How to sell trainings and seminars over the phone. How to sell "live" trainings. Breaking the vicious circle. Apologies, denials and requests

If you are a sales manager, you probably want to sell more at the moment. Did we guess? Trainings, seminars, master classes are, of course, good. But without independent work, it is almost impossible to achieve high results. That is why we publish a selection of exercises that you can perform on your own or with colleagues. Learn, recharge and increase your sales!

1. Self-presentation

Each of the 30 cards depicts a certain posture or gesture of the client. Gestures and postures mean a positive mood or a negative attitude towards something, each of the cards shows the client's reaction to your words or actions. You just take a card from the deck and guess what this or that gesture means. Then turn over the card and check yourself and your guesses.

You can train non-verbal communication skills both independently and in a team with colleagues. If you play in a team, then each of the players in turn takes a card from the deck, guesses what kind of reaction is depicted on it, and if it turns out to be right, he keeps the card for himself. The winner is the one who guesses as many gestures or poses of the client as possible.

5. Property-benefit

If you work in sales, you probably know that the essence of the “Feature-Benefit” technique is to consistently translate the features and characteristics of a product into clear benefits for the client (for example, “lithium polymer battery” is a property of a product; the benefit that brings this property is the long operation of the phone without recharging). Using this technique during the presentation, after describing any feature of the product, we include connecting phrases in the conversation that help move on to describing the benefits. Examples of phrases: “it will allow you…”, “it will give you the opportunity…”, “thanks to this…”.

Now master this technique. Divide a sheet of paper vertically into 2 columns. On the left write down all the features of the product or service that you offer to the client, and on the right - all the benefits that can be derived from each feature. Next to each feature, write down at least one benefit, and the more benefit you find from each feature, the better.

6. Apologies, denials and requests

This simple warm-up will help you improve your skills in dealing with customer objections, learn how to properly respond and respond to apologies, refusals and requests from customers.

An apology should always be short and polite:
- Sorry! I apologize!

Take responsibility for your next steps.
- I'll write down the information...

Report your next steps:
- I'll find out everything and let you know in 10 minutes.

Start the request with a benefit for the interlocutor.
- To quickly...

State the essence of the proposal.
- I need…

Ask a question about consent.
- Do you agree?

When refusing, offer alternative options.
- Unfortunately, this is not possible, but I can offer you ...

Give up hope, show that you are ready to do your best.
- I will do my best to...

Now, using the information described above, try to competently respond to these objections, refusals, or requests from customers.

  1. The client tells you: You don't know how to communicate with clients. What is your reaction?
  2. The client says to you: Why are you talking to me so rudely? What is your reaction?
  3. The client tells you: You absolutely do not know how to serve. What is your reaction?
  4. The client tells you: You don't have anything good at all. What is your reaction?
  5. The client tells you: There are always some problems in your company. What is your reaction?
  6. The client tells you: You can never be relied upon. What is your reaction?
  7. The client tells you: You have absolutely nothing to take. What is your reaction?
  8. The client tells you: You do not know your range well. What is your reaction?
  9. You serve a customer, another one contacts you. What do you say?
  10. The buyer says to you: You stepped on my foot. What is your reaction?
  11. The client bought a low-quality product, brought it to your store. The client is outraged. What will you tell him?
  12. A customer called your store and asked if they had "70 nails" in stock. He was told that there is. When he came for them, it turned out that they had already been sold out. The client is outraged. What will you tell him?

7. Dealing with objections

Any sales manager should be able to properly respond to objections and at the same time give such arguments, after which it would be very difficult for the client to refuse to buy.

You can work out answers to objections in the process of playing cards " Working with objections". It is best to play in a team, but you can also play on your own: you simply take one card from the deck and say out loud your reaction to the objection described in it.

8. Agree

How to handle customer objection?

