It is recognized as an electronic document. Electronic documents: types, requirements and features of workflow. Electronic file documents - a requirement of modern society

Requirements for documents in electronic form are divided into three categories and are followed in order of priority:

  1. General requirements. They do not differ from the requirements for documents in paper form and mainly relate to the form and content.
  2. Requirements for a specific type of documents in electronic form, including electronic documents. Key in this category are the requirements for electronic signatures. It is she and the observance of the conditions of its use that make the document legally significant.
  3. Special requirements for specific documents in electronic form, imposed on the basis of their purpose, conditions of creation, processing, transfer and storage. These requirements are always individual in relation to the categories or types of documents. They are reflected in special regulations or instructions.

Each document in electronic form has its own requirements. Therefore, when you are about to create or transfer a document, refer to the requirements established specifically for it.

Types and application of electronic documents

Consider the most common documents in the practice of document flow of companies and individual entrepreneurs.

Agreements, contracts, agreements

Part 2 of Article 434 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation permits the conclusion of written contracts through the exchange of electronic documents, including the use of e-mail by the parties to the transaction. A mandatory requirement is the ability to reliably establish that a document, for example a copy of an agreement, comes from a party to the transaction.

It is easy to fulfill the condition: agree with the counterparty to conclude an agreement in this way, draw up and sign the agreement using an electronic signature. In a similar way, you can exchange protocols of disagreements and additional agreements, make changes to contracts and submit claims.

Primary accounting documents

The requirements for them are set out in Article 9 of the Federal Law dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ (as amended on 28.11.2018) "On Accounting". Special requirements for invoices - in article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Primary documents can be paper or electronic, the electronic primary document must be signed with an electronic signature. But if a law or an agreement provides for the presentation of the primary document in paper form, it must be presented precisely on paper. If there is no paper document, you will have to create one - print the corresponding electronic document. This condition so far prevents a complete transition to electronic document management: many companies are forced to duplicate documents in whole or in part. For the exchange of electronic invoices and UPD, for example, it is necessary to contact the services of an electronic document management operator. It is also advisable to conduct document circulation through an EDM operator in case of large volumes of document circulation - an established system will save your time.

Fulfillment of all the requirements for primary accounting documents is in fact the fulfillment of the requirements of the Federal Tax Service. Simplifies the task of using mandatory or recommended by the tax authority formats - formalized electronic documents. Mandatory formats are approved for the invoice and universal transfer document, including correction ones (Orders of the Federal Tax Service No. ММВ-7-15 / [email protected], No. ММВ-7-15 / [email protected] and No. ММВ-7-15 / [email protected]). The recommended formats are available for the acceptance certificate and the document on the transfer of goods (Orders of the Federal Tax Service No. ММВ-7-10 / [email protected] and No. ММВ-7-10 / [email protected]) - you can apply them or develop your own format.


All tax and accounting reports can be submitted electronically. A prerequisite for submitting electronic reporting is the signing of documents with an enhanced qualified electronic signature. You can transfer reports electronically through the EDI operator or through the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

Documents for filing in court

Any procedural documents can be submitted to the court electronically, including in the form of an electronic document. For electronic submission of documents to arbitration courts, the service "My Arbitrator" is used, to the courts of general jurisdiction - the user's personal account in the section "Submission of procedural documents in electronic form" of the official website of the court on the GAS portal "Justice". An electronic image of a document can be certified with a simple electronic signature, an electronic document is signed only with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Appeals to government agencies

Most departments already support online exchange of documents and requests through websites and personal accounts of users. To contact a government agency via the Internet or send an electronic document, go to the official website of the required department, find the section for appeals or sending reports in electronic form and use the specified information.

Legal Significance of Electronic Correspondence

The exchange of letters or messages through e-mail, instant messengers or SMS messages looks somewhat different than electronic documents signed with a proper ES. In these cases, as a rule, the usual electronic signature is not used. What then serves as a means of identification is an interesting question, first of all, from the standpoint of judicial practice.

Electronic correspondence, where a strengthened electronic signature is not used, can be equated to the circulation of documents using a simple electronic signature. In this case, it does not contradict the rules and regulations. But the need to identify the sender and the recipient in the event of a dispute will certainly arise.

