Scenario for adults New Year's Eve commotion in the chicken coop. New Year's tale.docx - New Year's tale "how a fox stole a rooster

The availability of technical means today makes the organization of the New Year's Eve enchanting, unusual, but an interesting, high-quality scenario for the New Year remains a problem. Next year 2018 will be held under the sign of the Earth Dog according to the eastern calendar. Accordingly, funny scenes for the new year for children and adults should be on the topic.

We offer a selection of scenarios that you can download on our website for free and use when preparing a corporate event, party or performance to celebrate the New Year. Who can use the script for the New Year of the Dog for schoolchildren or adults for a corporate party on our website?

Of course, for those who organize entertainment. First of all, for the presenter. These are kindergarten teachers, school teachers, university students, and employees of organizations where corporate party preparations for families are common. If the funds allow and the parents agree, you can invite a group of actors to the institution with a ready-made scenario of the holiday, who will spend it, and there is no need to "break your head", than to entertain the children.

But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that you do not know which funny scenarios of the New Year's performance the acting group will offer. There may be jokes that are inappropriate in your institution or home, or the children may not be prepared for such a performance. Therefore, an unknown New Year's scenario or program is always a risk for school and kindergarten leaders.

If they invite Santa Claus and Snegurochka from the outside, they try to fit their speech into a common event, thought up in advance, or warn about the preferences of family members.

What is the best approach to creating a New Year's holiday?

Since 2018 is the year of the dog, it would be nice if one of the characters put on a dog costume. After all, this is the main character in the coming year. So to start developing a New Year's script for the 2018 holiday should be precisely with the selection of participants in the presentation.

Next, analyze what technical means you can use to prepare a performance or corporate party, so that you get funny and funny moments. A lot also depends on this. For example, at the end of the performance, Santa Claus can congratulate everyone with fabulous fireworks or simply light a Christmas tree in the hall or at home. It seems like a trifle, but this moment should also be included in the New Year's scenario of 2018.

Then we come up with a plot. This is where we can be helped by numerous funny collections of scripts on the Internet, in particular, on our website, in which you can borrow a ready-made plot outline or even leave the New Year's script for 2018 unchanged. Leaving the plot outline, you can:

  • change individual funny lines,
  • remove or introduce new heroes - participants in the performance,
  • "Dilute" the performance with contests, awards, music or dance performances.

This kind of change is especially relevant if you are preparing a script for the new year of the dog for schoolchildren in 2018, since children's clubs, palaces of children's and youth's creativity strive not only to entertain their children, but also to show what they have learned during the year. At the end of the holiday, you schedule a general dance in a round dance or a song of Santa Claus, presenting gifts.

An actor dressed up as a dog can become an assistant to Santa Claus. Of course, New Year's scenarios for children require more careful development, since kids require increased attention to themselves both at home with their families and in a public institution.

For adults

But really - the year of the dog is on its way, and now it is worth thinking about how you will celebrate the new year and entertain guests. Any ideas? There are a lot of ideas, but it is not always possible to bring them to life. Therefore, you need to watch the new original script for the new 2018.

The Year of the Dog will be a bountiful and incredible year. After all, a dog is a domestic and conservative animal. But this does not mean that your holiday should be the same. Make sure that all guests have fun and not get bored at the New Year's table. Watch the script, pick ideas, and celebrate.

Host: Ladies and Gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! Today we are celebrating the new 2018! with which I congratulate you and let's together together: Woof-woof-woof!

The dog comes out, the symbol of 2018.

Dog: Nice to see you all! Did you miss me? For 12 whole years I was gone. Tell us. What has changed for you?

Host: Putin is the President of Russia!

Dog: I ask - what has changed? Oh, okay, let's not talk about politics, let's celebrate the new year!

Host: Yes, go ahead! Listen, dog - many famous people were born in your year. Do you know them?

Dog: I know that, and I know that they are in this room! Are there those in the hall who were born in the year of the dog?

Three guests, who were born in the year of the dog, take the stage.

Host: So, let's figure it out - which of the famous people, besides yourself, of course, do you know who were born in the year of the dog? Guests are called or not called.

Dogs: So, I'll tell you now: this is Yuri Gagarin, this is Sylvester Stallone and my beloved Socrates! Do you know them? Who would you like to be of these characters? Host: Now we will find out who you will be.

The host invites guests to choose any card. Characters are drawn on the cards: Socrates, Sylvester Stallone and Yuri Gagarin. Whoever pulled which card plays that one. Once the roles have been assigned, the host and the dog ask the guests what they know about their characters. After questioning, a small game block begins.

First, guests need to come up with a Happy New Year toast and say it the way their heroes would say it. After the guests sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”. But they sing like this: Socrates performs it in the style of chanson. Stallone in the style of an opera, and Gagarin in the style of a Soviet song.

Host: Great! You are just great! But that is not all. I am addressing the audience - are there people among you with a dog's or animal's last name? Here you need a person whose surname is similar to an animal. If there is one, then it comes out.

Host: And so, look - we have heroes of tonight who were born in the year of the dog. And there is a symbol of the evening - a man with a dog's name! We are giving you all prizes. And you can go into the hall to the guests.

Dog: How good it is when people have something in common!

Host: What are you talking about?

Dog: I'm talking about the next competition in which we will find out what unites all these people in the hall! Competition is what unites us all. Five people are called from the hall. They turn away or are blindfolded. And the presenter shows the audience one picture with the image. For example, this is a car. This means that all those who have a car should get up in the hall. After the bandage is removed, the guests on the stage have to guess why these people stood up and what unites them. They give their options and explain why.

After the answer is said, and the competition is repeated, only the pictures change. The following pictures can be displayed: - Grilled chicken - They all love to eat grilled chicken. - gym - they all love to play sports. - female ass - they love beautiful female priests. Etc. And at the end, show the new year so that everyone stands up. Then there is only one option - they are all united by the new year and today's holiday.

Host: Well done, did an excellent job!

Dog: Do you want to make some noise? Let's shout! After all, the new year has almost arrived. And it's time to remind him of yourself! A chant for all guests. The host or the rooster reads out the first three lines, and the guests shout the last line in unison:

Host: Yes, our company can be heard far away!

Dog: You know, I really like to watch movies. But in our chicken coop, the lights are turned off at ten in the evening, and therefore we watch the same films.

Host: What kind of films are they? Will you show it?

Game with guests - guess the movie

The game is played with pictures on the screen. A picture is shown, and the guests have to guess what kind of film it is. Examples of pictures and movie titles:

Host: What beautiful films are being played in your booth! What else are you doing while the light is on?

Dog: We play different games, for example, forfeits! But only for the game I need helpers. Let's do this: who watched Russian folk tales? Remember there a character who was directly related to the animal world and dogs? What is this character? That's right - it's a gray wolf! Do you remember? Show me how he walks?

Interested guests show a gray wolf. The dog chooses the best one and invites him to the stage.


Those who walk on the stage are given a bag containing cards with tasks for playing forfeits. His task is to go to the guests and offer to take out the card. After the guest has taken out the card, the wolf reads the task for the guest to complete it.

Examples of tasks for playing forfeits:

Show how the dog is guarding the house;

Show how the dog is frozen and fiddles with its paws;

Show Santa Claus, who got lost in the forest;

Show the hut on chicken legs, from which they require registration;

Crowl loudly and then wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Host: Dog, you showed us your films, do you want me to show you what is being watched here?

Competition - guess the movie

This is a video competition where guests will need to guess the name of a TV series or movie. A frame from the film is shown, where the actors have their faces hidden. The guests make assumptions and then the same frame is shown, where the faces are open. Video for the competition:

Dog: Yes, you watch beautiful films. I was so inspired that I am ready to present the guests with gifts!

Game - gifts for guests

The dog runs around the hall and gives each guest a lottery ticket with numbers. Then she returns to the stage and together with the presenter holds a lottery. First, they take out a barrel with a number. And then they take out a card on which the prize for the guest is written. Examples of poems and lottery prizes:

Host: Well, now we can start our New Year's disco! Whoever dances better than a dog will receive the best prize!

For the family

An amazing time has come - preparation for the New Year. Everyone starts running and hustling. Everyone is looking for gifts, trying to do everything in time. And to help you, we have sketched out a funny scenario for the new year 2018 (year of the dog) for a family of 5. This is not really a scenario, but ideas and contests that will help your family to celebrate the New Year brightly and sit until the chimes. See and choose what you like.

