Importance and protection of birds. Origin of birds. Origin of birds: features, interesting facts and description. The meaning and protection of birds The meaning and protection of birds the origin of birds abstract

B-7 Lesson 56 Origin of birds.


1) show the diverse significance of birds in nature and their practical significance for humans; justify the need for protection; find out the origin of birds.
2) education of a scientific worldview, respect for nature, environmental, aesthetic education.
3) to continue developing the skills of working with a textbook, additional literature, local history material; thinking skills; ability to do analysis and synthesis; the ability to draw conclusions.

During the classes.

  1. Org. moment.
  2. Knowledge update.
  1. Conversation on:
  1. What features of the external structure are characteristic of representatives of the superorder Penguins?
  2. What is the difference between representatives of the superorder Ostrich?
  3. What traits of adaptation to the habitat do waterfowl have?
  4. What are the main similarities between forest birds?
  5. Why do geese and ducks have swimming membranes on their feet, but storks and herons do not?
  6. How are woodpeckers adapted to life in trees and how do they get food?
  7. What adaptations for cold and snowy winters are found in the integuments of the legs of the birds of the northern forests (black grouse, hazel grouse)?
  8. Why do insectivorous and granivorous birds have different beak structures?
  9. Why do swallows stay closer to the ground on cloudy days?
  10. Why do goshawks and magpies have different legs and beaks?
  11. Give examples.
  1. In turn, I propose the names of birds, and you must name the ecological groups:

1. capercaillie - herbivorous,

2. crow - omnivores

3. woodpecker - insectivorous,

4. the eagle is a diurnal predator,

5. goose - waterfowl,

6. black grouse - herbivores

7. magpie - omnivorous,

8. swan - waterfowl

9. eagle owl - nocturnal predator

10. crossbill - herbivores

11. duck - waterfowl

12. pheasant - herbivores

13. swallow - insectivorous

14. seagull - waterfowl

15. Chicken is an omnivore.

3) Whose paws are these?

1 - heron (wader bird)
2 - osprey (hooked claws)
3 - wild duck
4 - woodpecker
(rock climbers)
5 - crow (tree)

By the shape of a bird's paw, one can judge the lifestyle of its owner. Predators have formidable hooked claws; in waterfowl membranes; wading birds have long narrow fingers; and woodpeckers and parrots have one pair of fingers facing forward and the other back. In all other birds, one first finger is turned back for ease of walking and sitting on a branch.

  1. Whose beaks are these?

(woodpecker, duck, heron, crossbill, pelican, falcon, titmouse, parrot)

  1. "Living Synonyms".

It is necessary to choose the names of birds in order to get expressions used in comparison with people.

For example, "wet" (helpless), like a chicken (wet chicken).

Wise as ... (raven)

Badass as...(rooster)

Thieving as...(magpie)

Important, inflated, like ...(turkey)

Long legged like...(heron)

Eyed like...(owl)

Predatory look, like…(hawk)

A sharp look, like…(falcon)

A hooked nose like...(eagle)

The nose is flattened like...(ducks)

The neck is delicate, long, like ...(swan)

Stately gait, like ...(peacock) (acts like a peacock)

3. Preparation for learning new material:Against the background of the voices of birds - a poem:

We are immensely rich
In our thickets and groves
So many feathered ones -
You are simply amazed!
But ask someone else
What does he know about birds
Let him answer sensibly -
And, look, you will be surprised:
How, the fauna, they say,
How about our wealth?
In the fields, copses,
So to speak, the bird kingdom ...
Bird kingdom - and only?
Well, thrushes, well, titmouse...
Where do you remember all the nicknames
Just birds - and nothing more?
It is worth going deep into the forest -
And already not at home:
Like we're abroad
unfamiliar faces,
Languages ​​are unfamiliar.
Like the blind we stray
It's like they're deaf.
And he also claims

We studied the external and internal structure of birds, reproduction and development, seasonal changes and the annual life cycle. Get to know a variety of birds. Do we now know everything about birds?What are we going to study today?


1) The meaning of birds in nature.

Teacher - birds are one of the most important natural components, i.e. they are included in the cycle of substances, and their role is significant. This is also due to the large species diversity of birds - 9000 species; in general, there are about 100 billion birds on the globe. Let's think about the role of birds in nature.

  1. Restricts plant growth.
  2. Pollination of flowering plants.
  3. Seed dispersal.
  4. Food chains.
  5. orderlies.

Conclusion A: Birds are essential in nature to maintain balance.

2) The importance of birds in human life.This value is not less than in nature.

