How much does a middle manager earn. How much does a sales manager for cars and other goods earn. What jobs are recruited for sales professionals?

The profession of a manager is one of the most common. It is no exaggeration to say that no company can and cannot exist without managers. You can work as a manager both in lower positions and in leadership. One of the main advantages of this profession is the absence of the so-called "ceiling".

A professional manager has the opportunity to constantly improve his skills, develop professionally and rely on salary growth. Many people wonder how much a manager gets. There is no single answer, since much depends on the field of activity and the professional qualities of the employee himself. We will try to figure out how much managers receive on average, depending on the field of activity and position held.

Manager's Responsibilities

To begin with, let's define who managers are, in what areas they can work, what is included in the scope of duties and what affects the final salary. The profession itself implies the presence of managerial functions, a tendency to logical thinking, making forecasts, and working with people. In most cases, the employee is responsible for managing and distributing current tasks among other employees.

However, not all managers are managers. For example, the position of a sales manager does not imply managerial functions. The job responsibilities of such an employee include working with clients: both with existing ones and searching for new ones.

A travel manager is a consultant who works for a travel company. Responsibilities include the selection and design of tours for clients, consultations on the country, hotels, existing excursion programs, and so on.

A hotel manager is an employee of a hotel or hostel who is responsible for accommodating guests.

A car sales manager is an employee who provides advice to customers of car dealerships. He helps to choose a car, draws up documents, accepts payments, advises on various loan products, and so on.

Human Resources Manager - recruits new employees for existing vacancies. Posts vacancies on various websites and in recruitment agencies, conducts interviews and questionnaires for applicants.

A bank manager is a bank employee who advises clients on various banking products. It can process deposits, accept documents for processing loans, issue credit cards, make bank transfers and payments.

Content manager is a new specialty, very often involves remote work. The duties of the employee include working with content for websites or publics in social networks. Experienced content managers can work directly with copywriters and freelancers on various exchanges, place orders for the creation of texts, check and accept the work done.

A financial manager is an employee of the accounting or financial department of an organization.

A project manager is an employee who is responsible for one or more projects in an organization, distributes tasks, and monitors their implementation.

How much do managers in Russia earn

All young professionals go through approximately the same path. Novice specialists on average can count on a salary of 10-20 thousand rubles a month. With the growth of experience and skills, over time, you can start receiving wages of more than 40,000 rubles per month. Experienced sales managers can earn from 100,000 rubles per month or more.

The above salaries refer to ordinary employees. If we talk about top managers of various companies, then they receive salaries of a completely different order. It is customary to refer to the top managers of the management staff. They are directly involved in managing other people, set and distribute current tasks, monitor their implementation, and are responsible for the efficiency of the entire organization as a whole.

Therefore, the salaries of top managers differ sharply from the salaries of ordinary employees. In large Russian companies, managers, in addition to regular salaries, also receive annual bonuses, the size of which directly depends on the effectiveness of their work. A top manager of a large company can receive more than 1 million rubles.

How much do sales managers earn

The vacancy "sales manager" is one of the most common on job search sites. In most cases, you can get a job as a sales manager without special education and work experience. However, the main part of wages is calculated depending on the results of work.

Sales managers usually receive a very small fixed salary and bonuses from sales. Bonuses can reach 40% of the sales volume, but not everyone can organize a large volume. Therefore, organizations are constantly recruiting new employees, as staff turnover remains high. At the end of the probationary period, not all employees remain employed.

A budding salesperson's career often begins with a cold call. Many cannot stand constant rejection and leave disappointed, without reaching great heights in their careers and wages.

Experienced salespeople who are truly experts in their field can earn from 100,000 rubles a month or more. It all depends on the personal qualities of the employee himself, on what services or goods you have to sell, whether he works in the retail or wholesale market, and so on.

What determines the salary

How much a manager earns depends on many different factors. However, as mentioned above, in most cases, the salary given out on hand consists of two parts: the basic salary and bonuses (or a percentage of the sale).

