The main types of transit advertising. Technology of production of transit advertising. Advantages and disadvantages of transit advertising

In 1910, on the buses of the city of Buffalo (USA), an image of a funny "mint man" appeared - this is how one of the most successful advertising campaigns of Wrigley company began. The concept, advertising text and the character itself were created for her by writers Francis Scott Fitzgerald and Ogden Nash. The image was printed on stickers, which were then placed in the interiors of buses. The success was so loud that the advertising campaign was immediately carried out in all major US cities.
Following the successful example of Wrigley, Campbell's (manufacturing and selling soups), decided to start an advertising campaign for its products, advertising a third of all buses in New York for a year. Inspired by incredible sales growth, after 6 months, Campbell's executives concluded a second contract - and advertised their products on every bus in New York without exception. Sales growth was 100%, and for 12 years, transit advertising was the only advertising medium for this company.

The history of the emergence of modern transit advertising in transport

The history of modern advertising begins in the late 80s of the last millennium. The first advertising wave covered the press, outdoor media, television and radio. These media seemed to be more accessible for the transmission of advertising messages. Transit advertising appeared somewhat later. The development of advertising public vehicles in Moscow began primarily with the subway and trolleybus depots.

Advertised trolleybuses first appeared on the streets of Moscow and a little later in the regions of Russia. And only after that advertising moved to other modes of transport. But television, print, and radio were still considered more prestigious media outlets for advertising. After the crisis, financial difficulties forced advertisers to focus their efforts primarily on revising the cost / effectiveness ratio for each of the channels for distributing advertising messages. Analysis of the data obtained showed that advertising on transport is among the leaders in many respects.

Dynamic advertising is various inscriptions, billboards, structures that move past people or that people move past. Dynamic advertising includes street signs, billboards on the roads, inscriptions on the sides of various vehicles, etc.

Static advertising is informational materials in relation to which a person is inactive. First of all, such advertising includes stickers, leaflets fixed inside vehicles (in subway cars, buses, trolleybuses, etc.)

Advertising on transport- this is one of the most effective types of outdoor advertising, as thousands of consumers can see your advertisement every day. The effectiveness of advertising on vehicles is also confirmed by studies. According to their results, advertising on a mobile medium causes a better perception and more frequent visual contact with the target audience. Thus, according to the results of research, the average recognition of transport advertising companies is 31% of respondents on the streets of the city; memorability of campaigns - 27% of respondents.

In addition, studies by the marketing company Simmons Market Research have shown that 71% of passers-by who encounter it for the first time retain the impression of seeing outdoor advertising. While only 18% remember the first heard radio commercial, and 23% remember the first seen video. It is possible that the memorability rate of transit advertising is higher than 71% due to its dynamism, mobility and often large size compared to billboards.
Over the past ten years, the number of cars on the roads has increased significantly. Road construction is not keeping up with the growth in the number of vehicles and the load on transport routes is increasing. This, in turn, leads to more and more “traffic jams” on the roads, therefore, the average speed of cars is reduced. This, among other things, suggests that the potential audience of outdoor advertising is expanding significantly: drivers and passengers sitting in cars, passers-by have more time to look at outdoor advertising media (including advertising on transport). Up to 90% of the population use various modes of transport in any city. In large cities, the number of visitors is added to them. With the increase in the number in cities, the amount of transport used also increases. And this means that advertising on transport is becoming more and more popular in the advertising market. With the development of new image overlay technologies in the production of advertising on transport, the quality of transit advertising has improved a lot. And this means that advertising on transport has become more understandable and readable for the consumer.

Transport is considered by the advertising community as the same advertising medium as, for example, city billboards. But at the same time, advertising in transport is: 1) the most democratic type of advertising, because even poor people are forced to use public transport, and 2) the most intrusive type of advertising, because while advertising is shown on TV, you can turn off the sound, start something either read or solve a crossword puzzle; but in transport, especially at rush hour, you involuntarily have to study pasted advertising prints for tens of minutes.

