Selling on eBay: Listing an item for sale

Each house accumulates a lot of things that make no sense to store, but it's a pity to throw them away. How to act in such a situation? You can try to sell what you do not need on the Internet. After all, for someone it may be the most necessary and important. Ebay is one of the best marketplaces. There you can sell almost any product anywhere in the world. So how to sell on ebay? Everything is not so difficult if you read the detailed and simple instructions.

common data

Various trading platforms offer their visitors to sell and buy goods on different terms. The advantage of Ebay is that many countries participate in auctions. So, for example, what you consider to be outright rubbish may turn out to be a luxury item or a valuable piece of a collection in another state. Before you start selling on Ebay, check out their bidding conditions.

Why Bidding

It is most advantageous to participate in auctions. You expose a lot, indicate the minimum amount from which the auction begins, as well as the final cost of the goods. To open your store on Ebay, you must have the status of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, which is not always convenient for one-time transactions. Especially if you do not have such a status in principle.

Fixed cost

Another way to sell something on the marketplace is to set a specific price for the item. This means that no one will bargain for your thing, but they will simply buy for the amount that you consider adequate.


Before you sell a product on Ebay, you must go through the registration process. It is not too complicated as it may seem. On the main page of the site you need to find a button with an offer to register. Filling in standard fields is no different from creating a buyer account: address, country, last name, first name and patronymic, email address. But in the status field, you must select the item "seller" or "seller". You also need to come up with a short name for your account, which will be displayed next to the item for sale. It is advisable to choose a short name so that it is easier for buyers to remember it. After confirming the e-mail, you must confirm your seriousness of intentions to trade, that is, solvency.

PayPal and cards

If you have not registered in the payment system before, then it's time to do it. Since the trading platform works only through PayPal, it will not be possible to avoid creating a personal account there. Before you sell on Ebay (instructions will be detailed later), link your card to the payment system. So you confirm your age (persons under 18 cannot trade), and at the same time mark yourself as a serious seller, not a scammer. And without payment details, no one will allow you to sell on Ebay.

Adding a product

Before you sell anything on Ebay, you need to add it to the catalog. Add a product in your personal account. Write its name in English (online translators will help you if you find it difficult). And then you need to create a description. Before you sell an item on Ebay, carefully look at similar items from other sellers. First, you need to fill everything in correctly, otherwise no one will simply buy from you. Secondly, the thing may not pass the system for sale if you do not describe it correctly.


Write honestly and openly about the condition of your lot, how it looks, and who it suits. So, for example, when selling worn jeans or sneakers, tell us how much they are worn out, how much they cost when buying, how long they can last for a new owner. By the way, if you put up for sale new things that did not suit you in size or color, indicate that they are new, if there are labels on them, and the reason for the sale. This will greatly elevate you in the eyes of buyers. Do not forget to indicate how many products you have, what color, size, shape they are. In general, everything that is important to buyers. Before you sell on Ebay, put yourself in the place of the buyer: what would you be interested in knowing about the product, what would be important for you.


Without this, the chances of selling something are zero. It is unlikely that anyone wants to buy a pig in a poke without looking. Therefore, before selling on Ebay (com), take a picture of your item from several angles. So, for example, clothes can be shot simply from two sides (front and back), and at the same time on a mannequin or a person, so that you can evaluate how well the thing sits on the figure. Selling electronics, you need to photograph it in working order, noting all the scuffs, cracks, the slightest negative points. They will also need to be indicated in the description so that the buyer does not later open a dispute for a discrepancy.

Cost of delivery

Perhaps this is one of the most problematic moments of the sale. It is impossible to independently calculate how much the delivery will cost, because anyone can buy a thing, from anywhere. Luckily, you don't have to count anything. The system of the trading platform is designed in such a way that it is not difficult to choose the appropriate payment option and delivery cost. By following some simple tips, you can protect yourself from selling at a loss. Before you sell anything on Ebay, specify in advance a list of countries where you are ready to ship your goods.

