State treasury scientific testing ground of aviation systems. State Treasury Scientific and Testing Range of Aviation Systems Unique Development of the Range

Yesterday, the Moscow Regional Court, having considered the appeal against the sentence to Oleg Pronin, the former general director of the federal state-owned enterprise "State Treasury Scientific Testing Ground of Aviation Systems" (FKP GkNIPAS), who was convicted of selling combat missile engines to Ukraine, not only did and on my own added another year of strict regime.

The defense of Oleg Pronin, who previously headed the largest training ground in the Moscow region, appealed the verdict of the Resurrection City Court only in terms of the punishment imposed on him in four years in a maximum security colony. The criminal case was considered in a special procedure, and therefore was not subject to revision. Seeking to mitigate punishment, the lawyers noted that Oleg Pronin fully admitted his guilt, actively repented and actively cooperated with the investigation, which allowed him to expose other participants in the scam. The Resurrection City Court, according to the defense, did not take into account that under the same circumstances, having examined in a special order the criminal case of another person involved - businessman Mikhail Dzhama, sentenced him to only two years in a general regime colony, although his actions caused damage to the budget by more than 67 million rubles The court of first instance, in the opinion of the defense, did not take into account the fact that Mr. Pronin expressed a desire “to work in the future, as before, for the good of the Motherland”.

Despite the arguments of the defense, the representative of the prosecutor's office said that she considered the verdict of the first instance court lawful and reasonable and asked to leave it unchanged due to the fact that the crime of Mr. Pronin, like the rest of the defendants, was connected with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction that had to be disposed of.

Having heard the parties, the board of the Moscow Regional Court decided that the court of first instance did not fully take into account the circumstances of the criminal case and the role of Oleg Pronin in it. The term assigned to him was considered "soft" - the appellate instance added another year of strict regime to Mr. Pronin for complicity in especially large-scale fraud, as well as in the theft of weapons, components for it and ammunition (part 4 of Art. 159 and part 4 of Art. . 226 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Mr. Pronin was one of the defendants in the criminal case on the sale of aircraft guided missile engines to the Ukrainian Motor Sich JSC. Having received from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation more than 100 million rubles. for the disposal of missiles on the territory of the FKP GkNIPAS, the members of the organized criminal group then sold their engines to Ukraine for almost 50 million.

The main criminal case, which will soon go to court, is the former head of the Turaevsky machine-building design bureau Soyuz Nikolay Yakovlev, the commercial director of the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation JSC Viktor Vagan, the executive director of the FKP GkNIPAS Vladimir Niyazov and several businessmen. They do not admit their guilt.

NII-2 NKOP, NKB, Institute KhIM-2 NKTP

/G. Moscow, 24 PO Box 2437 (1937) /

KhIM-2 was created on the basis of a special laboratory of the VKhNII. On NKOP ave. No. 06ss dated 12/30/1936 KhIM-2 was renamed to Research Institute No. 2. Pr. No. 294 dated 17.08.1937. the Charter of the Institute was approved. In 02.1939. Research Institute No. 2 4GU NKOP was transferred to the management of 4GU NKB. 132

Since 1936 - work on incendiary liquids, a gelatinized combustible emulsion of ZhGE was created (RZ Fayntsimmer). 56 On NKOP Ave. No. 0041 dated 02.27.1937. in order to strengthen the work on ignition means, the scope of work of the KhIM-2 Institute was expanded, it was transferred to the 4GU and determined to be the main one for the development and use of mass ignition means. The institute was ordered to ensure the work of Feintsimmer (repressed in 1937) and Simagin to improve the plasticization of combustible materials.

AND ABOUT. director (-27.02.1937) - Bogdanov. Director (27.02.1937-5.03.1938) - S.A. Ryabenky (removed).

Ch. designer (02/27/1937 -) - Bogdanov.

Heads of laboratories: (02.1937) - Simagin.