  1. Commercial and domestic birds.
    meat, fat, eggs, ("swallow's nests" - Southeast Asia swifts-salangans.)
  2. Down (sea duck - eider, the warmest down, for astronauts' spacesuits, for polar explorers' suits).
  3. Fertilizers (guano).
  4. The subject of sport hunting (partridges, pheasants, hazel grouses, quails, geese, ducks).
  5. Destroy pests of agricultural plants (guinea fowl destroy Colorado beetles); destroy carriers of dangerous infectious diseases of humans and animals.HOW TO ATTRACT BIRDS???
  6. Aesthetic and scientific value.
  7. Decorations.

3. Teacher. The lesson continues, I would like to read the lines of the poet K.V. Avilova:

You will hear through the roar of centuries.
Trouble will pass your roof
If the new spring at dawn
The white stork will return here.

Unfortunately, the birds are in danger - they can be completely destroyed. Over the past 400 years, more than 200 bird species have become extinct on the globe, and now every second bird species is endangered.

The reasons are as follows: WHAT KIND???

1. Change of residence, deforestation, plowing of steppes, drainage of swamps (golden eagle, bustard) - 30% of species. Bustard in the 50s of the last century lived in large numbers in the steppes; when the land was used, these birds stopped nesting and thereby sharply reduced their numbers. Currently bustards are taken under protection.

2. Immeasurable fishing.

The polar eider duck, which has the warmest down, covers the nest with it in spring and covers the eggs. People collect this fluff for their own purposes, kill adult birds. Now the eiders are listed in the Red Book, are under state protection in the Kandalaksha Reserve.

At the beginning of the 20th century, among fashionistas, it was considered a special chic to have a dress made of hummingbird feathers and hats decorated with these birds; in the XVII-XVIII centuries, hats decorated with ostrich feathers were fashionable. As a result, millions of birds have become victims of fashion.

3. Destruction by pets. In the era of geographical discoveries, people moved to other continents, islands, bringing with them their pets: rabbits, dogs, cats, pigs. These animals, in search of food, and sometimes housing, destroyed nests, bird burrows, ate eggs, chicks, and even adult birds. So many flightless birds lived on the islands and in Australia. Cats have caused the extinction of 20% of the bird species of these places.

4. Diseases introduced by man. Together with people and their pets, a lot of infections moved to the newly discovered lands, the vast majority of which turned out to be fatal for the animals of these lands.

5. Environmental pollution.

At present, many toxic substances have entered the food chain of animals, including birds: DDT (dust), heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc.), high levels of radioactive nuclides, etc. All substances, gradually accumulating in the organisms of animals, cause chronic diseases, mutations and deformities in their offspring. For example, DDT has already been found in penguin eggs; mercury, accumulating in the body of waterfowl (geese, ducks), causes blindness and other injuries.
4. The history of the disappearance of some birds.

Moa - Islands of New Zealand. The weight of the bird reached 300 kg. Settlers burned reed beds along the banks of reservoirs, in which birds lived; clutches of eggs, chicks, and adult birds perished in the fire. Gradually, these birds disappeared altogether.
- A weakly flying dodo bird lived on the island of Mauritius. Its dimensions are from a goose (up to 20 kg). Delicious dodo meat was the cause of his death. The last bird died in 1688.

The Carolina parrot lived in the USA, people destroyed it. The last bird died in the 20s in Florida.

Especially terrible is the story of the disappearance of the passenger pigeon, which also lived in the United States. At the beginning of the 19th century, there were from 3 to 5 billion individuals. Flocks of up to several thousand birds were recorded flying over settlements for several hours. The government allowed the mass shooting of these birds. People killed pigeons with rifles, cannons, finished them off with stones and sticks, and poisoned them with dogs. After 2-3 years, the number of passenger pigeons decreased sharply, but no conservation measures were taken. In 1899, the last passenger pigeon was shot. In 1914, the last bird that lived in the Cincinnati Zoo died (a memorial plaque was installed there).

5. Protection and attraction of birds.
Various measures are used to protect the animal and plant world.

1) International organizations:
IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1948.
SIPO - International Council for the Protection of Birds, 1922 London.

2) Red Book - a list of animals and plants in need of protection.

  1. Endangered species - special measures for conservation.
  2. Vulnerable species - the number has declined sharply.
  3. Rare species - a limited number, can disappear even from a random cause.
  4. Indeterminate species - there is no exact information on the abundance.

In 1974, by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, the Red Book of the USSR was created, among the rare species it included 65 species of birds.
The Black Book is a list of extinct species of animals and plants.


3) Reserves.


1. Kandalaksha (1932) - eider, whooper swan.

2. Kyzyl - Agadzhsky (Caspian) - spoonbill, sultan, loaf, red-throated goose, flamingo, francolin.

3. Astrakhan Nature Reserve named after V. I. Lenin (1919). There are 230 species of birds under protection and supervision:

84 species nest;
105 - periods of migration and wintering;
40 - irregularly fly;
48 - wetland complex.