Idea 1 - seeing off the old year

Here you can warm up and take turns recalling the brightest and most memorable events that happened in your family or in the world in 2017. They call them all in turn. Whoever did not name, in turn, is eliminated. And the last one wins. He, as the winner, is handed a calendar for 2017 as a keepsake so that he can keep it and keep all the memories of the outgoing year.

Now let's start celebrating the year of the dog. Here, in turn, all family members name things and objects that are associated with the animal. Those who did not name them are eliminated. And the last one wins again. And associations can be like this:

The winner is presented with a plush dog or a keychain!

Idea 2 - who is faster?

For this competition you need little dog figurines. They can be baked from dough. The task of the contestants is to eat the dogs. Whoever does it faster wins. Children will especially like this competition, they will quickly cope with sweets. Idea 3 - guess the movie.

There will be a video competition. Surely you often watch movies or TV shows with your whole family. And in this competition you have to guess the movie or the TV series. First, a freeze frame will appear on the screen, where the actors will have masks on their faces in the form of dogs and animals. When all family members expressed their opinion and gave a variant of the name, then a second freeze frame appears, where the faces are already without masks and it is immediately clear what kind of film it is. An example of a video of the competition is further:

Idea 4 - dog fights!

And one more competition for the joy of children. Dog fights can be arranged in different ways. We advise you to do this with pillows. That is, two participants take a pillow and, at the command of the presenter, begin to beat each other with it. At the same time, there are boundaries that cannot be crossed. So draw the lines of the ring on the floor. Who goes out of the ring, he lost.

Idea 5 - a letter to Santa Claus

Let's write a letter to Santa Claus in this competition. Each participant of the competition receives Santa Claus gloves, a pen and a sheet. Participants put on gloves, take a pen in them and, on command, begin to write a letter to Santa Claus. Then they look at who wrote how and how. No one will succeed smoothly and beautifully. But such letters are a memory for life.

For older students

A little more, and we will celebrate the New Year. This is a wonderful event, this is a beautiful and long-awaited holiday, this magic that happens once a year and everyone is waiting for it. Schoolchildren are especially waiting for a disco and a festive show. They want to celebrate the new year in a modern way, so that it will be remembered by everyone. And the new script for the new year 2018 of the dog for children in grades 5-9 is just written in a modern style.

New contests that are understandable for young people, exciting games and much more. Such a scenario will be remembered forever, and both students and teachers will remember it.

Host: Hello dear guests! Today we are gathered to spend 2017 and celebrate the new 2018. Are you ready for the holiday? Do you know under whose sign the new year will be held? Yes, this will be the year of the dog. Tell me, are there those among you who were born in the year of the dog? I ask three people to come to my stage. Three people who were born in the year of the dog take the stage.

Host: Here they are - the heroes of tonight! Tell me, do you know famous people who were born just like you in the year of the dog? Well, name them. Participants give names if they know.

Host: Many famous people were born in the year of the dog, but we are interested in three of them: firstly, this is Socrates, secondly, this is Gagarin and also Alexander Dumas. Do you know these names? Great, which means it will be easier for you to integrate into their images.

The moderator invites the participants to draw cards with pictures of characters. The one who pulled out the one plays. First, the participants should wish the guests a Happy New Year. And do it like this. How could Socrates, Gagarin or Dumas do it?

The second stage of the competition, where the characters must show an impromptu dance of a dog. For each participant, their own music is turned on.

Host: Well done, let's applaud our heroes. And we continue our holiday. And now for the next competition I need two teams of 9 people each. Participants come on stage and we divide them into two teams of 9 people each. Each team is given a sign with letters. If you place the letters correctly, you get the inscription - the year of the dog. That is, each participant has one plate with one letter. The teams are facing each other. The facilitator asks a question, and the teams must guess it and line up so that the answer is obtained. Which team is the first to line up and give the answer, that gets a point in the piggy bank. The team with the most points wins.

Riddles for the competition

Host: Have you run over? But they did an excellent job! Tell me, which of you likes to take selfies? Yes, everyone loves selfies. But since there are many of you, I ask three people to come up to me who do not represent either morning or dinner. Not an evening without a selfie.

Three participants take the stage. They are given such masks of dogs and animals. They dress them on their faces and arm themselves with their selfie phones. At the command of the presenter, the participants run into the hall to the audience and they need to take 15 selfies with the guests. Whoever takes 15 selfies first returns to the host. He is presented with a prize. Then all the selfies taken are thrown onto a disk and shown on the screen. And the audience chooses the best picture and its author is also awarded with prizes.

Host: Many of you have twitter. And for sure everyone uses social media. And if so, then you probably know what a hashtag is. Do you know? Then I ask the participants to come up to me for the game. Two or three teams of 4-6 people are needed. Their task is to show the hashtag. That is, the presenter shows a sign on which the hashtag is written, and the teams think for 20-40 seconds and show it on stage. Examples for New Year's hashtags: #UraniumNew Year's holidays #we restinglearning #wintersnowsmountainsmountains #recreation in winter

These are the hashtags to show. You can come up with your own. To make it easier or vice versa harder and more fun.

Host: New Year is the time for gifts. Have you already bought gifts for your friends and family? Let me guess - you bought them on Ali Express in a Chinese online store? There is no need to hide, almost everyone does this. Tell me, do you manage to shop there? After all, there is an artificial translation, and in order to understand it, you need to learn into English, but ... in general, if someone does not know, then now he will understand everything.

Game - shopping for gifts in the Chinese online store

Those who have bought on Ali express at least once know that the main language on the site is English and Chinese. But the site itself translates into Russian and this is such nonsense that ... in general, let's figure out what gifts are and what are called. You show the guests on the screen or on the signs, and the guests guess what kind of purchase they are going to make. For example:

Head Wearing the Holiday Red New Year This is the hat of Santa Claus.

Plastic Gift Under the Christmas tree Children Joy This is how a plastic Santa Claus is described on Ali Express.

You can think of and see other options for gifts in the Chinese online store.

Host: Well, we played too much, and some are already impatient to dance. And very soon the disco will begin. In the meantime, we will hold a lottery drawing, and you will receive prizes.

New year lottery

To hold a lottery, you need to walk through the hall and let the guests take out lottery tickets from the bag. Each ticket has its own number. Then on stage, you take out barrels with numbers from the bag. And whoever has the same ticket number, he goes on stage and takes out a ticket with a prize. A verse is written on the ticket with the prize, and the host reads it out and presents the prize.

Host: And now we are starting our fun disco!

For a corporate party and a presenter

The script is ideal for both a fun company and a cozy family party, as there are many contests and surprises in it. The task for the guests is to go around the whole world and find a golden dog that will bring happiness.

... A long time ago, to be precise, 12 years ago, this dog was stolen by villains who managed to take it out and hide it in a country unknown to us. Now you - brave heroes - need to set off on a dangerous but very exciting journey around the world and save the fate of the New Year….

The script host dresses up as Santa Claus and asks the guests to help him in his search. The guests, of course, agree. They will take part in overseas contests, for the victory in which they will receive bones. According to legend, these bones were left by the Dog as traces, and whoever has the most of them will find the dog and return her treats to her!

After the introduction of all the guests present at the event, you can proceed to the main part of the holiday - to the contests. It all depends on your imagination. For example, let each competition be associated with a certain country, i.e. with country-specific holidays and popular events.

Brazilian Carnival

… There was a rumor in South America that some kind of golden dog was brought into the country, which can bring prosperity and increase wealth. But no one could say exactly where she is and how she looks ...

For the competition, it is necessary to put several chairs in a circle (backs inward). Their number must be one less than the number of participants. Incendiary music is turned on, to which the contestants must show their dancing talents. And when the music ends, each of the participants must take their place on the chair. Those who do not get a place are eliminated with an incentive prize in their hands. The competition continues until there is only one winner left. He is awarded a pen and a prize.

Bavarian glutton

... The Germans are a very hospitable people. To find out information about the bird from them, it was necessary to taste all their traditional dishes ... This competition is attended by food lovers. Two or three participants are selected from the guests. They are tied behind their backs and seated at the table. A plate with two sausages is placed in front of them. The challenge for the winner is to be the first to eat the cooked Bavarian treat.

Dexterous Australian

…. Australia is full of birds, but residents have never seen such a dog. They tried to catch her, but this business was not for beginners….

