Contests for moms. Mothers Day. Competition options. competition "In the world of fairy tales"

Scenario of the holiday for Mother's Day in the senior and preparatory group "Come on Mommy"

Goals and objectives:
Foster a sense of respect and love for loved ones.
To contribute to the development of the abilities of each child, the formation of a children's team.
Involve parents in the conduct of preschool educational institutions.
Equipment:computer, presentation, hall decoration.
Holiday progress:
Leading: Mom is the first word a person utters. Mom has kind and gentle hands, they can do everything. Mom has the kindest and most loyal heart, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old a person is, we always need a mother, her affection, her look. And the more our love for our mother, the more joyful and brighter life.
Today we celebrate the most important, most important day for every person - Mother's Day! After all, it was my mother who gave us life, surrounded us with care and affection, attention and warmth. It is mom who supports us in difficult moments of life and rejoices with us in our success.
Roll call of children:
1. Mother's Day is a worthy good holiday,
Who enters the family with the sun.
And not every mother is pleasant, unless
When she is honored by right!
2. We have a solemn day today,
Day of joy and beauty,
Throughout the country, he gives women
Your smiles and flowers !!!
3. The sun is brighter for me-Mom!
Peace and happiness for me: mom!
The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields: Mom!
Leading: Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Happy is the one who from childhood knows mother's love, affection and care. And children should respond to her in the same way: love, attention, care.
The song "I love my mommy more than anyone ..."
Host: Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us. Our mothers are very brave, because for your sake they decided to participate in very difficult contests. And now we invite our mothers of the senior and preparatory groups to join us for the competition program.
Mothers come out to the music and become in two teams.Host: You know your child well. Now, for our first competition, we invite four mothers from each team. Children stand in a circle, blindfolded mothers try to recognize their child by the palm of their hand. The winner is the team that got to know the children the most. Host: Mothers try to recognize themselves in the portraits painted by the children. The team with the most accurate wins.
Leading:And now for our mothers, for ours, we will dance a little.

Performance of the dance "Zavalinka"

Leading:And now our mothers will tell you how they affectionately call their children.
And of course they will treat them to candy. Moms in boxing gloves unwrap the candy and treat their child with it.
Roll call of children:
1. My mother's hands -
A pair of white swans:
So tender and so beautiful
How much love and strength they have!
2. They fly all day long,
They don't know as if tired.
They will bring comfort in the house,
They will sew a new dress,
Caress, warm -
Mom's hands can do everything!
3. Mom's hair is golden,
And mom has a good laugh.
Ministers also have mothers,
But mine is the best!
4. I put forward an idea,
Support me all:
In a seven day week
Three days off for moms! Host: Children, what can mothers do?
Children list …………. Now we are with you and check what kind of mothers are hostesses. With the help of brooms, mothers guide the balloon through obstacles. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.
Host: And now, dear mothers, your children have prepared a small scene for you, let's see it.

