Farm products are a blessing. Eco-farm "blessing". Farm Products

Eco-farm "Blessing" will allow you to choose fresh and natural products for every taste at the most attractive prices. Founded in 2011, the farm, after 5 years of operation, shows steadily growing results in the farming market.

From the very beginning of its activity, "Blessing" is available for visits by ordinary visitors. The convenient location of the farm on a vast plot of picturesque fields of the Oryol region allows for quick delivery of orders to nearby areas and the whole of the Moscow region.

Features of the farm

  • the content of poultry is established in specially equipped and insulated rooms;
  • during the operation of the farm, many special grain and vegetable stores were built;
  • on the territory there are own enclosures and pastures;
  • during the cultivation of products, various chemicals are not used;
  • only qualified specialists with relevant experience work on the farm.

Company Profile

The main field of activity of the farm affects the breeding of poultry - chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, quails and even ostriches and peacocks. All birds are kept in special well-ventilated rooms with the possibility of periodic walking of each individual.

The diet of birds is fresh grass and vegetables, and mineral supplements on a natural basis (chalk and bone meal). Birds are bred regularly to supply fresh juvenile meat to the farm's regular and new customers.

Assortment of dairy products

The presence of its own production lines allowed the Blessing farm to become one of the leading suppliers of fresh and healthy dairy products - cheese, milk, cottage cheese, etc. These products are distinguished by their quality, high nutritional value and the content of microelements and vitamins beneficial to human health. Compliance with all standards and technologies allows us to guarantee excellent results at very reasonable prices.

How to place an order?

The farm complex seeks to maintain trusting relationships with all buyers and suppliers, carrying out its activities for the benefit of the whole country. You can place an order for the purchase of environmentally friendly products using a convenient virtual catalog or through the official manager of the "Blessing" farm on a multi-channel phone, or during a personal visit. The company organizes convenient delivery of orders within the Oryol region, Moscow and Moscow Region.

The Blessing farm offers to buy farm products that are produced in rural conditions.

Why are the products from the eco-farm "Blessing" in demand?

The farm has been operating since 2011 and has gained extensive experience in the production of natural products. Animals and birds are provided with spacious premises, open-air cages and pastures for grazing. The feed included in the diet of animals is grown on the fields of the farm. Soil cultivation technology eliminates the use of chemicals, and animal care excludes the use of medicines.

Delicious and healthy gifts from the Oryol lands are completely natural and do not contain harmful substances.

Farm Products

The range of offered products is varied. In the catalog of our online store you can choose and order cheap farm products:

  • poultry meat;
  • by-products and semi-finished products;
  • eggs: chicken, quail and ostrich;
  • vegetables;
  • sausages, pates, stews and other delicacies;
  • handmade dumplings, dolma and cabbage rolls;
  • natural sweets and herbal teas.

For the convenience of customers, we have formed grocery baskets. They include the most popular items of goods. Buying products in a set, you get a significant discount.

You can buy products from the farm wholesale and retail with delivery in Moscow and the region, Tula, Orel and Bryansk.

Despite the frantic pace of life, one should never forget about health. His condition depends on many factors, among which nutrition occupies a special place.

Your good spirits, cheerfulness, mood and health depend on how natural and healthy your diet is. Eco-farm "Blessing" makes sure that you can eat the most harmless products.

The history of the eco-farm and its significance

The farm was founded relatively recently - in 2011, it is located in the Oryol region. The symbolic name is associated with the specifics of the organization of work on the farm, since all affairs on it are conducted according to Orthodox canons. If the earth is treated with love and respect, it will delight with its fruits - the employees of the eco-farm are convinced of this. The blessing of the land on which organic products are grown is confirmed by the fact that the farm is located in the epicenter of holy places, including the Holy Spring of the Kazan Mother of God. Everyone can visit the farm and appreciate its benefits. Due to the large flow of visitors, this place can also be considered a tourist center. People come to the farm to see how natural resources can be used in an environmentally friendly way. The life of animals also attract tourists: ostriches, birds, goats and other species.

Products from nature

The farm offers a large number of poultry species. Production focuses on raising chicken, quail, turkey, duck, geese, guinea fowl, ostriches and peacocks. A feature of the life of animals on a farm is the absence of restrictions on freedom, since all living creatures are in the fresh air, in an environment acceptable for its development. Animals are fed exclusively with natural products without the addition of growth hormones and other chemical additives.

Farm Benefits

All products have certificates confirming their environmental safety for people.

