Buy handmade soap for the New Year. We make handmade soap for the new year

The process of soap making is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. This process is very exciting and requires attention, as you will have to deal with many, perhaps even unfamiliar, components. In fact, there is nothing complicated, so everyone can make soap with their own hands.

Soap making has been practiced by people since ancient times. The pioneers of this wonderful craft were the Sumerians. Of course, in one of the first civilizations on Earth, there was nothing exotic in the process of making soap. They mixed the ashes with boiling water and then added any animal fat. Modern needlewomen are much more inventive. If you want to start doing this business, then in this article you will find out what is required for this.

At the initial stage, it is worth acquiring all the “tools” necessary for soap making, such as:

  • Dishes for melting soap. It can be either a heat-resistant container, or plastic or glass. The choice of dishes should be based on the conditions under which you will prepare the soap. If you use a stove for this, then you should pay attention to heat-resistant dishes. If you have to work with a microwave oven, then glass or plastic is ideal for this. Also, the dishes should be comfortable so that it is easy to work with melted butter when you start pouring it into special forms.
  • Silicone molds for soap. There are many different shapes and sizes. From simple geometric shapes to a variety of animals and colors. The choice of form depends on what kind of soap you want to achieve in the end.
  • Special accessories that you will use exclusively for making soap . If you are going to seriously engage in soap making, then you will need tools such as silicone tools (spoons, spatulas, cutters) all the time. Do not think that you can use the kitchen utensils in which you cook.
  • Also you will need scales, water thermometer, mixer or blender, to speed up the process of whipping soap (in the case of boiling from scratch).

Everything you need can be found in specialized stores or on Internet sites. When you have replenished your inventory, you can select the components necessary for soap making:

  • Soap base. It can be either a special transparent odorless soap or regular baby soap. From this you, with the help of melting, will create the basis for your future masterpieces.
  • Base vegetable oil with no pungent odor . Use oils that will make your soap as useful as possible.
  • Essential oils. They give the soap an individual aroma. When using essential oils, it is worth considering the peculiarity of the skin type for which this or that soap will be intended. Sensitive skin is suitable for ylang-ylang, dry - avocado or coconut oil, for problematic - tea tree oil or aloe.
  • Dyes. A component is needed to give the soap the desired color. You can use both natural dyes (juices, herbs) and food.
  • natural supplements. To give your soap a personality, you can use various additives. For example, it can be chocolate, cinnamon sticks, dried flowers, coffee beans, or dried fruit slices, oatmeal, herbs, and much more.
  • Alcohol. It will be needed in order to spray the forms before pouring the melted soap and to avoid the appearance of bubbles on it. It is best to use a spray bottle.

After all the preparations and the purchase of the necessary ingredients, you can start soap making.

So, let's proceed to our somewhat magical process of transforming an ordinary bar of soap into a work of art:

  • First, take our soap base and grind it on a fine grater.
  • We put the resulting chips in a special container and put on a steam bath or microwave.
  • We melt the mass over low heat, not letting it boil, so that bubbles do not form.
  • Next, add a little vegetable oil to the already melted base.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and add a few drops of essential oil, dye and additives, if any.
  • All this is well mixed. We spray the molds with alcohol and carefully pour our soap into them.
  • We are waiting for the soap to harden (this can take from 20 minutes to several hours), after which we take it out of the molds and send it to dry.

On average, after 2-3 days, your soap will be completely ready for use.

Homemade Handmade Soap Recipes

Recipe #1: Cocoa Soap

One of the popular additives for soap making is cocoa. It is soap with the addition of cocoa that will appeal to all the sweet tooth.


  • 100 g of a liquid base prepared on the basis of soap;
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder;
  • 3 drops of vanilla and chocolate flavors;
  • dye of the desired shade (you can without adding).


