OAO tank named after Mr. Beriev. Russian aviation. Association and activities


Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after V.I. G.M. Beriev, during his working trip to the Rostov Region, was visited by Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation.
During the meeting between Dmitry Rogozin and the Governor of the Rostov region Vasily Golubev, the creation of a new helicopter cluster and import-substituting industries based on the Don enterprises was discussed.


The first Be-200 assembled in Taganrog is planned to be delivered to the customer, TANTK im. Beriev, which is part of the United Aircraft Corporation, until the end of this year. The amphibious aircraft will be one of 12 aircraft produced for the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. “Next year we plan to increase the volume of production - we will hand over three amphibious aircraft to the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations,” Mikhail Poghosyan said.
The fulfillment of orders for the manufacture and repair of aircraft will allow TANTK im. Beriev" significantly, from 2 to 8.5 billion rubles, to increase revenue, said the President of JSC "UAC" Mikhail Pogosyan.


TANTK them. G. M. Berieva at the end of this year will hand over to the customer the first Be-200, completely manufactured in Taganrog. The transfer of production from Irkutsk required 4 billion rubles of investment, but, according to the forecasts of the management company, this year TANTK's profit from sales will at least double. Today the company's portfolio includes 12 orders for Be-200 aircraft. Six aircraft will be handed over to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, six more - to the Ministry of Defense. The plant notes that with a production rate of 3-4 aircraft per year, this load will be enough for 3-4 years. Next year, the Ministry of Defense will receive one more aircraft of this type, the Ministry of Emergency Situations - two more.
Be-200 aircraft will also undergo maintenance in Taganrog. The head of the UAC announced joint plans with the Ministry of Emergency Situations to develop this component.


On June 19, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov visited the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after G.M. Beriev” (TANTK) in order to check the progress of the implementation of the State Defense Order.
The trip was attended by the heads of the military administration, the High Command of the Air Force and the leadership of the United Aircraft Corporation.
The Deputy Minister of Defense got acquainted with the production of Be-200 amphibious aircraft, the repair and modernization of Be-12 aircraft, Tu95MS and Tu-142 bombers, the construction of a new A-100 early warning and guidance aircraft. Also, Yuri Borisov was shown the A-42 amphibious aircraft and told about plans for its modernization and production.
"The site of the TANTK them. Berieva occupies a serious place in the implementation of the State Defense Order in a number of positions. Here, in addition to the construction of the Be-200 aircraft, repairs are underway with the subsequent modernization of the Tu-95 and Tu-142 strategic bombers,” Yuri Borisov said.


The A-40 Albatross multi-purpose amphibious aircraft, which in the Soviet years was planned to replace the Be-12, and after the collapse of the USSR, the project of which was frozen, will soon return to the Air Force - now it is being modernized, the head of the Directorate of Military Aviation Programs told RIA Novosti KLA, former Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force Vladimir Mikhailov.
“Now we are going back to it. Previously, the car was quite expensive and we didn’t really need it. Now, taking into account the aggravation of the situation, the A-40 is necessary. It stands and is under development. Now the old equipment is being replaced,” V. Mikhailov said. Arms-expo



An important component of the activities of OAO TANTK im. G.M. Beriev, which is part of the United Aircraft Corporation, is the overhaul of long-range anti-submarine Tu-142ME aircraft of the Indian Navy aviation.
On August 6, 2014, another long-range anti-submarine aircraft Tu-142ME (IN 317) of the Indian Navy aviation was handed over to the customer, which underwent a major overhaul at the TANTK named after. G.M. Beriev. The aircraft passed all the necessary tests and was handed over to the Indian side.
Eight Tu-142ME aircraft built in Taganrog were delivered to the Indian Navy in the second half of the 1980s. In total, over a quarter of a century, Tu-142ME aircraft have flown more than 28,000 hours without incident or emergency situations, earning a good reputation among Indian crews.


On September 4, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov visited the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after G.M. Beriev OJSC (TANTK) in order to verify the implementation of the state defense order.
Yuri Borisov got acquainted with the production process of the Be-200 amphibious aircraft, the repair and modernization of the Be-12, Tu-95MS strategic bombers and Tu-142 long-range anti-submarine aircraft, the progress of work on the creation of a new A-100 early warning and guidance aircraft.
“The site of the aviation scientific and technical complex named after Beriev occupies an important place in the implementation of the state defense order in a number of positions. Here, in addition to the construction of Be-200 aircraft, repairs are underway with the subsequent modernization of Tu-95MS strategic bombers and Tu-142 anti-submarine aircraft,” Yuri Borisov emphasized.
The deputy head of the military department noted that "the Ministry of Defense is interested in the rhythmic fulfillment of all orders for the construction of new aircraft and the repair of the existing strategic aviation fleet."