  1. It is important to exclude from your speech or minimize the use of words: “no”, “not”, “but”, “cannot”, “cannot”.
  2. Let the client speak.
  3. To accept a client's objection, it is not necessary to agree with the objection itself. You can agree with some part of the statement, and then process the objection. For example: “Yes, our prices are higher than the average market, and at the same time…”; "I agree, there is such an opinion ...".
  4. Use attachment phrases: “I understand you ...”, “I often hear about this, and there is some truth in this ...”, “It’s good that you mentioned this ...”, “Thank you for reminding me of this ... ".

Now try to find a way to correctly and profitably agree with these statements, imagining that such a situation happened during the sale.

  • Russia is the worst country in the world.
  • Your store sells complete rubbish.
  • You don't understand any of this.
  • I don't like you.
  • These are the worst tires I have ever seen in my life.
  • You don't have what I need.
  • You are the worst salesperson I know.
  • You are offering the wrong product.
  • I do not believe that this is a reliable and effective remedy.
  • We don't need anything.
  • We already have suppliers.
  • Russian is always worse than imported.
  • I never take Chinese.
  • We recently had a purchase.
  • I've heard bad things about you.
  • I'm not sure what you are saying is true.

9. How do you deal with conflict?

At the presentation stage, customers have objections, and if you react incorrectly, then a conflict arises. This test will help you identify your behavioral strategy in conflict and understand how constructive it is and how it can be improved.

From this test, you will learn about 5 types of behavior:

Type I. "Turtle" (avoidance)- the strategy of leaving under the shell, i.e. refusal both to achieve personal goals and to participate in relationships with others.

Type II. "Shark" (competition)- power strategy: goals are very important, relationships are not. It doesn’t matter to such people whether they are loved, they believe that conflicts are resolved by winning one of the parties and losing the other.

Type III. "Bear cub" (adaptation)- a strategy for smoothing sharp corners: relationships are important, there is no goal. Such people want to be accepted and loved, for which they sacrifice their goals.

Type IV. "Fox"- (compromise strategy: a moderate attitude towards both goals and relationships). Such people are willing to give up some goals in order to save the relationship.

Type V. "Owl"- a strategy of open and honest confrontation and cooperation. Representatives of this type value both goals and relationships. They openly define positions and look for a way out in joint work to achieve goals, strive to find solutions that satisfy everyone.

Your task- carefully read proverbs and aphorisms and determine on a five-point scale to what extent each of them is typical for your behavior in a conflict. 1 - not typical at all, 2 - rarely, 3 - sometimes, 4 - often, 5 - very typical.

  1. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.
  2. If you can't make someone else think the way you want, make him do the way you think.
  3. Softly spread, but hard to sleep.
  4. The hand washes the hand.
  5. Mind is good, but two is better.
  6. Of the two debaters, the one who is the first to shut up is smarter.
  7. Who is stronger, he is “more to the right”.
  8. If you don't put it on, you won't go.
  9. From a black sheep - at least a tuft of wool.
  10. The truth is what the wise know, not what everyone talks about.
  11. Whoever strikes and runs away will be able to fight the next day.
  12. The word "victory" is clearly written only on the backs of the enemies.
  13. Kill your enemies with kindness.
  14. A fair deal will not cause a quarrel.
  15. No one has a complete answer, but everyone has something to add.
  16. Stay away from people who disagree with you.
  17. The battle is won by those who believe in victory.
  18. A kind word does not require costs, but is highly valued.
  19. You - to me, I - to you.
  20. Only those who give up their monopoly on truth can benefit from the truths held by others.
  21. Who argues - not worth a penny.
  22. Who does not retreat, he puts to flight.
  23. An affectionate calf sucks two queens, and a stubborn calf sucks none.
  24. Who gives - makes friends.
  25. Bring your worries to the light and take counsel with others.
  26. The best way to resolve conflicts is to avoid them.
  27. Seven times measure cut once.
  28. Meekness triumphs over anger.
  29. Better a titmouse in the hands than a crane in the clouds.
  30. Sincerity, honesty and trust move mountains.
  31. There is nothing in the world that deserves an argument.
  32. There are only two kinds of people in this world: winners and losers.
  33. If a stone is thrown at you, throw a piece of cotton in response.
  34. Mutual concessions solve things perfectly.
  35. Dig and dig tirelessly - you will get to the bottom of the truth.

