Instant performance for the new year for a corporate party. Fairy tales in a new way for corporate parties and good mood. Scenario for celebrating the New Year for adults

They start preparing for the New Year's corporate party a few months before the long-awaited event. After all, this is a great way to get together as a team in an informal setting and have fun.

Make your event enjoyable and memorable good script New Year's corporate party. We offer you several ideas that can be implemented by even a small team.

Based on the tale of the three little pigs


  • leading;
  • Nuf-nuf;
  • Nif-Nif;
  • Naf-naf.


  • piglet costumes;
  • pig paraphernalia for guests (piglets, ponytails, etc.);
  • toys in the form of acorns;
  • eye patches;
  • sheets of paper;
  • markers;
  • scissors, glue, fabric, colored paper;
  • crackers, candles, serpentine, sparklers and other paraphernalia for the New Year's mood.

The host takes the floor first, he must congratulate the assembled colleagues on the holiday, set them up for an unusual and fun evening. However, Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf, like true pigs, offer their “pig” congratulations.

Leading: Dear colleagues and guests of our evening, I congratulate you on the upcoming 2019 Year of the Pig. May no one put a pig on you next year, your friends do not become ungrateful pigs, and there will never be a pigsty in the house. Today I wish you all to have fun and not get drunk to a pig squeal.

Three little pigs appear in the hall. They are dressed in matching costumes, grunting and acting cheeky.

Nif-nif: We guarantee you fun. And in the upcoming New Year, we want to give our advice to office pigs, that is, plankton.

If all your colleagues
The award was handed out yesterday
And they forgot about you
And gave nothing
It's not worth it to be sad
Just pour in instead of paint
A liter of jam in the printer,
And then colleagues about you
Will never be forgotten.


If there is paper on the table
More than a teacher
And find what you need there
There is no possibility at all
You dumped the whole pile on the floor
And jump boldly from above
And then from such work
You leave quickly.


If a friend is all sick,
And the work immediately got up,
And clients are in position
They don't want to come in
Needed to work with them
Detach the patient strongly
Let them get sick too
And they won't go there.

Leading: What is this ugly advice!

Pigs: It just hurts us that they always think badly of us.

Leading: How badly do they think of you?

Pigs: Hear what our employees know about us.

The hosts hold a quiz, during which the guests need to complete phrases related to the pig (a goose is not a friend to a pig, dirty like a pig, etc.).

Leading: Then you need to drink for it! And let each employee say a wish that begins with a letter from the word “pig” or “boar”.

When the feast has begun, you can entertain guests with fun contests for the New Year's party. They should also be related to the theme of the evening.

The following contests are eligible:

  • dress up the Christmas tree . Participants disperse to different corners of the room. They are blindfolded. Blindfolded, they should hang a toy in the form of an acorn on the Christmas tree.
  • Pantomime . Participants must use the means of pantomime to portray a pig from a fairy tale or cartoon (Winnie the Pooh, Funtik, etc.), the rest of the guests guess the character.
  • funny drawings . Two hand holes are made in a large paper sheet. Participants, putting their hands through the holes, will have to draw a wild boar.
  • dressing up . Participants are divided into several teams. From fabric, colored paper, ribbons, rain and other materials, each team must make a costume for the Yellow Earth Pig.

Tale Teremok

Props and decorations:

  • The designation "teremka" must be made a square 2x2m in size. Height 20 cm. The frame can be made of cardboard.
  • A large beach umbrella on a stand will represent the roof.
  • Additional props: a mop, a plate with a spoon, a centimeter (measuring).
  • Recording of light instrumental music (for the background), rhythmic dance music (Disco Crash - New Year is rushing towards us).
  • A bag with cards in which roles and moods, emotions are painted:

1 card

Who? - Mouse.

Which? - Nervous, hysterical. Always loudly shouts his "wee-wee-wee!"!

What is he doing in Teremka? - washes floors

2 card

Who? - Frog.

Which? - Harsh, stubborn, unhurried. His "Kva-kva!" speaks like an opera singer.

What is he doing in Teremka? - Feeding lunch.

3 card

Who? - Bunny.

Which? - Cheerful, smart, mischievous. After each jump - wags its tail!

What is he doing in Teremka? - Measures clothing parameters with a centimeter.

4 card

Who? - Fox.

Which? - Sexy, flirtatious. Sexually growls: "Urrr!"

What is he doing in Teremka? - Plays.

5 card

Who? - Grey Wolf.

Which? - Self-confident, impudent, a kind of "decided", came to the "showdown". Coughing, as if cooing: Cough! Heh heh!

What is he doing in Teremka? - All the time he runs into everyone, threatens!

6 card

Who? - Bear.

Which? - Smiling, kind, loves everyone very much! He says his “RRRRRR” as if he were saying “I’ll catch up! I'll catch up!"

What is he doing in Teremka? - Climbs hugging and kissing.

To somehow designate all the characters so that they are recognizable, just a few elements in clothes are enough:

  • Mouse - a bezel with ears and a tail, an apron.
  • Frog - put on a green jabot (collar) on clothes, you can also wear green gloves, a chef's apron and a cap.
  • Bunny - a bezel with long ears, a small tail.
  • Chanterelle - coquette, red collar and fox tail.
  • The gray wolf is dressed like a hooligan, an unbuttoned shirt, a gold chain around his neck, a purse (as in the 90s) on his side, a cap, a cigarette in his teeth.
  • Bear - on his head is a hat with round ears, a vest, warm knitted socks, large galoshes.

Scene #1

Leading: Dear friends! New Year is always a return to childhood. How long have you been reading the children's fairy tale "Teremok"?

Guests respond: For a long time!

Leading: And do you remember. What happened there?

All in unison: Yes!

Leading: I wouldn't be so sure if I were you! Do you want us to check? Or remember all together?

All in unison: Yes!

Leading: I need six volunteers!

He chooses the most colorful ones from the audience: the tallest, the shortest, the thinnest, the fullest, etc.

Leading: Who would you like to play in this fairy tale?

Participants guess.

Leading: Well, it would be ideal, but here, at our fabulous New Year's corporate party, miracles are everywhere and everywhere. Even the most ordinary fairy tale can turn into an interesting and unforgettable action! Pull, from the bag, who will be who!

Participants pull out, without looking, cards indicating who and what they should be in this fairy tale. It will be funny when big man get, for example, the role of the Mouse! Or the frailest - the role of a bandit Wolf or Bear! They are taken away, assistants dress up in elements. They give the participant who will play the Mouse - a mop, the Frog - a plate and a spoon, the Bunny - a tailor's centimeter.

Disguised artists go to the Host, who tells the task.

Leading: So, in our cool reworked fairy tale, only I speak! You portray your hero in all known and possible ways. The bunny jumps up to the Tower, the frog jumps, etc. You can and even should make the sounds of your hero, demonstrate his behavior and manners. All this is done taking into account the emotion and mood that is written in your card.

And one more thing: when you get to Teremochek, if you suddenly hear such dance music (the chorus of the song “New Year” by the Disco Crash group), you must, again taking into account your given mood, perform the actions that were indicated in your cards! The audience is encouraged to sing along to the song. And the main condition is that all actions are performed only in interaction with each other! Are you all going to live together?

The members agree. They leave.

Scene #2

Light instrumental music plays in the background. As soon as a new hero appears in Teremka, dance music is turned on for a short time, to which they will perform each of their actions.

Leading: So, dear friends, take a seat! Now you will hear, and at the same time you will see completely a new fairy tale under the name "Teremok". In one of the very pretty dacha cooperatives someone took and built a very neat little Teremok!

(The assistants take out a cardboard frame, indicating Teremok. In the middle, instead of a roof, they put a large beach umbrella on a stand.)

Leading: The Little Mouse ran past, on important business (the “Mouse” runs out, hysterically yelling “Pee-pee-pee!”). The Mouse was surprised that such a treasure stands, and no one lives there! She ran around Teremok three times (the Mouse runs around), and, making sure that there were definitely no owners there, she settled into it! (The mouse steps over and immediately begins to wash the floors).

In the same way, the same way, the Frog-Quakushka also jumped! (The participant representing the Frog jumps, singing in the operatic “Kva-kva!”.) As Teremok saw, she could not restrain herself! She came closer and asked the Mouse if it was possible to live there with her? - Come in! Both will be more fun! - she answered and let her friend into Teremok.

Dance music turns on and the frog begins to feed the mouse, and the mouse washes the floor under her feet.

Leading: From afar, the smell of a delicious dinner was heard by the Jumping Bunny! (Jumping Bunny) And when he came to him, he saw Teremok and was stunned! Oh, how he wanted to live in it! Is it possible? - asked the Bunny. - Can! - the Mouse and the Frog waved invitingly and launched a new tenant into Teremok.

Dance music turns on: the Mouse must wash the floors under the feet of its neighbors, the Frog must feed each one in turn, and the Bunny must take measurements from both the Frog and the Mouse.

Leading: The main party girl Chanterelle also pulled herself up for fun! (A participant in this image comes out with a sexy gait, purring) Well, who doesn’t like this kind of entertainment? Of course, she asked to live in Teremochka! And the owners didn't mind!

Dance music turns on: the Mouse washes under the Frog, the Bunny, the Chanterelle, the Frog feeds everyone in turn from a spoon, the Bunny measures everyone, and the Chanterelle dances sexually in front of everyone.

Leading: But, as in life, so in a fairy tale, nothing is so simple: having heard the noise and din, sniffing out the delicious smells that wafted from the windows of Teremochka, the Wolf came to the house. (Implacably, coughing, the Wolf comes out. Approaches Teremochka). Well, and how, again, it happens in life, he didn’t even ask, especially! He opened the door with his foot and entered!

Dance music turns on: everyone does his own thing, and the wolf “runs over” everyone in turn.

Leading: The frog, seeing such a thing, stopped right next to Gray and let's feed! And he - "run into"! It is not known how it would all end, but then the Bear walked past. (Smiling and playfully growling, the participant who plays the Bear comes out).