In the process of identifying senders and recipients of letters and messages, you may need to determine:

  • who drew up the document;
  • who sent it, at what time and from where;
  • who received it, at what time and where;
  • whether the received document was applied, what legal nature and significant consequences it had.

Answering these questions and supporting them with evidence can be difficult.

If the e-mail addresses are indicated in the contract with the counterparty and at the same time the procedure for the exchange of documents is clearly defined, problems usually do not arise. You can identify SMS messages through a cellular operator. Messages in chats and messengers - through the technical support of the corresponding platform. But problems can arise if you have to dispute the fact of a personal shipment. After all, it is possible that a third party can get access to the login, password, device and SIM card.

In 2016, the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region considered case No. А56-95953 / 2015, where SMS notifications appeared. The plaintiff sued Sberbank regarding the unauthorized withdrawal from the plaintiff's account of funds in the amount of more than 6 million rubles. For operations, payment orders were used, prepared in the bank's information system and signed with generated one-time codes (passwords), which were sent to the plaintiff's phone and, when entered in confirmation of the operation, meant signing a document with a simple electronic signature. The court refused to satisfy the claims, citing the fact that the plaintiff, although it may not have been involved in the operations, did not ensure the inaccessibility of identification means.

The stated position of the court clearly shows that, in fact, requirements similar to electronic signature are applied to electronic correspondence, where identification means other than electronic signature are used. Receiving and entering a code from SMS to confirm actions is an analogue of using a simple electronic signature.


Any documents can be transferred in electronic form, in addition, almost all of them are created in this form initially, but it is important to comply with the requirements. The main thing in the transfer of documents in electronic form or electronic documents is to check whether the technical requirements and requirements for the type of electronic signature are met. Do not forget also about the correctness of the form and content of the document.

The second point is the expediency of switching to EDM, whether the document flow will become simpler, faster, more reliable and more economical. For the sake of transferring several documents a year, it makes no sense to spend money on organizing electronic document management. But if the volume of document circulation is large, the costs of printing and delivery of paper documents exceed the potential costs of electronic document circulation, it is more profitable. The use of an electronic document management system will help to significantly save and simplify the work.

1. Information in electronic form signed by a qualified electronic signature is recognized as an electronic document equivalent to a paper document signed by a handwritten signature, and can be used in any legal relationship in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, unless federal laws or those adopted in accordance with their regulatory legal acts established the requirement for the need to draw up a document exclusively on paper.

(see text in previous edition)

2. Information in electronic form signed with a simple electronic signature or an unqualified electronic signature is recognized as an electronic document equivalent to a paper document signed with a handwritten signature, in cases established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them, or an agreement between the participants of the electronic interactions. Regulatory legal acts and agreements between participants in electronic interaction establishing cases of recognizing electronic documents signed with an unqualified electronic signature as equivalent to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature should provide for the procedure for verifying the electronic signature. Regulatory legal acts and agreements between participants in electronic interaction establishing cases of recognition of electronic documents signed with a simple electronic signature as equivalent to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature must comply with the requirements of Article 9 of this Federal Law.

3. If, in accordance with federal laws, regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them or the custom of business turnover, a document must be certified by a seal, an electronic document signed with an enhanced electronic signature and recognized as equivalent to a paper document signed with a handwritten signature is recognized as equivalent to a document on on paper, signed with a handwritten signature and certified by the seal. Federal laws, regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them, or an agreement between participants in electronic interaction may provide for additional requirements for an electronic document in order to recognize it as equivalent to a paper document certified by the seal.

3.1. If federal laws adopted in accordance with them, regulatory legal acts provide that the document must be signed by several persons, the electronic document must be signed by the persons (authorized officials of the body, organization) who prepared this document, with the type of signature that is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for signing the produced electronic document with an electronic signature.

4. One electronic signature can be signed by several interconnected electronic documents (a package of electronic documents). When signing a package of electronic documents with an electronic signature, each of the electronic documents included in this package is considered signed with an electronic signature of the type with which the package of electronic documents is signed. The exception is cases when the package of electronic documents by the person who signed the package includes electronic documents created by other persons (bodies, organizations) and signed by them with the type of electronic signature that is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for signing such documents. In these cases, the electronic document included in the package is considered to be signed by the person who originally created such an electronic document by the type of electronic signature with which this document was signed when it was created, regardless of what type of electronic signature the package of electronic documents was signed with.

