Famous people who were obsessed with their idea. Obsession with Ideas - Mental Illness or Normal? In the classroom and at home

To the 110th anniversary (1908) of the cosmic catastrophe that played out over
Siberia at the beginning of the twentieth century

The full version of the sketch presented here is published in the book:
Popov A., Lavbin Y., Lazutkin D., Nekhaev O., Chernobrov V.
Expeditions. Hypotheses. Findings
Krasnoyarsk. Platina Publishing House.

The Association of Russian Book Publishers and the Union of Russian Journalists have named the winners of the Best Books of 2008 competition.
The book "The Tunguska Phenomenon ..." was recognized in the nomination "The best publication on natural sciences, technology and medicine." Platina Publishing House. Krasnoyarsk. 2008.

See also the documentary "Master of the World ... Nikola Tesla"

This greatest inventor in the world is undeservedly rarely mentioned in modern physics textbooks and scientific works. But he once discovered alternating current, fluorescent light, wireless transmission of energy, built the first electric clock, a turbine, and a solar-powered engine. He invented the radio before Marconi and Popov, received a three-phase current before Dolivo-Dobrovolsky.

It was he who predicted the possibility of treating patients with high-frequency current, the appearance of electric furnaces, fluorescent lamps, an electron microscope, a mobile phone, an electric car. The term "cyberspace" is usually associated with William Gibson and other science fiction writers of the 80s. However, the first person who tried to practically achieve the effect of "virtual reality" with the help of electronics, 100 years before the Internet, was exactly Him.

On his patents, in essence, the entire energy industry of the twentieth century grew. The scientist worked for several decades on the problem of the energy of the entire Universe, experimented with antigravity, there is a suspicion that he invented a time machine ... He studied the mechanisms of motion of the Sun and planets. I tried to learn how to manage cosmic energy myself. And to establish a connection with other worlds.

They said that in the last years of his life He worked on the construction of artificial intelligence. And I wanted to learn how to photograph thoughts, considering it quite possible ...

1. Inspirational prophet of electricity

New York, East Houston Street, 48. At this address at the beginning of the last century lived a strange scientist, unsociable, with a feverish gleam of black eyes. It was rumored that he was "a relative of Count Dracula" and a vampire himself, intolerant of sunlight. They also said that he created a weapon capable of blowing the entire globe to pieces.

The scientist lived in the most prestigious hotels, wore expensive suits, was not married and was a welcome, albeit rather rare, guest in any aristocratic house. Many brides from the upper circle looked at him. But he himself avoided receptions and women, loved long walks - they stimulated the work of thought. The scientist allotted four hours for sleep, of which two were usually spent thinking about ideas. His obsession with science knew no bounds.

This was Nikola Tesla, a native of the small Croatian village of Smiliany, a graduate of the University of Prague, a man who was later named by the great Rutherford "the inspired prophet of electricity", and Mark Twain called "the lord of lightning." Jules Verne, impressed by his personality, created the image of Captain Nemo ...

Nikola Tesla was born on July 10 (June 28, old style) 1856 in the small Croatian village of Smiliany. His parents were Serbs. Father, Milutin Tesla is an Orthodox priest, mother, Djuka Mandic is a housewife.

From childhood, he was haunted by strange visions, flashes of light invisible to others. Sometimes, for many hours, he was immersed in the contemplation of some other, unknown worlds, so bright that he confused them with reality. Perfectly rational technical ideas were born out of this almost madness. The young man was especially fascinated by electricity. That which cut through the sky in fiery zigzags and strewed with tender sparks from the hair of a caressing cat.

The father saw in the son a future priest. But against his will, Nikola went to study at the Advanced Technical School in Graz, then to the University of Prague, from which he graduated in 1880. While still in his sophomore year, he was struck by the idea of ​​an induction alternator. The professor with whom Tesla shared the idea found it delusional. But this conclusion only spurred the inventor and in 1882, while working in Paris, he discovered the principle of a rotating magnetic field and built a working model of a generator. In 1883, already in Strasbourg, a young scientist assembled the first models of induction motors ...

In 1884, Tesla set out to conquer America. To Thomas Edison. With a recommendation from a Parisian friend: “I know two great people. One of them is you, the second is this young man. "

Edison took the promising electrical engineer into his company, but almost immediately friction began between the inventors. They approached creative tasks in different ways. Edison liked only what made a profit immediately. Tesla did only what was interesting to him. All the works of the eminent American were based on direct current. And then some Serb with burning eyes is talking about alternating current. Edison tried so hard to prove the danger of Tesla's ideas that he did not hesitate to even defiantly kill a dog with an alternating current. But it didn't help. What the whole world uses today won. Indeed, it is the alternating current that flows through the wires in our apartments.

The main reason for their gap was the divergence of views on the origin of electricity. Edison adhered to the well-known theory of the "motion of charged particles", Tesla had a different vision of this phenomenon.

In his theory of electricity, the basic concept was the ether - some invisible substance that fills the whole world and transmits vibrations at a speed many times greater than the speed of light. Every millimeter of space, Tesla believed, is saturated with boundless, infinite energy, which you just need to be able to extract.

And today, theorists of modern physics have not yet been able to explain Tesla's views on the physical reality of his interpretation of electricity. But why did he not formulate his theory himself? Or maybe he was a spiritual harbinger of a new civilization, in which the only inexhaustible source of energy will be the asynchrony of various levels of physical processes, that is, Time itself? ..

In 1891 Nikola Tesla created the first high frequency (resonant) transformer. Unlike other transformers, it does not have a ferromagnetic core: getting into resonance, the coils transmitted current to each other literally through the air.

In the course of one of his lectures on the high-frequency electromagnetic field to the scientists of the Royal Academy, he remotely turned on and off the electric motor, in his hands light bulbs came on by themselves. Some didn't even have a spiral - just an empty flask. It was 1892!

After the lecture, physicist John Rayleigh invited Tesla into his office and solemnly proclaimed, pointing to the chair: “Sit down, please. This is the chair of the great Faraday. After his death, no one sat in it. "

Visitors to the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago watched in horror as a thin, nervous scientist with a funny Slavic surname passed an electric current of two million volts through himself every day. In theory, there should be no coal left from the experimenter. And Tesla smiled, and in his hands the electric lamps were burning brightly. Now we know that it is not voltage that kills, but the strength of the current and that the high-frequency current passes only over the surface. Then this trick seemed like a miracle.

Since the time of Tesla, the squares and streets of New York have been illuminated by arc lamps of his design. His electric motors, rectifiers, electric generators, transformers, high-frequency equipment worked at the enterprises. Although Marconi received the first patent in the field of radio, many of his other applications were rejected, because Tesla had already received a lot of patents for numerous improvements in radio equipment ...

On July 10, 1931, Nikola Tesla made a sensational statement in print: “More than 25 years ago I began my efforts to harness cosmic rays, and now I can declare that I have achieved success ... I harnessed cosmic rays and made them control (move) a moving device ". In 1933, in an article for the New York American about his invention, Tesla wrote: “This new energy to control the machinery of the world will be extracted from the energy that drives the universe, cosmic energy, the central source of which for the Earth is the Sun and which is present everywhere in unlimited quantities ".

In the same 1931, Tesla showed the Americans his mysterious electric car. The gasoline engine was removed from the luxury limousine and the electric motor was installed. Then Tesla, in front of the public, placed a nondescript box under the hood, from which two rods were sticking out, and connected it to the engine. Saying: "Now we have energy," Tesla got behind the wheel and drove off.