Leading: The Bear came up to Teremochka, looked at how the animals had fun there! How clean they wash, how they spoon-feed, how they measure joyfully, how they dance sexy! Mishka immediately fell in love with the Wolf with his visits! I entered Teremok and let's hug and kiss everyone!

To dance music, everyone goes about their business with everyone, and the Bear hugs and kisses everyone on the cheeks!

Leading: You ask why he did not ask permission to live with the tenants? What for? After all, this is HIS Teremok! He built for himself! And when I saw such a cheerful company, I immediately decided to live here and leave them all!

Dance music plays. All characters interact with each other.

It is better to start preparing for the New Year's corporate party about a month in advance. During this time, you can have time to prepare the props and learn the roles. The main thing is to do it secretly so that for other employees funny scenario New Year's corporate party was a pleasant surprise.

Useful video on how to decorate the office for the New Year's corporate party


It is very important to choose funny and modern scenarios for a corporate party, because this is a bright and long-awaited event on the eve of the New Year. And then, during the New Year's celebration, we will not only treat ourselves to salads and raise table toasts. Let's show a bit of imagination, dilute the traditional plan of collective gatherings with cool skits, ditties, dances. Cheerful scenarios for the New Year 2019 will help unite and involve the whole team in the celebration. And no one will be bored!

Santa Claus must be present at the New Year's holiday. This is an unchanging symbol of the New Year, which wishes happiness and inspires us for the coming year. He comes not alone, but together with his granddaughter Snegurochka. :))

An adult holiday is significantly different from a children's holiday; at a New Year's corporate party, you do not need to read poems under the Christmas tree. :)) Here you will need to actively participate in contests, answer joke questions, accept funny gifts, laugh and have fun.

In past articles, we looked at how to beautifully congratulate our colleagues on the New Year and. These wishes are perfect for a corporate party!

Funny and modern corporate party scenario for the New Year

A corporate event is a celebration of the New Year in the circle of people with whom you work daily. Usually, on this holiday, any organization makes a party to mark the end of the past working year and unite the team. To do this, you can invite professional actors, or you can manage on your own and distribute certain roles to your colleagues - it will be much more interesting and fun.

The release of Santa Claus may be expected, or it may be sudden. He should greet everyone with fervent wishes and words.

Greetings can be, for example:

Happy New Year to you, as usual!

With happiness new and new healthy!

We want to give you a mood for the holiday!

You, good fellows! You girls are red!

The hosts may not necessarily be Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, it can be any artistic person who wishes.

It is he who will organize entertainment - dances, contests, riddles, songs, skits.

When conducting a corporate party, it is advisable to use poems, proverbs, sayings. They set everyone up for cheerful mood, holiday feeling:

On New Year's Eve, snow falls quietly outside the window

Let there be joy and laughter at our table!

May brilliant success await you in any business!

And happiness will enter your bright house without interference!

I wish Santa Claus

The bag brought you joy,

Another bag - with laughter,

And the third - so that with success!

Your sadness, your longing

Put everything in a bag for him.

Let him collect it all

Girls or men change clothes in Babok-Ezhek. You can use scarves, long skirts, brooms. From the mere sight of these fairy-tale characters, everyone will die with laughter! ... :)) Grandmothers-Ezhki sing fervently ditties (And-and-x! It definitely sounds :)) You can even take away each other's broom - it's funnier :))! The phrase "Sing, don't talk" can be replaced with "Drink, don't talk!" :))

Stretch the fur, harmonica,
Eh, play-play,
Sing ditties, grandmother Yozhka,
Sing, don't talk.

I was tipsy
And flew on a broom
Even though I don't believe myself
in these superstitions.

Walked along the forest side
The devil followed me
The man thought
What the hell is this.

I turned back home
The devil is following me again
Spit on his baldness
And sent to the devil.

The most harmful of people
This is a villain storyteller
That's a skillful liar,
Too bad it's tasteless.

Stretch the fur, harmonica,
Eh, play-play,
Sing ditties, grandmother Yozhka,
Sing don't talk.

And you can completely redo the words of this well-known song:

Funny ditties Babok-Ezhek converted

Stretch the accordion fur,
Let's sing the song out loud
Let's talk about everything,
Just to be in time for everyone:

1. We have a large team,
Likes to relax the soul,
We have fun walking
Complexes do not know!

2. The best character -
This is our director!
The awards are beautiful
Gives to the team!


3. Service manager with us
Just super top class
Clap your hands
He is good for us!

4. And our sales department
Managed to do a lot
Let's say briefly
Working until night!


5. Service Bureau with us
Seems fragile at times
Clients are attracted
The outfits are closing!

6. Have fun with a bang
All our accountants
We are at work
All are greatly appreciated!


Stretch the accordion fur,
Let's sing the song out loud
Let's talk about everything,
Just to be in time for everyone:

7. And we have mechanics
Everything will be done for you in an hour,
Heal the car
Tire change!

8. When applying for a job
They have one concern
Recruits staff
Our best HR department!

9. There is one more verse
About our warehouse men,
Let's dance with them today
New Year's dance!


10. Stop singing songs,
It's time for everyone to pour, Drink grandmother Yozhki
They love a little!

11. This song was sung to you,
We continue our banquet. Everyone agrees indeed
There is no better team!

Cool contest - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Everyone unanimously answers the questions of the Snow Maiden - Yes or No:

1. Is Santa Claus an excellent man?

2. Will he drink a bucket of Stolichnaya?

3. Likes jokes, anecdotes?

4. What about working Saturdays?

5. Does Santa Claus sing ditties?

6. Does Grandpa have a girlfriend?

7. Did he bag from the warehouse?

So who should we call?

All together: Santa Claus! Father Frost! Father Frost!

Competition - "Guess the films"

They celebrated the New Year in the country.

It was a movie... (Gentlemen of fortune)!

And, as usual, we would look

That night….. (Ironically)!

Although Santa Claus is actually the namesake

But affectionately in the film is called .... (Frost)!

He was a freak, a dwarf, but lucky,

And the cartoon is called ... (The Nutcracker)!

She was lucky to meet everyone at once,

A film about these brothers ... (12 months)!

And fairy tales have scientific ideas

About this film is wonderful ... (Magicians)!

We don't mind watching it for the tenth time,

The movie is called….. (Carnival Night)!

You can organize dances in the form of a competition game, for this we will watch a wonderful video:

Meeting the New Year with a big cheerful company is a great opportunity to make new acquaintances or just have fun. Cool scenes for the New Year 2019 will interest all those present, create a unique holiday atmosphere. There will always be acting talents in the team that can “ignite” with their game and charisma.

Scenario for a corporate party with a small number of people

A fun scenario for a corporate party is the key to a bright holiday with colleagues. After all, not only snacks, salads on the table and beautiful outfits create a mood. Consider an original and fun scenario that is suitable for any party in the office or at home.

For small companies where it is not planned to hire outside hosts, the organization of a corporate party in the form of contests and games, collected in one scenario, is perfect. An organizer is selected from among colleagues who will assign tasks. To help himself, he chooses the Snow Maiden, who will help.

While all the guests are gathering, the host (the owner of the house) offers to cut out wishes to write on them and put them in a “mailbox” (hat) :)). And then they will definitely come true!

Then he wishes everyone a Happy New Year or offers a drink and a snack.

Happy New Year!

I wish you happiness, joy!

Everyone who is single - get married,

Everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,

Forget about insults!

Everyone who is sick - become healthy

Bloom, rejuvenate!

I wish you all health and happiness!

For many years!

To songs and dances

Never ended!

Happy New Year,

With new happiness,

My dear friends!

In the costume of Santa Claus, our organizer of the holiday offers everyone a drink, a snack and organizes various competitions, invites everyone to dance. With the text at hand and a good mood, anyone can do it:

Competition "Dance like"

We prepare cards with tasks, for example - a snowflake, a snowman, a blizzard, a sled. The participant dances like ... a snowflake, a snowman, a blizzard, a sled.

Fanta game

This traditional entertainment for the New Year is a fun scenario for a corporate party. The rules are simple: the guests, sitting at the table, pass each other a small ball or any round fruit to the music. Suddenly the music stops and the one who has a fruit or a ball pulls a phantom out of the box and completes the task.

Fun game "Who are you"

We blindfold the driver. One of his colleagues sits in a chair in front of him. The task in this game is to guess who it is by feeling only its head. To complicate the task, you can use glasses, wigs, earrings, scarves. Then the one who guessed becomes the driver. This is not a competition, so there are no winners. But everyone will have a great time!


We invite everyone to write on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen what he would like to purchase in the new year. For example, a car, a key to a new apartment, a baby, a banknote, a new dress. All pieces of paper are folded into a hat (deep bowl). Guests are invited to pull out one piece of paper and read it out. What happened there will certainly come true in the coming year.

Tongue Twisters

Participants who are selected no more than 3 are invited to read any tongue twister from a sheet, for example, “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry” or “Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.” At the time of the feast, any such phrase will be beyond the power of half of the adults. The winner of the competition is awarded a bottle of champagne or any other prize.

You can make musical numbers - sing with a guitar, karaoke or ditties are perfect: 🙂


What kind of Christmas tree do we have
Just a feast for the eyes
So what, what's outside the window
Spring thaw.

We've been waiting all year
What will Santa Claus come to us
He came with a bag of gifts
And he took two with him.

I will dress up as a Snow Maiden
And glue the braid
I really want to get married
For Santa Claus.

Dressed up as Santa Claus
And glued on the beard
And I walk like a fool
Second day in the city.

Hello, Santa Claus, Cotton beard.
Where is my new Mercedes? And the hut in the Canary Islands?

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Where is my computer?
He brought me chocolate!

Comic, funny wishes-predictions:

We put the notes in a big hat and go around all the guests in a circle. Everyone takes out a note and reads it aloud. Their content depends on the age, preferences of the guests. Joking, funny wishes will perfectly cheer you up for the New Year.