The requisite for the competition is two small bags. The guests are divided into two teams. Participants line up one after another in a chain. A chair is placed in front of each team at a short distance. The task for the contestants is to put the bag on his feet, and the participant must jump to the chair and come back. The winner in the competition is the team in which the last participant of the “jumping” relay will reach the finish line first.

What funny stories are best to take when creating New Year's scenarios for children or a corporate party for adults for 2018?

In principle, any fairy tale plot with elements of magic is suitable, for example: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "Sleeping Beauty", "Nutcracker", "Kid and Carlson" and others. Let it be a kind fairy tale, in the course of which, at the behest of the New Year, Santa Claus intervenes and puts things in order in the fairy kingdom.

You can mix the plots of fairy tales and combine them into one: let the children help the heroes find their fairy tales during the matinee, and the performance can involve many actors in a variety of bright costumes. These plots are quite suitable if you need a program for a corporate party. It is only necessary to introduce contests for adults into it.

Otherwise, people of all ages crave fairy tales and miracles. The New Year's scenario for 2018 can also be built using the motif of Santa Claus's travels to different countries and incredible adventures, the evil heroes stealing some magic item, without which the New Year cannot begin, etc.

By the way, the plot of the New Year's fairy tale based on the heroes' travels to different countries will help to combine many dance and song numbers into one scenario, which is especially important for children's creativity centers, where each circle presents its own number. In between numbers, the host of the program can arrange contests, riddles, competitions with prizes.

This scenario is perfect for a corporate party: guests can dance to the music of different countries. In general, creating a New Year's masterpiece for 2018 at home with your family, on a corporate party site or a children's party in the form of a fairy tale or a matinee is not so difficult if you connect the imagination and experience of all its potential participants. Use ready-made scripts on our website: they will help you find the desired plot. Let the New Year become for you not a painful search for contests and a duty that falls on the shoulders of the organizers of mass holiday entertainment. Enjoy your creation, and then any script will become a real magical holiday for everyone present at the performance!

Parents and caregivers can act as characters.

Leading, Host, Rooster, Monkey, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Fox Alice, Snowman, Cat Vasily, children.

Gifts for participation in competitions, 2 artificial Christmas trees, 2 boxes with tinsel and shatterproof toys, paper snowballs.

Children, educators, presenters enter the hall to the music.

Joy, happiness, mood,
The holiday is in a hurry to visit us,
The cock polishes the spurs,
And already flies, flies!

There will be songs and fun
There will be a tree, a round dance,
I hasten to send everyone today,
Your perky congratulations!

Children, are you ready now
Start celebrating the New Year?
All worries are over
You can celebrate the holiday!

(Lisa Alisa enters the hall)

Fox Alice:
What noise are you making here?
And the poor woman did not let me sleep,
They wanted a holiday
They want to celebrate the New Year!

Yes, we are. Look, the kids are all in smart suits, we have the script written, and you are interfering with us.

Fox Alice:
And there will be no holiday! There will be no holiday! You can all go home! New Years will not come!

Excuse me, how can I contact you?

Fox Alice:
Alice I.

Why do you scare children, dear Alice? Children taught poetry, tried, and you spoil the mood. Not good, you know.

Fox Alice:
Listen, I love the holidays myself! Gifts, outfits and food ... but that's the point. A Monkey lives next door to me, well, this year's mistress. So, she liked it here so much that she decided to stay. She says they love her, appreciate her, admire her. I myself want a holiday, I won’t, the Cat Vasily promised to give a new fur coat and a book with fairy tales, and because of it I will be left without gifts and mood.

And now what i can do?

What to do, what to do, negotiate with the Monkey!

(The Rooster enters the hall)

Rooster :
Kukareku, kukareku,
I want to congratulate you all,
Soon the New Year will come
Will bring happiness to your house!
I promise you an easy year
I will give all friends
He will be bright, good,
The year will be the Rooster!

Fox Alice:
Oh, what a pretty one! What a bright, interesting, fashionable! I definitely like him better! And sings beautifully. I agree, it suits me!

Rooster :
Thank you, thank you, you're good too! What a fur coat, what boots and beads!

(Monkey flies into the hall)

A monkey :
I don’t understand something, what’s going on here? I am the mistress of the year, no one calls me, no one invites me, I can be offended, but you, with me still live, I am not going to leave yet!

Rooster :
Dear, pack your things, free up space, the New Year is coming, the year of the Rooster, that is, me!

A monkey :
It used to be that on December 31st, one animal replaced another, but I decided that it was time to change something, and now from now on and forever there will be the Year of the Monkey, and I will cancel the New Year altogether, so as not to waste time!

Monkey, dear, you can't do that! We have a matinee, children ... maybe we will try to appease you? Tell me, what do you love?

A monkey :
I love bananas, beautiful outfits, music, poetry, dances, sparkles and fun!

So, we are organizing this now! We have such poems prepared!

Rooster :
And what are you all to her? Actually, I will be the owner of next year, you need to please me!

A monkey :
Actually, I don’t think to leave yet, so the feathered one!

Please do not quarrel! We will negotiate.

You sit down for now, and we will think about how to solve the situation.

(The cat Vasily appears in the hall)

Vasily the cat:
I came to you today,
And I will give you wise advice,
You need more sleep in life
Eat porridge, rest.

Fox Alice:
And you all think about food! We've got New Year's Eve under threat!

Vasily the cat:
How threatened? But what about the sour cream that you promised me under the tree?

Fox Alice:
Negotiations are underway. Don't bother!

A monkey :
I just thought, what if we dress up a Christmas tree?

So, we have a Christmas tree decorated, what a beauty it is!

A monkey :
And it's not enough for me! I want one more! Better yet, two!

There will be Christmas trees for you!

Announces competition "Dressers".
Gathers 2 teams, each of 10 people. Each team is given a box with Christmas tree tinsel and shatterproof toys. At a short distance, 2 small artificial Christmas trees are placed. The first players take one toy at a time, run to the Christmas tree of their team, hang up the toy and come back, and so on until the last team member. The first team to dress up the Christmas tree wins.
Props: 2 artificial Christmas trees, 2 boxes with tinsel and shatterproof toys.
(The winners will receive candy)

A monkey :
Oh, how beautiful! Oh, how happy I am!

Rooster :
And what about me? Who will please me? I love to sing!

And we just have a New Year's song!

(Children sing a New Year's song)

Vasily the cat:
And tell me, please, why we have to do something for you, and you do nothing for us? Children try, sing, decorate Christmas trees, and what will they get for this?

A monkey :
If I stay to rule
I will give bananas to everyone
I will give fun, happiness,
Dances, songs, beauty!

Rooster :
I will give everyone luck
And I will help in the lessons,
I will give candy, joy,
I'll tell you a lot of fairy tales!

A monkey :
I'm so beautiful
And you are used to me,
I help everyone for free,
Fulfilling all dreams!

Rooster :
I am bright, stylish, fashionable,
I will bring good to the house,
I'm funny and I'm perky
I will discard sadness for later!

(There is a knock. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear)

Father Frost :
Through storms, blizzards and blizzards,
I finally got to you
I brought a bag of gifts,
Are there obedient kids here?

Snow Maiden :
New Year is close, close
Are you ready to meet him?
Are you ready to dance?
And celebrate a bright holiday?

You see, this is the case here, the Monkey doesn't want to leave, so we persuade him. And our children are all obedient, beautiful.

Father Frost :
What kind of disorder is this? You two (addresses the Rooster and the Monkey) quickly in the corners! I'll deal with you later, otherwise they arranged it here! My granddaughter and I will quickly put things in order!

Snow Maiden :
Shame on you, the kids are having a holiday, and you have arranged it here! Well, where did you look (addresses Lisa and Cat).

Father Frost :
Oh, I'm tired of the road,
Who would tell me a rhyme
Who would please you a little?
Oh, grandfather is tired!

Snow Maiden :
Oh, what good fellows you are, what rhymes you prepared for grandfather!

Father Frost :
Oh, how you made me happy, how you made the old man happy! I would play with you, but I'm so tired, I'm so tired ...

Snow Maiden :
You sit, grandfather, rest, and we will play with the children!

Fox Alice:
You know the girls, you know the boys
We love to dance with Vasily!

Vasily the cat:
And we are bumps, with a red-haired fox,
We love very, very much to collect together!