The miracle machine was tested for a week. She developed a speed of up to 150 km / h and, it seems, did not need to be recharged at all. Everyone asked Tesla: "Where does the energy come from?" He replied: "From the air." Probably, today we would have already driven cars with a perpetual motion machine, if not for those old spectators, who then talked about evil spirits. The angry scientist took the mysterious box out of the car and took it to the laboratory. Its mystery has not yet been solved.

2. The Philadelphia Experiment

In the pre-war years, Tesla began working on closed projects for the US Navy. This included the wireless transmission of energy to defeat the enemy, and the creation of resonant weapons, and attempts to control time. From 1936 to 1942 he was the director of the "Rainbow" project - using the "Stealth" technology - in the framework of which the infamous Philadelphia experiment took place, which during his lifetime, foreseeing the possibility of human sacrifice, in every possible way delayed the inventor himself.

And yet, after Tesla's death, in October 1943, the US Navy conducted an experiment to make the ship invisible to radar. For this purpose, an "electromagnetic bubble" was created on the destroyer Eldridge DE-173 - a screen that, with the help of Nikola Tesla's generators, would divert radar radiation past the ship.

The experiment revealed a completely unexpected side effect. The ship became invisible not only to the radar, but also to the naked eye. A number of strong magnetic fields also changed its local temporal-spatial coordinates, and the cruiser disappeared for a while, and then appeared for a few seconds elsewhere - in one of the largest naval bases in Norfolk, in a port in southeast Virginia, on the Atlantic coast , 350 kilometers from Philadelphia.

After a very short time, the ship re-materialized in the port from which it sailed - in Philadelphia. The strangest things happened to the crew. Half of the sailors disappeared forever, some went mad or acquired the ability to disappear and reappear of their own accord. Some of the survivors claimed that they "changed the world" and saw, even talked with unearthly beings.

For the people involved in the project, this "teleportation" was a disaster. While the ship was "moving" from the Philadelphia Navy base to Norfolk and back, the crew members completely lost their orientation in time and space. And upon returning to the base, many could not move without leaning on the walls, and were in a state of inescapable terror.

Subsequently, after a long period of rehabilitation, all team members were dismissed as "mentally unbalanced." As a result, the project "Rainbow" was closed. And the results of the experiment were classified. Nobody knows what was actually there.

3. Echo of the Tunguska catastrophe

On the night of June 29-30, 1908, a little after midnight (GMT) in Central Siberia, in the area between the Podkamennaya and Nizhnyaya Tungusok rivers, an explosion thundered of a gigantic force, which caused extremely powerful sound, light and seismic effects both in Siberia itself and observed in many cities in Europe.

At a point on the earth's surface located 70 km north-west of the village. Vanavara on Podkamennaya Tunguska, at an altitude of 5-7 km, an object exploded, which, according to many researchers, entered the dense layers of the atmosphere from space.

The flight trajectory of the exploded object was quite complex: judging by a number of data, it switched from a relatively flat (10-15 degrees) initial trajectory to a very steep (40 degrees), while making, apparently, a "turn" in the counterclockwise direction at least 15 degrees. Not a single previously known space body that entered the earth's atmosphere had the ability to maneuver during flight, especially to perform such "turns".

At that time, the main explosion was probably accompanied by one or more low-altitude explosions of lesser power. Their nature and mechanism, as well as the entire Tunguska phenomenon, as a whole, remain unclear ...

The multi-megaton explosion on Tunguska became the brightest, but far from the only link in the chain of anomalous planetary phenomena that filled the summer of 1908. In the last days of June 1908, numerous anomalous optical atmospheric effects began to be noted in Europe and Siberia, manifested, in particular, in the form of bright dawns and the appearance of night glowing clouds.

The air waves of the Tunguska "meteorite" twice circled the entire globe and were recorded by many observatories of the world, and the earthquake caused by it was noted not only in Irkutsk, Tashkent and Tiflis, but also in the Berlin area. In addition, about 5 minutes after the explosion, a magnetic storm began, recorded in Irkutsk. It lasted more than 3 hours and was very similar in its parameters to the perturbations of the Earth's magnetic field observed after high-altitude nuclear explosions.

The echo of the Tunguska catastrophe sounded across the globe. The night has disappeared over the vast area, covered from the east by the Yenisei, from the south by the Tashkent-Stavropol-Sevastopol-northern Italy-Bordeaux line, and from the west by the western coast of the Atlantic Ocean. For three days, from June 30 to July 2, 1908, there were bright nights, reminiscent of the "white nights" in the northern regions of Europe. Throughout the night, one could read a newspaper text, read the readings of a clock or a compass, while the main lighting came from extremely bright clouds located at an altitude of about 80 km.

A huge field of these clouds hovered over the expanses of Siberia and Europe, in addition, other anomalous optical phenomena were observed in this territory - bright "motley" dawns, halos and crowns around the sun, and in some places - a decrease in the transparency of the atmosphere, which reached California in August and is explained , apparently, by dusting the atmosphere with the products of the Tunguska explosion. There is reason to believe that the "fall" of the Tunguska "meteorite" even affected the Southern Hemisphere: in any case, it was on that day in Antarctica that the aurora, unusual in form and power, was observed, described by the participants of Shackleton's English Antarctic expedition.

One of the most important features of the Tunguska explosion is the absence of visible traces of matter from a cosmic body in the area of ​​the catastrophe. Recall that the energy of the Tunguska "meteorite" in TNT equivalent is estimated at 10-40 megatons, and at least 10 percent of it went into a light flash. Such energy of the explosion could be provided by the destruction of an asteroid or comet moving at a cosmic speed only if their mass was at least 100,000 tons.

One hundred thousand (and according to some estimates - several hundred thousand) tons of atomized space material is not a needle that could disappear without a trace. In the area, for example, of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite, the entire area is dotted with craters and craters formed as a result of the fall of its fragments, and the surrounding swamps and soils contain a huge amount of microscopic frozen drops of molten meteorite matter.

In the case of the Tunguska object, nothing of the kind was observed. The searches carried out in the area of ​​its explosion for both large fragments and meteoric dust, despite all the stubbornness of the researchers and the high accuracy of the methods used, invariably gave the same result: only a small amount of meteoric dust was found in the surrounding soils and peats, which can be found at any point on the earth's surface, because the combustion of meteors in the Earth's atmosphere occurs everywhere and constantly, but no significant addition of space material attached to the Tunguska object was found.

This paradox can be explained in two ways: either no material remnants of the exploded body fell out in the area of ​​the catastrophe, which contradicts common sense, or this material differs in its composition from "ordinary" meteorites and meteors.

The version of the Tunguska explosion that is officially accepted today is a 100,000-ton fragment of comet Yenka, consisting mainly of dust and ice, which entered the atmosphere at a speed of 62,000 miles per hour, heated up and exploded above the Earth's surface, causing ball lightning and a shock wave, not forming as a result of the explosion no crater.

The energy of the Tunguska explosion then exceeded the energy of the atomic explosion in Hiroshima by no less than a thousand times. At the same time, scientists have established that if this event happened 4 hours later, the cosmic impact would have hit St. Petersburg. Without a doubt, the number of human casualties would then go to hundreds of thousands, and humanity would become acquainted with the prospects awaiting it in the event of a nuclear war. And much earlier than it actually happened.

4. Wardencliff for Europe

The trick with the transfer of energy by air, which Nikola Tesla conducted in Colorado Springs at the end of the 19th century, impressed the banker John Pierpont Morgan, one of the richest American "oligarchs" of that time. At his invitation, the engineer moves to New York to implement the ambitious project "Wardenclyffe" - the World Center for Wireless Power Transmission. The project was based on the idea of ​​a resonant buildup of the ionosphere, provided for the participation of 2000 people and was named "Wardencliff".

