The craziest business ideas in the world. The craziest business ideas

Crazy business ideas that generate millions in revenue

Many people live their lives calmly and peacefully. They go to work, play bowling or billiards on the weekends, systematically lowering the money they earn and of course they don’t suspect that there are other people who one day come up with a crazy idea that ultimately brings a million, tens of millions and even billions of income.

Naturally, only innovative ideas, and sometimes quite crazy ideas, bring a stable income. For example, one woman decided to sell handbags over the Internet. Handbags are unusual, and from the seat belts and opened the site. The goods are coming - the people are missing

And someone decided to sell feces! The most that neither is waste, but not any kind of human there. The man wanted to sell dog waste to say the least. I don’t remember the name of the site, but I know that the postal service forbade him to send all this garbage by mail and his business seems to have stalled. Here are the fir-trees. And they say on the forums that the goods went with a bang. People bought goods by the kilo.

Actually, to be honest, it seems to me that only that case will go with a bang, where there is some kind of cool idea, and not just smoke without fire. Here we all know Alex Tew, who made a million bucks thanks to his site has already made a new site called and wants to earn his second million again.

Or like flip flops that cost a half billion dollars. The idea is also very simple in its essence.

In general, listen to me. In 2002, three guys went on vacation to the Caribbean. Ride on a yacht. And they were forced to wear foam boots because they didn't slip on the deck. Well, and since there is water all around, there were holes in these boots. How original. In short, one of the tourists decided to steal this idea from the Caribbean and started selling them as a fashion accessory.

In 2003, these boots (crocs) sold for $1.3 million. In 2004, by 13. In 2005, by 108. This year, sales are planned at the level of 322 million dollars. In February, the company held an IPO and now it is worth one and a half billion dollars. One and a half billion for flip flops? How do you like it?

Just don't come up with something yourself. After all, you still won’t earn a penny. Just waste your time. Crazy ideas pop up unexpectedly. Believe me, a seasoned fox.

Now, if you quit your job and do something like making websites and making money on the Internet, then, in my opinion, this is still all right, but we will never have crazy ideas. It is better to calmly receive from 3,000 to 10,000 bucks a month and sleep peacefully, or sell, for example, CDs via the Internet. And whoever has a lot of money, believe me, he will not sleep peacefully.

Maybe everything I said contradicts my other posts a little, but maybe once 2 months ago I had crazy ideas about earning a million in 2 days, but they disappeared, because I understood a lot during this time ...

By the way, here is another business idea for you. Dude builds tree houses. That's what lives: Well, just a program: "Affordable Housing in Africa." He took an ax, cut down the house and live.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thanks for that
for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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They say that genius and madness are almost the same thing. If you mentally take a look at the history of the most popular ideas and inventions, it becomes clear that it was often those of them that seemed too strange to those around them that “fired”.

We are in website collected 10 examples of how an idea can be incredibly successful, despite the doubts and skepticism of others.

11. Television

The method of transmitting a moving image over a distance was invented at the beginning of the 20th century, but television appeared only a few decades later. Why? Yes, because no one believed in the commercial success of "boxes with live pictures" and did not want to invest in this project. In 1926, inventor Lee DeForet wrote, "While technically television is possible, it is utterly nonsensical commercially."

10. Cell phone

In 1947, employees of the scientific laboratory of Bell Laboratories proposed using the principle of honeycombs (or hexagons) to create mobile communications. It took almost 40 years before cell phones hit the market. The first cell phone was invented by Martin Cooper. Many told Martin that the game was not worth the candle., however, on the very first day of sales, giant queues lined up in stores! This device had a memory of 30 numbers, could work for an hour and required a 10-hour recharge.

