What do you need to open your own sports bar. How to open a sports bar with minimal investment. Payroll fund, rub

Today we are seeing a trend of increasing popularity of many sports. Thus, various sporting events attract many spectators. However, not everyone has the opportunity to attend matches and competitions. Most sports fans follow them on TV at home or in a sports bar. In this regard, the idea of ​​opening this institution is very successful. With the right approach to business, it can bring a considerable profit to the owner. We will talk about how to open a sports bar today.

Basic moments

What does it take to open a sports bar? It is necessary to draw up a business plan that describes in detail all the main aspects of the functioning of this institution. You also need to think over the main concept of the bar: focusing on a particular sport or several.

In accordance with this, it will be necessary to decorate the interior of the sports bar. So, its main elements should be sports cups, photos of competitions, posters, uniforms of famous athletes, showcases with tickets, etc. Also, in the course of work, you will need to follow the schedule of sports events in order to prepare for them in time. During major competitions and championships, your bar will be literally crowded with fans.

Legal issues when opening a sports bar

The business plan of a sports bar, as one of the first points, must necessarily include the registration of a legal entity. For this field of activity, an LLC is best suited.

What documents are needed to open a sports bar? As an answer to this question, we present a whole list of everything you need:

Constituent documents;

Conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological station;

KKM accounting card;

The conclusion of the fire service;

Rental agreement for the premises (if you are not the owner);

Waste collection agreement.

Room selection

A business plan for a sports bar cannot do without a point on selecting and equipping the premises properly.

So, you need to decide on the location of your institution. Don't be tempted to rent rooms in the city center, as the cost of renting them is usually too high. It is best to choose a place in a residential area with good traffic.

Championship finals are usually held on weekends when your potential clients are relaxing at home. In addition, most people go to the bar after work on their way home.

As for the area of ​​the room, it should be at least 200 square meters and include the main hall for 50-70 people, a dressing room, a kitchen, utility rooms and a bathroom.

Room equipment

To equip the kitchen area, you will need refrigerators, stoves, a dishwasher, cooking surfaces, etc. As for the main hall, sports bar furniture should ideally be simple, comfortable and stylish. It will also be necessary to purchase several plasma screens, which should be placed so that all guests have a good view of the broadcast competitions. In addition, you will need to purchase a speaker system and equipment for the bar.

The sports bar business plan also needs to consider the possibility that you will have to make small repairs to the rented space, which will incur additional costs.

In general, you will have to spend about 1.2-1.5 million rubles on equipment and equipping your bar with everything you need. Moreover, more than half of this amount will be spent on the purchase of plasma TVs and a speaker system.

Ensuring broadcasting of sporting events

In order for your customers to always have the opportunity to watch important sports events live, you should conclude an agreement with a company that provides services for broadcasting such events, for example, NTV Plus, etc.

Such companies offer broadcasting of the most interesting events in high digital quality. In addition, specialists from such companies can offer you services for the selection of appropriate equipment.

When choosing a digital broadcast provider, be sure to keep in mind that if you fail to provide your visitors with the broadcast of the competition or match they expect, even once, it will ruin your reputation. If such incidents occur on a regular basis, then you can generally forget about a successful and promising business. Therefore, the main criterion when choosing a supplier company should not be price, but reliability.

Sports bar menu

A very important point is the development of menu items. So, firstly, it should be borne in mind that in sports bars the prices for food and alcohol are slightly lower than in other establishments. Secondly, you need to keep in mind that people come to a sports bar mainly to watch a game or match and drink a couple of glasses of beer. Therefore, most of the menu should not be main dishes, but simple and inexpensive snacks suitable for various alcoholic beverages.

As for the alcohol itself, it makes sense to take care of providing a wide range of it. The emphasis, of course, should be on beer. Also, do not forget about soft drinks, because some visitors to your establishment may be driving.

Additional income

The business plan of a sports bar can also include the possibility of obtaining additional profit from the sale of a variety of souvenirs and sports symbols. About 100 thousand rubles more will have to be spent on the purchase of these goods in the assortment.


For the successful functioning of a sports bar, you will need to hire a cook, bartenders, waiters, cleaners, as well as a security guard and an accountant. It is desirable that all employees have relevant work experience, as well as be friendly towards visitors.

