Olympic movement, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a consolation for losers, those who participated, but were left with a nose. But for the candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation in the 2018 elections, Ksenia Sobchak, these words are a real guide to action. As I said above, no one expects victory from Ksenia Anatolyevna. But the Kremlin expects her to participate in the election campaign - participation not for the sake of formality, but genuine, furious, without discounts and sentimentality, participation in the style of "Sobchak in all his glory."

The presence in the Kremlin of such a desire may seem strange. Usually, in the presidential elections, Putin’s sparring partners are “exceptionally dangerous competitors” like the eternal Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov or the former bodyguard Zhirinovsky (there was such a presidential candidate Oleg Malyshkin in the 2004 elections, if anyone has forgotten). But those around Putin are well aware that in the 2018 elections such a habitual political move - or, to put it more precisely, such a habitual absence of a political move - will not work. It is important for the Kremlin that Putin does not just win the elections - “just winning” the elections is already guaranteed. It is important for the Kremlin that Putin win brightly and convincingly.

And for this, in the current political circumstances, in turn, two conditions are required. Condition A: Putin needs a bright and convincing opponent from that Russian political camp, which can be conditionally and for lack of a better term called liberal. Condition B: the name of this “bright and convincing opponent” should not sound like “Navalny”. Of course, one should not conclude from this that if Navalny had been allowed to participate in the elections, he would have had real chances to overcome Putin. Candidate Navalny would undoubtedly win more votes than candidate Sobchak. But the final result of the elections would not have changed from this. Only the place of Alexei Navalny in Russian politics would change. From a person on probation, as he officially is now, Navalny would turn into a figure that made the Kremlin dance to its tune.

The essence of the current strategy of the authorities in relation to Alexei Navalny is very simple: they are trying to drive him back into the milieu of political outcasts. Navalny will be able to break out of this trap only if he gets the right to become an official presidential candidate. But the theoretical possibility of granting him such a right would mean a complete loss of face for the authorities. Navalny is on probation, and this, according to the letter of the law, deprives him of the right to run. Navalny sees his task as scaring the authorities to death and forcing them to make an exception for him. However, the authorities are not going to be afraid. She is going to neutralize Navalny's strategy by picking up Putin at the same time quite comfortable and quite convincing competitor from the liberal camp. A suitable candidate for the role of such a competitor is Ksenia Sobchak.

I am very far from the world of glamor and secular parties, and I am very glad about this. I can judge Ksenia Sobchak only from the outside - from the position of a person who has never in his life communicated with her personally. But here are the conclusions I have long since come to regarding her. Ksenia Sobchak has a lot of qualities that are not attractive in my eyes. For example, I was always struck by her incomprehensible readiness to get into someone else's personal life and scatter peremptory and even offensive judgments. But at the same time, Ksenia Sobchak is a brilliant polemicist, a person who really knows a lot about politics and history, a person who is not afraid to touch on topics that others would not even approach with a cannon shot. Ksenia Sobchak is anyone, but not a dummy.

This combination of negative and positive qualities - a "bouquet" of undoubted talent and "toxicity" in the eyes of a significant part of society - makes Sobchak a very convenient sparring partner for Putin. What benefit can Ksenia Anatolyevna herself derive from this role? The answer lies on the surface. Participation in the presidential elections will further increase the “capitalization” of Ksenia Sobchak as a socially significant figure and show business figure. Of course, in the eyes of Navalny and his supporters, she will turn (or has already turned) into a traitor - see the emotional speech of the London exile Yevgeny Chichvarkin with sending Ksenia Antolyevna to where ordinary polite people do not send. But I suspect that Ksenia Sobchak, who is not at all prone to reflection, will somehow survive this. Political show business requires sacrifice.

vokrug. tv

TV presenter and showwoman Ksenia Sobchak announced her intention to participate in the presidential elections in 2018, although a month ago all the rumors on this topic. In the Vedomosti newspaper, she published an appeal to voters, and also published a video of her speech on her election campaign website. Ksenia stated that she does not pay attention to the attacks of "sofa political scientists", and believes that her nomination will be useful for Russian society. Since the column “Against All” has long been absent from the ballots, Ksenia Sobchak calls for voting for her, thereby expressing a protest against all the “stayed-over” candidates for this presidency.