Mother's day scene

Denis: Once the kids gathered in the yard.
Years 6, 7, girls and boys.
They ran up, got tired and sat down to rest.
Timur: - My mother is the best in the world!
Denis: Timur is speaking quietly.
Matvey: - And where did you get this?
Denis: Suddenly Matvey told him.
Timur: - Mom always helps me in everything.
Denis: Timur is answering Matthew.
Timur: - She prepares breakfast for me, dresses in the kindergarten,
And then he takes him home from the kindergarten.
Stesha: - No! best of all, my mommy!
Denis: Stesha says here frowning.
Stesha: She braids me beautifully,
And reads bedtime stories to me
Buys beautiful clothes,
And not when Mommy does not scold me.
Matvey: - No, none of you are right.
Denis: Again Matvey told his friends.
Matvey: I want to tell all of you now that I consider my mother the best!
She cooks, cleans up, erases, And knows everything, everything, everything in the world!
Tanya and Igor (together): No, Matvey, you're wrong!
Denis: Tanya and Igor were outraged.
Tanya and Igor (together): Our mother is the best in the world.
Tanya: We have two mothers, and we have one.
And yet she can handle both of us.
Igor: She has to wash twice as many clothes.
And twice as many rooms need to be cleaned.
Tanya: Cooking, and ironing too, She needs twice as much.
Igor: So don't argue with us,
Tanya and Igor (together): Otherwise we will tell mom everything!
Denis: Wait, don't swear, friends!
I want to reveal one secret to you.
Mothers are different for everyone.
And for each of you, mom is the best!
Leading: After all, everyone needs mothers!
So, dear kids,
All the girls and boys!
You take care of your mothers,
And always appreciate your mothers!
And you also love your mom
And for all-all-all Thank her!
All together: Thank you, Mom! Teams of mothers, using colored paper and scissors, are doing the collective work "Autumn Still Life"
Leading:Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers.
We are for everything, for everything, relatives,
We say (all children): “Thank you!” Teams of mothers take turns, answering the questions of the leader, move forward to the signal mark. They go around it, pass the baton to the next team members. The team that completes the task faster and more accurately wins. Blindfolded, four mothers from each team collect fruits from cubes. The team with the fastest picking fruit wins. The music from the cartoons is playing. Moms have to guess the cartoon and the name of the song from it. The team with the most correct answers wins.
Leading:I would like to take all the hardships away from you in autumn days,
Cup of sunny mood To present to lovely women.
So that your eyes are filled with joy, New freshness for many years
And so that your life is brighter than a rainbow, blazing for the whole world. Joint competition of mothers and children. Mothers, paired with a child, take turns passing through the hoop to a table on which there are glasses of water and two straws. They drink water and return, passing the baton and the hoop to the next participants. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.
The jury sums up the results of the competition. The participants are being awarded.
Pasha We are completing our holiday,
We wish dear mothers.
So that mothers do not grow old
Younger, prettier.
Andrey We wish our mothers
Never lose heart.
Every year to be more beautiful
And scold us less.
Together We want that without a reason,
You would be given flowers.
All the men were smiling
From your wonderful beauty.
Leading: Our holiday is already ending
What else can we say?
Allow me goodbye - I wish you health!
Be cheerful, healthy and give good light to everyone!
Come visit again and live to be a hundred years old!
At the end of the holiday, the song "Mama" sounds; children leave the hall.

Presentation on the topic: Mother's Day in the senior and preparatory groups for school

Every year on Mother's Day, the efforts of all educational institutions, families and the public unite to foster respect and love in children for their parents. In each preschool and secondary educational institution, a full cycle of events is timed to this event. These include conversations on maternal labor, children's thematic exhibitions of photographs and drawings, music and poetry evenings, theater performances and sports for mothers and children, reading contests, making postcards and handicrafts for the upcoming holiday. And the most important, among all the abundance of fascinating processes, are still solemn concerts for Mother's Day in kindergartens and schools. Matinees and festive events are able to combine almost all of the above points, giving guests, organizers and young participants a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions and instructive moments. Be that as it may, the main purpose of the concert is entertainment, which means that Mother's Day contests play one of the main roles. Let's talk about them!

Funny contests for children on Mother's Day in kindergarten

Literally all the elements of organizing a holiday dedicated to mothers are necessary and important. Here you can decorate the room with balloons (ribbons, flowers, bows), prepare musical accompaniment, select outfits for little participants, and choose funny contests for children on Mother's Day in kindergarten. But if a holiday can take place without decorations or dresses, then without well-chosen entertainment it is doomed to failure. The main thing to remember is that funny children's contests for Mother's Day in kindergarten should not be too complicated, long or abstruse. Upset by defeat and offended, the kid will not please anyone.

Funny competition "Mom's hands" for children in kindergarten

To participate in the game, they choose one baby and 5 mothers, one of whom is his own. The child is blindfolded and offered to identify his mother by feeling the hands of 5 parents. If the participant finds his beloved mother, it is worth rewarding him with a delicious candy. Then the game can be repeated with the next participant. The number of repetitions is limited exclusively to the time allocated for the competition.

"Flowers for Mommy" - competition for Mother's Day in kindergarten

A fun children's competition for Mother's Day is about solving atypical riddles. For each correct answer, the child receives an artificial flower (made in advance at a labor lesson), of which, as a result, he will fold a bouquet for his mother. The winner will be the baby, whose festive bouquet for the parent will turn out to be the most magnificent, bright and beautiful.

Everything is dressed with white snow,

then it's coming ... winter

At night every window

dimly illuminates ... the moon

Crowing sleepily

cute, kind ... rooster

Four lions under the tree

one left left ... three

Who is about to take off from the flower?

