1s version 8 retail from scratch. Tenders for corporate projects. Additional features and connected services

Dedicated to the "1C: Retail 2.1" configuration for the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform, I talked about how to enter basic information about the organization into the database. Today I will tell you how to enter information about stores into the system. In order to add information about the store to the program, it is necessary to clearly formulate its structure for yourself.

So, what do we need to know about the store in order to enter data about it into Retail?

First of all, we need information about the organizations that will be added to the database. After all, it often happens that one large enterprise consists of several smaller organizations, and in some cases, along with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs can also participate in it. Information about all organizations whose work will need to be recorded in the 1C: Retail configuration must be entered into the database in exactly the same way as in the example discussed in the previous article.

Now you can start adding stores. To do this, go to the "Regulatory and reference information" section and click the "Stores" link.

Then, in the window that opens, click the "Create" button.

In the first window of the Store Creation Assistant, the first step is to enter the store name and warehouse information.

A store can have several warehouses, but one warehouse can belong to only one legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

In total, 1C: Retail supports three types of warehouses. The main ones are a warehouse and a trading floor. There are also distribution warehouses from which goods are delivered to retail outlets. But in Retail, they are used only if it is running a different configuration. For example, "1C: Trade Management". It is impossible to create a warehouse of this type directly here, so we are mainly interested in the first two types of warehouses.

A warehouse is a warehouse where goods are stored. Sales, with the exception of wholesale, are not conducted from it.

Trading floors are also classified as warehouses, since they also contain goods that are subject to accounting, but from here goods can be sold at retail. Accordingly, if the store uses only one warehouse, then it will definitely be a trading floor.

If you activate the "Several warehouses" option, the system will allow you to specify warehouses for the receipt and shipment of goods.

After you fill in the information about the warehouse or several warehouses, you will need to select an organization on behalf of which sales will be carried out by default. Then you need to specify for which actions you want to use the order scheme.

The order scheme involves the preparation of documents on the basis of which the acceptance, shipment, movement and write-off of goods will be carried out. It makes sense to use it if different people deal with goods and documents. Otherwise, transactions with goods will be carried out without the formation of additional documents.

However, when transferring goods between stores, the order scheme is used without fail, and this setting cannot be changed using standard methods.

The next step is to specify the pricing rule responsible for pricing. We will consider this topic in detail in one of the following articles, but for now, just go to the wizard for creating such a rule by clicking on the button with the ellipsis symbol.

In the window that opens, click the "Create" button.

Next, write a name for the new rule, after which you need to specify the price type for it. The list of price types is still empty, so let's create the first one right away. To do this, you need to click on the button with ellipsis in the same way, and on the next screen - on the "Create" button.

In the window for creating a price type, specify its name, identifier for formulas (by default, it is the same as the name), and also mark that the price includes VAT and this type is used in the sale.

Leave the rest of the settings as is for now. We will analyze them in the article on pricing. In the meantime, click "Save and close" and select the newly created price type.

Please note that if we have included VAT in the new price type, then the window for creating a pricing rule must also be marked accordingly. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to apply price types with VAT here, because they will not be shown in the list and you will not be able to add them manually either.

Click “Save and Close” again, and then select for our store the newly created pricing rule with the price type already assigned to it. Then click the "Next" button and proceed to the next step.

On the next screen, you can enter store details such as addresses and phone numbers. In addition, here you can set a couple of additional settings. For example, the view of the minimum sale prices.

The minimum sales price type is used if you have various discounts applied in your store. This setting allows you to set a lower bar, below which the cost cannot fall in any case.

Here you can set the rounding of prices in favor of the buyer and its size.

None of the settings available in this step are required.

At the final stage, press the "Create" button, and if the corresponding box is checked, the form of the newly created store will open.

By specifying a new name for the warehouse at the first step of the assistant, we thereby instructed the program to create such a warehouse. Let's go to the "Regulatory and reference information" section and click on the "Warehouses" link.

In the window that opens, double-click on the name of the new warehouse to see its properties.

As you can see, there is already a mark here by default, indicating that the warehouse is a trading floor. If necessary, we can also indicate that a single tax on imputed income is applied to this warehouse. To do this, click on the link "Utility Applications" and indicate from what moment it is valid.

Now you need to enter information about the cash registers of the store into the database. Although a store can include multiple organizations, each individual checkout can belong to only one of them.