Morgan allocated 150 thousand dollars (today it is several tens of millions of dollars) and a plot of 200 acres on Long Island for the construction of a transmitter of electrical signals to Europe. Soon there began the construction of a grandiose tower 57 meters high with a steel shaft deepened into the ground by 36 meters. At the top of the tower is a 55-ton metal dome with a diameter of 20 meters ...

A test run of a transmitter never seen before took place in 1905 and produced a stunning effect. "Tesla set the sky over the ocean on fire for thousands of miles," the newspapers wrote. It was a scientist's triumph!

The surviving recordings of Nikola Tesla have many mentions and references to the use of his wireless technology for transmitting energy, including for military purposes. These links were investigated at various times for their possible involvement in the 1908 Tunguska explosion, which, according to a number of experts, was, possibly, a trial test of his directed energy weapon.

Even a year before these events, Tesla noted in a letter to The New York Times: “Regarding the projection of wave energy to any particular region of the globe ... this can be done by my devices ... and ... the place to be influenced can to be calculated very closely, if we take the correct terrestrial dimensions. "

In April 1908, in a letter to the editor of the same newspaper, Tesla repeated the thought about the possible use of his invention for military purposes: “When I spoke about military operations in the future, I meant that they should be directly related to the use of electric waves ... This is not a dream ... Even now, wireless power plants could be built that could turn any area of ​​the globe uninhabitable without exposing the population of other parts to serious danger or inconvenience. "

The most interesting in this regard is the testimony of eyewitnesses that a few months before the Tunguska explosion, Nikola Tesla requested detailed maps of Siberia for himself. Previously, these places did not interest him. Why did he need them then?

6. What could have happened on the Podkamennaya Tunguska?

The nature of the Tunguska events is most compatible with what would happen as a result of the launch of a bunch of wireless energy. When Tesla used his transmitter as a directed energy weapon, he drastically altered the normal electrical state of the Earth. By making the planet's electrical charge vibrate in tune with its transmitter, he was able to create electric fields that affected the compasses, and cause the upper atmosphere to behave like the gas filling the lamps in his laboratory. He could turn the entire globe into a simple electrical component that was easy to control.

The closest connection between the Tunguska events of 1908 and Nikola Tesla's energy transfer scheme is that when the sky during the experiment sparkled with an eerie light, it was possible to "clearly see ships at sea for miles in the middle of the night." The scientist argued that such optical phenomena were the result of the impact on the ionosphere of its powerful transmitters.

In contrast to the theory of the 1908 Earth collision with an icy comet, reports on the state of the upper atmosphere and magnetic changes from other parts of the world during and immediately after the Tunguska events characterize the mass of changes in the electrical state around the Earth. In Berlin, the New York Times reported on July 3rd, the evening sky was of an unusual color: "Wonderful lights were observed in the northern sky ... bright diffused white and yellow illumination lasting all night until disappeared at dawn." Massive glowing "noctilucent clouds" covered Siberia and northern Europe. A Dutch scientist reported a "pulsating mass" moving across the northwestern horizon. It seemed to him that it was not a cloud, but "the sky directly made a wave motion" ...

Tesla has often pointed out that his transmitter can produce up to 100 million volts of voltage and current up to 1000 amperes. He experimented with energies of billions or tens of billions of watts. If such an amount of energy were released in an "immeasurably small period of time", then it would be equal to the explosion of millions of tons of TNT (TNT), that is, its power would be approximately equal to that of the Tunguska explosion.

Such a transmitter was capable of projecting electrical radiation up to the strength of a nuclear warhead. An object located anywhere in the world could simply evaporate at the speed of light. Much later than the events considered here, in 1935, commenting on the possibility of using his invention for wireless transmission of energy over long distances for military purposes, Nikola Tesla said: “For my invention, large territories are required, but, being used, it makes it possible to destroy everything: people or equipment within a radius of 200 miles. "

What may have happened in 1908 over Siberia in the region
Podkamennaya Tunguska ...

7. The Great Mystery of the Century

Let us now turn to one of the official versions of the Tunguska phenomenon today - the explosion of a space object. Based on the properties of the explosion, scientists believe that some debris of a celestial body should have flown to the ground. They were looking for a funnel or crater. But so far, no traces of the blow have been found on the ground.

A group of geologists from the University of Bologna claims that Lake Cheko in the Evenki Autonomous Okrug fits the description of such a crater. Cheko is a shallow lake, but its bottom is funnel-shaped, which is not observed in other lakes in the area. In addition, at a depth of 10 meters, the researchers discovered an unusual area, which can be either compacted sediment or a fragment of space rock. “We have no conclusive evidence that this is the crater, but we were able to exclude other hypotheses and thus came to this conclusion,” said Giuseppe Longo, who led the research team, in an interview. The results of their work were recently published in the Terra Nova magazine.

Experts on collisions of space objects with the Earth were skeptical about the conclusion of the Longo group. "In my opinion, they definitely did not provide conclusive evidence that this is the structure of the crash site," said Dr. Gareth Collins of Imperial College London. - Crater specialists only recognize craters when there are signs of high temperatures and pressures. Such signs can be molten rocks or rocks crushed by impact. " In addition, according to him, Lake Cheko is too shallow, it has an elliptical shape, unusual for craters, which could arise only at a very acute angle of fall, and there are trees more than a hundred years old near it, while all the trees are at the site of the meteorite fall in 1908 were knocked down.

A number of computer models show that large fragments of the meteorite might not have survived at all, and small ones - about a centimeter - were scattered hundreds of kilometers around. Italian scientists substantiate their assumption by the fact that the meteorite could fly at a relatively low speed, and the landing in the swampy taiga area was “soft”. It is with this that they explain the fact that the surrounding area has suffered relatively little.

Lake Cheko was not marked on any geographical maps until 1929, but it is located in a remote, inaccessible area that may have previously been insufficiently explored. In the summer of 2008, scientists and researchers are going on a new expedition to the lake. They intend to drill a dense section of the bottom, which was discovered in the course of geophysical research, and establish whether a meteorite fragment actually lies in this place ...

8. At the origins of "Star Wars"

As for the experiments of Nikola Tesla ... They not only "tamed lightning" and commanded electricity, but also laid the foundation for the creation in the world of one of the formidable beam weapons, which, possibly, was first tested by him in 1908.

It was 1943. In Europe, the Second World War was already raging with might and main. Shortly before his death, Tesla announced that he had invented the "death rays" that are capable of destroying 10,000 aircraft from a distance of 400 km. About the secret of the rays themselves - not a sound. And at the same time, the scientist first of all proposed to use the rays themselves for industrial wireless transmission of electricity.

True, Nikola Tesla was not a pioneer in the development of "death rays". Russian scientist, professor Mikhail Filippov reported on June 12, 1903: “The other day I made a discovery, the development of which will practically abolish the war. We are talking about a method invented by me for the electrical transmission of an explosion wave over a distance. Moreover, this transmission is possible over a distance of thousands of kilometers ... The blast wave is completely transmitted along the carrier electromagnetic wave. And thus, a dynamite charge detonated in Moscow can transmit its impact to Constantinople. "

The intelligence agencies of many countries of the world were interested in Tesla's developments in the field of creating beam weapons. The Pentagon was developing a project to create invisible weapons using stealth technology, within the framework of which preparations were hastily going on for the Philadelphia experiment with its stealth ship. Tesla was in a hurry, and he kept repeating that the project was not yet ready for testing. And, already ill, he stubbornly refused the help of doctors. Why?

On the morning of January 7, the maid entered his room at the New Yorker Hotel - Tesla was lying dead. The body of the great inventor was cremated and an urn with ashes installed in Ferncliff Cemetery in New York. This is how the life of the most mysterious, perhaps, of all the great scientists of the world ended.

