Happy new year greetings in gypsy. Happy birthday greetings from a gypsy woman. Congratulations from the gypsies

Stumbled on by chance.

Gypsy language (romano rakirebe).


Hello - bakhtales
Hello - dubrIdin
Welcome! - Mishto YavYan!
Happy stay! (to many people) - te yavEn bakhtalE!
Happy stay! (to the man) - te yavEs bakhtalO!

Good afternoon (everyone) - devEs lachO (sarenge)

Standard phrases

Thank you - Nais
Good luck - yavEn saste
Good night - lachi ryat
How are you? - Cheese tere business?
How are you? - Cheese tu jivEsa?
Everything is going well! - Sa avEla mishto!
What is your name? - cheese is kharen here?
My name is ... - man kharen ...
You have a beautiful name - tUte gojo laf
Sorry - sorry
What you said? - So tu phengyang?
Can you hear me? - Tu man shunEsa?
Understood)? - PolyYan?
How do you feel? - Do you feel the cheese?
What should I do? - So mange te kira?
What do you want? - From that KAMES?
I love you - me here kamam / kamav
I hate you - me here nakamam / nakamav
I give you my word - dava tukE mirO laf
It hurts me ... - man about dukhal ...
I beg you - mae here mangAv
You know? - that jin?

Let's go home - yavEn Khare
I will come - me avav
I won’t tell you anything - no mee tUter na phenAwa
Wait! (Stop!) - tyrdёv!
So it is - day sy
It's true - ada chachipe
Who's there? (when they knock) - good?
Don't go away! - on ujA!
Come here - jav darik
Get out of here - jadad kher / jav durik
I'm asking you - mae here manga ava
I see - mae dukhav
I thought - mae dumindem
I don’t know how to say it - for ginOm, hell pyeong cheese
Look! - Duc!
Do not be angry - at holiasov
Do not smoke - for tyrdY; are you going to smoke? - avesa tyrdEs?
It's my fault? - mee bango li?
I remember everything - me sa rapier ava
They bought me - mange kimle
What are you going to eat? - So tu lese tekhAs?
Will I sit here? - Did you talk about Me date?
Do you know where to go? - Tu jinEs, karik te jyas?
Where are you ball? - Kai tu sanAs?
We are leaving - ame karadasa
I'm fine - me shukar
I went (we went) - me geOm (ame geom)
Done - gata
My God! - mirO devEl!

Closed - closed
Open - utkYerdo


I am me
From me - mander
Me - mange / mange
With me - manza
Without me - bi world
I have man o / mande
To me - ke me
My (my, my) - the world

We are ame
Nam - amEnge
Our (our, our) - amorO (amorI, amore)
To us - ke yame

You are that
You are here
You have - tUte
To you - tUke
Your (yours, yours, yours) - te / teraO (ty / teraI, tereE, tyro / tero)
To you - ki tu
Without you - bi terO

You are tumE
Your (yours, yours) - tumarO (tumarI, tumarE)

He is yov
Him - laskey
His (in the genitive) - les
Its (as an adjective) - laskO

She is her / yune
Her - la

They are Ana
Im - lenge
Their (in the genitive case) - Len

Himself - Kokuro
Own - pEngo
To myself - peske
Myself - ps

This is hell
This is how

Everything is sa (sarO)
All - savor
All - sarEn
SareEnge to everyone
Absolutely - sareesa

Who is the con
Nobody is a Nikon
With whom - kAsa

So - kadYake
Together - khetane
Because - dulEski
What - with


What? - Co?
Where? - Kai?
Where? - KARIK?
How? - cheese?
What for? - PalsO?
Why? - nipples? (but more often - the same as in Russian)
When? - sneakers?
Who? - con?
How many? - booth?
Which? - SavO?


Yes Yes; no - nat
No - nane
Good - shukar / mishto
Bad - nAshuka
Nothing - Nothing
Nobody is a Nikon
Everything is ready - sa gata
A lot - but
A little - nabutka
I give you my word - dava tukE mirO lav


Handsome - gojo
Ugly - bank
You are my (my) dear (ah) - that world
Dear - DRAGO
Favorite (s) - kamlo (kamly)
Good (pretty) - lachO (lachinko)
Fool (fool) - hole (hole)
Small - small
Big - barO
Poor - charOro
Rich - barvAlo
Gypsy - rum / romal
Not a gypsy - gAjo
"Devil with Horns" - Beng Rog
New - new
Sly / cunning (sly) - uzhYanglo (uzhYangle)
Smart - godeavir
Happy (happy, happy) - bakhtalO (bakhtalY, bakhtalE)
Dashing man (man) - mursh
Gypsy - rum
Gold (gold, gold, gold) - sanakuno (sanakuns, sanakuno, sanakuno)
There are no more such in the world - nane ada vavir pre sveto

Status description

I feel bad (I feel good) - mange nashuka (mange shukar)
I'm tired - mae hrani
I slept - me popAsio
I got sick - mae zanasvaluYo
I'm over it! - Enough of MandEr!
New - new
Happy (happy) - bahtalO (bahtal)
I want to sleep - kamElpe tesov

People (monushA)