9. The invention of emoticons

This is a story about the importance of not only creating ideas, but also believing in them to the last. The well-known emoticon, without whose company not a single day of a modern person passes, was invented in 1963 by the American artist Harvey Ball. However, Ball received only $45 for this invention. A few years later, businessmen Bernard and Murray Spain saw great potential in the smiley face, started selling and licensing yellow “smiles”, and earned more than $ 50 million

8. Supercomputer

When Gurav Khanna was studying black holes, his laboratory needed a supercomputer. However, to create it, a whole sea of ​​​​very expensive parts was needed. Therefore, Gurav came up with a strange, at first glance, solution: he bought 412 fairly cheap Playstation-3 consoles and installed another operating system on them. As it turned out, a computer from set-top boxes is much more powerful and more efficient than its expensive brother.

7. Home page in a million

In 2005, English student Alex Tew decided to earn money to pay for higher education himself. He launched a website that sold for $1 per pixel. A buyer could buy a small section of the site and place a link to his web page on it. Surprisingly, in less than six months, Alex had earned more than $1 million.

6. Bar of broken hearts

Businessmen from the Chinese city of Nanjiang created a bar in which they allowed people who are going through a breakup with their soulmate to cry uncontrollably, without being embarrassed by anyone. When discussing this concept, everyone around unanimously said that no one needs such a bar. Also in this bar, special dolls in the form of women or men were installed, which each visitor can beat to let off steam. In a short time, the "Broken Hearts Bar" became the most popular institution in the city, and today analogues can be found in every country.

5. Crazy straws

Crazy straws are all the same plastic drinking straws, only in a very unusual shape. The simple straw has been around for centuries. According to legend, the creators just thought about how to make the child choose the latter between soda and milk. This is how straws of the craziest shapes and sizes appeared, which are still a resounding success not only among children, but also among adults during noisy parties.

4. Hulahoop

You can make good money on reinventing the wheel. This was proved by Richard Knerr, who in the 50s of the last century invented such a simple and familiar apparatus for rhythmic gymnastics as a hoop. And although no one believed in the commercial success of the hoop, a month after all the experiments were carried out, the simplest Americans (and then residents of other countries of the world) began to line up in long lines, just to get this round piece of plastic.

Any office employee sooner or later thinks about how to start their own business. True, usually things do not go further than intentions. A person begins to frantically search for ideas, their overabundance makes them lose common sense.

But as it turns out, cold logic and sheer calculation are not always the best ideas at the start. After all, they interfere with the manifestation of some kind of devilry, from which your own original business idea may appear.

The founders of the types of businesses that will be discussed below were not afraid of their crazy and seemingly absurd ideas, and also left their usual former occupation. Thus, unusual enterprises appeared. Let them be considered crazy, but they bring millions!

Goose police. This unusual animal-based police guard golf courses from enemies. There are 33 Border Collies in the squadron. This police received the name goose, as it counteracts impudent birds. After all, geese simply attack respectable aristocratic players from a height with the products of their vital activity. The division was created in 1987 by New Jersey entrepreneur Dave Marks. He invested 3 thousand dollars in his project, promising to expel geese from the sky over golf clubs. The business proved successful, flourishing for over 20 years. Do you think that he can not bring serious money? The profit of such a division in 2010 alone amounted to $ 2.5 million.

Four wheel extreme. Dawn Stokes worked as a medical device sales manager. But in 2004, the fragile girl was tired of struggling with the sad memories of her first experience driving a 1963 Chevrolet Monza. Dawn got half a million and bought 10 of these cars at once. Further, the enterprising woman rented a track in one of the Texas towns and opened a school for driving sports and extreme cars. Soon this place became popular both among fans of fast driving and among companies that practiced car modifications. As a result, the business began to flourish, bringing in 2010 to its owner $ 1.8 million.

simple identifiers. In the childhood of almost each of us, our mother sewed special marks on our clothes. This made it possible not to lose mittens and a hat in the locker room. It turns out that a similar problem exists in America. There, factory tags have become very popular for personalizing children's things in educational institutions. Even adults are prone to such inattention. Julia Cole took advantage of this fact and invested ten thousand dollars in 2002 in the business of creating such simple identifiers. In 2010, her company has already earned 4 million.

