OKVED in the provision of dispatch services. Opening a business - dispatching service of cargo transportation How to open a dispatching service of personal services

Business "by taxi"

Open a taxi dispatch service

Taxi service is a relevant and profitable business. However, before becoming the owner of such a company, you need to collect the necessary package of documents and develop a business plan. There are two ways to open a given one. The most optimal and economical option is a taxi dispatch service. To open a taxi service in IP format, you will need:

- application for registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (form R21001);

- TIN;
- passport and its photocopy;
- a receipt for payment of the state duty (800 rubles).

In order to open a taxi service, you can register as an individual entrepreneur (IE). This is the easiest and cheapest way to start a business.

Your application must be signed and stitched and certified by a notary. It should contain the alleged OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs. They will shape your activities.

Before you start preparing the documents, decide which taxation system will apply in your company. Many individual entrepreneurs choose the simplified system (STS), which includes two ways of paying taxes - 15% on income (minus production costs) and 6% on income.

The application for the transition to the simplified tax system will need to be attached to the main package of documents. If you do not, you will be assigned a general taxation system, which you can only change after a year.

At the same time, decide on the name of your company. It should be original and easy to remember.

After you submit the documents for registration, you will be assigned the date of receipt of the registration certificate and will be issued a receipt, on the basis of which you can receive ready-made documents.

On the specified day, you will receive the IP documentation, which will consist of a certificate of state registration of the IP, an extract from the USRIP and a notice of registration. From this moment you can start your activities.

An affordable option for building this business is to open a taxi dispatch service. It does not require large investments. You will need to rent an office, equip it technically, hire dispatchers and sign contracts with private cabs. In this case, starting capital will be required from 150,000 rubles. The profit will be 20-30%.

You will need three lines for receiving orders, for which it will be enough to have one telephone number, three computers and special programs for dispatch services - INFINITY, O-TAXI or MAXIMA. Using the dispatching program will allow you to keep track of calls, automatically determine the cost of the trip and provide communication with drivers.

This type of activity has significant advantages. You can get by with minimal start-up capital and you will not need to rent a large, expensive office.

In order for a large number of potential customers to know about you, and the business begins to make a profit, you need advertising. Therefore, be sure to allocate a certain amount of money for the promotion of your service. This can be advertising on the Internet, leaflets and brochures, etc.

The second option for opening this business is to create your own taxi company. It involves large investments, buying cars, hiring drivers and registering a legal entity. There is an interesting idea for business, an off-road taxi on the dunes that can be adapted to Russian realities.

From September 1, 2011 (according to Federal Law No. 69-FZ dated April 21, 2011), passenger and baggage transportation can only be carried out with a special permit. Permits can be obtained from the authorized body by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs.

I wanted to say this. We started working with you and we liked the beginning. I liked that you take into account our needs, that you are flexible, that you were able to adapt to us, that you do not forget us, although you probably have other work as well. We really like it. Therefore, I really would not like to lose it. I urge you to keep the same relationship with us and I really hope that these are not the only good words addressed to you personally and to your company that I will say during my cooperation with you.

A.V. Shirobokov

General Director of Favorit Motors Group LLC

Dealer center SKODA Avtopraga expresses gratitude to the outsourcing contact center Digital Technologies LLC for providing services in the field of outbound telemarketing.
We have been cooperating with the Digital Technologies contact center since 2018; in the course of the work, the tasks assigned to the call center were completed successfully and on time. We look forward to further cooperation. We express our gratitude to the employees of Digital Technologies LLC, including the manager Yarullina Lyudmila, for their professionalism and excellent work!

The company "Digital Technologies" has been supporting clients of the IRBIS filling station network on the issues of the loyalty program for more than 3 years. The partner's responsibilities include consulting on the registration of loyalty cards, informing about discounts, promotions, sweepstakes. The contact center successfully copes with the assigned tasks - we are satisfied with the results of the work.

Several times our company carried out quality checks of consultations using secret calls, as well as listening to recordings of telephone conversations with clients. Call-center employees are polite and polite.

With the help of Digital Technologies LLC, we managed to optimize the company's costs, we thank the contact center team for their cooperation.

Call-center "Digital Technologies" receives and processes incoming calls from our clients. During the entire period of joint work, the company has shown its ability to responsibly approach the assigned tasks and promptly resolve emerging issues.