It is not always easy to link traditional office work with electronic document management. In this article, you will find answers to the five most popular questions about electronic documents. We will tell you what an electronic document is, when it can and should be transferred to paper, how to make electronic exchange of documents legally significant, how to issue an electronic document as an attachment to a paper letter, and how to store electronic documents.


An electronic document spends its entire life cycle - from creation to destruction - in electronic form. A printed electronic document - like a scanned paper document - is just a copy of the original.

In recent years, the theory and practice of office work have sought to "make friends" electronic and paper documents in order to keep pace with the rapidly leaving the online space of document flow and at the same time preserve its legal significance. For example, there are several variants of an e-mail, of which only one is a real electronic document:

  • a letter signed with an electronic signature is a real electronic document;
  • the message sent by e-mail is not a document, but it can be, provided that the participants in the communication have agreed on this;
  • A scanned copy of a letter on paper is not an electronic document, but if the sender and recipient have agreed that the exchange of such copies is legally binding, then such a copy sent by e-mail can be equated to an e-mail. We will talk more about this in the answer to the third question.


You can work with electronic documents both online and on paper. Of course, it is easier and faster to exchange electronic documents using e-mail or an electronic document management system (hereinafter - EDMS), but this is not always possible. The result is paper copies of electronic documents.

You can print an e-mail to work on it, but do not forget: if you are exchanging letters with the addressee on an electronic platform, then the reply to this letter must be electronic. Moreover: a citizen can demand to send him a response to his appeal by e-mail.

The internal rules of the organization may establish that a certain document exists only in electronic form. As a rule, service notes are the first to be displayed on the online space. Employees exchange them in EDMS, cloud services or by e-mail.

However, there are norms that prescribe the printing of electronic documents in order to place them in the file on paper.


Electronic documents are signed with electronic digital signatures (hereinafter referred to as EDS). At the same time, only a strengthened qualified EDS, that is, registered in a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, is an absolute analogue of a handwritten one. It can be used when communicating with government agencies. Organizations can communicate with each other using documents signed by any type of EDS: enhanced qualified, enhanced unqualified or simple. What kind of digital signature to use must be specified in the agreement.

A fragment of the agreement on the use of electronic signatures by the parties is given in Example 1.

If desired, the parties can stipulate in the agreement that messages in mail clients and messengers, sms messages have legal force.


Packages of documents are sent from the organization with cover letters. Electronic documents are no exception. But sometimes you need to send a cover letter with several paper and several electronic attachments. In this case, you first need to prepare an electronic application: burn it to a CD or flash card. Then write a cover letter. Lastly, place the insert in an envelope with a disk or flash drive.

The main requisite of the cover letter is variable 19 “Application note”.

Here are examples of a cover letter (Example 2) and a disc cover (Example 3).


The main principle of storing electronic documents is no discrimination by the medium! The archiving rules are the same for both paper and electronic files. However, there are some peculiarities for storing electronic documents. They are specified in the Rules for organizing storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents from the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other documents in government bodies, local governments and organizations (hereinafter - Rules 2015).

An electronic document, before being sent for storage, is unloaded from the program in which it was created and saved in an unmodifiable format: The 2015 Rules recommend PDF / A, but the organization will have to purchase software to work with it. The optimal format for saving electronic documents that suits many organizations is PDF.

An electronic file is recorded on a separate electronic carrier. The best option is a write-once CD. The 2015 rules require you to record an electronic file on two disks: one copy is a working one, the second is the main one. This applies only to cases of permanent and long-term (over 10 years) storage periods. If the file has a five-year retention period, then it can not be transferred to the archive, simply by saving it in an unchangeable format. If such a case still needs to be transferred to storage, then it will be enough to write it to one disk.

For each case, a cover is drawn up (Example 4).

Electronic files on disks are transferred to the archive in accordance with the procedure adopted in the organization.


  1. Electronic documents from creation to destruction exist in electronic form.
  2. You can work with electronic documents on any medium.
  3. The organization establishes the rules for the exchange of electronic documents in an agreement with each other.
  4. An electronic document can be attached to a paper letter. The application is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.97. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork.
  5. Electronic documents are transferred to the archive of the organization on CDs, designed in accordance with the 2015 Rules.