1. Good luck, happiness, peace to you! You will have your own apartment!

2. Toast to your health! You will have career growth!

4. Good luck will not leave you! There will be a new cottage for you!

5. I wish you luck! An addition is waiting for you in the family!

6. Surrounded you for comfort! And your income will rise!

7. Let success accompany! You learn best!

8. There are many different impressions! Wonderful travels!

9. Let care not worry! The best job is waiting for you!

10. I wish you not to be bored in vain, all your friends are with you!

11. Go to the boss on the left foot - and you will be promoted.

12. Always smile! And no one will call you a gloomy person. Be quiet! And no one will call a bore.

13. Your life is an endless road, so choose a reliable means of transportation on it - a car.

14. Today is the best day for you! As the others!

15. During the first week after the meeting of the New Year, a pleasant surprise awaits you.

16. In the New Year, You will have the pleasure of spending a lot of money, as well as the pleasure of earning it.

17. In the New Year, you will learn and discover a lot of new and useful things, and now please open a bottle of champagne.

We looked at some ideas on how to spend a holiday with a small circle of friends in the office or at home.

Scenarios - fairy tales with jokes for the New Year

Scenarios of fairy tales for the New Year are fairy tales on new way! We take a well-known plot, famous characters and come up with our own performance. Let's try to write the script ourselves, it's easy! The most important thing is that there should be a lot actors and let everyone know this tale.

We come up with a simple plot, beat it with interesting, funny, funny, cool situations - and the scenario of the fairy tale is ready!

Scenario #1

Tale about Kolobok.

Roles are assigned. The facilitator reads the text, each of the participants, as soon as he hears his role, must say a certain phrase.
Grandfather"I am hungry!"
Woman"There are no butterflies!"
Kolobok"And I'm a difficult guy!"
Hare"Slanting eyes!"
Wolf"We are Tambov!"
Bear" Dmitry Anatolyevich!"
Fox"The Snow Queen is on sale!"

Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba. And Grandfather wanted to invite Baba to dance. But then Gingerbread Man came out of the oven. And Grandfather immediately forgot about Baba and reached for Kolobok with a fork. And Kolobok turned out to be a wushuist, a karateka and mastered the techniques of sumo. Having shown Grandfather a couple of tricks, and Baba, the fist Kolobok went to the party of animals. Wolf was the DJ at the party. Toastmaster bear. The Hare drank the most. Striptease was shown by Fox. Gingerbread Man ordered a song for Volk "For the Rostov Brotherhood". The wolf sent Kolobok ... to the Bear. And the Bear sent him to the Hare. And the Hare ... was already sleeping. Then the Fox came up and invited Kolobok to dance. Kolobok agreed. The party was a success.

Scenario #2

Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs:


Beyond the seven forests beyond the seven mountains lived 7 dwarfs
(they go out dancing to Letka-Enka)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (dwarfs bow)
The gnomes were real heroes, handsome men and hard workers.
Of course, everyone has their weaknesses…..
Monday - I like to sleep
Tuesday - even more loved to eat
Wednesday - constantly bullied .... he pulled up his shirt both in front and behind
Thursday - constantly picking his teeth and strove to pick someone else
Friday - sneezed endlessly, he sneezed left and right, on everything and everyone
Saturday - always sticking his nose where it doesn't belong
And Sunday - soared in the clouds and caught flies
But most of the time they worked, mining gold and precious stones.
They did all this for the sake of one ... only woman - the beautiful Snow White!
(comes out to the music of "royal fanfare")
They all loved her very much, looked after her and vying with each other complimented her.
She answered them with care and affection .... and the dwarves did not miss the opportunity to pamper Snow White.
Monday put her lovingly on his knees
Tuesday massaged her shoulders
Wednesday gently stroked her head and admired her wonderful hair.
Thursday kissed her white hands
Friday massaged her tired legs
Saturday sang romances to her
And Sunday waved away the flies
But they had another favorite activity that they did all together ....
and then Snow White was the happiest woman in the whole wide world ... ..
Snow White and the gnomes are dancing, inviting the audience.

Scenario #3

"Teremok in a new way"

Desired props:

1. Umbrella, large, to designate Teremka.

2. Mop, plate and spoon, measuring tape.

3. Musical accompaniment: classical music and rhythmic New Year's.

4. Prepare cards with prescribed roles in advance:

mouse(Always dissatisfied with something, hysterical, at every opportunity she yells her “Pee-pee-pee!” From actions, she washes the floor in the tower.)

Frog(The most severe, stubborn. “Kva-kva!” She screams like an opera singer. In Teremka she plays the role of a cook. ”

Hare(Cheerful, laughing, always wags his tail when he jumps. Runs with a centimeter and measures the length of clothes.

Fox(Pretty, sexy, graceful, always says “Urrrr”, flirts with male characters.

Wolf(Bold and seasoned, in the time allotted to him, he coughs and runs into everyone!)

Bear(A kind of good-natured man, constantly says “Uuhhh”, as “I’ll catch up with you.” He climbs to everyone with hugs and kisses.

It would be nice if every hero had an attribute to be recognized. The bear has mittens, the fox has a tail, the mouse has ears, the hare has ears, the frog has a green scarf, the wolf has gloves. Attributes can be anything.

Leading: Hello! For me, the New Year is a holiday that brings back to childhood. Have you read the fairy tale "Teremok"? (Yes)

Do you remember her well? (Yes)

I wouldn't be so sure if I were you! Now we will check, I need 6 volunteers.

(It is advisable to choose the most non-standard guests from the hall so that they match the roles).

I will not give you the opportunity to choose who you will play in this fairy tale, it's more interesting. You are ready?

(Participants draw cards with roles and their descriptions from the facilitator's hands. Further, the attributes of "recognizability" are distributed to everyone. Each participant is given elements of the game, which will play the Mouse - a mop, the Frog - a plate and a spoon, the Bunny - a tailor's centimeter).

The actors get used to the role, go out into the auditorium, this time the presenter tells the task.

Leading: In our fairy tale, only I will speak, the artists will perform their roles in all possible ways. When you go to Teremka: the bear stomps loudly, the mouse quietly runs, and so on. Be sure to take into account the emotions that are written in the card. When the music turns on, you must dance and do something in the manner that is also written on the card.

Be sure to do all the actions, interacting with each other, since you live in the same house!

Leading: So, all the rules are announced, let's start!

In one of the cottage villages, someone took and built a very cute Teremok! Once I was passing by mousenorushka. She saw Teremok and began to quickly run around it, looked inside, and it was empty, so she decided to live in it (when she entered the house, she immediately began to wash the floor!)

Leading: On the same path I galloped past frog - frog! I saw Teremok and fell in love, I also wanted to live in it. She came closer, and there - a mouse, a frog and asked if she could live with her. The mouse agreed.

(The music turns on and the frog starts to feed the mouse, the mouse frantically washes the floors at this time)

Leading: ran nearby bunny, feeling the smell of a delicious dinner, he ran to the tower, he was so impressed that he also wanted to live in it! He asked the mouse and the frog if he could live with them, and they agreed!

(A funny song is turned on, under it the frog feeds them in turn, the mouse washes the floors, and the bunny takes measurements of the clothes of the mouse and the frog)

Leading: I wanted to have fun in a chic teremka and fox! For the sake of eternal fun, she asked to live in Teremka, the owners were not against it, so they let her in.

(The dance music turns on again, all the characters in their own way do the actions that are written in their cards, and the fox begins to pester the hare)

Leading: having heard the farce and smelling the delicious smell of the food that the frog had prepared, he ran to Teremka wolf! Naturally, he wanted to live in a tower, but did not stand on ceremony, knocked the door off his foot and entered.

(Dance music turns on, all the heroes do their business, and the wolf runs into everyone)

Leading: A farce has begun, thanks passed by bear. He playful and contented enters Teremok, and how let's hug and kiss.

Leading: Why do you think he didn't ask for a residence permit? It's simple - this is his Teremok, he built it for a very long time for himself!

(Dance music is turned on, all the animals begin to dance in the manner prescribed in the cards, the bear continues to kiss and hug)

Leading: This fairy tale has a good ending, because the kind bear didn't throw anyone out into the street, and they all began to live together and be friends!

Then you can hold 2-3 competitions. Do not forget that guests need to relax, dance and eat, so we make sure to take a break between competitions.

Scenario #4

Tale about a turnip for adults
Each character only speaks one line.

1. Where the mountains are high, in a house near the river
Dedochek Tolik lived and lived, he is an alcoholic at heart.
Although he was in his advanced years, he stood firmly on his feet.
If he didn’t pour in the morning, he lived gloriously, he didn’t know worries.
Drink and let's scream...
Grandfather: Let's live vigorous mother!

2. Grandmother Anna lived with him, oh, and she was harmful
Growth giantess, disposition atamansha
She also had no life from her grandfather's drink
Because she was bored and welcomed her neighbor
Grandfather - on a binge, she - to a neighbor for a sincere conversation
Even though she insisted...
grandmother: Others need power!

3. The granddaughter visited them there, this granddaughter is just a force!
Mini - skirt, but the slit! Like in a skirt like without.
Breast-melons are poured, lips are poured with juice
And of course the miracle of the legs, like from the Playboy cover
Like a rose blooming...
Granddaughter: Well, think about it!

4. And on the farm y grandfather was nothing but a trifle
Two goats and a vegetable garden and a dog at the gate
Nimble glorious dog and nicknamed Tail
Not at all from boasting, he was simply without a tail.
Either God didn’t give him, or he ripped off where
But the absence of a wave did not annoy anyone.
The dog barked rather sluggishly ...
Dog: Give me something to eat, I don't have enough bones!

5. Cat Murka lived there, she was clean
Whiskas ate, drank juice, and slept on an armchair.
And in her maiden dreams she waited for the young prince.
In her soul, bad weather ...
Cat: Where do you roam my happiness?

6. The Mouse lived freely there. He was stronger and taller than all
The whole Village….. The mouse knew he was the first bouncer
In a village tavern called "Sake"
And in the Village ..... all the people of the Mouse called the muzzle
It's just a class to communicate with him ...
Mouse: Fir-trees sha atas!