Thanks to the professionalism, high stress resistance, readiness to solve non-standard tasks and good psychological training of the employees of the call-center of Digital Technologies LLC, we managed to improve the quality of service and increase customer loyalty. During our cooperation, the Digital Technologies company has established itself as a reliable and responsible business partner. We look forward to our further fruitful cooperation.

We have been working with the Digital Technologies call-center for about 1.5 years. On behalf of the Megapolis group of companies, I would like to express my gratitude for the high-quality uninterrupted work. To this day, we interact with the contact center for the quality control service for the provision of services and maintenance in the network of children's amusement parks "Megaland".

Operators conduct daily surveys of visitors to the children's park, assigning quality ratings and recording feedback on the quality of work of park employees. By monitoring the contact center, we have the opportunity to increase the level of guest loyalty and become better. Thank you for your comfortable cooperation.

For many beginners, the dispatching business seems simple and straightforward. And what is difficult here - collect a database of carriers, place an advertisement in a newspaper or on the Internet and take orders. But in practice, everything is much more complicated: "Vendors of air are not liked anywhere," say many entrepreneurs. Not many are in a hurry to share profits with those who are just sitting at the computer. The difficulty in creating a database of performers - carriers can be the very stumbling block that many beginners may not even think about ...

To build a successful business in this field, you need a wealth of experience or large investments. Hence, there are two ways to build a case:

  • you are recruiting a team of experienced dispatchers who already own a certain base of executors and customers. This is a more expensive way.
  • a cheaper but long way to open a dispatch office is the personal experience of a business organizer in any dispatch service.

Having worked in any company, you can gain not only rich experience, study the business thoroughly, but also develop your own client base. Starting a business with already established connections dramatically increases the chances of building a successful business.

How much can you earn?

Typically, dispatchers earn 10% of the cost of shipping services. It is most profitable to recruit a base of long-distance and international carriers and customers for two reasons:

1) From one such flight, the dispatcher makes a significant profit - from 5,000 rubles or more. We processed 10 applications and earned 50 thousand rubles.

2) large earnings from one order allow the dispatching office to take the minimum number of applications and approach each of them with the maximum share of responsibility. This increases the quality of work and reduces risks.

Investments - how much does it cost to open a control room

Dispatching service refers to this type of business, where the size of material costs is not so important. The correct organization of the business and the presence of appropriate connections become more important. To get started, it is enough to rent a small office with an area of \u200b\u200b20 sq. m. There are no special requirements for the premises. The main thing is to have a line for connecting a high-speed and reliable Internet connection.

Basic start-up costs usually include:

  • Deposit for renting premises (20 sq. M.) - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of furniture - 80 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of office equipment (computers, fax, telephone) - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Insurance - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Business registration and other organizational expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Total - 340 thousand rubles

Safety first

Transportation of goods is, in itself, unreliable. On the road, there are different situations, there are also different carriers with unreliable equipment or outright crooks. In which case, claims and lawsuits will be sent not only to the carrier of the cargo, but also to the dispatch service. In order to protect yourself as much as possible from all kinds of force majeure situations, you must:

1. Carefully collect the carrier base. Choose those contractors who have appropriate insurance (construction and installation insurance), a working fleet of cars and good customer reviews. The reliability of carriers is the authority of the entire dispatch service and, accordingly, the growth of orders.

2. Register only a legal entity (LLC) as an organizational form.

3. Have a good lawyer on staff.

Not all novice dispatching services will be able to afford such costs, since the salary of a lawyer costs from $ 700 per month. In any case, before opening a case, you need to use the services of an experienced lawyer who will competently draw up all the contracts, and in which case - contact him for detailed advice and assistance.

Dispatch service registration

There are certain subtleties in registering a business that many beginners may not take into account. For many types of small businesses, the optimal organizational form is an individual entrepreneur. But not for the dispatch service. The fact is that the activities of dispatching offices are associated with great responsibility and a high probability of force majeure situations. Frequent litigation may arise and will not always end in favor of the organization. And if you are an individual entrepreneur, then you, according to obligations, risk all your property. That is, if something happens to the cargo, and you are held liable, then you can lose your apartment, car and other property belonging to you as an individual (and an individual entrepreneur is an individual).

Therefore, the optimal form is a Limited Liability Company (LLC). Registration of a legal entity will cost significantly more (from 15 thousand rubles), but the LLC risks only its authorized capital for its obligations. And the authorized capital of the control room is a pair of computers, a fax and a telephone. Only this can be taken away from you.