So, you are a business coach who independently sells his service to the company. How to behave in negotiations with a potential customer?

The problem of many novice trainers who work in the free market (freelance) is that their income directly depends on the number of training days. This stage of becoming a business coach, as a seller of my own services, I lived in my own skin. Then in 2005 I didn't even have a website, and I was looking for clients, as soon as the card lays down. About the same way I negotiated, I could be “pushed” by the price, because I did not feel 100% sure, and I agreed to the smallest money.

One thing I realized - the more you persuade a potential customer, the more the value goes up. And your value as a coach is declining.

I was able to overcome the “no return” zone into the position of a “begging” coach. Sometimes, novice trainers, stomping around like timid deer at the start of their business, are ready to “gain experience” to conduct training for free. This ungrateful trend should be stopped immediately. Otherwise, you are doing a disservice to yourself and the customer. Refusal to take money is a fear of responsibility and a fear of making a mistake.

A coach should not be driven by fear. A class coach conducts negotiations from a state of fullness and self-sufficiency. In order to enter this state, I have analyzed several typical customer objections.

1. “Yes, all this is good, but we have a lot of work now, the season, there is no time for training”

The leader is unfamiliar with the principle of "sharpening the saw." Ask the customer about the principle of lost profits, when the company loses a possible profit. Say how much they can increase sales with 16 hours of training. “Time is money” and you can’t argue with that.

2. “Trainings, education – of course, we need it, but we don’t have money for it”

Ask the manager if he understands the difference between costs and investments? It is clear that we do not consider the option when the company is in crisis, and there really is no money. Perhaps the company cares little about long-term goals. But, as a rule, the lack of money hides other problems: there is no understanding of the value of training, the manager does not understand what the result will be. The coach needs to learn how to convey the value of training. Training and more training!

3. “It’s so expensive, we’d better teach on our own”

My favorite quote about this is: "If you think a professional is expensive, try a non-professional." The coach must clearly identify himself with his competitive advantage. “I conduct sales training” is not about anything at all. You must clearly understand why the customer should pay you the amount per day that employees earn per month. The question of price presentation by a coach is a question of one's own identification and self-esteem. You must know exactly how much your hour is worth. your day. My colleagues often ask me - "Nadya, I was ordered a training here - how much money to take?". Unfortunately, I can't give you a price. And take responsibility for you. We must learn to value ourselves.

4. “One business coach came here before you. Nothing new. They were doing bullshit. Played games"

Here you are. The company ran into an unprofessional trainer. Or here's another option: "Only we don't need a psychologist." And it turns out that they had a case of express psychotherapy right at the training. Well, colleague, congratulations. A good chance to show your skills in self-presentation, changing beliefs, working with objections, reframing.

Unfortunately, there are also bad hairdressers and dentists. But surely everyone knows the opposite example?

It is in order to contribute to the formation of a positive image of the profession of a business coach, I created the School of Coaches. And I am very happy for my graduates!

5. “You will conduct a training, and then my employees will forget everything”

The question is legitimate. Everyone understands that in the training, you form skills. A skill is formed from 21 to 78 days. You need to organize post-training support. Homework, online training, technology transfer, creation of training manuals for line personnel, Personal Development Plan for the employee and control over the implementation of the plan by the head of the department.


Hello our dear readers! Today we have not only a relevant, but also a very interesting topic. In modern realities, we are increasingly faced with the need to sell something that cannot be seen in physical embodiment or touched. For example, here's how to sell training if you don't know what it is and have a very vague idea of ​​its actual value.

Despite the skepticism of people discouraged by the economic situation, the fashion for training remains unchanged. Moreover, for some, this way of getting information has become a habit or a way of life. No one argues with the fact that some trainings are of no interest at all and are an elementary collection of money for information that no one needs. We also know about the activities of the so-called business coaches, who lure the gullible public to events during which they promise to form the mindset of a millionaire. We remember the most striking trainings of the last decade, which were successfully conducted by the American "professor" of all kinds of sciences, Robert Fletcher, until his arrest. Actually, not only articles and dissertations, but also entire books have been written about the whole variety of trainings. Naturally, against the backdrop of all this negativity, it is quite difficult to sell even the best and most useful training.

