Library system yurayt. Electronic library systems. Electronic library system "Urayt"

Since 1997, the Urayt publishing house has been creating educational literature for higher and secondary specialized educational institutions according to new educational standards. The assortment of the publishing house includes textbooks on socio-economic, humanitarian and legal, natural science and technical areas. The authors of the publishing house are leading experts in their fields, representing high-profile scientific schools and major universities. A special place in the assortment of the publishing house is occupied by books for higher education in the "bachelor's-master's" system, created in close cooperation with leading Russian universities: the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, the State University of Management.

Electronic library system "Urayt"

The e-library contains all the books of the Publishing House, some publications are available only in the e-library.
EBS “Urait” includes more than 2000 publications, most of which are textbooks and teaching aids for universities and vocational schools from leading scientific schools in compliance with the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standards.

This form of presentation of educational materials is in demand today by universities, teachers, students. It allows you to get acquainted with educational materials faster than a printed edition, it is open every hour, every day from anywhere in the Internet space. The time of use and the number of users is unlimited.

Dear readers!

Access to the main EBS Znanium . com . and reading publications included in this ELS, it is possible only by subscriber number, login and password issued upon registration at the university library, both from any Internet access point (remotely) and on all university computers with Internet access.

Access to EBS Urayt and EBS Book . en (reading publications) without login and password provided byIP-University addresses from all university computers with Internet access.

To use EBS Yurayt and EBSBook. enfrom any point that has access to the Internet, i.e. remotely, you need to register your personal account.

Registration in EBS Yurayt andBook. en You can carry out

- in the reading room of the library room 210 androom 1205 for independent workat the address: Moscow, st. Novocheremushkinskaya d.69,

- either in the reading room of the library room 112 androom 113 for self-studyat the address: Moscow, Novy Zykovsky proezd, 7

You need to go through the Registration procedure ONLY ONE TIME!!!

Personal data is necessary for the correct identification of you by the library administrator and support during all work with resources. An email address is required to change the password (if necessary). This is especially important if you have forgotten your current password!

Please note that the disclosure of data for personal access is unacceptable. Please take measures to ensure the safety of your data for authorization.

NCR Rukont

The national digital resource "RUKONT" is an intersectoral scientific library based on the information technology "CONTEXTUM".

For RPMU readers the Section "Subscribed Collections" is available (periodical electronic journals)

LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law) (No. 10 2016 to present)

Actual issues of economics, management and law: a collection of scientific papers (from No. 1, 2017 to the present)

Actual problems of administrative law and process (No. 1-4 2019)

Actual problems of Russian law (from No. 10 2016 to the present)

Actual problems of modern legislation (No. 2,3 2016) - in the old version of the site

Army collection (from No. 1 2020 to present)

Bulletin of the European Court of Human Rights (No. 7 2017 to present)

Currency regulation. Currency control (No. 10-12 2016, No. 1-6 2017) - in the old version of the site

Bulletin of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District (No. 4 2016 No. 1,2 2017)

Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 7. Philosophy (from #5 2016 to #3 2017)

Issues of economic sciences (from No. 5 2016 to the present)

Citizen and Law (from No. 1 2017 to No. 12 2019)

Housing Law (from No. 1 2019 to present only in the reading room)

Law and Law (No. 1-6 2018; from No. 1 2019 to present)

Foreign military review (from No. 1 of 2019 to the present)

Land management, cadastre and land monitoring (No. 10-12 2016 No. 1-6 2017) - in the old version of the site

Innovation management (№5,6 2016) - in the old version of the site

New Laws and Regulations (Nos. 13-24 2017)

Law and Modern States (No. 4 2017 to No. 6 2018)

Legal culture (from No. 3 2017 to No. 4 2018)

Practice of enforcement proceedings (from No. 3 2017 to No. 4 2018)

Representative power - XXI century: legislation, comments, problems (from №№7-8 2016 to №4 2019)

Precedents of the European Court

Public and private law (from No. 3 2017 to No. 4 2019)

Russian Chronicle of the European Court (from No. 1 of 2017 to the present)

Insurance business (from No. 7 2017 to No. 12 2018)

Insurance law (from No. 3 2017 to No. 4 2018)

Judge (No. 10 2016 to present)

Labor law (from No. 1 2019 to present only in the reading room)

Criminal law (from No. 1 2019 to present)

Access to full-text individual periodicals is possible anywhere on the Internet at the link

Login and password for remote access can be obtained in the reading room of the university library (room 210)

Agreement on providing access to the resource No. 1058 dated 12/12/2019

Providing access from 01/01/2020


LLC "IVIS" is one of the largest Russian companies - distributors of printed periodicals, books, electronic databases of periodicals. LLC "IVIS" is the official partner and exclusive distributor of the American company "East View Information Services, Inc" in Russia.