Multicolored ... Moth

From palm tree down to palm tree again

dexterously jumping ... monkey

Mother's Day Contest Scenarios

A holiday for Mother's Day is considered successful if the parents not only watch the matinee, rejoicing in the success of their babies, but also take an active part in the numbers themselves. Scenarios of contests for mothers allow the culprits to show their talents, demonstrate imagination and a creative approach to business , express the depth of love for your children and simply plunge into childhood. Mother's Day contests can be scheduled solely for moms, or with dads and kids. For instance:

Competition for mothers "Children's karaoke" in the kindergarten

An ordinary karaoke competition for mothers will become much more interesting if the participants have to sing children's songs with their children, trying to copy the voice of the fairytale performer as accurately as possible. For such a case, the following compositions are suitable:

  • song of Kapitoshka
  • winnie the Pooh song about sawdust
  • song "Clouds - white-maned horses"
  • the Queen's song from the Bremen Town Musicians, etc.

"Draw me, Mommy!" - scenario of the competition for kindergarten on Mother's Day

In this game, mothers-participants will have to draw an image of their baby on A4 sheet with a marker in 1 minute. You can add any decorations or distinctive features, so that the child recognizes himself. The winners will be all those mothers whose children will define their portrait without prompts.

Scenario of the "Question-Answer" competition in kindergarten for Mother's Day

A typical question-and-answer game for this kind of event will help not only to entertain guests, but also to point out to parents the gaps in their communication with children. Before the start of the game, the children answer the presenter a dozen tricky questions like "Mom's most tasteless dish" or "Mom's most beautiful hairstyle." Then the same questions are asked to mothers in the hall and the answers are compared with those of children. The winner is the mother-child pair with the maximum number of matches in the answers. The rest will have to communicate more with their kids.

School Mother's Day Contests - Best Ideas

The best ideas for contests for Mother's Day at school do not need to be searched for long in collaborators or Internet portals. It is enough to turn to the good old school games, slightly alter them to the theme of the holiday, add a few congratulatory moments - and the fun contests are ready. A classic sports relay race, an intellectual duel, a humorous competition with mothers and much more will certainly decorate the school holiday for Mother's Day.

Competition at the school "Mom, Dad, I ..."

A small sports relay race on the festive stage or in the schoolyard (weather permitting) will be an excellent end to the festive event. Not necessarily measured in strength training. You can choose popular fun games for the competition: tug-of-war "mothers against children", jumping in bags "schoolchildren against parents", etc. Several family teams or two groups of opponents "adults" and "students" can take part in the competition. Gifts for mothers can be crafts prepared by schoolchildren in advance for the celebration.

"Your best gift ..." - the idea of \u200b\u200ba competition at school for Mother's Day

Autumn is the time for the largest selection of natural materials for needlework. One of the numbers at the party can be associated with making impromptu gifts for mothers in a short period of time. The winner is determined by the number of votes from the audience. To play the game, you need to prepare in advance cardboard, paper, beads, ribbons, natural materials, glue and other stationery so that everyone who wants to participate can make beads, a figurine, a postcard, a picture, an applique for their mom within 5 minutes. Such a competition will delight not only the winner's mother, but also all the parents of the participants.

Competitions for Mother's Day at school and kindergarten are an important component of a successful celebration. To make the children's holiday bright, cheerful and unusual, it is better to prepare prizes and scenarios for mothers and children in advance. Don't forget, even classic poetry and drawing contests require careful preparation.

Mother's Day contests
Mother's Day is a holiday for both mothers and their young children. And therefore, Mother's Day should be spent cheerfully and funny both in kindergarten and at school. And we offer you our Mother's Day contests. Contests will help to celebrate and make everyone laugh. There are contests for mothers and children, as well as for family performances.