In the online store of the farm "Blessing" you can purchase:

  • Poultry meat, which is bred here, is frozen or chilled, as well as fresh products of animal origin: eggs, milk, cottage cheese, cheeses, butter.
  • They also offer cooking: natural dumplings, marinated meat, various types of sausages, ham, pickled vegetables, juices without preservatives, pastries,

A short but long-awaited summer has arrived. And, of course, I want to spend as much time as possible in nature. How to combine family holiday with an interesting and useful pastime for children?

The answer is simple: we are going on an excursion to an eco-farm in Oryol Polesye!

Here we will see how chickens, geese, goats, ostriches and many other inhabitants of the farm live. The farm will talk about their habits and characteristics. Let's stroke and feed the pets we like. We will see how ostriches play, admire the majestic peacocks and other animals. Forward!

Ecotourism in Orel

Eco-farm "Blessing" located on the territory of the national park "Orlovskoe Polesie". For the navigator, we set the address of the destination: Oryol region, Khotinetsky district, Zhudre village. We choose the route along the Naugorskoye highway, it seems that the asphalt is better there. Approximately 77 km on the way, in 1 hour 15 minutes.

Directions to the eco-farm in Orlovsky Polesye:

We leave Orel around 8:00. We will have breakfast in a gazebo on the territory of the Oryol woodland, not far from the zoo-enclosure. Arrival time around 9:30. The air here is real forest, you breathe wonderfully, the mood is excellent!

Zoo in Orlovsky Polesye

On the way, we stop by to find out the prices for visiting and the opening hours of the zoo-enclosure complex of the Oryol Polesie in 2016. For reference:

BUOO "Khotynetsky Natural Park" (zoo-aviary complex, zoo in Oryol Polesie, whatever) is open from 9:00 to 18:00 without a break and days off. Saturday, Sunday (non-working days, holidays) - from 8:00 to 20:00.

Entrance fee to the zoo aviary complex. Adult ticket 200 rubles. Children's ticket (from 3 to 15 years old) 100 rubles. The right to take photographs and video filming on the territory of the zoo - 50 rubles.

In the parking lot at the entrance to the zoo, we find the following information board:

Eco-farm "Blessing" in Oryol Polesye

We leave the parking lot of the zoo-enclosure complex, turn right, the highway "Khotynets - Zhudersky village", drive about 2 km. A sign will appear ahead: "Meat, eggs, milk, vegetables, excursions, souvenirs." We are on the spot. Welcome to the farm!

The Blessing farm has been operating since 2011 and for the second year in a row it has been developing eco-tourism services in the Oryol region, inviting guests on tours of the farm. How do we start the tour?

Perhaps with peacocks.

Then we will visit Indian runners. Ducks are such, with a funny gait.

You can touch and stroke the rabbits. Children are in seventh heaven, parents try to avoid answering questions: “Why don’t we have such handsome people at home?”.

Let's move on to geese, mulards, ducks, turkeys, indo-ducks.

Note, from the farm booklet:

Blagovarskaya duck- This is a bird based on the Beijing meat breed.

Mulard- an interspecific hybrid, the result of crossing musk drakes with domestic Peking ducks. Mulard meat contains 24-26% fat and is recognized as dietary.

in meat guinea fowl much less fat than in chicken, because of this, the meat has a bluish tint.

You can see and feed the goats:

And then feed the ostriches under the guidance of a knowledgeable guide Andrey, the farm's veterinarian:

Let's visit the little goslings. The smell is real, natural, farm 🙂 Children are impressed, parents are asking for the open air.

There is also a children's corner (by the way, in the background are greenhouses where they grow their own vegetables):

Everyone who visits the farm will be pleasantly surprised by the cafe on the territory.

All products are grown on our own without hormones, antibiotics and other rubbish.

Everything can be tasted on the spot or bought home. Our friends decided to buy ostrich eggs for 1,500 rubles apiece, and turkey eggs (150 rubles for a dozen).

Product prices (June 2016):

Guinea fowl - 650 rubles per 1 kg
Turkey, mulard duck, musky duck - 450 rubles per 1 kg
Goose - 400 rubles per 1 kg
Domestic chicken, duck - 330 rubles per 1 kg
Quails - 135 rubles apiece


Ecotourism in Orel? No, haven't you heard? The Blessing farm has been developing ecotourism and agrotourism services in the Oryol region for the second year!

Duration of the farm tour - 40 minutes. An excellent travel option is to supplement a visit to the zoo in Oryol Polesye with a visit to an eco-farm. Children will be delighted!

Visit cost. 150 rubles - adult ticket, 100 rubles - children's ticket.

Distance from Orel: about 80 km, travel time 1 hour 20 minutes.

If it's raining outside, boots are a must! In general, it is desirable to have comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear.


Eco farm address"Blessing" in the Oryol woodland: Oryol region, Khotynets district, village Zhudre, 72. Look again at the diagram at the beginning of our story!


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