There are two types of cash desks: operating cash desk and KKM cash desk.

The operating cash desk is the main cash desk of the organization, where all the proceeds flow, where salaries are paid, money back and other similar operations are carried out.

The cash desk of KKM registers sales, accepting money and preparing accounting documents for buyers.

At the same time, the operating cash desk is also capable of performing the functions of a cash register, as is often the case in small retail outlets.

Let's create one checkout for our new store for now. This can be done both from the "Regulatory and reference information" section, and through the page of the store itself.

For the cash register, you need to specify the store and organization, after which the program itself will suggest a name, which, however, can be changed.

That's all. The main store settings are stored in the database.

"1C: Retail" is a universal solution for retail management. Fully automates all the main business processes of both an individual store and a large retail chain. Allows you to organize effective management of sales and purchases, inventory and warehouse, store personnel, assortment and pricing, marketing promotions and loyalty systems. Automates the workplace of the cashier. Provides prompt generation of reports for monitoring and analyzing the performance of retail outlets.

Supports the requirements of 54-FZ (fiscal data formats 1.05 and 1.1, provided that the format is supported by a cash register), works with connected commercial equipment, is integrated with state accounting systems for goods circulation: EGAIS, Mercury, Chestny Znak.

It is configured individually for the tasks of any retail sector. It can be used independently, including as a cash program, or in conjunction with other 1C solutions: "1C: Trade Management 8", "1C: Management of our company", "1C: Accounting 8", cloud service "1C: Cash register ".

Key features of 1C: Retail

Working with reference information

Convenient directories for working with the nomenclature and prices, registration of operations, centralized data entry and updating.
Built-in services for filling and standardizing reference data and obtaining information from all-Russian basic classifiers containing information about postal addresses, banks, countries, etc.

Assortment and pricing management

Analysis of consumer demand and liquidity of goods. Determining the needs for goods, the formation of the optimal range.
Pricing management taking into account the format, location and target group of buyers of each particular store. Delayed application of prices.

Loyalty program management

Support for more than 20 discount conditions, both in monetary terms and in the form of gifts. Accounting and control of sales and use of gift certificates.
Analysis of target groups of buyers, formation of marketing campaigns, control and evaluation of the effectiveness of bonus programs.

warehouse management

Operational accounting of goods by storage warehouses and departments of the store, including serial accounting by expiration date.
Completion and disassembly of goods, packaging of weight products with the function of printing labels, setting up schemes for selecting goods for selective inventories.

Inventory and Purchasing Management

Formation of individual and centralized orders to suppliers. Automatic distribution of incoming goods by warehouses and departments of the store. Printing labels and price tags.
Monitoring the performance of suppliers in terms of terms, volumes and prices of delivery. Registration of returns and registration of the reasons for the write-off of goods.

Cashier's workplace

A specialized cashier workplace interface that supports more than 40 commands for processing retail sales, taking into account the specifics of different industries.
Allows you to accept various types of payment, issue discounts, accept returns, keep a record of the seller's personal sales, select products in different ways, etc.

Store personnel management

Maintaining a list of store employees and employees with access to the system. Support for personnel registration cards with magnetic or bar codes.

Planning and control of working time, analysis of the effectiveness of employees. Accounting for personal sales, calculation of bonuses for personal sales, formation of payroll for bonuses, payment of salaries in cash from the store's cash register.

Obtaining waybills from the labeling systems, confirming purchases, writing off products from the balance sheet in case of damage, registering sales, maintaining mark records, monitoring the status of labeling codes, registering balances and transferring to the GIS all the necessary data on retail sales of controlled products.

Connecting commercial equipment

Support for working with various retail equipment: online cash registers, offline cash desks, receipt printers, barcode scanners, electronic scales, data collection terminals, customer displays, acquiring terminals, etc.

Analytical reporting

More than 130 analytical and statistical reports to analyze target performance indicators of outlets: revenue and profit, number of checks per shift, average check, return statistics, marketing campaigns efficiency, stock balance analysis, supplier performance, etc.

Advantages of "1C: Retail"


  • Suitable for managing retail sales in companies of any size and in any area of ​​trade.
  • Allows you to register almost all operations related to the acceptance, movement, sale and return of goods.
  • Supports work with almost all types of connected commercial equipment: online cash registers, barcode scanners, data collection terminals, label printers, acquiring terminals, etc.