People - Lumya
Good people are lache monush
Girl / girl - chAyuri; "Docha" - tea
Girls / girls - chaYale
Woman - RUMny
Boy / guy - chavoro; "Son" - chavoraAle
Boys / boys - chavAle
Man - rum
Fortune Teller - Drabarovkina
Witch - shuvani
Little Boy - Tychnenko Chavoro
Friend (girlfriend, friends) - vortAko (vortAka, vortAchya)
He (she) ... years old - laskE (lakE) ... bersh
Two brothers - dui pshala


Mom - yes
With mom - yes sa
Daddy - dado / dad
Son - chYAVO
Daughter - tea
Sister - phrEn
With my sister - phraniA so
Brother - pshal
With brother - pe pshalEse
Brother - pshalEske
Grandpa - papo
Granny - mami
With grandmother - babA so
Daughter-in-law - bori
Husband - rum
Wife - Romanes
Uncle - how
With uncle - kakE se
Aunt - bee
With aunt - bibI with


Year - Bersh
Month - shyong
Day - devEs / des
Night - rut; at night - ryate
Morning - Dediminians
Evening - dekusare
In the morning - dodesara
Today - dadyves
Tomorrow - tasYa
The day after tomorrow - haltas
Now - the same as in Russian


House - khr (you can - kher)
There - dute
Here - date
Road - DROM; on the way - pe dromA
Here - darik
There is a fool
Hence the dates
Forward - pale
Back - ANGEL

Body parts

Eye (a) - yakh (A)
Nose - nakh
Lips - out
Teeth - danda
Face - mui
Hand - Vast
Head - shero / shuru
Hair - ball
Belly - pER
Leg - punrro
On my feet - about hera


Cooking food - tekarelEs khaben
Woman cooks - rromni caravEla
What do you eat? - from that has?
Eat - tekhAs
Drink - piesa
Boiled - kerado
Apple - phabai
Pear - ambrol
Watermelon - lubenytsa
Melon - harbuzo
Apricot - whack
Potatoes - kolompiri
Cabbage - shah
Rice - razo
Meat - mas
Sugar - PrakhU
Water - PanI
Milk - thud
Coffee - kava
Vodka - bravinta

Creatures and animals

God - devEl
Damn - bang
Dog - djukEl
Horse - gray
Bird - teal

Clothes, jewelry

Trousers - haluyo
Handkerchief - Dukhlo
Skirt - the same as in Russian
Gold - sumnakay
Golden ring - sanakuno angrusty
Silver - rupe


Conversation - rakirebe
Truth - chacho / chachipe
Lies - hohAype
Rain - brischind
Wind - balval
Heart / Soul - Ilo
Moon - shyono
The star is chergOni; stars - chirgin (i); asterisk - chirgenor
Sun - kham
Money - LOVE
No money - no love
Fire - yag
Water - PanI
Blood is rath
Table - scamInd
Bed - chibe
Door - blow
Song - gil
Love - kamam
Knife - churI
Light is a yak
Leaflet / passport - lilOro
Wedding - byJav
Stone - bar
Road / path - drome
Tree - chestnut


May God punish you! - Tae skarin man devEl!
The dog will not bite the dog - djukel jyukles on chala
Lying stone - pAShlo bar
Sings like a bird - bagala cheese
Your eyes are like stars - tere yakha chirgin cheese

Miscellaneous phrases and actions

Come / come to me - jav ke mee
He knows everything - yov sarO jinEl
It is raining - brishind jala
Where should I go? / Do you know where to go? - Karik tejav? / JinEs, karik tejyas?
Who is coming? - con avEla?
We walk together - ame jyasa khatane
Do not be afraid - on dArpe
Give your hand - de vast
I heard it - mae ada shundem
I beg you - mae here mangAv
I don’t ask you about anything - no one mae tUter on manga
I'll tell you - mae here phengava
I won't tell you anything - nichi mae tUter na phenAwa
Do you hear? - shunEsa?
Let's go (home) - yavEn (khare)
What should I do? / What do we do? - with mange te kira? / From the keeper?
I thought (a) - me dumindYom
It burns, but does not heat - hachen, ne na tatkirEla
Kisses - chamudEv
I remember the song - rapierAva me gil
I am looking for - kind; found - lakhtem
You got angry - that bachelor
Do you see it too? - Tu chi dukhEs hell?
Okay, I'll come - Mishto, mae java
You're lying, I know - tu hohavesa, mee jinOm
I don't know anything - Mae nichi on jinOm
Me lived in ... - ame jindYam de ...
We visited ... - ame samAs de ...
We go to the dance - ame we go to the disco
We are leaving - ame karadasa
I want to you - kamam / kamav ki tu
Come on! - mishto akana bre!
Have you gone (come)? - that so, ugeYa (yavdYa)?
I want to know - kamElpe zhyanav

The guitar is ringing, the violin is crying,
A fire burns in the night steppe,
A gypsy wagon is flying
And there is a tent on the mountain!

You can go around many countries
Crossing cordons and borders.
And there you will meet gypsies everywhere,
Strings of wandering wagons.