Wooden puzzles. Handmade items have a special magic. That's why people are willing to overpay for them. 71-year-old Steve Richardson can tell about this in detail. The puzzles he creates are hand-drawn by real artists and are valued at a minimum of $125 and a maximum of $5,000. The price depends on the complexity, while the toy is so exquisitely crafted that anyone would like to receive it as a gift. One of the owners of the wooden puzzle was even the Queen of England, a big fan of smart games. The entrepreneur says that he specifically creates puzzles so that they are difficult to assemble. Steve's calculation is confirmed by the income of his small business in Vermont. In 2009, the profit was 2.5 million.

Big move. Moving is always like a natural disaster. Owners can safely transport their cats, dogs and other pets, but what if the whole zoo moves? Texans Kevin and Angie O'Brien tried to answer this question. They created in 2004. The starting capital was only 97 thousand. Over time, the small family business has expanded significantly. Now the company has deep specialization in logistics. She not only transports animals, but also prepares their veterinary passports, helps them go through quarantine and customs clearance. In this business, the spouses have practically no competitors, which helped them earn about 4 million in 2010.

Socks for outsourcing. Every man has a moment when he cannot find a pair of clean socks. Or they are simply an odd number. Once the patience of the Swiss Samuel Liechti burst, and in 1999 he founded the BlackSocks company. The company simply helped men - several times a year, nine pairs of high-quality Italian socks were sent to customers for $ 89. The businessman said that such outsourcing allows men to save 12 hours a year, and over a lifetime accumulates as much as three weeks of returned time. In 2009, Lichti's business expanded to include lingerie. Today the company serves 60,000 customers in 74 countries. In 2009, the company's income amounted to 5 million.

Disorganized flights. Rick Platt of Las Vegas no longer cares why people don't fly like birds. Perhaps because there are other possibilities. Since 2009, the man has opened his own complex with trampolines. Interestingly, elastic surfaces are placed there not only on the floor, but also on the walls and ceiling. As a result, a person, bouncing, can fly in any direction. The cost of such a holiday is low - only 12 dollars per hour. Today, families relax in the hall, corporate parties and entire tournaments are held. Platt used to be a scrap metal collector but was able to raise about $2 million for his new business. The invested funds returned in the first year, in addition, a whole million remained in the account. Rick is going to develop a franchise network, for which he is looking for such crazy people.

Art with DNA. The curious duet of Adrian Solomonovich and Nazim Ahmed learned to mix science and art, and also learned how to make money on it. Since 2005, they began to create portraits of clients. A feature is that the strokes in the picture are amino acids from DNA. Each of them has its own color and its place on the canvas. A small painting will cost $200, while a large canvas will cost $1,300. Interest in paintings made from genetic material is so great that they are kept in museums in Tokyo and New York as works of contemporary art. Artist-entrepreneurs in 2009 were able to enrich themselves by 1.4 million.

Search for bugs. Kevin Murray's work does not take place in the field at all, but within the walls of corporate offices. His business began in 1978, when a wave of espionage scandals flourished at the enterprises. Murray offered his services to detect eavesdropping and peeping devices - "bugs". A day of work of a specialist costs 7-8 thousand dollars. Now business profitability is declining - strict laws have scared spies away. Now the counterintelligence officer no longer receives the former million, being content with the amount of 760 thousand dollars a year.

People's car. It would seem, how can you compete in the sale of auto parts with large organizations? Matthew Hartzog proved it was possible. In his youth, the guy helped his stepfather by selling parts for General Motors cars. Matthew liked the lesson so much that in adulthood he opened his own company selling components, but for only one car - the Pontiac Fiero. At one time, this small and cheap car was a real hit in the American market, with a circulation of 370,000 copies. Most of them perished in accidents and in landfills, but even today 75 thousand of these cars ride on the roads of the country. "Fiero" is adored by their owners, who are ready to buy a variety of original and tuning accessories from Matthew. Naturally, rare spare parts cost accordingly. In 2009, fans of the rare model brought the businessman a profit of 2 million.