  1. Weigh the soap base on a kitchen scale and rub it on a fine grater.
  2. Melt everything without bringing to a boil.
  3. After the soap base has melted, add cocoa and mix thoroughly until smooth, avoiding the formation of lumps.
  4. Remove the mass from the water bath (remove from the microwave) and add flavoring. For a more intense smell, you can increase the amount to 5 drops.
  5. We spray the molds for soap with alcohol, after which we pour the melted mass there. It is also recommended to use alcohol on top to avoid the formation of bubbles.
  6. We wait until the soap hardens for 2-3 hours. Then we take it out of the molds and send it to a dry place. Let the soap dry a little for 1-2 days.
  7. Your soap is ready. Use on health!

Recipe number 2: Citrus soap

Another very fragrant soap ingredient is citrus fruits and essential oils, which have the appropriate scent.

To make citrus-scented soap, you will need the following ingredients:

  • soap base;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil, as well as essential citrus oil (you can take mandarin, orange or lemon oil);
  • a mold for pouring soap (it is desirable that it looks like a fruit slice).

With all of the above ingredients, you can make citrus-scented soap in half an hour.

Follow these instructions:

  1. In 100 g of soap base, add 1/2 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oils. You will already have a yellow base. But if the color does not seem bright enough to you, you can also add a dye.
  2. Stir everything so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. After that, you can add citrus essential oil and pour everything into molds.
  3. Let the soap dry.

Add dried citrus zest to your liquid soap base if you like.

Handmade soap step by step from scratch

Soap making from scratch at home is already more than a hobby. After all, this soap absolutely does not harm your health and does not cause any allergic reactions. The process of making such soap consists of alkali, oil and liquid (for example, distilled water, herbal tea, coffee, milk).

In order to start the soap making process from scratch, you will need:

  • Alkali . It is necessary to use a substance of the highest degree of purification, because it is precisely such an alkali that can cause fats to begin to lather.
  • Liquid . As a basis, you can take banal water, warm milk, or even freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice. Keep in mind that the color of the finished soap will depend on the chosen base. If you decide to make soap in coffee brew, then most likely it will turn brown or beige (if cream or milk is added to coffee).
  • Oils . Another basic soap base from scratch. The oil you choose will affect the characteristics of the soap itself. For example, firmness, cleansing and moisturizing qualities, and much more. It is possible to use both vegetable and animal fats.
  • Additives . These components have no effect on the properties of soap and its appearance. It can be salt or coffee grounds (which will give the soap a scrub effect), dyes, essential oils, flowers and leaves of plants, and so on.

When making soap from scratch at home, be sure to follow the precautions:

  • Firstly, throughout the entire work it is necessary to wear gloves, in order to avoid contact with the skin of alkali or uncured soapy mass. It is also advisable to put on a long gown and a respiratory mask so as not to inhale harmful fumes.
  • Secondly, cover and secure the work area. Avoid contact with the table and any items used for eating.
  • Thirdly, at the end of work, cleaning must also be carried out with gloves.

Do not use soap making tools for food!

After following all the precautions, you can start the process of making soap from scratch.


  • Base oils (1/2 tsp each of 3 different oils);
  • Alkali (at the tip of a knife);
  • Water (1 glass);
  • Dyes, flavors (2-3 drops each);
  • Useful additives (the amount should be moderate - 10-15 g if a dry product, 5 drops if liquid).


  • Gloves
  • Glasses, respirator
  • The form
  • Spoons, knife
  • Container for mixing components


  • Plate
  • Blender
  • Thermometer
  • Saucepan, saucepan for a bath

Soap technology:

  1. Cover the work surface with a tablecloth or foil. We put on protective clothing.
  2. We measure vegetable oils on the scales. Melt in a steam bath.
  3. Weigh the water in a heat-resistant bowl. We add pre-weighed alkali to it and carefully introduce it into the water, stirring constantly.
  4. After weighing the liquid oils, add to the melted mass. Cool down to a temperature of 40-60 degrees.
  5. We introduce an alkaline solution into the prepared oils. Beat with a blender until traces appear.
  6. Next, add essential oils, dyes and other useful additives. Mix the resulting mass with a blender or spoon.
  7. Pour the soap mass into molds.
  8. Cover with a towel to go through the gel stage, approximately 24-72 hours.
  9. When the mass has frozen, we take it out of the mold and cut it into pieces.
  10. Your healthy and safe soap is ready. Use on health!