Sale format

The most important thing in selling is the choice of format. This is just an auction or a fixed payment. The first option is suitable for those who sell something exotic or very popular. This includes handmade goods. But the second option is suitable for those who are in no hurry to sell, ready to wait until there is someone who wants to. By the way, before selling at an Ebay auction, it is enough to fulfill all the above conditions by setting the bidding period and cost. And then you can safely sell.

Product announcement

This item is needed for those who do not put the lot up for auction, but use a fixed price per item. Difficulties usually do not arise. However, when placing the first ads, you will always have to choose its form. Later, having become an experienced seller, the need for this will disappear. Filling out the form is not difficult, because prompts are actively working, even if you don’t need them. The Ebay marketplace takes care of its users by making it easy for them to sell and buy.

Communication with buyers

Foreign buyers tend to ask a lot of questions before purchasing a product. It is noteworthy that this rarely happens at an auction, but things with a fixed price make you want to ask more about the details. You can manage communication on the "my ebay" page, where you can also track your ads, and in general everything related to the product being sold. It is worth visiting at least once a day. When answering customer questions, never lie or shy away from the truth. Why? Because buyers have internal protection against fraud and deceit. If you lie, you will have to pay damages to the disgruntled purchaser.


Always keep in touch with the buyer, including after the sale, while the goods are on their way. This is how you present yourself well. Make sure the payment goes through and the buyer transfers the funds before shipping the item. This is not difficult to do, since the site's trading system keeps track of everything, you just get notifications about a particular moment of sales.

Product packaging

Perhaps this is one of the most important points. You must carefully pack the item being sold so that it reaches the addressee safe and sound. Of course, transport companies try to safely deliver goods, but this is not always possible (both the human factor and force majeure situations make themselves felt). Enter the correct recipient address (check several times). Well, if you do not fill it out by hand, but print the sheet on the printer, and then stick it to the box or bag. This is especially true when delivering parcels to other countries.

So, so how to sell on Ebay? The instruction is simple:

  1. Register in the payment system and link a bank card.
  2. Create a seller account on Ebay.
  3. Add a product.
  4. Fill out the description with as much detail and honesty as possible.
  5. Add photos.
  6. Select the sales format (fixed price, auction).
  7. Set the price (either the final price or the minimum price for bidding).
  8. If necessary, limit the time of the auction.
  9. Add a sale ad if the price is fixed.
  10. Decide on delivery options.
  11. Communicate with buyers.
  12. Send the goods promptly.

Have you decided to sell your house to expand the square footage? Or do you want to sell an apartment in the city center and move to the outskirts, to a private house? Or maybe you have something valuable, and by selling this thing, you can repay a friend? Whatever you want to sell, you need to know some requirements in order to successfully complete this business. Let's see how to put up for sale any item or property.

Sales features

In order not to face lies, impudence and fraud during the sale, learn a few rules. Selling is hard work and takes a lot of time. Therefore, be patient and take the next steps. Before you wonder how to put up for sale, notify your friends, acquaintances, work colleagues about the sale. If they do not turn out to be buyers, then advice from personal experience will definitely be given. As for the text of the ad, write everything honestly. Do not forget to mention the smallest details, this may be the most important for someone.

We sell an apartment

To list an apartment for sale, first evaluate it. To do this, analyze the prices of similar apartments. If necessary, use the advice of experts in the real estate market in your city. Now decide how you will sell: on your own or with the help of a realtor.

If you have a lot of time, and you are a patient and hardy person, try to do everything yourself. Start collecting the necessary documents for the sale of the apartment. Visit the Bureau of Technical Inventory and order a registration certificate and a certificate. Now go to the passport office to consult on the issue of extracting those who are registered in your apartment. If you do not have minor children registered, all adults write an application for discharge.

Next, pay all utilities and order an application for registration from the house book and a copy of the financial personal account. And only now put the apartment up for sale. Troublesome? Who said it would be easy? If you don't want to do it yourself, entrust the real estate agency.