27 species of birds are listed in the Red Book of Russia - mute swan; gray, yellow, great and little white, Egyptian herons; night heron, loaf, spoonbill, cormorant, pink and curly pelicans, saker falcon, white-tailed eagle, osprey, little bustard, stilt, sultanka, Siberian Crane, bustard, flamingo, black stork and others.

4. Wrangel Islands - white goose.

5. Oksky, Pechero - Ilychsky - birds of prey;

6. Lapland, Central forest, Barguzinsky - forest grouse.

Black Sea - gulls, ankle-footed.

Question: suggest your measures for the protection of birds:

1. Do not destroy nests.
2. Do not shout in the forest.
3. Follow the rules of shooting.
4. Do not take eggs and chicks from the nest.
5. Arrange feeders.
6. Arrange artificial nests: birdhouses, hollows.

7. Origin of birds.

8. Summing up the lesson.

Questions - results:

  1. why birds need to be protected;
    2) reasons for the disappearance of birds.


Homework:§ 50. Poultry.

There are many songs, poems, fairy tales, fables about birds. The theme of birds is also reflected in oral folk art: nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, jokes, proverbs and sayings

Significance of birds In nature Live everywhere Food chain Regulate the number of insects, small rodents Distribution of seeds Pollinate flowers In human life Destroy agricultural pests Destroy rodents Commercial and sport hunting Bird droppings, fertilizer Fluff, meat, eggs

Birds of the Red Book Pink pelican.

Birds of the Red Book Listed in Appendix 1 of the Bonn Convention, Appendix 2 of the Berne Convention, Appendix of the agreement concluded between Russia and India on the protection of migratory species. Protected on the lake Manych-Gudilo in the branch of the Chernozemelsky Reserve, in the Dagestan and Astrakhan reserves, in the Republican Reserve Manych-Gudilo and the Chograysky Reserve in Kalmykia.

Birds of the Red Book Mandarin Duck

Birds of the Red Book Mandarin Duck. It is included in the IUCN-96 Red List, Appendix 2 of the Bonn Convention, Appendix of bilateral agreements concluded by Russia with Japan and the Republic of Korea on the protection of migratory birds. A small part of the population is protected in the Kedrovaya Pad, Ussuriysky, Lazovsky, Sikhote-Alinsky, Bolshekhekhtsirsky and Khingansky nature reserves.

Birds of the Red Book

Birds of the Red Book Included in the IUCN-96 Red List, Appendix of the agreement concluded between Russia and the United States on the protection of migratory birds. Nesting colonies are preserved in the Commander State Reserve, established in 1993.

Birds of the Red Book White-backed Albatross

Birds of the Red Book White-backed Albatross Included in the IUCN-96 Red List, Appendix 1 of CITES, Appendix 1 of the Bonn Convention, Appendix of bilateral agreements concluded by Russia with Japan and the United States on the protection of migratory birds.

Birds of the Red Book

Birds of the Red Book White-billed Razorbill Listed in the Appendices of bilateral agreements concluded by Russia with Japan, the USA, the Republic of Korea and the DPRK on the protection of migratory birds. Protected in a number of Arctic reserves.

Birds of the Red Book The Black Stork is included in the Red Book of Russia (category 3), the Red Books of the Saratov Region and the Republic of Tatarstan. Potential nesting sites are part of the Sursky Federal Zoological Reserve and the Novocheremshansky State Game Reserve.

Ancient birds - Archeopteryx

task 1. Name the birds 2. Name the habitat and fitness (ecological group) 3. Name the role and importance of the bird

task 1. Name the bird 2. Name the habitat and fitness (ecological group) 3. Name the role and importance of the bird

Homework: § 50. Poultry. There are many songs, poems, fairy tales, fables about birds. The theme of birds is also reflected in oral folk art: nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, jokes, proverbs and sayings (a creative task for the next lesson: students should find works of art, sayings, proverbs that would talk about birds).

Lesson on the topic:

Importance and protection of birds. Origin of Birds.

7th grade

biology teacher

MBOU secondary school with. Krasnogor

Yurasova L.V.


Predicted result: students should be able to

    call the importance of birds in nature and human life, measures for the protection of birds;

    drive examples of bird species that play a role in nature;

    characterize reasons for the decline in the number of certain bird species;

    substantiate the need to protect birds;

    explain origin of birds

Lesson objectives:

    to study the diverse significance of birds in nature and their practical significance for humans; justify the need to protect birds; find out the origin of birds;

    educate respect for nature, justify the need to protect birds, environmental, aesthetic education;

    to develop independent activity of students on the basis of work with various information material: textbook, additional literature, multimedia presentation

Means of education: computer, multimedia projector, electronic presentations of students, worksheets for students, "Red Book of North Ossetia", CER.