The transit advertising market is constantly evolving: new media, new technologies, new ideas and solutions appear - traditionally static advertising media begin to move. Obviously dynamics are back in fashion.
In Europe, the transport advertising sector is growing faster than the outdoor advertising sector and already has approximately 250,000 buses, 30 subways, 25 national railways and more than 100 airports as carriers. The UK demonstrates the highest growth rates in this segment of the advertising market, proving, together with other European countries, that there is a huge field for creativity in this area. Transit advertising continues to develop successfully all over the world: new advertising media appear, the number of bright and creative advertising campaigns that involve transport is growing.

1. You can find many examples of non-standard solutions and bright advertising campaigns that took place in different cities of the world.

For example, in Europe there was an original campaign to promote a popular diet. An advertising sticker was pasted on the "accordions" of buses, due to which, during the movement of the bus, the image of a woman was stretched and compressed, clearly demonstrating possible changes in the figure (Fig. 43).

On Hollywood streets, you can now meet SNICKERS "on wheels": buses circling the city, designed as a package of a chocolate bar (Fig. 44). The new advertising campaign is based on the brand's visual recognition, since the branded packaging of the chocolate bar has long been the most important attribute of this brand.

Thus, advertising on transport is one of the few types of advertising that has the properties of mass communication, one of the most effective advertising tools in terms of cost / effectiveness, advertising on transport is available to advertisers with different tasks and budgets - from world-famous brands to local advertisers and it is a product with a very high degree of impact on the audience.

Using a different advertising format along with transit advertising, you have the opportunity to attract additional attention of your consumers. You have the opportunity to extend your advertising campaign at a low cost. The cost of advertising on transport consists of the cost of producing the image and advertising. The cost of placement is determined based on the size of the advertising medium, the type of vehicle (single or articulated) and the route.

For example: The most common type of advertising on vehicles is auto stickers to the car. Car stickers are not only a good solution for advertising purposes, but also for giving the car an aesthetic look. : The laminated self-adhesive film used in the manufacture of transport advertising is a beautiful and durable material that is not afraid of moisture, temperature changes and mechanical damage.

Type 2 - For complex bodies

More than 75% of Russians live in cities. And he still does not live too luxuriously: private cars are not available to everyone, therefore urban public transport is extremely important for the population. It is equally important for advertisers. The fleet of cars is quite numerous, due to their size they are noticeable, and routes are only added with the growth of cities.

It is cheaper to place your slogans and commercial advertisements on trolleybuses, buses and other land transport than on television or in expensive printed publications. But it is important not to make a mistake with the advertising medium and the type of advertising. Their choice depends on the goals of the company.

At first glance, advertising on land transport is profitable. Brightly colored trolleybuses, buses, and cars moving around the city catch the eye of a wider range of people than static billboards with outdoor advertising. But, as a rule, on-board advertising is used only by large companies - owners of national brands. And the point here is not only that they have solid advertising budgets.

The use of this advertising medium does not entail a direct increase in sales. This advertising works well to win consumer loyalty, increase brand awareness and maintain a favorable company image. It is not worth considering it as a seller. Sales grow only if you combine this tool with other types of advertising. Table 1 shows the main advantages and disadvantages of advertising on transport.

Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of transit advertising



Conciseness. Because the appeal is meant to be short and simple, you can't include a lot of information or make arguments.

Strategy. An excellent reminder, advertising can also be used as a stimulus.

Brief contact. People look at a street appeal for only a few seconds.

Price. One of the cheapest means of delivering advertising messages.

The duration of the action. Suitable for calls that need repetition.

World-famous companies use surface transport advertising only when it is important to ensure a massive presence through all possible channels, and enough money has been allocated for all promotional activities. A significant share of the cost of such advertising is the application of an image on board a bus or trolleybus. It is unprofitable for transport companies or agencies specializing in this type of advertising to repaint vehicles too often. Therefore, the standard term of the contract for the use of on-board advertising is six months, the minimum is three months. Therefore, moving ads are not suitable for all advertising campaigns. The term of three months discourages buyers, and they are in no hurry to take advantage of the company's advantageous offer.