Fox Alice (while she is talking, the cat is quietly throwing snowballs of paper balls around the room):
What is a new year without snow?
Do you agree with me friends?
My clumsy cat Vasily,
I accidentally lost my snowballs!

Competition "Collect Snowballs".
Children are given 1 minute to collect snowballs. Whoever collects the most will receive a prize.
Props: paper snowballs.

Snow Maiden :
They say in this school snowflakes
So ditties sing loudly,
Here, to listen to these snowflakes,
Tell me kids, are they here?

(Three snowflakes come out and sing ditties)

An example of ditties:
1. Everywhere there is snow and ice,
Do not grieve people
Soon the New Year will come
All problems will take away!

2. I ordered a doll for my dad,
And I'm looking under the tree
If he doesn't buy me a doll,
I'll go to Santa Claus!

3. I will sculpt a snowman,
I will be friends with him now,
And in the spring in the freezer,
He will live with me!

(Variants of ditties may be different and in greater numbers)

Snow Maiden :
Oh, what good fellows,
Well, straight, the kids were surprised
We sang very well
You gave me joy!
Let us now,
We will dance with you,
It's time for us to move
Then we get bored!

(A New Year's song turns on, the Snow Maiden, the Fox, the Cat dance, and the children repeat)

Father Frost :
So you sang and danced
And they read us poems
Can you solve riddles?
Oh, my good ones?

(Santa Claus makes riddles. Whoever guesses the most will receive a prize)

Snow Maiden :
Grandpa, can we forgive our naughty ones? I think they have already understood that it is ugly to quarrel.

A monkey :
What are you going straight to the corner? I may have behaved this way out of harm, but in fact, I will gladly give up the Rooster's place. I'm already tired of being in the role of hostess!

Rooster :
And I won't be so lucky anymore! I will be good, and I will give people a happy year!

Father Frost (addressing children):
Excuse me?

(Children answer in unison)

Snow Maiden :
Well now, we will stand together,
Let's stand with you in a round dance,
And we will circle around the tree,
Hello holiday, New Year!

(Circling in a round dance)

Father Frost :
You read congratulations to us,
But it's time for us kids,
We will only give you gifts,
Out of a huge bag!

(Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are giving gifts)

Our holiday has come to an end
I want to wish everyone now
Warmth, smiles, joy and happiness,
So that you do not know sadness and misfortune!

So that the New Year is the newest,
To make your dreams come true,
So that in any bad weather,
You were all with your family!

Beat all the images. If desired, you can add several







Ragulina M.M.

Rubekina A.D.


Christmas story.


Petushok - Nekrasov Al., Ded Moroz - Tolstikov Vl.,

Fox - Kakhuta Iv., Snow Maiden - Soboleva K.,

Wolf - Torsunov V., Masha - Karachevtseva Yul.,

Baba Yaga - Luneva Yan., Crow - Shestopalova Ar.,

Leshy - Kruptsev N., Izbushka - Kolupaev M.,

Bayun the Cat - D. Budnikov, Chickens - Ryazanytseva Ar.

Time is running on and on

The New Year is on the threshold.

May this year be good for everyone

Louder than the ringing, cheerful laughter.

People will come to us with an open mind,

Everyone will gather for a big holiday!

Ah, New Year! Amazing ball!

How many good friends have you gathered.

Let everyone laugh, dance, sing.

All interesting wonders await.

New Year's dance of snowflakes and snowmen.

At the holiday we will dance heartily

We will sing our favorite songs.

And with Santa Claus we will conjure up a little bit

And we'll get into his fairy tale.

Baba Yaga is dressed up on the occasion of the holiday, walks across the stage, looking out from under the arm of the guests. Near the hut there are hemp-chairs, a stump-table.

BABA YAGA (impatiently). Where are they? Where are my friends, my guests? It's time to get ready, but they are all gone! To see what is happening in our distant forest?

Baba Yaga pulls out a laptop stylized as a "saucer" from the hut. Opens, turns on. There is a grinding noise and noise from the “apparatus”.

BABA YAGA (grunts). Oh, this technique is newfangled! Oh, this technical progress for me! You can't calmly fly on a stupa - sometimes airplanes, then spaceships, then these, like theirs ... cell towers ... Just look, you will touch it with a broomstick! And the news? Before you put an apple on a saucer - you can see everything as in the palm of your hand! And now - it makes noise, then pops, then the connection is lost ... Ugh! (Peers at the screen). Zmey Gorynych! Get in touch! (In the laptop, the sound of an airplane flying is heard, then a crackle, a rattle of brakes, a clink of broken glass). Ta-ah-ah ... Got it! (She puts her hands on her hips). Snake Gorynych will not be. (Looks at the screen again). Kikimora, my faithful friend! Well, answer! Hello! .. (Something crackles in the laptop again, a fast, incomprehensible speech is heard). FAQ ?! (Again - fast incomprehensible speech, frog croaking. Baba Yaga obstructs the screen with her hands). Yes, not a balabol, balabolka! FAQ said ?! Won't you come ?! (To the hall). Well, here's a friend called! I won't come, he says! You see, she has nothing to wear! (Listens). A! Someone is coming! I feel, I smell! .. No goblin! (Rubs his hands). First guest, dearest!

Music sounds. Goblin appears on the scene. He is wearing a "formal suit", with a tie.

Leshy. Hello Yaga! Hungry for guests?

BABA YAGA (grunts). Today guests are like mammoth bones!

Leshy. What is it like?

BABA YAGA. There is not!

Leshy. Where is everyone? (Looks around). Surely no one came to the holiday ?!

BABA YAGA. The serpent Gorynych had an accident, did not fly. Kikimora has nothing to wear! Kashcheyushka, our boss, has been ill since the summer! Only you stayed, my faithful friend! (Sniffs, wiggles his nose). I smell it again ... I smell it! Another guest is coming!

LESHY (joyfully). Who?

BABA YAGA. Now we'll see if my nose was wrong or not!

Music sounds, the Cat Bayun enters the stage. He waddles importantly, rubs his back against everything that comes in his way, smiles slyly.

CAT BAIYUN. Mm-urrr ... Hello honest company!

BABA YAGA. Hello, if you're not joking! Well, come in, cat, just, mind you, don't tear anything with your claws, don't steal sour cream from the jar, and don't jump on tables!

CAT BAIYUN. You offend, Yaga! I'll lie on your warm bench, I won't offend anyone, I won't touch anything.

BABA YAGA (looks at the guests). Well, what, my dear guests, my lousy friends, shall we take a walk ?!

LESHY and KOT BAYUN (in unison) Eh, let's take a walk!

BABA YAGA. Oh, wait, dear guests, it seems an uninvited guest has come. For now, hide in the hut, and I'll pretend to be the kindest and sweetest.

Baba Yaga sits down at the porch and embroiders with a cross. Lisa runs onto the stage. She is wearing a fashionable red-haired outfit, in her hands are the keys to the car, on a huge key fob is written "BMW".

FOX. Hello Yaga! Have you heard the news?

BABA YAGA. Great, Lisa. Never heard of it! You see, I'm sitting, I'm embroidering a gift for Leshem with a cross.

FOX. What are you doing! Don't know this news!

BABA YAGA. What's the news? Speak already!

FOX. Tomorrow is New Year! Do you know who will be the symbol of the New Year?

BABA YAGA. Koschey?

FOX. No!

BABA YAGA. Zmey Gorynych?

FOX. Did not guess!

BABA YAGA. Yes, really what kind of overseas monster ?!

FOX. Yes, not overseas! Our!

BABA YAGA. Who is STE ?!

FOX (indignantly). Rooster! Can you imagine ?! This upstart! And why didn't I fry it in due time ?! Listen, Yaga ... Help! I need to catch this Rooster ... Together we will fry it in your oven, but for the new year we will eat it! Come up with some dirty trick, huh? I will not stay in debt!

BABA YAGA (distressed). I can't! I’m the bewitched tapericha! Santa Claus even the year before last, as he bewitched me with his staff, so I can no longer do dirty tricks. It turns everything out of the bones, like a desire to do some harm to someone! And instead of entogo, then the daisies will bloom, then the rainbow will light up. Ugh!

FOX. Like this?!

BABA YAGA. That's how!

FOX. Well, you got it, Yaga ...

BABA YAGA. I just embroider taperich with a cross, and spread flowers.

FOX. Well, give me at least some kind of potion, sleeping pills! Some kind of tincture on spiders and frog legs ... Or a decoction of fly agarics!