For those who want to put up an apartment for sale, there are many sites on the Internet. Go to the "ads" section and clearly fill in all the proposed columns.

Putting up a house for sale

Many people find it impossible to put a house up for sale on their own, without the participation of an agency. This practice has recently become common among real estate sellers. Firstly, agencies charge a large percentage per transaction. Secondly, they do not give any guarantees. Therefore, there are many ways that everyone who wants to sell a house on their own resorts to.

Preparation of documents is the same as when selling an apartment. So let's talk about resources. What can you do when selling a house? There are special newspapers and magazines that have a "real estate" section. Think carefully about the text of the ad, and feel free to submit your offer.

Use the sites of free classified ads on the Internet. For a competent ad, attach photos of the house: the exterior, rooms, yard and outbuildings. More views and responses to your ad. Be sure to leave all your possible coordinates: phone number, mailbox address, Skype, ICQ number.

How to sell a car

Putting a car up for sale is no easy task. Selling a car is an art! Used car competition is huge, but it can be overcome. To do this, it will be necessary to bring the product into an attractive form. Eliminate minor breakdowns and choose the right way to sell.

Pre-sale preparation sometimes does not require large material investments. Just replace consumables: candles, filter, oil. Wash under the hood so you can read the numbers on the engine. Clean the interior, especially get rid of the smell of tobacco. Don't skimp on fabric or leatherette cleaners. Give shine to the car, and to yourself - respect from the buyer.

Now contact the salon where they sell used cars and conclude an agreement with them. Set a price and put the car up for sale.

But, if before selling the car, you need to drive it, sell it yourself using ads on websites on the Internet, in magazines and newspapers, and on street bulletin boards.

Do you want to sell a product

You can put up a product for sale only by registering in advance on sales sites. Depending on the type of product, select the appropriate section in the catalog, indicate the name of the lot. Describe the product in detail and support it with a photo. Decide on the price and time of the auction. And also describe the method of payment and delivery. Confirm and wait for buyers! Everything is very easy.

In this short article, I would like to show you how to put an item up for sale. Of course, as you understand, the auction is not a disinterested thing and you have to pay for trading on it. Therefore, here I would like to analyze how to minimize eBay commission fees and further show examples of listing goods on eBay without any paid services.

First of all, let's break down what eBay's fees are:

  1. Fee for listing a lot for sale. That is, it turns out that you just have to pay for placing a lot. But not everything is so sad. You can list 50 items on eBay for free every month. This is quite enough at the beginning of trading, I still do not go beyond this limit. If you sell more than 50 items per month, then eBay will charge you $0.30 per item for listing the fifty-first and subsequent items.
  2. Commission fees in case of successful sale. If the product is on sale, then the platform eBay charges you 10% of its value. Therefore, be sure to take this into account when calculating the price of the lot.
  3. Fees charged by Paypal for processing the payment. They make up 3.9%. Also consider this figure when pricing.
  4. Fees for additional eBay services, such as: highlighting an item in search, showing in featured items, extending the duration of the auction over 10 days, adding more than 12 photos to the gallery, setting reserve prices when bidding on the auction.

In fact, if you exhibit up to 50 products per month and do not use additional paid services, then you pay nothing for displaying the product, so if you don’t sell anything, then you don’t lose anything (except, of course, the cost of purchasing goods, if you have any). And in the event of a sale, you are charged 13.9% of its value. So just increase the price of the item by that percentage. Moreover, 13.9% is deducted from the sum of the cost of the goods and the cost of delivery, so it does not matter whether you include the cost of delivery in the price of the goods and set the option "Free shipping" or set the cost of the goods and the cost of delivery separately.

Lot listing instructions.