At present, the population of the whole world is actively interested in sports. At the same time, one group of people prefers to conquer new peaks and take an active part in it, while others like to get sick and be interested in the successes and achievements of popular athletes. Many belong to the second group. All these people are united by a sports bar. In it, you can watch the progress of the game in a circle of like-minded people, communicate and just have a good time. The desire of the fans did not go unnoticed by businessmen. Many of them are interested in how to open a sports bar, how complicated this process is, and, of course, they want to evaluate the profitability of the business. In this article, we will answer all these questions.

The success of the business is ensured by the format of the institution. After all, in addition to the fact that in the sports bar you can watch the progress of matches, it offers a map of alcoholic beverages and a kitchen. Therefore, even if the fans do not come for any reason, the place will not be empty and will definitely be visited by those people who prefer to just eat. And during the period of sporting events, the sports bar becomes a second home for true fans. Businessmen certainly do not have to worry about the fullness of the institution. It is time to solve another question: where to accommodate all comers?

There are two ways to open a sports bar: buy a ready-made business or from scratch. Naturally, the first option is simpler, but not always preferable. If only because no one will sell the “goose that lays golden eggs”. In this case, it will take a lot to finish / redo in order to reach profitability and payback. Our article, which will discuss how to open a sports bar from scratch, will be of interest to these people in order to understand what exactly is wrong in a ready-made business.

Documents to open

Any business needs to start with registration. In our case, you can register as an individual entrepreneur, and as a legal entity.

Additionally, you can purchase a license to sell alcohol. However, at the start, this is not always justified, since the license is expensive, and visitors generally prefer to drink beer, which can be sold without it.

In addition, if you decide to sell alcohol, you should definitely register a legal entity and have an authorized capital of at least 300 thousand Russian rubles.

Starting costs

The most burning question: how much does it cost to open a sports bar? It is difficult to answer it unambiguously. The main costs are spent on renting or purchasing premises, on the purchase of equipment. So only one equipment may require up to 400 thousand rubles. On average, it will take up to 2 million rubles to open a sports bar in large cities of the country.


When choosing a suitable room, one should take into account the fact that on ordinary days one should not expect a large attendance, while there are no empty seats during the season of championships and major sports competitions. And this means that at one moment it will be necessary to receive a lot of people, and this will require large areas. So, if you want to open a sports bar for 100 people, then for this you need to rent an area of ​​300 square meters. In a large city, rent can be very expensive (often the rent exceeds 100 thousand rubles a month), while you need to try to find such a room. The only thing is that it is not necessary to open an institution in the city center. As a rule, on the outskirts, the rent is several times less. And if there are no competitors, fans will be ready to go even to the periphery.


Here you can save money, the main thing is that everything is in the theme and tasteful. So it is not necessary to decorate the walls with fashionable expensive finishing materials. You can hang photos of famous athletes, teams, posters of matches and cups on them.


The most important part of a sports bar is the equipment. Since people come here specifically for the broadcast of matches, you can’t save on it. The establishment should have a good projector and plasma TV. In places with poor visibility, you should additionally put a few small TVs. When opening a sports bar, you should conclude an agreement with television companies that offer broadcasting of channels in high digital quality in order to offer important and interesting events to customers. The choice of a provider of digital channels should be approached responsibly, because if you don’t show the match to the fans at least once, the institution’s reputation will deteriorate hopelessly. To protect yourself, you can choose two companies broadcasting sports channels at once.

Every year the population of our planet begins to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, and shows an increasing interest in sports. One category of people like to watch the successes of athletes on TV screens, while others go to the stadiums themselves and regularly do fitness. All of them will be able to unite by visiting sports bar. This article will consider a business plan for opening such an institution and the estimated costs.

What is a sports bar? This is an establishment where customers can relax in a pleasant environment, have a drink and eat while watching some kind of broadcast of a sporting event. That is why the constant presence of people in this institution is almost completely guaranteed (visitors can be, if not fans, just lovers of delicious food). At a time when there are any championships and "cool" meetings, the bar becomes just a "Mecca" for the fans. That is why sports bars have long been very attractive to businessmen. If you are interested in the idea of ​​​​opening such an institution, then know that everything is possible.