Heads of groups: test (1937) - Zakharov. 139

Acted at NII-2 NKOP. According to pr. No. 83 dated 03/10/1937. Design bureau with all personnel (7 people), work plan, objects D-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6 was transferred to plant No. 37. 139

NII-2 MAP, GKAT, Institute for Theoretical Cybernetics (ITC) MAP, Research Institute of Automatic Devices (NIIAP), Research Institute of Automatic Systems (NIIAS) MAP, V-2942, Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Systems (NIIAS), GosNIIAS, FSUE "SSC RF" GosNIIAS " CANCER

/G. Zhukovsky; Moscow, Leningradskoe sh., 55 PO Box 3657 (1949) /

/ 125319 (125167, A-167) Moscow, A-319 st. Viktorenko, 7 "Celina" tel. 157-70-47, /

The formation of NII-2 NKAP was planned back in 08.1944. for work on projectile aircraft; deputy. the head was planned by P.O. Sukhoi, on the engine - B.S. Stechkin, but then it was not implemented. In accordance with the post. SNK No. 473-192ss dated 02.26.1946. on the development of R&D on aircraft, the organization of the Institute of Aviation Weapons was agreed. Along MAP avenue No. 290ss dated 05/13/1946 was organized by NII-2 MAP in the 7GU system. Allocated territory at plant No. 134 MAP ch. constructor Sukhoi: the design building on the territory "a" (the former House of the Veteran of the Patriotic War, built after 1812; in the 1970s it was demolished during the reconstruction of the institute) and part of the hangar on the territory "b" (the former assembly shop of the Junkers plant on Khodynka; subsequently, the first modeling complexes were created here). The staff was formed on the basis of department No. 4 of the LII (weapons), BNT TsAGI, part of which was transferred to the new NII-2 (engaged in the study of foreign technology), weapons department No. 52 of the NII-1 MAP, G.Ya. Dillon (translated 07.1946). Until the end of the equipment of the base, the institute was located in the city of Zhukovsky. The organizer and the first head of the Research Institute-2 - P.Ya. Zalessky.

According to pr. No. 641s dated 09/15/1947 for placement, the institute was additionally transferred to a site on the territory of plant No. 240 MAP.

In 06.1946. as part of the institute: laboratories: No. 1 of sights and aerial shooting, No. 2 of bombing and bomber sights, No. 3 of machine-gun and cannon armament, No. 4 of bomb and mine-torpedo armament, No. 6 of reactive-chemical weapons, No. 7 of instrumentation, No. 8 of information -publishing, No. 9 flight research, No. 10 polygon (in Faustovo). Information publishing, No. 9 flight-isss-th, and bomber sights, No. 3 machine-gun and cannon thief,

In 1946. at the landfill in the village. Testing base No. 1 of the institute was organized in Faustovo. A plot of land has been allocated on the territory of the Vinogradsky forestry enterprise (Zhukovsky) for organizing a base for field tests - base number 2 for flight tests. Stands and test facilities were built. Pilot production was organized (M.Ya. Gorelik).

Etc. MAP No. 393ss dated 05.24.1949. from the plant number 134, transferred to Tushino, in 11.1949. all buildings of the territory "a" and "b" of plant No. 134 were additionally transferred to NII-2 (the address of NII-2 was the same as that of plant No. 134: Leningradskoe sh., 55).

According to pr. No. 283ss / op dated 04/25/1955 NII-2 since 04/01/1955 transferred from 7GU to 6GU MAP. Until 08.1957 - run by 2GU MAP. In accordance with PSM No. 38-19 dated January 9, 1958. on pr. No. 20ss from 21.01.1958 transferred to the jurisdiction of the 5th Department of the SCAT. Along MAP avenue from 04/30/1966 NII-2 was renamed ITK, then - NIIAP (until 1970). Etc. MAP dated 02.19.1970. renamed to Scientific Research Institute of Automatic Systems, in 1972. - under the jurisdiction of GU NIO, in 1987. - 10 GU MAP. It had the name "PO Box B-2942" (1967-87). 74 Further - Research Institute of Aviation Systems.

In the late 1960s - early 1970s, the institute was reconstructed: an engineering and laboratory building of five blocks, an administrative building (on the site of the Veteran's House) were built. The institute also includes: a testing and modeling complex in Akhtubinsk (-1987-2002-), a special department (1987).

Until 1970. the structure of the institute consisted of laboratories, which included several departments. there were laboratories: the theory of homing systems, strike and long-range bomber aviation No. 3, No. 4 (1959), combat survivability. Then the main structural unit was a department consisting of laboratories, and in them - sectors. Organized departments: efficiency; compatibility of weapons and aircraft; fighter aircraft; strike aviation; URVV; URVP.