Simple and convenient operation

  • The functionality of the program can be easily configured in accordance with the assortment management and pricing methodology adopted in a particular company, the discount system, the way warehouse operations and retail sales are processed, and other features of the stores and user needs.

Integration without borders

  • Compliance with the requirements of 54-FZ, integration with EGAIS 3.0, FSIS "Mercury", NSCM "Honest Sign" and other state information systems.
  • It can be used autonomously, including as a cash register program, or as a back office under the control of the 1C: Trade Management or 1C: Our Company Management system. Easily integrates with "1C: Accounting" and "1C: Mobile cash desk".

Support and maintenance

  • Openness and system and ease of adaptation, wide scalability and integration, simplicity and ease of administration and support.
  • Consultations and support - upon request, including from certified Competence Centers 1C according to 54-FZ. Training materials, presentations and videos with a detailed analysis of the functions - at any time.

Additional features and connected services

To increase the efficiency of users' work, convenient services can be connected to 1C: Retail:

  • 1C-OFD- to connect to fiscal data operators, receive assistance at the Competence Centers 1C according to 54-FZ, integrate cash registers with 1C:Enterprise, replace the fiscal drive and extend the contract with OFD.
  • 1C-Products- for more accurate forecasting of demand, taking into account average sales, trends, periods of shortage of goods, seasonality, holidays, sales and promotions; control of minimum balances and timely sending of orders to the supplier; analysis of profitability and turnover of goods, rational planning of the assortment.
  • 1C: Nomenclature- to standardize descriptions of goods and services when exchanging electronic documents with counterparties and searching for goods during purchases, for the convenience of the initial filling of the database, optimizing and maintaining the structure of working databases, loading various details and images of goods.
  • 1SPARK Risks- to assess the reliability and monitoring counterparties.
  • 1C-EDO- to exchange invoices and other legally significant documents with suppliers and other counterparties in electronic form directly from 1C:Enterprise.
  • 1С:Signature- for simple and quick receipt of a qualified electronic signature certificate (QES) and exchange of legally significant documents with counterparties in EDI, etc.


Among the variety of software products for economic and accounting purposes, presented today on the domestic market, the 1C program is one of the confident leaders. Thanks to such qualities as functional elasticity, adaptability to legal requirements, ease of use, the possibility of flexible settings, etc., it is gaining more and more users. It is known that the most demanded in the labor market are specialists who are fluent in the skills of working with the 1C program, so familiarity with it is one of the important conditions for successful professional activity.

The version of the program "1C: Retail 8.2", the description of which we offer to the reader, is one of the latest standard solutions of the 1C company. This configuration, in comparison with analogues available on the market, is a qualitatively new product that allows solving a variety of tasks: keeping records of retail sales, building analytical reports, maintaining commodity records, and generating primary documentation. The program has a number of useful functions that greatly facilitate the work and meet the most stringent and current requirements of today.


It is possible that in the process of studying the program, the reader will find some discrepancy between the contents of this book and what he sees on the monitor screen - after all, the 1C program is constantly being improved and refined (the book considers edition But in any case, these discrepancies will be unprincipled.

In this book, we propose to complete a comprehensive training course for working with the 1C: Retail 8.2 program using 50 lessons divided into thematic chapters. As you study each chapter, the reader will fully master the relevant techniques and methods of working with the program.

Chapter 1
Acquaintance with the program and preparing it for work

In this chapter, we will learn about the functionality of the program, consider how it is launched, how an infobase is created, and how it is preconfigured. These are the main steps that precede the actual operation of a typical solution.

LESSON 1. Purpose and functionality of the program "1C: Retail 8.2"

The standard solution "1C: Retail 8.2" is designed to automate the business processes of retail outlets (shops) that may be part of a distributed retail network of a trading enterprise. This program allows you to automate the accounting of inventory in store warehouses and cash accounting at the cash desks of retail outlets (shops).

♦ The functionality of the considered standard solution provides for the automation of the following operations.

♦ Registration of the arrival of inventory items from the counterparty to the warehouses of the store.

♦ Registration of the sale of goods and services to customers.

♦ Registration of the internal movement of inventory items between stores, internal warehouses of stores, stores and warehouses of a trading enterprise.

♦ Trade in sets of goods, created both at the time of the sale of the goods, and with pre-sale preparation of the set.

♦ Registration of returns of goods from buyers, while the mechanisms for automatic creation of the necessary documents are implemented when returning after closing the cash register shift in the cashier's workplace mode.