Unlike other specialties, sales managers have a fixed salary that is very small in size. On average, it can range from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles per month. Most of the salary is just bonuses from sales. Their size directly depends on the efficiency of the employee and the volume of sales that he managed to organize over the past month. In this way, the employer encourages employees to work harder and work more efficiently, because the size of the final salary depends on the result of labor.

In the end, how much a sales manager receives per month will depend on factors such as:

  • type of product or service,
  • seasonality,
  • the quality of the products or services offered,
  • price, industry affiliation,
  • wholesale or retail.

All these factors together have a significant impact on sales and, accordingly, on the final wage. In reality, even those employees who work in the same positions in the same company can receive completely different salaries. How much a manager receives a larger part per month depends on the qualities of the employee himself: his experience and skills, dedication and activity.

Sales manager average salary

The size of the average salary of an employee depends on the city of residence and the scope of the company. On the whole, in the market, salaries in large cities are 30-70% higher than in the regions. How much do sales managers in various cities of Russia receive, according to the portal.

Moscow 40-140
St. Petersburg 50-140
Vladivostok 30-110
Volgograd 20-80
Yekaterinburg 30-80
Kazan 25-80
Krasnodar 35-80
Krasnoyarsk 30-90
Novosibirsk 30-100
Rostov-on-Don 35-80
Sochi 40-80

How much do tourism managers earn

With the remuneration of tourism managers, a similar trend has developed. Salaries in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities are significantly higher than regional salaries. The average salary is 20-30 thousand rubles a month, but the seasonal factor plays a huge role here. In the high season, the salary can reach 50,000-70,000 rubles a month and more, and in the low season, only from 10,000 rubles.

City Salary in thousands of rubles per month
Moscow 40-80
St. Petersburg 30-90
Yekaterinburg 25-60
Kazan 15-50
Krasnodar 20-40
Krasnoyarsk 20-50
Nizhny Novgorod 15-45
Novosibirsk 20-40
Rostov-on-Don 15-50

It is quite difficult to say unequivocally in what area it is best to work as a manager. A lot depends on the personal qualities and preferences of each employee. Someone will find himself in sales, while someone is more comfortable getting a job in a bank. According to statistics, the largest number of people work in the wholesale and retail trade. If you have certain personal qualities and work experience, you can count on wages much higher than the average.

The transition to a market economy has actually divided society into two parts: those who sell and those who buy. Moreover, those who buy also sell something in order to earn money for what they want to buy. One of these coveted goods, of course, is a car. With consumers of vehicles in our country, everything is more or less clear - there are statistics, their preferences, reviews, etc. But those who sell cars - what kind of people are they?

Young pretty guys and girls, dressed to the brim in business suits and snow-white blouses, are surrounded by expensive sparkling cars in illuminated palaces of metal and glass. Always smiling, always friendly, always in a good mood. The picture is like in the ideal world of glossy advertising.

In fact, behind this seemingly fantastic world lies a completely different reality. Namely - the same as everyone else's work. Exhausting, with a daily stream of completely different people, phone calls at any time of the day, constant monitoring of the performance of their duties by employees of all related departments, maintaining reports and filling out documents, and, most importantly, fulfilling the sales plan ... at any cost.

Any “step to the side”, “wrong movement”, or even an incorrectly chosen word is fraught, first of all, with the dissatisfaction of customers who are ready to make a scandal out of the blue. And for the sales manager himself, emergency situations threaten with warnings, reprimands, fines and, of course, dismissal.

Who are they taking

As you might guess, the sales manager is the face of any car dealership. He meets the buyer at the door, accompanies him at all stages of the purchase, and often becomes a personal consultant for the entire life of the purchased car.

That is why much attention is paid to external data, as well as accuracy, neatness and the general level of charm. Of course, a suspended language, well-structured speech, versatile knowledge and the ability to support any topic of conversation are also included in the mandatory requirements.

On the other hand, the requirement of having a higher education can be considered rather conditional. A diploma is only a certain guarantee of the applicant's intelligence. And the acquired specialty, as a rule, does not matter. Being a good salesperson is more of an innate talent backed by experience.