There were branches (1987): Beloozersk "Pribor"; (1990): in Feodosia (flight tests of naval aviation weapons), in Georgia (organized in the 1980s). After 1991 these branches became independent organizations.

In 1946-49. work was carried out to test weapons systems with a B-20E cannon for the Tu-4 aircraft.

The design work was carried out in the first years. In 07.1946. the subject of the RT-45-2 (A-2) jet torpedo was transferred to the institute from the NII-400 with a group of designers led by G.Ya. Dillon (tested in 1948-51). On its basis, the RAT-52 was created (V.P. Golikov), in 1953. she pnv. Work was underway (laboratory 8) on the PAT-3 torpedo (ed. "40"). In 1954. It was planned to transfer the RAT group to NII-400.

URVV subject: the project of the "RCC" / D-42 projectile was developed under the leadership of E.N. Kasherininov (later transferred to NII-642). Later, work on homing weapons was continued by N.N. Moiseev.

Since 1947 from NII-17 MAP transferred by V.A. Malyshev, under whose leadership since 1949. work was carried out on the "Gamma" radio range finder (in 1951, Malyshev returned to NII-17 with this topic).

Since the end of 1954. the topic of guided missile weapons began to develop. For the first time, deep research has begun on the problem of homing, the effectiveness of interception. In accordance with PSM No. 2543-1224 dated 30.12.1954. on MAP avenue from 02/26/1955 the institute was identified as the leading organization for research and development in the field of aircraft weapons control systems, the creation of an SD. Since the late 1950s, the topic of air defense systems and missile defense began. From the late 1950s to 1965 predominantly space-related work.

In the 1950s, its own computer VDM-101 was built (G.T. Artamonov). Then M-50, 5E51, Elbrus (4 vehicles), Hitachi, VAX from DEC were purchased. Organized its own Computing Center.

Areas of work (1960s): compatibility of weapons and aircraft (small arms and cannon installations, bomber weapons, NURS, ammunition dispersal); theory of effectiveness, research of combat operations and effectiveness; guided weapons, automation of aiming modes; combat survivability and target destruction.

At the end of the 1960s, the Tu-22M semi-natural modeling stand was built. 3 stands were created for the MiG-23 ("air combat", for the radar and for the UR K-23). In the 1970s, work began on the MiG-31 and Tu-160. The Tu-160 modeling complex was created. In the 1980s - work on the Tu-95MS. Stands for Su-25, Su-27, MiG-29, Su-27IB. In the 1990s, the Il-96T, MiG-21-93 modeling stand was installed.

The Institute took part in the creation of the URVV: R-3, R-55, R-8M, R-98, R-40, R-27, R-60, R-73, R-77; URVP: Kh-23, Kh-25, Kh-27, Kh-31, Kh-35, Kh-55, Kh-59, Kh-555, KAB-500L, KAB-500KR, S-25L. According to pr. No. 355ss from 21.10.1967. the institute was appointed co-developer of the Kh-28M missile control loop for calculating the missile control loop, guidance accuracy and efficiency and modeling.

In accordance with PSM No. 1053-353 dated 11/17/1967. on pr. No. 421ss dated 12.12.1967 the institute was designated as the head one for determining the composition of defense means, including fire protection for the Il-76 aircraft and their testing. 164

Since the end of the 1970s, the institute has been instructed to conduct, instead of the LII, tests of ATs in combat modes at the State Research Institute of the Air Force.

Work was carried out on space issues: protection of spacecraft from external influences. He took part in the program for the creation of the Buran OK.

Work to protect the pilot and aircraft from the damaging elements of weapons.

Research and Development "Echo" on cruise missiles for strategic long-range aviation. NIER "Soyuz" (together with NII "Istok") on the radar for the Su-27.

In the late 1980s - work on the MiG-31M, MFI.

Work was carried out in the interests of the GA: development of software for the on-board equipment complex Il-96M, Tu-204; integration of the onboard equipment of the Mi-38 and Ka-62 helicopters. In 1990-96. the Integrated Complex of Onboard Equipment for Civil Aircraft (IKBO-95) has been developed. In the 1990s, by order of the NTs ATC, a simulation model of air transportation in Russia was developed. In the 1990s, in accordance with the post. Government GosNIIAS has been appointed as the head for the creation of a unified computer system for the passport and visa service (headed by A.V. Bondarenko).