Question 5. Classification of documents

Classification of documents- the distribution of documents into groups (types) based on signs of content, form of preparation, etc. in order to organize and improve the efficiency of work with them.

Classification allows you to develop certain methods of working with each group of documents, fix them in instructions, organize documents in office work. 2. Conventionally, documents can be divided into the following groups: by the way of documentation: handwritten; electronic;


film, photo, soundtrack;

by area of ​​use: organizational and administrative; financial and accounting; scientific and technical; according to work; reporting and statistical;

at the place of compilation:

Incoming (received by the organization);

Outgoing (sent from the organization);

Internal (compiled and used within the organization itself);

by access restriction stamp:

open (unclassified);

with an access restriction stamp. Documents can have the following stamps:

"For official use" (official information intended only for employees of a particular organization or industry); "Secret", "Top secret", "Special importance" (information containing state secrets); "Confidential" (information, access to which is limited by the legislation of the Russian Federation);

"Commercial secret" (information that has commercial value due to its being unknown to third parties, to which there is no free access on a legal basis and in respect of which the owner of such information has introduced a protection regime);

by origin:

official (service) (affecting the interests of the organization, drawn up by a legal entity or an individual, drawn up in the prescribed manner); personal (concerning the interests of a particular person and being nominal);

on th ridic significance:

originals or originals (first or single copies of official documents, personally signed by the author);

copies (documents that fully reproduce the information of the original document and all of its external features or part of them that have no legal force);

certified copies (copies of documents on which, in accordance with the established procedure, the necessary details are put down, giving them legal force);

duplicates (duplicate copies of the original document that are legally binding);

in the form of presentation:

individual (the content of which is presented in free form);

stencil (when the structure, part of the document, standard phrases are prepared in advance, and the other part is filled in when compiling, for example, a certificate from the place of work);

typical (created to document standard situations, for example, business trips, and used in all organizations);

by shelf life:

permanent storage;

long-term storage (over 10 years); temporary storage (up to 10 years).

1 . Electronic document- a document in which the information is presented in electronic form, with the requisites necessary for its recognition as valid.

The electronic document must comply with the following requirements:

created, processed, stored, transmitted and received using software and hardware;

be displayed (reproduced) in a form understandable for perception.

Electronic document may be reproduced in form and form, comprehensible: on the display screen; on paper;

another material object that can be separated from the machine medium in a form accessible for visual inspection. When using an electronic document, it is not required to provide a copy of it on paper, with the exception of cases provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation or by agreement of the parties. Advantagesuse of electronic documents:

computer set of documents is minimized by using ready-made samples contained in the PC memory; computer processing of electronic documents (for example, orders for goods) is much faster than processing paper documents;

collection, systematization and search of any document or information from documents is accelerated and simplified; with the help of e-mail, the prompt transfer of documents to any distance is carried out; storage of electronic documents allows you to save a large amount of information on small media and therefore does not require large areas for archives; the volume of routine technical operations with documents is reduced, time is freed up for solving meaningful management tasks;

the number of losses of documents, the location of which is unknown, is reduced;

it becomes possible to use the information received to prepare another document (report, summary, review, etc.), thereby increasing the efficiency and quality of the compiled document.

Approval of the draft electronic document has the following Benefits:

reading a document on a PC screen without outputting to paper; corrections are made to the draft document;

To the disadvantageselectronic documents can be attributed: fragility of storage in comparison with paper documents;

the need for technical means for reading; the possibility of making unauthorized changes (in the absence of an electronic digital signature (EDS) or other means of protection).

3. Electronic document management- the process of movement, processing, storage and exchange of electronic documents. Participants in the exchange of electronic documents - individuals and legal entities, government bodies of the Russian Federation, local government bodies participating in the exchange of electronic documents.

Sender of an electronic document- a participant in the exchange of electronic documents, who draws up an electronic document, signs it with his EDS and sends it to the recipient's address directly or through an information intermediary.

Recipient of an electronic document- the participant in the exchange of electronic documents, to whose address the electronic document was received.

Intermediary in the exchange of electronic documents (information intermediary)- a legal entity or individual entrepreneur that performs services related to the exchange of electronic documents between senders and recipients of electronic documents.