But what absolutely all sales managers need and what is not always written in the requirements is stress resistance and psychologist skills. There are two aspects to the importance of having these abilities: external and internal.

The external one is that the job of a salesperson is to work with people. And as you might guess, each person has his own perception of the world, life position, his own feelings, stereotypes, knowledge, complexes, the degree of adequacy and the number of "cockroaches" in his head. All this people often splash out, including on the sales manager. Not only the success of the transaction, but also further relations with both the client and the employer depend on the competent psychological behavior of the seller.

In addition, you need to understand that in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is the sales manager who will be responsible for any “jambs” with an ordered or already purchased car, reporting and apologizing to the client.

The ordered car did not arrive on time - the manager is to blame, it arrived with damage - the manager is to blame, the price went up while driving - the manager is to blame, additional equipment was not installed well - the manager is to blame, the car somehow goes wrong - the manager is to blame, they could not determine anything at the service the manager is to blame. Objectively or not, but it can be so for any reason, since who sold a car to a particular client? That's right, a specific manager, not a car dealership.

Internal factors are pressing with no less force. All customer complaints are automatically transmitted through the customer department to the management of the car dealership, to which they will have to report each time. The implementation of internal corporate instructions and rules, which, in terms of discipline, sometimes differ little from those in the army. Add irregular working hours and regular work on weekends and holidays. But the main thing is the sales plan, on the implementation of which the salary depends, and by and large the standard of later life.

How much do they get

Given all the nuances of the work, it can be assumed that payment for such work compensates for everything. After all, the Russian automotive market is the second largest in Europe in terms of sales. Being on the streets of a metropolis, sometimes you get the feeling that people do nothing but buy cars.

To some extent, that was once the case. In the “golden” season for the car market of 2007-2008, when Russia had a boom in car sales and annual queues lined up for certain models, and there were more people in car dealerships on weekends than in a grocery store, sales managers really made very good money - the monthly salary of yesterday's university graduate sometimes exceeded a hundred thousand milestone. But the "holiday" ended very quickly and in the saddest way - the global financial crisis. As a result, the complete collapse of the entire Russian automotive market.

Over the past six years, sales have gradually recovered. However, the stagnant market this year showed a "minus". The outlook for next year is also negative. And by and large, cars have already been bought by almost everyone who wanted to. There are no multi-month queues even for the most popular and sought-after models. The assortment has increased significantly (as a result, competition), and in all price segments. So there has been no talk of any six-figure figures in the salaries of managers for a long time.

What is the salary made up of? As with any sales, everything, of course, depends on the number of cars sold. Here, as they say, the legs feed the wolf. However, in most car dealerships, managers still receive a small salary (as a rule, it is the “white” part of the salary on which taxes are paid). But its size, even in Moscow and St. Petersburg, rarely exceeds 10-15 thousand rubles. And there are also such car dealerships where there is no salary at all. Sold - received, sold nothing - received nothing.

For each car sold, the manager receives a bonus. Its size is determined by car dealerships in different ways. From mass models, which mostly sell themselves, the bonus is small - $30-50. The more expensive the sold model, the greater the premium. But there is, of course, an upper limit. The bonus in the segments of mass brands, even for top models that are sold individually, rarely exceeds $150-200 - in most cases, this is the limit that can be obtained from the sale of one car.

There are also car dealerships that even differentiate equipment for specific models. For example, it is clear that it is much easier to sell a Citroen C5 with a 2.0 engine than the same C5 with a 3.0 engine - accordingly, the bonus for the latter is greater. But this happens extremely rarely, since the total markup on the model as a percentage is the same.

In car dealerships there is also such a thing as "hanging". That is, a specific car that for some reason no one buys (sometimes more than one year!). For its sale, an additional premium is charged, sometimes quite significant. The sale of two or three "hanging" can provide a good half of the salary. But this is much easier said than done.