Defense order for the NTK named after G.M. Beriev, a major airline supplying equipment and equipment for the Air Force and the Airborne Forces, could be disrupted in a number of ways, Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu said on Monday.
“In general, NTK Beriev copes with the implementation of government contracts. However, for a number of positions there are prerequisites for non-compliance with the scheduled deadlines. This, in turn, requires the combined efforts of the military command and control bodies, the leadership of the KLA and the Beriev complex,” the minister said at a conference call.
NTK Berieva is the sole supplier of Be-200 amphibious aircraft and strapdown parachute systems BPS-915 (916) for the Russian Airborne Forces. In addition, the enterprise repairs Tu-142 missile-carrying aircraft of naval aviation, as well as Tu-95 and A-50 long-range and special aviation aircraft of the Air Force.
According to Shoigu, the enterprise acts as the main co-executor of other industrial organizations in the implementation of the defense order.
“Thus, all the work carried out by the enterprise is of strategic importance,” Shoigu said.
RIA News


The new General Director-General Designer of the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex, which is part of the United Aircraft Corporation. G.M. Beriev, on December 15, Yuri Grudinin was appointed. The decision on the appointment was made by the Board of Directors of the enterprise.
Yuri Grudinin graduated from the Riga Higher Military Aviation Engineering School and the Higher School of Economics under the MBA program. He served in the Air Force, and began his career in the aviation industry in 2000 at the 325th aircraft repair plant of the Russian Defense Ministry. Then he held various positions in a number of airlines and aviation enterprises. He has been working in the structures of the UAC since 2006, since 2013 he has been an adviser to the president of the UAC.
The main tasks of the new leader will be the implementation of the production program and the improvement of the economic performance of PJSC TANTK im. Beriev".
United Aircraft Corporation (PJSC "UAC")


During his visit to the TANTK im. G.M. Beriev, UAC President Yury Slyusar and relevant corporation executives discussed the progress of work under the enterprise's military aviation programs, and also got acquainted with the progress of work on the construction of Be-200ChS aircraft.
During the visit, a meeting was held with the participation of the leadership of the TANTK. G.M. Beriev, which affected all programs conducted by the enterprise in the interests of the key customer of the UAC - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
"TANTK them. G.M. Berieva is a unique and the only enterprise capable of performing the most complex tasks - from the development and construction of amphibious aviation equipment to the creation of special aviation complexes.
The enterprise is provided with current and prospective workload - the existing and future work on Tu-95MS and Tu-142 aircraft allows us to firmly look ahead. The production of the first Be 200ChS aircraft of the Taganrog assembly is planned for this year, and I hope that this year will be a turning point for the enterprise.
I am confident that the Taganrog aircraft builders will cope with the tasks assigned to them. UAC, in turn, will provide TANTK them. G.M. Beriev comprehensive support, both organizationally and financially,” said the UAC President following the visit.
This year, TANTK plans to present the first serial Be-200 amphibious aircraft built in Taganrog at the Gidroaviasalon in Gelendzhik.
United Aircraft Corporation


October 22 Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex. G.M. Berieva held the traditional Open Day.
On this day, everyone was given the opportunity to visit one of the main city-forming enterprises of the city of Taganrog. This year, the Open Doors Day is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the aircraft industry in Taganrog. The program of events of the "Open Doors Day" included excursions to the production shops of the aircraft building plant, a visit to the design bureau.
Everyone was able to see an exhibition of models and full-scale samples of aircraft, created at different times by designers and engineers of the Beria Design Bureau and released from the enterprise's workshops.
Today the enterprise is one of the largest and most modern aircraft manufacturing plants in Russia. TANTK them. G.M. Berieva is a manufacturer of Be-200ChS amphibious aircraft and special aviation systems for the Russian Ministry of Defense. The enterprise has mastered serial production of modernized aircraft in the interests of Russian and foreign customers. In September, the first serial Be-200ChS assembled in Taganrog made its first flight and is now undergoing a series of flight tests and ground tests. The aircraft was also presented to the general public for the first time as part of Gidroaviasalon-2016. The main result of the age-old history of the enterprise was the creation and preservation of a unique domestic design school, which has now taken the leading place in the world in the creation of seaplanes and amphibious aircraft.
PJSC Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after V.I. G.M. Beriev"