My name is Ksenia Sobchak, I am 36 years old, and like any other citizen of Russia, I now have the right to run for president. I decided to exercise this right. Well, at least because I am against everyone who usually uses this rule. I am the column "Against all", which the authorities deprived the Russians of many years ago. You are not voting for Sobchak, you are voting against everyone - against Yavlinsky, Zyuganov and Putin. Elections are an instrument of political enlightenment. They should be used to talk to people about the difficult situation in the country. All political forces will be able to use me to make claims to the current situation.


Ksenia remembered her 18 years when Vladimir Putin became President of Russia. “Children who were born that year will go to vote this year. Here, just think about it. But it may happen that even when my son goes to the polls, Zyuganov, Zhirinovsky, Yavlinsky, Putin, their understudies and endless deputies will still be on the lists of candidates ... I am against this, ”she said.


According to Sobchak, she goes to the polls on behalf of those who cannot become a candidate. She promised to voice claims against the existing system, "to broadcast messages from both the left and the right, because the problem of corruption, the problem of lack of control and irremovability of power is greater than our ideological differences." She also urged the Russians not to ignore the elections this year, because it will not help.

Many are suggesting a boycott of these elections. If each of us does not try to change something, our life will be terrible.

“Sobchak’s campaign is not just campaigning “against everyone,” it is, I hope, a big job explaining why we are“ against all these “,” the future presidential candidate explained. Of course, they immediately reacted to the statement of the TV presenter with a scandalous past. The network began to actively joke about this. So, some advised Ksenia Anatolyevna specific election slogans:

Mood Roissy‏

They joked that in order to raise money for the election campaign, they would have to try:


And, as usual, they laughed at her appearance:

Anatoly nails

In the comments on Xenia's Instagram, men who advise her to "sit still" became more active (spelling and punctuation preserved):

Soobschak where you stick your nose, let's stop it so that I don't hear anymore

You will become the president of the first woman

Sit right there!

- "Rejoiced." A great reason not to go to the polls. It is a pity that one less adequate person.


The Dozhd TV channel found out the opinion of former participants in the Dom-2 reality show that Ksenia Sobchak is running for president. Almost all of them supported the idea of ​​​​the former TV presenter of their project:

Our current government is like a bread shop in the post-war period. You come in, and there is only a roll, bread and no choice.

According to Ksenia, it is clear that she would be a good president, because she is a smart girl and often adheres to an active civic position. Her audience is girls who follow her life and career. Perhaps they would have stood up and gone to vote for her.

One Stepan Menshchikov said that "there is an abyss between Sobchak and the people":

It seems to me that Olga Buzova's laurels haunt her. But seriously, I would like to know her election program. I have not found this program yet. I would like to ask a question - do you believe that she will take care of the people? Does she ever care about people? If you fantasize and imagine that she won the elections, it will be a tragedy for the whole people. What will be the political slogan of Ksenia Sobchak? "Follow me, comrade aristocrats"? She has never been close to the people, between him and Sobchak - the abyss.

Politicians - Sobchak's potential "competitors" - also spoke neutrally. According to the majority, the election program of Ksenia Anatolyevna is a little vague, but the candidacy itself is not bad.

I have always been for free elections, so if Ksenia feels the strength and desire in herself, of course, there is no evidence against this ... Sobchak's nomination is still too early to consider pulling votes from other opposition candidates, since it is not yet clear who else will be nominated.