The gypsy soul is a mystery
Gypsy love is fire
And across the steppe to sweet freedom
A brave horse is carrying the gypsy.

(Two gypsies are guessing)
I will spread the deck
Spades, tambourines, and clubs,
Yes, I will tell the people
It was in her life that

There was a Moskvich, il Zhigulenok,
I see a light color;
The first was, the second child,
Both sons, no doubt about it.

The main thing is that the undershirt
Each of them was endowed!
Where we will settle the generation
And where to get housing?

Gypsy nomadic people, wandering,
But from their bright songs the heart skips a beat!
And in life they are always lucky,
Who will captivate and bridle the free heart?

We were always surprised by the luxurious style of the gypsies,
Love of freedom and pretentiousness of clothes,
And sonorous songs pull like a lasso,
So you want your hopes to come true!

compliments and poems
Songs to sing and dance.
Anniversaries are so rare.
But the gypsies have time everywhere,

We congratulate the birthday girl,
On this very solemn day
And no, no, so in the morning a migraine.
What can I say, what can I say, this is how people are arranged,

I didn’t love, didn’t finish and didn’t sleep,
She carried food for the table in large bags.
I chopped ingredients into a salad in a huge bowl,
Try ma, ma, try jago, jago,

and a beautiful wife,
in vain do not communicate on the networks,
We know you, dear,

Never know sorrow
Be funny (oh) always appreciate the sharp humor
Much joy to wish for health
And the gypsy gives the hero of the day a bouquet of flowers.

I wish life to become eternal
I wish you a lot of happiness in life
To be healthy and cheerful
To a lovely birthday girl today
The road to the store

Georgians will be sold to you
You know what he is like:
Your family peace!
And they don’t get married

One thing I can say:
On stage you sing
Let's start watching you!
Not seeing you there.

Don't forget me!
I will say this about life:
And how, I will tell you.
It's your secret

For a good woman
Little kids are small
You have arrived in the family
I will say this:

Of course it's very difficult
Moreover, he called
You will give yours then
Who did he come here with!

Let there be no offensive cases
Good luck and luck
More happiness every day
Never live in debt

Lies and flattery are alien to cards,
I will scatter cards for you
-The cards tell me,
That your name is "Diamond" ________,

And your name means - __________!
But you don't strive to be the most important
Not in friendship, not in great deeds!
You will willingly agree to help

You always strive to be useful!
-You were born "Precious" on the day __________ (time of year),
"_______" (zodiac sign) is your heavenly sign.
In the era of "fish", you cannot live without fish!

May we be fine
To make a word a deed
Never get upset
Success at work and of course in your career

Let the beautiful times begin for her
And she will happily look at her friends,
I wish her to wake up from a beautiful dream,
And dare to go to the happy world!

Wonderful holiday - Birthday,
Today I came to my uncle's house,
I want him to have happy moments
And so that he was always the first, in everything!

May all meetings be pleasant
And let joy light up your eyes
He will never forget about friends,
And a thunderstorm will not fall into his life!

Let him always be the first in everything,
And he is never afraid of anything,
And he will be an example for his loved ones in everything,
Let the whole world be at his feet!

I want to wish you a happy birthday today,
His beloved goddaughter,
Let her have inspiration in her life,
And she will fulfill her dream!

Let her eyes burn
In which happiness will be seen
Let a happy tear quickly run away,
And he will drive away all the trouble and bad weather!

Let it overcome all obstacles,
And he can live a beautiful life,
Let him be able to do any business,
But the main thing is to always live according to honor!

If you are planning a festive event, and you do not know how to entertain guests, then you have come to the right place. From personal experience, I can say that one of the most effective ways to make everyone remember the holiday is themed dressing up.

So, if you organize comic fortune-telling for your birthday, you can make a pleasant surprise for the birthday person, and if you come up with comic fortune-telling of a gypsy woman at a wedding, then all the guests and newlyweds will appreciate the efforts of the organizers and will gladly take part in the process.

A wrapper with this fortune-telling can also be marked so that the "gypsies" know that it is better to read this fortune-telling aloud to them:

As a Goddess, you are beautiful!
And you bloom day by day!
A lot - a lot of happiness for you
Joy, love, kindness!
Walk more cheerfully through life
Be loved, be gentle!
Cry less and laugh more
Forget about adversity!

I wish you a lot of happiness
Health, joy, warmth.
They left again for bad weather,
And life was wonderful!

We wish you happiness and good
We wish you a full life
We wish you joy in the morning
Until late at night.

May a series of happy years
Will make a bouquet of bright days!
May happiness be like a moth
Flutters from flower to flower!
May every flashed moment
A bright glare will illuminate the sun
And every hour that has run
Let it become a holiday for you!

Being a woman is not an easy job
But you can handle her easily,
So let all the worries, even on your birthday,
They will be far from this lady!

We wish you sunshine
Guests at the festive table!
May your life be warmed
Love, joy, warmth!
May time be a kind doctor -
We wish you good health,
Smiles, happiness and good luck!

Let the sun shine tenderly
Radiant and welcoming
Flowers in a crystal vase
They stand coquettishly in the water,

The smile will be joyful
Always like a birthday
And the whole year will be
Happy continuation!

