Presentation on the topic "how the human body works". Presentation on the surrounding world on the topic "How the human body works" (Grade 4) Watch the presentation on how a person works

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Lesson objectives:

Basic concepts: organ, organ system.

Equipment: Multimedia screen, didactic material, textbooks.

(in the lesson, organ systems are sorted out in an overview, a detailed study of each organ system will be carried out in the following lessons)

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Creating a positive emotional mood in the classroom.

Teacher: Guys, you have learned a lot, learned a lot. Please tell me what you most remember from the past years of study in this subject, what did you like the most?

Put all the words together using the cut cards on the magnetic board. If the words are composed correctly, you will read the wish to you.

a o and y k f r y u u m r (the world around him)

Turn the cards over and read.

wish you success!

II. Statement of the problem and actualization of knowledge.

1. Actualization of knowledge.

An excursion into what has been learned. What did you study in grades 1, 2, 3?

Each card has. Correlate with the year of study. Give examples (short overview).

Plan questions.

Teacher: What living organisms do you know?

Students: Producers, consumers, destroyers. Examples (main functions).

Teacher: How are animals different from other living organisms?

Students: Plant cells and some bacteria have chlorophyll and are able to independently produce organic matter from inorganic.

Teacher: How are vertebrates different from other animals?

Students: Vertebrates have a skeleton.

Teacher: What is the peculiarity of the structure of mammals?

Students: Female mammals carry their young and feed them with their milk. Their body is covered with hair, have teeth and can chew food. Man also belongs to mammals.

Teacher: What is the name of the smallest part of the body?

Students: Cell.

1st slide. Cell.

Teacher: What's going on in the cell?

Students: The metabolism takes place in the cell. The cell is able to independently provide its own metabolism.

Teacher: What is the name of a group of cells similar in structure and performing the same function?

Students: Textile.

Teacher: What is the name of a part of the body, consisting of several types of tissues and designed to perform a specific function?

Students: Organ.

Teacher: What organs do you know?

Students enumerate formations of different levels (organs can be called both a hand and a finger or an elbow joint on it; organs can be called a jaw and a tooth belonging to the jaw; an eye and an eyelid covering it ...).

Problematic question: Why does a person need so many organs?

Students: Each organ in the human body performs its own function (children briefly talk about the tasks of different organs).

Conclusion: man is a complex organism with various functions divided between many organs.

Physical education.

Small for little ones (indicate the height from the floor with the palm of your hand right hand)
Mac got up scarlet. (Go up on toes, pull your hands up)
Scarlet rose. (Hands are raised high, then lowered to shoulder-width apart)
And so it remained. (Freeze in the last position for a few seconds)
Looked around (turn their head in all directions, look around)
Looked closely, warmed up in the sun (stroking shoulders)
Blushed, blushed! (Perform circular movements around the cheeks)

III. New material.

2nd slide ( external structure human)

Students examine the external structure of a person, name parts of his body (slides appear one by one), explain what their significance is for the body;

  1. the head is the part of the body on which all the senses are concentrated - sight, hearing and smell;
  2. trunk - the part of the body, consisting of the chest and abdomen, which contains the internal organs;
  3. hands - organs of manipulation of external objects;
  4. legs - the organs of support of the human body and its movement in space.

Problematic question.

Can one organ perform common task organism?

The assumptions of children: with the help of the eyes we see, with the help of the lungs we breathe, the heart makes the blood move through the body. Each organ does only its specific job. Conclusion: one organ is unable to fulfill the general task of the organism.

IV. Sharing knowledge.

For the body to be able to perform common tasks, what should the organs do?

Students give different answers that are discussed. Conclusion: Bodies must work in concert.

Teacher: So, what does our body consist of?

Students: From organs.

Teacher: And if you combine the organs into different groups with certain functions?

Students do conclusion.

A group of bodies related to each other, jointly performing a common task is called organ system.

Teacher: What are we going to discuss in today's lesson?

Students: We will talk about organs, systems of human organs, their functions.

Lesson topic on chalkboard. "How does the human body work?"

Teacher: What skills will we develop?

Students: We will learn to recognize human organs, to determine their functions.

Lesson objectives appear on the chalkboard.