Individual periodicals of the IVIS EDB, available in electronic form for readers of the library of the Russian State University of Justice:

Arsenal of the Fatherland (since 2018)

Vestnik URFU. Series economics and management (since 2017)

Bulletin of Economic Justice of the Russian Federation (since 2007)

Questions of History (since 1945)

Issues of Philosophy (since 2000)

Economic Issues (since 2006)

Issues of state and municipal management (since 2017)

State and Law (since 2000)

State Official information. Letters. Comments. Administrative practice (since 2013)

Money and credit (since 2011)

Law (since 1998)

World Economy and International Relations (since 2000)

Social Sciences and Modernity (since 2000)

Society and Economics (since 2000)

POLICY. Political Studies (since 2000)

Problems of economics and legal practice (since 2012)

Russian newspaper (since 1997)

Modern law (since 2016)

Financial management (since 2011)

Russian Economic Journal (since 2011)

Access to the above full-text individual editions is possible from the local computers of the University at the link, as well as remote access at the link Login and password for remote access can be obtained in the library reading room (room 210)

Agreement on providing access to the resource No. 188-P dated 09/02/2019

Providing access from 01.10.2019 until 06/30/2020 (unlimited number of accesses)

EBS ""

Readers of the University have access to books from the collection "Juridical Sciences" of the publishing house "Prospekt", as well as books from the collection "Law" and "Economics and Management" of the publishing house "KnoRus".

The electronic library system is adapted for visually impaired persons (Mode for the visually impaired)

Copyright holder: LLC "Knizhnaya industry"

Certificate of state registration of the database No. 2010620633 dated 10/26/2010

Mass media registration certificate EL No. FS77-52722 dated 08.02.2013

License agreement No. 18499253 dated 12/02/2019

Access from 01/10/2020 P about 01/09/2021 (unlimited number of accesses)

EBS Znanium

For authorization in the new version of EBS, you can use your authorization data from the old version (login or e-mail, password). Please check and enter your current e-mail address in the personal account of the new version. This is a prerequisite for full-fledged work with the resource. Please note that all further work with EBS will be carried out only in the new version at

Go to EBS website:

Copyright holder EBS - Limited Liability Company "Znanium"

Agreement No. 974 dated November 18, 2019 on providing access to the resource (Main Collection)

(access from 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2020, number of accesses 25200)

Agreement No. 4021 ebs dated 10/15/2019 for providing access to the resource (Statut collection - access from 10/25/2019 to 04/24/2020, the number of accesses is 24000)

EBS Yurayt

ELS "Yurayt" - these are textbooks and teaching aids of the Yurayt publishing house in various areas of training.

Reading the electronic version of books is available in page mode, and if necessary, it is possible to quote up to 10% of the content of the book. Convenient navigation in the system allows you to conduct a quick parametric search by author, title, publisher, as well as disciplines and areas of study. Each edition is accompanied by a bibliographic description and annotation.

To work in the EBS "Yurait" you need to go through a simple registration on the website from the local network of the University.

After registering with EBS "Yurayt", the user is provided with a convenient and functional personal account with various options. First of all, this is the possibility of full access to the ELS remotely on the Internet, the creation of bookshelves and bookmarks, the history of queries, the export of bibliography and search results to Excel for further work, etc.

In EBS Urayt, users are given the opportunity to read publications offline through a mobile application:

The Urayt electronic library system is adapted for visually impaired persons (Version for the visually impaired)

Copyright holder OOO "Electronic Publishing House URAIT"

In 2018, the director of TLC im. N. I. Kuznetsov "Lyashok S. I. signed an agreement with the Yurayt publishing house for unlimited connection to the ELS (electronic library system) for the 2018-2019 academic year. The contract is valid from September 18, 2018 to September 17, 2019.

Administrators: head of the library and multimedia complex - Chupriyanova Nina Sergeevna; head of physical education - Koryakina Elizaveta Mikhailovna; methodologist - Aznagulov Vitaly Kamilevich.

general information

The goal of Urayt publishing house is to provide teachers and students with high-quality educational content.

EBS Urayt is a site for searching publications and accessing the text of the publication in the absence of a traditional printed book.

For ease of navigation through the electronic library, publications are grouped into a catalog according to the thematic principle. Various services are available to users for selecting publications and providing a comfortable learning process with their help.