Not only is proper preparation important, but proper storage is also important. Homemade soap only gets better with time. That is, the longer it "ripens", the more gentle it is to use. It is better to store it in paper bags or linen bags, and not in cellophane, where the soap suffocates and sweats.

Natural handmade soap

Self-made natural soap can have both a different shape and a different purpose. Earlier we looked at various types of soap making (from scratch, from a special soap base, digested from an industrial one). Now let's also look at the range of basic recipes that will help you create your own, special, soap.

Types of natural soap:

  • Shampoo. A fast-growing type of soap made from lye, essential oils and natural ingredients. In its manufacture, the type of hair and the desired result should be taken into account during the selection of its components.
  • Dairy. This type of soap is made on the basis of any type of milk, regardless of the method of preparation. It is important to follow all stages of the process, taking into account the capriciousness of the main raw materials.
  • Coffee. One of the universal types of natural soap. During preparation, very strong coffee is added to the lye instead of water. If you also add ground coffee beans, apricot pits or salt during cooking, you get an excellent scrub.
  • Peeling. Soap that allows you to get rid of dead skin cells. For this, natural materials are used: sand, ground nutshells, herbs, and so on.
  • Castile. Natural soap based on olive oil. Delicate texture of cream soap, great for children. After cooking, this type must be left to mature for a month.
  • Silk. Based on undyed silk threads, cut into small pieces. It is saturated with silk proteins, which allows you to keep the skin soft and smooth.
  • With vegetables or fruits. The use of natural dyes and flavors allows you to create extraordinary masterpieces with health benefits.
  • Salt. Due to the content of sea salt - has a healing effect. Often used in beauty treatments to help renew the top layer of skin and break down fatty deposits.
  • Tar. This species is known for its high antiseptic properties. It is not recommended to use it daily, but only as a preventive measure (for example, against dandruff, oiliness and inflammation of the skin). The only negative is the unpleasant smell, which is quite possible to put up with, given its beneficial properties.

These and many other types of natural soaps can be easily made at home. Yes, this process is somewhat laborious, but taking into account all the advantages and benefits of natural soap, it is better to set aside a little of your time and please yourself and those around you with beauty and health.

Handmade soap master class

We will tell you how to make soap from calendula extract, which has not only a pleasant aroma, but also healing properties:

  1. First you need to boil the calendula and mix the resulting broth with a soap base. Beat everything with a blender until the soap mass becomes like sour cream.

  1. Pour the resulting soap blank into any mold that you have and send it to harden in a cold place.

  1. After 3 days we get our soap. If you did everything correctly, then it should look like this:

  1. We cut the soap into pieces, if you poured the soap into a rectangular base, and sprinkle it with marigold petals (by the way, you can add them when you knead the base).

Christmas handmade soap

On the eve of the Christmas holidays, everyone is preoccupied with the question of what to give to their loved ones. Everyone wants to find an interesting, useful and, preferably, not expensive option. For such cases, handmade soap is perfect. And since you want something festive, you can add a little fabulous charm to it.

To create soap, in addition to the usual rectangular shape, you will also need a Christmas tree shape. From ingredients:

  • Soap base: white and transparent.
  • Flavoring agent (preferably essential oil of needles or citrus).
  • Spray bottle with alcohol.
  • Dye.


  1. First, let's make Christmas trees. We melt the white soap base and pour it into the molds, after sprinkling them with alcohol. After the soap has hardened, let it sit for a while.
  2. We shift the finished Christmas trees into a rectangular shape.
  3. We take a transparent base, melt it. After that, remove from heat and add flavoring and green dye (you can choose any other color).
  4. Then, with this mass, a ready-made Christmas tree from a white base is poured.
  5. From above, the finished soap is treated with alcohol and sent to harden.
  6. In a few hours your soap will be ready. Happy Holidays!