When exchanging electronic documents, information security means must be used in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

An electronic document is subject to verification to confirm its authenticity by means of EDS verification. The confirmation of the authenticity of the electronic document is carried out by the recipient of the electronic document using the EDS verification tools provided to him by the sender or distributor of the EDS verification tools. The authenticity of the electronic document It is considered confirmed if, as a result of the fulfillment by the recipient of the electronic document of the procedures provided for by means of verification of the digital signature, the invariability of all its details is established. Electronic document managementregulated by regulations:




local (enterprises).

Legal regulation in the field of electronic documents circulation directed:

for the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of electronic documents circulation;

ensuring the security and protection of information during its creation, processing, storage, transmission and reception;

ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of users of electronic documents;

legal support for the technology of creation, processing, storage, transmission and reception of electronic documents. Work with electronic documents sent by e-mail is carried out similarly work with paper documents. Therefore, electronic document management is also called automated office work. Each subscriber in e-mail is assigned an individual mailbox, which is assigned a user code, and the exchange of electronic messages is carried out through these mailboxes.

The sender of the electronic document creates a message file, specifies its name, date, time of sending, and starts the email sending program.

Electronic documents are sent to addressees in accordance with the instructions for the mailing list.

The addressee receives the document on the PC screen, which, if necessary, can be transferred to paper. Using a PC, electronic documents are registered.

The manager, having received an electronic document, puts a resolution on it, and the document is sent to the PC to the performer (performers) via the internal network.

Electronic Document Execution Process similar execution of paper documents. Electronic document circulation is constantly growing, especially in connection with the development of Internet commerce. Storage period for electronic documents same, as with paper ones (for example, bank notices and transfer requirements - 5 years). Storing files for such a period can lead to their loss, therefore it is recommended to create special archives of electronic documents on CD-ROMs.

At storage of electronic documents in the electronic archive must be ensured:

protection of electronic documents from unauthorized access and distortion;

the ability to provide interested parties with access to stored electronic documents in the manner prescribed by regulatory enactments;

the ability to confirm the authenticity of electronic documents during the entire period of their storage;

the ability to present stored electronic documents in the form of a hard copy.

In the future, the development of electronic document management is focused on the maximum use of electronic documents, which implies a change in the existing domestic traditions of office work and the gradual abandonment of paper information carriers.

Now almost all self-respecting enterprises are abandoning paper workflow, replacing it with a more modern one. An electronic document is the most relevant form of existence of all modern files containing a huge amount of the most important information.

Main advantages

The main advantage of electronic documentation is that it allows you to work quickly and efficiently. It is easy to sign materials in this format, even if all those who need to endorse them are far from each other. Due to this, it is possible to save a huge amount of money and effort.

Among other things, the presence of an electronic archive avoids the need to contain a huge number of documents in an organization. For storage of the accumulating papers, you will need to allocate an appropriate area on the territory of the enterprise, as well as hire a highly qualified archivist who can quickly understand the available materials. To store an electronic archive, you only need compact removable media or a few hard drives.

Diadoc's electronic document management system is the easiest way to exchange legally significant electronic documents and invoices.

What is ED

An electronic document is a material that is recorded on special media (disks, USB sticks, additional equipment).

It can be a whole collection of images, sound files and symbols. Such a file can be transmitted in space and time using special telecommunication means. Telecommunication channels can also be used for publication, storage and further processing. The main thing here is to correctly process all existing data.

Also, such a document should be understood as a special form with which you can use the data for completely different purposes. It is about recording information on electronic or magnetic material carriers, and then about their further processing and sending to all participants in the data correction process.

All documented materials that have been converted into electronic format are suitable for processing in existing information structures and transmission via TCS. All these files are amenable to analytical processing that can be performed using information systems.

Electronic document and EDS

Electronic documents must have legal force, otherwise they cannot be used when working with other structures. You can secure the action of a document using an electronic digital signature, which has the same capabilities as an ordinary paper one.

An EDS will be relevant if a number of conditions are met during its formation:

  • the certificate of the key that controls the operation of the signature must be current at the time of approval of electronic files;
  • evidence must be provided to determine when the file was signed;
  • the authenticity of the digital signature must be confirmed in the same file where it is used;
  • the signature should be used in accordance with the information indicated in the attached certificate.

To obtain such a signature, you will need to contact a certification center. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents in advance. The location of the organization can be clarified at the territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia, where you can also get SNILS.