Today is your birthday
And how many knocked - it doesn't matter.
You be young all the time
After all, life was given to us only once!

We wish you a life full to the brim
So that bad weather does not frown on my soul,
In short, without further ado -
Great human happiness!

Happy birthday to you,
You read my congratulations
With all my heart, I wish you
In a life of happiness, kindness and love!
Life brings you joy and happiness
May they not pass without a trace
May your beauty, your tenderness
The years will never change!

With all our hearts we wish you laughter,
Fun, joy, success,
Do not get sick, do not lose heart,
Eat okay, sleep soundly
Never worry
Do not be angry, do not swear,
Be healthy, smile!
Let your life flow like a river
Among the rocky shores
And may they always live with you
Hope, faith and love!

I can’t stop looking at you.
Today you are especially beautiful!
And I want to be silent and kiss.
Steal you. Arrange a holiday for you.

But we could have just missed each other.
How would it be then? Why would I be and where am I?
I wish with all my heart to wake up
With you the morning after your birthday!

Be a fairy and fairy tales, the princess of the ball.
So that you don't meet the evil Koshchei!
Have you secret power over the princes.
Live, dear, longer and to your heart's content!

Live richly, do not know sorrow,
So that your loved ones do not upset you.
Let the years-adversity pass by
And you always stay young.

I wish you happiness, joy
Do not get old and do not get sick,
How the fire always burns.
Long and beautiful life
To be loved and to love.
At work, only success
At home - joy and laughter,
To make youth shine
To make old age recede!
To make your dreams come true
You deserve it.

It doesn't matter right or left
The road wants to run -
Be a woman and a queen
Know how to hope and wait.

Let there be bright moments
Where is the sea, sun and sand.
And whispers compliments in your ear
Good luck gentle voice!

Zebra and rainbow are somewhat similar.
Zebra striped, rainbow too.
Let life be a striped zebra
But not two colors, but multi-colored.

Blue will rise above the bustle,
he will be a true and good dream
I wish you so many colors
Happiness, health, love, longevity!

With a colorful shawl,
With a loud song
Living with tents
More interesting
Let the years rush quickly
But to the gypsies at an idle hour
Remain a free bird
We wish now!

We are the Day of the Gypsies with a soulful song
Let's celebrate together today!
Congratulations! Happiness to you!
And let life lead you to dreams!

May there be success, luck and luck in it,
May the fire of fun never go out
Dreams call and carry away
And everything is more closely intertwined with fate!

Good day! On April 8, Roma Day, the official self-determination of the Roma as a single free non-territorial nation, which took place in 1971, is celebrated around the world. This happened at the 1st World Roma Congress. Then representatives of different ethnic branches of this people from 30 countries came to London. For the first time they approved the national Gypsy symbols: a hymn based on the famous song "Dzhelem Dzhelem" and a flag with a symbolic wagon wheel on a blue-green background.

In many countries, on the Day of the Gypsies, hundreds of burning candles are carried along the streets at the same time - a reminder of the harsh fate of the wandering people. Then, for a week, the gypsy ensembles delight the admiring spectators with incendiary dances and peculiar guttural songs, lovingly preserved by the gypsy people for many centuries. Congratulations with poetry, prose and beautiful postcards - April 8th.

Congratulations from the gypsies

It is believed that the first mention of gypsies dates back to 1501, when the gypsy leader Vasil received a certificate of protection from the Lithuanian prince Alexander Kazimirovich.

(Two gypsies are guessing)
I will spread the deck
Spades, tambourines, and clubs,
Yes, I will tell the people
It was in her life that

I will spread the deck
The same suits, the same clubs,
Yes, from those colors I recognize
Will be in her life

In the past, a wedding, a feast in the mountains,
Yes, there are countless guests around

Wedding that is called gold
I have it in my deck!

There was a Moskvich, il Zhigulenok,
I see a light color;
The first was, the second child,
Both sons, no doubt about it.

Let's give someone a thrashing
So that she has a plane
Let's say let her pay
It will come to Kasyanovskaya!
But we are in this business too
They would also have had something!

Invitation abroad
Was to sell them the mind.

But then marry her
Must be theirs moneybags.

Everything is fine with her here too,
The husband is not an easy one!

It is gratifying for me to say then
She should live somewhere near Moscow!

She has a big house
He is endowed with everything that is needed.

So the card told me
There is no reason for her to leave.

Her children are joyful
Guys are brave, wherever!

We need to wait for great-grandchildren
And we'll talk then!

All childless for a child,
That slogan has been implemented!

The main thing is that the undershirt
Each of them was endowed!
Where we will settle the generation
And where to get housing?

The main thing is that the desire
There is in her life!
Happiness and do not count in the asset,
And the merits are countless!

There is happiness in the future,
And there are merit too!

Putting all the cards together
In a pile so that to one one,

At least two hundred years that way
The hero of the day must live!

Scene congratulation from the gypsies on the anniversary of the man

Today the Roma population is about 18 million people, in Europe about 10 million people consider themselves Roma. The geography of Roma settlement includes the countries of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres: Albania, Romania, Moldova, Croatia, Argentina, Belarus, Canada, Brazil, Russia and other countries. According to 2010 estimates, approximately 205,000 Roma live in Russia.