The following stands were created: air combat; three-degree for practicing gyrosystems; five-degree for the development of optoelectronic systems; kinetic heating tests of rockets; complex tests for pressure, vibration and heat loads; three-degree for the development of radar; avionics prototyping. Special rooms: radio anechoic room for radar modeling; simulation of on-board control vehicles.

Since 1991 - GosNIIAS (pr. No. 201 dated 05/03/1990). Since 1994 - State Research Center GosNIIAS (post. Government No. 247 of March 29, 1994), then - State Unitary Enterprise State Research Center GosNIIAS. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 939 of 22.06.1993. and post. Government No. 247 of March 29, 1994. the institute was awarded the status of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1009 dated 4.08.2004. GosNIIAS entered the list of strategic defense enterprises.

Works (2000): ROC "Identification" on the development of promising technologies for automatic identification of objects and documents to ensure automated accounting and control of resource circulation; Research and development work "Vizir" on the development of methods and means of contactless measurements and the construction of three-dimensional models of spatial objects; R&D "KTD" on the development of technology information system for control of goods movement of excisable products using barcode stamps. (2002): development of concepts for aviation complexes and systems, on-board equipment; certification of onboard equipment; creation of automated systems for scientific research and design, modeling complexes and ground tests; works on the theory of signal processing, the theory of technical vision and pattern recognition. Together with STC "Module" by 2005. a prototype of an on-board vehicle traffic monitoring system was developed. (2006): software for on-board equipment complexes; integrated design environment "Bort". Along the RAKA Ave. No. 18 dated 02.21.2003. the institute was designated as the head one for the implementation of a unified scientific and technical policy of the aviation industry in the field of electronic equipment for aircraft of military and civil aviation.

Premises area (2003) - 44 thousand m 2.

The number of personnel (1953) - about 1000 people, (late 1960s) - more than 3000 people, (1972) - 4056 people. (including 282 managers), (1990) - more than 9000 people, (2002) - about 2000 people. 69

Chief (1946-51) - Mr. P. Ya. Zalessky (05/27/1902-); and about. (01-03.1951) - V.E. Rudnev; (03.1951-07.1970) - V.A. Japaridze (28.02.1908-), (09.1970-2001) - E.A. Fedosov. General Director (2001-06) - Academician (1984) E.A. Fedosov (05/14/1929-), (06.2006) - S.Yu. Zheltov.

1st deputy. chief (1966-70) - E.A. Fedosov. 1st deputy. CEO - A.M. Batkov, (1980-92-) - P.V. Poznyakov, (1990s) - V.A. Stefanov; for financial and commercial activities (-1996-2000) - B.S. Alyoshin. Deputy Head: for scientific work (1946-59) - V.E. Rudnev (efficiency theory); (06.1959-66) - E.A. Fedosov (guided weapons), (1960s) - V.I. Ermilov (compatibility of weapons and aircraft), (1970s) - S.I. Bazazyants (weapon compatibility), (1974-75) - A.M. Batkov. Deputy CEO (1980s) - B.S. Aleshin (computer technologies), (1980s-2002-) - A.M. Zherebin, (-1994) - L.K. Safronov, (1990s) - V.I. Kuhtenko.

Executive Director (2002) - P.V. Poznyakov, (2002) - V.A. Stefanov. Commercial Director (1998-2000) - B.S. Aleshin, (2002) - L.V. Stepanov.

Scientific adviser (02.2006-) - Academician E.A. Fedosov.

Ch. engineer (1946-) - M.Ya. Gorelik, (-1990-e-2002-) - S.I. Mogilevchik.

Heads of departments: efficiency (1970s) - E.A. Fedosov; compatibility of weapons and aircraft (1970s) - S.I. Bazazyants; fighter aviation (1970s) - A.M. Batkov; strike aviation (1970s) - A.M. Batkov; URVV (1970s) - A.M. Batkov; URVP (1970s) - A.M. Batkov; fighter weapons control systems (1990s) - I.B. Tarkhanov; A.S. Isaev, M.M. Maximov.

Deputy head of the department: for scientific work - V.V. Insarov.