New startups, not finding a sufficient response from consumers, crumble into dust without bringing any profit.

Unexpectedly for everyone, they are developing quite, bringing multimillion-dollar profits to the organizer. Having learned about those projects that turned out to be successful and too bold, one can only regret that they did not come to our heads. And whether it is possible to bring these ideas to life in our country, we will see further.

This idea enriched the Colombian who founded the PetButler company in his country. . Employees of the company clean up dog excrement for a fee, which their customers transfer weekly.

Once this proposal to Matt Boswell, the founder of the company, seemed ridiculous. However, the economic mindset and entrepreneurial acumen helped to quickly analyze all the pros and cons of the proposal. And here is the result - now PetButler is the largest company to perform such an unpleasant job as cleaning up feces after animals. This work is one of those that they do not like, even disdain, and tend to avoid doing on their own.

The calculation was as follows: if we take a district with a radius of 30 km, then this is more than 100,000 dogs, even if 1% of the owners of these animals pay weekly for the services of his company, this is already a decent amount.

PetButler now has more than 5,000 dog owners as customers and has sold over a hundred franchises to various states.

For Russia, this idea would not be bad, but there is no sufficiently strict legislation forcing to clean up excrement on lawns after dogs.

In our country, there are conscientious citizens who clean themselves while walking the dogs, but there are only a few of them. If we consider breeders of different breeds of dogs, then, probably, these services may be in demand. But it should be noted that the concentration of breeders in any region is not so great, so a large scale is hardly possible.

Grandma's jam

Entrepreneur Fraser Doherty left school at the age of 16 and opened his own company, Super Jam. At the age of 14, he began selling jars of his own jam, which made him famous now not only in his native Scotland.

The company's annual turnover is currently more than 500,000 cans, which is 1/5 of the entire jam market in England. In addition to the jam business, Doherty decided to write a book, now there are two on sale, both dedicated to his business. The Scottish entrepreneur organizes many parties for senior citizens, as part of the charity SuperJamTeaParties, which was also organized by Doherty.

The company's products have a stand at the National Museum of Scotland exhibition, being a recognized example of an exemplary food brand.

In the Russian version, there is already a similar company that not only supplies high-quality jams and marmalades to all regions of the country, but also produces export products - these are jams under the Maheev brand (Essen Production, located in the Republic of Tatarstan).

Pillows with grain filling

This business was started quite spontaneously by a housewife, Kim Levine, who sewed grains into fabrics, made a pleasantly scented pillow, heated it in the microwave, and made a relaxation pillow. She presented her first products to children and relatives. Then her friends and acquaintances began to ask her to sew the same pillows, there were enough calls for Kim to think about wholesale sales of relaxation pillows with grain inside. The potential of the idea with relaxation pillows was immediately appreciated, and Kim began to look for partners, go to retailers.

The persistence of the housewife was rewarded, a large chain store agreed to include her pillows in their assortment. As a result, a multi-million dollar business that was started with a cute gift from mom to children.

Kim Levine is constantly updating her blog, and she also wrote a book on how moms can become successful business women and become millionaires.

In Russia, such a trend is also already noticeable, and for a long time you can find buckwheat pillows for sleeping, with lavender filler, and others on sale. The range is wide enough and the prices are affordable, so that not only Americans can open a successful business for health benefits.

Mobile wedding

The idea of ​​a mobile wedding, again, is embodied in America.

Wedding Wagon is the name of a company that offers wedding services in any chosen place (available options are posted on the website of the aforementioned company - this can be a hotel room, park, Las Vegas square and others).

All accessories necessary for the ritual of marriage and worship are located in the trunk of the van. The services of a photographer, a witness and other options are also offered by the company's service. The event, on average, will cost $ 130, and at the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds will receive the necessary legal documents and a certificate confirming this oath.