This form of presentation of educational materials is in demand by educational institutions, teachers, students. It allows you to access educational materials faster than a printed edition; it is open every hour, every day, anywhere on the Internet. The time of use and the number of users is unlimited.

The commercial policy of our library is as transparent as possible and available to every educational institution.

The electronic library contains all the books of the Urayt publishing house. Some publications and additional materials are available only in the electronic library.

The electronic library performs two main tasks:

  • Virtual exhibition of the entire range of books published by Urayt. Absolutely all interested users can familiarize themselves free of charge and without registration not only with the description of publications, but also with texts (10% of the text is available in trial mode).
  • Virtual reading room of literature on many branches of knowledge. For educational institutions, a corporate subscription is available to any books from the electronic library of your choice, only those educational materials that are selected by teachers and librarians for the educational process.
    There are no basic collections of sets in ELS, you are free to choose only the necessary textbooks in the required quantity, there is no minimum threshold for ordering a corporate subscription, your “virtual reading room” in our library can even consist of one title.

Fund electronic library is over 5000 items and is constantly updated with new products, for the most part these are textbooks and teaching aids for all levels of professional education from leading scientific schools in compliance with the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standards.

EBS Yurayt meets most of the necessary requirements:

  • EBS has the possibility of individual unlimited access of Users to the content from any point where there is an Internet connection.
  • EBS has the possibility of simultaneous individual access of Users to the content in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of VO.
  • EBS has the ability to search the full text content, generate statistical reports on users.
  • Editions in the EBS are presented with the preservation of the appearance of the pages (original layout).

Users receive:

  • Quality content for learning
  • Search by metadata and within texts.
  • Search in all editions
  • Search only for read-only publications
  • Adding publications to "Favorites", creating individual collections
  • Uploading publication data to Excel
  • Creating bookmarks in text
  • View or download additional materials for the publication
  • Book-based and affordable choice of subscription content (no mandatory collections)
  • Access to new editions during the subscription period: You purchase the 2018 edition. During the term of the contract, a new version is released - it will automatically be included in your subscription
  • Access to the archive of the publisher: You purchase the 6th edition of the textbook 2019, all its previous editions published by Yurayt publishing house automatically become available to you
  • Services for libraries and teachers: detailed statistics of visits, provision of free trial access within the program "Individual bookshelf of the teacher"
  • Transferring data for the library catalog to RUS MARC

How to use EBS

To access the EBS you need:

  • Register on the EBS Urayt website.
  • When registering, indicate your status (student, teacher, librarian) and your affiliation to the organization Talitsky Forestry College named after N.I. Kuznetsova (Talitsa).
  • Contact one of the EBS Urayt administrators at the college to verify your account.
  • Virtual exhibition of the entire range of books published by Urayt. Absolutely all interested users can familiarize themselves free of charge and without registration not only with the description of publications, but also with texts (10% of the text is available in trial mode).
  • Virtual reading room of literature on many branches of knowledge. For educational institutions, a corporate subscription is available to any books from the electronic library of your choice, only those educational materials that are selected by teachers and librarians for the educational process.
    There are no basic collections of sets in our ELS, you are free to choose only the necessary textbooks in the required quantity, there is no minimum threshold for ordering a corporate subscription, your “virtual reading room” in our library can even consist of one title.

Fund electronic library is over 5000 items and is constantly updated with new products, for the most part these are textbooks and teaching aids for all levels of professional education from leading scientific schools in compliance with the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standards.

A search query provides access to journals, books, articles and other content of all electronic resources of the NIBC. The search is also carried out in the NIBC Electronic Catalog.

The search query can be set both in Russian and in English.

Access is carried out from Russian IP-addresses of the University.


A collection of full texts of some modern textbooks, manuals, scientific papers, etc., published by the PRUE publishing house, as well as a collection of texts of rare books and periodicals from the library funds, scanned by the NIBC staff.

The composition of the EB is determined by the directions of scientific and educational activities of the PRUE and is regularly updated.

Most of the publications are available for online reading (without the possibility of downloading) via links to the full text from.

Access is provided to registered readers of the NIBC.

To work with the EB, you need to get a login / password in the Readers Recording Sector ( building 6, 3rd floor, room 301) .

Electronic library system ""

"Scientific and Publishing Center INFRA-M"

A specialized electronic resource that provides the ability to work with a catalog of publications and a full electronic version of books published by publishing houses of the INFRA-M Group of Companies: Ves Mir, Publishing House "Forum", Publishing House "Vuzovsky Textbook", "Master", "Norma", "Finance and Statistics" and other publishing houses.