On November 16, 2016, during a working trip, Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, and Yury Slyusar, President of the United Aircraft Corporation, visited the Taganrog Aviation Research and Production Complex. G.M. Beriev, which is part of the KLA. The enterprise is a manufacturer of Be-200ChS amphibious aircraft and special aviation complexes for the Russian Ministry of Defense within the framework of the state defense order.
At the moment, the enterprise is fulfilling a contract for the production of updated Be-200ChS amphibious aircraft in the interests of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. The first production aircraft of the Taganrog assembly has passed a set of factory flight tests and ground tests and is being prepared for handover to the customer. Serial production of the Be-200ES mastered at TANTK im. G.M. Beriev in 2016, for this purpose, technical re-equipment of production facilities was carried out, new high-tech production was created, equipment was purchased, production lines and workshops were modernized.
The Russian amphibious aircraft has a high export potential. TANTK them. G.M. Beriev, with the participation of the UAC, is negotiating with a number of foreign countries. In particular, Memorandums on the supply of Be-200ChS amphibious aircraft have already been signed with Thailand, China, and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Interest in the aircraft was shown by Indonesia and Vietnam.
The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and the president of UAC inspected the production shops and held a meeting on the implementation of the state defense order, providing the enterprise with contracts, and also discussed the necessary measures of state support, given the pace of production development of TANTK named after. G.M. Beriev.
Following the results of the working trip, the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov said that the TANTK named after. G.M. Beriev will receive a subsidy in the amount of 3.5 billion rubles in order to reduce the company's debt burden, ensure its financial stability and further development.
“As for the subsequent period, we proceed from the fact that the enterprise should enter rhythmic serial work. This should ensure the emergence of profit and profitability of the production itself,” said Denis Manturov, head of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.
In case of provision with orders, by 2017 TANTK im. G.M. Berieva will enter the production of 4 aircraft per year, within five years - will increase the volume to 6 aircraft. The production capacity of the enterprise allows to assemble up to 8 amphibious aircraft per year.
United Aircraft Corporation



OJSC "Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after V.I. G.M. Beriev"
experienced design bureau;
flight test complex;
training and aviation center of hydroaviation;
aviation technical base (ATB);
airport "Taganrog-Yuzhny";
temporary storage warehouse (TSW);
testing and experimental base in Gelendzhik;
a network of representative offices in Russia and abroad.
development of new aviation technology;
production of prototypes of aviation equipment;
carrying out flight and certification tests and introduction into mass production;
serial production of aircraft for various purposes, including the integration of RLDN systems;
theoretical, experimental research in the fields of aero- and hydrodynamics, dynamic characteristics, systems engineering, aviation equipment, aviation structural materials;
repair, modernization and modification of existing models of aviation equipment;
education and training of flight personnel;
implementation of scientific and technical support, operation and after-sales support of products at the customer's site;
integrated logistics support;
aircraft leasing;
marketing activity.
The Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after G. M. Beriev was founded in 1934.
The Central Design Bureau of Naval Aircraft Construction (TsKBMS) organized in the city of Taganrog was headed by Georgy Mikhailovich Beriev.
Created in the prewar years, the MBR-2 naval short-range reconnaissance aircraft, the shipborne seaplanes KOR-1 (Be-2) and KOR-2 (Be-4) were in service with the Navy and were successfully used in the Great Patriotic War.
In the 1940s and 1960s, world-famous seaplanes were developed to protect the sea frontiers: the Be-6 flying boat, the Be-10 jet seaplane and the largest Be-12 amphibious aircraft at that time. The aircraft were in service for a long time, had high flight performance and seaworthiness, confirmed by dozens of world records. The creation of these aircraft secured the world priority for Russia in the field of hydroplane construction.
In 1968, the Be-30 (Be-32) aircraft for local airlines was created, which, for political reasons, was not put into mass production. After 25 years, this aircraft was restored and in the Be-32K version was shown at the Aerospace Show in Paris, where it aroused great interest among aviation specialists.
In the same 1968, G.M. Beriev, for health reasons, was forced to leave his post and the Design Bureau was headed by Alexei Kirillovich Konstantinov.
In the 1970s and 1980s, the scope of the OKB's activities was significantly expanded. During these years, strategic weapon systems were created: A-50 long-range radar detection and guidance and Tu-142MR ultra-long-range communications based on existing carrier aircraft.
The accumulated scientific and technical experience allowed TANTK them. G.M. Beriev to launch work on the creation of a new generation of amphibious aircraft with a unique combination of high flight performance and seaworthiness.
In 1986, the world's largest amphibious jet aircraft, the A-40, made its maiden flight. Its perfection is confirmed by 148 world records. On the basis of the A-40 amphibious aircraft, the A-42PE amphibious aircraft is being created for patrol and search and rescue operations.
In 1990, the Chief Designer and responsible manager, and since 1992, the General Designer and Head of the TANTK named after. G.M. Beriev is appointed Gennady Sergeevich Panatov. A new era in the history of the TANTK is associated with his name. Work begins on the creation of multi-purpose amphibious aircraft designed to perform civilian tasks and have a great export potential, which will be destined to earn the recognition of customers and the high appraisal of specialists.
In 2002, the General Director of TANTK im. G.M. Beriev becomes Valentin Vladimirovich Boyev. Contacts are being resumed with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and foreign customers.
Since 2003 the company has been headed by Viktor Anatolyevich Kobzev.
Along with the implementation of defense orders for the TANTK them. G. M. Beriev, work is underway on civil topics. The development of the Be-200ChS multi-purpose civil amphibious aircraft, which was mass-produced by the Irkut Corporation, has been completed. Since 2011, serial production of Be-200 amphibious aircraft has been moved from Irkutsk to Taganrog. Be-200ChS aircraft will make it possible, first of all, to save thousands of hectares of forest, Russia's national treasure, from fires, and to carry out rescue operations. Modified Be-200 amphibious aircraft will be able to carry passengers and cargo, carry out environmental monitoring of water bodies and patrol maritime borders.
The Komsomolsk-on-Amur aviation production association mass-produced the Be-103 light amphibious aircraft, designed to carry five passengers. The Be-103 aircraft is certified in accordance with the standards of the US Federal Aviation Administration, received airworthiness certificates in Europe, Brazil and China.
The Be-112 and Be-101 amphibious aircraft are under development.
At the TANTK them. G. M. Beriev, projects are being developed for future giant amphibious aircraft with a take-off weight exceeding 1000 tons. Such aircraft will be able to deliver cargo and passengers over long distances at altitudes and speeds typical of aircraft, while using the transport infrastructure of existing seaports.
In April 2011, JSC TANTK im. G.M. Beriev" in the form of accession to it by JSC "TAVIA". Now it is an integrated enterprise that specializes in the development, serial production, modernization and repair of amphibious aircraft and special-purpose aviation systems. An important component of the company's activities is the overhaul of aircraft of the Russian Navy and Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Air Force.
Today, work on the creation of Be-200 modifications and the development of new seaplanes is given special priority. In particular, the Be-200 aircraft is certified according to European standards, which will increase its competitiveness in the international market.