Leading: (The turnip is sitting on a chair, bent over, Grandfather sits grains on a chair and pours from a bottle)
7. Well, now you all know the inhabitants of their house.
So further part two: once in early May
Alcoholic - Grandfather the thought came to trouble
He decided to plant a turnip and went out into the field at dawn
I buried the grains in the ground, buried them, poured water on them ...
And he went to hand over the glass ...
Grandfather: Let's live, vigorous mother!

Leading: (Turnip straightens up and stands up)
8. And then he went into a binge and forgot about his root.
Well, summer at that time was generous in the heat
The turnip was ripe, poured and washed with rain
So by the autumn she became large and strong.
Loved all around...
Turnip: Now I am your first friend!

9. Grandfather went out to the field looking ...
Grandfather: Let's live, vigorous mother!

10. The grandfather pulled himself up, but only one belt
The frail burst from the movement, because such tension
Turnip in the same place, at least something, Grandfather tried again
But there is no progress...
Grandfather: Let's live, vigorous mother!

11. And he went out of the field, to finish drinking his moonshine.
And at that time from a neighbor, the grandmother walked after the conversation
Grandma sees a turnip in the field, and the fields are twice as large.
It pulls this way and pulls that way, but the supply of strength has dried up.
In vain I went to a neighbor ...
grandmother: Others need power!

12. Stretching out on the porch, she crawled to the stove
He sends his granddaughter to Sveta, to pull out turnips for dinner
The granddaughter raised an eyebrow...
Granddaughter: Well, think about things...

13. She went out into the field to pick turnips and does not know how to get up to her.
And pushes it sideways and presses it vice versa.
Stockings girl tore A- Turnip in the same place where it was.
The girl spat with annoyance and went to change outfits
At the fence, Tailtail is tearing his strap.
Refresh from the beginning ...
Dog: Give me something to eat, I don't have enough bones!

Leading: (The host unties the tail)
14. The tail was untied, the Turnip was ordered to pull
Ran up with teeth to grab and let's bite her
And with a claw and a mouth together, only Turnip is all in place
He smiles and sits and moves his tops.
Kobelek from this annoyance, made a “psycho” on this Turnip
He growled for another minute and wearily wandered into the booth.
And Murka already knew about all these things
I rested on the porch and saw the whole picture.
Passions suddenly boiled in Murka ...
Murka: Where do you roam my happiness?

15. So terribly she wanted to apply maturity somewhere.
Turnip crept up from behind and stuck it with its claws!
She pulled with all her strength, only she dulled her claws.
Then I came to my senses from a drinking bout, Tolik-grandfather on an old bunk
And I decided to attract people to go out into the garden together.
Make a circle around Turnip ...
Turnip: Now I am your first friend!

16. Grandmother clutches grandfather's trousers in two hands
The granddaughter also came running and coyly stood up in a pose
The scoundrel Tailed clung to her stocking.
Well, Murka is our light, he is looking for a tail, but he is not there.

Murka was very surprised, clung to the Tailtail's paw.
Here they are pulling that turnip, only the forces wither, wither
Who swears like a thief ...
Grandfather: Let's live, vigorous mother!

17. Who sighs cute ...
grandmother: Others need power!

18. The granddaughter has already brought everyone ...
Granddaughter: Well, think about it!

19. The dog whines again at first ...
Dog: Give me something to eat, I don't have enough bones!

20. Murka is boiling with passion ...
Murka : Where do you roam my happiness?

21. That heavy burlatsky howl, our hero Mouse heard
Mordovorot hurried to the showdown in the garden
And decided to help at least once ...
Mouse: Ely-paly sha atas!

22. To Turnip, slowly approaches, with an impudent look around everyone
Turnip gently hugs and takes out of the garden.
And all gathered around...
Turnip: Now I am your first friend!

23. Then our people stretched, started, looked around
And he went to drink moonshine, the good thing is that he is always there.
Moonshine flows like a river in the VILLAGE ... ... .... a feast by a mountain.
And our story is over...
Mouse: Fir-trees sha atas!

Let's look at an interesting corporate tale:

You can remake your favorite fairy tales in your own way. With cheerful music, with a good mood - you can have great fun!

Cool script for adults for the New Year

To festive new year event adults - New Year's corporate party, ball or home new Year party were fun, provocatively and exciting, it is important to choose interesting and original New Year's scenarios. AT having chosen the best, and adding our own zest, we proceed to prepare an adult New Year's holiday.

Basic rules for holding a corporate party:

  • Opens the holiday with an introductory word from the host or host who leads the event (5-10 minutes)
  • Then we give guests a quiet drink and a snack for 20-30 minutes.
  • Contests and dances should not go in a row (we take a break of 15-20 minutes).
  • For guests, participants of competitions, you need to think over small souvenirs and prizes.
  • You should not force a person to participate if he has firmly given a negative answer.

Scene Happy New Year from China

The audience calls Santa Claus. Two Chinese women come out.

Together: Cheer up!
1st Chinese: Who where? Will Santa Claus be here? Where, where - In Kalaganda! In obsey, we decided: no one will advise us, we will come ourselves! As they say among you, if the mountain does not go to Mohammed ... Syo?
2nd Chinese: Unswept guest of Khuze Kitayas.
1st Chinese: What? Are you laughing? Just a hundred, immediately slanted, but how you need to buy it, you can’t drive it out with a shovel.
2nd Chinese: You somehow don’t sit according to Feng Xu, Syo?
1st Chinese: Luce stand! So more useful. Right now, we'll play Feng Xu. Sit like this with your feet facing south and your head facing north. Yesyo Suvorov said: keep your feet warm, and your head in the cold!
2nd Chinese: One hundred? Let's start from the simplest. (pulls out 19 sparklers from the bag. distributes them to the tables). Therefore 19?
From the audience: 2019.
You are young! (shows two hands to one participant) In which hand? (one gets a lighter) This is for you, hold on! (gives lighter)
1st Chinese: And this is for you! Zip my snook! Ras, two, three! (light up) Hangings are burning. Whoever zazed overhead with a sazigalka will sazigat all year long!
2nd Chinese: Let's move on to the next section. Feng Xu of the Easter table! For Nasyal, let's find the cardinal points. North, south, west, east are determined by the comforts on the table. Where there is jelly, there is ... the north, young people!
1st Chinese: South - where the water is! Still 40 degrees. East where? …Oh you! East - sandwiches with caviar, because a hundred East is a delicate matter!
2nd Chinese: Where is Zapad?
1st Chinese: Sapad bye-bye! It's not Chinese Luo's fault! …
2nd Chinese: Yes, almost sabyl. Salads should stand tosno opposite the villager at a distance of one elbow. Therefore? Get it in the morning!
1st Chinese: And the last divorce on Feng Xu. Stobs at the table were fun, check your shots. Essie are empty, there will be no fun - this is a party of tresvennik-yassvennikov. Essi are full, there will be no fun toze. Therefore? There will be toast! which?
From the hall: New Year!
2nd Chinese: Horse no! Wise! Because one hundred Chinese people are wise!
1st Chinese: One day on New Year's Eve, an ideal moussina like Zeki Xiang and a perfect zenshina like Zenifer Lopez rode a masina. On the obosin they saw Santa Claus with a mesk gift. They decided to help him. They went and got into Varia. Only the perfect zensina came out. Therefore, there are no hundred neither Dzeki Xiang nor Santa Claus in the world. And this explains the reason for the accident - the car was driven by zenshina. For zenshin!
2nd Chinese: Okay, as they say, take care to sit down with a young. What? Not this way?!
1st Chinese: It's time to sit down and know! Tosno! But take care of your seat! I have a seat!

Happy New Year!

Then the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter the stage, congratulate everyone and give gifts. Then the host invites the guests to drink and eat. You can dance. After that, you can watch the next funny performance.

Scene for the celebration “Italian guest”


Dear guests! Signor Nachihante Naproblemo has arrived from sunny Italy to congratulate you on the New Year! Meet them with thunderous applause!
(an Italian comes out, he is wearing fashionable black glasses, a beautiful scarf is thrown over his shoulder, in his hands is a suitcase in which pasta is hidden, he came with an interpreter)


Chao cocoa, friend!


Hello dear friends!


Chao cocoa, sedanto darmoedo!


Hello dear guests!


Italian tourist, immoral look!


I came to you from sunny Italy!


Crawled saboteur passportino lost!


Long and difficult was my way!



But I am cheerful and cheerful and brought a whole suitcase of gifts!


Amore mia!


My dears!


Signore hostione free then!


Dear guests!


Macarone on ushanto mon seigneur naveshanto!


Listen to me carefully!


Bravissimo spaghetti! The animal purred in the morning!


The most satisfying meal is Italian spaghetti!


Neodanto nizachtone italian pasta!


Therefore, I am happy to give everyone a pack of Italian spaghetti!

(gives a pack of spaghetti)


Neprosinte imploringly nizachtonte neodamo!


I don't mind giving away everything I have!


Wishing you a friend, a healthy animal!
Not bolento golovanto but morning with a hangover!


I wish you all good health!


Wish you a guest and a drusianto cabbage doloranto!


And also I wish that there is always a lot of money!


Oprokinto nemeshento un momento freely!


If they offer me a drink, I won't refuse!

Snowflake Contest

All participants in the show are given scissors and napkins, from which they must cut a snowflake. Those who make the best snowflakes receive prizes and move on to the next stage of the competition.

Snowball game

Each participant is given 4-5 sheets of A4 paper or any other. You need to roll snowballs out of them. A bowl or hat is placed approximately 2m apart. With your left hand, you need to throw snowballs into it, do not help with your right hand. 🙂

Competition "Mysteries behind the back"

You will need signs with inscriptions for men - “Work”, “Bath”, “Maternity Hospital”, “Striptease Club”, etc. , “I forgot to wear a skirt”, “I tore my tights”, “Met the prince”, “Vacation in the Canary Islands”.

The signs are hung on the backs of the participants and they ask questions:

For men:

How often do you go there?

What are you taking with you?

Who do you go there with? And etc.


How often does this happen to you?

What are the people around you saying?

How do you explain it? and etc.

You can organize, for example, such a wonderful contest as in this video.

Before the New Year's Eve, you need to buy some souvenirs for future contests, quizzes and table games. Also, the leader needs to choose his assistants. And, of course, stock up on beautiful, and good mood.