    Organizing time

    Actualization of students' knowledge(test control of multi-level content, three options)

Appendix 1,2,3.

Self-examination and mutual verification of results (slide No. 1)

    Learning new material

We learned a lot about birds while traveling through the land of birds. And what, in your opinion, we still need to learn about birds.? (possible student answers: origin, significance in nature and human life, protection measures). So, the topic of our lesson is “The meaning and protection of birds. Origin of Birds. (slide number 2)

1. The origin of birds. (slide number 4)

Imagine yourself in the role of scientists - ornithologists and put forward a hypothesis about the origin of birds.

(Slide number 5)

Independent work with the textbook (slide number 6)

Similarities between birds and reptiles: (slide number 7)

    Dry skin lacking glands

    Skin horn formations (feathers - modified horny scales, horny scutes on the legs)

    The presence of a cloaca

    Similarities in the structure of eggs

    similarity of embryos

Independent work with the text of paragraph 50. Fill in the table (slides No. 8-No. 10))

Similarities between Archeopteryx and birds

Similarities of Archeopteryx with


Body covered with feathers

skull shape

Forelimbs - wings with flight feathers

Teeth in the jaws

The location of the fingers (3 forward, 1 back)

The presence of fingers with claws on the forelimbs

Long tail of 20 vertebrae

Horny scales on legs

2. The meaning of birds in nature (slide number 11)

What is the importance of birds in nature?

(Writing in worksheets while viewing a multimedia presentation)

1. Limit plant growth. (slide No. 12)

2. Promote pollination of plants. (slides #13, 14)

3. Promote the distribution of fruits and seeds (slides No. 15, No. 16)

4. Limit the number of other animals (invertebrates, rodents, etc.) (Slides No. 17, 18)

5. Serve as food for other animals (birds, reptiles, mammals.) (slide No. 19)

Task: make a food chain with the participation of birds (2 students perform on the board) (slide No. 20)

3. The value of birds in human life. (slides #21, 22)

Guess which bird the monument was erected to? (slide No. 23)

The lifting boat suffered damage to the lifting system and communications. With the help of a torpedo tube, a bird was released into the wild to deliver a message about the accident. The crew was soon rescued. The bird was awarded the highest military award and forever enrolled in the crew of the boat. It happened in 1942 in England. A monument was erected to the bird. What bird are you talking about? (Dove) (slide number 24)

In the besieged city, people were dying of hunger. When they put a bird on the fortress wall, the enemy decided that there was still a lot of food in the city and lifted the siege. It happened in Germany in the 16th century. Grateful people erected a monument to the bird . What bird are you talking about? (Rooster) (slides No. 25, 26)

Two monuments have been erected to this bird in honor of saving crops from locusts: one in the US state of Utah, and the other in Australia. After all, she saved people from starvation. What bird are you talking about? (Sparrow) (slides No. 27, 28)

3. The value of birds for humans.

It is difficult to imagine the world around us without birds. They are cheerful, beautiful, and with their cheerful appearance and behavior they decorate and enliven nature. In addition, many of them sing beautifully and put a person in a good, joyful mood.

Interactive task "Find 10 birds" (slide number 29)

Fizminutka for the eyes

Birds inspire us to be creative. Syncwines compiled by students. (slides #30-32)

And what else is the importance of birds in human life? (slide number 33)

1. Commercial and domestic birds supply meat, eggs, fluff.

2. Insectivorous and birds of prey destroy agricultural pests.

Ecological task: (slide number 34)

Every day, when feeding chicks, the swift flies to the nest 34 times. At one time he brings 400 small insects. The feeding period for chicks is 33 days. How many insects does a pair of swifts destroy during the period of feeding chicks?

Answer: 400 x 34 x 33 x 2 = 897600 insects (slide number 35)

3. Bird droppings - valuable organic fertilizer

4. Aesthetic value

5. Scientific value

The Ancestors of Domestic Birds (Student Prepared Presentation)

4. Protection of birds

By reducing the number of insect pests, mouse-like rodents, destroying the seeds and fruits of weeds, acting as orderlies in nature, birds bring great benefits to humans. Birds must be protected and attracted to human dwellings. Bird conservation is everyone's business. To study and preserve nature in general and birds in particular, protected areas are being created in the world and in our country - reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, laws have been adopted, Red Books have been created.