In addition, in some salons, a lot of additional stimulating factors are introduced. For example, there is a stability coefficient: if a manager has already completed 30-40% of the sales plan in the first third of the month, he gets an additional bonus. There are additional bonuses for car sales only from stock.

For example, if a lot of automatic cars have accumulated in the warehouse, then the manager will make every effort to persuade the buyer to buy a car with an automatic. The same applies to the engine, equipment, color and even a different model. A completely standard situation, when a buyer came for a MCP, and left the car dealership for - in most cases, this is the competent work of a sales manager.

And of course, for the full implementation of the plan, the manager also receives an incentive in the form of a multiplier. True, there is also the other side of the coin: he did not fulfill 60-70% of the plan, he received a fine with the same coefficient. Or generally just a bare salary.

The sale of additional equipment is another important component of the seller’s income in a car dealership. It can reach a third of monthly earnings. Since the dealer center earns the main money not from car sales, but from the sale of additional equipment and service work. The manager accordingly receives a percentage from each work order (usually within 5-10% of the total amount).

So an extremely persistent proposal to install crankcase protection, an alarm system, an additional immobilizer, winter tires, a multimedia system, floor mats, mudguards, tinting, etc. and a thousand weighty reasons why this should be done directly at the car dealership is nothing more than the manager’s desire not only to earn bread and butter, but also to put a piece of good sausage on top of it, and preferably red caviar.

Still small percentages can be from CASCO insurance (if they are again made in the salon and are not mandatory for a credit transaction), loans issued through the salon (by agreement with banks), even for registration through a car dealership, the manager can receive a “penny” .

It may seem that after so many components, the job of a car sales manager should be one of the highest paid in Russia. Immediately it is worth removing the conditional mood, which is regularly used by the heads of sales and personnel departments. Like, everything depends only on a person’s desire to sell and earn: if you sell five cars, then there will be a small salary, if you sell fifteen, it’s normal, and if thirty, then the manager will be the richest person and go to the Canary Islands on weekends.

In real life, you can sell exactly as much as they buy. Even the most hardworking sales manager affects the final result of their own sales by no more than 30% of the plan. This is a lot, but not critical - it does not always work out. The economic situation in the country, government support, income growth, bank lending activity and the pricing policy of automotive market players affect demand much more than the talent of an individual seller.

Well, let's try to calculate the weighted average salary of a car sales manager in St. Petersburg (all information on the figures is provided by the current employees of dealerships, although it is not a weighted average for all car dealerships in the city).

The average number of cars sold by a good manager per month is ten to fifteen. Such sales are typical for middle-class brands. In the premium segment, the sales figures are different, but the bonuses are very different upwards (for example, the average monthly plan of a manager in a Mercedes-Benz car dealership is five cars).

With an average sale of twelve cars a month, six to seven pieces is the brand's bestseller (Focus is from Ford, Solaris is from Hyundai, Logan is from Renault, 308/408 is from Peugeot). For such cars, the minimum bonus is charged - let's take it for $50. Two or three more cars of the middle price segment - $ 100-130 apiece and one or two of the expensive models - $ 150-200. Total $ 650 -1,000 or 22,500 - 34,600 rubles. Plus 5,000-10,000 rubles for the implementation of the plan.

The average order-order is 10,000–15,000 rubles, given that customers do not buy anything for three or four cars, and equipment for more than 25,000 rubles is installed for two or three cars. The average premium percentage is 7.5%. That is, only on average - in the range of 6,000–10,000 rubles.

TOTAL taking into account the average salary of 12,500 rubles, with the obligatory fulfillment of the plan, a successful sales manager earns from 46,000 to 67,100 rubles, on average, about 56,550 rubles. A lot or a little, decide for yourself. However, it is worth considering that even this money the manager will earn only under good circumstances.

In reality, in the current situation on the Russian market, every month is a lottery, the winning ratio in which each manager tries to raise in every possible way, sometimes biting into the buyer's wallet. Taking into account all the "features" of the work, it does not always work out ...

