How many hours per week can part-timers work? Is it possible to officially work in two jobs at the same time: part-time Combination how many percent can

Can your subordinate work two jobs at the same time? You decide. But, when accepting a part-time employee, you need to know that both places of work are official and protected by the law of the Russian Federation. Consider the specifics of the employment of a part-time employee.

Types of combination

Part-time employment is the official labor activity of a person with one or more employers (Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Compatibility is regulated by Ch. 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Art. 282 regulates that this type of activity must meet a number of requirements:

  1. It is carried out under an employment contract with a note about part-time work.
  2. You can work only when the main entrepreneur has free hours: in the evening or on free days according to the schedule.
  3. Paid as the main job, according to the days or hours worked.

According to the Labor Code, part-time employment is divided according to the specifics of the place of employment:

  1. Internal part-time job - a person combines 2 types of activities with one entrepreneur. Provides for the signing of 2 contracts with the employer. This look is suitable for both sides at once. The entrepreneur receives a qualified specialist for the required position, who can achieve the goals and make a profit. The employee does not need to look for additional earnings elsewhere, and his labor potential will be fully utilized.
  2. External part-time job - the employee enters into a second employment contract in another company and works during free hours. At the same time, an employee can conclude additional contracts with any number of companies. The main thing is that it does not harm the main place of work.

Who can work part-time?

If the employee decided to work part-time, then he does not need permission from the main boss. Everyone has the right to decide for himself whether he can combine 2 types of activity or not. But labor legislation provides for restrictions (Article and Labor Code of the Russian Federation) to a certain part of the population for performing combined activities.

Cannot work part-time:

  • persons under 18 years of age (for any type of activity);
  • workers whose activities are considered difficult, harmful or associated with risk or danger;
  • drivers who manage not only public, but also any type of transport, as well as persons involved in the regulation of traffic.

Part-time work restrictions:

  1. A deputy of the State Duma can simultaneously carry out only teaching activities or conduct scientific work.
  2. Employees holding managerial positions with a legal entity can work part-time only after the permission of the owner or founder of the company. The document is in writing. This is due to increased responsibility in the main position and employment. Some activities are protected by the owners from competitors, and a part-time worker can harm the development of the company. This nuance is introduced as a separate clause in the contract between the main employer and the hired person.

Registration according to the TC

To apply, the applicant must have the following documents:

  1. The passport.
  2. If the additional place is associated with risk or hard work, then a certificate from the main company about the nature of employment.
  3. Diploma or certificates confirming the professional suitability of the employee (if the type of activity requires it).
  4. Insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS).

Remember that a part-time worker will not be able to provide you with a work book, since it is located at his main place of work. The employer is not required to keep a work book of a part-time employee.

The main thing that an employment contract should reflect is the time of employment and how the work will be paid.

Working time

The working hours of a part-time worker and the regime are negotiated by the entrepreneur and are reflected in the employment contract and schedule. When drawing up a part-time work schedule, an entrepreneur must take into account that the employee’s employment should not exceed 4 hours per day, and 20 hours per week. Employment of no more than 40 hours is considered the norm, an external part-time worker can work out the maximum number - ½ of this time.

Employment should not exceed 40 hours per week, an external part-time worker can work the maximum number - ½ of this time.

  1. If the activity at the main job is suspended due to non-payment of wages or its delay (part 2 of article 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  2. The employee was removed from the main place due to health indications with the preservation of his workplace (parts 2 and 4 of article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The hours that a person worked part-time are recorded in the time sheet. If the combination is internal, then working hours are recorded in a separate time sheet. In this case, the employee is assigned 2 personnel numbers.

How to pay salary

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, payment to a part-time worker does not have its own characteristics. If labor is calculated in time, then payment, respectively, is calculated according to the hours worked. With piecework, the calculation is made from the output or on other conditions that are reflected in the employment contract.

Aspiring entrepreneurs should understand that a part-time worker must receive all social and insurance benefits. In the case of pregnancy and childbirth - the same if the employee has been in office for more than 2 years.

With internal compatibility, the employee is obliged to provide one sick leave, with external compatibility - two. The second document states that he is for part-time work, and the details of the main disability sheet are put.

Vacation specifics

If a reduction is coming, you need to notify the employee under signature about the upcoming dismissal 2 months in advance (Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If an employee works part-time on a permanent basis, then additional rules for dismissal are provided: he can be fired if a person comes to work for whom this place will be the main one (Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In such a situation, the employer is obliged to notify the employee about the upcoming dismissal 2 weeks in advance. If the employee does not agree, then an appropriate act is drawn up, which will serve as the basis for terminating the employment contract.