The main collection contains 15344 publications, including 4772 teaching aids and textbooks published over the past 5 years, 1916 monographs, articles from 553 journals, 291 of which are included in the list of VAK. User Guide for Students User Guide for Educators

Methodological support on Youtube

Based on the platform, a scientific search service has been created that can not only find the necessary information among hundreds of thousands of scientific publications freely available on the Internet, but also structure and analyze the result.

For researchers, offers the function of analyzing scientific papers for the relevance of topics. Teachers and students can use the services of searching for borrowings and analyzing the quality of the text (“anti-plagiarism”).

Scientific search. Description.

Access to the ELS is open from all IP addresses of the university.

Students can get the password to ELS in the dean's office, graduate students - in the department of attestation and training of scientific personnel, teachers - at the department.

Electronic Library System "University Library Online"

The basis of the "University Library Online" is made up of electronic books on the humanities and natural sciences, economics, management, healthcare, architecture and construction, and information technology. The resource contains textbooks, teaching aids, monographs, periodicals, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, video and audio materials, illustrated publications on art, non-fiction literature, fiction. Books are grouped into coherent thematic collections, presented in a single publishing format adapted for screen readers (including book readers, tablets and smartphones), and adapted for scientific citation purposes. The catalog of publications is systematically updated with new relevant literature and currently contains almost 100 thousand titles.

To work from home, use all services and a personal account, you must independently register in the system from the computers of the University. In the "Profile type" column, select: for a student - "student", for an employee or teacher - "organization user".

Electronic library system "Lan"

ELS "Lan" is an electronic library of licensed literature that provides access to textbooks, manuals, monographs and scientific journals in the areas of study: economics, computer science, mathematics, law, management, psychology, pedagogy.

Users of PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov available collections:

    "Informatics - DMK Press Publishing House";

    "Economics and Management - Publishing House "Delo" RANEPA;

    "Informatics - Lan Publishing House";

    "Chemistry - Lan Publishing House";

    "Food Production Technologies - Lan Publishing House";

    "Mathematics - Lan Publishing House";

    "Economics and Management - FLINT Publishing House".

You can also get acquainted with the publications of ELS "Lan" in mobile applications for iOS and which allow you to download books for offline reading for the entire duration of the university subscription.

EBS "Lan" is a developer of a technological solution for inclusive education of blind and visually impaired university students. A speech synthesizer is integrated into the EBS Lan mobile application. This technological solution allows blind users to work effectively with publications hosted in the ELS.

All collection books are available for reading without authorization with IP addresses of the University (including branches). To obtain remote access, you must register yourself on the EBS website from the territory of the University. To obtain the status of "Teacher" in the E-mail column, you must specify your corporate mail.

Access from home is possible after registration on the EBS website from the territory of the University.

EBS – this is an electronic library system, which contains more than 13,000 textbooks, manuals, monographs in various disciplines and specialties. Teachers and students have access to a number of features that make it easier to work with educational material: compiling individual lists of references, taking notes and reading on any device, interactive bookmarks and contextual search. Search, read, study! The most active users are waiting for awards and gifts from EBS BOOK.RU. Media Review

Full-text business publications of news agencies and presses by industry.

Archive of important DB publications assembled by hand. Database with rubricator: 53 industries / 600 sources / 9 federal districts of the Russian Federation / 235 countries and territories / main materials / articles and interviews of 8000 top officials. Thousands of news daily, full text in Russian. A million of the best stories from news agencies and the business press in 15 years. Export to Word, sorting. Personal collections of stories and bookmarks are available from any user device. Internet services by industry and country.

Access to the database is open from all computers of the PRUE. G.V. Plekhanov, including branches.

Remote access is possible after self-registration on the website from the territory of the university (the "Access from home" button in the "" header).

Internet service for checking text documents for borrowings.

The work is analyzed on the basis of a specialized information search and processing system developed with the participation of Russian mathematicians.

Access to work with the resource is provided by account.Subdivisions responsible for the quality of work performed may request accounts at the Training and Practical Information Technology Center.

CyberLeninka is a scientific electronic library built on the paradigm of open science (Open Science), the main tasks of which are the popularization of science and scientific activities, public control over the quality of scientific publications, the development of interdisciplinary research, the modern institute of scientific review and increasing the citation of Russian science.

CyberLeninka supports the dissemination of knowledge according to the Open Access model, providing free online access to scientific publications in electronic form, which, depending on agreements with the copyright holder, are placed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license.