After his death, part of the scientist's archive disappeared. Someone, and not without reason, believes that they were stolen by the special services. Some of his biographers believe that he himself burned most of his manuscripts at the beginning of World War II, making sure that this knowledge is too dangerous for unreasonable humanity ...

And Tesla's fears had every reason. It was his ideas that formed the basis for the post-war development of charged-particle beam weapons in the United States and Russia.

In the 80s of the last century, the United States announced a new round of the arms race - now in space, the so-called Star Wars program. It was proclaimed in 1983 by Ronald Reagan as a long-term program for the creation of a missile defense (ABM) system with space-based elements, which also makes it possible to strike ground targets from space. To track such targets in the United States, the GPS space navigation system was subsequently deployed.

The main emphasis in the "Star Wars" program, or as it is also called SDI, a strategic defense initiative, was placed on the creation of new types of weapons that use electromagnetic radiation of various spectral ranges as a damaging factor - from radio waves to gamma radiation. The advantage of such, as a rule, X-ray laser weapon is its almost instantaneous achievement of the target, since electromagnetic radiation propagates at the speed of light. This allows you to strike unexpectedly and quickly from a long distance. In addition, there is no need to calculate the trajectory of the target in order to anticipate its movement. There is a fundamental opportunity to destroy taking off intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in the active (acceleration) section of their trajectory within the first 5 minutes after launch ...

Russia, defending its national interests, had to adequately respond to the resulting disparity in military technologies in the world. And in the second half of the 80s (according to some sources in 1984), a Russian scientist, academician Remiliy Avramenko develops an asymmetric response to the Star Wars program - he creates a new defensive plasmoid weapon, the idea of ​​which was laid down by Nikola Tesla. A little later, the development and creation of the global space navigation system GloNavS (analogue of the American GPS) began in Russia, which will begin to operate in full on the territory of our country in 2008, and since 2009 - all over the world ...

According to some sources, the microwave offensive weapon, which Nikola Tesla wrote about at one time, was already used by the Americans during the last conflict in Iraq. “If” - because the secrecy of these developments, combined with the invisibility of radiation, makes it possible to well disguise its use.

In small doses, microwave radiation is used by physicians for treatment purposes to warm up certain parts of the human body (UHF therapy). Large doses of microwave radiation affect both humans and technicians. Generators of microwave radiation have already been created, which allow concentrating power of hundreds of megawatts ...

An interesting fact: in August 2002, a report on the possible use of microwave weapons in Iraq was co-located on the New Scientist website with another news, which told about numerous cases of modem burns due to "lightning strikes". According to PC World, in the summer of 2002 in the UK alone, the number of complaints about burned-out modems was 10 times higher than the usual rate of such failures. So maybe the thunderstorm wasn't the only one to blame?

And space wars, the foundation of which was unwittingly laid by Nikola Tesla's research, have already begun. On October 2, 2006, China attacked a US spy satellite with a high-powered laser beam that was launched from Earth into space to "blind" the satellite aerial photography system.

An attack carried out at a distance of several hundred kilometers from the Earth's surface will go down in human history as the first example of such wars. As much as the Pentagon did not hide this information, the message about this incident first appeared in the American Defense News, which is considered the most authoritative publication on defense issues. Some time later, this information was repeated by several more American media outlets.

According to Defense News, the US administration tried to drown out the echo of this event. Ultimately, a short one-line message came from the White House: "China has the ability to" blind "American satellites with a ground-based laser system of enormous power ..."

A. Yu. Olkhovatov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, describing in his book events similar to the Tunguska phenomenon in 1993-95 in Australia, cites the hypothesis of the Australian geologist Harry Mason, who linked the strange explosions and flights of fireballs with the activities in this area of ​​the notorious AUM sect Shinrikyo and even brought in the Australian authorities and a special commission of the US Congress to investigate. According to Mason, the sect at one time was very interested in Tesla's experiments, in connection with which the Australian geologist considered the mysterious explosions to be the result of testing some secret weapon ...

At the end of the 19th century, a very spectacular and dangerous experiment was carried out in a laboratory located in the American city of Colorado Springs. From a large copper hemisphere that crowned a very high tower, lightning up to forty meters in length suddenly began to strike. The gigantic electrical discharges were accompanied by thunderous rumbles that could be heard from 15 miles away. A huge ball of light blazed around the tower.

And twenty-five miles from the tower, to the applause of the observers, 200 light bulbs were lit at once. The electrical charge was transmitted to them without any wires. The incredible experiment was created by Nikola Tesla.

This scientist, who devoted his entire life to the study of electrical energy, himself possessed inexhaustible energy. His obsession knew no bounds. He set aside four hours for rest, of which two were usually spent thinking about ideas, and two for sleeping. Many considered him a very strange person, and it began as a child.

Nikola Tesla, born July 10, 1856, was the fourth child of a Serbian Orthodox priest. From the age of five, Nikola began to experience strange fantastic visions, which were accompanied by flashes of blinding light. He was often overwhelmed by great excitement and, in order to cope with it, he brought himself to the point of exhaustion with physical exercises and even fell into a state of trance. And even in his early years, Nikola spent the nights reading, swallowing books with a kind of maniacal passion.

His father wanted Nikola to become a priest too, but he entered the Higher Technical School in the Austrian city of Graz, and then transferred to the University of Prague.

In 1880 he got the idea to create an alternator. Professor Peschl, with whom the Tesla student shared the original idea, felt that it contradicted all ideas about electricity. But the professor's conclusion only spurred the inventor, and two years later he presented a working model to the amazed specialists.

After that, Tesla decided to demonstrate his generator to the great inventor Edison. He sold everything he had to buy a ticket for a transatlantic flight and arrived in America in 1884.

"King of Inventors" Thomas Alva Edison listened to his guest indulgently. Edison was at his zenith. The light bulb, phonograph and dynamo made him a millionaire. However, direct current was at the heart of all the works of the famous American in the field of electricity. And Edison offered Tesla a job in his company: to bring to mind his, Edison, DC generators. The young emigrant agreed, but while working for Edison, he did not stop improving his alternator. In October 1887 he received a patent for it. Edison did not tolerate this, he began to publicly criticize Tesla's generators.

"If you are so sure that you are right," Tesla objected, "what prevents you from letting me try it or your enterprise?" Suddenly, Edison agreed and even promised his opponent $ 50,000 if he could electrify one of his factories in his own way. He was convinced that this was impossible. Tesla realized his plan in a short time. The effect exceeded all expectations. Edison was discouraged, but refused to pay, saying that his promise was just a joke.

After that, they finally fell out. Tesla until the end of his life could not forgive the "king of inventors" for his deception. In the 30s of the 20th century, he even refused to accept the Nobel Prize, awarded to him jointly with Edison. And then, after the break, in April 1887, Nikola Tesla, having managed to raise funds, opened his own firm, Tesla Electric Light Company. On May 16, 1888, Testa exhibited his work in the field of alternating current at the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. In the hall was the millionaire George Westinghouse, the inventor of the hydraulic brake.

Tesla's performance shocked Westinghouse. He offered the inventor a million dollars for his patents, plus royalties. An agreement was concluded, and the recent emigrant received huge money for those times. When Westinghouse Electric implemented Tesla's developments by building a hydroelectric power station at Niagara Falls, it became clear evidence that the path followed by the inventor opens up new horizons in electrical engineering.

Having obtained financial independence. Tesla continued his research. Moreover, he knew how to very effectively introduce them to ordinary Americans. What he once demonstrated on the streets of Colorado Springs seemed like a real fantasy. In front of the audience, a gasoline engine was removed from an ordinary car and an electric motor was installed. Then Tesla attached a small box under the hood from which two rods protruded. Pushing them forward, Tesla said: "So, now we have energy." Then the drivers sat down, pressed the pedal, and the car drove off! He drove it around the city for a whole week, and there were no batteries or accumulators on the car.