Heads of departments: URVV (1953-56) - E.A. Fedosov; secret (1987) - A.V. Popov; (-1970) - A.M. Batkov, V.V. Insarov, R.D. Kuzminsky, I. V. Logvinov, (1976-86) - P.M. Nikolaev; computing center - G.T. Artamonov; Scientific Information Center (2006) - V.V. Volodin. Production Manager - I.A. Murylev.

Heads of laboratories: No. 2- E.I. Chistovsky; No. 3- K.A. Sarychev; No. 4 (1959) - Yu.I. Topcheev; combat survivability (1970s) - S.I. Bazazyants; B.S. Aleshin, V. Yu. Gorokhov, V.V. Insarov, (1982-) - A.K. Kiryukhin, I.V. Logvinov, A.S. Sinitsyn, (2000s) - B.N. Toporov.

Sector heads: B.S. Aleshin, V.I. Aristov, L.V. Borisov, V.Yu. Gorokhov, (-1981) - A.V. Kisletsov, (1971-87) - A.R. Lanskoy, A.S. Sinitsyn; and about. (1975-) - P.M. Nikolaev.

Chiefs: base number 2 (1940s) - A.D. Stradaev; Belozersk branch (-1994) - L.K. Safronov; groups: A.A. Grechukhin, I. V. Logvinov.

Base number 1 NIIAS, Scientific Testing Aggregate Institute (NIAI) MAP, Beloozersk branch "Pribor" NIIAS, A-1166, State Scientific Testing Range of Aviation Systems (GosNIPAS), Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Federal State Enterprise "State Treasury NIPAS" ("GkNIPAS")

/ 140240 (140250) settlement Faustovo (Kratovo) Voskresensky district, Moscow region "Golden eagle"/

/ 140250 settlement Belozerskiy Voskresenskiy district, Moscow region Tel. 556-07-09

The Faustovo landfill was formed in 1941. for ground tests of AT and weapons.

In 1946. the base No. 1 of NIIAS is organized here. In 1965-66. the landfill was transformed into an independent NIAI, in 1972. - under the jurisdiction of GU NIO MAP. Since 1978 - Beloozersk branch "Pribor", in 1990. - Beloozersk branch of NIIAS. It had the name "PO Box A-1166" (1987). 74

Weapon tests: P-5 naval missile system (from 12.03.1957). 58

In the 1960s, the testing base of Branch No. 1 of the Central Design Bureau of Design Bureau (OKB "Salyut") for testing rocket and space systems was located on the territory of the test site.

Since 1994 - an independent GosNIPAS. In 2002. - FKP GkNIPAS.

Created: Temp-2 anti-aircraft mine; 63 multipurpose assault round for RPG-7 (1995); anti-tank anti-roof mine.

Works (2000): ROC "Passenger" on the development of bench equipment for certification dynamic tests for passive safety of protective equipment for passengers and crew of vehicles in collisions and accidents; ROC "Safety" on the development of methods and means of testing vehicles, equipment and protective systems to ensure passive safety.

Areas of activity (2002): aeroballistic studies of aircraft and weapons, studies of the erosion effect of weapons on protective coatings; firing tests of liquid-propellant rocket engines, solid propellants, combustion chambers; certification tests of elements of passenger aircraft; studies of the technical and operational characteristics of weapons installations, the influence of vibration and thermal loads, aerospace conditions and electromagnetic effects on the operation of aircraft weapons; tests of aircraft emergency escape systems, studies of the dynamics of parachute systems; assessment of aircraft combat survivability.

The experimental base included: a high-speed rocket test track, a light-gas system for testing resistance to shells and fragments, a light modeling complex, an aeroballistic track, a thermoacoustic installation; stands: "Armchair" (1999), tests of on-board data storage devices, thermal tests STI-3; complex for testing rocket engines, complex tests, for testing micro-rocket engines, vacuum, thermal erosion tests.

Was one of the 5 largest polygons in Russia (2002).

The area is more than 10,000 hectares.

Number of personnel (1972) - 2670 people. (including 449 people), (1990) - about 2000 people, (2002) - 1200 people.

Head (1946) - A.V. Arkharov, (1987) - V.V. Bocharov, (-1994) - L.K. Safronov. Director (1994-2000) - L.K. Safronov, (2002) - A.A. Strelnikov, (2005) - V.G. Russ.