On July 26, the next test flight of a new generation A-100 Premier airborne early warning aircraft (AWACS) created by the Vega concern and the Beriev TANTK took place. "The test program is being implemented in accordance with the schedule. We continue to obtain the desired results and characteristics," Vyacheslav Mikheev, general director of the Vega concern, told RIA Novosti. Multifunctional aviation radar complex […]

During the air show that ended in Le Bourget, Russia and India signed a memorandum on the supply of Be-200 passenger seaplanes. This was reported by Interfax with reference to the general director of the amphibious aircraft manufacturer - TANTK im. G.M. Beriev Yuri Grudinin. “We signed a memorandum of intent with India here,” Grudinin said. - There is really a very interesting market opening […]

The Taganrog Aviation Research and Production Complex named after Beriev (TANTK) has begun work on the remotorization of Be-200 amphibious aircraft from Ukrainian engines to the Russian-French SaM-146. Currently, the power plant, originally created for the passenger Superjet 100, is being modernized, this follows from the published report of the aviation complex for 2018, TASS reports. "Work has begun on the remotorization of the Be-200 with […]

On February 8, preliminary flight tests of the A-100 multifunctional aviation complex for radar surveillance and guidance (MAK RLDN) began, the press service of JSC Ruselectronics reports. The A-100 aircraft of the multifunctional aviation complex of radar surveillance and guidance of a new generation, developed within the framework of the R&D "Premier", was created on the basis of the Il-76MD-90A aircraft by the cooperation of enterprises as part of Vega Concern JSC, TANTK […]

The President of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), Yuri Slyusar, received an adviser on hydroaviation issues - the former head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, became him. This was reported by "Kommersant". On February 6, the corporation itself announced the appointment of Vladimir Puchkov as an adviser to the president of the UAC, specifying that the ex-head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has been holding this post since the end of 2018. The UAC added […]

The United States is the world leader in aviation. In the United States, wildfires are raging in Ventura and Los Angeles counties, endangering 30,000 homes. Fires are already in the suburbs of LA - Sacramento in smoke. And the United States does not have its own modern aircraft to counter fire over large areas. […]

On September 8, 2018, during the Gidroaviasalon-2018, contracts were signed for the supply of 15 Be-200ChS amphibious aircraft to the USA and Chile. In accordance with the contract, the United States provides for the delivery of four aircraft and an option for another six aircraft. The first two Be-200s will be equipped with D-436TP engines, the rest with SaM-146 engines. The contract was signed by the General Director-General […]

Type of Public corporation Base Location Russia Russia: Taganrog Key Figures Yu. Grudinin (general director-general designer) Industry aircraft industry turnover ▲ RUB 7.451 billion (2014) R&D spending RUB 184.37 million (2014) Operating profit ▲ RUB 455.46 million (2014) Net profit ▲ RUB 73.06 million (2014) Parent company United Aircraft Corporation Website www.beriev.com Media at Wikimedia Commons

PJSC "Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after G. M. Beriev" (TANTK them. G. M. Berieva) is an aircraft manufacturing enterprise located in Taganrog.

The main test base of the enterprise is the Taganrog-Yuzhny airfield.


The activities of the Central Design Bureau of MS began with the organization of mass production of the MBR-2 seaplane with the M-17 engine and the development of the KOR-1 ship reconnaissance aircraft. The construction of the serial MBR-2 was carried out at plant No. 31, at which the Central Design Bureau of MS was created. In parallel with the development of KOR-1, the MBR-2 aircraft was being modernized. New engines M-34, M-107, a closed cockpit were installed and the external shape of the aircraft was improved, options were developed for the transport of goods and passengers. A total of 1365 such machines were built before 1940, including the passenger and transport versions of the MP-1 and MP-1T. These machines were the main aircraft of the country's naval aviation. In 1938, pilots M. Raskova, P. Osipenko and V. Lomako set 6 international records on this plane, having made a long-distance flight on the route Sevastopol - Kyiv - Novgorod - Arkhangelsk.