Presentation of the student "Birds of the Red Book of North Ossetia"

Give the birds your love and care. Spring has come, all nature has come to life. And the birds, wintering and migratory, begin to live a new life, fill forests, parks, reservoirs with a cheerful noise, form pairs, perhaps some bird couple will build a cozy nest for themselves in a birdhouse made by students of our school. Remember, bird protection is everyone's business!

Sounds clip "Wounded bird"

IY .Fixing

1. Who is the ancestor of birds?

2. Indicate the similarities between birds and reptiles.

3. What is the importance of birds in nature and human life?

Y . Lesson summary

YI. Couples homework. 50 (slide number 37)

Creative task to compose a cinquain on the theme of a bird

Thank you for the lesson, you are great!

13.2.1 Significance of birds for forestry and agriculture

The importance of birds in human economic activity is great and very diverse. Many species have been domesticated for a long time, and the process of domestication is not over. The bird is domesticated for the sake of meat, fluff, eggs, as well as as postal and decorative birds. Wild species are of great importance for agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and partly for sanitation. It is difficult to determine the economic importance of birds, because the same species in different conditions turns out to be either beneficial or harmful.

Birds are of great importance for field cultivation, horticulture, horticulture and forestry, because. they destroy a huge number of invertebrates harmful to agriculture and forestry. Insect pests are exterminated in the forest: tits, pikas, nuthatches, warblers, flycatchers, warblers, kinglets, wrens, thrushes, redstarts, robins, cuckoos, orioles, nightjars, wrynecks, woodpeckers, siskins, magpies, jays, etc. In the fields and In the meadows, harmful insects are destroyed by: common and pink starlings, wagtails, buntings, larks, pipits, rollers, hoopoes, common and steppe kestrels, falcons, rooks, gulls, etc. A huge number of locusts are destroyed by pink starling and little bustard. The common starling destroys many May beetles. A huge number of insect pests are destroyed by woodpeckers. In southern Ukraine, gulls bring significant benefits.

Under certain conditions, rooks are useful, destroying wireworms, weevils, kuzek beetles, caterpillars - scoops, locusts. On the other hand, rooks destroy corn shoots and sown grains. Many species eat the seeds of weeds.

Nutcracker eats a huge amount of pine nuts, which are the subject of industrial collection, but, making stocks of pine nuts, contributes to the dispersal of cedar. Thus, jays settle oak. Thrushes, waxwings, magpies, warblers, black grouse. Grouse, settle mountain ash, euonymus, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, lingonberries. Passing through the intestines of these birds, plant seeds increase germination.

Birds also kill a lot of rodents.

In the "mouse" years, small rodents are caught not only by birds of prey, but also by crows, magpies, rooks, jays, gulls, herons, storks.

The conducted studies have shown greater efficiency in attracting insectivorous birds by hanging artificial nests. Peculiar problems arise in connection with the attraction of birds to shelterbelts and reservoirs under construction. This formation of the avifauna takes a long time due to the conservatism of migratory birds, because they return to nesting in the places where they nested earlier or where they were born. Necessary artificial colonization by birds of emerging new habitats. Recently, this has been done by transporting broods of chicks or eggs with hens (a pied flycatcher, for example, can thus breed 20-25 chicks per nurse).

A specific problem is caused by birds in aviation, because. they often nest or feed near airfields, and there they encounter aircraft landing or taking off. Especially dangerous are birds getting into the windshield, sucking them in by jet engines. Most accidents occur at an altitude of 600m. sea ​​gulls, pigeons, migratory water birds, diurnal predators and large flocks of starlings and shorebirds are especially dangerous for aircraft. To combat them at airfields, tape recordings of the voices of frightened birds are used, and birds of prey are attracted.

2. Significance of birds of prey

Buzzards, small falcons, harriers (except marsh) and most owls are useful in exterminating mouse-like rodents. Golden eagle, sazhan, gyrfalcon, saker falcon, hawks are used as birds of prey in commercial and sport hunting. In many countries of the world, most birds of prey are taken under strict protection along with the most valuable and useful species. Rare noble falcons are listed in the Red Book of Russia: gyrfalcon, saker falcon, sazhan; large eagles: steppe, imperial eagle, sea eagle, bearded vulture.

2. Game birds

There are about 150 species of hunting birds in the fauna of our country (one of the first places in the world). The most important are birds of the Anseriformes order (48 species) and the Galliformes order (20 species). Also, the objects of hunting are species of shepherd's (coot), waders, auks.