The article uses photos from the official sites,,,,

The salary of a car salesman consists of several parts: salary (usually minimum), a percentage of sales (1-2% depending on the position) and bonuses for meeting or exceeding the sales target.

If an employee conscientiously and responsibly performs his work, then he can easily earn up to 60-80 thousand rubles a month. Senior managers receive 120-150 thousand rubles, and the maximum salary can reach 300 thousand.

It should also be taken into account that the earnings of a car seller are significantly affected by seasonality and sales volumes of the department in which he works.

Reader's opinion: as a person who has worked for 2 years in a car dealership, I note that the income of sellers depends on their laziness. If you come to work an hour late, constantly run away for a break, etc. then the clients that you could get, including those who previously called back, may not wait for you, and usually they do not wait.

Much still depends on the team and the system of distribution of bonuses, additional payments for sales, etc. adopted within the company. Often lazy, but a relative, one of the leaders earns more than a girl who is like a bee from client to client, from test drive to test drive.

In some salons, according to the reviews of colleagues, there are also “national preferences” of the owners, but this is most likely an exception, because it is important for managers and owners that employees sell.

And it is very important for a sales manager not to be arrogant and not to judge the sales prospects by the appearance of the client. I once saw when an untidy-looking visitor, whom the workers did not want to approach, because “what kind of homeless person did you come up with ?!”, after a short conversation with a condescending trainee, went to the cashier to pay for the Tuareg in cash.

Great stuff about salaries:

Interview with a car dealership manager about how much you can earn by selling cars

Especially for the article on the site, we talked with the manager of a car dealership in Moscow. Our guest is Oleg, 34 years old, incomplete higher education (lawyer), 6 years working as a salesman in car dealerships. We have kept the vocabulary.

Tell me, is it necessary to get a special trade and economic education to work as a manager in a Moscow car dealership?

Not at all! Among car sellers, you can often meet representatives of completely different professions: from graduates of pedagogical universities to people who graduated from a theater school.

From my experience, I can only tell you exactly what is usually written in all codes of requirements for candidates. Stress resistance is always at the forefront. You will have to work a lot with people, they are different and behave accordingly in different ways, so from time to time there are difficulties in working with clients.

Employers also welcome the skills of a psychologist.

Who do they prefer to hire as a sales manager in a car dealership?

First of all, you need to remember that the manager, who is on the trading floor, unwittingly becomes the face of the organization. Going inside the organization, whether it be a bakery or a car dealership, the seller catches your eye, therefore, in a person applying for a position, there must be accuracy and, in addition to it, a presentable appearance.

Also, the natural charm and charisma of a person are valued. Speech must also be developed. The ability to support the conversation that has begun is also an important detail.

I now have a director of a car dealership - younger than me, he started right after school as a manager. Sold somehow sold used. car to his peer, dissuaded him from several bad options, advised him what would suit him better.

And years later, the diaspora gave this guy (buyer) a business, so he came to the salon where he bought his first car, found a manager and invited him to his place.

Here, constant communication with new people, and like any communication, can have consequences.

There must be girls among the managers, and several types. Appreciated business style, strict but at the same time a little defiant. Instincts work.

You need to be able to adapt to the client, to be at some time a follower, at some time - to lead.

Is it true that the more expensive the brand of cars sold, the more they pay?

Yes and no. The class of cars presented in the salon often has no influence on the final earnings. The higher the price of a product, the lower the demand for it. Thus, let's say that while one Porsche premium car is being sold, three Reno cars will find a buyer in another car dealership. Everything is proportional here.

Accordingly, sales managers for the sale of cars in these two car dealerships will receive approximately the amount of a percentage of sales.

But, often in expensive salons the salary is higher, there are additional “goodies”, for example, in the form of a gym, a paid dentist, trainings with a psychologist, etc. in addition, due to the high margin, some sellers may increase the percentage. Plus a circle of friends, but that's another story.

What is the salary of a car dealership manager?