The exception is perhaps the trainings that are held for narrow specialists. They tend to sell their trainings to large enterprises with which they build long-term relationships. So, for example, specialists from all over the world come to the trainings conducted by the largest corporations. The program of the event includes round tables, thematic excursions and the possibility of individual lessons. It is clear that we will not sell such trainings. At least here and today. But you will learn how to sell ordinary trainings in our next section.

Wrap me up an opportunity

In order to understand how to sell training, you need to understand what goals the client to whom you are going to make an offer pursues. Most likely, the person who is looking for training intends to implement one or more of the following tasks:

Trust our experience – this list can go on for quite some time. Before you tell yourself and your employer that training is very difficult to sell, if not impossible, you should carefully read the list again and look around you - in fact, every second person can be your client. It should be made clear to a person who has not yet shown interest that at this training he will definitely get what he needs. At the same time, you are not deceiving anyone and you are not doing anything wrong. The main thing is to understand the format of the training and its topic, understand what a trainer is, and then determine the approximate target audience with which you will work.

The vast majority of modern people, no matter what, understand that attending trainings is very important. Even if you didn’t like the event and everything that was said there can be easily found on Google, you still got a lot of useful skills, the value of which you don’t realize yet:

  • Sharpened communication skills.
  • Got new contacts.
  • They announced themselves.

Believe me, sometimes attending a training gives the most unexpected results. For example, we know cases when previously unclaimed specialists received offers from non-resident employers whom they met at a business event.

Buy result

Schemes for selling trainings are as diverse as the trainings themselves. But the most effective sales are just those that are carried out without any schemes. You should not sell training as such. No one needs to buy hours of sitting in the hall or "ganya" in nature. Please note that the buyer receives a ticket, which he will exchange for a tool, with which he will then receive the desired result. That is why you should not repeat the most common mistake of training sellers and offer to buy "a story about how best to do this or that." Believe me, if you are simply sent home culturally, it will be a great success! A person does not want to buy training, he wants to buy a result or, to put it simply, a solution to his problem. If even simpler, then he wants to get a pill, after taking which the problem will resolve.

Never focus a person's attention on any one advantage of training. Even if everything is obvious and spelled out in the title itself, still expand the list and leave a few lines for fantasy. For example, when selling training for bodyguards, you should not focus on the fact that they will get acquainted with new changes in legislation, master unique hand-to-hand combat techniques and get the opportunity to shoot at targets with sniper weapons. It's all accessible to everyone. For the first one, there is the Internet, for the second one, a gym and hand-to-hand luminary systems, and for the third, as a rule, a shooting range is used if necessary.

Complete the list with features that will really interest the bodyguard. For example:

  • The leaders of the country's largest PSCs are participating in the training.
  • Non-contact will be demonstrated and enrollment will be made to the school run by Kadochnikov's student.
  • The graduates of the school of bodyguards for women will demonstrate their skills.

These opportunities are likely to interest both beginners and professionals, and you can easily sell trainings and fill the base for the next sales.

Almost the main point in the question of how to sell training , is administration. Do not be lazy to accompany not only the sale, but also the post-sale process. Yes, the money has already reached the organizer's account and you have formally completed your work. But don't stop:

  • Call and ask clarifying questions.
  • Conduct additional surveys regarding questions that interest the participant.
  • Give advice on equipment.
  • Report promotions and new opportunities.
  • Be interested in results. Show genuine interest in your wishes for the following activities.
  • Offer to post a review of the training on certain resources.
  • Invite to groups in social networks.
  • Remember that most participants attend trainings in the hope of meeting their like-minded people, people with the same problems and those who have already successfully solved these problems.
  • Report similar events and news.