1. Competition - Mom's tender hand
This is a competition for children. It can be done in teams, or for each child separately. The essence of the competition is for the child to guess his mother by hand. To do this, the child is blindfolded, and several mothers sit on chairs and stretch their arms. The child touches each hand and determines where his mother is. If this competition is held in teams, then for each correctly guessed mother the team gets one point.
2. Competition - Where is my child?
And the second competition is a competition for mothers. Mom is blindfolded and placed in the center of the hall. Several children, including her child, join hands and dance around their mother. And the mother touches their heads with her own hands and defines her child. This competition can also be held in teams and for each mother separately.
3. Competition - Draw your mom's day.
Creative competition for children. They need to draw how their mom spends her day. That is, on one sheet of paper, draw something like the following: the mother wakes up, has breakfast, goes to work or takes the child to kindergarten, comes home from work, reads, works with the child, goes to bed. Etc. Each child must depict all this himself. It is not the quality of the drawing that is assessed here, but a more complete description of the mother's day. And it is desirable that later the child clearly explained what he drew and told how his mother spends her day, according to her drawing.
4. Competition - Does the mother know her child outside the home?
Since there was a competition for children who have to tell and draw their mother's day, why not hold the same competition for mothers?
The essence of the competition is for each mother to tell as much information as possible about her child. But only about when her child is out of the house. For example, at which desk he sits, what is his schedule of lessons on Friday or Wednesday, where he likes to go out with friends and what are the names of his friends, and so on. And the child must confirm or deny the words of his mother. Well, if the child is still attending kindergarten, then you can name the bed on which he sleeps, the name and patronymic of his teacher, well, very difficult and funny questions: how many steps to the second floor of the kindergarten, how many children are in your group, and so on ...
5. Competition - mabol.
Both mother and child take part in this competition. Mom stands at a distance of 2-5 meters from the child and makes something like a basketball hoop out of her hands. And the child throws inflated balloons into this ring. At the same time, the mother can help the child by moving her ring in any direction, but without crossing the line, so that the distance between them does not decrease. Whose family will get more balls in the ring out of 10, that one won.

Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Feast of grandmothers and mothers,
This is the kindest holiday
Comes to us in the fall.
This is a celebration of obedience
Congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
A holiday of the best words!

And today we are going to conduct a competitive game program "Come on Mommy!" Several teams will take part in the game, which we will meet thanks to the first competition-presentation! We meet!

(The participating teams enter the stage, sit in their seats. Cheerful music is playing. Participants are preparing for the performance.)

Leading : Participants were given homework to come up with a name for their team, an emblem, a motto and a short greeting. The teams will be assessed by our jury.

(The host introduces the jury.)

Leading : Now let's get to know our teams.

(The team presents its name, emblem - be it a large poster or badges, and a motto. Also, mother and child must come up with a presentation of each other in the form of a poem, song or just a story. The originality of the idea, artistry from 1 to 5 points.)

Leading : Wonderful! What talented our mothers are! And these mothers have no less talented children!

Who warms with love
Everything in the world is in time
Even play a little?
Who will always comfort you
And wash and comb,
Kiss on the cheek - a kiss?
Here she is always what -
Your mom is dear!

Leading : Do not forget, children, that mothers need to be protected and often say thanks to them! Now I'll check how well you know polite words!

(The presenter conducts a game with the audience.)

Leading : Even a block of ice will melt
From a warm word ...
("thank") .
Even a tree stump will turn green
When the kind hears ...
("day") .
If you can't eat anymore,
Tell Mommy ...
("thank") .
When scolded for pranks, Say I'm sorry ...
("you are welcome") .

Leading : Well done! Now I am sure that your mothers are not deprived of attention and tenderness! And we are moving on to the next competition called "Experts". In childhood, our mothers read us fairy tales, then they taught us to read. What are your favorite fairy tales and books? (asks the teams a question) Great! Now we will check how well you remember them.

(A competition is held in which teams are asked questions about the plot of fairy tales and books from childhood and the school curriculum. Questions need to be prepared about 10. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.)

Leading : Wonderful! It's nice that our children read so much! And we are moving on to the next competition. How many nights have you, mothers, spent at the cribs! As soon as they heard a child's voice, they jumped out of bed. And, I think, it will not be difficult for you to recognize your child by voice.

(Moms sit in a row with their backs to their children.)

Leading : Now your children will cry like in childhood. But don't worry, they will make fun of crying. You need to guess your baby's cry.

(The presenter approaches each child in turn, who has to cry into the microphone making sounds “wah-wah.” The mother who recognized the child should raise her hand. The maximum number of points is equal to the number of participants. One mistake - minus one point.)

Leading : Dear mothers! I want to wish you that these were the last childish tears that you heard! And our children will pass the next test!

(Chairs are not removed after the previous competition. Children sit in the seats of their mothers, only facing the hall.)

Leading : Now I will ask you riddles about moms. Whoever guesses first raises his hand! Ready? Go.