Is it worth entering the market today?

Competition in the field of cargo transportation is only growing every day, and only the most desperate optimist can recognize this market as low competitive. At the same time, competition exists not only among carriers, but also among dispatch services. Especially in large cities of Russia. But this does not mean that it will not work here to run a profitable business. Quality of service and good knowledge of the market are the components of the success of any dispatch service.

The most reliable entry into the market is the creation of a small vehicle fleet and, on the basis of our own small transport company, to open a dispatch service. In this case, it will be much easier to build up the first customer base, and the most difficult stage in the development of the dispatch service will be passed. It will be easier to work further. With the growth of orders, for the most valuable and profitable of them, you will always have your own cars. For other orders, there will always be carriers represented by other competing companies.

" № 3/2017

What code according to OKVED should be selected and recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, if an organization (individual entrepreneur) plans to engage in activities related to the provision of dispatch services?

Information about what types of activities the organization (IE) plans to engage in is reflected in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP) by fixing codes in it according to the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (subparagraphs "p" of item 1, items "o" of item 2 of Art. 5 of the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ "On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs"). Since July 11, 2016, the classification and coding of the types of economic activities declared by economic entities during state registration are carried out using OKVED 2 (Letter of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2016 No. GD-4-14 / [email protected]). The information entered in the registers before the specified date has been brought into compliance with OKVED 2 in automatic mode using transition keys developed by the Ministry of Economic Development (Letter of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 03.04.2017 No. GD-4-14 / [email protected]). If an already registered organization (IP) decides to engage in entrepreneurial activity, information about which is not in the register, the tax authority must be notified of the start of a new activity within three working days (clause 5 of article 5 of Federal Law No. 129-FZ).

Now, about the choice of the code according to OKVED 2. In paragraph 9 of the regulation approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.11.2003 No. 677, it says the following:

The definition according to the all-Russian classifier of the code of the classification object related to the activities of the economic entity is carried out by the economic entity independently by referring this object to the corresponding code and name of the position of the all-Russian classifier, except for cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the organization (IP) makes the choice of the appropriate code according to OKVED 2 itself, taking into account the names and descriptions given in this document that reveal the content of the classifier groups.

There is no direct indication of which code corresponds to activities related to the provision of dispatch services in OKVED 2, as a result, when choosing a code, you should focus on the descriptive part. In addition, OKPD 2 can be connected to the solution of the problem.

In our case, we first turn to OKPD 2, in which taxi services are presented as a separate type of service (code 49.32.11), which include:

    taxi car services, including intracity, suburban and intercity transportation;

    services for irregular "shuttle" transportation at airports;

    related services for pre-ordering a taxi.

Therefore, if the activities of the dispatch service are related to ordering a taxi, from OKVED 2, you can select code 49.32 "Taxi activities". If we are not talking about a taxi, but about other orders (for example, for the transportation of goods), then the following codes are suitable for coding activities:

1) code 52.21.29 "Other auxiliary activities related to road transport";

2) code 63.99 "Other information services activities not included in other groups". This grouping includes the activities of other information services not included in other groups:

    provision of computer information telephone services;

    provision of services by information retrieval services under a contract or on a paid basis;

    provision of news review services;

    selection services;

3) code 96.09 "Provision of other personal services not included in other groups". This class includes, among others:

    services of shoe shiners, doormen, valet parking, etc .;

    services of a reference and information service for the provision of services to the population for filling out forms, writing applications, making copies on an individual order of the population;

    services of a reference and information service for admission to posting ads;

    intermediary services for information on financial, economic and industrial and other data on the individual order of the population.

If an organization (individual entrepreneur) plans to engage in activities related to the provision of dispatch services, for the purpose of coding this activity, you can select codes 49.32 from OKVED 2 (if the activity is related to ordering a taxi), 52.21.29, 63.99 and (or) 96.09.

OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) "All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities", approved by By order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st.

Regulations on the development, maintenance, modification and application of all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information in the socio-economic area.

OK 034 2014 (CPA 2008) "All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity", approved. by the same order of Rosstandart as OKVED 2.

The rapidly growing field of Internet business is contributing to the emergence of firms specializing in transportation. Although the competition in this business is quite high, the demand is so great that even a novice entrepreneur can easily find his own niche and receive a good income. In this business idea, we will tell you how to open a cargo dispatch service from scratch, where to start and whether this is a profitable activity.