Scenario New Year's corporate party for doctors

The scenario for the New Year for doctors is not particularly different from the usual one, but it has its own zest. :))

Holiday leading begins with the words:

Saved people for a whole year
And a little tired.
We will hold a corporate
Let's relax with you!
All the doctors are here
Everyone is beautiful and smart.
Everyone is waiting only for you
Santa Claus, come here!

Father Frost:

- Good evening! My granddaughter-Snow Maiden and I came from afar to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - the New Year. Oh oh oh! (grabs heart)

Snow Maiden:

- Grandpa, what happened?

Father Frost:

- Oh, something took my heart ... I have become completely unfit, old, give me some medicine please!

Snow Maiden:

- Frost, how can they give you medicine if they don’t know what exactly happened to you?

Father Frost:

- Yes, now everything infuriates, then something happens to the memory. The animals are out with me and do not greet me at all. Hares say that there are fines for ticketless travel, but they themselves bought travel tickets .. they bought them from me. And I have amnesia, well, I don’t remember!

The fox complains that he fired everyone for intrigue and gossip. Squirrels are panicking, saying that the tax on the export of nuts is large. Well, how big is it?

I only had enough for a new caftan and a sleigh!

Snow Maiden:

- They actually broke down, due to the fact that grandfather smeared them not with butter, but with Irish liquor.

Santa Claus (embarrassed):

“Are you writing me off completely?” Am I not allowed to have a couple of glasses with deer?

Snow Maiden:

– Yeah…. then more fun!

Father Frost:

- Oh, here's another! They also helped me with advice. I’ll find it now ... (opens the bag, digs into it, then gives one of the guests a recipe). Read what is written, dear / dear, otherwise I’m blind already, and the handwriting is crooked.

A guest from the audience reads the Recipe: Internal: mix 10 mg of purgen and 5 mg of sleeping pills together, pour in hawthorn tincture, then pour in 300 mg of medical alcohol. Pour three mugs of cold beer "Gus Zhatetsky". Throw ascorbic acid into the resulting mixture. Keep in refrigerator for 3 days.

Santa Claus (with hope):

- Do you think it will help? Not… !? Well, you’ll probably have to look for a successor, here’s an acquaintance’s grandfather looking for a job, he’s only 2019!

Snow Maiden:

- No need to be sad, Grandpa! We will now all together try to cure you with New Year's healing methods. And now we will train your memory, and the memory of our guests.

We run a competition:

We divide the hall into 2-3 teams, each in turn remembers songs about New Year and winter. Which team remembers more wins.

Snow Maiden:

- Well done! You know a lot of songs!

Father Frost:

- I would like to learn, otherwise I became completely sclerotic.

Snow Maiden:

Do not rush to give up on yourself grandfather, I know another way to train memory!

Father Frost:

- What is this, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden:

- My favorite, festive ... You yourself use it so often.

Father Frost:

- Granddaughter, something in my mood is so good, I don’t want to freeze those present.

Snow Maiden:

- Don't scare people. It won't help (whispers)

Father Frost:

- Then bring a stool, I will make everyone read poetry, and I myself will take a nap in a corner!

Snow Maiden:

- Grandfather!

Father Frost:

"Then I don't understand you at all!"

Snow Maiden:

We will make riddles, and guess everything.

Father Frost:

“Aaaaah, there it is…

We make riddles and give prizes to those who guessed:

Snow Maiden:

There is such joy all around

And suddenly - such disgusting!

Father Frost:

Is this a kikimora?

Snow Maiden:

- Grandfather, what does everyone get a kikimora for the New Year ??? Help grandfather, tell me what it is? (Jellied fish).

- And here is another riddle: Always dressed in winter,

But she doesn't care about that!

Father Frost:

- Snow Maiden, yes, I’ll buy you a fur coat, I’ll buy it, I’ll still collect taxes!

Snow Maiden:

- Oh, grandfather, I'm not talking about that at all! (Herring under a Fur Coat)

Snow Maiden:

- Stands in the corner, not punished,

And Putin is shown on it. (Television)

Snow Maiden:

- Grandfather, look at the owners, everything is fine with their memory!

Father Frost:

- Not like I have...

Snow Maiden:

- It's okay, grandfather, we will cure you after all! And we will give a gift to our wonderful team for such resourcefulness! Horoscope for next year...

Father Frost:

Horoscope: This year will bring you a lot of joyful worries and everything-everything-everything...

Snow Maiden:

- You have a wonderful horoscope, grandfather! So it's time to give the kind hosts of the holiday - gifts.

Father Frost:

- Present? Haven't heard of any giveaways!

Snow Maiden:

- Grandfather, I see that your toad has become even larger ... And, apparently, you will have to consult with someone to give you this, because of your exorbitant greed (addressing the pharmacists). Do you sell syringes? I hope the needles are big? And the injection of the patient will be?

Father Frost:

- Oh-oh-oh! Let the toad go! I don't need an injection!

Snow Maiden:

- That's the same sting!

Father Frost:

- Yes, it's time to give gifts. Let's give gifts, my snowman friends and I have prepared something interesting for you (takes out an empty bottle).

Snow Maiden:

- Grandfather, did you drink gifts ???

Father Frost:

- Well, what are you, granddaughter! We have prepared interesting task, for our doctors, now we will see how they can prepare medicines. Who is the bravest here? Come out to me!

Participants go out in turn, read aloud and throw paper “pills” into a bottle with various inscriptions: “so that the head does not hurt after the New Year holidays, “so that the liver does not fail”, “so that the eyes do not double”, “so that the hearing does not fail”, “the brains often rested” - each his own pill, which he comes up with.

Santa Claus:

Well, they cured me, my health is enough for a whole year!

(Gives gifts prepared in advance, says a toast).

Father Frost:

- Unfortunately, it's time for us to run goodbye, we would love to stay with you, but we need to have time to congratulate many more people.

Snow Maiden:

Thank you, and my grandfather was cured, and his memory began to return! It's time we ran to you!

Father Frost:

- Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden:

- Goodbye! We will definitely meet again.

You can also hold a competition "Medical Diagnosis"

The presenter reads short fragments of songs, and the guests try to determine what is bothering the patient, that is, to make a diagnosis. The one who makes the most correct diagnoses is entitled to some kind of medical prize.
Fragments of songs and diagnoses:
1. "And my heart stopped,
My heart stopped” (diagnosis: heart failure).
2. "If you don't hear me,
It means that winter has come” (diagnosis: otitis media).
3. We walked with you,
I roared, oh, roared (diagnosis: nerves).
4. We honestly want to tell you:
We no longer look at girls (diagnosis: impotence).
5. In vain you scold the rain, in vain you scold him
You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (diagnosis: sclerosis).
6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,
So, everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).
7. She even wanted to hang herself,
But institute, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).
8. I know - you want, I know for sure - you want,
I know for sure - you want it, you want it - but you are silent (diagnosis: dumbness).
9. It hurts me, it hurts
Do not relieve this evil pain (diagnosis: pain shock).
10. And his wound rots,
And it won't get any smaller
And will not heal (diagnosis: gangrene).
11. Every step through hurts,
Every gesture hurts (diagnosis: broken limbs).
12. Judge people, judge God, How I loved
I went barefoot to my sweetheart in the cold (ORZ)
13. I got drunk drunk,
I won't get home (alcoholism)
14. Black eyes, passionate eyes, Eyes burning and beautiful!
How I love you! How I fear you!
Know that I saw you at an unkind hour! (Hypnosis session.)
15. I am not an angel, I am not a demon, I am a tired wanderer.
I am back, I am resurrected
And knocked on your house. (Clinical death.)
16. Never said
But there is no more patience. (Silence.)
17. Night! Cold expectations.
Pain! It's like I'm split.
I do not see anything,
I hate myself. (Night blindness.)
18. And the dawn is already more and more noticeable,
So please be kind... (Hangover.)
19. Why are thoughts so confused?
Why does the light dim so often? (Fainting.)
20. I rush into the night to catch up with you,
But I understand that I'm standing and I can't run. (Paralysis.)
21. Unfortunately, I am, but, fortunately, not alone
I fell into your insidious addiction. (Addiction.)
22. A snowstorm covered the road,
The sleigh trail has disappeared…
Hands get cold, feet get cold,
And it's all gone and gone (frostbite)
23. This girl is nothing.
And this one is nothing.
And this one, I note,
The belly puffs up from the tea. (Binge eating.)
24. Oh, and now I myself have become somewhat unstable,
I won't get home from a friendly drinking party. (Alcohol intoxication.)
25. And I recognize the sweetheart by his gait. (Flat feet.)
26. I tried to get away from love,
I took a sharp razor and straightened myself. (Plastic surgery.)
27. There is no logic in your thoughts,
How can I find the truth in them? (Schizophrenia.)
28. What are you, my dear, look askance,
Tilt your head low? (Osteochondrosis.)
29. Sweet berry tore together,
Bitter berry - I'm alone (Poisoning)
30. Far, far, far
My only true friend.
Not easy, not easy, not easy
Without reliable, proven hands (Need a massage therapist).
31. Hot sun, hot sand,
Hot lips - a sip of water. (Sunstroke)

The host wishes everyone health, no matter what :)), happiness, love in the coming year!

New Year's party for a women's corporate party in the style of the 90s

You can have fun :)) and organize a bachelorette party for the New Year in the style of the 90s. I think that someone will like it, because youth is the best years of life, and it is so wonderful to plunge into this difficult, but at the same time happy time ...

At the New Year's corporate party, as you can see, you can arrange a lot of entertainment - funny modern scenes, short and long tales in a new way, cool reprises in cheerful company. We have reviewed interesting ideas to celebrate the New Year, as well as videos with original stories on the New Year theme.

Happy New Year!

New Year's contests can be safely “diluted” with outdoor games. Here you can find games for entertainment, both for adult company as well as for the family. Good, fun and unforgettable New Year's Eve to you! Happy New Year 2019!