It is impossible to dismiss an employee holding a part-time position during his disability, maternity leave or planned annual rest.

The employee must be paid in full no later than the date of termination of the employment contract. If the employee was not at the workplace at that time, then the calculation must be issued no later than 1 day after signing the dismissal article. 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Upon dismissal, the employee must receive a copy of the dismissal order and a certificate of income.

If the main calculation is delayed after dismissal, the entrepreneur will have to pay the former employee an interest equal to 1/300 of the Central Bank refinancing rate per day (Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). There is a delay from the next day after the dismissal until the day the calculation is received, inclusive. Compensation is paid after litigation, and the entrepreneur can lose a considerable amount. Plus you have to pay legal fees.

When hiring a part-time employee, an entrepreneur should not forget about the legal side of the issue. Of course, it is important to give the employee a chance to realize themselves and earn extra money. But it is even more important to carefully consider the work schedule and the drafting of an employment contract.

The need to obtain additional income forces working citizens to look for additional places to work. In this regard, a quite reasonable question arises: how many jobs can one worker officially get?

When additional employment, it is the official status of the employee that should be taken into account in the first place, since only in this case he will have the right to all social, payments and benefits (if any are provided for by law for a specific category of working citizens).

Another limitation concerns the norm established for the main place of work. Additional labor duties should not take more than half of this monthly norm.

There are two types of additional labor activity (according to article 60.1 of the Labor Code), each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. means working for one employer. In this case, the initiator is more often the employee himself, who submits an application with a request to be accepted into a vacant place as a part-time worker. For internal part-timers, the rate cannot exceed half of the salary! Accordingly, additional labor activity cannot exceed four hours daily.
  2. implies labor activity for at least two employers (legislation does not prohibit part-time work at more jobs). Usually, employment is done at a half rate. The employee is also the initiator. He looks for a free place, and then writes an application to a new employer asking him to hire him.

For persons engaged in external part-time work, both a half rate and a smaller rate can be set.

The number of additional jobs depends on the capabilities and desires of the employee, but at each of these jobs, the maximum employment on weekdays cannot exceed four hours. On weekends and holidays, the full rate is charged, since during these periods the employee is not engaged in the main work activity.

Payment order

Depending on employment with additional labor duties, a person can receive 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 or half of the rate.

The sizes are fixed in the contract, while the employer takes into account time limits (no more than four hours daily and no more than 20 hours every week). Two payment methods can be set:

  • for hours actually worked;
  • for the amount of products or goods produced (the so-called).

More often, the first option is chosen, as it is more convenient and understandable for both interested parties. The basis for calculating the salary is, which displays the actual hours worked.

The accrual of funds is made by multiplying the hours worked by the rate established according to the contract. Then all the allowances are added to the result obtained. For example, an additional payment (surcharge) is due for work at night. Night hours are multiplied by the established surcharge factor.

And work on holidays and weekends must be paid in double the amount, that is, the rate is doubled, and then hours of work on weekends or holidays are multiplied by it.

Rates for teachers and health workers

For medical workers, the norm is set at half the working time assigned at the main place of work (according to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor under number 41). For example, a nurse working 30 hours can work no more than 16 additional hours per week. That is, the rate will be one and a half. At the same time, processing is allowed for doctors and other medical personnel in settlements where there are not enough medical workers.

According to the mentioned Decree, they can also count on half the rate. And according to Article 333 of the Labor Code, their full weekly employment cannot exceed 36 hours.

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How many rates can you work part-time, if the employee had such an opportunity? The question is really interesting, because no one will refuse additional earnings, even if they have to work a little more than usual. The fact is that in many industries wages are quite small, on which it is impossible to live. That is why the idea to work extra hard comes into the minds of many people.

Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifies what is meant by part-time employment. So, part-time work is an additional job that takes place in your free time from the main one. In this case, additional activities are carried out in the same enterprise or in another. All this is legal and formalized, which, of course, is a plus for both employees and business leaders.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation clearly indicates all the nuances of labor.

  • For work, it is also required to sign an additional contract, since payment for such activities is made separately.
  • The time that an employee devotes to additional earnings should not overlap with the time that he spends at his main job.
  • Only those people who already have a permanent job can have an additional position.

Important! A part-time employee performs the same duties, which means that he can count on the same privileges and benefits as at the main place of work. That is, an additional position is no different from the main activity in terms of its main conditions. The only difference is the operating time.