I have long understood that Xenia will advance. For me, the news was that she put a sign “Against all” on herself. I don’t know what this is connected with, but this is an interesting idea… The Kremlin has long turned all elections into a farce. Ksenia plays the same farce, only against everyone.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky Sobchak supported:

Ksenia Sobchak dispelled the intrigue that had been whipped up around her for several weeks: whether or not the TV presenter would run for president. As a result, Ksenia Anatolyevna announced: she will. Moreover, the manifesto was instantly published, and the Sobchak website was presented, and the usually laconic Dmitry Peskov immediately declared that the candidate was suitable. Such a rapid development of events alerted many journalists, and they found several inconsistencies in such a frisky turn.

The fact that Ksenia Sobchak, possibly for the presidential elections in 2018, was first written by Vedomosti on September 1. A source told the newspaper that the Kremlin was "considering the possibility of choosing a female candidate" to be "sparring partner of the main candidate." On October 18, the news that Sobchak would indeed run for office was also the first for Vedomosti. The full text of the letter was attached to it, in which the TV presenter announces her final decision.

Journalists and ordinary Twitter users, in addition to jokes (which we will not collect, don’t wait), first of all drew attention to the fact that Ksenia Anatolyevna’s manifesto contains, and wondered: could such an important letter not be shown to the proofreader first.

Among the errors and typos, we noticed rather annoying examples.

Vedomosti did indeed publish Sobchak's letter without corrections, which they immediately warned about. It would seem that this can be attributed to haste. But then journalist Philip Kireev noticed an interesting detail. Judging by the URL of the article with the letter of nomination, it was prepared on September 30th.

Then there was another inconsistency.

By the way, here is the statement itself in the video version.

Then, in the source code of Sobchak's election site, references were found to the site of another opposition politician, Dmitry Gudkov.

There were also versions of how this could happen.

The usual trolling was also assumed.

Although there were more pessimistic options.

Why is everyone so rushed to look for conspiracy theories and mistakes in the nomination of Sobchak? Everything is simple. She is considered a spoiler (a candidate who must draw votes to himself) to Alexei Navalny, who also wants to participate in the presidential election.

However, some called it a very dubious spoiler along with the usual Zyuganov or Zhirinovsky. At the same time, no one is going to allow Navalny to vote in the elections, except perhaps in 2028, as the head of the CEC said. The candidacy of Sobchak, on the contrary, was positively assessed by the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

Ksenia fully fits the provisions of our constitution. She is a citizen of the Russian Federation, who, in accordance with the constitution, can run for president of the country. Naturally, after completing all the necessary procedures and formalities, which are also described by our legislation.

In response to claims in spoilers, Ksenia Sobchak herself said that this issue could be resolved.

The other day, Instagram also noticed an interesting trend. Colleagues of Ksenia Sobchak in show business suddenly began to praise life in Russia. They even came up with a special hashtag. But it turned out the same way as always, such promotions take place on Instagram, -.

The reaction of society to Sobchak's performance was different - someone was happy, someone laughed, someone was furious, someone was disappointed. Many accused her that the letter to the voters was written with errors, and the video message was not made seriously at all.

We asked Profile Group specialists to help us figure out what is hidden behind the cozy picture in the video and the “illiterate” text. Profiling methods make it possible to evaluate and predict human behavior based on the analysis of non-verbal signals, the manner of constructing speech, and other imperceptible nuances.


“At the beginning of the video message, Ksenia says: “I decided to use this right.” At this point, she clasps her hands tightly. This can be interpreted as follows: this very right and the need to use it make her nervous, she is under great stress, - says Svetlana Grunina, head of Profile Group. - Immediately after that, talking about her attitude towards Zyuganov, Yavlinsky, Zhirinovsky, Ksenia behaves much more openly. Her hands and gestures say the same thing as her words - there is no imbalance."

When the video message turns to the incumbent president, we again have something to pay attention to.

“As soon as Ksenia pronounces the words “Vladimir Putin became president,” she again squeezes her hands tightly, the tension can be seen on her lips,” continues Svetlana Grunina. - At the same time, she behaves quite naturally when she talks about the future, about her son. Her emotions and body language match the words. Signs of stress and attempts to support oneself are visible only when it comes to elections and Vladimir Putin.”

She is ready to use any available methods to achieve the goal.