New New Year's contest for the company "To touch" (new)

Armed with thick mittens, you need to determine by touch what kind of person from the company is in front of you. Young people guess girls, girls - guys. Feeling zones can be specified in advance. 🙂

New Year's contest for a corporate party “What to do if…”(new)

The competition is very good for a corporate evening, for creative and resourceful employees.) Participants need to consider difficult situations from which they need to find a non-standard way out. The participant who, in the opinion of the audience, will give the most resourceful answer, receives a bonus point.

Situation examples:

  • What to do if you lose your employees' wages or public money at the casino?
  • What to do if you are accidentally locked in the office late at night?
  • What to do if your dog ate an important report that you have to present to the director in the morning?
  • What to do if you are stuck in an elevator CEO your firm?

New Year Space Competition “Lunokhod”

The best outdoor game for adults not quite sober people. Everyone stands in a circle, according to the counting rhyme the first one is selected and inside the circle he squats and seriously says: “I am Lunokhod 1”. Whoever laughed next - squats in a circle and walks, seriously saying: “I am Lunokhod 2”. And so on…

Merry New Year's contest “Who is longer”

Two teams are formed and each must lay out a chain of clothes, taking off everything they please. Whoever has the longer chain, that team won. If the game is not played in the company of the house, but, for example, in a square or in a club, then two participants are first selected, and when they don’t have enough clothes for the chain (after all, taking off their clothes, you must remain within the bounds of decency), then the hall is invited to help the participants, and anyone who wishes can continue the chain of the player they like.

New competition “Who is cooler”

The game is played by men. Eggs are placed on the plate according to the number of participants. The host announces that the players must take turns breaking one egg on their foreheads, but one of them is raw, the rest are boiled, although in fact all the eggs are boiled. The tension builds with each successive egg. But it is desirable that there be no more than five participants (they begin to guess that the eggs are all boiled). It's very funny.

Competition for the new year "Who is superfluous"

(From reader Alexander)
Participants sit in a circle, the host announces that they are in a balloon that is crashing, in order to avoid a crash, one player must be thrown off the balloon. Participants begin to argue in turn based on their profession and skills why it should be left, after which a vote takes place. The one who is thrown off needs to drink a glass of vodka or cognac in one gulp, but it is better to prepare water, the main thing is that no one guesses!

Competition for the new year "I blinded you from what was"(new)

Each Snow Maiden chooses Santa Claus for herself, and dresses him up in all possible ways using any means at hand: from Christmas decorations to cosmetics. Your Santa Claus must be presented to the public with the help of advertising, songs, proverbs, poems, etc.

Competition "Congratulations"(new)

A workpiece is made like:
In one ___________ country, there were _____________________ boys and at least ______________ girls living in a ______ city. They lived ____________ and ____________ and communicated with the same ________________ and ___________ company. And then one __________ day they gathered in this _____________ place to celebrate such ____________ and __________ New Year's holiday. So let only __________ toasts sound today, _____________ glasses are filled with _____________ drinks, the table is bursting with ________________ dishes, there will be ___________ smiles on the faces of those present. I wish you that New Year was ______________, you were surrounded by _______________ friends, ______________ dreams came true, work was ______________ and so that your most _______________ soulmates give you only ___________ joy, _____________ love and ____________ care.

All guests name adjectives, better compound type indigestible or sparkling hot and in a row insert into the gaps. The text is very funny.

Competition - the game "Sector Prize"(new)

(from reader Maria)
The essence of the game: a box is being prepared, which contains either the prize itself, or a part of this prize. Only one player is selected, who is invited to choose: a prize or N amount of money (if there is no real money, money from a fun store, i.e. not real money, is fine as a replacement). And then it starts like on the TV program “Field of Miracles”, guests sitting nearby, friends, relatives, etc., shout “... a prize”, and the presenter offers to take the money (only in which case do not say that the money is from a joke store or otherwise the prize will be taken away very quickly and it will not be interesting to play). The task of the presenter is to keep the intrigue and hint that the gift is very chic, but the money has not bothered anyone yet, that you need to take it. The choice of a player can be made in different ways, whether it is a children's rhyme or according to some individual criteria. In order to be interesting to all guests, so that no one is offended (why they chose this or that player), you can play several prizes like this, but you will have to stock up on a large amount of money (even as mentioned earlier, you can not real money).

Competition for a company of adults

Hit the target!

Proven competition - bursting laughter and fun are guaranteed. The competition is more suitable for men-) Required for the competition: empty bottles, rope (for each participant about 1 meter long) and pencil pens.
A pencil or pen is tied at one end of the rope, and the other end of the rope is tucked into the belt. An empty bottle is placed on the floor in front of each participant. The goal is to hit the pen in the bottle.

A fun competition for the family “New Year's Turnip”

(This contest has stood the test of time, a great option for the New Year, fun will be guaranteed!)

The number of participants is according to the number of characters in this famous fairy tale plus 1 presenter. New actors need to remember their role:
Turnip - alternately beats his knees with his palms, claps his hands, at the same time says: “Both-on!”
Grandfather - rubs his hands: "Take-s."
Grandmother - threatens grandfather with her fist, says: “I would have killed!”
Granddaughter - (for a super-effect, select a man of impressive size for this role) - twitches her shoulders, says "I'm ready."
Bug - scratches behind the ear, says: "Fleas tortured"
Cat - shakes her hips "And I'm on my own"
Mouse - shakes his head "Finished!"
The host reads the classic text "Turnip", and the heroes, having heard the mention of themselves, play their role:
“Grandfather (“Tek-s”) planted Turnip (“Oba-on”). Turnip grew up (“Both-on!”) ​​Big-very big. Grandfather (“Tek-s”) began to pull Turnip (“Oba-na!”) Pull. Pulls, pulls, can't pull. Grandfather (“Tek-s”) called Grandma (“I would have killed”) ... ”etc.
The most fun begins after the words of the host “Grandfather for the Turnip, Grandmother for Grandfather ...” First, conduct a rehearsal, and then the “performance” itself. Explosions of laughter and excellent mood are guaranteed!

A Christmas tree was born in the forest (musical scene, readers recommend)

We turn on the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, just as in “Turnip”, distribute the roles to the participants (it is recommended to write the roles on pieces of paper in advance and that the participants randomly choose a role for themselves: “Herringbone”, “Frost”, etc. ) and play this children's song to the music.
It looks very funny when adults get used to a children's song.

“Congratulation phrases”

The host reminds that New Year's Eve is in full swing, and some can hardly remember the last letter of the alphabet. Guests are invited to fill their glasses and make a New Year's toast, but with one condition. Each person present begins the congratulation phrase with the letter A, and then alphabetically.
For example:
A - Absolutely happy to drink for the New Year!
B - Be vigilant, the New Year is coming soon!
B - Let's drink to the ladies!
Especially fun when the game comes to G, F, P, S, b, b. The prize goes to the person who comes up with the funniest phrase.

New Year's competition - a fairy tale for a corporate party

From reader Natalia: “I offer another version of the fairy tale, we played it at a corporate party last year. For characters, the following attributes were used: Tsarevich - a crown and mustache, Horse - a drawing of a horse in the form of a mask (as in kindergarten did, Tsar-Father - a wig with a bald head, Mother - a crown + apron, Princess - a crown with an elastic band, Swat Kuzma - an apron with male XXX, bought in a se ... shop. Were all tipsy and wallowing with laughter, especially from Swat Kuzma.”
Role play
Curtain (converge-disperse) - Whack-whack
Tsarevich (stroking his mustache) - Eh! I'm getting married!
Horse (jumping) - Tygy melons, Tygy melons, And-go-go!
Cart (hand movement) - Watch out!
Swat Kuzma (hands to the side, foot forward) - That's nice!
Tsar-Father (protests, shakes his fist) - Don't push-shu!!!
Mother (stroking Father on the shoulder) - Do not hold, Father! The girls will stay!
Princess (raises the hem of her skirt) - I'm ready! Clever, beautiful, and just for marriageable age.
One half of the guests Wind: UUUUUUUUU!
The other half of Birdie: Chick-chirp!
In the Far Far Away Kingdom, in the Far Far Away State, let Tsarevich Alexander live.
Now the time has come for Tsarevich Alexander to marry.
And he heard that Princess Victoria lives in a neighboring state.
And without hesitation, the Tsarevich saddled the Horse.
Harnesses the Horse to the Cart.
Swat Kuzma jumps into the Cart.
And they galloped to Princess Victoria.
They jump in the fields, jump in the meadows, and around the wind is noisy. Birds are singing. They're coming!
And on the threshold comes the Tsar-Father.
Unrolled the Tsarevich Horse. He unfolded the Cart, and in the Cart Swat Kuzma. And we drove back through the forests and fields!

The Tsarevich did not despair.
And the next morning he harnesses the Horse again. Harnesses the cart. And in the cart Svat Kuzma. And again fields, again meadows ...
And the wind blows all around. Birds are singing.
They're coming!
And Father comes out on the threshold.
And here is Mother.
And then there is Princess Victoria.
The Tsarevich put the Tsarevna on the horse. And they galloped to the Far Far Away Kingdom!
And again fields, again meadows, and around the wind is noisy. Birds are singing.
And the princess is in his arms.
And the matchmaker Kuzma rejoices.
And the cart.
And the horse is harnessed.
And Alexander Tsarevich.
I said I'm getting married, and I got married!
Audience applause! Curtain!

"Drunken checkers"

A real checkers board is used, and stacks instead of checkers. On one side, red wine is poured into the piles, and on the other side, white wine.
Further, everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. He cut down an enemy stack - drank it. For a change, you can play giveaway.
For especially strong ones, cognac and vodka can be poured into piles. In this scenario, only masters of sports of international class win three games in a row. 🙂

Game "Baba Yaga"

Players are divided into several teams, depending on the number. The first player is given a mop in his hand, he stands in the bucket with one foot (he holds the bucket with one hand, and the mop with the other). In this position, the player must run a certain distance and pass the equipment to the next. Fun guaranteed-)

Game "Situations"

Teams, to the court of the audience or Santa Claus, offer a way out of the situation.
1. The plane left without a pilot.
2. During a cruise on a ship, you were forgotten in a French port.
3. You woke up alone in the city.
4. On the island with cannibals, there are cigarettes, matches, a flashlight, a compass, skates.
And opponents ask tricky questions.