Salary is formed from the following elements: net salary, bonuses, bonuses from goods sold. Not only personal sales, but also sales of all employees of the department are also taken into account. Seasonality has a very strong influence on the number of sales. So, in winter, the demand for cars usually drops sharply.

What is the main component of the salary of a car dealership employee? How much can you earn?

The key component, of course, is the percentage of the manager's sales. The seller receives a bonus from each car sold, but each car dealership determines its size in its own way. Most often, for the implementation of a popular model that is in great demand among buyers, the reward is less, and by selling a less sold car, the sales manager gets more.

As a rule, a good percentage is also charged to the manager for the sale of accessories and additional equipment for the car, as well as service work on the car purchased at the car dealership.

- not so difficult, beginners, green thirty do. Once I was given a tip of two red ones (editor's note -) for the fact that I quickly arranged everything and helped with some questions.

Many managers have their own experience. I have a database of numbers and e-mails of clients to whom I sold cars (I collect data with their consent). When something new interesting appears, I call and tell. Not intrusive (the issue was agreed with the management, since the contract contains a clause about the personal information of customers).

I track the age of the purchased cars, this is also a reason to call. For example, to one peasant, every two years I customize Fords at a good price, he loves this brand. There are many more chips, but I won’t tell, this is my earnings.

Be in the shoes of a car dealer

Reader's story.

A friend from the village drove his Opel to the city and asked me to sell it at a better price. The task was such that a friend received money, and I earned extra money on the sale.

I put it on the car market, wrote my phone number and went to work with peace of mind. Of course, during the day, different people immediately began to call. Someone tried to bargain, someone did not want to buy through an intermediary, someone found out the details about the car.

The first day was wasted. Yes, I did not expect that on the very first day they would tear me off with arms and legs. But somewhere on the third day, I still went to the place of sale, there was a buyer. The peasant looked at the car for a long time, drove in circles and we agreed.

Called a friend, he drove up a few hours later. Right on the market, they signed the contract, since I already had forms, he left in a purchased car, I was with money and a friend on my own.

We agreed that ten percent of the sale is mine, 43 thousand came out. This is not counting the parking fees at the market. Well, it worked out well. I did not do any difficult work, but I received a significant increase in the budget.

From the author: if you want to start a successful career in sales, the best solution to start would be to get a job as a manager in an online store. There you can try yourself, so to speak, in the field and gain basic knowledge under the guidance of a more experienced leader. How and how much do sales managers in an online store earn? We will talk about this below.

The profession of a sales manager in an online store is good because both experienced sellers who have been engaged in this craft for more than a year, and beginners who can communicate politely and listen carefully to other people can succeed in it. The latter, for efficiency, will only need to introduce a few effective chips into their business communication script, and the result will not be long in coming.

Who is a sales manager?

The sales manager is an integral part of most business models, regardless of their focus and geographic location. This specialist must understand in detail the intricacies of the trading craft, since often it is he who provides the company in which he works with the proper level of revenue.

How do sales managers earn? Their main goal is to sell the maximum amount of goods or services (depending on the type of business activity) during the work schedule set by the manager. He succeeds in this thanks to a well-built system of negotiations and all sorts of tricks related to working on customer objections, the ability to close a deal at the right time and other important points.

As a rule, in order for sales managers to earn more, thereby increasing the overall income of the company, a certain plan is set for them, to which they strive daily. The financial bar is formed depending on the goals of the business. Often, if a person regularly does not cope with the plan established by the management, he is fired or given a warning.

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If the standard is exceeded, the specialist is entitled to additional profit, which is a kind of motivation system.

Sales manager average salary

How much do sales managers get paid? A common scheme is a small rate, supplemented by a tempting percentage of 10-40% of the profits on concluded transactions. This approach allows managers to constantly be in good shape and not relax, giving their best at work in order to ensure a high and constant level of earnings.

How much does a sales manager in Moscow and St. Petersburg earn? As a rule, the figure is about 30,000-50,000 rubles. depending on the type of activity of the online store and its level of income. However, the amount of salary that you will be called during the interview is not so important. Much more important is the ability to sell and a set of certain qualities that are simply necessary to succeed in this business: politeness, stress tolerance, the desire for continuous development, etc.