But it is unprofitable to conclude a contract for monthly advertising placement. Indeed, in this case, it will cost more than 60% of the cost of placement for six months.

However, the main disadvantage of in-flight advertising is not the duration of the contracts. The main problem is the mud, which transport "acquires" in rainy autumn, slushy winter and spring. Smudges and streaks can change an initially beautiful advertising image beyond recognition, which, of course, does not contribute to a favorable perception of the brand. In addition, dirt can cover up important information that companies are trying to convey to consumers, such as phone numbers or store addresses. This is especially true for fixed-route taxis, the sides of which descend very low to the ground. Therefore, all these points must be taken into account when developing an on-board advertising layout: it is desirable to place the most important text higher.

Another disadvantage of this method of advertising is the lack of proven and proven tools to measure its effectiveness. Thus, in-flight advertising on public transport makes sense only when the company is ripe to spend money on promoting its brands, but does not expect an instant increase in sales.

The choice of a vehicle, the number of boards and their routes depends on the goals and type of goods.

If a company needs image advertising for a new or little-known brand, it is necessary to use at least 5 "boards" (in small towns). Moreover, trolleybuses or fixed-route taxis are better suited for such advertising, since their routes mainly pass along the central highways of the city. Thanks to this, the number of contacts with consumers will be maximum. You can only use vehicles belonging to your own company as a moving advertising medium. If desired, they can be repainted at any time and kept in perfect cleanliness.

To attract new consumers, you can also use sound advertising that sounds in the salons of buses and trolleybuses. In this case, the advertising message is recorded on tape along with stop announcements and sounds when needed. Sound advertising helps to increase real sales due to the fact that it has excellent focus. It sounds only before a specific stop, next to which there is a point of sale of goods or services.

The main advantage of sound advertising: it is extremely economical. In order for potential consumers to hear advertising, it is enough to use one or three routes that pass directly by the outlet. Sound advertising will work effectively if the portrait of the target consumer matches the social portrait of the passenger who hears it. Otherwise, the money will go down the drain. If audio advertising is used for a long time, it is important to periodically change the text of the advertising message. Otherwise, it will come. The text must be relevant for a certain point in time.

Another type of transit advertising is stickers inside the interiors of trolleybuses, buses and fixed-route taxis. The advantages of stickers are the same as those of sound advertising. They allow you to contact people living in a certain area with a minimum of costs.

The main reasons why stickers in the salons of land transport are considered ineffective advertising media are their small size and inconvenient placement. Therefore, few people pay attention to them.

One of the features of advertising in transport is the lack of guarantees that the time specified in the contract, a trolleybus, bus or fixed-route taxi will be "on the road". This circumstance must be taken into account when signing an agreement with a fleet or an advertising agency. The car will not drive around the city for all six months from 6 to 24 hours, as it will periodically break down and get into accidents.

In addition, park managers can transfer boards from route to route.

With regard to sound advertising, only half of the scheduled advertisements can be guaranteed on buses. Despite the fact that the duties of drivers include turning on the voice recorder, some do not.

The fact that there is no single standard for the design of advertising on transport creates a lot of problems. That does not allow to immediately produce promotional materials for one layout for vehicles in all cities participating in the advertising campaign. As a result, the registration process may be delayed.

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State educational institution of higher professional education



discipline: Mass communications and media planning

Topic: Features and principles of placement of transit advertising


group student

Noskova Ekaterina Alexandrovna


Syaglova Yu.V.

Moscow 2011


The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that over the past ten years the number of cars on the roads has increased by 20%. According to monitoring services, this figure is expected to increase by another 40% in the next ten years. Up to 90% of the population use various modes of transport in any city. In large cities, the number of visitors is added to them. With the increase in the number in cities, the amount of transport used also increases. This means that transit advertising is becoming more and more popular in the advertising market.