Competition for the new year for youth


First, the bottle is passed in a circle to each other.
- press shoulder to head
-under the arm
-between the ankles
-between the knees
-between the legs
It's a lot of fun, the main thing is that the bottle is not empty, or partially filled. If the bottle falls, it's out.

New Year 2019 - what to give?

The most sensitive

Only women participate in the competition. Participants stand facing the audience. Behind each is a chair. The facilitator discreetly places a small object on each chair. On command, all participants sit down and try to determine what kind of object is under them. Looking and using hands is prohibited. The one who decides first wins. You can guess the number of identical objects placed on the chair (caramels, tangerines).


The competition is being prepared in advance. We take the most ordinary balloons. We write assignments on paper. Tasks can be different. We put the notes inside the balloon and inflate it. The player bursts any balloon without the help of hands and receives a task that must be completed!
For example:
1. Play the chimes on New Year's Eve.
2. Stand on a chair and notify the whole wide world that Santa Claus is coming to us.
3. Sing the Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
4. Dance rock and roll.
5. Guess the riddle.
6. Eat a few lemon wedges without sugar.


All participants are divided into two teams. The first team comes up with some tricky word, and then says it to one of the players on the opposite team. The task of the chosen one is to depict the hidden word without making a sound, only with gestures, facial expressions and plasticity of movements, so that his team can guess what was intended. After a successful guess, the teams switch roles. After some practice, this game can be complicated and made much more interesting by guessing not words, but phrases.

lung volume

The task of the players is to inflate balloons in the allotted time without the help of hands.


Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. It is desirable that there are no beating, sharp, etc. nearby. items. The facilitator speaks the names of two animals into each player's ear. And he explains the meaning of the game: when he names an animal, the person who was told this animal in his ear should crouch sharply, and his neighbors on the right and left, on the contrary, when they feel that their neighbor is crouching, should prevent this by supporting the neighbor under the arms . All this is desirable to do at a fairly fast pace, without giving breaks. The joke is that the second animal, which the leader says to the players in the ear, is the same for everyone - “KIT”. And when, after a minute or two after the start of the game, the host suddenly says: “Keith”, then everyone must inevitably sit down sharply - which leads to a long wallow on the floor. :-))


Various funny clothes are stuffed in advance into the bag (national hats, clothes, underwear, swimwear, stockings or tights, scarves, bows, diapers for adults, etc. Balls can be inserted into the bra). Selected DJ. It turns the music on and off at different intervals. The music began to play, the participants begin to dance and pass the bag to each other. The music stopped. Whoever has a bag left in his hands, he pulls out one thing and puts it on himself. And so on until the bag is empty. In the end, everything looks very funny.

“What do you like about neighbor”

Everyone sits in a circle and the host says that now everyone should say what he likes about his neighbor on the right. When everyone tells these intimate details, the host happily announces that now everyone should kiss their neighbor on the right exactly in the place that he liked the most.

New Year's prediction

On a large beautiful tray lies a sheet of thick paper, beautifully painted under the pie, which consists of small squares - pieces of the pie. On the inside of the square - drawings, what awaits the participants:
heart is love,
book - knowledge,
1 kopeck - money,
key - new apartment,
sun - success,
letter - news,
car - buy a car,
a person's face is a new acquaintance,
arrow - reaching the goal,
hours - changes in life,
road trip,
gift - surprise,
lightning - tests,
glass - holidays, etc.
Everyone present "eats" their piece of the pie and finds out their future. Fake pie can be replaced with a real one.

Skill Contest!

2 couples take part (a man and a woman), it is necessary to wear men's shirts, and, at the command of the girl, men's gloves, they must fasten the buttons on the sleeves and on the shirt (the number is the same, 5 each). Whoever completes the task faster - that couple is the winner! Couple Prize!

Guess what it was!

The participants of the game are given leaflets with the text of Nekrasov's poem
Once upon a time in the cold winter time,
I came out of the forest; there was severe frost.
I look, it rises slowly uphill
Horse carrying firewood.
And, marching importantly, in serenity,
A man is leading a horse by the bridle
In big boots, in a sheepskin coat,
In big mittens ... and himself with a fingernail!
The task of the participants is to read a poem with an intonation inherent in one of the following monologues:
- Declaration of love;
– Commenting on a football match;
– Court verdict;
- Tenderness from the contemplation of the baby;
- Congratulations to the hero of the day;
Notation from the director to the schoolboy who broke the window.

New Year's wall newspaper

A newspaper is hung in a conspicuous place on which, any of the guests,
can write what was good and bad in the past year.

Fairy tales "Turnip" and "Kolobok" are familiar to us since childhood. Now we will try to remember them, but we will do it “in an adult way”. Interesting scenes with all the familiar characters will decorate any holiday and amuse all the guests.

Try these fairy tales remake for drunk company by roles!

Cheerful fairy tale "Turnip" for adult holidays

First you need to choose seven people who will participate in the skit. We need one leader.

Participants should learn their roles, but don't get upset - the words are very simple and easy to remember. Guests of almost any age category can participate in the skit.

The host must say the name of the hero, and he, in turn, his words. In this competition, participants can sit at a table. The exception is the turnip, which should be located on a chair and constantly do something.

During the skit, the host should not be silent, but, if possible, comment on what is happening.

The scene requires musical accompaniment. It is advisable to choose Russian folk music. If you wish, you can allocate prizes to the best actors.

Turnip - Hey, man, put your hands away, I'm still a minor!
Grandfather - Oh, my health has already become bad.
Here comes the booze!
Baba - Something grandfather stopped satisfying me.

Granddaughter - I'm almost ready!
Hey, grandfather, grandmother, I'm late, my friends are waiting for me!
Bug - Are you calling me a bug again? I'm actually a bug!
It's not my job!

Cat - what is the dog doing on the playground? I'm going to feel bad now - I'm allergic!
Mouse - Shall we have a drink?

Modern fairy tale "Kolobok" for a fun company

What other fairy tales are there for roles for a drunken company? About seven participants should also participate in this tale. Accordingly, you need to choose actors who will play the roles of grandmother, grandfather, hare, fox, bun, wolf, and also a bear.

Grandfather and grandmother had no children. They were completely disappointed, but the bun changed their whole life. He became their salvation and hope - they doted on him.

For example:

Grandfather and grandmother were already tired of waiting for the bun and constantly looked into the distance, hoping for his return, but he never was.
The moral of this fable is this: You should not rely on the love of a bun, but it is better to have your own children.

A funny fairy tale for active guests of the celebration

We choose five actors who will play the role of a chicken, a king, a bunny, a fox and a butterfly. The text should be read by the presenter:

“The fairy-tale kingdom was ruled by an optimist-king. He decided to take a walk in a beautiful park and bounced all the way, waving his arms.

The king was very joyful and saw a beautiful butterfly. He decided to catch her, but the butterfly only mocked him - and shouted obscene words, and twisted her faces, and showed her tongue.

Well, then the butterfly got tired of mocking the king, and flew into the forest. The king was not very offended, but only more amused and began to laugh.

The merry king did not expect that a hare would appear in front of him and got scared, standing in the pose of an ostrich. Bunny did not understand why the king was standing in such an inappropriate position - and he himself was frightened. There is a bunny, its paws are trembling, and it screams in an inhuman voice, asking for help.

At this time, the proud fox returned to work. The beauty worked at a poultry farm and carried a chicken home. As soon as she saw the bunny and the king, she got scared. The hen lost no moment and jumped out, hitting the back of the fox's head.

The hen turned out to be very lively and the first thing she did was peck at the king. The king straightened up in surprise and took a normal pose. Bunny became even more scared, and she jumped on the arms to the fox, taking her by the ears. The fox realized that it was necessary to make legs - and ran.

The king looked around, laughed and decided to continue on his way with the hen. They took hold of the handles, and went towards the castle. Nobody knows what will happen next with the chicken, but the king will definitely treat her with delicious champagne, like all the other guests of the celebration.

The host invites the listeners to pour glasses and drink for the king and the chicken.

Humorous fairy tale for the company of adults

First of all, you need to choose heroes. Both animate and inanimate objects will take part in this fairy tale.

It is required to select heroes for the role of a kitten and a magpie. You need to choose guests who will play the role of the sun, wind, paper and porch.

Participants must portray what their hero needs to do.

“The little kitten went for a walk. It was warm and the sun was shining, giving everyone its rays. A cute kitten lay down on the porch and began to look at the sun, constantly squinting.

Suddenly talkative magpies sat down in front of him on the fence. They argued about something and had a very loud dialogue. The kitten became interested, so he began to carefully crawl towards the fence. Magpies did not pay any attention to the baby and continued to crack.

The kitten almost got to its target and jumped, and the birds flew away. Nothing worked out for the kid, and he began to look around, hoping to find another hobby.

A light breeze began to blow outside - and the kitten drew attention to a piece of paper that rustled. The kitten decided not to waste the moment and pounced on his target. After scratching it a little and biting it, he realized that he was not interested in a simple paper sheet - and let it go. The paper flew further, and from where suddenly a rooster appeared.

The rooster was very proud and raised his head high. The bird stopped and crowed. Then chickens ran up to the rooster and surrounded him from all sides. The kitten realized that he had finally found something to entertain himself with.

Without hesitation, he rushed to the hens and took one of them by the tail. The bird did not let itself be offended and pecked painfully. The animal was very frightened and began to run away. However, everything was not so simple - the neighbor's puppy was already waiting for him.

A small dog began to jump on the kitten and wanted to bite. The kitten realized that he needed to return home and hit the dog painfully with his nails. The puppy got scared and missed the kitten. It was then that the kitten realized that he was a winner, albeit a wounded one.

Returning to the porch, the kitten began to lick the wound that the chicken had left, and then, stretched out, fell asleep. The kitten had strange dreams - and he kept twitching his paws in a dream. So the kitten met the street for the first time.

The scene ends with thunderous applause from the guests. If you wish, you can award the most artistic actor with a prize.