Deputy Director: on the scientific and testing base (2002) - V.G. Russ; for safety (2002) - Yu.I. Kirpichev; on personnel (2002) - N.V. Shchipunov. Executive Director (-2002-05-) - V.Ya. Niyazov. 69

Ch. engineer (2002) - V.G. Russ.

Heads of departments: secret (1987) - Yu.G. Kuzmin.

OKB of the enterprise PO Box 3657

Worked: (1959-60) - V.G. Arkhangelsky (s).

Tbilisi branch "Luch" NIIAS, U-9579

/ Georgian SSR 383007 Varketil state farm, Gardaban district, st. Friendship, 3 "Win" /

The branch was in 1987-90. It had the name "PO Box Yu-9579" (1987). 74

Testing of optoelectronic systems.

Director (1987) - N.M. Ramishvili.

Heads of departments: secret (1987) - N.A. Laptev.

Test-modeling complex NIIAS, Yu-9449

/ 416510 Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region "Tulip" Art. Akhtuba Privolzhskaya railway /

The complex was in 1987-2002. It had the name "PO Box Yu-9449" (1987).

Head (1987) - B.A. Mikhailov.

Heads of departments: secret (1987) - R.A. Zelenskaya. 74

Special department of NIIAS, G-4123

/ 125167 Moscow, A-167 st. Viktorenko, 7 "Celina" /

The special department of NIIAS had the name "p / i G-4123" (1987). 74

Head (1987) - V.N. Ivanov.

Heads of departments: secret (1987) - V.L. Unsatisfied.

Aviation Industry Microelectronics Center

Created at GosNIIAS. Head (1984-89) - B.S. Alyoshin.

NPP "Erlan" (AirLan)

/ 125319 Moscow st. Viktorenko, 7 tel. 157-38-26 /

Works (2002): development and implementation of information management systems (IMS) for: accounting, control and analysis of the state of AT; planning the use of the AT fleet; information support for maintenance of AT; stock management of aggregates and spare parts; troubleshooting.

Created:IMS "Erlan-1" (1990). 69

Popularly, this part of the forest between Faustovo and Beloozersky is in vain called the "zone", drawing inappropriate analogies with the film " Stalker". The people working there prefer the name "landfill" or "industrial site". Actually, the "industrial site" is a few secure enterprises located on an area of ​​10 thousand hectares amidst a riot of natural beauty. One of these enterprises, the ground test site " Faustovo”, Representatives of the Sunday mass media visited on Wednesday.

The official name of the heart of the Voskresensk defense industry is Federal State Enterprise " State Treasury Scientific Testing Ground of Aviation Systems"(FKP" GkNIPAS It is engaged in almost all possible tests, except for flight tests. Samples and individual units of military and civil equipment, mainly aviation, under conditions close to real ones, are tested for everything that is possible (and necessary). their individual nodes have passed and are still passing the Faustian test site - countless. From military vehicles, including the newest PAK FA (T-50), civilian airliners and the domestic "space shuttle" that died in the Bose project " Buran"To ... grenade launchers, guns, rockets and mines, not simple, but anti-helicopter.

Scary, but beautiful. Beautiful but scary

The event was not a guided tour. More precisely, not exactly an excursion. For a full overview of everything that is on the landfill, according to the director of the FKP " GkNIPAS"Oleg Pronin, it will take at least a week, provided that all test benches will be approved - the enterprise, I remind you, is a regime. And there is something to secret - many samples have no analogues in the world. Of the already unclassified, for example, the already mentioned anti-helicopter mine. Imagine - helicopter landing on the coast. Enemy, of course. Well, approximately, as in the immortal " Apocalypse Now"Francis Coppola. And on our coast there are such metal "lotuses" weighing 12 kg and four petals, and helicopters are spotted from the ground a kilometer away, and after 15 seconds, helicopters flying at a hundred meters like ... And that's it, there is no landing. But this is militaristic lyrics. There is something darkly beautiful about products made by man to destroy their own kind.

At a business meeting of FKP leaders " GkNIPAS"With journalists and representatives of the Sunday educational institutions, held under the motto" Open "defense industry": the landfill is ready for cooperation ", with us, first of all, they shared the pressing problems of the enterprise and asked for all possible help in solving them.