  1. To form the ability to recognize human organs, to determine the functions of systems human body, independently work with a textbook and didactic material, substantiate your opinion.
  2. Develop creative thinking, speech, cognitive abilities.
  3. Foster a sense of camaraderie (ability to work in a group).

3rd slide (senses).

Teacher: Consider the drawing. Name the organs. Students give a brief description of each.

Ears are needed to hear different sounds, eyes to see objects, nose to smell, tongue to taste. Skin is needed to feel an object, it also protects our body from various damages.

Teacher: To which system do the listed human organs belong?

What role does it play in the body this system... The conclusion is made by children.

The table is filled in on its own. Part of the table is filled in, students must complete the functions of the organs.

4th slide (musculoskeletal system)

Jointly determine what the musculoskeletal system consists of. Children name organs (slides appear one by one), determine what role they play in the body?

the bones of the skull protect the brain, the rib cage protects the heart and lungs, the bones of the upper extremities provide strength and mobility of the arms, the spine provides support for the entire skeleton, the pelvic girdle provides support for the internal organs, the bones of the lower extremities provide strength and mobility of the legs. After discussion, the table is filled in.

Physical exercise (exercises for the eyes).

The starting position is sitting.
Look up, look down (4 times).
Move your gaze to the left corner of the eye, then horizontally to the right (4 times).
Stretch your hand forward along the midline of the face. Look at the end of the finger and slowly bring it closer until the finger begins to "double".
Circular movements of the eyes clockwise and back (4 times).
Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds (repeat 4 times).
to shift the gaze from a near object to a distant one and vice versa (4 times).

5th slide (digestive organs)

A short story about the path a sandwich goes through our body (the names of the digestive organs are opened in turn).

Once in the mouth, the food is determined by the taste, moistened with saliva, chewed, swallowed, through the esophagus (muscular tube) it enters the stomach, where it is mostly digested. From the stomach, food enters the small intestine, where it is finally digested with the help of intestinal juice and bile produced by the liver. What the digestive juices could not digest passes into the large intestine. There, water is sucked out of undigested food residues, after which they enter the rectum and are removed.

Outcome: general functions digestive system organism. The table is being filled.

6th slide (organs of excretion)

A diagram of the human excretory system is considered, organs are called, a brief description of to each.

Circulating through our body, blood passes through the main excretory organ, the kidney, where it is filtered twice. Already purified blood passes back into the vessels, and all unnecessary substances in the form of urine flow through the ureters into the bladder. Urine is excreted from our body at our will.

The table is being filled.

7th slide (respiratory organs)

Students, together with the teacher, examine the drawing, name the organs, determine the role of the respiratory system in the human body. The table is being filled.

8th slide (circulatory organs)

The drawing is considered, the organs are called, the main functions of the circulatory system. The table is being filled.

9th slide (nervous system)

The drawing is considered, the organs are called, a brief description of them is given, the role of the nervous system in the human body is determined.

All actions of the human body are controlled by the nervous system. Through nerves, the brain receives information from sensitive cells about what is happening inside the body and outside, and makes a decision. If action is needed, the brain directs its command along other nerves to the muscles that contract the desired organ.

The table is being filled.

10th slide (leather)

Drawings are considered. The functions of the skin are determined. The table is being filled.

Teacher: We have not noted another organ system. Read about it in the tutorial. Like all living organisms, people age and die, and they are replaced by children. Reproductive organs ensure the birth of the child and its connection with the mother's body before birth.

The resulting table

The senses help a person see, hear, taste, smell, object
The musculoskeletal system consists of the skeleton and muscles. It creates the body support and lets him move
The digestive organs supply the human body building material and energy.
The excretory organs are excreted from the body water and harmful substances.
Respiratory organs provide the body oxygen and take out carbon dioxide.
Circulatory organs carry over some substances to the cells of the body, others - from the cells.
The nervous system controls the entire body.
Leather protects our body from shocks, microbes, harmful substances.
The reproductive organs allow humanity to replenish its numbers.

Teacher: What does each organ system do?

Conclusion (in the tutorial)

V. Independent application of knowledge.

Group work on the questionnaire. Children alternately read the questions, answer them, the teacher observes (if difficulties arise, refer to the textbook, table)

  • What organ systems are distinguished in humans?
  • What organs enable us to move?
  • What organs allow the body to assimilate the necessary substances?
  • What organ system allows humanity to replenish its population?