"Where does the energy come from?" - Asked Tesla's puzzled fellow scientists. He calmly answered: "From the ether that surrounds us." After such an absurd statement, rumors spread about the insanity of the electrical engineer. This made Tesla angry. He removed the magic box from the car and returned to the laboratory, forever burying the secret of his electric car.

But the focus with energy out of thin air impressed billionaire John Morgan. At his invitation, the inventor moved to New York to implement the ambitious project "Wardencliff" - the World Center for Wireless Power Transmission. Morgan allocated 150 thousand dollars for it (by the then purchasing power, this amount today would be equal to several tens of millions) and provided a plot of 200 acres on Long Island. There, a 57-meter-high tower was built with a steel shaft 36 meters buried in the ground. A 55-ton metal dome with a diameter of 20 meters was mounted on the top of the tower.

A test run of the unprecedented installation took place at midnight on June 15, 1903 and produced a stunning effect. Dazzlingly bright strands of electric plasma over a hundred miles in length stretched upward from the spherical dome, illuminating the entire area. "Tesla set the sky over the ocean on fire for thousands of miles," the newspapers wrote. It was a triumph. But…

After an unusual night, Tesla suddenly left the Wardencliff and never appeared there again. Later, in his autobiography, he explained it this way: “My project was postponed under the influence of natural laws. The world was not yet ready to accept it. He was too ahead of the time in which he appeared. "

In general, almost everything that Tesla did went beyond the understanding of his contemporaries. One day, he attached an electromechanical device to an iron beam in the attic of the building where his laboratory was located. After a while, the walls of houses several miles from the laboratory began to vibrate, and people rushed into the street in panic.

By that time, everyone had already heard about the fantastic experiments of the "mad inventor". Of course, this is his trick! The police immediately rushed to Tesla's house and a crowd of reporters rushed. Tesla managed to turn off and destroy his vibrator, realizing that he could cause serious disaster. “I could bring down the Brooklyn Bridge in an hour,” he later admitted. And, after thinking a little, he added that he could split the Earth too, all that was needed was a suitable vibrator and accurate timing.

It is not surprising that fantastic experiments and inventions, which baffled scientists, brought Tesla the ominous glory of an "egg-headed maniac". However, he himself contributed to this with his many oddities. For example, Nikola was terrified of germs, constantly washed his hands, and in hotels he demanded up to 18 towels a day. If a fly landed on the table during lunch, he forced the waiter to replace all the dishes. He checked into the hotel only if the number of his apartment was a multiple of three.

Residents of Colorado Springs, where Tesla's laboratory was located, were afraid of this man with piercing black eyes and even suspected him of black magic. Walking down the street, he could suddenly take off into the air and do a somersault. He often walked in the park and loudly recited Goethe's Faust, not paying attention to those around him. Nikola himself said that at these moments brilliant technical ideas dawned on him.

On the other hand, he often showed the gift of foresight. Once he literally by force detained friends who were visiting him so that they would miss the train, and this saved their lives - the train derailed, many passengers were killed or injured. And the billionaire John Morgan was persuaded to abandon the trip on the Titanic, which sank after a collision with an iceberg.

Nikola Tesla died on January 7, 1943 in his laboratory. Many of his ingenious developments were lost for posterity, and most of the diaries and manuscripts disappeared under unexplained circumstances. Some believe that Nikola burned them himself at the beginning of World War II, after making sure that the knowledge contained in them is too dangerous for unreasonable humanity ...

Of all Tesla's accomplishments, physics textbooks usually mention only one - "Tesla's high-frequency transformer." Meanwhile, he discovered alternating current, first developed the principles of remote control, the basics of treatment with high-frequency currents, designed the first electric clock, a solar-powered motor and much more, having received 300 patents for his inventions in different countries. Moreover, the entire modern electric power industry would have been impossible without his discoveries.

To become famous, you need not only to be a risky and desperate person, but also to believe in yourself and love your job. There have always been people who were simply obsessed with their idea. Sometimes they were considered insane. Perhaps there was some truth in this, but in any case, these people can be an excellent example of how to get your way. In this review, films are about people who, for the sake of their goal, were ready to do any, even the most insane, act.

1. "Fitzcarraldo"

directed by Werner Herzog, 1982
The director of this drama is himself an example of a real madman, ready for any desperate deeds. He easily bets to end up eating his shoe. It does not cost him anything to quickly pack up and go to the distant lands to the natives with a show of the masterpieces of world cinema.

It is no coincidence that his characters are endowed with notes of madness and fantastic ideas beyond reason. In this tape of Herzog, such a bearer of such ideas was the music lover Fitzgerald, whom the Indians called Fitzcarraldo. His idea is fix - to build an opera house in the impenetrable jungle. One can only imagine what he is ready to go to to implement his grandiose project.

2. "Amadeus"

directed by Milos Forman, 1984
One of the most favored films by specialists, which received eight prestigious Oscar statuettes at once. The secret of such success lies not only in showing musical persons of a world scale, but also in the plot structure and hidden understatements.

Someone considers the tape a kind of attempt to comprehend the secret of the great Mozart's genius. Someone sees in her, first of all, the amazing story of Salieri - a musician from God and an obsessed madman who has only one goal in life - to surpass Amadeus in genius.

3. "Vincent and Theo"

directed by Robert Altman, 1990
The environment of artists is an excellent breeding ground for insane geniuses of all stripes. Still, Vincent Van Gogh is the undisputed leader among them. Just what is the story about his poor ear, which the artist cut off for his edification because it did not give in to the "correct" image in the self-portrait.

Altman's cult artist is played by Tim Roth, and the focus of the film is on the eternal problem among creators - the lack of funds. Their search, of course, harms creativity, and here with his brother Theo, Vincent has a very difficult relationship ...

4. "Pi"

directed by Darren Aronofsky, 1998
This director in his work has one thing in common with Werner Herzog - their heroes are real madmen. Aronofsky's debut film is the story of the mathematician Max, who suffers from unbearable headaches that turn into bouts of paranoia.

His dream is to find patterns in the ever-changing stock price. Such a global issue often led to unpredictable events: from meetings with the legendary personalities of Wall Street to its persecution by religious radicals.

5. "Pollock"

directed by Ed Harris, 2000
The main character of the tape is American Jackson Pollock. The artist's genius adds to the greatness of his homeland. Spain has Salvador Dali, Russia has Malevich, the USA has the famous expressionist artist Pollock. In the twentieth century, he radically changed the very idea of ​​painting. His brushwork was a physical act full of impulsiveness and indescribable chaos.

His painting is not without reason identified with obsession. But his genius was pretty dulled by alcohol, after which he became simply unbearable. He died early. He died in a car accident at the age of 44. The reason is trivial - he was dead drunk.

6. "Mind Games"

directed by Ron Howard, 2001
An ingenious film that has won four Oscars, including in the main nomination. The story of the Nobel Prize in Economics John Nash leaves no audience indifferent. From an early age, Nash suffered from schizophrenia, which then caused hallucinations.

He was ordered in life - to be torn between his genius and unbearable attacks. But he did not feel sorry for himself, but devoted himself completely to work, because he understood that the strength could leave him at any second.

7. "Aviator"

directed by Martin Scorsese, 2004
The main character of the tape is Howard Hughes. He is one of the most notorious millionaires in American history. What is he famous for? In addition to his huge fortune, boundless love for beautiful women and cinema, he is known for his inventions and fanaticism for aviation. It was the obsession with her that predetermined the tragic ending.