In 1935, the Central Design Bureau of the MS was successfully developing the long-range naval reconnaissance aircraft MDR-5, but it did not go into production, since the MDR-6 designed by I. V. Chetverikov was already ready. In 1938, a new seaplane MBR-7 was created, but after two accidents of experimental machines, work on it was stopped.

Now the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aviation production association is preparing to release the Be-103 amphibious aircraft, designed to carry 5-6 passengers.

The Be-112 and Be-114 multi-purpose amphibious aircraft are under development. Promising projects are being developed for future giant amphibious aircraft with a takeoff weight of over 1,000 tons. The team is also working on other promising topics.

Owners and management

The main shareholders of the enterprise: NPK "Irkut" (39.6%), JSC "Aviation holding company" Sukhoi "(38%).

Today, Yu. V. Grudinin is at the head of the TANTK named after G. M. Beriev

Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex (TANTK) im. G.M. Beriev. Founded 10/01/1934. It was then that by order No. 244/260 of the GUAP, it was decided to create the Central Design Bureau of Marine Aircraft Construction (TsKB MS) in Taganrog. Engineer G.M. was appointed chief designer. Beriev. The activities of the Central Design Bureau of MS began with the organization of serial production of the MBR-2 seaplane with the M-17 engine and the development of the KOR-1 ship reconnaissance aircraft. The construction of the serial MBR-2 was carried out at plant No. 31, at which the Central Design Bureau of MS was created. In parallel with the development of KOR-1, the MBR-2 aircraft was being modernized. New engines M-34, M-107, a closed cockpit were installed, the external shape of the aircraft was improved, options were developed for the transport of goods and passengers. A total of 1,365 such machines were built up to 1940, including passenger and transport versions of the MP-1 and MP-IT. These machines were the main aircraft of the country's naval aviation. In 1938, pilots Raskova, Osipenko and Lomako set six international records on this plane, making a long-distance flight on the route Sevastopol - Kyiv - Novgorod - Arkhangelsk. In 1935, the MDR-5 marine long-range reconnaissance aircraft was being developed at the Central Design Bureau of MS, but it did not go into series, "because Chetverikov's MDR-6 design was already ready. In 1938, a new MBR-7 seaplane was created, but after two disasters In 1937-1938, the team of the Central Design Bureau of MS joined the work on preparing for the serial construction of a licensed American flying boat PBY-1. This aircraft was launched into a series called GST with domestic engines. 1, its flight tests began, and later it was launched into a small series.At the same time, in 1938, Beriev created a new shipborne reconnaissance aircraft KOR-2, which, after testing, was launched into a series after the Central Design Bureau of MS moved from Taganrog to Savelovo near Moscow.Here The Central Design Bureau of MS was evacuated first to Omsk and then to Krasnoyarsk, where it stayed until 1945. speedy B-10 fighter, dive bomber-torpedo bomber, armored attack aircraft, but the main attention was paid to naval aircraft. In 1943, the LL-143 long-range naval reconnaissance aircraft was built; When the Design Bureau returned to Taganrog in 1946, they brought LL-143 disassembled with them. Tests in Taganrog were successful, and soon the Be-6 long-range reconnaissance aircraft with ASh-73 engines was created at the base. The first flight took place on November 4, 1947. It was serially built in 1952-1957. This aircraft was in service with the Navy, polar aviation for about 20 years, and several aircraft are still in service with the Chinese Navy. For this aircraft, the chief designer G.M. Beriev was awarded the State Prize. In 1948, the Be-8 light amphibious aircraft with the ASh-21 engine was developed, built and flight tested. With the development of the era of jet aviation, the question arose of creating an aircraft with turbojet engines. And such an aircraft was created. In the process of working on this aircraft had to face many problems. They were successfully resolved, and May 30, 1952 entered the history of naval aircraft construction as a significant date, the beginning of the jet era. On this day, the first jet flying boat R-1 took to the skies for the first time. A lot of work culminated in the creation of the Be-10 high-speed jet flying boat, which was demonstrated at the parade in Tushino in 1961. The Be-10 caused a real sensation all over the world. The Be-10 aircraft was serially built in 1956-1961. This plane set 12 world records, including a speed record of 912 km/h, which has not been broken so far. Around the same time, the task was received to develop an aircraft projectile for launch from submarines. This problem was successfully solved by specialists of the OKB under the leadership of Bogatyrev. The P-10 projectile was created and successfully tested. Then the design bureau faced the task of creating an aircraft to search for and destroy submarines. For this purpose, the Be-12 amphibious aircraft was developed, built and successfully passed flight tests. Equipped with two turboprop engines, it could control a given area of ​​the sea for a long time. The first test flight took place on October 18, 1960. The aircraft was put into production and was built from 1963 to 1973. A total of 140 machines were built. This aircraft is still in service with the Navy today. 42 world records were set on the Be-12 aircraft. This aircraft was also built in the search and rescue version of the Be-12PS. In 1963, the Gl-1 hydroplane was created for research purposes. It investigated the issues of movement near the water surface and the influence of the ground effect. In 1968, flight tests of the Be-30 light passenger short takeoff and landing aircraft began. The first flight took place on June 8, 1968. Then the aircraft was successfully tested in various climatic conditions and received positive feedback from the flight and technical services. The experimental Be-30 aircraft was demonstrated in 1969 at the 28th International Salon in Le Bourget and was highly appreciated by specialists. But for reasons beyond the control of the Design Bureau, he did not go into the series. At the same time, the Design Bureau was working on the modernization of the An-24 aircraft. The improved An-24FK passed state tests and then was mass-produced as the An-30. At the end of 1968, instead of G.M. Beriev, A.K. became the chief designer. Konstantinov. Under his leadership, the OKB team developed the A-50 long-range radar patrol aircraft, which was successfully tested and mass-produced. This aircraft is still in service with the Russian Air Force. In the same years, the Design Bureau solves the problems of the marine profile. An experimental vertical takeoff and landing amphibious aircraft VVA-14 is being developed and built under the leadership of R.L. Bartini. These works were carried out during 1968-1975, and they gave important results for promising work, many of which are still unique in world aviation today. The most important direction of the Design Bureau is the creation of an anti-submarine aircraft complex with high