Now that you are familiar with the terms of trade, let's look at two examples of listing on eBay. In the first case, the video tutorial will show you how to put up a pair of shoes for sale. This example is artificially modeled to simply show the process. In the second case, there will be a more modern and detailed text instruction for the sale of tar soap. This is a real example of what is being sold from Russia in large quantities. And remember, the main thing is to start trying it yourself, because you can read the instructions endlessly, but true experience comes only when you try to do everything yourself. Each situation is unique and somewhere you will have to think with your own head, but I think after viewing the examples given, you will have fewer questions. The main thing is not to be afraid and try.

Selling on eBay - Example 1. We expose shoes (video tutorial).

Sale on eBay - Example 2. We exhibit tar soap.

Now let's look at how to list a product on eBay using the example of selling Russian tar soap.

English is set in my account settings. If you have Russian set, then some menu items will be, respectively, in Russian. However, not all of the sales interface is translated from English, so it is much more convenient to use English. In addition, if you intend to trade with foreigners, it is better to immediately get used to the terminology in the original language. All description below will be based on the English-language interface.

Select in the top menu of the site "My eBay" - "Selling" (My eBay - Sales)

A form opens in which you need to specify the name of the product. The name of the product should, if possible, be written in the way that a potential visitor will search for it through the search bar, so feel free to use keywords. In addition, since there can be a Russian-speaking buyer living abroad for such a product as Russian soap (as a rule, emigrants from the Russian Federation and CIS countries), I duplicate the name of the product in Russian. In this case, I am selling 2 bars of soap in one lot, so I write the following text in the title: “Russian Organic Birch Tar Soap 2 PCS | Tar soap - 2 bars. After specifying the name of the product, click "Get started":

You will see a form for selecting a product category. Select the desired category. If you find it difficult to choose, you can find similar products from other sellers and see what category they are in. In our case with soap, this is "Bar Soaps":

After selecting a category, click the "Continue" button and get to the next step, "Create your listing", where we will need to make a detailed description of the product, including the price and terms of delivery and return. There are two options here, either work with this listing creation form, or switch to a simplified form, for which you need to click on the “Switch to quick listing tool” link. If you want, you can try the simplified form, but personally I always work with the extended form, so we will not switch anywhere. Let's start filling out the form in order:

Title is the title that users will see in search results. We filled it out in the previous step, but if you want, you can edit it here.

Condition- state - select New (well, I would still sell used soap -;))

Add photos- a very important step, here we add product photos. Without photos, selling anything in the 21st century is generally meaningless, so try to prepare high-quality and clear photos of your product in good resolution in advance. Personally, after photographing, I edit images in Gimp or Photoshop: I remove the background and make the image brighter and more contrasting. In total, you can add up to 12 photos without additional paid fees. Here are the images I added:

UPS- barcode - I never bother with this parameter, select "Does not apply"

brand- brand, brand - you can select from the list or enter your own. Naturally, in this case there is no such thing in the list, so we manually drive in "JSC "Neva Cosmetics", Saint-Petersburg":

Size type- type, size - they offer a choice of Regular (Normal), Sample Size (Test sample) and Travel Size (Compact, for a trip). Choose "Regular".

Formulation- shape - select "Bar" (bar).

Country, Region of Manufacture- country and region of the manufacturer - put "Russian Federation"

After all our body movements, I got the following picture:

Next comes the "Details" section, where we can give a detailed description of the product. The better the description, the more likely it is that the product will be found and that it will be attractive to the buyer. I filled it out like this:

If you have been shopping at this auction for more than a year, then you know that many sellers have very beautiful descriptions and even images. This is possible if you switch to the "HTML" fill form. Of course, knowledge of html is necessary, and images must be uploaded to some kind of image hosting and links to them should be provided here. In a separate article, I will talk about how to make a beautiful description with minimal knowledge of html so that anyone can figure it out. While, in principle, a simple textual description is sufficient, many are limited only to it.