Instead of parting words

Do not despair if the first attempts to sell the training did not have the desired result. Continue to post information on all resources available to you. Communicate with each person, avoiding clichés and slogans. Believe me, most of your potential clients are people who are interested, ready to give their own algorithm on how to sell training. Be extremely honest with them and with yourself and you will succeed. And we say goodbye to you and promise to invite you to the training, which we are going to visit ourselves. Follow our publications and do not forget to tell your friends about us.

Sincerely, Ivan Balashov!

Sell ​​training- simply. About the same as quitting smoking. Economic redistribution, called the crisis, offers a new market environment. Whoever copes, he goes “uphill”, whoever doesn’t, it’s better for him to change his profession. It is not for me to judge those who sit without work, and even more so those who move without reducing their activity. But since many really good business coaches are still used to thinking in terms of tools, I would like to offer my own vision of selling training programs. These are not recommendations, rather, just gymnastics for the mind.

Why sell?

The main question is, first of all, you need to understand yourself. It's one thing to teach, it's another thing to change people's lives. Not all business coaches are ready for this. Changing the lives of a large number of people is a responsibility, a serious responsibility. And every single one of those who are currently unemployed is not mentally prepared for this. If only because they themselves need customers. Everything is simple. If they could not take on that very responsibility for their own life and change something in it for the better, then there is a disagreement between the words at the training and actions in life. People feel false. Is always.

That is why clients who can and want to change something in their company with the help of a coach have stopped doing it. They just don't believe in coaching. For most customers, training is something like an event. Teambuilding programs, the so-called teambuilding - in some places are prepared by the same specialists who hold parties and conferences. I am sure they are good specialists in their field. But they simply do not understand that during one of the psychological exercises that are safely torn off the Web, some client employee can get psychologically traumatized for life! And they do not understand because there is no appropriate training. It's like mixing training grenades with real ones, and then making a movie about the war. The main thing is to have fun and realistic.

As a result, they spent money, had fun, and nothing has changed. Absolutely. Those who were shy - are shy, those who were in conflict - are in conflict. Until there was a crisis, everything was sold in a row. The customer was calm about the result, or rather, its absence. The coach was chosen on the principle of "like - do not like." The client paid, silently realizing that the money was thrown away. There are still a lot of them. There was a lot ... Now, on the contrary, the money supply has declined. And corporate parties and trainings were in the forefront of unnecessary expenses. It's a pity…

Further, experience is life experience. In order to be a sought-after coach now, one must have either extensive work experience or specialized education. That is, an education that says that a person can work with people in a group. This comes, I repeat, either with experience or with education. For example, with the psychological. In no other way. Economists, marketers, lawyers - they are not taught to understand human actions. A completely different category of thinking. Their brain works in a completely different way, and it takes years to change the program in the mind.

In addition, you need the ability to build relationships with people. If the coach is a competent person, he does not sell himself, but rather builds relationships. And even if he has not communicated with the client for a long time, they remember him. Recommendations are being followed. Willingly invite for consultations. And again the question arises. Why sell? A good business coach does not need clients - he is busy with work.

Selling Methods

One of the original methods of selling trainings was demonstrated by my Moscow friends. They organized a training festival where they gather people according to acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances. Then they do some kind of jam session. Five or six coaches take turns taking the stage and demonstrating their skills (read charisma) for an hour or an hour and a half. People who are interested then approach the trainers and they get clients. Organizers, accordingly, profit from inexpensive tickets. Everyone is happy. This is a real training show, if I can even put it that way. Great promotion item! The solution turned out to be so simple and ingenious that there is no end to those who want to hang out all day, chat with like-minded people and look at different training programs. It turns out purely in Russian: cheap and cheerful and damn useful! In my opinion, this is the best system for selling open trainings. Especially when you consider that all coaches who want to show off in front of the people do not receive any fee, but rather pay money. Did he (she) sell after the festival or did not go, for my colleagues there is no difference, they still connected a person to the organization. Now, if you approach him correctly, you can pull part of his circle of acquaintances into the same structure. In addition, all guests of the festival are registered and enter the database. Then a blog is created in LiveJournal, and all guests of the festival are invited there. One fine day: "Oh miracle!"