(a gypsy enters the hall, dances and sings a song)

Gypsy: Well what to say, what to say
I will tell you all amicably,
I want to tell you fortunes to everyone,
And tell everything about fate.
For example, I want to say
That we have gathered here for a reason,
After all, the anniversary is here today,
We will celebrate everything together.

(goes up to any guest, takes his hand and predicts fate by hand).

Ay, ne, ne, ne, ne, give me money,
And then give me your hand, I'll tell fortunes a little,
Here I see you live together in the world,
At work, everyone needs you very much
It's not so good without you
They do not do it in any way.

Well, and you are a girl,
Very smart
You will get married, you are not in vain,
For a good guy.
He will love you
Kiss, caress, wear on your hands,
And he will give flowers to your beloved.
For this fortune-telling, gilded my pen,
I don’t think anyone can take it into account for free.

Hello dear dear
I now want with you
Find out about your fate
And a little, a little, just to tell fortunes.
Don't be afraid, because I won't take money from you, I'm not a ruble.
I see that you are the most important guest today.
And I also see that you are the hero of the day today.
I see a lot waiting for you today
Congratulations and gifts,
And your whole life has not been lived at all in vain,
You have a wife,
Wonderful kids
The granddaughter will also be here soon
You just wait.
And I also want to say you will only live for five.
You will live for many years and find a mistress
For fun, not for boredom.
And your wife will love you and cherish,
Even on the hands to wear.
You just have to be careful
Nobody's names are to be confused.
And in your work,
An increase is awaiting, it is not in vain.
In general, you will live beautifully,
Happy and you will be loved.
Now, my dear, accept a small gift.

(from behind the curtains a camp of gypsies emerges and sings in chorus a song to the tune "Fashion Changes Every Day").

Birthday song from the gypsies

Experts designate six main branches of the Roma: three western and three eastern. The western ones include Roma (the self-name of the Gypsies), Sinti and Iberian Gypsies; the eastern group includes Lyuli, Lom and Dom. In addition, there are small Roma groups.

Anniversaries are so rare
And of course we miss them,
We congratulate the birthday boy,
And of course we wish you happiness
You live our dear without boredom,
Live up to your grandchildren, of course.
We raise a glass today
For you, for your health,
For your smile and for your laugh.


What can I say, what can I say
People are arranged this way
We celebrate your anniversary
Of course we will all.
And then come what may.

(after the song one young gypsy from the camp approaches the hero of the day).

Hello dear hero of the day,
I'm a gypsy Lyalya,
Today we all came to congratulate you because we love you,
And they brought gifts
Come on, take a look.

Gifts from the gypsies

In Europe, there are a number of ethnographic groups that are similar in lifestyle to the Gypsies, however, of a different origin - in particular, the Irish travellers, Central European yenishi... Local authorities, as a rule, regard them as a kind of Roma, and not as separate ethnic groups.

Here is a bottle of wine, red, sparkling,
Drink this wine
You are your great-granddaughter at birth.

And now I give you this talisman,
May he always be with you.
Until your very old age. (gives a branch of a bay leaf).

And our last gift for you
This is a miracle ribbon (he puts a ribbon on the hero of the day, and a lot of gold coins are glued on it).
We give the ribbon for good luck, for good luck.
So that everyone will delight you and love you hard day by day.

These are all our gifts, you appreciate.
Remember us and love us.

Gypsy: And now all the guests are dear,
We get up to dance
To congratulate the hero of the day.

Gypsy: Our dear hero of the day
And now accept the cards as a gift from us.
These cards are not easy.
If you need to tell fortunes, bring
You give them to me again.
I will tell your fate
I'm telling you something.

Gypsy: Well now it's time for us to leave,
You pour it on the path for us again.

Congratulations on World Gypsy Day in verse

In the week of April 8th, many countries host International Roma Festivals. They host photo exhibitions, film screenings, special classes in theatrical art, singing and dancing, and concerts.

The gypsies of the world are one people,
Although they do not have a state.
The ways of the gypsies are inscrutable
Their territory is the whole world.

The gypsy holiday is always fun.
You will not be shown a gypsy sadness.
The gypsy, without looking at the years, is young,
And let it be happy on the Day of the Gypsies!

Gypsies, you are a great people,
Unpretentious, strong-willed,
What a strong character you have,
Good, kind, fighting!

An artist recognized from birth
A people in love with horses.
Are able to tell visions
And predict the fate of people!

Praise to the gypsies and gypsies
We also praise their children!
We wish them early
Health, long life days!

International Day of Gypsies - SMS congratulations

On the day of the Gypsies International,
I wish you soon
So that you, free people,
Lived only more fun.

That was not in life,
No sorrow, no longing
And the guitars are overpowering
They were clean and light.

Hey romals, today is a holiday
Take a walk from the heart
Let the guitars bust
Will be good too.

Let the flooded song
Pours into the sky, as always
Well, and you breathe freedom,
And do not sour in the cities.