He always calculated his strength before taking on the "enormous plans." But his idea to build a unique reconnaissance aircraft commissioned by the Ministry of Defense and all the nervous costs around it provoked a severe mental breakdown in him.

8. "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer"

directed by Tom Tykwer, 2006
The tape became an adaptation of the famous novel by Patrick Suskind about the perfumer Grenoye. This young man was called "the best Parisian nose" in the French capital. He knew and felt the world through smells. His quest for the perfect scent was often overshadowed by horrific deeds, including murder. His obsession did not stop him at anything, and the embodiment of dreams and criminal passion merged into a terrible tandem.

9. "Dark Matter"

directed by Shi-Zheng Chen, 2008
A joint project of American and Chinese filmmakers told the poignant story of the life of a student Liu Qing, who studied physics at an American university. There he joined the international team of the cosmologist Raiser, looking for answers to questions about the origin of the universe.

But at a certain stage, the views of Qing and his teacher were fundamentally different. Now the student has become obsessed with the knowledge of dark matter. It was this substance that Liu gave the leadership in the formation of our Universe. These incredible studies of his could lead him to the nominees for the Nobel Prize, and, unfortunately, predetermined a tragic ending.

10. Steve Jobs

directed by Danny Boyle, 2015
The founder of Apple is a unique personality. His life, like a roller coaster, is full of rapid ups and downs. She, together with his amazing unprincipledness, turned Steve into a kind of icon in the world of information technology. Boyle's film focused on three major milestones in his illustrious career - three Apple product launches.

If the former could put an end to Steve's further career, the latter allowed mankind to see the iMac - an invention that conquered him with its revolutionism and perfection. It could be the fruit of the labor of only possessed people!

Who are called possessed people? If we turn to the explanatory dictionary, we will receive information of approximately the following content: this is a person who is carried away by his idea, thought or performed activity. People who are obsessed with something often do not notice the events taking place around them. Everything that does not affect their inner world is unconsciously separated or even rejected without hesitation. They are completely and completely focused on their own feelings and are ready to make new amazing discoveries every hour. What makes these personalities different? What character traits lead to success, help you not to give up, but to follow your dreams? Let's try to figure it out!

The ability to manage yourself

Possessed people are not people who are distraught with a thought and cannot concentrate on what is happening around them. First of all, they are distinguished by excessive immersion in the process of creation. So, a musician can work for hours on a symphony, and a poet does not leave his place for long minutes, waiting for a suitable rhyme. At the same time, external events of reality remain unnoticed. People in the arts are often called obsessed. This is how they seem to others - a look detached from the world, a thoughtful expression on their face, immersion in eternity. It would be a mistake to believe that a creative person is not able to gather the will into a fist and act purposefully. In fact, passion for an idea is manifested in the ability to manage your own inner state. Emotions are under control because the brain is completely focused on achieving a set goal.

The ability to manage oneself is, first of all, in the correct organization of the space for activity. A person who has achieved success happily shares his secrets with those around him: for several hours a day he is completely focused on solving an urgent problem, realizing that this necessary step brings him closer to a common goal. People who are obsessed with their dreams are not afraid of decisive action. They are characterized by courage and enthusiasm. Making mistakes, they continue to move forward, often fully aware of what is happening to them. A person who is carried away by his own thought can be filled with new positive thoughts, focus on the main thing and not think about something secondary.

Victory over failure

Mistakes happen to everyone. The great minds of mankind argued that one cannot walk along the road, so as not to stumble and fall. This is the only way we comprehend the wise science of life, learn to draw appropriate conclusions. The ability to stand up after a failed failure and find the strength to go further personifies the greatest strength. Most people give up too easily when faced with even minor difficulties. The bulk is lost with any unjustified expectations, gives in to minor difficulties and endlessly complains about fate.

Possessed people often look crazy in the eyes of society, but they, like no one else, remain true to their destiny. An artist or musician will never give up their vocation, they will endure hunger and unfavorable conditions, but they will not break, will not give up in a fit of despair from their gift. The ability to overcome failure is a very valuable asset. If you have such a quality, then there is no significant obstacle in the world that could prevent you from coming to your own greatest discoveries.

Loyalty to your talent

Each person has certain abilities. Someone from childhood is good at drawing or coming up with exciting stories. The other plays musical instruments beautifully, and the third dances beautifully. But not everyone really strives to develop in the chosen direction, makes significant efforts for their own formation. Meanwhile, success depends precisely on this factor - how hard and selflessly we work. Most live simply by inertia, not trying in any way to develop their talents and raise new opportunities. This approach to business cannot but grieve.

People who are obsessed with their profession, as a rule, remain faithful to it for a long time, all their lives. From the outside it may seem that they are not interested in anything else, but in reality this is not so. Such a person wants to take place as a person, to develop his individuality as much as possible. In most cases, he manages to achieve the goal, but only he alone knows at what cost victory is gained, how many have to sacrifice for the sake of future success.

Self improvement

Obsessed people don't tend to live boring and monotonous lives. For them, there is nothing sadder than spending everyday life monotonously and depressingly, not meeting the dawn and not staying up late for creative work. Such a pastime resembles hard labor, from which there is no deliverance, therefore one wants to avoid it as much as possible. They strive to find new horizons for themselves, to identify additional perspectives, to find opportunities. Without such internal motivation, it becomes difficult for them to live. They are constantly attracted and attracted somewhere - sounds, colors, smells seem surprisingly attractive! The more intellectual a person is, the more he strives for self-development. People who are obsessed with their idea, as a rule, do not stand in one place, but at all costs want to develop further. By improving their abilities, they actually move towards the desired success.

Self-improvement is a serious work on oneself, which makes a person constantly doubt his existing achievements, analyze his life path in general and each individual step in particular. Most of us, when we get into trouble, begin to seek solace from those around us. but often few people understand, so they remain alone in the saddest moments. The one who is focused on his own dream does not give up in the face of difficulties, does not seek to escape from doubts and fear. When a person has a goal that leads him forward, his whole life begins to appear in a different light - in lighter and more positive colors.

The ability to experience inspiration

With the ability to control their activities, people who are obsessed with their goal really experience the joy of what they are doing. At all times, this approach to work was considered the greatest rarity. They are taken to work with a sense of curiosity, pride and strong interest. Their day begins with a conscious intention to do something, and not just with chaotic actions brought to automatism. Incomparable pleasure arises in moments of creative enlightenment. They can admire the discovery for hours, like children, wonder at everything that happens in the world. In fact, regardless of physical age, artists, poets, musicians, actors, scientists always remain young. Youth is a state of mind, not the number of years lived. Each victory becomes for them the greatest gift, a revelation that has no name.

The ability to experience inspiration is the prerogative of a creative person who is obsessed with making dreams come true. No matter how serious the obstacles are, nothing can negatively affect its formation. Perhaps the most valuable thing in the life of such a person is freedom, the ability to manage his own time. This is why the creative person is more lonely than the rest. For a gifted person, there is nothing more sad than the need to adapt to circumstances, the opinions of outsiders who do not understand anything about art and science.

Strength of will

Few people can boast that they truly are in complete control of their time and in control of their affairs. Most are not ready to live in anticipation of wonderful changes, they stop hoping for the best as a result of unfavorable events of the past. We endlessly complain, look for the guilty, do not notice our own merits. Accepting responsibility means that a person must abandon all sorts of accusations against anyone, boldly act on his own. Willpower is what distinguishes people who are obsessed with an idea. They have the unique ability to deny themselves even the most essential. Due to this, time is released, which is confidently used for self-development, learning, creativity, which allows one to come to new, amazing discoveries.