With the development of new image overlay technologies in the production of advertising on transport, the quality of transit advertising has improved a lot. And this means that advertising on transport has become more understandable and readable for the consumer.

The purpose of this work is to characterize the features of transit advertising, as well as to determine its effectiveness at the moment.

Consider the structure and essence of transit advertising in the global and Russian markets;

Consider the prospects for the development of transit advertising;

Analyze the main indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of transit advertising.

Structure and essence of the transit advertising market.

1.1 Concept and types of transit advertising

In specialized literature, there are three terms associated with advertising on transport:

transit advertising- placement on or in a public, private and other form of moving objects of information of an advertising nature. Transit advertising includes a narrower concept of "advertising on transport".

Depending on the shape transit advertising actually includes:

Stickers: The standard size for stickers placed in the interior of a public vehicle above window frames is 27.5 cm by 70 cm. There are four additional formats (27.5x52.5; 27.5x105; 27.5x140; 27.5x210).

Outdoor posters: are usually placed on the side panels of the bus (sizes 30x144, 30x88, 21x44), in the space between the rear lights (sizes 21x72), between the block lights (17x21, 21x44).

Depending on the transport used:

Outdoor advertising on fixed-route taxis is a very mobile and popular way to tell about your services or products. Such advertising is designed for a wide audience: motorists, passengers, pedestrians. From an economic point of view, outdoor advertising on fixed-route taxis does not require large cash costs. An interesting psychological move: a potential consumer who saw an advertisement on minibuses remembers information about such services and goods, because on a subconscious level, determines them to be accessible to him.

The auto banner is a billboard 6x3 meters in size, which is mounted on the chassis of a very elongated gazelle car. However, the entry into force of the new law on advertising has made some adjustments in the distribution of mobile advertising on billboards. According to the current legislation, a gazelle with advertising does not have the right to be in motion, because the law prohibits "use the vehicle primarily or exclusively as a mobile advertising installation" . In this regard, mobile billboards move from point to point in a covered state or simply without advertising.

Railway advertising

Advertising on the railway is very versatile and quite effective. Advertising on the railway is aimed at passengers of electric trains and long-distance trains, which determines the formats of advertising media. All advertising on the railway is represented by the following advertising media:

3) Layout in long-distance trains (PDS)

Municipal transport (buses, trolleybuses, trams)

Outdoor advertising on buses, trolleybuses, trams

Artistic design - this is gluing the sides of the transport together with a complete repainting of the vehicle in the desired color.


Stickers in public transport salons are placed near the exit doors at eye level, thereby getting into the field of view of each passenger.

Advertising on handrails

This type of advertising replaced the hanging advertising handrails, which were dismantled on the basis of the order of MOSGORTRANS due to the increased incidence of injuries to passengers due to the breakage of the hanging handrail fasteners. A new type of advertising media on the handrails in transport has a more modern design and is mounted on the main handrail post at the level of the passengers' eyes.

You can make advertising on corporate vehicles in the same style. For example, advertising on gazelles with the logo and symbols of the company, advertising on trucks with corporate symbols all over the board or advertising on cars with the help of applications and self-adhesive stickers, create the image of the company, being at the same time an advertisement for those goods and services that the company is engaged in. Another advantage of advertising on corporate vehicles is that you do not need to rent a place for advertising, since the vehicles of the company itself are advertising carriers. It also follows from this that advertising on corporate cars can be used as much as you like, that is, it is not limited by the terms of placement.

1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of transit advertising

Benefits of transit advertising

High level of consumer attention

high frequency

Wide coverage


Availability to consumers within 16 or 18 hours a day

The growth in the number of newspapers and magazines, television and radio channels led to the fragmentation of target audiences into segments according to interests, age, gender, etc. Forced to advertise on an ever-increasing number of channels and publications, the advertiser is faced with rising advertising costs and the difficulty of choosing advertising media to reach the target audience. Against the background of these difficulties, the first significant advantage of transport advertising was revealed - it is almost impossible to avoid contact with it. With a sufficiently developed urban transport infrastructure, any person, regardless of interests, age or other characteristics, going out into the street every day, sees transport advertising and experiences its effect.