An interesting scene for a birthday and other adult holidays

I knew that Kudryavtsev had not forgotten my shot and did not trust me. Despite the fact that we spent the night in secret, he is wary of me. He could not trust an intelligent youth who knew nothing about the war.

Until I met Kudryavtsev, I didn't know that I was such a bad soldier. After all, I could not even properly wrap my footcloths and sometimes, at the command “to the left,” I turned into reverse side. Besides, I was not at all friendly with a shovel.

Kudryavtsev did not understand me when, while reading some news, I commented on it and made spatial comments. At that time, I was not yet a member of the party - and even then Kudryavtsev for some reason expected some kind of trick from me.

Very often I caught his eye on me. What did I see in his eyes? Probably the fact that I am untrained and inexperienced, but he forgives me so far, but one more mistake - and he will kill me! I wanted to improve and made a promise to myself that I would definitely be a disciplined soldier and learn everything that was necessary. I had the opportunity to show all my abilities in practice.

We were sent to guard the bridge, which was often shelled. A lot of reinforcements, as well as literature, constantly went to the place of work ...

My job was to check the passes of people who crossed the bridge. The Whites often opened fire on the post where I was. The shells hit the water and splashed me. Shells were falling close to me, and the bridge had already been destroyed. Any minute could be the last for me, but I made a condition to myself that I would not leave the bridge anyway.

What did I feel? I didn't feel fear - I was already ready to die. I saw in the distance beautiful landscapes but they didn't make me happy. I felt that I would never leave this post. However, one thought made me stand further - Kudryavtsev sees me and approves of my actions.

It seemed to me that I had been standing at this post for several hours, but in fact only a few minutes - as long as Kudryavtsev needed to reach me. I did not understand what Kudryavtsev needed from me. Then he pulled me with force by the belt, and I came to my senses.

- Quickly get out of here! the man said.

As soon as we left the bridge, a strong shell hit it.

- Do you see what's happening? Why were you standing there? You could have killed me too!

I sighed, but Kudryavtsev did not finish.

“However, you are still great, because you showed that you know the charter and were indestructible. You deserve to be praised. But even though this is a thing of the past, I would like you to move your brains. The bridge was destroyed a long time ago, why were you standing there? What was the point? Was everyone ready to check the passes? If you were smarter and didn’t go to the post yourself, I wouldn’t punish you!

After this incident, Kudryavtsev's attitude towards me changed. He talked about himself and sometimes asked about me. Despite the fact that he was not in the party, he considered himself a Bolshevik. This person helped me to believe in myself, so his approval was very important to me.

To this day, I remember one incident. We talked about what we're going to do after we win over White. I said that I dream of becoming a writer who will portray the peaceful brotherhood of all peoples. Kudryavtsev listened to me and looked at the fire.

- You have an excellent goal, - he said - You have a great path, Lebedinsky!

Funny fairy tales by roles for a drunken company

5 (100%) 12 votes

The tradition of organizing corporate parties has taken root in our domestic companies. As a rule, the reason for such solemn events are the most important and significant dates "in the life" of the company, as well as calendar holidays. Thus, the New Year's corporate party is one of the brightest and most anticipated events for all employees and management of the enterprise. Indeed, it is so nice to spend time in a cozy informal atmosphere with faithful associates who share the “harsh” working days with us every day. For many, a corporate party is strongly associated with a festive table set in the banquet hall of a chic restaurant or a cozy cafe. However, delicious dishes, a rich selection of alcohol and wonderful toasts are unlikely to be remembered by everyone present for a long time. After all, the atmosphere of each holiday depends on general mood- which means you have to take care of entertainment program. Yes, in holiday script a fairy tale will “fit in” perfectly - for a corporate party for the New Year 2018, you can prepare a performance with jokes, jokes and practical jokes, musical improvisation. Such fairy tales for adults are usually based on well-known children's works, and professionals or “office” amateur actors are invited to play the roles. For example, you can remake famous fairy tale"Kolobok", "Teremok" or the cartoon "Once upon a time there was a dog" - the symbol of 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog will appreciate your talents. Use our ideas on video, and your New Year's fairy tale will remain in the memory of all participants of the corporate party for a long time as the brightest and most magical event.

A fairy tale for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 - with jokes and jokes for adults

Preparations for the New Year's corporate party traditionally begin long before the designated date. To begin with, it is important to think over the scenario of the event - use the services of professional presenters or use your own "resources" and creative imagination. In the latter case, there is a great opportunity to arrange a truly unique holiday for the New Year for colleagues and superiors. So, the list of important things usually includes compiling a menu, decorating a room for a banquet, buying New Year's gifts and souvenirs. But the New Year's corporate party is dancing, music, and a sea of ​​punctures! Moreover, the patroness of 2018, the Dog, simply loves fun entertainment and team games. When choosing a theme for a party, you can pay attention to well-known children's fairy tales - for a corporate party for the New Year 2018, cool reworked works about dogs are ideal. Undoubtedly, all adults will be extremely interested in plunging into the carefree and fabulous atmosphere of jokes, humor and fun.

Cool "adult" fairy tales for the New Year's corporate party - 2018, ideas

  • To stage the fairy tale "Once upon a time there was a dog" in the modern "adult" version, you need to choose the main characters. So, an aged male colleague is perfect for the role of the Dog, and an important colorful Wolf will come out of the boss. As for secondary characters, they are selected with a comical "bias" - short stature and a full employee will become a stolen Baby, Sly Thief and Parents are also selected with cool "features". According to the scenario of the fairy tale, a Thief with a big bag puts things stolen from the house - here you can arrange an improvisation with the involvement of the audience. For example, various small things are “taken into the bag” from the guests, and then the Dog must guess their name by touch. The culmination of the tale is the "heroic" fight of the Dog with the Wolf, who stole the Baby from Mom and Dad. Add a funny scene of the return of the fearless Dog with the Child-Boss in his arms - the old story is ready in a new way! In conclusion, you can arrange a fun corporate "wedding" feast with the participation of all those present.
  • The fairy tale "Teremok", beloved by many since childhood, can be coolly remade for staging at a New Year's corporate party. To do this, men are invited to the female roles, and women play the male "gender" animals. As a "teremka" we use a large box, which will include "animals" in turn. Such a comic New Year's fairy tale will definitely cause the audience's cheerful laughter and thunderous applause.

A comic tale-improvisation for the New Year for a corporate party - with music on video

Today, the New Year's corporate party is a bright kaleidoscope of jokes and jokes, a real enchanting show. As the basis for the scenario of a festive party, fairy tales are most often used, changed to an "adult" way. The video shows a comic fairy tale-improvisation "How the princess got married" with music - cutting songs and phrases from famous cartoons. When staging such a cool fairy tale at a corporate party, you can even do without a rehearsal, creating unique images right on the go. We are sure that such an impromptu performance for the New Year helps to unite the team and raise the corporate spirit.

Video with a musical fairy tale-improvisation for the New Year's corporate party

A cool fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" for a corporate party for the New Year - by roles, in a new way

For many, the last day of the outgoing year is shrouded in a mysterious halo of magic and sorcery, as it symbolizes the transition to the next new stage. In addition, since childhood, we remember merry New Year's parties with dances, songs and performances of famous folk tales performed by smart kids. As adults, sometimes you really want to return to the carefree childhood, plunging into the wonderful New Year's Eve atmosphere. Therefore, for New Year corporate parties Increasingly, fairy tales for children are taken, on the basis of which they create the scenario of an “adult” holiday. So, everyone present at the corporate party - 2018 will like the cool fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" in a new way by roles - we are sure that among the company's employees there will be those who want to demonstrate their acting talents.

The scenario of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" in a new way by roles - for the New Year's corporate party

For the role of the main characters of the fairy tale, we choose active colleagues with a suitable appearance. So, the most colorful Grandma and Grandpa will come from young employees - here you will need props in the form of a beard and mustache, as well as bright makeup. According to the script, the tale begins with the traditional regrets of Grandfather and Grandma that they do not have children. Here Babka suggests making Kolobok out of flour, sugar, milk and eggs - the products must be prepared in advance. To the groovy music, a round Gingerbread Man is molded from the dough, which then “hides” and a “live” character appears on the stage - an employee with a characteristic blush and “tummy”. After saying hello to Grandma and Grandpa, the “freshly baked son” demands for himself exquisite overseas dishes - sushi, foie gras with berry sauce, and ice cream for dessert. Well, where did Grandma and Grandpa get such goodies from? Not getting what he wants, Kolobok takes money from the old people (here you need a handful of small coins) and goes to the city to buy “normal” food for himself. On the way, he meets a Hare, who, at the sight of Kolobok, exclaims: “Oh, how ruddy and fragrant - it would have eaten you!”. Gingerbread Man drives the eared one away with a stick and continues on his way. Then the Bear meets him and asks if Gingerbread Man wants to taste sweet honey. Kolobok agrees to a tempting offer and goes with the Bear to his house. Having poured a delicacy into a bowl, the clubfoot offers to bathe in it, while he himself waits until the ruddy guest is fed with a sweet mass. Then he comes and eats Kolobok. This is the end of the fairy tale, and its moral is this - never buy into the sweet speeches of strangers, but achieve your goals only on your own.

The scenario of a comic fairy tale for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 - for adults on video

New Year always brings with it a lot of jokes and fun, not only for children, but also for adults. When compiling a corporate party script, you can turn to "verified" sources - children's folk tales. Supplement the well-known plot of the fairy tale with comic details, and you will get a completely new production "for adults" for the New Year 2018, which will be appreciated by all participants of the corporate party.

Comic fairy tale with jokes for adults "Turnip", video

According to the scenario of the fairy tale, the presenter reads the introduction, and then the “word” is given fairy tale characters- Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat and Mouse. Each of the participants takes turns saying cool remarks, causing general laughter "in the hall". To conduct the modern fairy tale "Turnip", you will need the appropriate props - a hat with earflaps with a beard, a yellow hat with green "tops", a wig, animal masks. From our video recording such a corporate comic fairy tale, you will learn a lot of interesting and useful ideas for yourself.


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