In connection with the felling of forests, the drainage of swamps, the plowing of new lands and the violation of hunting rules, wild resources were noticeably reduced. Therefore, the protection of birds at nesting sites, by passage and wintering places is of great importance. For this we have reserves: Kandalaksha (on the White and Barents Seas), Darvinovsky (Rybinsk reservoir), Astrakhansky (Volga delta). Reserves are also important. Of great importance for the modern hunting economy is game breeding - by importing and releasing birds or by artificial breeding on the spot using incubators (grey partridge, pheasant, mallard duck). The Red Book includes such species that until recently were objects of hunting: the red-breasted goose, mountain goose, flamingo, lesser swan, mandarin duck, gyrfalcon, pink and curly pelicans, snowcocks, white crane (sterkh). There are more than 50 species in total.

2. Poultry

The domestication of birds began in ancient times. It happened for different purposes. The ancestor of domestic chickens is one species - the banking chicken, common in the forests of India, Burma and the Malay Archipelago. Its domestication took place in India several thousand years BC. turkeys were domesticated long before our era. Mexican Indians. The original species was a wild turkey (southern North America).

A few hundred years ago, a local subspecies of quail was domesticated in Japan. Currently, it is bred in a number of countries in Europe and America, incl. and in Russia. They lay about 300 eggs per year. Domestic ducks are descended from a single wild species, the mallard. In Europe, domestic ducks have been known since the beginning of the 1st century BC. Domestic geese come from 2 species: gray goose and goose - sukhonos. Chinese domestic geese originated from the dry goose. Domestic pigeons are descended from the wild rock pigeon. In pigeon breeding, breeds of 3 directions are bred: decorative, postal and meat (the latter have a mass of up to 900g.). A good breeding female gives 14-16 heads of young animals per year. Carrier pigeons are used even now, they fly 200 km and even 1000 km.

Birds play an important role in natural ecosystems. Herbivorous birds feed on fruits, seeds, vegetative parts of plants. However, the role of different birds of this group in natural communities is different. Granivorous birds eat a significant part of the seeds and fruits of plants. Many species store fruits and seeds and carry them over considerable distances. Losing them along the way, they contribute to the resettlement of plants. Small tropical birds, for example hummingbird and nectaries, pollinate plants.

The role of insectivorous birds is great. They play an extremely important role in controlling the number of insect populations. In natural natural communities, birds eat a lot of insects, reducing their destructive activity. Insectivorous birds play a particularly useful role in gardens, squares and parks.

Therefore, a person protects and attracts birds by hanging artificial nests - titmouses, birdhouses, hollows (Fig. 187). They are occupied by insectivorous hollow-nesting birds: great tit, blue tit, pied flycatcher.

In the most severe and fodder periods of winter, birds need to be fed. Care must be taken that there is always food on the bird feeder: seeds and fruits of wild plants, sunflower seeds, white bread crumbs. If you regularly feed the birds until the very spring, you can ensure that they stay here for nesting. Make sure that salt does not accidentally get on the bird feeder. It's poison for the birds!

Hunting birds. Some birds have not lost their importance as game animals. Usually they hunt large birds: from waterfowl - on geese and ducks; from upland game - on hazel grouse, black grouse, capercaillie. Fishing is important for residents of the northern regions. ptarmigan. Sport hunting has long been important. With a purely sporting interest, hunting for small nimble in flight is connected. waders: woodcock and snipe- during their current flights, when they fly over the forest clearings with peculiar sounds in the morning or evening hours. Now, due to overfishing (overfishing), the number of objects of sport hunting and game birds has sharply decreased.

For the preservation of game, hunting rules have long existed, including regulations on the timing and objects of hunting. Hunting during nesting time is completely excluded. It is forbidden to hunt for species whose numbers have declined sharply, for species included in the Red Books.

Domestic birds. Domestication of birds occurred in ancient times (Fig. 188). The ancestor of all modern breeds of domestic chickens was one species - banking, or bush, chicken common in the forests of Southeast Asia. Domestication took place in India several millennia BC. Chickens were brought to Europe in ancient times. Chickens are bred for meat, eggs and feathers. There are fighting cocks and ornamental hens. In the process of domestication, the productivity of chickens has increased significantly. If wild banking chickens lay 12-15 eggs per year, then modern egg-bearing breeds - 200-300 eggs and at the same time rush almost daily. These are the breeds leghorn, bred in many European countries and the USA, and bred from them Russian whites. Leggorns have lost their instinct to brood. Common breeds have been bred, from which both meat and eggs are obtained. Bred in Russia Yurlov vociferous and May Day chickens. The body weight of Yurlov chickens reaches 4 kg, while the banking chicken has a mass of about 800 g.

In poultry farms, chickens are bred on an industrial basis. Large poultry farms operate here, where hundreds of thousands of chickens are kept, from which millions of eggs are obtained per year. With cage keeping, laying hens are on a slatted floor with a slope. The laid egg rolls out on an inclined chute. After checking, the eggs are placed in special boxes and sent for sale. The poultry farm has incubator (device for artificial breeding of birds from eggs) and a room in which chickens are raised.