How much does a regional sales manager earn on average? As a rule, the figure is in the range of 10,000-30,000 rubles. However, due to the fact that the profession does not require your live presence, you can find suitable vacancies in Moscow or St. Petersburg, working remotely.

Is special training needed?

Professions in the trade area do not require a diploma, indicating the receipt of a special higher education. All that an employer needs from you is the result. Some companies provide a ready-made sales script (prescribed conversation structure and prepared responses to any customer objections), others provide freedom in negotiations, which, nevertheless, still need to be built on the basis of generally accepted standards.

If you want to succeed in trading, you will have to constantly develop. This can be done through books, educational videos, audio and text articles. Also of great importance in developing sales skills is attending various live trainings and online webinars. Moreover, many of them are open for free, so the problem associated with the lack of start-up capital disappears by itself.

Despite the importance of learning, we recommend not to dwell on it, but to practice more. Try to keep proportions within 80% of practice and 20% of training. Also, having an experienced mentor will give a huge boost to your efficiency. Carefully choose such a specialist, based on his real results, and how to decide who it will be, listen carefully to him and totally trust him.

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In general, in order to comprehend the basics of selling on the Internet, you will need 3-6 weeks of intensive training and the same amount of real negotiations with customers.

How to start a sales career?

If we are considering working as a sales manager in an online store, then it is logical that for a successful career development, you need to study the specifics of this particular area well. The salesperson must clearly understand how to build a dialogue with the client, depending on whether the lead is warm or cold. It is unlikely that you understood the meaning of the previous sentence, but if you have basic knowledge, everything will immediately fall into place.

To get started, read a couple of books on sales and go through other related topics. You can choose from this list:

"Sales and negotiations" (Sergey Azimov);

Call Master (Evgeny Zhilin);

Sales Champions (Matthew Dixon);

“Everything can be negotiated” (Gavin Kennedy).

Next, find a suitable job with a decent level of pay on the Internet. If you don’t have even minimal experience in sales or hesitant speech during an interview does not allow you to convince the employer of your prospects, then it may take time to find a job. We recommend giving preference to those companies that provide staff training. This way you can get to the point faster.

An interesting option for the practical application of knowledge gained from books will be. Having developed with, you will be able to understand all the intricacies of the online sales process. The experience gained will be useful for getting a job in the future, and you will generally understand how much easier it is to be an employee in the trade field than to own a business and take all the risks.

If you have read the article to the end, then you probably now have a complete picture of how much a sales manager earns, and how he does it. The work is quite stressful and monotonous, however, with proper experience, it will be possible to reach very decent amounts.

If you have any doubts about whether to develop in this area or it is better to do something else, start passing today, develop a test site and try to sell any goods or services. If you like it - continue, if you don't like it or it will be too difficult - find another way to earn money.

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In today's dynamic life, managers are found in almost every area of ​​society. Moreover, they can work at any level of the company, from its lower employees to management. The peculiarity of the profession is that it is almost impossible to achieve a professional maximum in it - there is always room to grow.

Managers may be entrusted with various tasks of a managerial nature, including the development of a strategy for the company as a whole. Under the current conditions, the need for qualified employees of this category is not only not decreasing, but is constantly growing. People who are just about to enter the profession are especially interested in the question, how much do managers earn? The answer to it may be different.

What do managers do?

Based on the characteristics of the company, managers can work in almost any position. Traditionally, they are assigned managerial functions. There are also options for remote work for such employees.

First of all, the manager needs the ability to think logically and objectively assess the situation, as well as to predict. It is he who distributes the current affairs among the lower-ranking employees of the company, and further monitors the correctness and quality of the work assigned. In many cases, managers think through how exactly they can achieve a particular goal for the company. Knowledge of the basics of office work is a necessary quality for a professional employee.

What does income depend on?