BABA YAGA. Nothing like that! Only lemonade.

FOX. It's a pity. Then you have to blackmail someone!

The Wolf enters the scene. He is in a quilted jacket, felt boots, a hat with earflaps. On my feet - bots "goodbye youth".

WOLF (Fox). Great, Lisa! That's a meeting!

FOX (delightedly). Hello, hello Gray! You are what I need!

WOLF (looks at Lisa). And you, I see, are packed ... (Touches the fox's tail) Fur coat ... New, or what?

FOX (hits him in the paws). Well, you! .. Quiet! Don't let go of your paws here! (Shakes off his fur coat) You have already ripped off one of my tail! By the way, when will you return the favor?

WOLF. What a favor?

FOX. How what? For a new tail. Do you know how much tails are on the market today?

WOLF. How should I know? I do not go to the markets ... So, I live in the place ...

FOX. You, Volchara, owe me three chickens, four geese and one ram!

WOLF. Why is there so much ?!

FOX. Count it yourself: three chickens by the tail, four geese for plastic surgery, rams for moral damage! (proudly examines his tail, smoothes it). By the way ... I did it abroad! In the neighboring forest!

WOLF (with envy): You know how to live, Red!

FOX (boastfully): I can! Because always in chocolate, not like you.

WOLF. A! (waving his paw resignedly). In general, I am lost! .. No family, no den!

FOX (thoughtfully). Mdaaaa ... Well, and how are you going to return the debt to me now? Look, I'm going to complain to Koschei!

WOLF. Don't ruin it, Fox! What do you want to serve, only do not complain to Koschei!

FOX. Don't complain, you say ... Well, well ... I have a job for you! If you do it, I will forgive the debt ...

WOLF. Speak, Redhead!

FOX. Well, listen. I need to steal one of the Cockerels ... I have a grudge against him for a long time! They would have fried together later, but eaten for the new year!

WOLF (indignantly). What are you, Lisa ?! Can't I, you know ?! Even in the summer - wherever it went, but now it is winter, Santa Claus wanders through the forest, he finds out that I have taken up the old, he will turn into ice! Last time he threatened.

FOX (insinuatingly): Come on, Wolf ... Well, we are one team! Remember how we were with you in our young years ... (Playfully pushes the Wolf in the side).

We are going to a noble cause! Tell me, does the Year of the Wolf happen?

WOLF. I have never heard of it!

FOX. And the year of the Fox?

WOLF. It never happened!

FOX. But the year of the Rooster is there! Today at midnight will just start! This is a terrible injustice! There are all kinds of years - both Snakes and Cows ... there is even a Hare! There are even Goats! But the year of the Fox and the Wolf is not! How long are we going to endure all this ?!

WOLF (spreads his paws in confusion): So what to do ?!

FOX. That's what I say ... You need to catch this Rooster and fry it! And instead to declare the year ... the year of the Fox! (Looks at the Wolf, speaks insinuatingly) And next year is the year of the Wolf ... How do you like the perspective?

WOLF (scratches the back of his head thoughtfully). The prospect is good ... But how to catch this Rooster? Yes, so that Frost has no suspicions? You and I have been ordered to enter the village ... They'll figure it out right away!

FOX. Calmly! There is one bird in the forest ... She will help us! That's what, find me the Crow. Yes, hurry up!

WOLF. Raven? What for?

FOX. You will see!

The wolf leaves to look for the Crow.

Baba Yaga. Well, you are cunning Fox. Goblin, Kitty, come out!

Goblin. Yagusya, give her to our company and it's time to move in!

Baba Yaga, Leshy and Cat Bayun, Lisa are dancing. During the dance, the cat quietly climbs into Baba Yaga's hut, then leaves it, slyly looks around, licks its lips, strokes itself on the belly. The rest do not notice this, carried away by the dance. After the dance, everyone again gathers "in a flock".

Leshy. Well, Yaga, invite to the table! Fewer guests - more treats!

BABA YAGA. And that's true! Now, I will invite! (Coquettishly). I'll just fix my hair!

Baba Yaga enters the house, but after a second flies back. She is extremely indignant. Bayun the cat is backing away, trying to hide behind the tree.

BABA YAGA. What is this being done ?! Guard! Robbed!

Leshy. Tell me plainly, Yaga, what happened, what happened ?!

BABA YAGA. Stole! All provisions have been stolen! Everything that was on the table, everything has disappeared!

CAT BYUN (from behind the tree). This is some kind of witchcraft!

BABA YAGA (suspiciously). And you, by chance, did not go into the hut ?!

CAT BYUN (pretendingly indignant). I AM?! How could you think, Yaga ?! So that I, yes to your hut ?! Without asking ?!

BABA YAGA. But we'll check it out now!

Leshy (echoes her). Yes, we will check!

BABA YAGA (turns to the hut, puts his hands on his hips). Well, hut, show me who entered you ?! Who ate the treat from my table ?!

At first, the hut sways slightly, creaks, then lifts the "chicken paw" and points to the Cat. Baba Yaga and Leshy are approaching Kota Bayun. He rushes about, then falls fearfully on his paws, looks imploringly. The fox sits calmly and watches everything.

CAT BYUN (folds its paws). I won't anymore! Well, honestly! M-moo-rrrr ... (Rubs his head against Yagu and Leshy).

BABA YAGA (swings at Kota with a broomstick). I knew that this cat would eat everything! I'll tell you everything to Koschei! I'll write a complaint about you, shabby, you will know how to steal from the table!

CAT BAIYUN. Oh please! Please, please, please! Don't tell Koschei! And I'll catch mice for you!

BABA YAGA. FAQ ?! He ate sour cream himself, but he was going to feed me with mice ?!

LESHY (to the Cat) Scatter! I would eat you, but I know that it is tasteless! (Yage). So what to do now, Yaga? How will we celebrate the holiday? Where to get the treat now ?!

CAT BYUN (ingratiatingly). I know! I know!

BABA YAGA. Well, where is it?

CAT BAIYUN. Here, not far away, the Rooster lives alone! I noticed him a long time ago! Let's catch him! We will have both the first and the second, and feathers on our hats!

BABA YAGA. Isn't this the cock that keeps me awake in the morning ?!

CAT BAIYUN. That! My heart feels that - that one! Ready to help you catch!

BABA YAGA. You ate the treat, and you will catch it! Otherwise, I'll complain to Koschei!

FOX. Calm down, Yaga. You have not forgotten that I sent the Wolf for an assistant. Soon everything will be. Hush, it seems someone is walking.

Cawing and screaming is heard. The Wolf comes in and drags Crow by the hand.

The crow rests, is indignant.

RAVEN, What is this outrage? I sat on a stump, did not touch anyone! He grabbed it, dragged it off, crumpled it all! .. (bursts out into the middle of the stage, wringing his “hands” theatrically) I am an old, sick crow! .. I didn’t see anything! .. I didn’t hear anything! .. I don’t betray anyone !. . (to the audience) Well, if only for a very good reward ...

FOX (feigning admiration). Crow! You look so wonderful!

RAVEN (memorized). I am an old, sick crow! ..

FOX. Yes, you slander yourself! .. (touches feathers) Oh, what feathers! .. (touches beak) What a sock! .. Well, sing! ..

CROW. Kar!

FOX (feigning admiration). And an angelic ... well, just an angelic raven voice! (The crow blinks in confusion). And with all such merits, you are a lonely bird! .. Where are the peacocks looking ?! Where the hell are flamingos looking ?!


FOX. Where is your prince, I ask? (theatrically) No! Not a prince! ..

RAVEN (stunned) Whoa ?!

FOX. King! Where is your king ?!

CROW. Which king?

FOX. King of the birds! Do you even know who will be king with us now? And not only birds, but everyone, everyone, everyone!

CROW. Whoa ?!

FOX. Rooster! From tomorrow, he is the bird of the year! So - the king! And who does the king need?

RAVEN and WOLF (at the same time). Who?!

FOX. Queen! (to the crow) Here you are, for example ... You could become his queen!

RAVEN (embarrassed, but she likes the thought). Well ... actually ... he's already married!

FOX (indignant). On whom?! On the Chicken ?! Just listen attentively to this word: Ku-ri-tsa! Where is the greatness ?! Where is the melody ?! And listen to your own: Vo-ro-na! There is music in every letter! Each syllable contains a hymn to beauty! No, no and NO! Only you should be the queen!