Brief business plan for opening a sports bar from scratch

Almost everyone knows that a business needs to be started by drawing up a business plan, where the amount of expenses and income, possible risk circumstances will be calculated in detail. Having carefully studied and weighed all the pros and cons, you can start organizing a business. Owning a sports bar business is no exception. You will have to invest at least ten thousand dollars in this business. Also, do not forget about obtaining a license.

What does it take to open a sports bar?

So, let's consider the stages for organizing a sports institution.

Sports bar space

There are several solutions: you can use the purchased premises, or rent. Please note that it must be large enough to accommodate at least sixty people (with a smaller capacity, there simply will not be any point in organizing a sports bar). There should be utility rooms, a kitchen, a toilet, a warehouse. Approach the choice of premises responsibly, and make sure that there are no similar competing establishments nearby. Your bar can be located almost anywhere: in the center, in sleeping areas, even a basement will do.

Sports bar setting

On this item of expenditure, in principle, you can save. The most important thing here is the selection of a thematic interior. You can even decorate everything yourself. For example, various sports posters, cups, or photographs of famous teams and individual athletes can be hung on the walls. It should be noted that fans warmed up by alcohol sometimes "blow" and can damage furniture. That is why choose furniture considering the specifics of your bar.

Arrangement of the institution

For the good functioning of your sports bar, you will need to purchase quality equipment. By the way, it’s not worth saving on this, because a good, high-quality TV (preferably a plasma one), a large projector, will depend on the attendance of your bar, and therefore profit. Purchase a satellite TV set, several smaller TVs (place them in the corners of the room). You should also buy bar counters, shop windows, air conditioners, good dishes.

Personal website of the institution

Be sure to create a website for your institution, with the help of which you collect important information for customers about upcoming broadcasts (what will happen and when). With this information, customers will be constantly up to date.

Come up with a name for your sports bar

The name should be concise, pleasant-sounding, and easy to remember. And in general: "whatever you call a boat, so it will float."

Restaurant kitchen in a sports bar

This place plays a very important role, perhaps no less significant than good equipment in the gym. People come to the sports bar not only to watch broadcasts, but also to drink a glass or two of beer and eat something tasty. And since men mainly come to such establishments, keep in mind that they will like a variety of meat dishes, coffee, and beer drinks more. In addition, customers can take other members of their family with them, therefore, sweets with soft drinks, etc. should also be present.

Institution staff

The staff of your bar should be staffed by a good cook, bartender, waiter, cleaner, dishwasher. Hire a security guard and an accountant. If they work in a single uniform, then this will only be a plus, as it will add gloss to your institution.
It takes a lot of hard work and money to get a good profit margin from a sports bar. But if you do things right, then all costs will pay off within a year (maybe a little more) after the start of work.

Good day! I received another request from the VK group “ Business secrets for a beginnerprepare step by step sports bar. And at the beginning we decide or find an investor.

As I promised, today we will begin to consider the topic of opening our own sports bar, which of course refers to. There is quite a bit of useful information on the Internet about this business, so I will have to develop it from scratch.

Sports bar registration

Like any other business, sports bar opening starts with official registration.

Of the available forms of ownership for registering a sports bar, the following is suitable:

  • IP(). This form of ownership should be chosen only if the only alcohol in your sports bar will be sold beer (traditional drink of all fans);
  • OOO (). If, in addition to beer, you want to sell stronger alcoholic drinks in your sports bar, you will have to open an LLC, and you will need to obtain a license for the retail sale of alcohol. The cost of the license is 300,000 rubles. (no license required for beer).

During registration, you will need the types of activities that you will be engaged in, they are immediately prescribed during business registration.

The types of activity must be taken in the OKVED classifier, at the moment, and since 2017 they promised to change it to a newer OKVED 2014.

Activities for opening a sports bar:

55.40 - Activity of bars.

Theoretically, this is quite enough to open your own sports bar, but if you sell strong alcohol, you will have to add more additional activities.

92.31.21 - Organization and staging of theatrical and opera performances, concerts and other stage performances

52.25 - Retail sale of alcoholic and other beverages;

52.63 - Other retail sale outside stores.

Regarding additional activities, I would still recommend opening them so that no questions arise from the inspection bodies.


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