Willpower helps not to stop at the achieved result, but to continue to act with the same persistence. Even in those moments when hands give up, and slowly melts, it is this component that contributes to being able to perk up. The great minds of mankind were distinguished by the fact that they saw a specific goal in front of them and gradually moved towards its achievement. All talented actors, writers, artists, musicians at work forgot about troubles, drew an inexhaustible source of inspiration and vitality.

Examples of

What does it mean - a possessed person? This is the one who, not sparing himself, goes in the direction of his plan. Often strong personalities have no idea how to achieve everything they want, but in the end, events develop exactly as needed. The development of civilization has always been guided by extraordinary natures, for whom there were no barriers and restrictions. In an effort to go beyond, they led crowds of people, developed independently, often without any support from the outside. There are famous people in the history of mankind who are obsessed with their idea. Examples of people show how specific principles and beliefs mattered to them. Thanks to their loyalty to creativity and activity, they achieved deafening popularity, became famous and famous. Today their names are known throughout the country, and some of them have even won worldwide fame. Examples of possessed people who became famous for their gift will be presented below.

Ludwig van Beethoven

His unforgettable music still pierces the hearts of true connoisseurs of immortal classics! Such masterpieces as "Symphony No. 5", "Moonlight Sonata", "Towards Eliza" are known all over the world. Beethoven is famous for his vivid works, a frantic attitude to the creative process. At a fairly young age, he gradually began to lose his hearing.

Such a misfortune did not stop the composer - he began to compose deep music with even greater inspiration. Having completely lost his hearing, he created the most successful and famous works that the whole planet knows today. This person, experiencing colossal inner pain, continued to fight for the right to be creative and proved to himself how indestructible the inner strength of a mature, strong, self-sufficient personality can be.

D. I. Mendeleev

DI Mendeleev is the greatest scientist who made many discoveries. It is difficult to overestimate his merits, as it is impossible to diminish. The creation of the periodic table of elements brought great fame to the scientist. For many years he approached this discovery.

He was especially obsessed with work, not forgetting about it even at night. It is for this reason that in a dream he was able to come to the result of his many years of work. DI Mendeleev made a significant contribution to chemical science.

M. V. Lomonosov

He is the greatest genius of his era, one of the most outstanding scientists on a global scale. He owns discoveries made in various fields of knowledge - mathematics, physics, geography, medicine, physiology. For many hours in a row, he studied the fundamental materials, endlessly read scientific and other books, sometimes sacrificing sleep and the need to eat. Only people obsessed with their idea are capable of such a feat. Lomonosov was one of them.

Leonardo da Vinci

His masterpieces are known all over the world. “Mona Lisa”, “Baptism of Christ”, “Last Supper”, “Lady with an Ermine”, “Madonna of the Rocks”, “John the Baptist” - and to this day we are delighted with these brilliant works that stagger our imagination. It is difficult, perhaps, to say what this man did not know how to do.

In addition to creating picturesque paintings, Leonardo da Vinci succeeded in predicting, invented a machine gun, scuba gear. The idea of ​​flight haunted him. The artist himself was very sorry for the fact that he could not fly, and invented various ways to soar into the air.

Marina Tsvetaeva

This is a famous Russian poetess, whose poems shake the imagination of true connoisseurs of genuine poetry. The creativity of this person is distinguished by the syllable that takes the soul. One gets the impression that Tsvetaeva existed on the verge of hope and despair, as a man possessed by mania. Her life cannot be called simple and carefree. The fate of the poetess was not easy, for this reason she had to fight for many years in order to raise children, to support her husband. Marina Tsvetaeva's creative heritage is the result of her attitude to life.

She was not always accepted by society and appreciated, she suffered a lot from unfair treatment. The examples of possessed people show the degree of vulnerability and sensitivity with which they approached the world.

Elena Ksenofontova

Today this actress attracts thousands of admiring glances. Elena Ksenofontova deserves all respect. In her life, events took place that would break many, make them lose faith in themselves and their strengths. However, the actress did not break down, did not lose her high working capacity. The effectiveness of her work is confirmed by her numerous roles in the field of cinematography. Before becoming an actress, Elena Ksenofontova went through a series of difficult trials: to survive the decree of a disappointing diagnosis, to prepare for the birth of children for a long time.

Elena Ksenofontova attracts admiring glances from viewers also because she knows how to win. A person who is obsessed with her work as much as the actress herself gives herself to the profession is completely focused on her own goals. She does not want to give up and loves to be the first, one of a kind in everything.

Thus, possessed people are creative individuals endowed with some kind of talent. Their abilities are often difficult to measure in words, awards or achievements. We just look at their activities and admire everything that appears before our eyes. These greatest creators of both the past and the present strive to live with complete dedication, giving the world their feelings, emotions, impressions contained in the products of creation.

Who are called possessed people? If we turn to the explanatory dictionary, we will receive information of approximately the following content: this is a person who is carried away by his idea, thought or performed activity. People who are obsessed with something often do not notice the events taking place around them. Everything that does not affect their inner world is unconsciously separated or even rejected without hesitation. They are completely and completely focused on their own feelings and are ready to make new amazing discoveries every hour. What makes these personalities different? What character traits lead to success, help you not to give up, but to follow your dreams? Let's try to figure it out!

The ability to manage yourself

Possessed people are not people who are distraught with a thought and cannot concentrate on what is happening around them. First of all, they are distinguished by excessive immersion in the process of creation. So, a musician can work for hours on a symphony, and a poet does not leave his place for long minutes, waiting for a suitable rhyme. At the same time, external events of reality remain unnoticed. People in the arts are often called obsessed. This is how they seem to others - a look detached from the world, a thoughtful expression on their face, immersion in eternity. It would be a mistake to believe that a creative person is not able to gather the will into a fist and act purposefully. In fact, passion for an idea is manifested in the ability to manage your own inner state. Emotions are under control because the brain is completely focused on achieving a set goal.

The ability to manage oneself is, first of all, in the correct organization of the space for activity. A person who has achieved success happily shares his secrets with those around him: for several hours a day he is completely focused on solving an urgent problem, realizing that this necessary step brings him closer to a common goal. People who are obsessed with their dreams are not afraid of decisive action. They are characterized by courage and enthusiasm. Making mistakes, they continue to move forward, often fully aware of what is happening to them. A person who is carried away by his own thought can be filled with new positive thoughts, focus on the main thing and not think about something secondary.

Victory over failure

Mistakes happen to everyone. The great minds of mankind argued that one cannot walk along the road, so as not to stumble and fall. This is the only way we comprehend the wise science of life, learn to draw appropriate conclusions. The ability to stand up after a failed failure and find the strength to go further personifies the greatest strength. Most people give up too easily when faced with even minor difficulties. The bulk is lost with any unjustified expectations, gives in to minor difficulties and endlessly complains about fate.

Possessed people often look crazy in the eyes of society, but they, like no one else, remain true to their destiny. An artist or musician will never give up their vocation, they will endure hunger and unfavorable conditions, but they will not break, will not refuse in a fit of despair from their gift. The ability to overcome failure is a very valuable asset. If you have such a quality, then there is no significant obstacle in the world that could prevent you from coming to your own greatest discoveries.

Loyalty to your talent

Each person has certain abilities. Someone from childhood is good at drawing or coming up with exciting stories. The other plays musical instruments beautifully, and the third dances beautifully. But not everyone really strives to develop in the chosen direction, makes significant efforts for their own formation. Meanwhile, success depends precisely on this factor - how hard and selflessly we work. Most live simply by inertia, not trying in any way to develop their talents and raise new opportunities. This approach to business cannot but grieve.