During the speech of the Fox, the Crow cheers up, transforms, begins to proudly nurture the stage, admires himself.

CROW. Well ... I, of course, do not mind ... (Stops, turns to face the audience, lifts his "wings") But - how ?!

FOX. It's very easy! Come on, I'll tell you everything!

(Fox and Wolf take Crow backstage).

BABA YAGA. Let's go and we will prepare for a festive dinner.

CAT. And I would take a little nap ...

Leshy. And I need to put on a new tie for the holiday.

Everyone leaves the stage. The Rooster, Chickens and Masha appear on the stage accompanied by cheerful music

MASHA (instructively - to Cockerel). Well, here, Petya, Misha has not yet returned from work, and I am leaving for the school tree, so you remain in charge! Don't let anyone into the house, don't go anywhere yourself! And please don’t sit on the neighbor’s fence! Well, that's it, bye! (Runs away)

COCK (Looks upset. He walks around the yard). Well, what is this so-so-something ?! She ran away! In such weather! And I? Sit alone now, wait until everyone returns. (He looks backstage with interest - there should be a neighbor's fence). And no freedom! Don't go there, the fox will eat it. Don't go here - the marten will grab ... Don't fly into the neighbor's fence! Well, how-how-how-lko can you ?!

The rooster gets nervous, starts trying on ties, throws them around the stage. Chickens run after him, serving either ties or socks.

COCK (runs from side to side). Tired of it! I want to go to the carnival. After all, today is my coronation. Where is my tie ?! Where is my socks?! Ku-ku-where did my tail brush go ?! (Stops in front of the Chickens). What are you giving me all kinds of rags ?! Well, who wears such ties now ?! And socks ?! They don't match my tail!

They are waiting for me at the coronation! I am the symbol of the year!

Cheerful music sounds. The rooster and chickens rush about the stage in search of clothes. At the end of the music, Crow enters the stage. She is in festive attire, red beads, with a reticule and a cake in a box. On the box it is written in large size: "CHERRY CAKE". At the sight of the Crow, the Rooster takes on a gallant appearance. She looks at him and pretends to faint.

ROOSTER. What?! What?!

CHICKENS (crows are running around). What's happened?! You are sick?!

The crow rises, looks at the Rooster again, rolls its eyes again and falls, scatters its arms and legs. Chickens spray water on it. Finally, the Crow "comes to his senses."

CROW. Divine ... Just divine KAR-sota! .. Now I will lose consciousness again!

ROOSTER. Dear Crow, could you explain the purpose of your visit before passing out again?

CROW. (To the Rooster): I came on behalf of all birds to congratulate you, dear Rooster, on such a karmic event! You are the symbol of the year! Everyone is proud of you! Everyone loves you!

COCK (proudly). I am very happy! (Helps the Crow up. Talking to the Chickens): You see! I have not yet taken office, and they are already congratulating me! I have fans! I'm popular! I am a symbol! I am a star!

CROW. Star! As it is - a star! (puts cake on the table). But this is a gift! From all forest birds!

COCK (to the chickens): Well, what are you standing there ?! Prepare the samovar quickly! Run to the kitchen after all! Don't see - I have a member of the public!

The chickens leave offended. The crow begins to sulk the Rooster.

RAVEN (walks around the Rooster, admires): Divine kar-sota! Divine mind! Divine charm!

COCK (pleased, embarrassed) You flatter me!

RAVEN (opens a box with a cake, takes berries from the cake, brings them to the Rooster's beak). Well, eat ... eat a bite! Well, peck at least these wonderful berries!

The rooster tastes the berries - he likes it, he himself takes a few berries from the cake and eats. The berries are sleepy and he gradually begins to fall asleep

RAVEN (gives him more berries). And that's all you, father, like a bee ... like a bee!

COCK (pecks berries, then tries to hug the Crow). You are the only one who understands me!

The crow flirts, runs to the side, the Rooster reaches after her, and immediately falls to the floor and falls asleep. The crow leans over, listens, then happily rubs its hands. Immediately pretends to be frightened.

RAVEN (makes a mournful face, shouts at the top of his lungs): Kar-Raul! .. Kar-Raul! Dies! The symbol of the year is dying!

Chicks run in. They are trying to bring the Rooster to life.

RAVEN (yelling towards the wings): Doctor! .. S-CAR-RAY doctor! ..

From behind the curtains, the Fox and the Wolf run out, in white coats, posing as an ambulance.

FOX (businesslike): What happened? To whom is it bad?

RAVEN (flaps her wings, gestures). The rooster is bad! He collapsed alive! Alive!

The fox and the wolf "examine" the Rooster lying on the floor, feel the pulse, touch the legs, open the eyelids. The rooster does not respond.

FOX. We are hospitalizing urgently! Assistant, follow me!

The Fox and the Wolf grab the Rooster by the legs and arms, and drag him backstage.

The chickens are crying. The crow is pleased, says quietly.

I will go by car

I'll fix a mink coat.

There will be a beak with rhinestones

And heaven with diamonds.

Eh, the Fox was right,

There are miracles in the world.

And there will be no sin

That I will marry the Rooster.

Leaves slowly.

Masha appears on the stage.

MASHA (into the hall). How forgetful I am! I completely forgot to leave millet for Cockerel! I had to go back. Well nothing! I'll be in time for the tree, but Cockerel won't be hungry. (Looks into the house) Cockerel! Cockerel! Where are you? (Perplexedly walks around the stage, looking for a "loss"). Cockerel! Where are you? Answer me! (Turns to the audience). Something happened! .. Couldn't he just take it and disappear? We need to do something ... We need to go in search! (Sorry). But what about the Christmas tree? .. It will be so much fun there! .. But I can't leave him in trouble! And what's that? (looks down) Black feathers ?! But why are they so huge ?! Ta-a-ak ... (Thinks). It seems that I am beginning to guess! .. (He enters the house, after a few seconds he reappears on the stage. He speaks to the hall). I sent a letter to Santa Claus by e-mail! I wrote a note to Misha! Now let's go! Save Rooster!

Masha goes backstage.

The hut and Baba Yaga come out, the Leshy and the cat come out behind her. Yaga is busy with embroidery, and the goblin goes to bed with the cat.

The Fox and the Wolf drag the still sleeping Rooster onto the stage. They throw him near the hut.

FOX (shouts). Yaga! Come out!

WOLF. Come out, Yaga!

Baba Yaga comes out of the hut. In the hands - knitting.

BABA YAGA. Well, did the faq make some noise? All my guests were scared!

FOX. What kind of guests ?! Heat the stove, prepare the frying pan, and more! We will collect the New Year's table!

The Cat and the Goblin are rubbing their hands.

Baba Yaga (looks at the Rooster). Fathers! Really - Rooster ?!

WOLF. There was a Rooster! And it became - an appetizer!

FOX. Stop chatting, let's put him in the stove as soon as he wakes up!

BABA YAGA. Yes, I can’t put him in the stove! Enchanted me!

FOX. But you have to!

WOLF. Have to!

BABA YAGA. Yes, I will not succeed! (Into the audience): But you want to ... Wow, how you want to do some dirty trick! (Looks at knitting) Ugh!

FOX. Do it! You are all the same now - an accomplice!

BABA YAGA. Chavoyta am I an accomplice ?! I didn't do anything!

FOX. Is the hut yours?

BABA YAGA. Well, mine.

FOX. Is the land near the hut yours?

BABA YAGA. Well, mine.

FOX. Is the rooster lying on your land? So you are an accomplice! Open the door, rather, before the Rooster wakes up!


WOLF. Don't talk, you open the doors!

The Fox and the Wolf want to raise the Rooster, but then the Crow runs onto the stage. He runs up, tries to push the Fox and the Wolf away, blocks the Rooster with his wings.

CROW. We did not agree so! Give it back, this is my booty! He wanted to marry me, I saw how he looked at me!

FOX (throws the Rooster, grabs the Crow by the arm, tries to lead him aside). Crow, why do you need this plucked one ?! Let's eat it, and that's it!

THE RAVEN (again rushes to the Rooster): I won't! I'll complain about you to Santa Claus! I'll fly right now, find him, and complain! Kar-Raul! Robbing! The groom is being taken away!

The Fox and the Wolf silently advance on the Crow, Baba Yaga only watches from afar. The cat and the Goblin are dragging the rooster closer to them. The crow tries to escape, the Wolf and the Fox grab her and try to drag her into the hut.