Repetitive without getting boring (unlike TV commercials) is another benefit of traffic advertising. Very often in television and radio advertising, the advertising image displaces the product itself, the advertising offer, the name or coordinates of the company. In contrast, transport advertising provides clarity, certainty and conciseness of the advertising message.

According to surveys conducted in the Moscow metro, where passengers have nothing to distract themselves, since there is nothing interesting outside the windows, about 55% of passengers remembered the content of advertisements placed in cars for a significant period of time.

We can say that advertisers are generally unanimous: advertising on transport justifies the investment. At the same time, in addition to benefits for advertisers, advertising allows you to maintain the car park at the proper level and make the city brighter.

Flexibility is another benefit of transit advertising. It allows the use of various formats and color effects at a relatively low cost, and the execution of advertising can meet the needs and desires of specific groups of passengers. In the summer, advertisements for soft drinks look natural. Food advertising is also very effective, as people wonder what they can make for dinner on their way home from work. While outdoor advertising has been attacked by environmentalists, no one has ever raised objections to transit advertising. Environmental considerations have prompted an increasing part of the population to use public transport instead of personal.

The main disadvantage of transit advertising, in particular bus stickers, is its inability to reach specific market sectors, for example, people who live in the suburbs and use their own cars, the rural population, as well as businessmen and professionals who use little public transport services.

Among other shortcomings, the following can be mentioned: transit advertising does not have the status of a prestigious advertising medium.

Crowds of passengers during "peak hours" make it difficult to read advertising; transit advertising excludes selectivity, which may not meet the needs of some advertisers; stickers on buses are so similar that they are often confused with each other; the environment in public transport may not contribute to the prestige of the advertised product. The suburban shopping mall trend means that fewer people are shopping downtown; although the text on stickers can be longer than on billboards, it still has some pretty severe limitations.

Constant movement: people only have a few seconds to absorb the information (only applies to advertising on the boards).

Subject to weather conditions and acts of vandalism.

Not always appropriate and not always available.

and outside of vehicles) has been actively developed over the past few years. Initially, it was compared with outdoor advertising, but in the process of launching advertising projects, it became clear that this is a separate type of advertising that has its own characteristics.

The concept and features of advertising on transport

The fundamental difference between transit and outdoor advertising is in the position of the layout. In the first case, the carrier of the advertising message is in motion, in the second case it is static.

This difference greatly affects the perception of advertising information, creating problems in cases where the consumer needs to read small text on the layout. Moving transport does not always allow you to understand the essence of the message.

  • brightness and visibility;
  • price affordability;
  • short-term but repeated exposure;
  • efficiency with a long period of placement;
  • brevity of the message;
  • creates street visual "noise" at a large number;
  • limited time of the message carrier on the route (scheduled maintenance, breakdowns, breaks, etc.).

The large-scale distribution of outdoor advertising has led to the signing of local laws to ban outdoor billboards in some areas. First of all, this concerns the historical centers of large cities, which contain the most desirable target audience for advertisers. Urban beautification programs create problems for businesses to attract customers. The current situation has given impetus to the development of alternative promotion channels, primarily advertising in transport.

When launching advertising on transport, experts advise taking into account such a feature that at the initial stage the advertiser bears the cost not only for renting the surface of the vehicle, but also for applying advertising material. For this reason, the standard period of placement on transport is considered to be 6 months. You can agree with the transit advertising agency on a shorter period, but the cost of attracting a client in this case increases greatly, reducing the effectiveness of promotion.

Seasonality of transport

The next difference between advertising on transport, primarily external placement, is the seasonality of use. When launching transit advertising, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of weather conditions in the region so that the vehicle is not covered with a layer of dirt. Advertising sellers promise to constantly monitor the appearance of transport, to regularly clean it from pollution. Most agencies faithfully fulfill their promises, but in the season of constant rains and prolonged snowfall, all efforts do not give the desired result.