Beautiful handmade soap

Using all the technologies presented above, you can make very beautiful soap. Several options are presented to you in this section:

Handmade soap molds

Soap can be molded into any shape. The easiest way is to pour the base into a rectangular or square baking dish and then cut. However, you can act like a real jeweler and give your creation a beautiful shape by buying special molds. A few examples of what these molds might look like are presented in this section:

Handmade gift soap

If you are going to some kind of celebration, you can present soap to your friends and loved ones as a present. It can be so beautifully designed that it is impossible to even mistake for soap. We present several original options for do-it-yourself gift soap:

You also need to pack the finished soap beautifully so that it has a finished elegant look. Anything can be used as packaging. Here you already need to be guided only by the impulses of your imagination. So that you have a few examples of how you can arrange your creation, be guided by the photos below:

New Year

March 8

In conclusion, always consider the characteristics of your skin when choosing ingredients. Different essential oils and natural supplements help with different problems. Your health and beauty depends only on you. Do not spare time and effort for yourself.

Video: "Handmade soap"

Probably everyone has heard about handmade soap. Bright beautiful fragrant pieces are sold in hand-made cosmetics stores. But not everyone knows that you can make an equally unusual and useful soap with your own hands, and please yourself or loved ones with an unusual gift.

Children especially like soap making. Still - there are so many interesting things, you can feel like a real home chemist! Let's make the simplest soap.

What you need for New Year's soap:

  • 100 gr of soap base (It can be white and transparent, sold in shops for soap makers. If you don’t want to buy a whole kilogram of base, you can buy a ready-made kit for soap making, it already includes all the necessary components);
  • base oil - 1 tsp (this is the most useful ingredient in handmade soap, sea buckthorn, olive, sweet almond, etc. are usually used);
  • food coloring, a few drops (you can use natural dyes, for example, sea buckthorn oil);
  • flavor or favorite essential oil - 5-7 drops;
  • silicone or plastic mold in the form of a snowflake, an asterisk or something New Year's;
  • dry herbs, glitters or other additives (if desired).

So, first we cut the soap base into small cubes. Since the soap is New Year's, we will make it with coniferous oil and herbs.

We put it in a saucepan and put it in a water bath. You can also melt the base in the microwave, the main thing is not to overheat, the melting point is 70 degrees.

After it has melted, add the base oil, a few drops of dye, herbs, flavor and mix well.

After the mass hardens, you can pull the soap out of the mold.

Here's what happened. And don't forget to package your New Year's soap nicely!

And for a snack - photos of New Year's soap masterpieces and other recipes.

The most suitable gift for the New Year is soap. However, the soap should not be from the store. It is best to create it yourself. Remember that everyone will be happy with this present without exception. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year, it is not worth trying a lot, and then surprise your loved ones with something wonderful.

We make our own handmade

So, from this article you can learn how to make New Year's soap with your own hands. The product that you get will not differ from the store copy. It will be of good quality. However, its composition and appearance will be somewhat better and more interesting. Moreover, in the New Year theme, this soap will look even better.

Of course, every person will be pleased to receive a body care product made with warmth. In this case, you do not even want to use such soap. But there is no need to feel sorry for such soap. It is necessary to use and use such a product with great pleasure.

Simple master classes for making New Year's soap

Soap cake.

In this article, Happy New Year soap will be presented to you. Here you will see his photo, as well as instructions for creating it. This soap is incredibly easy to make. But to make it you should use:

  • Soap base: white and transparent,
  • Dyes: red and brown,
  • Essential oil or shock absorber
  • Alcohol spray and mold.

Working process:

  1. First of all, the lower part of the soap is made. It is immediately worth noting that your soap will resemble a cake in its appearance. In general, the transparent base is cut into squares and then sent to the microwave so that it can melt.
  2. Then add the dye and pour into the mold. As a result, you get a layer. This layer will be your shortbread.
  3. Focusing on the same principle, make a "powder". Only in this case, the layer should have two layers: red and white. When it hardens, cut it into small pieces. Roughen between layers with a toothpick. Such layers will serve for strong adhesion.
  4. A straightened white base is poured on top of the brown layer. While your layer is not frozen, sprinkle it with powder, which will be your two-layer.
  5. The next step is to sprinkle your soap with alcohol or vodka. After that, the soap is sent for complete solidification.