♦ Carrying out and registration of the results of the inventory of inventory items.

♦ Registration of incoming and outgoing cash orders directly in stores.

♦ Registration of documents for the movement of funds between stores, internal cash desks of stores, shops and cash desks of a trading enterprise.

♦ Registration of sales receipts and at the end of the change of the consolidated report on the cash register, taking into account the goods returned to the shift.

♦ Working with acquiring systems, accounting for payments for goods by payment cards, accounting for acquiring agreements and conditions for the return/non-return of a trade concession by the acquirer when returning goods; work with bank loans.

♦ Possibility to use percentage discounts on discount cards (fixed and cumulative discounts), discounts divided by stores, discounts to counterparties, discounts on the amount of the check, discounts on the validity period, on the quantity of goods, on the type of payment.

♦ Support for commercial equipment: fiscal registrars, data collection terminals, barcode scanners, electronic scales, customer displays, acquiring systems, magnetic card readers.

A characteristic feature of the "1C: Retail 8.2" configuration is that it records trading operations in one currency - in rubles.

LESSON 2. Launching the applied solution and selecting an infobase

After completing the installation of the program in the menu Start its program group will be created. The command to run the program is 1C Enterprise. For convenience, it is recommended to display the launch shortcut on the desktop using the standard operating system tools for this.

When the program starts, the window shown in Fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. Program launch

In this window, you select the required mode of operation, as well as the infobase. The 1C program can function in two modes - 1C:Enterprise and Configurator, the choice of the required mode is carried out by pressing the corresponding button in this window. We will learn more about what each mode of operation of the 1C program is, later, when going through the corresponding lesson.

The list of infobases is presented in the central part of the program launch window. At the first launch of the program, this list may contain an infobase with a demo configuration; this base is included in the delivery package and is intended for preliminary acquaintance with the system. An infobase is selected by clicking on the corresponding position in the list. You can add new infobases to the list, or edit and delete existing infobases – how to do this will be described below.

The lower part of the window displays the path to the infobase directory where the cursor is located.

The order of actions when starting the program is as follows: first, you need to select the infobase in the launch window, then click the button 1C:Enterprise or Configurator- depending on the mode in which you want to run the program.

LESSON 3. Operating modes 1C: Enterprise and Configurator

As we already know from the previous lesson, the 1C program can function in two main modes: 1C:Enterprise and Configurator. The required mode is selected by pressing the appropriate button in the launch window (see Fig. 1.1).

Mode 1C:Enterprise- this is the mode of operation of the program in accordance with its intended purpose. In other words, it is in the mode 1C:Enterprise users of the program work (accountants, salespeople, managers, warehouse workers, etc.).

As for the mode Configurator, then it is intended for setting up and administering the program. Here, configuration objects are created and edited, interfaces and dialog boxes are configured, the type and content of the printed form of documents are determined, and a number of other actions are performed to set up and configure the system. In most cases with Configurator the administrator works, because it requires specific knowledge.

In this book, we will not consider the issues of configuring the program - a separate book is needed to cover this topic. Moreover, it is not recommended for an ordinary user to independently make changes to Configurator: its unskilled editing can violate the integrity of the data, and indeed lead to unpredictable consequences.

Note that some simple and accessible settings have been moved to the work mode 1C:Enterprise. The user can edit these parameters on his own (in this case, it is recommended to notify the system administrator), and we will learn how this is done when going through the corresponding lesson.

LESSON 4. Working with infobases (creating, selecting, deleting)

To start using the program, you need to create an information base when you first start it, in which all data will be stored and with which work will be carried out.

Infobases created on the basis of the "1C: Retail 8.2" configuration have the ability to work in the mode of distributed infobases with a clear division of workflow by stores, where information on all stores of the network is consolidated in the main node of distributed infobases. Mechanisms for automatic exchange initiation are provided.

Along with distributed infobases, the "1C: Retail 8.2" configuration can automatically exchange data with the management information system (back-office) in duplex mode.

As a control system for the "1C: Retail 8.2" configuration, the Trade Management configuration of edition 10.3 can be used. In the control system, you can create an unlimited number of "Retail" configuration nodes, which, in turn, can be the main nodes of a distributed infobase.