Domestic jellyfish

This startup, which brought popularity to the author, is a vivid example of the fact that education will never be superfluous, you just need to know how to use it. Alex Endon, a former Duke University student, graduated in Marine Biology before starting JellyfishArt. The founder now lives in San Francisco.

This startup is notable for its originality - the pets it offers are sea jellyfish. First, Alex did some research on the pet market and found that he was the first and only one to come up with this idea.

The starting capital of JellyfishArt was 50 thousand dollars, and the cost of one jellyfish was 39 dollars. The company has opened its online store and, in addition to the pets themselves, you can get an aquarium for jellyfish, special food for them, various accessories and necessary items to ensure the life of the pets and take care of them.

Since jellyfish are a rather exotic idea for a pet, it may well be implemented on the Russian market. The question is the price and availability of this proposal. If you do not focus on the middle class, but sell it as an exclusive product, you can also have a serious profit.

Knitted sweater

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

John Kaplar started his jumper business after one failed congratulations. He really wanted to give some of his close friends a sweater for Christmas, this disappointment and helped to form the idea of ​​​​opening a company that sells knitted sweaters.

The assortment of Skedouche is designed in such a way that you can find a sweater as a gift for various holidays, and the size range is large, you can find knitwear for children, men and women, there are also sweaters for pets. The start-up capital that John Caplar invested in his idea was $40,000.

Despite the fact that Russian girls and grandmothers have not yet forgotten how to knit, there is no such tradition to give warm knitted sweaters for the holiday, but hand-made itself is a trend, so knitted items that have their own zest are quite popular and many housewives support their budget such a profit. By putting production on stream, you can lose uniqueness.

cheese sculptures

Sarah Kauffman creates edible masterpieces, and the start of this amazing business was a commission for creative advertising for the WisconsinDairy cheese company.

TheCheeseLady, now Sarah's alias. She discovered her talent and makes sculptures from cheese for exhibitions, they can be bought as souvenirs.

Such a business will be unique for Russia, as here, too, they are not devoid of a sense of beauty and know how to appreciate it. Such a plan of work is exclusive, but in Russia there are connoisseurs of carved cheese.

African coffins

There were enterprising artisans in Ghana who came up with the idea of ​​creative coffin decoration. An unusual approach to the mourning craft made it possible to receive solid money.

The attitude is important here - only individual orders, there are no restrictions on the form and material, if you are ready to pay for it - artisans will embody any most daring idea.

Now Africans produce a number of models in series and supply them to European countries and America. For the end consumer, burial in a shoe or bottle of Coca-Cola will cost about $1,000.

And in Russia you can find consumers for such an unusual product. Nothing human is alien, which means that if the consumer has the described offer and sufficient funds, artistic coffins will also find their buyer.

Bow adoption

A weird, even absurd, startup that ran for almost a year was to provide an opportunity to adopt a pickled onion. A resident of the county of Kent in the UK tried to enrich herself with such an idea.

The 47-year-old woman created the site, where a variety of marinated onions were put on display for everyone to see. The future “Parent” could choose a “baby” who would be given care and a happy life. For 8 euros, the happy owner of a pickled onion received a beautiful certificate of adoption of a smiling onion and its own photograph.

Help for suicides

There is an agency called LastTour that offers quite specific tours. They are based on statistical data - the places where the most suicides occur.

The target audience of this company is people who are thinking about suicide. For $50, accompanied by a guide, you can choose the most picturesque or interesting place to settle accounts with life. Business is booming, although from the outside this idea seems illegal.

Japanese friend

If elite escort services have existed for a long time, then renting a friend or relative is a fairly fresh idea. HagemashiTai opens in Japan , where can i come for the anniversary , funeral, any other event with a rented companion - wife, husband. Professional actors will perfectly play the right role for affordable money.