mobility and significant damaging potential. Thus, the Design Bureau developed and built the A-40 Albatross anti-submarine amphibious aircraft. The creation of the "Albatross" is actually the revival of hydroaviation in our country. This is the world's largest amphibious aircraft, it has unique flight performance and seaworthiness. During the tests, 126 world records have already been set on it. The first flight of this aircraft took place on December 8, 1986. Over the years, the A-40 amphibious aircraft has been demonstrated at the largest international aviation exhibitions in France, Singapore, New Zealand, and Great Britain. He is a participant of "Mosaeroshow" and two seaplanes in Gelendzhik in 1996 and 1998. The A-40 amphibious aircraft is the base for the development of various modifications. The A-42/44 aircraft, designed for search and rescue and patrol missions at sea, has been developed and is in pilot construction. On board such an A-42 rescuer, 54 victims can be accommodated. With a full load, the aircraft can cover 2,700 km, and with aerial refueling, up to 11,000 km. 10/10/1989 The Taganrog Machine-Building Plant was renamed into the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex (TANTK). And by the order of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of December 6, 1989, the TANTK was named after its founder G.M. Beriev. In May 1990, instead of the retired A.K. Konstantinov as the chief designer and head of the TANTK named after G.M. Berieva became G.S. Panatov, who previously headed the marine theme of the Design Bureau. At present, a lot of work is being done at the TANTK to introduce hydroaviation into the country's economic activity. Under the leadership of G.S. Panatov developed the Be-200 multi-purpose civil amphibious aircraft, built at the Irkutsk Aviation Production Association. The Be-200 aircraft will be produced in several modifications: to fight forest fires, to transport passengers and cargo, and to perform work as part of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. In the fire variant, the Be-200 in gliding mode will be able to take on board up to 12 tons of water and drop up to 360 tons of water onto the fire in one refueling. As part of the conversion, Be-12 amphibious aircraft are being upgraded. On their basis, the Be-12P firefighting aircraft and the Be-12NH transport aircraft were created. They participated in extinguishing forest fires in the Rostov, Irkutsk regions, the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, and in the Crimea. The Be-12NH is used to transport cargo on the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. In 1993, the Be-32 aircraft was revived and demonstrated at air shows in Paris, Moscow, Dubai and Berlin. The installation of new engines from P r a t t & W h i t h e y / ^ HMOB made it possible to improve its flight performance. The Be-32K aircraft is currently being prepared for mass production. Passenger, cargo, sanitary, landing and administrative variants have been developed. One of the latest developments of the TANTK team named after G.M. Beriev is a light amphibious aircraft Be-103. It is being tested and in 1998 it was demonstrated at the International Exhibition of Hydroaviation in Gelendzhik. Now the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association is preparing to produce the Be-103 amphibious aircraft designed to carry five to six passengers. The Be-112 multi-purpose amphibious aircraft is under development. Promising projects are being developed for future giant amphibious aircraft with a takeoff weight of over 1000 tons. S.N. Emelyanov Products developed at TANTK im. G.M. Beriev: 1. Seaplane A-40 "Albatross" - jet anti-submarine amphibious seaplane, the largest aircraft of this class in the world. Developed at TANTK im. Beriev in 1976-1991. Designed to search for and destroy submarines, it can do this while afloat. The A-40 set 126 seaplane world records. It is capable of landing in the open sea with a wave height of up to 2 m, providing a flight range of 5500 km at a flight speed of 700-800 km per hour. At international aviation exhibitions in France, Singapore, New Zealand and England, it was highly appreciated by specialists. It is the base for the development of various modifications of seaplanes. 2. Seaplane Be-6 - an aircraft developed in 1950 at the TANTK im. Beriev, with two ASh-73 engines. Serially produced in 1952-1957. At the same time transferred to China, they have been operated by the Chinese Navy for more than 40 years. 3. Seaplane reconnaissance torpedo bomber Be-10 - an aircraft developed by TANTK them. Beriev in 1956. The first production jet seaplane with two AL-7PB jet engines. Produced from 1958 to 1961, a total of 27 aircraft were built. In 1961, 12 world records were set on the Be-10. 4. The Be-103 amphibious seaplane is the lightest amphibious aircraft. Weight - 2270 kg, payload - 385 kg? Equipped with two 210 hp piston engines. Designed for cargo and passenger transportation; provision of urgent medical care; patrolling, fire supervision, environmental control of water areas; tourism business; use in agricultural work. In the passenger version, it takes five passengers on board. Member of many aviation salons. 5. Amphibious seaplane Be-12 - an aircraft developed in TANTK im. Beriev in 1960, equipped with two AI-20D turboprop engines. Designed to search for and destroy submarines. In total, 140 vehicles were produced from 1964 to 1968, some of them in the search and rescue version, equipped with special equipment for rescue operations at sea. During this period, 42 world records were set on the Be-12. It is still in service with the Navy. 6. Amphibious seaplane Be-12P - converted TANTK them. Beriev Be-12 aircraft to extinguish forest fires. During 1993-1999 more than 140 forest fires were liquidated and more than 350 localized, 2798 water discharges were made. The record performance of the Be-12P is 132 tons of water dropped during one refueling of the aircraft. 7. Amphibious seaplane Be-200 - multi-purpose amphibious jet aircraft with two modified D-436T turbojet engines. Take-off weight - 38 tons, range - 3600 km, speed - up to 700 km / h. Designed by TANTK them. G.M. Beriev in 1991-1998. It uses the most efficient technology for water intake on gliding up to 12 tons to extinguish fire. In terms of most flight performance characteristics, the Be-200 is not inferior to land-based systems of a similar purpose. The initially incorporated multifunctionality allows developing a number of modifications for performing such operations as search and rescue, evacuation of victims, maritime patrolling of zones, environmental monitoring, cargo and passenger transportation. The Be-200 has set 24 world records. Participant of many aviation exhibitions. 8. Seaplane MBR-2 - the first serial single-engine aircraft of the Central Design Bureau of Marine Aircraft (now - TANTK named after Beriev), developed in 1932 and produced in various modifications with a total number of more than 1000 copies. It was used to protect sea lines and transport passengers and cargo. In 1937-1938, pilots Raskova, Lomako, Osipenko set six world records on the civilian modification of the MBR-2 - MP-1. On the same plane 07/02/1938 they made a non-stop flight Sevastopol - Kyiv - Novgorod - Arkhangelsk.