The library is completed published in journals in Russia and neighboring countries, including scientific journals , included in the list of leading scientific publishers of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for publishing the results of dissertation research. Scientific texts presented in the library are placed on the Internet free of charge, in the public domain and can be found both using popular search engines and through the full-text system. scientific research with support for Russian morphology on the library website. Library users are given the opportunity to read scientific papers from the screen of a tablet, mobile phone and other modern mobile devices.


Scopus covers about 50 million publications / 21,000 titles of publications / 5,000 publishers.

Scopus uses the latest high-tech tools to identify, analyze and present research literature.

Scopus indexes:

400 Trade Publications titles

370 book series (continuing editions)

5.5 million conference papers from conference proceedings and journals

Articles accepted for publication ("Articles-in-Press") by more than 3850 journals and publishers, including Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley-Blackwell, Nature Publishing Group and the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

The database contains about 50 million records:

21 million entries from 1996 to 1823

Scoupus also covers 359 million scientific web pages indexed through Scirus and about 24 million patent records from five patent offices (US Patent & Trademark Office, European Patent Office, Japan Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization and the UK Intellectual Property Office ).

Access to the SCOPUS database is possible only from the IP addresses of the University.

Full text database ScienceDirect– leading information platform Elsevier for scientists, teachers, students, specialists in the medical field and R&D departments of industrial enterprises, which contains 25% of the world's scientific publications. The ScienceDirect multidisciplinary platform provides comprehensive coverage of the literature from all fields of science, providing access to more than 14 million publications from 2,500 scientific journals and more than 37,000 Elsevier books, as well as a huge number of journals published by prestigious scientific communities. In addition to state-of-the-art search and data acquisition tools, ScienceDirect contains audio/video content and datasets obtained from various external sources.

Magazine collection Business, Management and Accounting

102 magazines by topic:

∙ Accounting

Business and International Management

Management Information Systems

Management of Technology and Innovation

∙ Marketing

Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management

∙ Strategy and Management

Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management

with the depth of the archive of full-text articles until 2014.(according to those journals where such an archive is available).

108 magazines on topics:

∙ Economics and Econometrics

with the depth of the archive of full-text articles - until 2014 (for those journals where such an archive is available).

To search for full-text sources available to the University, use the function in the presented collections Subscribed and complimentary on the left side of the page where the filters are located. You can also add or select only open access .

Access is carried out from the IP addresses of the University, including branches.

Remote access is possible after registration from the IP addresses of the University, including branches.

Wiley Online Library- An extensive collection of books and journals published by John Wiley & Sons in all disciplines. The portal provides convenient integrated access to the results of more than 200 years of research, without restrictions and authorization requirements.

Wiley Online Library contains approximately 4 million articles, 1,500 peer-reviewed journals, over 9,000 online books and book series, over 125 reference books of various sizes, encyclopedias, manuals and dictionaries, major chemistry databases included in the Cochrane Library, and thousands laboratory test protocols of the well-known Current Protocols series.

Wiley Online Library is regularly updated with the latest protocols, articles, books and research materials.

The depth of the archive is 2015-2019 years of publication.

Access is carried out from the IP addresses of the University (with branches).

springer nature

As part of the national subscription of the PRUE. G.V. Plekhanov (with branches) access to full-text electronic resources of the publishing house springer nature.

Search query results are available in full text format if the data sources are available to the University as part of a subscription.

Access to all listed resources is possible from the IP addresses of the University (including branches).

On the platform Springer Linka database containing full-text Springer Journals in various fields of knowledge for 2019.

Collection of full-text journals Nature Publishing Group

(Nature journal + Nature branded journals + Scientific American + Macmillan Palgrave) for 2019 on the Nature platform.

Collections of scientific materials in the field of physical sciences and engineering​Springer Materials (The Landolt-Bornstein Database) on the platform Springer Materials .

The integrated tool Springer Materials Interactive allows scientists to visualize data and use the resulting graphs, tables and animations in their work.

Collection of scientific protocols in various fields of knowledge Springer Nature Experiments for 2019 on the platform Springer Nature Experiments

International Labor Research Institute

The International Labor Organization (ILO) has provided free online access to new publications from its research institute IILS.

International Statistical Institute

A commercial organization dealing with the compilation of bibliographic databases of scientific publications, their indexing and determination of the citation index, impact factor and other statistical indicators of scientific works.

An open resource for all Internet users.


Leading information and legal systems "Guarantee" and "Consultant Plus" presented in full versions.

H and mobile devices can download the application "ConsultantPlus: Student"(there are versions for Android and i OS), which also contains legal and reference information necessary for study.



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