Go to the section of the cost of goods and delivery "Choose a format and price"

On eBay, you can either put an item up for auction or put a fixed price, just like in a regular online store. I prefer to trade for a fixed price "Fixed Price". Next, set the price of the item. I recommend to pay attention to the option " Allow buyers to send you their Best Offers for your consideration» (Allow buyers to send you the best offers for your consideration). For example, you put up a product for $ 10, and the buyer wants to buy cheaper, he can send you an offer to sell the product, for example, for $ 8, and you will already consider it and, if you want, then sell the product on the proposed terms. In this case, I do not set this option, but often it can be useful.

In field " duration» we can specify the duration of the advertisement. When placing a product for free, you can put up to 30 days - that is, your ad will hang for no more than 30 days, and then if no one buys the product, the ad will be removed, but it can be re-placed. The “Good ‘Till Cancelled” option (post an ad indefinitely until the lot is withdrawn by you) is paid, so I do not recommend choosing it.

Below you are offered to donate some of the money from the sale to a fund. Since I am greedy, so far I have not donated anything to anyone and always put “I do not wish to donate at this time”

We go to the “Select how you "ll be paid” section - and indicate the Paypal account where we want to receive money and where they will take a refund from us if there are any problems with the order. We also check the box “Require immediate payment when buyer uses Buy it Now" (Require immediate payment when the buyer uses the "Buy Now" button).

Go to the delivery section "Add shipping details".

On eBay, shipping is divided into domestic and international. Moreover, since there is no separate Russian site eBay, for us the delivery will always be international. And the one that is internal is actually a delivery to the United States (well, or to the UK, Germany, Australia, if your account was created on these sites, but I have not met such users). In other words, if you are registered on, then you are considered an American user and therefore you are required to separately indicate delivery to the United States (U.S. Shipping) and separately delivery to other countries (International Shipping), including, by the way, Russia. Therefore, in our case, we simply indicate the cost of international delivery here and there. If you want to include the shipping cost in the price of the item and offer free shipping, then in the U.S. Shipping set the option "Free Shipping", and in International Shipping just set 0, as in the picture below:

Handing time– order processing time is the time from the moment the buyer purchases the goods until you send it to eBay with a tracking number. If you do not work anywhere and plan to devote your full working time to trading on eBay, then you can bet 1 day, but if you are busy with something else, then bet up to 3 days, like me. But in any case, it is better not to bet for more than 3 days, this may repel the buyer.

Here you can also change the item location (“Item location”) by clicking on the “Change location” button. Here you need to specify where the lot will be sent from. If you send it yourself - indicate your location. You can just specify your city, you can only specify the country. If this field is not changed, then the auction will put a fragment of the address that you specified in your account.

The rest of the fields can be left blank.

If you did everything right, you should see the inscription "Your fees so far: $0.00" This will mean that you do not need to pay fees for listing the goods.

We press “Continue” and we see a message that we “saved” 30 cents, since 50 products have not been exhibited this month yet. Below we can see the choice to "Post Our Product", "Preview", or "Edit" again if something is not to our liking.

We press "Preview" and if everything is good, then we place it. You can also save your listing as a template so that when you post the same or similar product in the future, you do not have to fill out all the fields. Click - "Save this listing as a template and use it to sell similar items"

After that, you should see the inscription "Congratulations!" and text stating that you posted your first item.

Now, after placing the goods, you can again go to your personal account in the "Selling" menu and look at your lot. There you will see the number of views, how many days until the end of the ad placement and other data:

If someone buys your product, it will be displayed in the section Sold and you will need to send it and provide the buyer with shipping information. A separate article will be written about this.

If no one buys the product in 30 days, it will be displayed in the section Unsold and if you wish, you can set it again by clicking on the "Relist" button.

In the following articles, I will go into detail on how to ship a product, how to provide shipping information, how to create an html template for product descriptions, and much more.

That's all, I wish you successful trading!

But it does not exclude the possibility of making some money on the sale of unnecessary things. Why not?! Things you don't need may be useful to someone else. Today on my Life Optimization Blog, I will share tips to help you sell your unwanted items online.

Selling old and unnecessary things via the Internet: my experience

I have been selling unwanted items for about 4 years, during which time I have earned about $ 1,200 selling them. I started with unnecessary books (recently told). But all the other things began to sell just a year ago.