Types of advertising on transport

  • inside vehicles;
  • outside of vehicles;
  • sound;
  • light screens;
  • printing products in transport;
  • at transport facilities (stops, stations, train stations).

Inside the interiors of vehicles, it is customary to place stickers of various formats in the entry / exit areas of passengers, opposite the seats, on specially designated stands.

Outdoor transport advertising has the format of painting or a special film that is applied to the surface of the transport. Pasting is applied to the entire surface of the vehicle (vehicle), to the middle part or selected fragments. The location of the layout depends on the features of the vehicle model.

Aircraft advertising

A relatively new type of transit advertising is the placement of an advertising message on airplanes and airports. This view is the most precise, allowing you to select the impact audience. An absolute advantage in the duration of exposure, since the flight lasts for hours, and the objects for attention are very limited. Advertising message carriers are seat headrests, stickers, envelopes for tickets, boarding passes, printing products.

Aircraft passengers are offered printing products to study during the flight, they are placed in the pockets of their seats. Passengers study these materials during the flight and take them with them because of the beauty of the gloss, thereby increasing the effectiveness of advertising promotion.

The uniqueness of the target audience attracts the attention of many advertisers, since the majority of aircraft passengers are included in the group of an active financially secure population. It is this segment that has a high purchasing power and is of the greatest interest to advertisers.

Airport Advertising

Placement at airports is also characterized by prolonged contact with the advertising message. Travelers spend a lot of time waiting for a flight and pay much more attention to the surroundings due to the enclosed space. A distinctive feature of this type of advertising is its continuity.

Aircraft flights are distributed evenly over the time of day, which ensures constant updating of the target audience 365 days a year around the clock. The main areas for placement: plasma panels, light boxes, booklets and magazines, TV ladders. Sometimes more creative projects are launched using the architecture of the airport itself. An example is the decoration of columns with light batteries.

The most effective areas for promotion in airplanes and airports are recognized as destinations that are interesting for travelers and businessmen. Such areas include travel services, hotels and excursions, banking services, business support and conferences. In addition, the promotion of premium consumer goods is quite effective. Examples of this segment are the placement of advertisements for pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, cars, etc.

Service cost

The cost of placement is formed by such factors as the area of ​​the layout, its location, the number of vehicles, design, period of placement.

In addition, the cost depends on the region and local features. In Moscow, interior accommodation can be ordered at a cost of about 350 rubles. for the A3 format, external branding of 10 m 2 will cost 12,000 rubles, and renting an area for this message will cost 27,000 rubles. per month.

Transit advertising in Minsk will cost a completely different cost. Average prices: external branding of 3 m 2 starts from 1200 rubles, and monthly rental - 2100 rubles. Accommodation inside an A4 transport can be found for 450 rubles. in 150 vehicles for a period of 2 weeks.

The cost of placement on airplanes and airports is quite high, but the uniqueness of the impact audience pays for the advertiser's expenses.

Influence efficiency

Based on the advantages, disadvantages and features of transit advertising, a list of recommended areas for promotion using this channel is distinguished:

  1. Major manufacturers and brands.
  2. Repair and construction organizations.
  3. Stores of auto goods and building materials.
  4. Agencies in the fields of tourism and real estate.
  5. Fitness clubs.
  6. Institutions for recreation and entertainment.

Formation of demand for accommodation

Attracting customers is carried out by direct announcement of the possibility of placement, sending commercial offers to key advertisers in the region, cold calls on the basis of existing companies. The last channel of promotion is much more difficult than the others.

A transit advertising cold call script should be brief, but be sure to include the key benefits of the promotion channel. Advertisers are interested in attracting customers, and they will be interested in a new offer if presented correctly. The end result of such an attraction will largely depend on the competence and motivational base of a telemarketer, therefore, when using such a promotion channel, saving on these points is unacceptable.


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