A significant place among agricultural birds is occupied by domestic ducks. They are bred from wild ducks. mallards, widespread in Eurasia and North America. Ducks are bred near ponds. The most widespread breeds Peking ducks, Moscow whites, Ukrainian. They grow rapidly and by autumn reach a mass of more than 2 kg (Fig. 189).

Homemade geese descended from the wild gray goose(European breeds) and from dry nose(Chinese breeds). Turkeys were domesticated in Central America. Domestic turkeys grow relatively quickly: turkeys reach a mass of 10-35 kg, turkeys - 5-11 kg. These birds lay 100-150 eggs in one season.


  • Find and show similarities in the organization of birds and reptiles, discuss hypotheses about the origin of birds from ancient reptiles, the formation of ecological consciousness.
  • To form students' general educational skills and abilities using the material of the lesson.

Tasks: to form ecological consciousness: human ecology and environmental ecology. Students need to master the basic knowledge and skills of conservation of biological diversity and protection of birds, environmental protection.
Personal: to teach students to establish links between the purpose of educational activity and its motive; to form cognitive interests and motives aimed at studying wildlife; intellectual skills (to prove, reason, analyze, compare, draw conclusions, etc.); aesthetic attitude to living objects
Regulatory: determination of the purpose of the work, a plan for its implementation; monitoring and correcting the assimilation of the material; mastering the components of research activity, including the ability to: (see the problem, put forward hypotheses, define concepts, classify, observe, draw conclusions and conclusions, structure the material, explain, prove, defend your idea)
cognitive: make tables, compare biological objects; establish links between the structure and lifestyle (adaptation of birds to flight), find biological information in various sources (textbook text, popular science literature, biological dictionaries and reference books), analyze and evaluate information, convert information from one form to another;
Communicative: the ability to adequately use speech means for discussion and argumentation of one's position, to compare different points of view, to argue one's point of view, to defend one's position; learn to listen and engage in dialogue, work in pairs.

Equipment: The skeleton of a bird and a reptile, tables "Origin of Birds". "Type Chordates. Bird class. Pigeon". Digital microscope, handout (chicken feet, bird feathers, tortoise horny scales, egg shells). Wet preparation of lizards, snakes. Notebooks. Presentation .

Part 1: Checking homework. 10 min.

Checking knowledge on:

What are the features of the annual life cycle of birds? What birds are called migratory? What is the biological significance of bird migration? How are bird movements studied?
What is the difference between the way of life of sedentary birds from nomadic ones?
What sedentary, migratory and nomadic birds live in the Moscow region?
It is proposed to build a diagram containing the main stages of the life cycle of birds:

Possible records of students in circles: reproduction, ritual behavior, nest building, incubation. Caring for offspring. Preparation for winter, wintering, migration. The meaning of birds. Origin of birds. Who completed the task correctly, put a plus next to it.

I bring students to the conclusion: birds have a more complex organization, which manifests itself not only in their structure, but also in the annual life cycle. I ask you to write down biological and concepts: sedentary birds, nomadic birds, migratory birds and explain how they understand the terms: “invasion”, “introduction”, “synanthropes”, anthropogenic environmental factors, ecology. What do you understand by the term ecological consciousness?

Part 2: Learning new material 25 min.

Frontal work with the class (5 min.)

  • How the structure of birds differs from the structure of reptiles - compare according to the table.
  • What is the similarity of birds with reptiles: in the external structure, in the structure of the skeleton, internal organ systems, reproduction and development? (models of skeletons, egg shells are used)
  • What are the similarities between birds and reptiles?

Formulate the topic of our new lesson, think over the purpose of the lesson. How are the ecology of the environment and the ecology of man, the past, present and future of our planet related? Today we have to get acquainted with various hypotheses about the origin of birds.

For the addition and answers I put pluses and marks.

I make a generalization: indeed, many signs indicate the relationship of birds with reptiles. Both have dry skin, devoid of glands, many skin horn formations: horny shields and claws on the legs, horny covers on the jaws. Feathers develop from the same epithelial buds as the horny scutes of reptiles. A great similarity exists in the embryos of birds and reptiles (the structure of the egg). There are especially many common features in birds with small ancient reptiles - thecodonts, who lived about 200 million years ago.

Work with the textbook (5 min.)

To find out the structural features of the first bird, it is proposed to read the section of the textbook on page 99 - additional information, consider Figure 189 and fill out the table (Find at least 3 signs) ( Attachment 1 ).
(we check and evaluate the work - 2 students) 2 pluses for the table completely filled out.

Practical work (10 min.)

Let's check the information in the table by conducting laboratory tests. On the tables you have instruction cards and research material, do the work in pairs. ( Annex 3 )

Work with printed material (5 min.)