As such, the escort service in Russia has been flourishing for quite some time. In large cities, it was always possible to invite a suitable woman as an escort, and you can also find a man who will be an excellent companion for a respectable woman. So it is not yet known where the idea of ​​a friend for rent came from to the Japanese.

Crime scene cleaning

MurderSceneMopUp has opened in Atlanta and does the work no one wants to do. Indeed, it is very difficult mentally to clean up a crime scene, where the very air is saturated with pain, fear and the smell of death itself. The company's turnover is more than 2,000,000 dollars, because those who want to entrust this honor to anyone, just do not do it themselves.

Cleaning companies in our country clean not only at the crime scene, but also at the site of the last holiday, and sometimes it is not known what is worse. For this reason, the narrow specialization of a separate, newly formed company will not be able to compete with general-purpose cleaners, for whom it is not important where to clean, especially if the price issue is decided in their favor.


A very relevant idea for citizens living in a tense rhythm. A club has been opened in San Diego that organizes leisure time for a person, relieving stress in the best way. In Sarah's SmashShack, you can smash dishes, smash TVs, throw chairs, smash bottles, throw darts at the boss photo. You can bring a flash drive with music, to the accompaniment of which you will destroy the dishes. For the pleasure of breaking 15 plates, you will have to pay $ 45, and for three vases, only $ 15.

Surely, more practical Russians would prefer to beat the dishes for more affordable means, and so - a snowball fight in winter, or a nice house party with a portrait of the boss on a dart wheel will completely replace the anti-stress room. Although, depending on the form in which to teach this idea. Team building, as a direction, is already working in Russia and quite effectively.

Business in foreign countries has a slightly different specificity due to the difference in culture and legislation. For this reason, some simply will not take root without finding a response in the consumers of the broad Russian soul, and a part, and a large one, has long been developed in the country, and these foreign ideas have Russian roots.

What to do on the weekend? What to do if bored? Weekends are a small life. These days you can be yourself. For you, we have compiled a list of 50 extreme and crazy things that you can do if you feel bored and sad. Save the list to have fun when you're sad. What can you do alone, with friends or a girlfriend on the weekend?

1. Skydive or hang glider.

2. Hitchhike.

3. Go to a club and dance all night.

4. Fight.

5. Get drunk.

6. Stop drinking.

7. Meet a girl on the street.

8. Spend the night outdoors.

9. Do not sleep for a whole day.

10. Wink at a stranger.

11. Get yourself a tattoo.

12. Rush abroad.

13. Admire the sunset or sunrise.

14. Fly in a hot air balloon or hang glider.

15. Go to a striptease.

16. Meet new acquaintances.

17. Learn to skateboard, roller skate or skate.

18. Donate blood and become a donor.

19. Walk all day or night through the streets.

20. Go to a fight club or martial arts club.

21. Hang on the check-in.

22. Drive a car, motorcycle, ATV.

23. Play at the casino.

24. Go to the hairdresser and change your style.

25. Climb up a wreck of a house or a tree.

26. Spend all the money.

27. Go to a cool concert or festival.

28. Try rope jumping, climbing, roofing, parkour.

29. Dance a striptease.

30. Run a marathon or take part in competitions.

31. Turn off your phone for the whole weekend.

32. Go on a date through a dating app.

33. Offer a girl to have a threesome with her girlfriend.

34. Try a new cuisine.

35. Ride a horse.

36. Take a dip in the fountain.

37. Play a prank on a friend, girlfriend or strangers.

38. Fall in love.

39. Go on a picnic.

40. Have sex with a stranger.

41. Get out of the house.

42. Go to an unfamiliar city.

43. Go surfing, diving or swimming.

44. Get a cat, dog or other pet.

45. Shoot your weapon.

46. ​​Confess your love to a girl or propose.

47. Cycle as far as you can.

48. Swim naked at night.

49. Ride military vehicles.

50. Give in to the temptation that gnaws at you.

What was the most extreme thing you did in your life and what would you advise others to do?


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