Mechanisms are provided for administering infobase users of remote nodes of a distributed infobase from the main node of the "1C: Retail 8.2" configuration by the system administrator. For example, in the main node of a distributed infobase, the system administrator can create (edit, assign roles, interfaces, reset the password) an infobase user of the remote node, and he also has access to up-to-date information about the settings of infobase users (made in the Configurator or 1C:Enterprise) directly in the nodes of the distributed infobase.

To switch to the infobase creation mode, in the program launch window (see Fig. 1.1) click the button Add As a result, the window shown in Fig. 1.2.

Rice. 1.2. The first stage of adding an infobase

In this window, using the switch, you need to specify how the infobase should be created. If you are just starting to work with the 1C program, and no infobases have been created so far, you need to set the switch to the position Creation of a new infobase to form a new empty base for later work. The second option is designed to connect the previously created infobase.

To go to the next step, press the button Further. When creating a new infobase, a window will appear on the screen, which is shown in Fig. 1.3.

Rice. 1.3. Choosing a method for creating an infobase

If you need to create an infobase based on an existing template (for example, based on a demo configuration), you need to set the switch to Creating an infobase from a template. In this case, a list of available configurations and templates will be displayed below, in which you need to select the required position with a mouse click and press the button Further.

If you select the second option (lower switch position), an infobase without configuration will be created. It will then be possible to connect the required configuration to it from the corresponding external file (this is done in the Configurator).

Rice. 1.4. Entering the name and location type of the infobase

In this window, in the field Specify the name of the infobase you need to enter an arbitrary name of the database to be created from the keyboard. Under this name, the infobase will subsequently be displayed in the list of infobases in the program launch window (see Figure 1.1).

Using the switch below, you need to specify where the created base will be located. In most cases, this is either a computer or a local network, so by default the switch is set to On this computer or on a computer on the local network. After pressing the button Further The window shown in Fig. 1.5.

Rice. 1.5. Path to infobase directory

This window specifies the path to the directory where the infobase files will be stored. On fig. 1.5 shows the path that the program suggests by default. To change it, click the select button at the end of this field. As a result, a window will open on the screen. Catalog selection, in which, according to the usual Windows rules, the required path is indicated (if necessary, you can create a new directory).

In field Language (Country) select the language of the infobase being created from the drop-down list. The default value for this field is Russian Russia).

The process of creating an infobase is completed by pressing the button in this window Ready.

To change the parameters of an infobase, in the launch window (see Fig. 1.1) select it with a mouse click and press the button Change and then make the necessary adjustments step by step.

Infobases are also deleted in the program launch window (see Fig. 1.1). To do this, select the database to be deleted with a mouse click and press the button Delete. In this case, the program will issue an additional request to confirm the deletion operation.

Remember that for the operation of the program, you must have at least one infobase.

This manual will help you step by step to reflect all retail operations in . I want to consider the following points here: setting up entries in the retail sales report, receipt of goods and moving them to retail, sale from a retail warehouse, sale of goods in non-automated outlets (HTT) and receipt or collection of proceeds at the cash desk.

Non-automated outlets in 1C are trade objects in which it is not possible to put a computer or establish a connection with a common database. Sales data is not entered daily. This is, for example, a stall or exit trade.

As a rule, before reaching the retail warehouse or NTT warehouse, the goods fall on the wholesale warehouse. At the wholesale warehouse, it is processed and then moved to retail.

I will not describe the receipt at the wholesale warehouse, since there is about it. I will give only an example of filling out a 1C document so that my further actions are clear:

Setting item prices in 1C for retail

After receipt, you need to set retail prices for goods in 1C. For this, the document "" is used. It is entered in the "Warehouse" section. But we will create a document based on the receipt document. Let's go to the previously created goods receipt document and click the "Create based on" button. In the drop-down list, select the item "Set item prices".

A new document window will open, where the main details will already be filled in, it remains only to specify the price type. In order not to return to this section, let's create two such documents at once, where we assign prices for the "Retail" and "Retail price" types. We will make the prices the same. Here is an example document:

By clicking the "Change" button, special options for manipulating the price are also available. For example, increase or decrease by the specified percentage.

Moving goods from wholesale to retail warehouse

Now you can move the goods from the wholesale warehouse to retail. For this, the program uses the document "". It is located in the Warehouses section.

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Before making the transfer, we need to set up two warehouses - one with the type of warehouse "Retail", the second with the attribute "Manual outlet".

Warehouses are created in the "Directories" - "Warehouses" section.