You have materials on the origin of birds on your tables. Check out the proposed hypothesis. Emphasize what you agree with and what you do not understand or doubt. Present your arguments for the origin of birds from reptiles or against, express your point of view. Table on the board:

Origin of birds from reptiles
Arguments for Arguments against doubt

Part 3 Generalization of the material. 10 min.

The first bird is an ancient primitive bird, in many ways similar to a reptile. She is able to run on the ground on two strong legs, climb tree branches with the help of elongated clawed fingers located on her wings. It should be noted that this bird did not fly well, but could glide over short distances thanks to its wings and long, wide tail.
We tried to find out who is the possible ancestor of birds. You got acquainted with various hypotheses, but maybe your future research in this area will bring some new theories about the origin of birds. At the moment, your task is to preserve for your descendants the diversity of birds that is now on Earth, and for this you need to know more about your environment, what birds are next to you, and for this you need to form an ecological consciousness. What do you think, can the anthropogenic factor become decisive in reducing the biological diversity of birds on the planet.
Let's remember the birds living in Moscow and the Moscow region. As a person, you guys can help save the birds of your land. Suggest bird protection measures. An irreconcilable struggle against the destruction of bird nests, the collection of eggs, the destruction of birds from slingshots, the frightening of birds from the nest. Measures to attract birds: preparing food for them, making and installing feeders. Hanging nests and birdhouses.
In the system of nature protection in our country, state reserves play an important role, among which there are ornithological ones. They do a lot of work on the study of biology and the protection of birds. More than 200 birds are listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region. (Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated February 13, 1997 No. 11/4 "On the establishment of the Red Data Book of the Moscow Region")

I suggest you get acquainted with some representatives of birds, think over a project work plan for the conservation of this species.

Search for possible new nesting places for the eagle owl and organization of specially protected natural areas here. Regulation of the number of wild boar and stray dogs in the nesting areas of the species. Promotion of the need to protect the species among hunters and the local population.

Lesson grades and additions (2-3 students)

Homework: P.50, questions No. 5,6 pis. Create a project for the conservation of rare birds: one species of birds from the Red Book of the Moscow Region (optional)

self-analysis of the lesson.

Type of lesson: traditional in the system-activity paradigm with the formulation of problematic questions. The lesson forms basic, corporate and personal values ​​through the content of the lesson, such as environmental consciousness, human ecology and environmental ecology, citizenship, kindness. Respect for nature, protection of rights and responsibility.

In the lesson, UUDs are formed according to the Federal State Educational Standard (listed at the beginning of the abstract):

- comparison (analysis and synthesis), terms: synanthropes, sedentary, nomadic and migratory birds.
- ability to analyze
– ability to model (make tables)
– work with practical material (research activity), work with a computer and a digital microscope.
– formation of literate speech: formulating hypotheses and putting forward arguments for and against, working with various types of text
- the ability to correct the material
- work in pairs

12-15 grades per lesson.

Attachment 1.

Filling in the table.
Similarities of the first bird with birds and reptiles.

Appendix 2

Conducting laboratory research

Confirmation of table data in laboratory studies using a digital microscope:

Instruction Card No. 1

1. Examine the structure of a bird's feather at 10* and 60* magnification, overhead lighting.
2. Find the main parts.
3. Take photos

  • Bird feather structure 60*
  • Opening, fan, rod, beards.

5. Save the drawing in your folder called Origin of Birds.

Instruction Card No. 2

1. Examine the structure of the skin on the tarsus of a bird at magnifications of 10* and 60*, overhead lighting, and the horny scales of a tortoise shell.
2. Determine what the legs and toes of the bird are covered with, and what kind of body cover reptiles have.
3. Take photos
4. In the Paint editor, write captions:

  • Horn formations of a bird 10* 60*i
  • Horn formations of reptiles 10*.60*

Instruction Card No. 3

1. Examine the shell structure of a bird's egg at 10* and 60* magnification, overhead lighting.
2. Determine the importance of such an egg structure for the development of an organism on land.
3. Take photos
4. In the Paint editor, write captions:

  • Eggshell 10* 60*

5. Save the drawings in your folder called Origin of Birds.

After completing independent work, we check how it was done. Adding data to the comparison table. I invite students to make a presentation in the next lesson. Make a presentation: 4-5 slides: Archeopteryx.

Instruction Card No. 4

1. 1st slide - the title of the presentation. Who compiled.
2. 2nd slide - Similarity with birds.
3. 3rd slide - Similarity to?
4. 4th slide - Similarity to?
5. Save the presentation in your folder called Origin of Birds.

Show 1-2 presentations with assessment (2 students)


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