FOX (to Baba Yaga): Yaga! Get out the second frying pan!

THE RAVEN (fights back). Kar-Raul! Police! Santa Claus-roses!

WOLF. Yaga, help!

BABA YAGA (does not know where to throw - and then a fight, and then - disgrace). Yes, I can’t! (Suddenly throws knitting far away, desperately waves his hand, decides on a dirty trick) When you can't, but you really want to, then - you can! Somewhere I had my shovel lying around ... I wanted to put Vanka the fool in the oven with it all, but I couldn't manage it! Now it came in handy for the Rooster! Eh, chufyr-chufyr ...

Masha enters the stage. He sees a picture, puts his hands on his hips.

MASHA. Ah, that's it! I thought so!

BABA YAGA. What kind of phenomenon is this ?!

Leshy. Look, you came into my own hands!

MASHA. Well, give it back to my Cockerel!

BABA YAGA. Look, what a daring girl! Now we'll fry you too! We will have a two-course dinner!

MASHA. Don't fry!

BABA YAGA. And I say, fry it!

MASHA. And I say, don’t fry it! I know the magic word!

BABA YAGA. What is such a word ?! Well, tell me!

MASHA. I will not say!

BABA YAGA (started to argue). You won't tell - I'll fry it!

MASHA. You won't fry it!


MASHA. And I know the magic word!

BABA YAGA. You know, say so!

MASHA (teasing Baba Yaga). I won't tell you!

BABA YAGA. Tady - I'll fry it!

Masha and Baba Yaga have been arguing for some time, but they are interrupted by the music - “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”. Baba Yaga, Leshy and Cat-Bayun are alarmed. Masha looks around victoriously.

MASHA. You won't fry it! Because Santa Claus is coming here now! Do you hear his callsigns ?!

LESHY (begins to rush about in fright). How is Santa Claus ?! Where is Santa Claus from ?! Why - Santa Claus ?!

CAT BYUN (tries to sneak away). It seems I have to go! ..

BABA YAGA (manages to grab his scruff). Ku-u-dy ?! Let's sit down mustache!

Baba Yaga suddenly begins to beat herself with a shovel. Music from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune" is played.

BABA YAGA (beating and sentencing). Ay! Ouch! I won't anymore! Well, honestly!

WOLF (trying to take the shovel away from her). What are you, Yaga, collapsed from the oak? Why are you beating yourself?

BABA YAGA (continues his own beatings). Ay! It's not me! She herself! I told you, you can't do anything to me! Save! Help!

Baba Yaga begins to beat the Fox and the Wolf, they run from her across the stage, she catches up. At this time, the Crow and the Cat begin to "divide" the Rooster - they pull it by the wings in different directions. The rooster wakes up, tries to free itself. General dump, fight, chase. Suddenly the music stops, another begins: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." All participants freeze: Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear on the stage.

GRANDFATHER FROST (looks around in surprise at all those present). What's going on here? What a mess on New Year's Eve?
COCK (finally comes to his senses - he is completely happy, thinks that everyone has gathered just for him). Success! A dizzying, mind-blowing success! I have not yet taken office, but here such events, such events! Everyone is happy, applauding, worried! I'm just being torn apart! What a success!

GRANDFATHER FROST (sternly). What kind of company is this? Are you playing dirty again? Are you mischievous again ?!

The whole company begins to say: "Never!" "Yes, not in life!"

MASHA. They lie, Grandfather Frost! They stole my Cock! They probably wanted to eat!

BABA YAGA. But you can't prove it!

Leshy. You can't prove it!

CAT BAIYUN. I have nothing to do with it, honest noble word! (Points to Baba Yaga and Leshego). That's all of them! They made me! They blackmailed me!

LESHI (also points to Yaga). She - she started it all!

GRANDFATHER FROST (formidable to Baba Yaga). Well, what do you say, Yaga? You can't calm down! (To Leshem) And you, shaggy? How many times have you promised me not to do more dirty tricks? And yourself again for the old ?!

BABA YAGA. Forgive us, Frost!

Leshy. Sorry, we won't be anymore!

KOT BYUN (depicts complete remorse). Moore-r-rrr ...

BABA YAGA (to Vasilisa surreptitiously). Wow, nasty girl! If you come across to me ... I'll fry!

GRANDFATHER FROST (to the Snow Maiden): You see, granddaughter, and I always said that miracles happen on New Year's Eve, and even the most evil enemies are able to make peace! Look what a crowded holiday! And the Wolf, and the Fox, and the Rooster - all in one cheerful, friendly company! You can safely celebrate the New Year!
FOX (quietly, to the Crow): Was it you, shabby, who taunted the old one on us? Did you all burn?
CROW. You were the first to deceive me!
FOX (menacingly). Well, wait, shabby ... Will you come across to me ...
CROW. And I will not be silent even now! (Loud so that everyone else can hear): Comrades! This one (pointing to the Fox) promised me that this one (pointing to the Rooster) would marry me!
COCK (indignantly): Who ?! I AM?! Symbol of the year ?! On the Raven ?! No way in the world! I won't trade my chicken coop for anything!
(into the hall). I solemnly promise that I will be the most exemplary symbol of the year! I will be the best husband and father! I will never look at any Crow! ..
Snow Maiden (conciliatory). Let's leave all the grudges in the old year! You can't quarrel on such a magical night! (To Santa Claus) Grandfather, let's wish everyone a Happy New Year!
FATHER FROST. Indeed, granddaughter, come on!

The Earth is spinning, another round

Another, and behold,

No delay, exactly on time,

New Year is coming!


The clock strikes twelve times

The arrows will outline a circle.

And in this long-awaited hour

Will light up around


Smiles of loved ones and friends

Glasses will clink

And a tree with hundreds of lights

Decorate your outfit!


With the second of the first of January,

Under a snowy round dance

Giving new hopes

New Year will burst in!

FATHER FROST. Happy New Year! With new happiness!

SNOW MAIDEN. And now we invite everyone to take part in a round dance around our Christmas tree. Grandpa, our Christmas tree is not on fire.

Father Frost. Yes, it's a mess. Now we will fix everything. Let's say together - one, two, three - burn our Christmas tree!

(They light a Christmas tree and dance in circles)

After the round dances, children recite poems to Santa Claus.

But really - the year of the rooster is on its way, and now you should think about how you will celebrate the new year and entertain guests. Any ideas? There are a lot of ideas, but it is not always possible to bring them to life. Therefore, you need to look at the new original script for the new 2017. The year of the rooster will be a bright and incredible year. after all, the roosters are beautiful and variegated birds. Therefore, your holiday should be the same so that all guests have a fun time and do not get bored at the New Year's table. Watch the script, pick ideas, and celebrate.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! Today we are celebrating the new 2017! with which I congratulate you and let's together together: KU-KA-RE-KU!

The rooster comes out, the symbol of 2017.

I'm glad to see you all! Did you miss me? For 12 whole years I was gone. Tell us. What has changed for you?

Putin is the president of Russia!

I ask - what has changed? Oh, okay, let's not talk about politics, let's celebrate the new year!

Yes, let's do it! Listen, rooster - many famous people were born in your year. Do you know them?

I know that, and I know that they are in this room! Are there those in the hall who were born in the year of the rooster?

Three guests, who were born in the year of the rooster, take the stage.

So, let's figure it out - which of the famous people, besides yourself, of course, do you know who were born in the year of the rooster?

Guests are called or not called.

So, I'll tell you now: this is Socrates, this is Elton John and my beloved Alexander Nevsky! Do you know them? Who would you like to be of these characters?

Now we will find out who you will be.

The host invites guests to choose any card. Characters are drawn on the cards: Socrates, Elton John and Alexander Nevsky.
Whoever pulled which card plays that one.
When the roles are assigned, the host and the rooster ask the guests what they know about their characters. After questioning, a small game block begins.
First, guests need to come up with a Happy New Year toast and say it the way their heroes would say it.
After the guests sing a song, a Christmas tree was born in the forest. But they sing like this: Socrates performs it in the style of chanson. Nevsky is in the style of opera, and John is in his style.

Fine! You are just great! But that is not all. I turn to the audience - are there people among you with a bird's name?

Here you need a person whose surname is similar to that of a bird. If there is one. Then he comes out.

And so, look - we have heroes of tonight who were born in the year of the rooster. And there is a symbol of the evening - a man with a bird's name! We are giving you all prizes. And you can go into the hall to the guests.