You can work additionally for 0.5 rates or less. Salary directly depends on how much time a person devotes to his activity and how much work he performs. The fact is that a person has the right to work only 2 hours a day if he performs the duties of a cleaner, for example.

Number of bets

It is worth noting that the legislation does not in any way regulate the number of vacancies for one person in combination, and there may be two or more. It is legally prohibited to work more than 4 hours a day. Based on this limitation, you can get four additional positions for 1 hour. True, on his official day off, an employee has the right to work at another enterprise full-time, and this cannot be limited by law in any way. Here you still need to remember that in total for one month the number of hours cannot be taken too much time, no more than ½ of the norm at the main job.

Even if an employee works only 30 minutes a day part-time, it is necessary to create a personal card for him and draw up an employment contract. It turns out that hiring in this case is not getting easier. In addition, all data is entered in the work book.


When applying for an internal part-time job, it is worth considering how many rates an employee can be allowed. Not all employees know that they can get two different positions in the same company. Of course, this is only possible if the company has a vacancy and the employee himself has the proper education and knowledge for this. It is not uncommon for the employer himself to offer a part-time job if he sees that his employee will cope with another position.

For example, a teacher at a school can also work part-time to conduct electives after the main classes. At the same time, the time that he spends on additional classes cannot exceed ½ of the time at the main job. It turns out that the rate is equal to, at most, 0.5 rates or less. More work is against the law.

Do not confuse such concepts as combination and combination. When combined, a person does not work more hours than he is supposed to. That is, it performs additional work in parallel with the main one. Often this happens for the reason that some employee is on sick leave and needs to be temporarily replaced. An employment contract is not signed here, only the written consent of the employee to combine is required. Salary is issued alone, surcharges are simply added. Such activities are not recorded in the work book, which means that it does not seem to exist.


You can also get a part-time job at another company if there is a vacancy there. At the same time, it is necessary to provide the manager with documents that confirm the fact of the presence of the main job. Here a new employment contract is drawn up, and all the nuances are discussed. An employee enters the state in the same way as everyone else, only works part-time.

Number of hours

Now you need to figure out how many hours a week and a day an employee can work. The norm is no more than four hours a day and no more than 20 hours a week, that is, half of the norm at the main place of work. Remuneration depends on the time spent in the company, or the amount of work. For example, some businesses pay hourly. Also, payment can be made for the amount of work performed, regardless of the time spent. Since part-time activities should not exceed four hours, most employers choose the hourly payment option, as it is much more convenient. Here you can not independently decide how much a person can work, as there are restrictions.


Any employee can get a job in another company if he needs it. At the same time, he can count on benefits and all the privileges that his position implies. He has every right to a full vacation, according to the law, and sick leave, if there is a certificate. In combination, you can get a job as many jobs at once, if the total time of activity does not exceed 20 hours a week and 4 hours a day. That is, an employee signs an employment contract, for example, with five organizations, and this will not be illegal. The only thing is that the heads of these organizations need to be careful when drawing up documents so as not to violate the Labor Code. Working hours for additional employment should not take the part-time worker more than half of the time from the main activity.

The fee is charged in the same way as usual, only the amount of work done is taken into account. For example, if a cashier receives 15,000 per month for a full-time eight-hour day, then a cashier who works part-time at half the rate will receive 7,500 rubles - 50 percent of the full rate. At the same time, these two cashiers will have the same rights and obligations, despite such a difference in working hours and wages.

All the nuances are fixed in the employment contract, and it is also indicated there that the person works part-time. This is necessary in order to avoid disputes in the future. The fact is that the layoffs and reductions of such workers are made according to a slightly different scheme, and the vacation must coincide with the main place of work.

Part-time work - how many hours per week Can we allow this kind of work? A similar question is asked by a considerable part of the working-age population of the country. We will talk about the features of working in the combination mode in this article.

What is a part-time job?

About part-time work in general terms, says article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which allows the performance of labor duties in this mode both for one employer (internal part-time job) and in different organizations (external part-time job). In more detail, the features of part-time work are consecrated in chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Part-time work consists in performing other (other than those required for the first position) duties on a regular basis in the free time from the main employment under an employment contract. At the same time, you can work part-time for an unlimited number of companies, since the law does not prohibit this.