In addition to SNILS indicated in the pension certificate, you will need to provide a copy of your passport and a valid e-mail. In addition, you need to prepare in advance a USB-drive, on which the employees of the certification center will have to write down the keys and certificates required for endorsement of electronic documents.

The details of an electronic document are valid only if it is certified by an electronic digital signature. EDS is of equal importance with the paper counterpart, however, all the necessary conditions must be met for this. The signature must be legal, registered with the CA.

Electronic documentation

The concept of an electronic document provides that it can consist of more than just characters that are understandable to users. The presence of unstructured information is allowed, which must be decrypted by operating systems. The main thing is that the material must be saved on a special medium.

An important part of the document is also a form with a set of attributes required to describe it. Thus, the file should contain information about:

  • the date of its formation;
  • data author;
  • the name of the document;
  • format, which is necessary for the correct reading of the materials.

The more detailed information about an existing document is, the easier it will be to work with it in the future. Electronic document and electronic document flow are closely interconnected, without the first, the second is impossible. At the same time, the circulation of materials is greatly simplified if the organizations exchanging information use the same telecommunication systems and software.

Electronic documentation can contain materials that can be used to search for files or classify them according to certain criteria. All existing files can have different permissions, they also may not carry any structured elements. In this case, the electronic document directly depends on its owner. Structured materials can have special elements, with the help of which external additional applications can receive data about individual elements of the file.

Paper and electronic documents cannot be compared with each other, because digital has a number of advantages. Among them:

  • the possibility of long-term storage;
  • convenience in performing additional operations (editing, deleting, archiving, etc.);
  • the ability to search for data within files using key markers;
  • ease of handling materials using automated systems used by organizations practicing electronic circulation.

Now there are several formats of electronic documents, but the most popular is the "odf" format, which is convenient when working with any software.

The concept and structure of an electronic document can vary significantly. The software for processing it has a huge impact on this. Separately, materials processed using 1C should be highlighted. Such files differ significantly from others, since they are not separated into separate documents. They can be considered only as an information unit with unique identifiers and modification tools.

Such documentation can also include materials that are created as a result of the vigorous activity of applied information systems. They are dynamically generated using existing material stores. Thus, they do not carry any information about themselves, they can only be considered with the help of the system.

As soon as a document is printed or viewed, it ceases to exist in the system as an object. From this moment on, it functions as a special application. In the event that the file needs to be opened with other software, you will have to convert it.

What electronic documents exist

An electronic document is a file containing certain information that is not always clear to the user. To create archives and collections of these files, you need to know their classification.

  • In one embodiment, the materials may differ in the presence or absence of similar printed documents.
  • Files can also differ in what kind of information they contain. This classification refers to:
  1. text,
  2. fine,
  3. sound,
  4. multimedia publications,
  5. software products.

The latter should be considered as alienated works or publications of separate fragments of program texts and codes.

  • The largest classification should be considered the types of electronic documents for their intended purpose. Most often, there are official publications that are published by government agencies, they usually contain regulations.
  • Production publications are used in factories. They carry information about the organization of the existing production. Some materials were specially created to inform workers of certain production areas about the presence of norms and requirements when they are on the territory of enterprises.
  • Educational and reference books are produced that are easy to use. You can find the information you need in such a file in a few seconds, which saves a huge amount of time and effort. Such documents can be used not only by students, but also by teachers.
  • Political parties quite often use electronic publications as campaign materials. They contain public works that are intended for a wide audience of readers. In such materials, one can most often find analytical information that is used by political scientists and sociologists around the world.
  • Another classification of documents distinguishes them by the method of distribution. There are local editions that can be used within a particular enterprise, they are also issued in paper versions and in a limited number of identical copies.
  • Online editions are intended for widespread use, their number is not limited. Additional paper copies in this case are not required, this increases the value of the electronic document several times. Such documents can be easily sent to archives.

Electronic file documents - a requirement of modern society

Now you know what an electronic document is, what types of it exist, and how they can be used in everyday life. In this case, the information can be stored in files in an encrypted format. To work with them, you will need to use existing passwords, which can be changed at any time.

Any user of telecommunication communication channels has the right to create their own documents. The only thing that he needs for this is the availability of special software. The storage period for such files is unlimited. You can perform any operations with them at any time.


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