Examples of riddles:

1. These balls on the thread
Do you want to try it on?
For all your tastes
In my mother's box ...
(sub - read from right to left)

2. In mother's ears sparkle,
They play with the color of the rainbow.
Drops-crumbs are silver
Decorations ...

3. The land is called fields,
The top is decorated all over with flowers.
Mystery headdress -
Our mother has ...

4. Name the dishes:
The handle clung to the circle.
Damn bake her - nonsense

5. He has water in his belly
I was seething with heat.
Like an angry boss
Boils quickly ...

6. This dish is for everyone
Mom will cook for lunch.
And the ladle is right there -
Pour into plates ...

7. Dust will find and instantly swallow -
It brings cleanliness to us.
Long hose, like a trunk-nose
The mat cleans ...

8. Ironing dresses and shirts,
He will iron our pockets.
He is a faithful friend on the farm -
His name is ...

9. Here is a cap on the light bulb
Separates light and darkness.
Along the edges of its openwork -
It's wonderful ...

10. Mom's striped beast
The saucer will beg for sour cream.
And, having eaten it a little,
Ours purrs ...

(Each solved riddle is one point.)

Leading : What fellows! It is immediately obvious that moms have helpers! And we have only one competition left! I ask the teams to take their places at the table.

(Participants are given newspapers, scotch tape, paper clips, ribbons, bows, and similar props.)

Leading : How often do our mothers ask themselves the question "What to wear?" Now your kids will help you with this! The task for the participants from the available materials is to build an outfit for your mother! You can invite one assistant from the audience! You have 10 minutes for everything! So here we go!

(Cheerful music sounds. The jury will rate the outfit and artistry on a scale of 1 to 10.)

Leading : Wonderful! I am delighted with the outfits of our mothers. They are worthy of Paris Fashion Week! Thank! Moms can take off their suits. This concludes the competition program. Participants can take seats in the hall. While the jury is summing up the results, we have prepared a festive concert number for you.

(Prepare a dance, song, or any other number.)

The jury announces the results of the competition. The team with the highest score is awarded a certificate. All teams receive prizes. You can also give out to mothers the nominations "Mrs. Kindness", "Mrs. Intellect", "Mrs. Beauty", "Mrs. Charm", "Mrs. Tenderness" and the like.

Leading : So our holiday has come to an end! But I want to wish you, dear mothers, that the holiday never ended in your life and in your soul! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. Let your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! Let your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love, happiness!

Mother's Day is a special day when mothers around the world get a chance to relax, enjoy the attention and care of their children. The celebration takes many forms, but in general, on the last Sunday in November, festive concerts, entertainment events with contests, competitions and games are organized in which both mothers and children can take part.

Scout Mom Quiz

Number of participants - 8 (4 mothers and 4 children). Mothers and children are given leaves and pens. Adults will have to answer questions about the child, his school, academic performance, and other little things. The answers are checked against the answers of the kids.
Examples of questions for the quiz:
1. What verse was the last time your child studied in school?
2. Write down the lesson schedule on ... (name the day).
3. The name of your child's favorite teacher.
4. Favorite items of your child.
5. What is the name of your child's deskmate.
6. The child's favorite dish in the school cafeteria.
If the mother's answer matches that of her child, she is awarded a ball. The winner is announced after scoring, at the end of the quiz. The winner receives the scout mom medal.

The game "The most-most ..."

A great game for all children. And most importantly, mothers will be pleased to watch her.
1. Children line up in a circle.
2. Each child in turn says "my mother is the most-most ...", they finish the sentence in different ways, the main thing is not to repeat and not spend more than 5-7 seconds on "mother's characteristics".
3. As the game progresses, the number of participants will decrease until there is only one left, he will be the winner.
An alternative option is the game "Necklace of Compliments". The presenters make blanks:
take large sheets of paper (one piece of paper for each child);
a necklace is drawn on a piece of paper (it consists of circles large enough to write a word inside).
The task of the children is to write down as many compliments to the mother as possible in circles at the command of the leader. One circle - one compliment. There are no winners here. At the end of the game, children present a necklace of compliments to their parents.
Competition "The most talented artist"
Several mothers are invited to play, each is given an A4 sheet and a marker. The task is to portray your child for a while. The judges will be children who are given ready-made drawings (not signed and mixed in advance) and asked to find their portrait among them. Those mothers, in whose portraits the children recognized themselves, become the winners.