Poems for the Day of the Gypsies

To the sound of a crying guitar
Gypsies roam in a camp,
Neither the cold nor the heat is terrible for them,
Wherever they want, they will spend the night there.
And tomorrow, they will get up early in the morning,
And again on the road! We congratulate
Happy Gypsy Day, dear ones!

Following the guiding star
The wagons float, swaying on the go,
And the wind promises them freedom
Tents, bonfires and songs under the moon.
Measuring nomadic life on the road,
Promising good luck to everyone,
The barefoot camp is buzzing gutturally
Himself destiny without knowing another.
The gypsy sings and the guitar breaks the strings,
A wavy mane is waving a miracle horse,
In eternal wanderings, in the gold of tan,
Their banner is the will, and the fire of the fire.
Their home is the earth, their homeland is the planet,
Their bird calls for wanderings.
And following the great-great-grandfathers precepts,
The wagon crawls into the distance tired.

Congratulations on the Day of the Gypsies in prose

Take a walk today with the soul of a gypsy! Today we are celebrating the International Day of the Roma. No, perhaps, the people are more cheerful than you, your spirit is eternally wandering and free. Let the bonfires burn to the sky today, and let the magic music, songs of gypsy and gypsy skirts bloom everywhere!

Today, friends, romale, your most important holiday! And I would like to congratulate all your free people on the International Day of the Roma! Your unique culture deserves the greatest admiration, and your traditions and values ​​- sincere respect. I am glad that you, gypsies, are also there in Russia. And to a certain extent, you unite us with the whole world! Happy holiday, dear ones, live freely, be happy and prosper for thousands of years.

And this concludes my article. I hope you have not had a lack of information. I tried very hard to make it so. I say goodbye to you and wait for you in other articles of my blog! Leave comments on the article and write reviews! See you!

An anniversary, which is arranged in a close friendly company, can also be made cheerful, bright and memorable. For example, you can organize a themed party, and take gypsy fortune-telling, congratulations and songs as the theme, then you will definitely get a colorful and incendiary holiday. We offer ready-made script for the anniversary of a woman in a gypsy style, written by a real master of his craft L.I.Kornichenko (thanks to the author), which is easy to carry out on your own, having prepared the necessary props and musical accompaniment in advance. If desired, this can be changed to suit the tastes of your company or supplemented with your own numbers.

Anniversary in the gypsy style

The hall where the celebration will take place is decorated in a gypsy manner: there are cards on the curtains, large colored scarves on the walls, a lot of wildflowers on tables and in flowerpotsOn the floor. While the guests are gathering, gypsy melodies are heard, girls in gypsy costumes are "fortune-telling" to the guests. All words belong to the Presenter.

For a long time we wondered

Than we will surprise today

And now - everything is organized,

We invite you to take a walk in the camp.

And here - as in a gypsy camp -

It will be cozy and at ease

The whirlwind of the anniversary will whirl us -

Gypsy fun here is the expanse.

And we ask you to support our story -

Once gathered for a birthday party,

We present gifts from the birthday girl -

You try them on, there is no need for embarrassment.

Assistants distribute gifts from the birthday girl to the guests: men- black hats with red ribbons, women - multi-colored headscarves. Men get needles and balloons filled with chopped foil.

Comic general congratulations to the birthday girl

Well now we are ready to meet,

Let the experiments go with a bang.

We begin our evening in the camp,

There is applause for the birthday girl! -

The "Gypsy" sounds, the birthday girl appears in the hall.

Worries and worries are useless,

Today the whole Kurgan is having fun,

And we are doubly happy, and therefore

We meet you in the guise of gypsies!

Well, hearts are beating more and more joyfully,

The long-awaited hour has already come

Ready here for the senses of wonderful starfall

And the place is ready for you!

We invite you to borrow it.

And we will shout to everyone in the camp: "Congratulations!"

In the center of the semicircle of guests is an armchair decorated with scarves, flowers - this is the place that the birthday girl takes to the music, all the guests chant "Congratulations!", balloons with foil explode.

(See other options for comic congratulations and honors on a woman's anniversary.

"Gypsy" common bowl for guests

I think the time has come

And congratulating on this day,

Come on now, romals friends,

We’ll pour a cup of wine to the brim!

Bring in the cup!

A solemn musical beat sounds, the girls-assistants bring in a huge glass-bowl, stop near the birthday girl.

Let life in the camp be good:

The birthday girl has a wide soul!

And a toast so that it was supported ardently,

Need a huge bottle!

A 6-liter bottle of champagne is brought in and opened to the music. The bowl fills up to the applause of the guests. The birthday girl greets guests, drinks from the bowl.

So that only joy is here today,

So that we are all closer to each other in the camp,

Let's all be together now, together

We will "put" this cup in a circle here!

To the music, the assistants carry around the guests with a glass. The presenter addresses the birthday girl.

Our holiday has begun beautifully,

He boldly enters into his rights,

Today you are the hostess of the camp, which means

All songs to you and the best words!

We raised a glass for health, for success,

For the circle of friends to be always small.

And Kind words until you have heard all,

But this evening will be interesting.

Come on in, Romals friends,

The time for the feast has now come.