Cut your soap however you like. Maybe it will be: triangles or squares.

Christmas soap.

The second option for creating soap is also not very complicated. But here you will use an ordinary Christmas tree shape. This form can be bought or found in children's kits for creativity. In addition to the form, you will need:

  • Soap base: transparent and white,
  • rectangular shape,
  • Fragrance or any essential oil,
  • Spray with vodka or alcohol.

Working process:

  1. First, a Christmas tree is made. Therefore, melt the white base in a small amount and pour it into the mold. Your piece should be completely cool.
  2. After that, it is shifted into a rectangular shape.
  3. Now melt the base without color - that is, transparent. Add flavoring and coloring after.
  4. Then a Christmas tree from a white base is poured with this composition.
  5. It remains to sprinkle the finished soap with alcohol and send the soap to cool.

As you can see, everything is simple here. It is not easy to find ingredients for soap making in the shops of your city. But the way out of the situation is easy to find. All ingredients must be purchased online.

We create New Year's soap. Ideas

We hope that you will be able to make New Year's soap with your own hands. And any master class that is given above should help you in this matter. But besides what we have given you above, there are other soap ideas for the New Year holiday. And if you look at what craftswomen can do, you can come in admiration. Indeed, everything is very beautiful.

And it is worth saying that in this case it is not necessary to buy some forms for pouring. Here you can do without them. Here you can get by with the fact that you will have your own imagination and taste. When creating soap for the New Year, it is worth combining a variety of shades: red, green, golden, blue and other colors. In general, experiment.

Well, if you intend to really please your loved ones with something New Year's, then your option is: New Year's boots, snowflakes, snowmen and bells. Such a soap, for sure, will please everyone and charge with a real New Year's mood.

In fact, there are many ideas. And in order to start creating, choose the idea that you like the most. And in order to make your soap an ideal gift, you should choose the right packaging that will make the gift look even more beautiful. And below we will present several options for you so that you manage to present happiness with your own hands.

Summing up

We got a good article today. Please your loved ones with beautiful gifts that will be original.

Handmade soap will be an unusual, practical, and most importantly useful gift for the New Year. In this article we will look at: how to make New Year's soap with your own hands.

You will need: 100 grams of soap base, base oil (for example: pine, sea buckthorn, orange, almond, olive), food coloring, flavor or essential oil, plastic or silicone mold (for example: Christmas trees, snowflakes), if desired - dry herbs, glitters. In order not to look for these ingredients separately, you can purchase a ready-made soap making kit in specialized stores.

Soap base

coniferous oil

Food colorings

Essential oils



dry herbs


Master Class

New Year's handmade soap is ready! I recommend watching the video tutorial!

The most popular way to decorate is to use silver or gold mika. It is enough just to decorate the top of the soap with mika, and even the most ordinary white soap will become solemn. Gold or silver mika goes well with all colors. However, remember that no more than 2-3 colors together look harmonious. Christmas colors are white, blue, green, red, gold and silver.

There are a huge number of essential oils. Thanks to them, you can create a festive New Year's mood. The first place is occupied by coniferous aromas, then citrus fruits - mandarin, orange and lemon oils, the aroma of vanilla and spices such as cloves and cinnamon also give a New Year's mood. We present to your attention New Year's combinations of essential oils!

  1. Tea tree essential oil 2 parts, lemon oil 2 parts and 1 part juniper oil, proportion (2:2:1).
  2. Sage essential oil, clove oil, orange oil proportion (1:1:2).
  3. Ginger essential oil, lemon oil, mint oil proportion (1:1:1).
  4. Essential oil of orange, lemon oil, eucalyptus oil proportion (1:1:1.5).
  5. Essential oil of juniper, tea tree oil, lavender oil proportion (1:2:1).


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