Game "Beauty Salon"

Perfect for mothers and their daughters. Prepare in advance:
a set of elastic bands and hairpins for each "stylist";
Daughters should know their mothers well, for sure, they also know very well which hairstyle will suit them. You need to do it in this game with a blindfold.
You can invite many pairs of participants. After the end of the competition, each child receives an award in categories:
The most unusual hairstyle;
The most festive;
The most exclusive;
The most stylish;
The most modest, etc.
In addition, you can give a small souvenir, such as small mirrors or a set of rubber bands.

Competition "Who is Faster"

Mothers work a lot around the house, can their children replace the heroes of the occasion on Mother's Day? The next competition will allow you to check this. Everyone is invited to take part in it, the main thing is that the guys can be divided into two teams.
between two chairs located at a distance, pull two ropes (from different sides);
each team is given clothespins and a laundry basket with the same number of fabrics.
The players' task is to take turns after the leader's command to go to their clothesline in order to hang one piece of fabric. The game is carried out on the principle of a relay race, which means that each next participant runs to "hang clothes" only when the previous one comes back. The winner is the team that hangs all the laundry faster.

The game "I'll give my mom ..."

All children at the holiday are invited to write on a piece of paper what they would give their mother if they were adults now. The leaves are handed over to the presenter, he:
1. Names the name of the mother who must guess the gift of her child.
2. Writes down the first letter of the word on the blackboard (preliminary outline the cells so that their number corresponds to the number of letters in the word).
3. All the parents who were able to guess the gifts win.

Game-improvisation "Interesting story"

It is enough to recruit two teams of 5 people each (mixed teams, in which there will be both adults and children). Each team receives a specific set of items. The players' task is to come up with the story "On Mother's Day" using the items provided to them in their story. A fictional story, among other things, needs to be played out as a performance. At the end of the game, instead of determining the winner, each team is awarded a title, for example, "Most Humorous" or "Most Inventive".

Game "Gifts for the Kid"

Coloring leaves are preliminarily prepared, folded into a tube, hidden in balls, which are then inflated. The game is for 3 mothers, who are given a bundle of balloons common to all. Their task is to “get” as many gifts as possible for their children.
After the leader's command, the mothers try to quickly pop the balls (one at a time), while collecting gifts.
Important: Not all balls contain gifts, which only makes an interesting competition more exciting.

Find in the crowd competition

Two mothers are invited to participate (one is the mother of a girl, the other is a boy). Mothers are blindfolded, children line up around them (girls and boys, respectively).
The task of parents is to recognize the child by touch. For fun, you can put a few bobby pins on the boys' hair to confuse mom.
Contest "Better Description of Mom"
At the holiday, parents will have to recognize not only their child, but also themselves. You will have to focus only on a verbal description. Children prepare such a "portrait" in advance. Description notes are mixed. The presenter reads each one in turn. Mom can only find out in the description of herself. The more “identified” themselves, the better.
If mainly small children are present at the holiday, they are asked to draw their mother. And then you will need to recognize yourself by children's art masterpieces, portraits.

Competition "Best Culinary Specialists"

Who is the head chef of the family? Mum. She cooks every day. But on the last Sunday in November, her children will come to her aid.
The competition is held in three stages (responsibilities are shared).
1. Mom peels a large potato at speed, so that the skin remains intact, as long as possible.
2. Children write down the dishes in a certain letter, suggested by the presenter (you need to write down as much as possible).
3. The third stage - mother and her child are trying to recognize different types of kitchen utensils by touch. The more correct answers, the better.

Competition "Who is Faster"

Pre-prepared puzzles (purchased or homemade) on the theme of mom and child or just mom. It's a good idea to take as a basis a cartoon or movie about a mom that the kids are familiar with. Participants are divided into two teams and offered to assemble a puzzle for a while.
Important: The puzzles should not be small, so that the competition does not take much time, and the winner could be announced within 5 minutes.
The game "We are a team"
Several pairs-participants (mother-child) are invited for the competition.
Children are blindfolded and placed next to a basket with small balls. Mothers stand opposite, folding their arms in the form of a basketball ring. Rules.
1. On command, children (without moving) throw balls in the direction where their mother is, trying to get into the "basketball hoop". One hit equals one point.
2. It is difficult for children to get into the “ring” blindfolded, so the mother is allowed to adjust to the flying ball in order to earn as many points as possible.