I consider what I have earned as a small and easy increase in salary, considering that to receive this money, all it took was to spend half a day once to photograph everything I had, + about 2-3 hours every month to update ads and delete already irrelevant (things that are sold).

I hardly spend time meeting with buyers - I make an appointment at the place where I will be myself, or I indicate in the ad that I can pick up the item from my house. Sometimes I send something by mail, wasting time: but after several hours of work at the computer, walking for 10 minutes to the post office in the fresh air is a real pleasure)

And what unnecessary was sold during this time? Old carpets, clothes, jewelry, hobbies, books, gadgets like earphones, and odds and ends like belts, a thermos bottle, and spare parts from an old laptop. I don’t consider it work, but rather entertainment and the ability to switch to something other than work itself.

And yes - I believe that things need to look for new owners: after all, for each item someone's time and energy, materials have already been spent - and it's a pity if all this is wasted! Well, money is such a nice bonus from decluttering))) (By the way, you can read about that)

1. Find the right site. There are many places where you can sell unnecessary things via the Internet. In Belarus, I place ads on or In Russia, there is,,, You can advertise on social media. networks in groups like "I'll sell cheap" or "Flea market": there are such in almost every city (and if not, then perhaps you are just the person who will create it?).

2. Be sure to take a photo - and it must be of high quality. No, of course, you don't need to photoshop or photograph the item, but it should be clearly visible. Do not be too lazy to add a few photos of the thing from different angles, and show the labels on clothes, stickers with the model number and series on equipment, and show the expiration date on cosmetics close-up.

3. Specify the maximum information: dimensions, degree of wear, defects, etc.

4. Clear heading. I do not advise you to come up with very original artistic headlines that do not reflect the essence of the ad. The main requirement is that it is clear WHAT you are selling. But at the same time, it is desirable to stand out a little from the crowd.

5. Answers to questions. Usually, notifications about new comments or questions come to the mail, if not, regularly review your ad and answer questions from potential buyers.

6. Don't place all your hopes on the sale of unnecessary things. If you are left completely without a livelihood, I do not advise you to rely on selling unnecessary things as a quick and guaranteed way to earn money. It is rather accompanying, because many things can be sold for weeks, or even months!

What can be sold from unnecessary things?

I bet, reading this article, you have already remembered the immortal words of Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino:

But I assure you: our house is a real accumulation of things that can be sold (you can read more about this in the instruction article ""). You can also make money on unnecessary things. Here's what you can sell:

– mobile phones and their spare parts
- laptops and computers and their spare parts (for spare parts it often turns out to be more profitable to sell than the entire computer as a whole)
- clothes
- all kinds of children's things (from clothes to baths, books and toys)
- decorations
- appliances and furniture - even if they are old, there will definitely be buyers: students in rented housing, someone will buy for a summer residence, etc.

Post ads. And believe me: every day, the sites I mentioned sell a lot of the strangest things!

You can not only sell extra things, but simply give them away: read my article on the Cozy House website, where I tell you where you can put unnecessary things after decluttering

Selling old things online: what else is worth remembering?

You will almost certainly be asked for a discount)). Get ready - decide what you will answer so that the question does not confuse you and you rashly drop half the cost. Decide in advance how much you can throw off. If you want to sell things you don't need faster, tell the customer that you're willing to drop some if they take multiple items.

Specify the real price. Purchases from hands are valued because you can really save on them. Therefore, if you put the store price on the item being sold, then it will remain with you. I usually do this: I look at what prices are already on this site, and then I set the price by 5-10% less.

Decide who pays for shipping. Small things are often asked to be sent to another city. First, decide whether you will contact this (if yes, then I advise you to do it on a prepaid basis: that is, first the person pays for the goods + shipping, and then you send) and who pays for the shipping. A common option offered by buyers is to split the shipping cost in half between the seller and the buyer.