Let's call the first warehouse "Shop No. 2", the type of warehouse - "Retail store". We select the price type from the "Nomenclature price types" reference book:

Let the second one be called "Trading Room". "Warehouse type" - "Manual outlet", Price type "Retail", - "Products".

We will also create two documents 1C 8.3: "Shop No. 2" and "Trading Room". Documents will also be created on the basis of the goods receipt document. In this case, we will only have to fill in the requisite "Warehouse - recipient" and the quantity of goods:

As a result, our goods have a price and are in retail warehouses. You can proceed to the registration of the sale of goods.

Retail sales report in 1C for a store

To reflect the sale of goods in retail, we need the Retail Sales Report document from the Sales section. First, we will issue a sales document from a retail warehouse. It is not much different from the document "". The only difference is that the counterparty is not indicated and you can immediately reflect the proceeds from the sale.

For this, a cash account is selected. For analytics in 1C, you can also fill in the details "DDS Movement". This will be a subconto at the cash register account. Document example:

Sale of goods in NTT

When selling goods in a non-automated outlet at the end of the shift, we do not know how many goods are sold. But we know how much was moved from the wholesale warehouse. How to fill out a retail sales report in 1C 8.3 (8.2) in this case?

To calculate the quantity of goods sold, you need to calculate the remaining goods in the warehouse and subtract it from the receipt quantity. For example, 50 packages of sweets were transferred to NTT, after the sale 30 packages remained. Accordingly, 20 packages were sold.

To reflect this calculation in the program, you must use the document "" (section "Warehouse").

In the header of the document, we indicate the organization and warehouse of NTT.

In the tabular section, we add and indicate the actual balance in the warehouse. You can use the Fill button. The deviation from the accounting quantity will be our sale:

1C: Retail 8.3 - fully automates the trading activities of stores and retail outlets, including those integrated into a distribution network. Supports the connection of commercial equipment (scanners, cash registers, fiscal registrars, receipt and label printers, TSD, acquiring, etc.). It is configured individually for any outlet.

  • Assortment planning and pricing policy
  • Promotions and loyalty system
  • Accounting for various means of payment. Acquiring. Gift certificates
  • Personnel Management. Access rights. Shift planning. Personal sales plans
  • Accounting and movement of funds at the box office
  • Purchasing and inventory management. Settlement control
  • Inventory inventory
  • Connecting online cash registers and trading equipment
  • EGAIS and Mercury
  • Multi-company accounting for warehouse and outlets
  • Consolidation in one program of all retail outlets (RIB)

Full description

Main advantages

  • Offline work
  • Automatic interaction with 1C: Accounting 8 and 1C: Trade Management 8
  • Connecting commercial equipment
  • Work with geographically distributed information bases (RIB)
  • Clear distribution of workflow in stores
  • Multi-store and multi-company accounting

Sales management

In the 1C: Retail 8 configuration, a specialized interface for the cashier's workplace (RC) was developed for processing retail sales by the streaming method. The interface is adapted for touch screens, small displays, as well as for working with a programmable keyboard.

Set up the registration of incoming and outgoing cash orders directly in stores; issuance of sales receipts. At the end of the shift, a summary report is generated for the cash register, taking into account the goods returned to the shift.

In 1C: Retail 8, the use of percentage discounts is implemented: for discount cards, discounts with division by stores, discounts for counterparties, discounts for the amount of the check, discounts for the validity period, for the quantity of goods, for the type of payment.

Implemented trading of sets of goods created at the time of sale, and pre-sale preparation of the set.

It provides for trade in small wholesale, the sale of goods and services to contractors.

The program supports commercial equipment: fiscal registrars, data collection terminals, barcode scanners, electronic scales, customer displays, acquiring systems, magnetic card readers.

Customizable work with acquiring systems, accounting for payments for goods by payment cards, accounting for acquiring agreements; work with bank loans.

1C: Retail 8 automatically determines the VAT rates at the time of the sale of goods from the store's warehouses. The taxation system is set for each warehouse separately. This makes it possible to correctly enter documents in stores using a mixed taxation system.

The program can automatically generate price tags and labels.

Payment means

Accounting for various types of payment has been implemented: payment in cash, payment card, bank credit and gift certificates. Mixed payment possible.

1C: Retail 8 allows you to transfer funds between stores, internal cash desks of stores, as well as stores and cash desks of a trading enterprise.