347923 Russia, Taganrog, Rostov region, pl. Aviators, 1

BERIEV Georgy Mikhailovich (Beriashvili) (02/13/1902 - 06/12/1979)- Soviet aircraft designer, major general of the engineering service. After graduating from the Polytechnic Institute (Leningrad) in 1930, he began working as a design bureau in the MOS VAO, headed by the French designer Paul Aene Richard. Then this design bureau is merged into the Central Design Bureau of TsAGI. Here, in the brigade of the marine department of the Central Design Bureau of I.V. Chetverikov, G.M. Beriev in 1930 proposed the project of the MBR-2 naval short-range reconnaissance aircraft. After a successful test of an experimental aircraft in May 1932, a decision was made to launch it into mass production. In 1933, at TsKB-39, Beriev headed brigade No. 5.
On October 1, 1934, according to the order of the GUAP of the USSR No. 44/260 of August 6, 1934, the Central Design Bureau of Naval Aircraft Construction was created in Taganrog. Georgy Beriev was appointed its chief designer.
The civilian version of the MBR-2 - MP-1 was also serially produced. The ship ejection aircraft KOR-1 (Be-2) was built in a small series, and the marine long-range reconnaissance aircraft MDR-5 and MBR-7 were built in only 2 copies. The flying boat KOR-2 (Be-4) was produced in a small series during the Second World War already in Siberia. Following the plant, the design bureau was evacuated to Omsk, and then to Krasnoyarsk.
During the evacuation, the design bureau was engaged in advanced design. In 1943, the design of the flying boat LL-143 was developed, and in 1944 the model of the cargo-passenger PL-144 was developed. This made it possible, after testing the LL-143 in 1945, already in 1949 to create the Be-6 flying boat, and in 1948 the Be-8 multi-purpose amphibian. Hydrofoils were tested on the Be-8 as take-off and landing devices.
Following the experimental flying boat P-1 (1949) with two turbojet engines, the reconnaissance torpedo bomber M-10 (Be-10) with a swept wing appears. It was built serially (24 aircraft) from 1956 to 1961. In 1961, the Be-10 reached a record speed for a seaplane - 912 km / h and world altitude records were set. On the serial Be-12 (M-12) "Chaika" anti-submarine amphibious aircraft with more economical theater of operations, flight altitude records were also set.
With the beginning of the “rocketization of the whole country” in the early 60s, work was closed on the supersonic SS seaplane, as well as the giant strategic flying boat LL-600 (with a take-off weight of up to 1000 tons). Under these conditions, OKB-49 is creating the P-10 cruise missile and is working on the P-100 cruise missile project in medium and intercontinental range variants. Begins development of an aircraft to replace the An-2 on local airlines. In 1968, the Be-30 14-seat passenger aircraft made its first flight. Like its development, the Be-32, it also had transport and ambulance options.
The Beriev Design Bureau is involved in the creation of a specialized agricultural An-2M, together with the Design Bureau of O.K. Antonov, is developing a project for a passenger aircraft for local airlines An-Be-20 (which later became the Yak-40 aircraft) and creates an aerial photography aircraft An-24FK, launched into a series called An-30.