Let's go on a spree until the morning - it's time for all of us to raise a toast!

Guests sit at the table.

Comic "gypsy" gift for the birthday girl

Greeting you, Romals, we want to immediately thank the dear guest in our camp .. The most dear guest is the first guest, and today you are, (name and patronymic)! For hurrying to us, we want to present you with a horse, which was "vytsygany" in the neighboring camp. Accept!

A souvenir is handed over - an image or statuette of a horse with accompanying text, which is read by the host.

There are no barriers for us, everything will go smoothly with us,

We will not have long conversations

Hide a horse behind a high fence -

Suddenly we will steal, and even together with the fence!

And now - toast!

Gypsies in a noisy company

On holidays they have been wandering for a long time,

And this noisy crowd,

Perhaps they will spend the night here ...

This is not the point, this is not the "salt",

May there be a holiday and fun

Each will play his role

Gypsies are not afraid of a hangover!

And therefore for a birthday

Pour glasses to the top,

We admire the whole camp with admiration

We are drinking toast while standing here today!

Guests support a toast, a gypsy song performed by a soloist sounds.


Years go by, changing generations

But they only add joy to life!

And this day is a wonderful birthday -

A friendly circle of friends here congratulates you.

But this toast is the most important today

And we raise our glasses again

So that on this holiday, joyful and glorious

All together to drink together "For love!"

And let the spouse say his word here,

We, Romals, will now direct our gaze to him.

After all, we are all ready to support him,

We will give everyone the floor to the spouse in the camp!

The spouse of the birthday girl makes a toast, everyone supports, the song "Shaggy Bumblebee" is played by the singer or recorded.

Comic fortune telling for guests

Romals! I ask for attention!

Fortune-telling in the camp all evening:

Who should receive gifts,

To whom to proclaim a toast here!

Take a look under the plates

And find every card there!

The deck will tell us everything:

Who will congratulate the ladies

Which of the men will say the word here,

The hostess of the camp will show you!

The guests find cards under the plates. For the birthday girl - the second deck, she takes out, without looking, any card from the deck, shows it to the guests. Who the same card, he will congratulate the birthday girl, hand over his gift and raise a glass to her health. "Divination" is carried out throughout interrupted by dance breaks and game moments.

Well, you have a word to speak,

And for us, romals, to drink a glass!

After the toast - a gypsy dance performed by artists.

The second comic gift for the birthday girl

The day is full of surprises -

And again the camp congratulates you.

Among the gifts, joyful presents

One more ready! Let's hand it over now!

This gift is a "talisman"

So that your house is saved from trouble!

You will place it in the house

And live peacefully, happily!

Competition "Magnetic Fishing"

A gift is presented to the applause of the guests. The participants of the fishing competition will be determined by the cards chosen by the birthday girl. The game "magnetic fishing" invites guests to catch as many fish as possible for the camp in the allotted time.

We were not too lazy to support you,

After all, our souls are warmed by the meeting in the camp.

And today, here, on (name of the birthday girl) day,

We are ready to present you with her portraits!

Participants are awarded T-shirts with a photo of the birthday girl printed on them. After the following toasts with the help of cards, participants are selected to "unravel mares' manes. " braided and tied in a knot in some places. The task of the players is with the tied eyes as quickly as possible to "unravel" the mane. Participants are given calendars large size - with a photo of the birthday girl on a horse (photomontage).

And in smoke and in fire

Always be on your horse!

One of the calendars is presented to the birthday girl - this is a surprise for her.

Launch of pigeons and colorful balloons

Remember, perhaps, that gypsies are a nomadic people,

Constantly changing location, and therefore,

Friends-romals, let's go out into the open,

Into the fresh air, where the moon rises

And the night has not yet found expanse,

Where partial shade is mysterious, gentle.

We call you all to "ventilate" a little bit,

Make your way to the entrance -

We'll have a little bit of "cooing" there.

So, Romals, we "roam"!

All guests move to the entrance to the building. The presenter addresses the birthday girl.

Do you remember how it all began,

How occasionally did an eyebrow frown?

But everything that I wanted was done,

Though it was the first time and again.

I only wanted to be happy

And believe in miracles.

And that dream of a white-winged dove

You let go, looking at the heavens.

Let it be believed again and let it dream again

Let the new takeoff be bright, colorful.

And therefore - let the doves fly -

Let's get them flying together!

And so that new problems are solved,

So that we live happily together with you,

We certainly want today

Paint the sky with bright balloons!

The birthday girl and guests are launching white doves and colorful balloons into the sky. After returning to the hall, it is time to dance, a hot dishes are brought in later.

"Gypsy fire"

Let there be no fire yet, but it is very necessary,

So that the reflection shines in all eyes.

I think it's time! And we are all together

Let's light candles here, the hour has come!

Guests light candles at the table.

This is how the gypsies, having settled themselves by the fire,

Dinner is eaten, marking the meeting hour.

So we, here by the candles, settled down,

The good news was being prepared for you!

I will ask, Romals, stood up together,

They raised the glasses to the camp,

We will mark this moment with the clink of glasses

And we will meet new treats here!