Understand: what about delivery? If you are selling unwanted furniture, appliances, carpets, or other large items, shipping may be an issue. In this case, I indicate "self-delivery" - i.e. The buyer decides the issue of exporting the purchase himself.

If you made an appointment, ask the buyer to bring money without change.

And finally: remember that each type of goods (clothes, appliances, furniture ...) requires knowledge of some nuances when selling. Read about. Do you have experience selling unwanted items online?

As you probably already know, before you put your item up for sale, you need to register on the eBay online auction and get the status of "Seller".

First of all, think over all the details in detail. Never act randomly. Before listing your item, weigh the pros and cons. Don't forget, there are millions of experienced Sellers on eBay, and if you make a mistake, people will buy from them rather than you. Look through similar listings, study prices, competition, buyers' habits, read this book, forums, and only then you can start.

It is best to start with shopping, because. no one will deal with a Seller who has a zero rating. If you feel ready to list your item for sale, click on the "Sell" button at the top of any auction page.

Choose the Selling Format

At the initial stage, you must choose the auction format - this is a set of specific rules by which the sale of goods will be carried out. You choose between Auction Style (the lot will be auctioned) or Fixed Price (the lot is sold for a fixed price, no bargaining). If you have selected an auction, you can choose from: Standard Auction, Reserved Price Auction, Dutch Auction, Private Auction. You will learn more about each of them from the article: Types of auctions.

Choose a category (Category)

By putting up a product for auction, you should already have a clear idea of ​​​​in which category to place your lot. The easiest way to determine this is to do a mini-research and determine which of the categories / subcategories has the most similar products to yours. If there is more than one such category, you can place your item in two subcategories at once for a small fee. But you should not place a lot in a category that is clearly unsuitable for it - such a lot will be withdrawn from the auction, and your account may be blocked for a systematic violation of the rules for placing a lot.

Creating an effective title and description

Effective headline- one of the key factors contributing to the successful sale of goods. Please note that most Buyers will find your item through an auction search engine, so your title should contain as many keywords as possible. You can learn a lot of useful things by entering keywords into the auction search engine and looking at competitors' lots. Be sure to make sure that the grammar of your title is correct and does not contain errors, otherwise it simply will not be found. Also, experienced users often use the special paid service “eBay Keywords”, which shows your mini-banner to a potential buyer if he entered at least one of your paid keywords in the search bar (payment is made per click).

HTML. If you are familiar with the basics of HTML, you are invited to create a lot in the built-in HTML editor. You can also do the HTML on your computer and then just paste the code into the window. If you are planning to start a serious business on sales, then the basics of HTML will definitely not interfere with you.

Starting price and product images

Enter the Start Price. This is not as easy a task as it seems. If you start trading with a symbolic amount, then there is always the possibility that the final price will not suit you. And if you overestimate it, your lot simply may not be bought. Try to balance the starting price and make it optimal to start trading. It’s not bad if you provide an opportunity for buyers to buy goods immediately without bargaining, using the paid option.

Determine the duration of the auction. It can be 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 days. Many sellers try to calculate the duration of the auction in such a way that their end falls on the weekend, when the activity of the Buyers is the highest. Also, don't forget about the time difference. If your target audience is Americans, then it makes no sense to list the lot in the early Moscow morning, because. the difference is on average -10 hours and in the USA at this time it is deep night. It is optimal to place the lot when the target audience has the middle of the day.

Determine the country where the product is located.

And finally, you have to choose which of the additional paid options you would like to use. And this is highlighting the title in bold, an image next to the title in the list of auctions, underlining the title, etc. Many of them are sometimes quite helpful. Check them all out and choose the ones you want.

More information about the cost of additional services eBay auction, such as eBay Picture Services, eBay Seller Tools, Listing Upgrade etc., as well as the cost of services for eBay Motors, on the eBay Stores and on eBay Real Estate You can find out directly on the eBay website, in the "help seller" section.

The full version of the article is available in the e-book:


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