People who are obsessed with their profession, as a rule, remain faithful to it for a long time, all their lives. From the outside it may seem that they are not interested in anything else, but in reality this is not so. Such a person wants to take place as a person, to develop his individuality as much as possible. In most cases, he manages to achieve the goal, but only he alone knows at what cost victory is gained, how many have to sacrifice for the sake of future success.

Self improvement

Obsessed people don't tend to live boring and monotonous lives. For them, there is nothing sadder than spending everyday life monotonously and depressingly, not meeting the dawn and not staying up late for creative work. Such a pastime resembles hard labor, from which there is no deliverance, therefore one wants to avoid it as much as possible. They strive to find new horizons for themselves, to identify additional perspectives, to find opportunities. Without such internal motivation, it becomes difficult for them to live. They are constantly attracted and attracted somewhere - sounds, colors, smells seem surprisingly attractive! The more intellectual a person is, the more he strives for self-development. People who are obsessed with their idea, as a rule, do not stand in one place, but at all costs want to develop further. By improving their abilities, they actually move towards the desired success.

Self-improvement is a serious work on oneself, which makes a person constantly doubt his existing achievements, analyze his life path in general and each individual step in particular. Most of us, when we get into trouble, begin to seek solace from those around us. Creative people are often not understood by many, so they remain alone in the saddest moments. The one who is focused on his own dream does not give up in the face of difficulties, does not seek to escape from doubts and fear. When a person has a goal that leads him forward, his whole life begins to appear in a different light - in lighter and more positive colors.

The ability to experience inspiration

With the ability to control their activities, people who are obsessed with their goal really experience the joy of what they are doing. At all times, this approach to work was considered the greatest rarity. They are taken to work with a sense of curiosity, pride and strong interest. Their day begins with a conscious intention to do something, and not just with chaotic actions brought to automatism. Incomparable pleasure arises in moments of creative enlightenment. They can admire the discovery for hours, like children, wonder at everything that happens in the world. In fact, regardless of physical age, artists, poets, musicians, actors, scientists always remain young. Youth is a state of mind, not the number of years lived. Each victory becomes for them the greatest gift, a revelation that has no name.

The ability to experience inspiration is the prerogative of a creative person who is obsessed with making dreams come true. No matter how serious the obstacles are, nothing can negatively affect its formation. Perhaps the most valuable thing in the life of such a person is freedom, the ability to manage his own time. This is why the creative person is more lonely than the rest. For a gifted person, there is nothing more sad than the need to adapt to circumstances, the opinions of outsiders who do not understand anything about art and science.

Strength of will

Few people can boast that they truly are in complete control of their time and in control of their affairs. Most are not ready to live in anticipation of wonderful changes, they stop hoping for the best as a result of unfavorable events of the past. We endlessly complain, look for the guilty, do not notice our own merits. Accepting responsibility means that a person must abandon all sorts of accusations against anyone, boldly act on his own. Willpower is what distinguishes people who are obsessed with an idea. They have the unique ability to deny themselves even the most essential. Due to this, time is released, which is confidently used for self-development, learning, creativity, which allows one to come to new, amazing discoveries.

Willpower helps not to stop at the achieved result, but to continue to act with the same persistence. Even in those moments when hands give up, and faith in oneself is slowly melting, it is this component that contributes to being able to perk up. The great minds of mankind were distinguished by the fact that they saw a specific goal in front of them and gradually moved towards its achievement. All talented actors, writers, artists, musicians at work forgot about troubles, drew an inexhaustible source of inspiration and vitality.

Examples of

What does it mean - a possessed person? This is the one who, not sparing himself, goes in the direction of his plan. Often strong personalities have no idea how to achieve everything they want, but in the end, events develop exactly as needed. The development of civilization has always been guided by extraordinary natures, for whom there were no barriers and restrictions. In an effort to go beyond, they led crowds of people, developed independently, often without any support from the outside. There are famous people in the history of mankind who are obsessed with their idea. Examples of people show how specific principles and beliefs mattered to them. Thanks to their loyalty to creativity and activity, they achieved deafening popularity, became famous and famous. Today their names are known throughout the country, and some of them have even won worldwide fame. Examples of possessed people who became famous for their gift will be presented below.

Ludwig van Beethoven

His unforgettable music still pierces the hearts of true connoisseurs of immortal classics! Such masterpieces as "Symphony No. 5", "Moonlight Sonata", "Towards Eliza" are known all over the world. Beethoven is famous for his vivid works, a frantic attitude to the creative process. At a fairly young age, he gradually began to lose his hearing.

Such a misfortune did not stop the composer - he began to compose deep music with even greater inspiration. Having completely lost his hearing, he created the most successful and famous works that the whole planet knows today. This person, experiencing colossal inner pain, continued to fight for the right to be creative and proved to himself how indestructible the inner strength of a mature, strong, self-sufficient personality can be.

D. I. Mendeleev

DI Mendeleev is the greatest scientist who made many discoveries. It is difficult to overestimate his merits, as it is impossible to diminish. The creation of the periodic table of elements brought great fame to the scientist. For many years he approached this discovery.

He was especially obsessed with work, not forgetting about it even at night. It is for this reason that in a dream he was able to come to the result of his many years of work. DI Mendeleev made a significant contribution to chemical science.

M. V. Lomonosov

He is the greatest genius of his era, one of the most outstanding scientists on a global scale. He owns discoveries made in various fields of knowledge - mathematics, physics, geography, medicine, physiology. For many hours in a row, he studied the fundamental materials, endlessly read scientific and other books, sometimes sacrificing sleep and the need to eat. Only people obsessed with their idea are capable of such a feat. Lomonosov was one of them.

Leonardo da Vinci

His masterpieces are known all over the world. “Mona Lisa”, “Baptism of Christ”, “Last Supper”, “Lady with an Ermine”, “Madonna of the Rocks”, “John the Baptist” - and to this day we are delighted with these brilliant works that stagger our imagination. It is difficult, perhaps, to say what this man did not know how to do.

In addition to creating picturesque paintings, Leonardo da Vinci succeeded in predicting, invented a machine gun, scuba gear. The idea of ​​flight haunted him. The artist himself was very sorry for the fact that he could not fly, and invented various ways to soar into the air.

Marina Tsvetaeva

This is a famous Russian poetess, whose poems shake the imagination of true connoisseurs of genuine poetry. The creativity of this person is distinguished by the syllable that takes the soul. One gets the impression that Tsvetaeva existed on the verge of hope and despair, as a man possessed by mania. Her life cannot be called simple and carefree. The fate of the poetess was not easy, for this reason she had to fight for many years in order to raise children, to support her husband. Marina Tsvetaeva's creative heritage is the result of her attitude to life.

She was not always accepted by society and appreciated, she suffered a lot from unfair treatment. The examples of possessed people show the degree of vulnerability and sensitivity with which they approached the world.

Elena Ksenofontova

Today this actress attracts thousands of admiring glances. Elena Ksenofontova deserves all respect. In her life, events took place that would break many, make them lose faith in themselves and their strengths. However, the actress did not break down, did not lose her high working capacity. The effectiveness of her work is confirmed by her numerous roles in the field of cinematography. Before becoming an actress, Elena Ksenofontova went through a series of difficult trials: to survive the decree of a disappointing diagnosis, to prepare for the birth of children for a long time.

Elena Ksenofontova attracts admiring glances from viewers also because she knows how to win. A person who is obsessed with her work as much as the actress herself gives herself to the profession is completely focused on her own goals. She does not want to give up and loves to be the first, one of a kind in everything.

Thus, possessed people are creative individuals endowed with some kind of talent. Their abilities are often difficult to measure in words, awards or achievements. We just look at their activities and admire everything that appears before our eyes. These greatest creators of both the past and the present strive to live with complete dedication, giving the world their feelings, emotions, impressions contained in the products of creation.


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