KONSTANTINOV Alexey Kirillovich (7.11.1919)- chief designer of OKB-49. He headed the Design Bureau after Beriev retired in 1968 (for health reasons).
Under his leadership, an experimental vertical takeoff and landing amphibious aircraft VVA-14 was developed according to the project of R.A. Bartini, and then the 14M1P ekranoplan. Work was carried out to create several modifications of the Tu-142 aircraft (Tu-142MR repeater).
In 1986, the world's largest amphibious jet aircraft A-40 took off with unique flight performance and seaworthiness. A-40 "Albatross" set 140 world records! At international air shows in France, Singapore, New Zealand and England, it was highly appreciated and attracted great interest from foreign experts.
In the early 80s, the AWACS and A-50 control aircraft was developed at the Taganrog ASTC named after G.M. Beriev on the basis of the military transport Il-76MD. Also, on the basis of the Il-76MD, the "jammer" Il-76PP, the aircraft command and measuring point 976 SKIP and the flying laser laboratory A-60 were created). During this period, work was also underway to create a keel and a fairing for the engines of the Buran space plane, assistance was provided to the PNR in the creation of a jet agricultural aircraft M-15, work began on the creation of a search and rescue A-42 (Be-42).

PANATOV Gennady Sergeevich (born 03/20/1940)- aircraft designer, academician.
Born in the village of Ust-Labinskaya, Krasnodar Territory. In 1963 he graduated from the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute (now the Samara Aerospace University) with a degree in aerodynamics and was sent to Taganrog to G.M. Beriev Design Bureau. Started working as a design engineer.
In 1980, he was appointed lead designer and then deputy chief designer for the A-40 Albatros amphibious aircraft.
In 1990 he was appointed chief designer and responsible manager, in 1992 he was appointed general designer and head of the TANTK named after. G.M. Berieva. Since 1994, he has been the General Director and General Designer of the OA TANTK im. G.M. Berieva.
In 1993, G.S. Panatov was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. In the same year, he was elected an academic adviser to the International Academy of Engineering and an academician of the Academy of Transport of the Russian Federation. Since 1994 he has been an honorary doctor of the Samara Aerospace State University. Since 1995 senior member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
During his work at the enterprise, G.S. Panatov participated in research in the field of hydroaerodynamics, flight dynamics, mathematical and physical modeling on the subjects of the Be-30 passenger aircraft, VVA-14 vertical takeoff and landing amphibious aircraft, MP and A-50 aircraft , and also provided the solution of technical problems, organization of construction, testing and refinement of the A-40 amphibious aircraft.
Managed the programs for the creation of conversion amphibious aircraft - the Be-12P fire-fighting aircraft, the Be-12NH cargo-passenger aircraft, the Be-32K local aircraft, the Be-200 multi-purpose amphibious aircraft, the Be-103 light amphibian aircraft and others.
Of the promising projects of the TANTK, one can note the creation of super-heavy (up to 5000 tons) seaplanes and ekranoplanes, such as the Be-2500.
G.S. Panatov is the head of the department of LA TSURE and the branch of the department P 101 MAI. He has over 58 scientific papers and inventions.
The Taganrog ASTC named after G.M. Beriev is part of the Sukhoi AVPK.


  1. Aircraft TANTK named after G.M.Beriev 1934-1945
  2. Aircraft TANTK named after G.M.Beriev 1945-1968
  3. Aircraft TANTK named after G.M.Beriev 1968-2002
  4. TANTK them. G.M. Berieva - 65 years old / Aviapanorama No. 4 1999 /


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