There are photos from the festival. And everyone, like one, is rushing to the site to look at themselves and others. And then there is a community, something like a club. Where once a week in some pleasant place in the center of Moscow people gather, drink tea and talk in anticipation of a new festival. They bring their friends to the club, and they bring theirs. Nothing much is needed. 300 rubles for entry and an experienced moderator. Trainers old and new come there in the hope of acquiring clients. There they also briefly speak and present themselves. The client and the seller in one party - a miracle of marketing of the 21st century! Brilliant! Simple and brilliant!

There is one more option. Specialized organizations that bring together a mass of potential customers. The dream of any training company. Starting from the club of entrepreneurs of the city X somewhere in the Astrakhan region and ending with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moscow. You just need to make the leaders of this structure your sales operators, and for a real percentage they will supply you with customers. I don't think it's easy. And then the mechanism is quite simple - the presentation. At any event of such an organization, a presentation of a book by a business coach who wants to acquire new clients is held. Guests are given copies of the book, especially expensive with an autograph. And that's it. They automatically turn into customers without knowing it. Now you need to go to them and talk directly about the services. 30% will buy immediately, the rest will become customers after a multi-step relationship building. That is, holding three or four meetings and getting feedback from other entrepreneurs. This method requires serious preparation. Especially in the field of negotiations. The effectiveness of selling business training is extremely high. The main thing is to be confident in your own abilities. Once something goes wrong, and all your customers will know about it.

The third way is to create the so-called "blue ocean". That is, to find a niche that has not yet been spoiled by competition. I will give an example, an option that was developed by a well-known business coach and consultant Victoria Shuhat. She managed to combine exhibitions and trainings in order to get the maximum result from the exhibition process for the exhibitors. Notice, not from the training, but from the whole process. Which in its essence has nothing to do with training, as such. The result was a unique project - Expotraining. Exhibition companies now include the services of Expotraining in the cost of their square meters at the exhibition along with their standard services. As they say, checkmate. Now Victoria is provided with clients for a long time.

Coaches - sellers

Hence the moral - you can and should sell trainings. To do this, you need to consolidate, discard ambition and envy. Strange, but coaches have envy. It is strange because they should be a priori people who should be equal to. But no. That is why it is difficult to sell trainings. You can create a trade union of trainers or a creative workshop of trainers who sell each other. What does it look like? Each more or less sane specialist has his own database of clients, they create a kind of conglomerate of several people and start selling each other. Having the skills of a negotiator, knowing in advance information about the decision maker and the problems of the organization, it will not be difficult to formulate a tempting offer. There are excellent trainings for sale in any format. The main thing is the desire to work.

The main moral of this morality is that coaches should sell trainings. Nobody canceled direct sales. Even in a crisis. So consolidate, brothers, and go! Selling your colleague's training is great mental gymnastics!

Marketing of psychological trainings for centers providing these services to the population can be divided into two large parts - "external" and "internal".

"External" - attracting clients who did not attend trainings in a particular center.

"Internal" - creating motivation for attending various trainings for people who are already undergoing or have completed training in a particular center.

"Outside" marketing.

General provisions.

Effective training promotion cannot rely on any one way to attract customers.

You can never predict exactly which method will give the greatest effect.

Each way to attract customers must be economically justified. That is, the resources spent on its implementation should be compensated by financial profit.

It is reasonable to combine all methods based on the context of training promotion, their focus, target audience, and cost.

These three points do not require financial investments, and many have already been registered in Odnoklassniki and Kontakt.

2. Creation of a "thought virus", "meme-technology".

Writing and retelling interesting fairy tales, stories about training (coach). Creation of a "myth" of extraordinary positive changes that can be based on real events and the benefits of training. For example, after my training "Master of Dating" one young man shared an unusual result. He said that now children, dogs and traffic cops easily get to know him, and the girls somehow just happen to be around, he doesn’t even know why it happens. He realized that it was necessary to set a goal more precisely before the training, otherwise, you will have success with everyone! Do you need all of them?