The answer to the question of how much a manager earns depends on many factors. But the final amount is made up of classical components, for example, salary, that is, a fixed amount of payment in conjunction with interest for and bonuses for completing tasks.

What are the nuances? A feature of managers of any level is that the smallest part falls on a fixed amount. This is the main stimulus for active work in the future.

This kind of motivation on the part of the employer is very effective. Employees receive the amount that they actually earned.

How much a sales manager earns is also influenced by other factors. To the greatest extent, it depends on the demand for the products offered and its seasonal fluctuations, along with competitiveness indicators. Important factors in the work of a manager are the action of political and economic components, the number of employees in a particular department.

How much does a manager earn on average?

How much managers earn is predominantly determined by:

  • features of the company's industry affiliation;
  • region of work.

In practice, even in companies with similar jobs, the income of employees can be different. They depend on the activity of the employee himself, the fruitfulness of his work and work experience.

So how much does a manager earn? At the initial stage of his labor activity, his salary is about 20-40 thousand rubles. Experienced specialists receive 80-100 thousand rubles a month, and in some structures even more.

Top managers of leading companies have millions in income.

sales manager income

How much sales managers earn always consists of a fixed component and a certain percentage of sales. A person should receive as much as he works. Moreover, it also depends on the quality of the work performed, along with such specific parameters as the nature of sales and their average cost, and the scope of activity.

On average, sales managers can work in areas such as:

  1. Retail trade. Usually refers to expensive goods like cars. Therefore, highly qualified specialists are required here.
  2. Wholesale trade. It is relevant for food, building and packaging materials, and other areas.
  3. Sales of services. Managers specializing in this area have a special specificity of work. It is difficult to calculate the final benefit here. We are talking about working with recruiting, advertising, outsourcing, consulting, etc.

Income of managers in the Moscow region

The average salary of specialists in Russia differs significantly from its value in the regions. The highest wages are typical for Moscow. So, when answering the question of how much managers in Moscow earn, the amount is likely to be from 50-100 thousand rubles and more. Lower rates are set for those who work in the insurance and construction sectors. The highest incomes are from employees specializing in the sale of real estate of the elite category, advertising, and equipment.

In many ways, the final amount of earnings of Moscow managers depends on the specific company and its level, the specifics of work, as well as the experience and position of employees.

Tourism managers income

Many are concerned about the question, how much do tourism managers earn? Their work is interesting, though not easy. According to recent studies, employees in this area receive from 30 thousand rubles a month. But the amount has a regional binding, as well as a pronounced seasonality.

Employees of large travel companies with extensive work experience have a higher income. They have enough experience to work with the most fastidious customers and keep sales at a high level.

The highest income in this area is typical for those who specialize in organizing so-called VIP tours, as well as business tourism, which has become popular in recent years. A good knowledge of foreign languages, the presence of a ready-made customer base are welcome here.

Income of car sales managers

It is widely believed among the people that people who work in car dealerships receive huge wages. How Much Do Car Sales Managers Really Earn?

The specifics of this area is such that cars are not purchased every day. Moreover, in recent years, sales have declined significantly due to the economic crisis. This is reflected in the profitability of specialists. What does it mean?

Managers who specialize in car sales have a small fixed income, but the main benefit comes from a percentage of sales. Its value will depend on which category the car is sold (for cars that are difficult to sell for a long time, the management of car dealerships assigns additional bonuses).

People working in this area need to skillfully talk about the advantages and disadvantages of models, while being able to convince the buyer to purchase a product with certain characteristics that are most beneficial to the salon in a particular situation. In many cases, it is necessary to actually reorient people to other models. They may be representatives of a completely different class than the buyer originally wanted.

What is the best area for a manager to work in?

It is impossible to unequivocally name the most profitable field of activity for managers. Each direction has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

The largest number of people are involved in the wholesale trade, especially those with high demand. The same applies to retail. But here in most cases we are talking about special goods like real estate, elite items and other things.

With certain skills and experience in any field, a manager can receive high incomes. Everything depends only on him. But in the capital, the salary will still be higher than in the provinces.


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