How good it is when people have something in common!

What is this about?

I'm talking about the next competition in which we will find out what unites all these people in the hall!

Competition is what unites us all.
Five people are called from the hall. They turn away or are blindfolded. And the presenter shows the audience one picture with the image. For example, this is a car. This means that all those who have a car should get up in the hall. After the bandage is removed, the guests on the stage have to guess why these people stood up and what unites them. They give their options and explain why. After the answer is said and the competition is repeated, only the pictures change.
The following pictures can be shown:
- grilled chicken - they all love to eat grilled chicken.
- gym - they all love to play sports.
- female ass - they love beautiful female priests
Etc. And at the end, show the new year so that everyone stands up. Then there is only one option - they are all united by the new year and today's holiday.

Well done, did a great job!

Do you want to make some noise? Let's shout! After all, the new year has almost arrived. And it's time to remind him of yourself

A chant for all guests.
The leader or the rooster read the first three lines, the agosti shout the last line in unison:

Yes, our company can be heard far away!

You know, I really like to watch movies. But in our chicken coop, the lights are turned off at ten in the evening, and therefore we watch the same films.

What kind of films are they? Will you show it?

Game with guests - guess the movie.
The game is played with pictures on the screen. A picture is shown, and the guests have to guess what kind of film it is.
Examples of pictures and movie titles:

What beautiful films are being played in your chicken coop! What else are you doing while the light is on?

We play different games, for example, forfeits! But only for the game I need an assistant. Let's do this: who watched Russian folk tales? Remember there a character who was directly related to chickens? What is this character? That's right - this is a hut on chicken legs! Do you remember? Show me how she stood?

Interested guests show the hut on chicken legs. The rooster chooses the best and invites him to the stage.

Those who walk on the stage are given a bag in which there are cards with tasks for playing forfeits. His task is to go to the guests and offer to take out the card. After the guest has taken out the card, the hut on chicken legs reads out the task for the guest to complete it.
Examples of tasks for playing forfeits:
- show how a rooster courting chickens.
- show how the rooster is frozen and fiddles with its legs.
- show Santa Claus, who got lost in the forest.
- to show the hut on chicken legs, from which they require registration.
- loudly crow and then wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Rooster, you showed us your films, do you want me to show you what is being watched here?

Competition - guess the movie.
This is a video competition where guests will need to guess the name of a TV series or movie. A frame from the film is shown, where the actors have their faces hidden. The guests make assumptions and then the same frame is shown, where the faces are open.
Video for the competition:

Yes, you watch beautiful films. I was so inspired that I am ready to present the guests with gifts!

The game is gifts for guests.
The rooster runs around the hall and hands each guest a lottery ticket with numbers. Then he returns to the stage and together with the presenter holds a lottery. First they get out a barrel with a number. And then they take out a card with a prize for the guest written on it.
Examples of poems and lottery prizes:

Well, now we can start our New Year's disco! Whoever dances better than a rooster will receive the best prize!

Hurray - just a little more, and we will witness the arrival of the next new year. In the meantime, there is time, you need to thoroughly prepare for this event. For example, come up with funny and modern scenes for the new year 2017, which will delight your guests. Friends and relatives. We have come up with such scenes that are suitable for school and high school students, as well as for corporate parties. Look, play and have fun! New scenes are always laughter, positive and memories for a lifetime!

Stage - magic Christmas eggs
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are involved in this scene. They go out, say their words, and then start handing the magic New Year's eggs.

Father Frost:
Well, good, honest people!
Celebrating the new year?
We know, we know that "yes"
I can hear you from afar!
So we came to the call,
And they brought gifts!
But gifts are not simple….
A…. testicles are golden!

After these words, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden go down to the guests and the Snow Maiden takes an egg out of the bag, shows it to Santa Claus, and Santa Claus reads a verse that corresponds to the gift. And so they walk among the guests and hand them magical New Year's eggs.

Poems for serving eggs:

Luck Egg:
To be richer for you
Get the egg of luck!

Egg of happiness:
An egg of happiness for you!
Hold tight, don't lose!
And always carry with you
So that he brings happiness!

Health Egg:
So that tomorrow is in the morning,
I didn't have a headache
get a health egg!
Drink as much as you want today!

Egg of fun:
To cheer up
get the egg of fun!

Egg of prosperity:
In life, so that everything is sweet
get the egg of prosperity!

Egg of love:
So that you can always
Here is an egg of love for you!

Egg of Success:
Get the egg of success
And the path to fame is not a hindrance!

After all the magic New Year's eggs have been handed out to the guests, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden invite the lucky ones to the stage. They come out, the song of the disco group accident is turned on - eggs - and the participants dance at a price.

How to make these magical Christmas eggs?
Everything is simple here. There are two options: either you buy kinder surprises, or you want real eggs, only boiled. And you also need these covers, which you stick on the eggs:

That's all - all that remains is to carry out this scene and hand over the magic New Year's eggs.
Don't forget to download egg sticker templates.

Scene - Ryaba chicken in a new way and new year.

First, you need to select the actors who will play impromptu in the scene. Therefore, ask the guests what characters were in the fairy tale about the chicken Ryaba. Whoever called first, he goes on stage. You also need to choose a guest for the role of a rooster and for the role of Santa Claus. When the actors are on stage, you give them words (each character has one line) and you can start the scene impromptu. The presenter reads the text, and when he says the name of the hero of the fairy tale, he says his own phrase.

Characters of the tale and their remarks:
- grandfather (words: eh, where are my 17 years old)
- grandmother (words: yes, deeds)
- egg (words: I was framed)
- Ryaba hen (words: he made me happy)
- rooster (words: I'm in charge of the henhouse)
- Santa Claus (words: now we will fix everything)

There lived a grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old) and grandma (yes, things)... And they had a favorite chicken Ryaba (did it please me)... They lived poorly, but happily. And then one day Ryaba's chicken took it down (did it please me) egg (I was tricked), but not simple, but ostrich! Grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old) looking at the egg (I was tricked), and will not understand - what is it? Grandma (yes, things) in general, she fell from the chair, but she scattered all the flour from the table. A rooster flew to the noise (I'm in charge of the chicken coop)... He flew in and was stunned - the egg (I was tricked)- not his! Rooster looks (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) for grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old), and with a glance asks - how so? And grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old) only shrugs his shoulders. And grandma (yes, things) everything sits on the floor and blinks its eyes. Rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) how it crows with all its might! And there was a knock on the door. Grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old) immediately opened the door. And Santa Claus stood on the doorstep (we'll fix everything now)... Grandma (yes, things) even more pressed into the floor. Ryaba chicken (did it please me) I rolled the egg away from me with one leg (I was tricked)... And the rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop), began to look with suspicion at the unusual guest. Father Frost (we'll fix everything now) looked at the rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop), then a chicken Ryaba (did it please me) and on the egg (I was tricked)... Looked at grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old), and glanced around at the grandmother (yes, things)... Took Santa Claus (now fixed everything) in the hands of the staff, but how it hits the floor - and the music began to play (the song of the disco of the accident - eggs). Grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old) immediately began to dance. Yes, he danced so merrily as grandma (yes, things) began to dance the booty on the floor. Ryaba chicken (did it please me) from the cheerful music, I began to touch my legs, and come closer to the exit. And the rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) saw this and began to approach the door from the other side. They danced while the hen was danced (did it please me) with a rooster (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) did not meet near the door. And then Santa Claus (we'll fix everything now) again he hit the floor with his staff, and new music began to play (the disco song accident starts - the new year rushes towards us). Grandfather (eh, where are my 17 years old) danced even more merrily. Raised my grandmother (yes, things) off the floor, and began to dance with her. Ryaba chicken (did it please me) shyly lowered her eyes, and the cock (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) took her under his wing and began to dance a groovy dance with her. Here is the egg (I was tricked) jumped and galloped. Grandfather saw it (eh, where are my 17 years old) and grandma (yes, things) and to celebrate, they began to dance even stronger. And Ryaba chicken (did it please me) with a cock (I'm in charge of the chicken coop) came to the egg (I was tricked), and the three of us began to dance.
Here's a happy ending. Here, it seems, the fairy tale is over, but Santa Claus has not yet said his word (here you can say the phrase: now we will fix everything and at this moment the Christmas tree will light up with lights, or it is possible for Santa Claus to say: Happy New Year)


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