Independent work with the textbook (with tables)

Exercise 1: human organs can be conditionally divided into several groups. Enter the names of organs or their systems known to you in the table.

Frontal check.

Task 2.

Vi. Summing up the lesson.

Teacher: Can the organ system be replaced? Why?

Students explain briefly.

Homework. ยง1, task in the workbook.

Exercise. Compare the results of tasks 1, 2. Show the resulting connection with the arrows.

Teacher: Trofimova Natalia Avenirovna

Slide 2

Alive organisms







Slide 3

Journey to the world of cells

All living things are

from cells.

The world of cells is diverse.

The structure of a cell depends on its function in the body.



Slide 4

Nerve tissue

Nerve tissue consists of nerve cells - neurons. They ensure the coordinated work of cells, tissues, organs and their systems. Thanks to the nervous system, the body functions as a whole.

Slide 5

Adipose tissue cells

Almost the entire fat cell, whose function is the accumulation and exchange of fat, is filled with a fat drop. Fat pushes the cell nucleus to the very edge. In vertebrates, adipose tissue is located under the skin and between organs, forming soft elastic pads. The main value of adipose tissue: it protects the body from heat loss and has the function of an energy depot (during fasting, the amount of fat in the cells decreases, with increased nutrition it increases). In aquatic mammals living in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic, the layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue reaches a considerable thickness (in some whales, up to 50 cm). Excessive development of adipose tissue in humans leads to obesity. The size of fat cells can be up to a millimeter.

Slide 6

Muscle cells

Muscles or muscles (from Latin musculus - mouse, little mouse) are organs of the body of animals and humans, consisting of elastic, elastic muscle tissue that can contract under the influence of nerve impulses. Designed to perform various actions: body movements, contraction of the vocal cords, breathing. Muscles are 86.3% water.

Muscles allow you to move body parts and express thoughts and feelings in actions. A person performs any movement - from such simple ones as blinking or smiling, to subtle and energetic ones, which we see in jewelers or athletes - due to the ability of muscle tissue to contract.

Slide 7

Cell division - growth of the organism

Cell division promotes the growth of all tissues of a living organism, wound healing, and the healing of broken bones.

Slide 8

Organ systems

Bone and muscular (musculoskeletal system)





Slide 9

Organ systems and their functions

Digestive system

Respiratory system

Circulatory system

Muscular system

Provides the movement of blood in the body

Provides oxygen supply to the body and removal of carbon dioxide from it

Controls the activity of the whole organism

Gives support to the human body, helps him move

Provides food digestion

View all slides

Adipose tissue cells Almost the entire adipose cell, the function of which is the accumulation and exchange of fat, is filled with a fat drop. Fat pushes the cell nucleus to the very edge. In vertebrates, adipose tissue is located under the skin and between organs, forming soft elastic pads. The main value of adipose tissue: it protects the body from heat loss and has the function of an energy depot (during fasting, the amount of fat in the cells decreases, with increased nutrition it increases). In aquatic mammals living in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic, the layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue reaches a considerable thickness (in some whales, up to 50 cm). Excessive development of adipose tissue in humans leads to obesity. The size of fat cells can be up to a millimeter.

Muscles or muscles (from Latin musculus - mouse, little mouse) are organs of the body of animals and humans, consisting of elastic, elastic muscle tissue that can contract under the influence of nerve impulses. Designed to perform various actions: body movements, contraction of the vocal cords, breathing. Muscles are 86.3% water. Muscles or muscles (from Latin musculus - mouse, little mouse) are organs of the body of animals and humans, consisting of elastic, elastic muscle tissue that can contract under the influence of nerve impulses. Designed to perform various actions: body movements, contraction of the vocal cords, breathing. Muscles are 86.3% water. Muscles allow you to move body parts and express thoughts and feelings in actions. A person performs any movement - from such simple ones as blinking or smiling, to subtle and energetic ones, which we see in jewelers or athletes - due to the ability of muscle tissue to contract.

The work can be used to conduct lessons and reports on the subject "Biology"

Ready-made biology presentations contain various information about cells and the structure of the whole organism, about DNA and about the history of the evolution of mankind. In this section of our website you can download ready presentations for a biology lesson for grades 6,7,8,9,10,11. Biology presentations will be useful for both teachers and their students.


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