We considered it necessary to move away from the traditions of the closed nature of defense enterprises and go along the path of permissible openness - and this is correct, in modern society many tasks are solved precisely through an open dialogue, - said the organizer of the meeting, Alexander Kvardakov, deputy director of the enterprise. I have a long-standing and strong relationship with the landfill, as well as with all enterprises of the industrial site " Faustovo"- in the 90s I practically lived here, the security of enterprises was included in my area of ​​responsibility as an employee of the FSB. I devoted most of my life to serving in the organs, now another period has begun, again associated with Voskresensk. And the sphere of my interests as a representative of the enterprise includes all-round assistance in solving the problems of economic development of our region. It is you, like-minded people who want Voskresensk and the region of prosperity, who were invited to get acquainted with the history of the enterprise, to discuss together the issues of providing the region's enterprises with in-demand personnel, to find strategic directions for solving employment problems.

We did not forget to demonstrate to the guests one of the impressive spectacles that the training ground is capable of: launching a small (but loud) rocket engine on a rocket track, which was carried off along the rails into the distance at a speed of several hundred kilometers per hour. Impressive. And not only the launch itself, but also the signal of the warning siren-howler that sounded in front of it. With difficulty I tried not to lead even with my ear at both sounds. I still don't understand whether I succeeded or not ...

Serious and sad at times

After the review part, the conversation in the conference hall of the FKP " GkNIPAS"It was about serious. About the personnel problem of the landfill. Judge for yourself. The average age of a technical employee is already under 60 years. Talented change is a rare phenomenon. Young people do not go to the landfill."

And in Soviet times it was a prestigious place. In the 60s, in the wake of the "battle for space", the test site was the main city-forming enterprise of Beloozersky. Houses were built, the families of young specialists were allocated apartments ... Later, at the peak of the development of the Soviet military-industrial complex, design bureaus from all over the Union were actually in the queue for testing. Unfortunately, that time has passed. Fortunately, another thing passed, when the "defense industry" almost died on the runes of the former might of the USSR. The military-industrial complex is held in high esteem again.

True, not all of them. He is often not held in high esteem among young professionals. And they can be understood: the situation with housing is tense, salaries are average by today's standards, and there is a lot of work. True, for a keen person, the latter is more likely a plus. Enthusiastic people - this is about the landfill " Faustovo". Their eyes are burning, they enthusiastically discuss the test results and talk about their developments.

Residents sometimes complain that we have explosions. But the safety of the tests is ensured at the highest level. So, we blew it up, we explode it and we will explode it! - jokes the director of the FKP " GkNIPAS“Oleg Pronin. - Because it means: the landfill is alive, the defense industry is developing, this is important for the country.

The polygon sinks into the heart, once and for all, - echoes the head of the design department. - Come! There would be a desire, but we will teach you to work.

However, not all will be taken. We need capable talented designers, engineers, and just workers, welders, metal specialists - the landfill has its own workshop, in which, I repeat, unique products are produced for various testing needs. Where can we find cadres, young specialists, who are able to pass the test by the proving ground so as to "grow" to it with all their hearts?

According to the landfill management, Voskresensk was seriously concerned about this problem: at present, the task has been set to determine the current and forecast needs of our enterprises in personnel for carrying out coordinated work on their preparation. Further plans include the training of professionals within the framework of trilateral agreements with enterprises, educational institutions and young people who are ready to get a profession that is really needed in the labor market and then work at the enterprise “on order”.

At present, the managers of the enterprise believe, new prospects are emerging - it is known that the defense industry is gradually being withdrawn from the territory of Moscow. It is FKP " GkNIPAS"It can become a point of development for this direction - large areas, and a professional team, and the built infrastructure of the enterprise speak in favor of this option. So it is quite possible that in the near future we will learn about new victories of the landfill.

Yuri Belimov
Photo by the author

The Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, presented the head of Balashikha, Sergei Yurov, with a diploma for the best management team in the region.
Newspaper Fact
25.12.2019 From 6 to 8 January 2020 in Istra, within the framework of the project of the Government of the Moscow Region "Winter in the Moscow Region", a large-scale festival "Fabulous Christmas" will be held,
Stupinskaya panorama
26.12.2019 Tourism Committee of the Moscow Region, Department of Tourism of the Yaroslavl Region,
Rodnik newspaper

In addition to New Year's events organized for children by the Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow Region,
Newspaper Weekly News
25.12.2019 - In total, in 2019, Gosadmtekhnadzor checked 87 588 objects and territories.
City news


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