Positioning yourself as a candidate “against all” also says a lot.

“Associating herself with the “against all” column, Ksenia shows that she does not even consider the option in which the column with her last name will gain the maximum number of votes, Grunina explains. - When talking about the count “against everyone”, sadness appears on Xenia’s face, and we see the same thing when she says: “Enough, guys, well, good! Well, really, well, you got everything!

Can any conclusion be drawn from this?

“We can say that Ksenia is experiencing a complex set of emotions,” Svetlana Grunina replies. “She is simultaneously under great stress due to the fact that she will have to come out “against everyone”, in fact against Putin, and at the same time she is deeply saddened by the fact that there are simply no other candidates.”


With the letter of Ksenia Sobchak, which was published in the Vedomosti newspaper, not everything is so simple either.

“Firstly, it is worth remembering that with a high probability Ksenia did not write this text herself,” says Svetlana Grunina. - Secondly, if you still analyze the text, you can highlight several main points in it:


“I accept all opportunities as a challenge,” the letter says. This suggests that she may be too "possible". Let me explain what this means: she is ready to use any available methods to achieve her goal.

And even if we consider her nomination for the presidency as a campaign paid for "from above", you need to be a very "possible" person to agree to such an alignment, while being aware of all the possible consequences.

The same statement also speaks of an inflated ego, of the need to assert itself and prove to others what it is capable of. But we are not talking about psychological trauma and not about trying to satisfy our ambitions.

Choice without choice

In the letter, Ksenia uses a very competent logical connection between those candidates who have been an eyesore for a long time and those who really want changes. She writes in a very general way, and each reader can substitute in the right places the names of those whom he himself thought.

At the same time, Ksenia categorically says that society can be divided into those who want changes and current candidates. They still dictate certain changes (another question is how we relate to these changes), but this topic is not even raised, and quite deliberately.

In fact, this is a choice without a choice: the government can only be criticized without appreciating its positive aspects.

The main idea catches the eye almost immediately: we must use every opportunity "both to publicly discuss the shortcomings of our government, and to improve the skills of our opposition."

In fact, this is a choice without a choice: the authorities can only be criticized without evaluating its positive aspects - you can only look for minuses. The opposition, on the other hand, needs to be improved, without considering its shortcomings and negative aspects.

Gradually, Ksenia leads the reader to the idea that the only way to change the existing system is to personally participate in the elections, to express your voice.


“Did these forces, or rather, did we, Muscovites, expect that these elections would be fair? Not! But we hoped to make them so. The best of us - our participation. The rest - by their arrival," the letter says.

It shows a very interesting transition and division of the audience into "those in power" and "the people." "The Best of Us" - participation; "the rest" - by their arrival. Almost the entire text boils down to one simple thought - Ksenia's participation in the elections is intended to agitate people as much as possible to turn out for the elections.

Such a powerful appeal can also be considered as a real campaign to ensure maximum turnout.

In the course of the text, Ksenia in some places inflames the situation: somewhere she writes: “What difference does it make what the authorities are interested in? What matters is what we want,” and then the situation is escalated by her phrase: “Abandoning the legal and safe, but such a significant manifestation of our will, as participation, albeit in controlled, imperfect, even dishonest elections, we leave ourselves no way out, except for street confrontation, which, obviously, is not suitable for everyone and which, of course, should be an extreme and exceptional measure of political struggle.

Why all this?

The whole point of the text is in the first part. It is aimed at the formation of propaganda thought and the conviction that it is necessary to go to the polls out of a sense of protest.

At the same time, the nomination of Ksenia and such a powerful appeal can also be viewed as a real campaign to ensure the maximum turnout, which is necessary for the legitimacy of the elections.

Of course, all these conclusions must be taken with the correction that they are based solely on text and video. It is important to understand that in order to confirm, refute or clarify them with confidence, it is necessary to talk with the person personally. But be that as it may, there is something to think about here.

About the expert

Svetlana Grunina - head of the group of the first research center for profiling "Profile Group" .


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