Part-time workers are usually paid for the hours actually worked or the volume of production performed, although other wage rules may be applied by agreement with the employer. All rights, benefits and preferences provided by law are used in relation to a part-time employee in full. The only exceptions are labor guarantees for employees who combine work and study, as well as those employed in production in the regions of the Far North. For these categories of citizens, labor guarantees are provided only for the main place of work.

Don't know your rights?

An important labor benefit for part-time workers is the provision of vacation time at the same time as vacation at the main place of work. At the same time, it is possible to add unpaid days off to the vacation period if the vacation for the main job is longer than the vacation provided at the place of combination.

How many hours a week can you work part-time?

Determining the amount of time that a worker is allowed to spend on part-time work, the law proceeds from the principle of reasonableness and expediency. Since the performance of part-time work duties should not occur to the detriment of the main employment, it is allowed to work in this mode for no more than 4 hours a day (Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or 20 hours a week.

An exception to this rule are days free from work at the main place of employment. In this case, the law allows you to give part-time work the entire working day. However, it is important to remember that in the reporting period (for a month, quarter, etc.), the combination in duration in this case should not exceed half the working time standard established for the performance of labor duties at the main place of work. The specified working time limits are not used if the employee has suspended work in the main organization due to salary delays there or was suspended from it due to refusal to transfer for medical reasons.

Thus, when determining the volume of part-time employment, it is necessary to be guided not only by the general requirements of labor legislation, but also to take into account the accompanying circumstances that affect the time that is allowed to be spent on part-time work.

If the company needs to involve the current employee in the performance of additional functionality, a good option may be to arrange an internal part-time job. Depending on the specifics of the company's work or the duties of the employee, an internal part-time job may be more convenient than an internal combination or filling in an additional staff unit. To do this, you need to understand what is its significant difference, what advantages this method has and how many rates can be entered with internal part-time work.

Internal combination and internal combination

With an internal combination, an employee is assigned additional functionality that he performs during his working time. So, for example, if an employee works according to a standard schedule from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., then during this time he performs both his main work under an employment contract and internal combination functions.

At the same time, the combination can only be carried out in a different position or profession (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If it is the same profession or position, additional work may be assigned by expanding service areas or increasing the scope of work.

With internal part-time work, the conclusion of a second labor contract is mandatory, and work under such an agreement must be carried out in time free from the main job (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In other words, for example, an employee works from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. under the main contract and from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on an internal part-time job.

A combination is not entered in the work book, but a part-time job is entered at the request of the part-time worker himself.

Part-time employment can be external, when the main place of the employee is in another company, or internal, when the employee is employed in the organization both at the main place and part-time.

How many hours can an external or internal part-time worker work

The main point that you must definitely pay attention to when hiring an employee for a part-time job is the correct calculation of his working hours. Regardless of whether the part-time worker is internal or external, the work time of the part-time worker cannot exceed four hours per day, which excludes full-time part-time employment. If there are days when the employee is free from work at the main place of work, he can work part-time for all eight hours a day. At the same time, within a month (or another period, if the accounting period is not a month), the duration of part-time work cannot exceed half the norm of working hours (part 1 of article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, an employee can work at least an hour a week, at least twenty hours a week. In proportion to the working time, it is calculated at what rate a part-time worker can be accepted. So, for example, an employee who works two hours a day is accepted at 0.25 rates. Therefore, four part-time workers can be accepted for one full-time job. A part-time worker who works four hours a day is accepted part-time, respectively, two part-time workers can take the whole rate, and so on.

Schedule of part-time work in the employment contract

As a rule, the work schedule of part-time workers (both internal and external) is non-standard, especially if it is also non-standard for the part-time job and at the main place of work (the employee does not work every day, on a flexible, rotating schedule, etc.).

As a rule, the working hours of a part-time worker differ from the general rules for the working hours of other employees of the organization, especially if the whole company works according to the most common work schedule from 9:00 to 18:00.

Thus, the special mode of work of a part-time worker should be reflected in his employment contract, since it will differ from the general rules that exist for other employees of the company (part 1 of article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Therefore, the employment contract must provide for all the features:

  • when the part-time worker should come to work and leave it (on what days, at what time);
  • how long he should work (by day of the week);
  • what days are days off for him;
  • at what time of the working day for such an employee a break is set.

Who cannot be accepted concurrently

When hiring a part-time job (internal or external), it must be remembered that the legislation has provided for some categories of employees who cannot be accepted part-time. These are, for example, minors; "harmful" workers, if the working conditions at the main place are also harmful (Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); state or municipal employees (Article 17 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ, Article 14 of the Federal Law of March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ) and some other employees.


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