Returns of goods from customers are provided, including returns after the closing of the cash register.

Stocks (warehouse) and purchases

Accounting for inventory in store warehouses and accounting for cash at the cash desks of stores has been automated. At the same time, retail chains can have varying degrees of centralization of the supply management function to stores.

1C: Retail 8 uses schemes for automated distribution of goods among warehouses, when, upon receipt of goods, the operator can distribute the delivery among the warehouses (trading floors) of the store, depending on the nomenclature group of goods.

When sharing configurations 1C: Trade Management 8 and 1C: Retail 8, a centralized order to the supplier for the entire distribution network and the subsequent supply of stores from the distribution center are supported.

1C: Retail 8 allows you to adjust retail prices for each store from 1C: Trade Management. Or the store itself can adjust retail prices depending on its location and the presence of competition.

In 1C: Retail 8, you can apply order schemes for the movement, sale and receipt of goods to the warehouses of the store. It is possible to move goods between shops, internal warehouses of shops, shops and warehouses of a trade enterprise.

The program has a block inventory inventory.

Integration with EGAIS

On January 1, 2016, the law on fixing all purchases of alcohol in EGAIS came into force. The law applies to retail stores selling alcohol, including beer, as well as catering.

The functionality of 1C: Retail 8 allows you to connect the Universal Transport Module and process EGAIS requests. The program allows you to generate documents for the receipt of alcoholic products and keep track of discrepancies in the receipt of goods and services.

Supports the requirements of FZ-54.


The marketing block will increase the efficiency of the retail store. Configurations 1C: Retail 8 provides the following features: customer base management and segmentation, assortment management, pricing management, marketing promotions management, discounts, sales, discount cards, gift certificates.

Working with geographically distributed information bases

Application solution 1C: Retail 8 works with geographically distributed information bases (RIB). A clear division of the document flow by stores has been provided, and information on all stores of the network is consolidated in the central RIB node.

  • RIB for stores allows you to establish a reliable data exchange between stores with the division of workflow. The RIB central node consolidates information on all stores in the chain, and it can be used to quickly create a peripheral RIB node.
  • RIB for workplaces provides the user with an optimized data exchange between the store server and the cash register, ensures autonomous operation of cash desks.

1C: Retail 8 supports automatic exchange with the management information system (back-office), for example, with the 1C: Trade Management program. The control system can create an unlimited number of nodes in 1C: Retail 8, which can be the central nodes of a distributed infobase.
The program supports the administration of users of the information base of remote RIB nodes from 1C: Trade Management. The administrator can register a remote host infobase user and configure their access rights.

1C:Fresh is an access to 1C:Enterprise solutions via the Internet. You can work from anywhere - from the office, at home, while traveling, on vacation. Nothing needs to be installed on the computer, even the electronic signature key for reporting via the Internet can be stored in the "cloud".

Advantages of working in 1C: Accounting through the 1SFresh service:

  • The usual interface of the program, but through the browser
  • All you need is internet to work
  • 24/7 access from any device
  • Round-the-clock technical support from 1C
  • Access to the system and services 1C:ITS
  • Data privacy and security
  • Free access for 30 days
  • Free use for 1C:ITS PROF users

Cost of 1C:Accounting in 1C:Fresh service - from 2,966 ₽ per month*
*price when paid for a year with continuous service

Order 1C:Fresh now and get 30 days of free access!

Rent 1C in the cloud - all functions are available anytime and anywhere where you can connect to the Internet. Using 1C in remote access will help optimize the costs of the enterprise and increase the efficiency of its work.

Advantages of working with 1C in the cloud:

  • Your 1C will never slow down again
  • Privacy & Security - Data Encryption
  • Access to the 1C program 24/7
  • Work in the program from any device
  • Connection in 2 hours
  • Regular automatic updates
  • Daily backup
  • Assistance from certified professionals
  • Free access for 7 days!

The cost of renting 1C: Retail in the cloud - from 1,250 ₽ per month

Order now and get free access for 7 days in just 2 hours!

Hosting 1C - allows you to deploy modern accounting and financial programs with databases of any size on a dedicated cloud server. There is no longer a need to purchase expensive equipment to work with 1C and pay for it.

Advantages of 1C hosting service:

  • Instant access from anywhere in the world
  • Privacy & Security
  • Reliable service 24/7
  • Regular backup
  • Server administration and technical support


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