Game "Mom is my personal translator"

Leaves with tongue twisters are pre-prepared (it is better not to use sweets so that the child does not choke). Rules of the game:
1. Children put marshmallows by their cheeks, blindly pull a leaf with a patter and try to pronounce it so that their mother can “decipher” and repeat it.
2. If mom guesses the tongue twister, she earns a point for her team.
Song contest
A simple but interesting competition in which participants (3 to 4) are asked to name more songs about mom.
Dance competition
A great option for completing a festive entertainment program. This is a disco in which children repeat the "trendy dance steps" after their mothers.
Mother's Day is a holiday when we all try to pay tribute to the hard work of women who sacrifice much for the sake of motherhood, spare no affection, no warmth, no love, giving all this to their children entirely. A festive program with contests and games is a great option for entertainment on a special day.

Contests for our MAMs!

Contest "Mom's Name".

Assignment: by the first letters of the mother's name, list the qualities of her character. For example, charming, loving, clear - Olya; delightful, intriguing, sociable, demanding, charming, decisive, sparkling with humor, bright - Victoria.

Competition "Compliment for Mom".

Each of those present says an adjective meaning a compliment, the words should not be repeated. For example, kind, gentle, funny, beloved, etc.

Now the competition is called for youhe is "Mysterious". Guess the riddles:

1) These balls on the thread

Do you want to try it on?

For all tastes

In my mother's box ... (beads).

2) They sparkle in my mother's ears,

They play with the color of the rainbow.

Drops-crumbs are silver

Jewelry ... (earrings).

3) The land is called fields,

The top is decorated all over with flowers.


Our mother has ... (hat).

4) Name the dishes:

The handle is pinched to the circle.

Damn bake her- bullshit

This is ... (frying pan)

5) He has water in his belly

Lost from the heat.

Like an angry boss

Boils quickly ... (kettle).

6) This is a meal for everyone

Mom will cook for lunch.

And the ladle is right there-

Pour into bowls ... (soup).

7) The dust will find and instantly swallow

It brings cleanliness to you.

Long hose, like a trunk nose,

The mat cleans ... (vacuum cleaner).

8) Ironing dresses and shirts,

He will iron our pockets.

He is a faithful friend on the farm-

His name is ... (iron)

9) Here is a cap on the light bulb

Separates light and darkness.

Along the edges of its openwork-

This is a marvelous ... (lampshade).

10) Mom's striped beast

The saucer begged for sour cream.

And after eating it a little,

Ours is purring ... (cat).

Mum! The most beautiful word on earth is mom. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages \u200b\u200bof the world. This means that all people honor and love mothers. Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries. People congratulate their mothers, give gifts, arrange a holiday for them.
Our dear mothers! Today, on Mother's Day, we greet you and want to please you with our performances and surprises.
The word “mother” is also used for their Motherland. It is no accident that folk wisdom put the word “mother” next to another great word - “Motherland”. “Motherland” - people say and by this they define the most sacred thing on earth.
There are many good, affectionate words about mom among the people. They are passed down from generation to generation. What proverbs do you know about mom?

Homeland is a mother to all mothers.
Mother Nature is the beginning of all beginnings.
A man has one own mother, one is his homeland.
The native land is mother, the foreign side is the stepmother.
Mother's anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt.
The bird is happy with spring, and the baby is a mother.
There is no sweeter friend than dear mother.
It is light in the sun, good in the mother.

Game "Mom".

Mom should be pleased with exemplary behavior, good grades. Giving them flowers, saying “thank you very much” often and not upsetting them. And if it happened that you inadvertently offended your mother, then do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness. The wrinkles on the faces of your mothers appear from the fact that you upset them with something.
With the help of magic words, you can even return a good mood to a sad or offended mother, cheer up.


All our mothers love flowers at any time of the year. Do you love to play Field of Miracles. Our game is called “Know the flower”. Flowers give people joy. And in the summer they will not get bored, and in the winter they bring us freshness and warmth.

Guessing the names of the flowers:

This flower looks like an inverted headdress: it is called “lala”, “lola”, “lala”. What is the real name of this flower?

This flower is called the sister of mercy. Its popular names are: popovnik, whitehead, Ivanov's color. This flower is considered a national symbol in Russia.

The people call this flower a boby, a commotion, a ringing of grass.


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