Business start and planning features

The dispatcher's job is to find a load for a car that is heading in a certain direction. You don't need to buy the car itself and hire a driver. It is enough to find drivers with their own vehicles, provide them with orders and receive commissions.

To start a trucking business from scratch, an entrepreneur needs to dive into this area. There are two ways to do this. The first, the most costly, is to hire experienced dispatchers with their own base who understand this matter. They will be able to quickly get things on their feet and ensure smooth operation. The entrepreneur's tasks will then include only management functions.

The other is based on the fact that the entrepreneur himself has experience in the dispatch service, has a driver base and a number of regular customers that will allow the business to hold out at the first stage. We recommend choosing the second option, because in the first you will be highly dependent on employees. If they suddenly leave you along with the base, this will result in the collapse of the entire enterprise.

There are several areas of work. The most profitable are international and intercity transportation. You can earn more on them, but it will not be easy for a start-up company to break into this market. And work in foreign economic activity is generally associated with serious difficulties due to the need for customs clearance of each cargo and the high risks of its loss for reasons beyond your control. It is definitely not worth taking on this direction without experience.

If you do not have connections and experience in "expensive" directions, it is better to start with transportation within the city. You can transport furniture, household appliances and building materials around the city. All this is in great demand, and there will be demand. In addition, you can earn extra money by providing loader services.

Dispatchers can earn about 10 percent of each specific order. This is the average rate and can vary from region to region. Before opening a dispatch service, you need to familiarize yourself with this market in your region and conduct an analysis of competitors. If there are many of them, then you need to come up with distinctive features that will favorably distinguish your company.

How to register

Registration of this type of activity has its own nuances. For many types of business, registration as an individual entrepreneur is quite suitable, but an LLC would be better for a dispatching company. The fact is that in this case there are great risks associated with litigation, and an individual entrepreneur as an individual is also responsible for his property. Only what belongs to the company can be sued from an LLC.

In addition, such a form of activity as a limited liability company allows working with the largest companies. Registering a legal entity is a little more expensive than an individual entrepreneur. It will cost at least fifteen thousand rubles. You will have to bring the necessary documents to the tax office. In case of registration as LLC, the dispatching service will only take risks with its authorized capital.

The license is issued only if you work in foreign economic activity or plan to transport dangerous goods. In other cases, the work is carried out without licensing.

What is needed

The first thing to start with is finding and renting office space. A small room, about 10 square meters, will do. It will be beneficial to rent a room in a call center. Some believe that it is possible to organize this enterprise at home, to meet with clients on their territory if necessary, and to conduct paperwork via the Internet. But in this case, the business is likely to remain at the "home" level, and serious companies will not want to cooperate with such an organization.

Better to choose an office where you can meet clients and store papers. This will indicate a good position of the service.

To open an enterprise, you will need the following equipment:

  • A well-functioning cellular network (it is important to choose a reliable operator).
  • Fixed-line telephone with fax function.
  • Personal or laptop computer with high-speed Internet access.
  • Forms, stamps.

The cost of all this is small, a businessman may well keep within 50 thousand rubles.

The procedure for opening an enterprise

  • Business registration. We receive the status of LLC, we register with the tax service according to the simplified tax system 6. If necessary, a license is issued.
  • Office rent. Accommodation is not essential, it is only important to have a parking area. You will be visited by both clients in light vehicles and drivers in trucks. There is no need to equip the loading area. Drivers will be loaded at the location of the customer.
  • Office equipment. We buy furniture and office equipment.
  • Hiring employees. At the first stage, one person is enough, except for the leader, or you can even do without him.
  • Beginning of work. Search for companies to offer their services. Formation of a customer and driver base.

Advantages and disadvantages

This small business has its pros and cons. On the positive side, there is a small initial investment, good demand for services and the need for a small office, almost anywhere in the city.

The downside is the high risk of force majeure. If something happens to the cargo on the road, the dispatcher will have to resolve these issues, and in some cases even bear responsibility.

The dispatch service has a high profitability, since the costs are minimal. The threshold for entering this business is not very high from a financial point of view. Therefore, this line of business is often chosen by aspiring entrepreneurs. Maybe a home trucking dispatcher in the future will become the creator of a serious business with its own warehouses, a large car fleet, international destinations and hundreds of regular customers. But for this you need to show yourself as a responsible and qualified specialist in your field.

We hope that our business idea will help you do this interesting business on your own and give you inspiration! Good luck!


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