To the accompaniment of a gypsy song performed by the soloist, kebabs are brought in.

Help yourself! Enjoy!

Let this hour be remembered for you!

New forces, romals, gather

And "Tsyganochka" sounds for you now!

After the meal - a creative gift for the birthday girl, which is called "About Gypsy Love".

Costumed congratulations from the Gypsies

(If not rehearsed in advance, then it is necessary to distribute cards with large printed text to the participants and explain the essence of the number before an impromptu performance)


We ask for attention again -

Try to understand us.

About gypsy love

We want to tell you.

We announce to you immediately,

Anticipating the whole plot,

What a gypsy lived

Aza - There was no better and no!

Famously, passionately danced

Surprising everyone with the effort

Azu, together we, Romals,

Let's meet here with applause!

Aza appears to the accompaniment of a perky gypsy melody. Metal bottle caps are sewn on the wide skirt, barefoot, braids- fake. A large sham chest is covered with a handkerchief. It is better if this role is played by a man.

Aza's braids - everybody marvels!

The chest is the envy of all gypsies.

And the eyes ... Oh, how playful ...

From them - joyful and drunk ...

And in the neighboring camp, no less wild,

Once upon a time there was a gypsy and did not know the bitterness,

And the gypsies were successful in growth, and in their face,

But somehow suddenly he met Azu ...

We continue our story

And now we will meet the gypsy together:

He hurries to the clearing to us, at this hour

Let's greet him with applause ...

A Gypsy appears to the music: barefoot, a scarf on his belt, a hat on his head, and a fake mustache under his nose.

Dashing, handsome, with a black eye -

He pranced like that in life,

Until I met our Azu

And in a moment he lost his mind.

He knelt down at once

And disheveled his hair.

He said: "I love you, Aza!" -

And exhausted he fell!

The gypsy woman put a handle in her side,

And she straightened her chest,

And whispered with a passionate breath,

Expressing your thought to him.

"Leave your vain sighs ...

If you do everything without deception,

Let the dream come true

I will marry a gypsy.

You must bring me joy

And give me a horse! "

Our gypsy immediately roused himself,

Jumped from my knees to strong legs,

And he looked around hopefully -

He expected help from the camp.

Having understood the love and passion of a gypsy,

They sent ... a horse ... not without a flaw ...

The gypsy opened his mouth in confusion ...

And Aza straightens everything again ...

Meet the horse we have arrived -

But this is not a horse at all - a cow!

A perky melody sounds, two guests appear in the form of a cow.

We do not know what the camp was hinting at ...

But Aza clapped her hands loudly ...

We wish both of them a settled life,

Love is big, and light, and good ...

And she hugged Aza the gypsy ...

And the gypsy sends a kiss ...

And at the end of the novel

Takes the cow by the horns.

And they all went together

To celebrate a wedding in the camp,

We need to thank them

And give them gifts!

All participants will receive PRIZES. The accompanying texts are as follows:

1. Beer mug made in the form of a gypsy skirt.

You played well here,

So that the camp is remembered for a long time,

How beautiful everything was with us.

We hand you a mug for beer!

2. Souvenir cards.

We root for you with all the people,

We are worried about the whole camp ...

We give you a deck of cards,

In the morning, maybe we'll play!

3. Children's guitar.

To sing songs under the clear moon

We want to hand you a gypsy guitar.

I envy everyone, and even me, I will not hide,

But - take it, so be it!

4.Video tape with film

"Tabor goes to heaven".

About gypsy love

People have known everything for a long time.

Let him remind you of her again

This is a great movie!

The presenter distributes table fireworks to the men.

Here the men stood in a circle

The fireworks are lit

And to know the embrace of hands

You are invited to dance!

Men alternately pass fireworks to each other, inviting the birthday girl to dance.

Carrying out the cake "Tabornaya Polyana"

Romance friends, when something historically beautiful is created, it must be met while standing. Therefore, we again call on our camp to leave the "settled" places and form a "semicircle". We invite everyone to the "camp" meadow!

Come on, Romals, got up again

And again a semicircle was created.

After all, today is a birthday in the camp,

It's time to bring the creation of skillful hands ...

This historic moment

We must immortalize everything,

And therefore we call everyone to us,

To solemnly meet the cake here!

All guests are again arranged in a semicircle, so that it is convenient for the operator and photographer to take pictures.

Another year has begun

May he give you seven wonders of the world,

May only joy in life await you,

We lit seven candles - may we be forgiven!

Let the rainbow shine with many colors for you,

And let the beloved seven notes sound,

And let the candles bring you many years

Without painful thoughts and hassle.

And we want to wish you good luck,

Let the "handle gilded" daily,

Love to you, health and happiness in addition,

And the cake - it's time to come here!

To the festive fanfare, a huge jubilee cake is being "brought in" on the table, seven candles are burning on it.


We ask the hostess of the camp

Here to test the strength of the spirit.

We present a cake as a gift -

She needs to blow out the candles.

Romaly, all amicably look,

How the candles go out - "One, two, three!"

A fanfare beat sounds, the lights come on, the hostess of the camp cuts the cake and treats everyone.


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