Such stories should be told during breaks, tea parties, forums, and so on. As if entertaining myths that are shared by chance, with the placement of the right accents.

For each training - one book, this is the norm, the more the better.
From the printed version, be sure to make an audiobook.
Format each book into articles. See point 8.
The fastest way to write a book is to make an audio recording of the training, format it. You can also write articles.
All books on a specific training must be submitted for sale. They are more important than any non-thematic books or works by outside authors.

10. Create video presentations.

For each training it is useful to create video presentations. It is better that the leader of the training was recorded. It is also good to record video reviews of the training so that people give feedback indicating specific successes and benefits from the training. Further, we post all this for free on well-known video services, and, of course, on our website, as an addition to the description of the training.

11. Radio.

It will be useful if the coach conducts a series of programs, or some rubric. Of course, single invitations to broadcast are also useful, but the audience does not have time to remember the invited person for 15 minutes. The radio broadcast must be regular. Offer topical headings, interesting programs, to the editors-in-chief of radio stations. If they are interested, then the effect of the performances will not keep you waiting.

12. Presentation classes.

They make sense if they are free and you can collect a sufficient number of potential participants in the training. It is possible to hold a one-day marathon, where each training leader will make a presentation for 1 hour, so that there is an opportunity to watch as many trainings and trainers as possible.

13. Participation in the work of any popular printed publication.

This may be the maintenance of a separate heading or column, regular answers to questions from readers, the same articles. There, most likely, there will be no direct advertising of the training, but the trainer can present himself as an interesting person, competent in any direction.

14. Information from colleagues (other trainers).

It is better when, in the context of the ongoing training, your training will be recommended as the most interesting on a specific issue.

15. Online trainings.

If it is possible to gather a sufficient audience, it is possible to hold a small training or its presentation, where to give interesting materials that will encourage you to come and take full-fledged classes in the training center.

16. Distance learning.

People who live far from the city where the trainings are held will be happy to study remotely. This makes it possible to present the trainer, his trainings. It makes sense to organize such classes if you motivate students to come to the training - intensive, or conduct training for a fee.

17. Speaking at various events not directly related to the possibility of attracting customers.

Conferences, round tables, discussions, exhibitions. At these events, you can make reports, offer training. For example, travel exhibitions, where you can make a report on how to make an advertisement for travel companies, etc. The trainer should leave materials about himself and his trainings.

18. Print ads at potential customer locations.

If personal growth trainings are held, designed for young people, then posting ads in institutes and other educational institutions will come in handy. However, it is not necessary to place information about business trainings at bus stops.

I do not mean SPAM, if there are subscribers on your site, then news about trainings can be sent to them. Many use paid mailing services.

20. Specialized and simple bookstores.

Shops selling "esoteric" literature and materials sometimes allow you to place ads about thematic trainings for a small fee.

It is paid and expensive, so it is practically inaccessible. But if there is a budget, this option is not excluded.

22. Production of various reference books about trainers, training companies, trainings themselves.

Basically, work on the image of a coach or a training center.

"Internal" marketing.

1. Accessible and simple information about all trainings conducted in the organization.
Ease of description.

General scheme. What is the training about, for whom, what is useful, what is the benefit, who leads, the price.
Lack of the same description for different trainings

There should not be two identical descriptions for different trainings. This creates confusion and unnecessary competition.

Catchy headlines and rhetorical questions

Do you know how...?

What else can...?

What is the price…..?


2. Personal communication of administrators, managers of the center with visitors.

Clarification of needs. Advice to visit a training where these needs can be met.

3. Handout.

Training schedule. Brief description of trainings, advertisement.

Creating a comfortable learning environment.

Food, coffee, tea. Timely and quick resolution of all questions of the participants of the training.

These are short and mostly free ways to promote trainings, which can be useful for both organizations and individual trainers who advertise their trainings on their own.


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